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Gut Dysfunction and Nutrient Deficiencies

The Gut Recovery Method
21 Plays7 months ago

Ready to resolve your constipation, gas, bloating, and other digestive problems for good? Watch my free Gut Recovery Masterclass to learn more about how I help women in your situation:

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Hosted by functional health practitioner and longevity author, Christian Yordanov, this podcast is dedicated to helping women struggling with gastrointestinal problems such as gas, bloating, constipation, and other digestive distress.

Whether you have a diagnosis such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), IBD (inflammatory bowel disease; Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or not, you will benefit from the insights we'll share.

Join us as we explore the intricate connections between gut health and overall well-being, addressing common issues like fatigue, poor sleep, hormonal imbalances, and anxiety.

Learn how stress impacts your digestive system and discover effective strategies to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and enhance your quality of life.


Introduction and Topic Overview

Hi, Christian Jordonov here. Today I'm going to talk to you about how gut dysfunction can lead to nutritional deficiencies and what those nutritional deficiencies can lead to,

Gut Conditions and Inflammation

right? This is a very serious issue to discuss because whether or not you have a diagnosed condition like celiac disease, ch Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, irritable bowel syndrome,
or you don't even if you don't have a if yeah if you have visible noticeable gut dysfunction in all of those cases it's very likely that first of all that there there is intestinal permeability is very likely or leaky gut as it's known where the gaps between the intestinal cells increase and that lets in various toxins and undigested parts of bits of food and bacterial chemicals and these can trigger the immune system which causes a lot of inflammation or at least if it's not a lot of inflammation a chronic low-grade inflammation that is quite damaging and can lead to a lot of

Impact of Leaky Gut on Nutrition

degeneration dysfunction over time and can contribute to a lot of other health problems over time. But here's the thing, if there's leaky gut, there's usually inflammation around the intestine as well. And inflammation generally means damage, tissue damage, right? So if the gut is damaged, if the actual intestinal cells are damaged, that can mean that the They may not be able to express and secrete certain enzymes that digest parts of food, breakdown parts of food. They may not be able to absorb nutrients, right which means those nutrients may you know not make it into the body. we We may eat them, but they might not make it into the body.

Gut Bacteria and Food Sensitivities

right and what can also happen is for Okay, I already mentioned that you know undigested bits of food can get into the but ah the bloodstream that can over time lead to food sensitivities, right? but if those bits of food are remaining in the gut tube undigested and they actually make it all the way down to the colon or the large intestine and then they may be fermented or putrefied in the case of amino acids, in the case of various carbohydrates. um They can be fermented or putrefied and that causes, first of all, those bacteria that do that, they will increase their numbers and if they're not the most savory types of bacteria,
ah obviously increasing their numbers is not not going to be a good thing for us because it can imbalance the microbiota and they may also as part of their this metabolic process of fermentation or putrefication they may then excrete or not not necessarily excrete but they may basically cause gases to form and other compounds that we can then absorb or that could damage the gut lining or they could, you know, hurt other bacteria, quote unquote, um or we can just plain and absorb it into into the the body where it can also cause issues. For example, just as an example off the top of my head, certain Clostridia, excuse me, certain Clostridia bacteria species can produce certain um compounds that damage
or kind of, you know, interfere with the metabolism of quote unquote beneficial bacteria, but also certain compounds. For example, there are, remember one for my first book that I was writing about called P creosal or four creosal. And that one apparently can inhibit an enzyme called dopamine, dopamine beta hydroxylase.

Nutrient Malabsorption Causes

I think it was called TBH. And that basically inactivates the enzyme because the compound gets stuck into the enzyme. And that means that dopamine won't be able to be converted into norepinephrine, I think it was. That's just so off the top of my head. So it's the it's things like this, certain bacterial chemicals that make it into the body can interfere with our metabolism. Right. um So that's just a few of the things that can happen. But think let's go back for a second.
and talk about briefly if our ah digestion and absorption capacities or capabilities of the of the intestine, if they are compromised, what does that happen? Well, when we eat, we are trying to break down food, right, into
It's small constituents, right? So protein will get broken down into amino acids and certain peptides, which are just links like a few um amino acids joined together. that That's a peptide, but there's bigger peptides. And so some of them can get absorbed across the gut lining. Carbohydrates get broken down into ah usually, for the most part, glucose, fructose, and galactose, which galactose is one half of the lactose sugar you know for milk.
There's some other ones as well. And then fats basically get broken down ah into, so that they're kind of packaged in triglyceride form and we break them down into free fatty, I believe that's how it was, Jesus Christ. I think so. So we break them down into free fatty acids. Then they're transported across the intestinal cell. We repackage them into triglycerides, which is like a glycerol backbone with three
um fatty acids on it and then those triglycerides then obviously can be you know packaged up into like chylomicrons with fat soluble vitamins then they get sent around the lymphatic system most of them the longer chain ones and this is kind of so and along the way also vitamins ah get absorbed, so fat soluble vitamins, minerals get absorbed, sometimes bound up to an amino acid. But there's there's certainly no transporters, enzymes that kind of either break things down or take take things across the membrane, right, of these intestinal

Specific Nutrient Deficiencies

cells. So if they're damaged, these cells, if they're inflamed, if theres there's repair processes going on, if there's other insults to the gut,
right Because we've got dysfunction, poor diet, and stress, other stuff, then we may not be able to secrete those enzymes, which means we may have malabsorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, ah fat soluble vitamins, and um sugars, you know glucose. So ah carbohydrate malabsorption is another another thing that can happen. And then lets let's just look at it, you know, very kind of high level, what can happen. So think about it like this. Let's say someone in a more extreme situation, if someone has like inflammatory bowel disease, right, ah or ah celiac disease, which is an autoimmune ah condition. Well, in a lot of those folks, they won't be absorbing many minerals like zinc,
and magnesium okay just as an example um in some cases calcium as well right and what can happen if you don't absorb enough zinc right first of all it's a big problem already that a lot of women don't eat enough zinc don't get enough zinc from the diet right because of this plant-based movement right for one but then even let's say if you eat meat if you eat a lot of vegetables there's compounds in those vegetables and and you know in certain nuts and seeds there's certain compounds that inhibit or they might chelate or bind up the the certain minerals and they might then um prevent us from absorbing those minerals right
So certain things, for example, oxalates in spinach, which spinach is the biggest source of phytic acid, things like in oats and certain nuts and stuff like that. ah so So sorry, oxalates can bind up with things like iron, calcium, magnesium, then phytic acid with zinc and iron, I believe. ah Quite a lot of different polyphenols in vegetables and fruits even. can also um inhibit absorption of certain minerals like iron, zinc and stuff like that so even if you eat meat it may be the case if you eat it with the wrong foods it may be the case that you're not absorbing a lot of those minerals in there which to be perfectly honest in the case of something like
Iron, eat probably you don't want to be absorbing all the iron you you eat. you know So in terms of iron, yeah, that's probably okay because especially in the USA, the the food supply is extremely iron fortified, right? Like even breakfast cereals for kids, they have a ridiculous amount of iron. And there's a lot of other you know products, especially processed products that have iron that are fortified. and um So in that case, it's not the worst thing. But if it's zinc, zinc is so precious, right? Because its think about it this way. if let's say you're eating First of all, let's say you're not eating enough meat, or you're eating a lot of vegetables and stuff like that with your meat with polyphenols and other phytates, oxalates, or whatever other compounds that inhibit or prevent its absorption because they bind to it or whatever else.
um That's another kind of thing so you have you may have a ah damaged So let let me just go back in order. So you might not be eating getting enough zinc to begin with, or you might be eating it with things that inhibit its absorption or assimilation, whatever. Then your gut, if your gut is damaged, right? And you kind of can assume it is if you're having digestive issues, right? Gastrointestinal problems. That's usually a given that there's some kind of dysfunction at the level of the intestinal barrier.
You know, you have already three things working against you. So you may not be getting enough zinc. And the other thing about zinc is that it's the recommend recommended dietary allowance. The RDA is so preposterously low that, you know, it's laughable. I think for men, they somewhat recently in the last eight, 10 years, they revised down the zinc requirement for men from 15 milligrams to 11 milligrams and I think for women it's even lower I think could be like 9 10 I don't know can't remember now off the top of my head but it's preposterously low to begin with and many women don't even get enough of that just the the ba the bare minimum recommended dietary allowance because that's what
The ah RDAs are they're there to keep you alive, nothing to do with optimal health and thriving and longevity. So think about just one one thing like zinc not being um you know sufficient in your diet. What can that do? compounded by all these other issues now. Well, here is what it can do. First of all, zinc is used to make hydrochloric acid, which you need to kill bacteria in your gut to um digest food, protein, to liberate certain things from the food at the right time.
And ah you know to

Role of Minerals in Health

kill ah kill any potentially harmful organisms coming into into your stomach from the food that you're eating. So if you were low on zinc, this can happen for a lot of you know for a lot of women. But zinc is also used in other digestive enzymes. So that's another thing. so might your digestion might be compromised there already now what can happen then is you if your digestion like that in terms of like the hydrochloric acid the certain pancreatic enzymes if you're now if you're in that state let's say after some years of let's say a vegetarian diet or low low animal food diet you could what you what could happen is you could
then say, oh, when I eat, the meat kind of sits in my stomach. I feel heavy, you know, and nobody could blame you because that is, you know, that is kind of to be expected if you're not producing the hydrochloric acid, the enzymes to digest your food, your your meat, you know? So like I couldn't blame you for not wanting to eat meat, even though that's the thing that you need. To replenish your your zinc levels, right? It's the best source of of zinc so this Alone just this one imbalance here can lead to so many issues
down the line because this then basically means if you can't eat meat you gravitate towards other things and then you will the the zinc deficiency will continue to compound because it's used in the zinc is used in muscles in the immune system right um so this is over time this is where you can kind of see um symptoms of this right of zinc deficiency like getting sick very often and just not healing not bouncing back from
cold illnesses ah wound healing ah wound ah slow wound healing excuse me hair loss skin stuff right if you have skin issues that's very indicative of a zinc deficiency and that's just one of many nutrients right um then you know in terms of so magnesium we already kind of kind of touched on that's another one that's used in so many functions and enzymes in the body and reactions and it's just unbelievable right so if you're not absorbing it because of a damaged gut lining that's gonna cause so many health problems like just the easiest one to sort of spot early on is fatigue
That one is, you know, people think like, how can fatigue have anything to do with magnesium? Magnesium doesn't give you energy. Well, energy is carried in the body bound to magnesium. The the molecule ATP adenosine triphosphate that's kind of the quote-unquote energy carrier in the body that's bound to magnesium right so if you're low in magnesium there's it's it's like um if you have a very complex machine
It's a lot of cogs and gears and stuff like that. And you take one important cog, then a lot of things grind to a halt in the body because there's that missing sort of piece that connects a lot of these inner workings. right So that's what minerals are. you know they there're ah so Some folks, I've heard them creatively describe um minerals as the spark

Diet and Mineral Deficiencies

plugs of life. now if you're not ah into cars like some some of us don't even know what spark plugs do but very basically i don't even i don't know much about cars you know but very basically the spark plugs they kind of you have the few
coming you know you see if you top up your your your gas tank so you have the fuel you have the engine and the engine can make make the car move but unless when that fuel is in the pistons of the car you know in the thing those turny things that whatever unless there's a spark every time that piston kind of turns with the fuel in there unless there's a spark to ignite that fuel to move the piston nothing will happen so even though these these seemingly you know simple inorganic that rock basically ground up rocks that's what they are metals you know zinc is a metal magnesium ah you know manganese selenium iron so these seemingly dead inert things without them enzyme enzymes can't function things
Just grind to a halt. Enzymes can't do their job and stuff like that. And think about it this way. Most Americans, at least most of the world, I would say, but let's just keep it to America. Most Americans are woefully deficient in a lot of these minerals because the diet, the Western diet is woefully deficient in them. All right. but but but but but but but but but but But super important. If
You also then on top of that have a gut issue where even the the fairly low amount of minerals and nutrition coming in, decent nutrition coming into the body, if you then can't absorb it because your digestive or your intestinal lining is compromised, that's ah That's a recipe for disaster, health-wise, in the long term. Okay. Then we have the B, you know, the the vitamins. You have your B vitamins. These are super important for any energy production. So, you know, you might have plenty of magnesium. You might have plenty of fuel. But if you don't have the B vitamins, which are kind of like
cofactors in all these other reactions or ah in the energy production ah Pathways chains then stuff that stuff doesn't get done properly and I mean you will always You will always like the thing is the body is really good at surviving so we're good at surviving but We do that at the expense of shutting down non vital for survival function so you will the body will happily sacrifice having a full head of hair or having you know ah hair color right or you know even like having muscle the the body or bones the body will sacrifice
bones and muscles because they're not vital for survival, right? So if you let's say if you go on a fast, just as an example, You will lose a lot of muscle. People see that and and some fat, sure. But you will actually lose a lot of bone because bone is like 35% collagen protein, which can be, those amino acids can be turned into, a lot of them can be turned into glucose and they they can be used for energy, you know. um So you will actually lose a lot of bone
because um if if you're not getting enough calcium let's say because of a gut gut tissue or dietary you're not getting enough and there's other minerals in bones right but so if you're not getting enough of those you have a good storage storage site deep in the body that you can't can't even see and the body will will kind of keep robbing you you know it will keep robbing itself basically, rob Peter to pay Paul to keep you surviving. But then you might be thinking, oh, I don't have energy. um My mood sucks. I can't sleep. My brain function isn't you know very good. I'm forgetting things. And these are symptoms
of suboptimal health at the end of the day. And what why do we become sub-optimally healthy? It's because we are not getting enough energy and nutrients to meet all of our needs and then further out the nice-to-haves, right? Because you have to meet your needs first. And then only can you the dedicate or devote energy and nutrients to the nice-to-haves, right? So a person will will lose their hair, they will will lose their fertility. A woman will lose her period. You know, a guy will his testosterone will drop.
His sperm count will decline. His hair will fall out. His leg hair might fall out. That's why you like older guys, their legs are smooth like freaking, you know, a woman that just shaved her legs. And that's that's not because a lot of older the older guys are shaving their legs.

Consequences of Long-Term Malnutrition

It's because the body's like, what the hell? What the hell am I devoting energy? and nutrients to growing hair on my legs when I i don't have enough for everything. you know I have to make trade-offs. Actually, we were in um we were in Spain a couple of months ago with my wife and my daughter. and I had noticed that everywhere I looked there was a lot of bald guys
and um but i hadn't said that it wasn't that day that i know i i was noticing it but even just before that i was like there's a lot of bold guys like now in kind of like late 30s 40s 50s you know this kind of thing and my wife actually noticed And she's like, there's so many bald guys here, you know? And that's when I told her, cause I had been thinking about it already, you know? I was like, damn dude, that's not normal. And I told her, that's just straight up a symptom of hypothyroidism, right? If you're losing hair. So I think with a lot of guys, the issue is,
there you know the low carb movement the intermittent fasting movement the cold plunge and cold shower stuff the keto doing crazy exercise you know lots of you know running weightlifting all of that stuff and then the normal daily stresses and suboptimal diet, a lot of toxins and that's a recipe for hypothyroidism because you the body just has to has to do that as a survival mechanism because you're not getting enough energy and nutrients to and you know fight off the the stress, to ameliorate the stress and then to deal with the toxins and then to kind of, so once you've done this survival stuff,
and the basic functionality of the body, then what's left over can be used to maintain you know hair and good mood and brain function and stuff like that. So all of those things get get basically left to last. And for a lot of guys, they're not getting enough nutrition and and energy to meet all all of those stresses. Therefore, ah ah the one of the easiest things for the body to do is to lose its hair. right that's a very Excuse me. That's a very kind of oversimplified um analogy, but I think if you kind of break it down, that that is that is it. you know At the end of the day, it's just a lack of energy and probably a lot of... Basically, most of our health problems nowadays are because of a lot of toxicity
and not enough nutrition, so malnutrition. And even here's the thing, even if you eat a perfect, this is what I kind of like used to to paint a picture for people. Even if you eat a perfect diet, right Let's say every nutrient, everything is met for you, for your body, weight, age, activity level. Even if you had a perfect diet, it's not enough because then you're going to be exposed to like dozens and dozens, potentially hundreds of different my minor exposures from the air you breathe, the traffic, you know the exhaust, the plastics you touch, um the the you know the trace
ah metals in in the food supply and other chemicals, pesticides. So all of that all of that then dips into your energy and nutrients, right? So your your detoxification system works harder. So it could be, let's say 1%. 1% of your daily energy. So you're at 99% with your perfect diet. Let's say in in a good in a good scenario because it could be a hell of a lot more than 1% because let's say if you're having the drinks in the evening, if you don't buy organic food, if you you know shower without a water filter,
if you um there's a million things that we focus on with my clients obviously step by step whoever's ready for the next stage it's not like we have to do it all all day one or whatever but um it could be a lot more than one percent is what i'm trying to say and compounded over years and decades, that 1% compounds to a lot, right? Because you lose function with age. And for a lot of people, especially if there's a gut problem in unaddressed, that the the gap increases between the loss of function and the actual amount of nutrients coming in, that gap increases. And the more it increases,
the more

Prioritizing Health and Self-Care

symptoms, lack of energy, health problems, and potentially even diseases and actual diagnosable conditions a person will develop, right? So this is why that was a very long-winded way to say, if you have a gut issue leaving it unaddressed, hoping it will magically resolve itself without you changing anything and making some fundamental changes to to your habits and your lifestyle and what you eat.
if you think that will end well, I'm sorry, but I have ah have bad news for you, especially with the gut, right? Because this is the adage, all disease begins in the gut is exactly right because just imagine the scenario. gut tissue leaky gut inflammation toxins ah getting into the gut endotoxin bacterial sort of chemicals and stuff like that undigested part bits of food food sensitivities more inflammation over time that could potentially lead to autoimmune type reactions right um more inflammation tissue damage
ah the nutrition is diverted to repairing that instead of you know supporting your your're you know your mental function, whatever other ah nice-to-haves in the body. um then if the intestinal lining gets damaged or it continues being damaged which is very likely the case then the food you're eating less and less of it will be absorbed ah fully so you're kind of leaving a lot on the table nutrition wise so that means in you know add it to the
Add it to the fact that most Americans aren't even meeting the ah RDAs for most nutrients. um Then you're getting even less of that. Now think about overtime, over like years and years and then a couple of decades, how bad that could end. Like we're literally talking about someone kind of cutting their life short by a decade or two. if not more in some cases, right? You know, so this having a gut issue now that, Oh, I can, I can deal with it. And, you know, ah um Oh yeah, just some gas and some bloating and, you know, Oh, and putting yourself last.
Right? Oh, but no, I have to like the kids and oh my husband and oh, but my work, my job, my business, none of that stuff freaking matters. if If you are unwell, you understand, right? You are your number, your what is more important? What is a higher priority than your health? Because if you say, you know, your kids or your your spouse, if you're not around or if you're like so debilitated that you can't be fully present and you can't you know support whoever you need to support in your life, you know are you are you truly of service to them? you know Or or if if you end up where they have to take care of you because you left this thing unaddressed because you didn't put yourself first. you know Think about that. like think about Think about what is it worth
to you to resolve this problem now? What could what could be the benefits in 20, 30 years from now? Or if not, if you keep putting yourself last, right where could that end up you know in 5, 10, 15 years time? If you start thinking that way and you realize that your vehicle, your body, your health, and and your meant mental well-being, this is the most important thing you can invest in. but It really starts to put things into perspective. but When I got this, and i I'm actually very lucky because I saw my granny deteriorating. I saw family members and people close to me with health problems. I saw that in my early 30s.
I kind of had this wake-up call that many people never get and many men never get, but many people get way too late when a lot of damage has been done, right? So I got the wake-up call fairly early, luckily. And that's why now I'm able to kind of ah hey pay it forward, pay it back, you know, for the things that I've learned. This is why I do what I do. um Because we don't have to end up like my grandmother, you know, torturous, torturous last decade of her life with drugs and surgeries and pain and suffering and horrible, horrible way to live out your last years, right? And now I'm just like one of my friends, here his
just got diagnosed with cancer in her kind of 80s and just I can see how much he's suffering and how much he's suffering because of her suffering and the stress of that and I'm like we we don't have to succumb to that and I'll tell you right now a lot of these problems began with a gut issue, right? Because in this lady in her 80s that just got diagnosed with cancer, we actually ran a stool test on her.

Gut Health and Overall Well-being

um And she had a lot of, you know, in inflammation, gut dysbiosis, she had endotoxin producing bacteria. um And, you know,
It's it's the gut has a component in all of these things right anything you can think of dementia Alzheimer's anything End-stage bad that you want to avoid the gut has a component in there and if you take the sickest person like in any way you can think of doesn't matter what it is doesn't matter if it's psychological or physical in the gut out of the gut skin whatever else and if you improve their gut function a lot of things start improving for them no matter how bad they
Were to begin with right so the gut is the hub and then all the other systems and things in the body are the spokes and that's the thing if you have visible that's the thing a lot of people they have skin stuff or you know psychological stuff whatever fatigue insomnia that originated in the gut so they okay you could say all right they they have an excuse they might not know that the gut is so connected to these conditions and diseases and stuff that are extra intestinal out of the intestine however if someone has a gut problem
It's very clear they have a gut problem, right? So there's no excuses there. You cat look cannot bury your head in the sand and expect things to get better with with the body. It's like a machine. Imagine you have a car, yeah? And you buy it new today. And then you just drive it every day, back and forth, you know, a thousand miles a month, whatever. For like as long as you can. Sooner or later, that car, something will happen. Like something will need to be changed. Maybe the battery will die.
or the brake pads we wear out, or um you know ah oil filters, oil needs to be changed. So if you don't maintain the car, anybody knows, anybody knows that that car will eventually turn into a piece of shit that won't be unusable if you don't maintain your car and everybody maintains their car. even if it's just going to a specialist once a year and they do, you just tell them, I don't care, just so give me the bill at the end. As long as it's not you know in the thousands or whatever crazy amount and you're not scamming me, just do do your magic and you know let me pay you. And they understand the need to do that. Yet, most people nowadays, they,
They treat their body as if they're almost like as if it's a joyride, like you stole a car. Let's just joyride and break this piece, ah but break this thing to pieces and crash it somewhere. Let it burn. That's most of us right now on planet Earth. That's how we're treating our body. like We're joyriding something that you know we just found on the side of the freaking road. and

Spiritual and Physical Health Connection

you know when When people get it, you that's it. you know your Your entire trajectory of your life and health can change if you get it that this car, this vehicle, is the most important thing to look after because even like ah just not I don't want to be sound materialistic or anything but even look at the story of Buddha right he destroyed his body for like six years with these ascetic practices and starving himself and all sorts of nonsense right and then he was near near death and then a lady ah gave him like a ball of rice milk
And he ate that and kind of he got his strength back and then he sort of after the enlightenment and whatever he um He was talking about the middle way the middle path and that's really so the point sorry the point being is that Even if all you care is about is like spiritual stuff and blah blah you to experience all of that stuff and the mental stuff, you you your um instrument has to has to be tuned well because it's like we are like an antenna or like a TV. the the So the body kind of is a receiver for these higher things.

Seeking Professional Help for Gut Issues

So even if you even if you're like just only spiritual,
you kind of have to keep your instrument well tuned in order to experience kind of the the highest levels possible for you, right? So any which way, if you're if it's only materialistic or only spiritual or in between, any which way you what you kind of see with the world, you need to take care of your instrument, right? Because you know, if you're feeling like crap, like physically, your your mood is going to suck and your mental performance is going to suck, right? So
Jesus Christ, my throat throat hurts from all this ranting. 40 minutes. I'm going to stop right there because I could go on for another hour, but I have to drive the nanny home. So I'm going to stop here and i I hope this helps you to kind of ah understand. and Look, I don't care if you work with me or another practitioner. Just find somebody competent to help you with your problem, right? Because you will thank yourself one day in 5, 10, 15 years time that you did and you will be on a much much better trajectory for you and for your family because
you will be you will be at the highest you will be able to give the highest the most the highest service when you are in optimal health isn't that right and this is something that really kind of i saw with my with the women in my family there would be like martyrs right martyrs where putting themselves last and as if as if you're gonna get a freaking badge when you know God will give you all you know you get a better you get a better bunk bed in heaven because you sacrifice so much and stuff like that nobody's gonna give you a medal for sacrificing your health right and in fact the healthier you are the stronger you are the more energy you have the more you can give to others

Redefining Self-Care

So if that's your, for i know for a lot of women, just kind of putting themselves last, if that's the thing, sort of your hang up, if that's your sort of limiting belief, try to reframe it where if I invest in myself and I'm healthier, I'm going to be nicer to people, less snippy, less moody, less anxiety. I will sleep better, which means again, all of those mood benefits. And then I will be able to be more kind, more compassionate, more helpful. I'll be able to do better in work, better with my family, better with my community. Everybody wins if you get healthier. Everybody wins if you get healthier. Everybody. So putting yourself last
is probably logically speaking the worst decision you can make. Even if you think you're you're in doing it in the service, in the benefit of somebody else, in fact, it's quite the opposite. Putting yourself first, putting your mask on first allows you to put masks on other people and maybe even double masks so they they don't get the COVID. That's the kind of mask I was talking about. You thought I was talking about airplane masks. No, no, talk about like double, triple masking with the COVID masks. I'm kidding. All right. Now I'm talking nonsense. I really genuinely hope if you need to re-listen to this whole thing, please re-listen to it because again, if you leave a gut issue unaddressed, anything, any condition, disease, thing you can think of,

Critical Importance of Timely Intervention

is able to develop out of that from you know cancer, heart disease, atherosclerosis, dementia, and you know autoimmune, skin stuff, depression. They're all in some way, shape, or form connected to the gut. Either that's been evidenced already or it will be, eventually those mechanisms will be you know uncovered and elucidated. So the longer you let something like this fester, the worse off you will be and the worse off you are, the worse off your loved ones will be because you want to be here for as long as possible and as strong as possible so you can you know play with your not just your grandkids one day, but your great grandkids. You know what I mean? This is this is what I want for you.
Okay, so whether you work with me that you know, I I'll be fine. It's Will you will you be fine fine? If if you can find somebody to help you, please do, you know Just there's people out there that want to help people like you. Okay. All right 45 minutes. I think I'll stop here Thank you so much for your time. If you're still here It means you really you really want to you know turn things around for yourself.

Call to Action and Resources

And if you do truly, if you're ready, now to you know if now is the the right time for you to resolve this stuff once and for all, reach new levels of health, then check out
my masterclass down below, register for that. See how I help women in your situation. And if it resonates, you'll be able to request a call with me and then we can make a winning plan with you. It's a free call. And you know if if we're a right fit, great. If we're not, you know no no harm, no foul. I might point you in the right direction if I can, if I can help you or whatever. But the most important thing is take a step, take the take the step that puts you on the right track. Okay? So link is below if you are feel like you're in that space and time. This has been Cristian Jourdanoff. Thank you so much for tuning in.