063 Rethinking Change and Healing Work image
The Longer Road
063 Rethinking Change and Healing Work
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1 year ago

Capitalism has convinced us we have a lot of problems that we need to pay to fix. Surface-level problems usually have a product you can buy to "fix" them. Deep problems, such as feeling unworthy, don't have an easy fix.


If you are seeking to change or heal something, some general approaches I've seen work really well are:

  1. Having it reflected back to you that this is totally normal and understandable
  2. Unconditional positive regard
  3. Embodiment
  4. Reframing 
  5. Increasing safety
  6. Being in this moment

...while keeping in mind that all of these work when applied with self-kindness and no shame. 


There is nothing wrong with you.


Diving deeper in some previous episodes: 

Some of the questions in this episode: 

Who says this is a problem? Might this be external to me? Is this voice saying it's a problem really coming from within me, or is it the voice of someone from my past or a societal voice?

In what world would this NOT be a problem? What supports or accommodations would make this not a big deal at all?

Where can you get integration support? Where can you genuinely support yourself? When do you need just a little boost?  


And if you would like some one-on-one support to Get Unstuck, I offer sliding scale pricing for sessions.
