073 Helping Anxious Bodies Feel Safe image
The Longer Road
073 Helping Anxious Bodies Feel Safe
0 Plays
1 year ago

Bodies often hold subtle tension because our system is checking for cues of safety 3-4 times per second.

"Orienting to safety" is a tiny, easy practice you can modify to your circumstances in order to tell the brain that it's relatively safe right now. 

Doing this regularly over time has a cumulative effect. This episode brought to you by two people in two days telling me how helpful this practice has been to them!

(In short, you look all around you, including checking exits, looking below/above/behind to tell your instinct-brain that there are no tigers here)


Learn more about how emotions are shorthand to get the body to take action in Episode 9, Feelings: Why??


Connect with Lilia for the June 8th Expressive Arts workshop, or to hear about future ones by messaging them on Instagram @flying_umbrella_studios
