Lily Kendall Wood Exclusively Pumped with Her First and then used Milk Pills to Breastfeed Her Second for 3 Years image
S1 E9 · More Milk, Please! - A Baby-Feeding Stories Podcast
Lily Kendall Wood Exclusively Pumped with Her First and then used Milk Pills to Breastfeed Her Second for 3 Years
25 Plays
5 months ago

In today’s episode, I interviewed Lily Kendall Wood, the one woman who absolutely transformed my baby-feeding story. She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. She offered me her own baby-feeding stories so I felt normal and seen. In episode one, I talk about her endlessly because she shows up all over my baby-feeding journey.

Outside of supporting me, this fantastic woman, Lily Kendall Wood, is a Results Coach with Tony Robbins, a Mom of 2 boys, and absolutely passionate about lactation.

Today, Lily Shares about:

  • Her two home births
  • How her first son was born with a cleft palate, and that led her to decide to exclusively pump for two years.
  • One of the most challenging moments of her 2-year pumping experience
  • The SEVEN different pumps she used before falling in love with the Medela Symphony Plus
  • How her second son had a tongue tie that wasn’t diagnosed for three days, so her milk supply struggled to come in
  • How the milk pills from Canada doubled her milk supply within a day!
  • Weaning Tips: What they did when her second didn’t want to wean (at 3yrs old)
  • Her best recommendations to stay sane during the first few years

You can reach out to Lily at: or on LinkedIn at

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