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Why Your Doctors Failed You... image

Why Your Doctors Failed You...

The Gut Recovery Method
19 Plays6 months ago

Ready to resolve your constipation, gas, bloating, and other digestive problems for good? Watch my free Gut Recovery Masterclass to learn more about how I help women in your situation:

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Hosted by functional health practitioner and longevity author, Christian Yordanov, this podcast is dedicated to helping women struggling with gastrointestinal problems such as gas, bloating, constipation, and other digestive distress.

Whether you have a diagnosis such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), IBD (inflammatory bowel disease; Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or not, you will benefit from the insights we'll share.

Join us as we explore the intricate connections between gut health and overall well-being, addressing common issues like fatigue, poor sleep, hormonal imbalances, and anxiety.

Learn how stress impacts your digestive system and discover effective strategies to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and enhance your quality of life.


The Failure of Conventional Gastrointestinal Care

hi Christian Jardinov here. So I saw something on one of my posts on Facebook that was pretty shocking. The lady said something along the lines of 42 GI doctors could not help her with her gut problems since she was 20 and she was in her 60s.
So 42 doctors and decades and decades of suffering and pain and hardships and going through hell and they couldn't help her. Why do you think that is?
Do you think she had like some kind of rare genetic condition that was the pinnacle of science and medicine just couldn't figure out? Highly unlikely. They use that as a cop-out, like your depression is genetic, your schizophrenia is genetic, your gut problems are genetic, everything, your freaking, your foot odor is genetic. It's, come on, it's ridiculous.
it's ridiculous because anytime these people go to like a functional practitioner that knows what they're doing anytime we start running lab work right and it doesn't even have to be a lot of lab work just basic things we start uncovering imbalance after imbalance after imbalance and why are the the gi doctors and the the regular doctors why are they not catching these imbalances right because usually all they do is they run this really elementary lab work right some blood work in most cases check check cholesterol and blood sugar and
hemoglobin A1c and maybe delivering enzymes and then the more specialist GI docs they might do like a fecal calprotectin, occasionally they do a stool test but they don't do like actual stool tests that have proper clinical value, they do this really primitive test where sometimes it will be like for one specific thing or it's a yes no answer so you have no idea quantitatively how much of that particular organism you know is in the stool sample and based on that a lot of the times just on symptoms and presentation and maybe like in in the case of IBD inflammatory bowel disease they look like a fecal calprotectin and then just on that they're gonna pin you with a diagnosis IBS
and IBD stuff like that, very, very sort of rudimentary stuff. And occasionally, they'll stick a tube up your ass with a camera stuck on it or down your throat, and they're gonna snoop around in there. maybe Maybe they'll find some scary monsters in there, or maybe they'll just do do damage with that scope, with you know, that kind of, the endoscope. So why why are they so highly educat educated, very intelligent people,
um Why are they so inept at actually helping people with these really? Now becoming very prevalent health problems right IBS um IBD and and so on and so forth right why Why are they?
so inept that is okay i wonder if people ask themselves like if you go to like 30 40 doctors and they keep just giving us a but b bee like the the people wonder why are they so bad or do they blame themselves. is Am I so broken? Is something wrong with me? I think a lot of people, they blame themselves because a lot of doctors, they were like, well, you know, I can't help you. So, you know, jog on. Maybe I'll refer you to a specialist and

Pharmaceutical Influence on Medical Education

they can do more stuff. So in the case of IBS, many women are actually given like antidepressants. it This is true, right? And it's a it's straight up crime. It's a criminal behavior because they're causing untold
suffering so the the reason why they're unable to help you is very very simple right it's because and you can you can this is not some obscure nonsense right that you you have to dig dig somewhere deep into internet to find this is very very well documented that the medical schools are basically
sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. It really is that simple, right? So companies that sell disease.
um treating or symptom masking chemicals for profit, big sort of que skewed incentives there, right? So those companies are training the doctors that then what do they do? What are they trained to do? What do you think they're trained to do in those years? They're trained to diagnose diseases, very specific diseases, and then follow the protocols. And those protocols are drugs,
maybe surgery, um maybe radiation. And you know it's like if you look at and at history back in history, what were they doing in the 50s?

Critique of Modern Medical Practices

Lobotomies. They were lobotomizing people.
before that um maybe a century or two ago they were using arsenic as a cure all leeches and stuff so the tools have become a lot more technologically advanced and sophisticated but there are no less barbaric because they're still using poisons and and and cutting things out and burning things off and irradiating things and that is that is the model that is out there now don't get me wrong when it comes to emergency care they are really amazing like the current
um state of of medicine is just absolutely amazing in terms of saving people after car accidents and I broke a leg 15 years ago I think or so and they man did it really well there was a piece that broke a piece of bone that broke off of ah one of my bones in my leg my tibia and they were able to kind of put it back in and then use bolts and plates to kind of put it all together and touch wood I can still walk and run and do stuff. 15 years later I haven't been back to the doctor once I didn't even do my physiotherapy after they took the cast off the lady I went to one session and she gave me like 50 different exercises I'm like okay did it the first day and then like now it's too complicated
And um yeah, I wish I did, of course, now in hindsight, but here we are. um So in terms of emergency care, saving lives, amazing. The problem is that there are also with the drugs and the poisons and the surgeries, there are also a lot of people are are getting killed that way. um Hundreds of thousands of people really every year.
either they ah they operate on the, so there's a lot of medical wear, they operate on the wrong person or the wrong place or the wrong body part or a lot of, as you may not even know, because it's so well, it's getting so well concealed, it's not really publicized, but how just think of if you can imagine how many probably hundreds of drugs have been taken off the market because of horrendous side effects of thalidomides and a lot of these these drugs are straight up like poisons um they poison some enzyme in the body and that's how they exert their effect so if you take a very young and impressionable 20 something year old student medical student and you
put them through years and years of just all this information and it's such a stressful thing to get through medical school I mean and the residency if you hear some stories of doctors that they are doing like 40 hour shifts as part of their residency I think it's like some way to kind of they used to break them um so that they kind of accept that what they're gonna have to do the rest of their career which again is just basically slowly poisoning people and mass while they mask their symptoms with the drugs

Financial Incentives and the Medical System

or cutting body parts out of them you know like the gallbladder the gallbladder surgery is how many hundreds of thousands of those happen every year and it's you know 15k 20k decent chunk of change to perform a very quick procedure so they're very incentivized to offer that procedure um at the expense of the person's the rest of their life because the goal it's an organ in there that's there for a reason and very simple procedures
that my clients I teach them can be implemented to clear our gallbladder of stones and our liver because you can also have them in the liver and they can cause you problems and um
the that's the you know The person has to deal with the fate of that because you know those doctors, that they were taught that and then they're incentivized by like a $15,000, $20,000 procedure. So of course you're going to be you're going to be getting those in as many as you can do in a day, wouldn't you?
if If you could if that's your way of making money if you're a surgeon or whatever So the incentives are really messed up in the system the people that are at the front lines They have been taught by the companies that are selling the drugs right that are profiting off of the drugs and then those companies They're not incentivized by their customers getting better and not needing further treatments right that that doesn't make sense ah if you're if your business at least from their sort of evil perspective which which it is evil because billions of people are suffering at their hands right um so yeah from a business perspective they're they're great but not so great from like a human humane humane perspective
um So yeah you want customers for life so it would be great if the drug can then suppress the symptoms long enough for them to continue to fester and new symptoms to arise or maybe it can cause other um ah problems in the body that later on manifest the symptoms that cannot be correlated back to that specific treatment too too easily might say if they take a few years that would be great a couple of months at least so yeah this is this is unfortunately the model and then there's of course a lot of doctors that are breaking out of the paradigm it's a minuscule proportion of them but the problem is even the ones that are wisening up to it
their hands are very much tied in terms of what they can offer their patients because you go in there and let's say your doctor, ah instead of you know doing colonoscopies or giving you some drugs for your Crohn's disease or whatever, like anti-inflammatory corticosteroids, things that suppress the immune system and cause you further problems down the line,
maybe they decide to do some more natural stuff with with herbs and supplements and stuff. If they did that and they didn't follow the protocol, they may not get the insurance reimbursement. So the insurance system is kind of in there, intertwining the soul where excuse me it ties the doctor's hands.
they obviously obviously want to get paid right for their they've put in so much effort to get through medical school they work long hours they're stressed they have families and student loans and like this is the other thing is the the student loan thing is another way that they are really their hands are tied because you have to work you have to pay for your mortgage maybe your car yeah you want to save up for your kids education maybe get them in medical school one day, those hefty fees, you want to reduce the student loans your kids have to pay. So you could have like a hundred plus K student loan debt that's accruing interest, you know, so you have to pay that. And you don't really want to rock the boat. You just want to, you just want to, you know, get your, get that cheddar, get that cash.
and pay off the stuff and you know live your life. So that that's a big problem. So at worst though, so that's one thing you might not get paid or reimbursed by insurance, but
you may also be reported. You could be up, um, you could be up for sort of for review in your, at your kind of institutional board or whatever. Uh, and you, you, you could even get your license taken away from you. Right. So that is, that is the worst case scenario for many of these folks, because then they, what are they going to do? You know,
At that point, you have to wait tables or something like that. um it's no No doctor really wants to get into that position where they lose their license. They can't practice the thing that they spent five, 10 years, whatever, to to get qualified in. So that's a big problem. So the system is organized in a way where if you look at drug company profits over the years, over the last couple of decades, stock prices and stuff like that, they're doing really, really well, right? So anyone that tells me that, oh, that's just you're being a conspiracy theorist, that's a little bit cynical. No, look at how much money these companies are making. And also,
Look at how much money they have paid in criminal damages in lawsuits and settlements. And it's in the billions and billions. They're the the biggest criminals of pharmaceutical companies in terms of how much they've paid out in criminal damages. And this is also quite easy.
discoverable, maybe not super easily, right? They don't wanna advertise it or anything, right? But they they pay so much money to advertise on TV in the US. and that that that That makes the incentive for the the news companies or the the new the channels that they advertise on They're like they're paying their bills so that really removes the incentive for those news channels to then report badly against the pharmaceutical companies and expose them for what they're doing and their sort of Criminal behavior putting drugs on market that are straight-up dangerous and poison. Yeah
so if you kind of start putting those pieces together it really it starts to make a little bit more sense why a person like this poor lady that for like i don't know 40 plus years she went to dozens and dozens of doctors specialists in gi issues and no help whatsoever because those again those folks as well-intentioned as they may have been were taught a paradigm of symptom masking and chemicals and surgery and that's really it they weren't taught about nutrition they weren't taught about natural medicine in fact they almost
Not that they vilify it, but they... What's the

Distrust in Medical Research

word? They almost... um
its it's almost ridiculed, right? So if you if you kind of talk to like a doctor fresh out of medical school, like in the first couple of years, they've been so there there's they did, what's them? What's the word I'm looking for? They if you mentioned anything about nutrition or or natural medicine and stuff like that, they they almost like and greeted with such content that you know your your feeble mind would even bring such a silly argument to where they're talking about, oh, my patients with thyroid disease.
Well, tell them that you know nutrition can solve their health problems. Thank you. you know like the Really, they instill this arrogance and ego and and so many of them internalize it, that they're this sort of infallible figure. But at the same time, they also tell them in medical school that half of what they're being taught is not it's is going to be freaking obsolete by the time they leave medical school.
so that Really, you have to have a lot of humility when you're when you're dealing with people and trying to help them restore their health because a lot of stuff changes and there's a lot of fraud in medical science. There's a lot of fraud. So many studies get retracted every year. It's insane. and there's we We really don't know nowadays.
when a study is published we don't know if they actually did do the study or is it ghost written is it just they came up with the numbers and the results and everything and they were just written up in order to um support a certain narrative be that a supplement a drug intervention stuff like that So we really don't know because, who ah you know, are you going into the labs and checking those researchers or they are theyre giving the the the lab rats or whatever those specific compounds that they're testing on them in terms of like safety, let's say for like a drug or something like that. We really don't know. And there's also the thing about publication bias. So if you do a study um and the results are not favorable to whatever you're trying to push, right, drug supplement, whatever,
You don't have to publish it, right? So if your chemical concoction killed half of the mice in your study, um and that is a damning result about your your whatever supplement, yeah and you don't publish that, well, people won't know. You could you could maybe like tweak tweak the study so you give them less of a dose, no animals die, and then say, look,
it's safe right so there's a lot of stuff like that going on and if you just remember i don't know if you can if you remember the thalidomide thing where the babies were being born with no limbs like there's dozens of other drugs with side effects that were horrific and they took them off the market But they're almost like, would I would test it out on on the population. that Let them sort of, let them um come and tell us if yeah like their eyes are falling out or their teeth are falling out. And then we will consider, you know, if the FDA says something, you know, we'll we'll take it off the market and maybe we'll pay a fine and maybe the CEO can resign and then we just continue. You know, we have insurance to cover a lot of these things, no problem whatsoever. So what's the what's the good news here? Well,

Advocating for a Holistic Approach

the good news is that the information, well, not as easy to find nowadays if you just go to the first page of the search results.
The information is out there, it's on the internet of how to restore your health in a natural way, right? ah There's a lot of really good books that you can get on Amazon like Jeffrey Bland. He has one called The Disease Delusion.
And it's a really good intro to functional medicine. So there's quite a lot of different thought leaders there in the space of natural medicine, functional medicine. And they talk about this sort of paradigm where every symptom, it it's an up here type thing. If you think of a the surface of a lake,
and you have ripples on the surface but it's under deep in the surface where these symptoms up at the top that show up on the surface they are because of something happening in deeper under the surface and the key is to know what to look for and to find those things that are out of balance and help the person balance them with diet supplementation, stress reduction, ah you know sleep support, all of these things that once dialed in,
Then the body, when you give it what it needs to heal and remove obstacles to health, which could be toxins, ah bad bacteria, parasites, heavy metals, stress, different kinds of stress, inflammation. You can improve those factors, mitigate, ameliorate, eliminate ideally as much as you can.
then the amazing thing about the body is that just like when you cut your hand it heals that that cut on your finger or whatever it will heal on its own just like that happens to a cut or a wound the same thing happens in other areas of the body and with a wound and a cut you don't have to do anything you don't have to do anything Your doctor doesn't do anything to heal your cut.
all you are doing is you maybe you you wash it out rinse it out um protected so it doesn't get um you know dirty right so you're removing obstacles to healing or to impart imperfect healing because it could if there's dirt in there that could get you know infected and stuff like that so you're removing obstacles to healing and then you are allowing the the body to initiate its own healing processes.
That is it. it's the same It's the same when it's an internal sort of damage, right? We just have to remove what is contributing to the problem and support the body and give it what it needs to heal. And you know what it needs to heal? It doesn't need potentially dangerous mystery chemicals that make people money or companies a lot of money. It doesn't even need a lot of these herbal things, right? It doesn't actually need herbs. what the body What the body needs is what it's made out of. That's vitamins, minerals, fatty acids,
um what else amino acids it needs carbohydrates to make energy these are the things that the body needs and what you need to do and what you need to know is what things does the person need in that specific moment in time for that specific issue but obviously a cut is a little bit of a simplified example but Let's take it to the to the gut, right? So you need to know what to test for, right? You need to know what to do when the lab work comes. You need to know how to remove the things that could be impeding the person's healing processes from occurring.
and you need to understand what the person is missing. So the lab testing can help us, but a a good thorough assessment can be all that we need to really get the person progressing really well. That's why the assessments that I use with my clients are very extensive. We look at, of course, a lot of the signs and the symptoms related to thyroid function, blood sugar balance,
ah the large intestine, and the stomach, the small intestine, thyroid function, um pituitary function, ah neurotransmitter balance, but there's a bunch of different things. And then we also juxtapose that on the health history, right?
previous sort of diagnoses, hospitalizations, surgeries, um their current diet, if they've been on previous diet, supplements they're taking now, stress, what they work, how they sleep, what they eat, where they eat, you know, their poop, what it looks like, what it smells like, how many times there's so many things that each one of those things is a clue that tells us or helps us to build a more cohesive picture about that person. Where? What areas of the body need support? What could they be deficient in? What are they getting not enough of? How is stress impacting this?
How is their sleep impacting this? How can we improve those things as well as not just what they like are doing in terms of like supplements and diet and stuff, but in terms of their home environment, how can we improve that so it becomes more conducive to healing? All of this is required and what do most doctors do and many practitioners as well but let's just stick it to like conventional medicine now because they're the most sort of flagrant example of just really giving zero shits about the person you are just you were just a set of symptoms you come in oh i have a headache okay ibuprofen oh my tummy hurts and okay ibs
You know, this is the kind of thing. So they just look at a few simple little algorithm and pin you a little diagnosis. And here is your medication. Oh, oh, you feel you're, you're fatigued and you don't feel too good about your life situation where you're depressed. Okay. Just here, here's, here's was a bunch of antidepressants. Oh, you can't sleep sleeping pills.
How is that solving the problem? How if if you are given a sleeping pill?
How is that solving your problem that you can't see? What if the problem is what you're eating, maybe a deficiency in something, a mineral vitamin, maybe your sleep environment is messed up, maybe your stress levels, you don't know how to manage them with supplementation and diet and whatever else. There

Generational Trust in Doctors

could be a hundred different factors contributing to your sleep problem or your gut problem or your hormonal imbalances.
or your anxiety and irritability and low mood. It could be dozens and dozens of things. How is giving you a pill? to treat the symptom actually addressing a problem. It's not addressing the problem. It's addressing the symptom. And that is that is just really a very, very primitive way of kind of going about it. And the problem is that this is how we were all taught
from a very early age because this paradigm has infiltrated you know media and Movies and everything so doctor knows best so we are we think that that is all that exists So this lady I can't blame her because she's from the the generation um That my parents are in you know and that those folks at that time you know you were born in the kind of late 50s 60s whatever it was all doctor knows best right so it was all like really um
Aqueous to authority type stuff, right? So people they just trust like in where I'm from Bulgaria all the pensioners they just go to the doctor whenever they have to and Whatever pills the the doctor prescribes just keep taking them like my grandparents. They just okay blood pressure and then all the cholesterol and oh, okay we're gonna switch to margarine from the butter and They just kept giving them more pills and ah blood thinners and stuff and they just kept taking them because I Doctor knows best and do they know best? No, they know what they've been taught by the companies that run basically the they they create the medical school curriculums and that doctor I remember what Jesus Christ I remember when my wife was pregnant we went to the midwife and She was so amazing like super caring. How are you? do She laid my wife down and And she kind of just touched her tummy, and she took her Doppler thing for the heartbeat. She put it on her, and immediately the the we could start hearing the heartbeat. Then, so we we picked ah that lady as to be our midwife. Then, because my wife is like, okay, we're going to do the the a couple of scans along the way.
We went to the OBGYN and we walked into his office for the first time. He was writing something into his ah ah ah file there, probably from from the previous people that were in there, just finishing something off.
he he did greet us but he didn't make eye contact he didn't like look at us he didn't like warm they just kind of just make a bit of eye contact hi please come in in just one second he didn't lift his face out of his you know writing his whatever the hell he who was writing And I was like, I got a horrible vibe. Really like a few minutes and he still, he just asking questions ticking off before he finally lifted his head up and looked at us, right? It's like,

Holistic View in Patient Care

is this how you're going to help a person? Okay. In this case, it's a different, slightly different story. But if someone comes into your office or you're working with someone, wouldn't you want to know, um,
if what they're reading if if they're coming with a gut problem wouldn't you want to know what they're reading if they can't sleep wouldn't you want to know what they work wouldn't you know want to know what's their relationship like with their partner or maybe they just lost their partner maybe they're having ah stuff going on with their family maybe they're doing something that's raising their stress hormones that that they can't sleep why unless you have the interest to ask all of these things What do you how are you gonna help this person? How are you gonna figure out? What is contributing to their Health issue or set of health issues or complaints? You just gonna like or you have this symptom or you can't sleep Here is a sleeping pill. Oh But you also don't feel good.
you're anxious or whatever here's a tranquilizer benzodiazepine or oh you also don't feel good about yourself okay here is a an antidepressant is that the algorithm you want someone one to follow because as you've seen so far with the previous episodes gut dysfunction can contribute to inflammation and depression sleep problems, um just so many different things.
that could be stemming from gut dysfunction. right So if you go to the doctor and i start giving all these things for like for the the symptoms, the depression, the sleep, but its its genesis was was in the gut, what what do you think is going to happen? You'll probably be allowed into a false sense of security. Okay, now I can sleep at least for a while. Now at least I'm not so anxious.
but none of the stuff that's actually causing the stuff the symptoms is getting addressed so you're likely to continue doing what you're doing and that is likely to the problem is likely to to continue to fester right so that is why this poor lady went to dozens and dozens of GI doctors 42 doctors and they couldn't help her because there were She was playing chess. They were playing checkers in a different room with a blindfold and their hands tied behind their back. That's the game they were playing. And this woman had a complex
chess set out in front of her and no no no one was there to meet her and and play the game as it's supposed to be played because this is a this is a ah partnership at the end of the day you know it's not you go to the authority figure and they will give you here's your pill for your ill oh you have more other ills let me check my algorithm oh this pill will help for that okay come back in a few months we'll give you more pills for your ills That's how insanity is just doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Embracing Functional Medicine Paradigms

If it didn't work the first time, is it going to work the second time or the third time? I think a lot of the time people just kind of start looking after their health. They start researching things on Google. They start
um improving their health on their own and their issues go away and then The doctor is happy that that you don't continue going back to him and bestering him because he just doesn't know what to help and you know what's the worst part is that these these folks they know so much about like biochemistry and physiology and stuff like that that literally if they wake up to to the scam that they were indoctrinated in and In a weekend, in one weekend, they could learn how to do the lab work that could really help them identify the things that are causing and contributing to people's problems.
and And then, of course, so it will take a little bit longer to learn the ins and outs of the nutrition side of things. But in the weekend, they could like just switch their paradigm ah and start using like real lab tests that actually truly help the freaking ah situation because they they give us insights into what that person's set of imbalances are that are contributing to the issue. And then it's just a matter of using the modalities I laid out earlier to address these things systematically.
that takes a little bit of time to learn that side of things because then you're you're you're working in a different paradigm but they're so far ahead of the game that you know a lot of doctors that became functional they could do amazing work then so I learned from some of them they're thought leaders in the space and um They're become really powerful catalyst for healing and change in a positive way for their for their patients and like I said a lot of them I learned from so I'm learning from the best and That's that the sad part is that
it's just so few of them that have woken up to this and have the balls as it were to break out of the paradigm you know because again the system has really got them by the short and curlies so if in this lady in this case lady's case i i mean There's not no advice I could really offer, but if i if I were to offer her some advice, it would be um you know find a functional practitioner that knows what to do. you know i think it's really I think folks can pretty easily and quickly sense if someone is BSing them. right
Um, you kind of know it if someone is like, don't know what the hell they're doing. So yeah, you might have to interview a few, but you, you will find the one that will help you, you know, and they will teach you how to restore your health. And I'm not saying I have to be that person. If you don't resonate with me in my message, if you want to work with a woman, for example, or someone maybe closer to your age, whatever.
That's totally fine. The point is that there's many, many of us out there, some are in the medical system, some are in the natural space, in the kind of alternative space. which You know,

Redefining Natural Medicine

when you think about it, alternative is something they pinned onto the natural ah medicine people.
because this was this was all that was being practiced for thousands of years prior so the new paradigm if anything is the alternative because isn't nature our first option and first choice isn't anything synthetic and sort of alien like all these procedures and cutting organs out so all this insanity chemotherapy and all these radiation isn't that the alternative to nature isn't nature primary you see how how we've been indoctrinated into this whole paradigm even like little words like conventional and uh alternative it's more like allopathic and and natural right and allopathic is the alternative but anyway you have to pick your battles you you will never win this battle because
all those procedures and and drugs that they sold over the years that's a lot of that's a big piggy bank full of cash that you can buy you can buy governments you can buy news media medical schools, so that's not a battle worth fighting. The battle worth fighting is each individual person that is this has decided they will take self-responsibility because this is the other thing is when you understand the natural way of of healing, you you are the catalyst for change. You are the one that makes the decisions. It's about the food, the supplementation, the stress, the the hormone balancing, all of that stuff.
you are doing the actions that will give you the results. you We are just guiding you and offering knowledge and support and coaching along the way. um Whereas the other paradigm, you go there to the master that knows it all and they give you a pill and then they are curing you. They are doing this, you know. Whereas in the the natural way, your body is this amazing, miraculous, self-healing miracle of of of nature. And all a good practitioner does is teach you that's what doctor means.
teacher, right? So a good practitioner will teach you how to remove the obstacles to health, how to add the things required to restore health, and then how to build those habits that will then sustain your health for the decades to come, right? Because this is, again, this paradigm of you come back in a few months and you know you pay more fees and get more more treatments and drugs, that's designed to for profit, right?
And there's nothing wrong with there's nothing wrong with making money for helping people resolve their health problems, but they're not they're not helping people resolve their health problems. They're just masking the symptoms. That's what we that's what people have to understand.
you know, so I have zero qualms about this is my job, right? So of course um um I have a family and all that stuff. So I have zero qualms about charging for my services because they're freaking a life transforming. This is the literal best money. Most of my clients have spent in their entire life, in their entire life, the literal best investment they've ever made. So I have zero qualms about that.
but the my goal is for them to not need me after we're done working together and then to maybe even help their family get better and teach other, I have clients where, ah um I was talking to a lady recently, she told me, oh i i i recommended this supplement to my friend she's loving it and my other friend she's doing this cleanse and so she started rattling off all these people that she's influencing in a positive way i'm like that's freaking amazing that's freaking amazing that's what this is all about pay pay it forward you don't have to necessarily pay it back i'm i'm not i'm not um doing this work
I'm kind of paying forward the fact that I discovered the stuff. It really changed the trajectory trajectory of my life and health and my wife's health. And I couldn't help my family members. just you know it's when When it comes from a family member they just or a friend, they don't listen. It's just a different story. you know Everyone's on their own journey. So I'm doing this to pay it forward to those that are ready and receptive to the message.
you know

Conclusion and Call to Action

So that is my little rant for today. Thank you for tuning in. I hope you got some insights out of this. And don't forget, if you're ready to truly resolve your health issues, your gut dysfunction, your constipation, gas bloating, hormonal issues,
All of that stuff, you know, the anxiety, the low mood, the poor sleep, all of that stuff will get addressed with the gut recovery method. Even though we're talking about recovering the gut, it's so pivotal to health that invariably other systems in the body improve their function if you focus on the gut. And the way we do it, it's so holistic. It's so amazing. I absolutely love it.
And I know for a fact that this is very likely to be the best ever investment of your time and your resources. So if you're ready for the next step, check out the link in the description. You can watch the masterclass, learn a little bit more about it. And if you feel cold too, you can then ah request a free gut recovery consultation with me and we can make a winning plan for you.
but only do this if you're ready to do some work right if you're ready to put all of the stuff behind you right so you have to take understand that it's self-responsibility right so if you're ready if you're there amazing i'd love to support you so again thanks for tuning in and i'll see you on the next episode