003 - How Breastfeeding Support and Mat Leave Differ in Canada and Colette Hamon’s Mission to Empower Moms image
E3 · More Milk, Please! - A Baby-Feeding Stories Podcast
003 - How Breastfeeding Support and Mat Leave Differ in Canada and Colette Hamon’s Mission to Empower Moms
36 Plays
7 months ago

Canada may seem like "just" our sweet, friendly neighbors to the north, but in reality, the Canadian Government supports moms on their postpartum journeys far more than the US Government.

Today, I am so excited to introduce you to our incredible guest, Colette Hamon, from Alberta Canada. Colette is also the founder and CEO of BraTopia!

As Colette shares her three baby-feeding stories, we learn:

  1. Canada provides 12 months of maternity leave! WAIT?! WHAT???!!! Yup! And NOT just for the first baby.
  2. Canada has approved a milk production drug for under-producers!
  3. The risk of uterine rupture when you have a baby less than 18 months after a C-section birth
  4. What happens when your baby isn't gaining enough weight, and you're told they have to go on a weight-gain "diet"?
  5. How the cultural pressure to lose weight after a baby, lead Colette to launch her business, BraTopia.
  6. The life-changing moment Colette had when trying on a bathing suit post-baby


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