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You Need To Supplement Your Diet image

You Need To Supplement Your Diet

The Gut Recovery Method
84 Plays6 months ago

Ready to resolve your constipation, gas, bloating, and other digestive problems for good? Watch my free Gut Recovery Masterclass to learn more about how I help women in your situation:

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Hosted by functional health practitioner and longevity author, Christian Yordanov, this podcast is dedicated to helping women struggling with gastrointestinal problems such as gas, bloating, constipation, and other digestive distress.

Whether you have a diagnosis such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), IBD (inflammatory bowel disease; Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or not, you will benefit from the insights we'll share.

Join us as we explore the intricate connections between gut health and overall well-being, addressing common issues like fatigue, poor sleep, hormonal imbalances, and anxiety.

Learn how stress impacts your digestive system and discover effective strategies to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and enhance your quality of life.


The Role of Supplementation in Gut Health

Hey, it's Christian Jourdanoff. Thanks for tuning in again to the podcast. to Today, I'm going to talk to you a little bit about why I believe that you cannot fully and comprehensively resolve your health challenges, your gut dysfunction.
and restore optimal function and then maintain your optimal health and longevity for life unless you have an intelligent supplementation strategy.
and you invest in yourself just like you invest in high quality food hopefully that's what I teach my clients the right foods and ah stay away from the inflammatory foods just like we do that we need to have a solid plan and strategy for supplementation because There's just so many benefits to having this robust supplementation strategy. We're talking about accelerating your journey back to optimal health, right? To do that, we need to we need to have a lot of our ducks in a row.

Supporting Health Recovery: Sleep and Stress Management

So we need to improve sleep. To improve sleep, we need to reduce stress. like
in the body cortisol cortisol the stress hormones not not doing like um meditation and breath work all that stuff is great right don't get me wrong but it's oh often not sufficient for many people so we reduce stress we improve sleep but then what else do we have to do we have to give the body basic support because many women have been suffering for years with health issues gut dysfunction a bunch of hormonal imbalances and that accumulates a lot of dysfunction the gut may be inflamed and not digesting and processing assimilating absorbing nutrition as it should be that can lead to nutrient deficiencies or insufficiencies at the very least then we have to have the
gut cleansing and rebalancing side of things that requires a couple of products. Uh, the hormone balancing side of things does require a product or two detoxification. So I'm not talking about spending all day long, just popping pills and stuff like that. But there is, there is a few products that are absolutely again, in my opinion, in my program, they're absolutely essential as core support.
right and then based on the assessments that we do as at the beginning of the program right depending on your symptoms your imbalances that we uncover with lab testing previous health history your presentation basically On top of the core supplement program, we also had these personalized additions. Maybe you need extra sleep support. Maybe we can see that ah for whatever reason, your detoxification system requires a lot more support.

Systematic Approach to Gut Health

And when we dial in all of these factors, like the gut balancing, the sleep, the stress reduction, detox and liver support, the gut cleansing and rebalancing of the ecology,
When we do that step by step systematically in a way that doesn't overwhelm the client, right? When we do that, a lot of wonderful things happen.
And I'm just going to give you a very brief synopsis of why supplementation is an absolute essential non-negotiable in today's world. Now this is from an old article I had on one of my websites and um I'm just going to list a few of the bullet points in that article and riff a little bit on them and then hopefully you will start to understand why I I take this stuff very seriously and again I am probably one of the people that needs to supplement the least out of the general population yet I'm the one that supplements the most and this is what this is the mindset that we kind of have to begin to adopt is yeah most people don't really supplement
Most people don't need really don't really eat too clean. And what do most people have a bunch of health conditions and they're taking a bunch of drugs that the doctor told them that are making them worse. So in order to not end up as a statistics, like the majority, we have to do things that the majority may turn their nose up at or find a little bit weird or strange or whatever.
But it doesn't matter because what matters the most is how are you feeling, right? How are you progressing in terms of restoring your health and restoring optimal function to your body and your body systems? That's the most important part. What other people might say or think, it doesn't really matter.
What matters is that you take your health in your own hands.

Nutrient Gaps: From Surviving to Thriving

And as you'll see in a second, mean one way to do that is to figure out what gaps do we have in our diet, in our nutrition that we can start to fill with supplements so that our body is not just getting doing the bare minimum to survive.
but we have enough to heal and then enough to thrive. right there's There's certain levels and sort of it's a spectrum and there's certain levels that you have to hit a certain amount of you know nutrition, nutrients, energy in order to to have basic core functioning. And then on top of that, you need extra for daily ah functions. Then you need extra if you want to ah restore health.
and then you may need to make want to maintain that extra ah above and beyond you know regular um excuse me regular needs in order to maintain optimal function. right So there's levels in the spectrum and I think what is for sure a fact is that most people unfortunately are nowhere near optimal daily nutrition.
okay Now, even if you were just let let's use an example. If you were getting absolutely every single amino acid, vitamin, mineral, fatty acid, carbohydrate to the microgram every single day. Imagine you're getting the exactly the right amount of everything and the amount of energy that you need every single day. Imagine that. Wouldn't that be beautiful? Here's the problem.
In the modern world, we are constantly bombarded by toxins every single day from every angle, touching the computer, the phone, plastics, plastic bags, ah cosmetic products.
the carpet, the car seat that has the flame retardants, the mattress in the bedroom has flame retardants, your couch has flame retardants, stuff in the water, you know chlorine, um air pollution, you know you're outside driving your car, you're inhaling stuff from your own engine, from other people's engines. So you know you could go on and on until you're blue in the face listing out things that are toxins to the body, which means when they enter the body, they must promptly be neutralized and then made water soluble and excreted, right? So how does this process happen? Well, very simply, it happens using energy and nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, right?
that's what these antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes that we use as part of the detoxification system, that's what they run on and that's what they require. So pretend that all the chemicals, heavy metals, the bacterial toxins, that everything that we kind of are exposed to on a daily basis, pretend that takes 1% of your energy and nutrients every day and that you So your nutrition was perfect. But now you're one at a 1% deficit now a 1% deficit is no problem You can live like that for a very long time. But what happens? Every day you are at a 1% deficit and that can start to compound over time, right? So at first
It's not a problem because your body has a lot of structure that can be broken down in order to make glucose for energy. There's ah minerals in your bones, calcium and others. There is A lot of protein in your bones, 35% of your bones are collagen protein that has amino acids and a lot of those amino acids can actually be used to make energy or to be used in the detoxification system.
So, over time, you begin to accumulate a debt, as it were, this 1%.

Modern Challenges: Toxins and Nutrient Deficiencies

And remember, 1% is extremely generous. And ah remember, we're starting from a very generous level of where you're getting all of your nutrient needs and your energy needs for the day every day somehow by some sort of magical occurrence which of course is nothing but a pipe dream for 99.999% of people right even for for me i don't i can't say that on a daily basis every single day i am i am getting all my needs especially not just from diet but let's pretend in this example so
Imagine what happens after years living like this, right? But imagine if you were like a 10% deficit on all of this stuff and then you have all of these toxins that are an extra two, three, 4% of your daily energy and nutrients. A lot of people could be like that because a lot of people have a lot of extra toxic exposure from the their aluminum pans or their Teflon pans. They don't filter their shower water.
they don't um you know They don't buy organic cosmetics. They don't buy organic food. So there is so much more toxicity that you could be getting if you if you don't have your ducks in a row in terms of your home environment or your diet and stuff like that. And this is where supplementation is so crucial because it can pick up a lot of the slack.
right But on top of that, right so On top of the all this toxic exposure that requires energy and nutrients, a lot of us are also under a lot of psychological stress and this also puts a burden on the body. This is also the hormonal sort of cascades that are are initiated because of chronic stress that causes us to waste certain things like magnesium and certain other minerals, zinc, potassium,
So, and then the cortisol is always also degenerative. It kind of breaks down our tissues and so they can be turned to glucose for the most part. So this is a really sort of degenerating type stress that we need. We can ameliorate with supplementation, right? We can actually, read this is why part of my gut recovery method, we, we are physically working against stress, right? That in that way.
Um, what else? So I've already mentioned that conventional fruits and vegetables are laden with toxic chemicals, a lot of pesticides, you know, the grains, they have a lot of glyphosate and other herbicides. We have also a lot of the conventionally grown animal products. They often contain residues of antibiotics and hormones and other toxins that again, our body has to spend energy nutrients to neutralize, detoxify and you know, make water soluble and excrete.
all of those pathways require energy nutrients amino acids B vitamins glucose stuff like that keep in mind as well on top of it all that a lot of the food that we buy has been on the shelves or in transit to get those shelves for sometimes for weeks that degrades the quality of the food, especially like vitamin content. Right. Also, a lot of processed food is stripped of of many of the nutrients, especially um especially minerals, but also some vitamins. Right. So the grains, for example, if you're let's say if you turn wheat into white flour, there's a lot of stuff
in there that you're losing. And some of it is going to be vitamins, minerals. Now it's obviously grains are not the best source of either vitamins or minerals, but they have some at the very least. So when you process that food, ultra process it the way that we're calling it nowadays,
you are losing what whatever little bit of nutrition there was there in the first place. okay Keep in mind that our vegetables and our fruits are actually less nutritious than even a hundred years ago and especially a few hundred years ago because um the farming practices of you know, monocropping, using a ah piece of land year in year out without sort of letting it stay fallow and then um a lot of the sort of monocropping instead of having like an ecosystem like a farm where you reuse the manure you kind of the the animals on the land they help to replenish some of the the minerals through their feces. ah they A lot of farmers are just using fertilizers that
only replace NPK you know nitrogen phosphorus and potassium and then some other stuff right but they don't really spend a lot of money and go out of their way to replenish like copper and zinc and magnesium and manganese these are very expensive and it wouldn't really make a lot of sense economically speaking to be doing that now organic farmers do more of that and they use more of the kind of the land the animals and regenerative agriculture does that So if you support that kind of agriculture, not only are you supporting the right type of you know businesses that are actually healing the land from the atrocities we've perpetrated on it, but you are also going to be getting better nutrition and healthier food, healthier animals, healthier animal products, and then better quality, less toxic toxin-laden in terms of your fruits and vegetables, right?
Um, and then of course a lot of foods are pasteurized, right? Because there's always these potential, um, insurance, uh, liability type dangers that somebody is going to get some. Bacterial infection,

Beyond the RDA: Optimizing Health

right? So a lot of stuff is pasteurized that shouldn't, doesn't have to be, that can actually diminish the quality of a lot of foods and even nutrient bioavailability. Then on top of that,
A lot of people are eating way too many seed oils because, you know, they're buying processed food or ah salad bars or takeout or restaurant food. And that creates an environment that is pro-inflammatory in the body, right? Because a lot of these Omega-6s like linoleic acid, that's a backbone to to be turned into arachidonic acid, which can be turned into inflammatory molecules, prostaglandins in the body. So people have a lot of this inflammatory burden that causes damage then the fact that these polyunsaturated fats being in our tissues makes our tissues more susceptible to damage and when it gets damaged by let's say you're in the just living your life oxygen alone can damage these polyunsaturated fats but maybe you're in the sun the UV ah radiation can do that heat can do that right so Jesus Christ there's a fly here bothering me so much get out of here guy god damn hold on I'm gonna smack this guy in the face
fly got into my office and it's just really bothering trying to talk to my subscribers here okay sorry about that um what the heck was I talking about hold on where was I in the list oh yeah so yeah so when your body is made out of a lot of your tissues are made out of a lot of these polyunsaturated fats they are your tissues, your organs, your your um blood vessels, your brain, everything. Your skin is more prone to damage. And then what happens? The damage
has to be repaired and that costs nutrients and energy right and that is why a lot of people are raging way too quickly because they're not they're getting they're accumulating a lot of damage and they're not doing enough to repair the damage so they're not giving the body enough energy nutrients and they're not supplementing their diet right In fact, a lot of people's diets are so poor that they're not even meeting their um RDAs for a lot of vitamins and minerals daily. And one way you know you can actually check if you're meeting your RDAs for the vitamins and minerals is to use an app like Chronometer.
o meter It's a free app. You can track your diet for a week and you'll see that it's very hard to actually meet your vitamins, minerals,
B vitamins, you know fat soluble vitamins, ah all of that stuff. it's very hard to actually excuse me It's very hard for most people to actually even meet their RDAs, but remember that RDAs are designed to just barely keep you alive, so you don't develop some crazy scurvy and weird diseases, right? Like neuropathy and pellagra and whatever the heck else. um So the just meeting your RDAs is no measure of a high quality diet, really. um So we can't really stop there, especially when we're trying to heal ourselves and restore our health from chronic long term health problems like a lot of my clients
They've had health problems for like multiple years, sometimes more than a decade, right? And you know, someone like that, I think they're a little bit more receptive to, to the whole supplementation thing because they just want to feel better faster. But I have, I also have clients that they just understand the value of supplementation Because, you again, we are not we're not like ah Honda Civics, like some 1994 model that's, you know...
whatever we are we are we have to look at ourselves like supercars you're a Ferrari you're a McLaren and how do you how do you treat them McLaren how you treat a nice car like a Mercedes you're gonna put in the best fuel you're gonna have it checked often you know you're gonna spend some cash and invest in the the right oil and the right sort of cleaning products for it and similar with the body you have to really understand that this is this is it like I mean you're you got one vehicle and and if you don't take care of it nobody's gonna take care of it all of these government guidelines they are designed to just keep your vehicle running right and that that's it that's it
If you want your vehicle to be running optimally for a very long time, you have to put in that extra effort and care. Nobody's going to do it for you. All right. So the the thing is when there is a gut dysfunction for multiple months or years, often time, the intestinal mucosa, that's inflamed, right?

Addressing Digestive and Dietary Deficiencies

And that damage to the ah intestinal cells, that can actually reduce further the ability to digest, absorb and assimilate the food, right? Because their enzymes might not be getting ah secreted sufficiently, the inflammatory environment might be preventing some of this nutrition coming in over time, the immune system might start reacting to the food because it's it's um coming in undigested through the gaps in between the intestinal cells because of the leaky gut, right?
Give also add to the fact that a lot of people eat quickly. They don't chew well They eat when they're stressed on the run in the car, right? so there's a lot of factors here that can contribute to Mal and digestion, malabsorption. And what does that do? Well, that further exacerbates nutrient deficiencies. you know If your liver is congested and the bio is not getting down in in the small intestine on time, that can actually cause you to ah ah not digest fat properly. that you You know this if your stool is floating on the in the toilet.
and that can also mean you're not actually absorbing your um your fat soluble vitamins and those are already very hard to come by in the diet especially the A, D, and K, right? Now E, if you eat a lot of nuts and seed oils, you're getting plenty of E, but do you want to be eating a lot of nuts and seed oils? And the question is absolutely not. You don't, but ah you know um a lot of people are. So that those are that's kind of the rationale here, right? why
Why supplement your diet? why If you have any qualms about it, why get over them as quickly as possible? but again And look, the way I structure the supplementation strategy for my clients, I use very affordable supplements.
right They are the cleanest products I can source. I've tested it all regularly rigorously on myself, of course, first, always. I always take one for the team. um So it's not like ah you know so some some of these companies that are selling like each of their products is like $70 or whatever for for a bottle and then it's like a 10 different bottles, like no, no, no, no, no. I'm talking about two, 300 bucks a month. This is like one of the best investments. Other than really high quality food, this is probably one of the best investments you can make in your health right now, especially when you're still trying to restore your health.
because it will lower your stress, it will lower your inflammation, it will support healing processes, you sleep better, regenerate faster. um you know you will you will add new nutrients that are hard to come by from the diet or they might not have been getting absorbed for a while so there could be a marginal subclinical or even an overt deficiency in those nutrients right for example women that don't eat meat for a very long time that means they're very likely insufficient in zinc if not downright deficient so
the you know you can start eating meat but if you haven't been eating meat for a long time and you're zinc deficient you might not be producing a lot of hydrochloric acid because you need zinc for that and for some pancreatic digestive enzymes so unless you add the zinc to get that pipeline working once again you're really facing an uphill battle because a lot of those women they don't want to eat meat because then it sits in their stomach because they're not producing enough hydrochloric acid, for example. Okay, this fly, this fly is really annoying me now. Damn, it's a big one.
So that's just one example of how a deficiency, one deficiency then can lead to more because then if you're not eating a lot of meat, you're not getting a lot of B vitamins and then you might have energy problems because you need B vitamins to create energy which is then needed for detoxification so that you might not detoxify things well including your hormones like um estrogen which has to be detoxified in the liver and then you might have an estrogen excess issue and then that can cause you to be irritable or anxious or you may not sleep well because of that right
So can you see how it becomes a vicious cycle that we, in today's world, we have the opportunity to arrest that cycle, to stop that cycle, and then to muscle, imagine if like a wheel turning in one direction with with the right targeted supplementation, we have the ability to grab that tire, that wheel,
stop it spinning in this direction or slow down its accelerate or its spin in this direction eventually stop it completely and then turn it back the other way right if you can think of it going down this way is path disease and early death we've been able to slow it down stop it halt that wheel from turning in that direction and then we can start spinning it backwards the other way And that is what targeted supplementation can help us achieve, right?

Why Diet Alone Isn't Enough?

So I hope that you that this short episode kind of explains my rationale why supplementation is such an important part because so many, so many people, all they do to try to resolve their gut problem, health problem, whatever health problem it may be,
all they do is they just like try to eat more vegetables and like change up their diet a little bit and you know eat more fiber like how how is that gonna make a dent if if you had a problem a health problem which could have been festering for a decade or more how is that gonna make any dent especially when all these vegetables nowadays they're farmed on the same piece of land and all the minerals have been depleted and you're just getting you know whatever the farmer decided to throw back in their NPK just enough nutrition to to make the the plant grow big you know that's the idea make them grow as big as possible but they might be very big but be very bereft of any actual like minerals and and nutrients right so yeah that is why
Targeted supplementation is an important aspect of the gut recovery method so that we can support
got motility, got cleansing and rebalancing, sleep, reducing stress, detoxification, liver support. And then, of course, based on the assessments that we do, we then give the client additional recommendations that target their specific needs. Right. So this this is why it works. This is why it's super effective. And that's why a lot of clients tell me that um everything starts to improve in all their mood, how they sleep, their libido may improve, um just their appetite for healthier foods, they're making better choices, their relationships with others improve because of course if you're less irritable, snappy and anxious, just your whole interactions with other people are going to improve, their cognitive function improves. um The other day, ah one of my clients sent me a message, she's just been super busy for the last like three weeks or so, weddings and a lot of work and whatever travel and she said,
That she felt pretty horrible when she wasn't doing my stuff and It's early days for her, you know still but um ah It was was just a testament to the fact that yeah if you follow the plan Things will improve for you the better the more you follow it the better you follow it the faster it will happen and then if you stop following the plan you may you may notice that that's not a good idea like this is the beauty of see some of the stuff we do so so sometimes people are like um you know maybe i i could do that for a while but then i want to go back to my old ways and then they're like

The Long-term Health Plan and Its Impact

after a while but maybe I don't want to go back to my old days because you know I I I regressed for a while didn't feel good then i I started following the plan again and I feel good again so clearly there's a correlation causation type relationship there right so anyway this is my brief rationale about why You really need to have ah an intelligent supplementation strategy when you're trying to restore your health because again, we need that support in the modern world, but also
it accelerates the process who doesn't want to heal faster and restore their health so that they can get back to living their life what like the word before and thriving again like the word before when they're younger who doesn't want that you know who doesn't want to live longer and have better longevity if you want those things You have to understand that to get them, you must invest your time, energy, and resources into the right things. And a well-designed, smart, affordable supplementation program is ah an essential right now. It's an essential in today's world to restore our health, to live a long time, to stave off disease, and just to kind of thrive for as long as possible. That's that's my take on it.
Hope you found this valuable and I will see you on the next episode.