3 Breastfeeding Stories, 1 Breast Pumping Surrogacy Story, and so much more with Kelila Green Siciliano  image
S1 E10 · More Milk, Please! - A Baby-Feeding Stories Podcast
3 Breastfeeding Stories, 1 Breast Pumping Surrogacy Story, and so much more with Kelila Green Siciliano
22 Plays
5 months ago

Today, I’m interviewing, Kelila Green Siciliano. She is a mom, a surrogate, a pregnancy loss survivor, a speaker, the founder of OursAndYRS, and the host of the podcast, “Pushing Through Loss” where Kelila speaks about her experience with surrogacy, pregnancy loss, and creating a survival toolkit in order to help her audience feel empowered to use their own struggles to work with them and not push against them. 

Today, Kelila shares about:

  • The challenges of trying to learn how to breastfeed with her first.
  • How she used a washcloth to get her first baby on the breast.
  • Her experience using a nipple shield and the MyBreastFriend Pillow
  • How her nipples chapped even though there was only 6 months in between breastfeeding her first and her second.
  • The multiple healing properties of breastmilk
  • Weaning her third at 17 months in order to become a surrogate
  • Why she hand expressed for the surrogate baby
  • The difference between night milk and morning milk
  • Nipple flange sizing and how your nipple size changes during breastfeeding
  • Breastfeeding and pumping in public
  • Becoming a doula
  • Pregnancy Loss - Kelila lost her second surrogate baby at 16 weeks, 5 days. From this created a pregnancy loss workbook you can find on her website

You can find Kelila at: https://www.instagram.com/oursandyrs/ or https://www.kelilagreenspeaker.com/


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