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Living in the Dragon Ball World?! || Dragon Ball Month image

Living in the Dragon Ball World?! || Dragon Ball Month

S5 E10 · Chatsunami
71 Plays3 months ago

In the year 2024, a red panda, a wrestler and a chibi co-host power up to defeat the forces of evil in Dragon Ball Month! From transformations and fusions to live action and musings of living in this world, you will not want to miss this month!

In the fourth episode of Dragon Ball Month, Satsu is joined by Andrew to discuss what it would be like to live in the Dragon Ball world. What would it be like to live as an average joe? Would you turn into a Super Saiyan? And why does the narrator keep harassing us?! All this and more in the latest episode of Chatsunami Z!

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Introduction to Dragon Ball Month

Another beautiful day, an expendable tropolus. The sun is shining. The Jimbros are fighting in the sky again. Nothing could ruin this day. You realise there's been another worldling threat, right? Androids? Nope. Aliens? Think again. Evil twins of aliens? No, it's Lord Airfryer, the planet cupboard. Sounds like there's a lot to unpack there. Be serious Satsy, what are we going to do?
What we should have done in the first place. Dragon Ball Month episode? Oh go on then. Welcome to Dragon Ball Month.

Co-host Andrew Joins

Hello everybody and welcome to the fourth episode of Dragon Ball Month. My name's Satenami and joining me to explore the weird and wonderful world of Dragon Ball is none other than the one and only Super Saiyan himself. It is Andrew. Andrew, welcome back.
ah Jesus Christ. Oh my ears. I would say how are you doing, but you sound very powered up there. I'm amped. I'm powered up. I'm Kaioken times five. Can't go any higher than that. I will die, but I'm doing great. Are you okay, man?
Remember when that was a whole storyline that they were like, he can't go higher than that. He'll die. And then nothing came about that. There seems to be no consequences for Kyrie Ken. I'm not really clear on what the deal with that is. Are you using mana up or something? You mean key. That's the one.
You can see I'm well prepped for this episode.

Fictional Worlds and Dragon Ball Discussion

Oh yeah, and on that note of course we are indeed talking about the weird and quite frankly wonderful world of Dragon Ball Witch. I'm gonna be honest, I'm gonna blame Adam for this episode, I know he's not here to defend himself but ever since we did the loving in the Pokemon world together. I have had this very weird idea of exploring other fictional worlds and seeing how we would fare. So of course, you and I, Andrew, we talked about loving and the legend of zelda world olds robotic battleto hostster night at the living in the and I did the Sonic world. So today, we are looking back to you, Andrew, and we are going to be talking about what it would be like to live in the Dragon Ball

Andrew's Dragon Ball Background

World, Inc. Let me be honest, before we get into the meat of this episode, what do you know about the Dragon Ball World? Were you heavily invested in the world building and such when you were watching Dragon Ball as a child? Well, I watched Dragon Ball Evolution, which gave me a pretty good idea of what the Dragon Ball World looks like. So I think I'm pretty prepped to discuss it. Did I need to watch anything else or did that kind of cover my bases?
Now, as long as you talk about bullies having a non-original nickname for you, yeah, I think you should be okay. yeah Oh yeah, and shapeshifters, something about clones. There's a lot of cloning in that film I've just realised. No, sorry, go on.
Now, I have a pretty extensive background with regards to watching Dragon Ball growing up. I've discussed it in prior episodes when we have talked about Dragon Ball, but my introduction was Dragon Ball Z. I watched that when I was very young because my older brother was very into Dragon Ball Z at the time. I was aware of the existence of Dragon Ball, the series that came before it, but did not watch it until I was in my early teens and my sister gifted my brother the DVD of original Dragon Ball. It was only the first two or three arcs, I think, maybe 50 or so episodes in that DVD. And I was obsessed with it. It was kind of my first introduction to watching subbed anime as well, because I remember it didn't have an English dub option. It was just in Japanese with English subs. I went to my sister, and I was like, you idiot, you got the wrong one. This one only has Japanese on it. And she kind of rolled her eyes at me and I watched it and I fell in love with it. and was the impetus for really getting into watching more anime that is subbed. I'm not kind of reliant on the um English dub programming and started enjoying listening to Japanese anime. And so I watched as much as I could from that DVD and then searched out the rest of it online, got really into it, then got back into it when I was in university with yourself Satsu.

Satenami's Dragon Ball Entry and Power Scaling

And then the Dragon Ball Super show came out, watched throughout all that and had a great time. What's your background with it?
To be honest, I'm going to be very blunt here. I was in it for the punchy punches in the action scenes. I mean, don't get me wrong, the story was really interesting and you wanted to know what was going to come next because we spoke about this extensively in our Significance of Dragon Ball episode where we talked about the legacy that Akira Toriyama had left behind and how he built up this wide and fantastical world but I have to say and I think this is purely because I ended up going into it quite late. I went into Dragon Ball Z when I was younger because that was really the one that was mainly showed over here. Dragon Ball I don't think and I could be wrong here Dragon Ball fans please let me know but I'm pretty sure that Dragon Ball wasn't really shown here until after
Dragon Ball Z. So Dragon Ball Z was my first exposure to the Dragon Ball universe and everything. Absolutely loved it at the time, I loved some of the lore that they built up but there's kind of pros and cons to it because when you've got characters that are so OP and over that kind of makes other places a bit redundant. I made a joke in the skit at the very beginning talking about expendable tropolus and the fact is that if you're not a city with a main character in it then chances are it's gonna get blown up or destroyed. That is something that I kind of thought, oh great, it's like city A or B or whatever. I think it was south?
city, I could be wrong, the one in the Android saga when Dr. Giro and Android 19 pop up and they're like, ooh, we're gonna blow up this city. And they blow up a city and that should be an, no pun intended, earth shattering event. And don't get me wrong, it's brutal and it's horrible. It's the same with Cell as well, when he kills a lot of innocent bystanders. And don't get me wrong, that's really creepy. But at the same time, you kinda think, well, we don't really know much about this city. You're kind of given just a group of people to be blown up essentially and it wasn't as engaging to me. That's why I preferred more when we had to Goku going around and for example with the very famous driving license.
episode. I really enjoyed that and I enjoyed kind of seeing a bit more of the world but I never felt as if it was fleshed out but today of course we are going to be putting ourselves in the shoes of these both pure bystanders and as well we're going to be looking at it from the overpowered point of view as well so we're not just going to be saying oh imagine how it would be to be a normal person that would suck which it probably would, but we're also going to be looking into it from a different

Humorous Break

angle. But see without any further ado Andrew, are you ready to find out what it would be like to live in the Dragon Ball universe? Yeah, I'm excited to explore that. And of course, we will be right back after our filler art.
welcome to shattanami a variety podcast that discusses topics from gaming and films to anime and general interest Previously on Chatsunami, we've analysed what makes a good horror game, conducted a retrospective on Pierce Brosnan's runs James Bond, and listened to us take deep dives into both the Sonic and Halo franchises. Also, if you're an anime fan, then don't forget to check us out on our sub-series, Chatsunani, where we dive into the world of anime. So far, we've reviewed things like Death Note, Princess Mononoke, and the hit Beyblade series. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then you can check us out on Spotify, iTunes, and all good podcast apps. As always, stay safe, stay awesome, and most importantly, stay hydrated.
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Living in Constant Danger in Dragon Ball

God, there was a lot of driving in that filler act. Oh sorry, and we are back. I bought t-shirts as Batman. Let's face it, being a normal person in Dragon Ball would suck, wouldn't it? Yeah, I mean, it would in some ways, but they do seem kind of oblivious.
Yeah, to anything that's going on. And considering how many world altering things have happened in even their lifetimes, they are pretty content just going about their days and are always shocked by the stuff that does happen around them. So maybe it's a very much more simplistic society that they're much more kind easy going. I don't think necessarily you're always living in fear. I think there was like that very scary point in the cell saga where he was going around to that town that was hiding and scared. But for the most part, your average Joe is just vibing and then just like, it's obliterated and like, Oh, no, that entire island is blown up. They're not really living in fear.
Well, you say that, but Cell did get on national TV, didn't they? And he was like, well, I'm holding a Cell games and everything. And it's quite scary when the villains do make themselves known, but you're completely right, though, because can you imagine being from, I don't know, let's say North City, for example, and hearing Southtown or South City or whatever it's called, getting blown up and you're like,

Resurrection in Dragon Ball vs. MCU Blip

eh, probably an accident.
if would you react the same or would you just be like yeah Yeah, I mean, gigantic terror attacks seem to happen on such a regular basis. Maybe they're desensitized due to the scale and frequency of these kind of terror attacks that are happening. And so like, it's not that big a deal anymore to them. You're right in that there's the bit when the Saiyans come down, and Napa goes around just blowing up their navy and destroying things. And I'm pretty sure Vegeta just destroys the city for funsies. That stuff gives them shock and awe terror kind of activity that would be frightening the people around there. But No one seems to remember any of that happened soon after that. So people just get on with their day. It seems a very different society to our own. That would be in the public consciousness for decades in our world. But there it's just like another Tuesday. But that's the thing though, because if you had a situation like that where Villain of the Week blew up a town or you were going for your groceries and you got skewered by some alien, the Rhett or whatever, or let's say you got gunned down by the Red Ribbon Army and then Goku and his friends gathered dragon balls and they're like, oh let's wish everybody back. Do you think that would be like a blip situation from the MCU? You know when the whole vano snaps his fingers and then they manage to reverse it and bring it back and I know Dragon Ball before anyone lunches me. Dragon and Ball came out before this. Oh, so you're saying as people are getting on with their lives and then two million people just rock up being like, oh, I'm back.
Yeah, it's like, imagine you go to your home and someone else is taking your home and your job and everything. Yeah, I mean, in fairness, the death to revival timeline is pretty short. In your example, the MCU, I think it was like four years or something between them being glipped and them coming back, whereas usually it's later that week in Dragon Ball. So I don't necessarily think you've got that situation, but I could certainly see that and feel be like you've mourned your friend or your family member and then they're like, what's up? Or like after a few days, they're like, okay, now I'm going to hook up with his coworker, Gerald. And then you come back and you're like, what the hell? So, I mean, people can move on pretty quick and do other stuff pretty quickly, but I don't think it's necessarily going to be a case of, oh, Derek down the street actually just took my house in my life. I was gone for a week.
Yeah it would be pretty rubbish, but but i mean that's an undert understandingment that would be pretty rubbish but going off on that though, do you think there's a lot of conspiracy theories in the world of Dragon Ball? What you were

Conspiracy Theories in Dragon Ball Universe

saying there, how a lot of people are like, oh There's this evil monster that's just announced himself and you know for the likes of Cell and Majin Buu it's really difficult to avoid them. But let's say it was like a run of the mill alien attack or whatever. Do you think there's people out there who are saying these things, no pun intended, saying these things and then like Mr Satan they're saying oh i no it's smoking mirrors. I mean, that literally happens in the show. That's quite literally what happens, that they say that this is all fake, fake news, and that any kind of threat that's there, they have the skilled martial artist, Mr. Satan, who can solve it. And he has at least two or three times our best martial artist, Mr. Satan goes in and then it solves. And so maybe they also know that they have the backup of being wished back.
and so there isn't as much concern so long as someone survives it i could just the mind you getting blown up by ah ca me um or something you like ave me find the ball andrew drew a pack way around you'll find him somewhere If you look under the couch, that's the way I find stuff sometimes. Oh, do you know that would be the worst wouldn't it? If you go to the other side and you're waiting in line for King Yemas and you turn round and it's just like seeing you in the line like, hey, no! You'll die too! Buddy! Imagine you're really happy in the afterlife. You're like, this is pretty chill. And then you come back and you're like, no!
Oh, take me back there. I have a nine to five job. I was finally in peace. Do you know how much zeny that I make in the real life? It's not a lot of plays. Being a regular Joe would probably be rubbish. I mean, unless you were obviously like a super genius or you worked at capsule court, maybe. But that's weird as well because the amount of people who walk around with capsules in their pocket and they're like, oh, here's my car. Is there a capsule in your pocket? Are you pleased to see me? I love calling me. I love, oh, Oh god. Cars explode, now your pocket just cripples your left leg. If only there were dragon balls. Andrew, avenge me! Imagine people just running like really pity wishes, something that could just heal over time, really no problem. They're like, could you wish my leg not to be broken anymore? Could you wish to speed this process up? I mean, people do that though. Yeah, but I'll go with just to look a little bit younger. Yeah. You see, if you learned about the Dragon Balls, right? And you are told that there were these magical orbs that granted a wish and whatnot. Let's say that you believed thoroughly that this was a thing. Would you still go and try and find them? As an average Joe,
If I had like a scanner, then I'd give it a shot. Yeah. I mean, if it comes to dangerous, I was like, all right, that's me. But if I feel like I can collect the Dragon Balls and make my wish and make my life better, then yeah, I'll do that. But wild it is that these are life changing, magical things that you can summon a dragon to make a wish to improve potentially your life and other people's lives.
so much better. But by the time it comes to Dragon Ball Super, Ball was just like gathering them as essentially a gift to people at her birthday party. Oh, and you get to make a magic wish because it's my special birthday and you get to do that this year. Imagine how frustrating it be to know like Kim Kardashian already has everything she could possibly want and then also has this magical wish that she can make and that she seems to be bow guarding at every possible chance that only she gets to make. That is a very depressing thought, Andrew. Seeing all seriousness, I don't think I would go for it either because to use the scientific term, I would quickly shite myself if I was like, oh, I'm going to go and find the Dragon Balls. And then you see long-haired Goku fighting a smoke demon bug dragon thing in the city and you're like,
I don't think so. Because even if you are a martial artist, let's say you and I decide, oh right, we're hitting the gym, we're hitting the games with Martin McAllister and you know, eventually we're going to get Bozy so ripped and everything, we're going to just rip the shirts off and be like, oh look at us, that does not help you in the world out of Dragon Ball. Because even with Mr Satan, he's got the money, the fame, the charisma to lie.
isn't it? have at least two of those things. But you can't use that to fight up Majambu or i mean even Goku Black for good sake or demigods and aliens and warlords. Okay, in fairness, by the time it got to that point in the series, were they actually looking for the Dragon Balls or was it just the villain of the arc kind of situation? Did Bippity Boppity, was he looking for the Dragon Balls? Was that his intention?
I'm like, Sal didn't care about them, to my memory. Frieza was the last one

Dragon Balls as Heirlooms

that seemed to actually care about the Dragon Balls. And so, yeah, you wouldn't want to deal with him. What's interesting as well is that prior to the events of Dragon Ball, no one had collected and made this wish for such a long time that some of the Dragon Balls had passed in into people's family outfits. No, yeah, family outfits. They become like family heirlooms for some places. They've been found probably generations prior, and then there's hanging about in their home. Whereas the witches we made, they fly off into different corners of the world, turn into stones for a bit, then is it a year you have to wait? Yeah. nothing fun yeah So after a year they can become active again, you can use your scanner to go find them. There's a good chance that they're just in a field or somewhere or the bottom of like a pond and so they're not that hard to get. You're not having to fight someone for them unless they also have a scanner but it doesn't seem like many people do. Well that's the scary thing about when Martin and I a couple of weeks ago we were watching Dragon Ball Fusion Reborn and there's a scene when Goten and Trunks are looking for the Dragon Balls and they find one of them in a golf hole They're a big golf hole. Yeah. I'm always surprised by the size of the dragon balls though. Sometimes they're a Merlin's head and other times they're snooker balls. Well I'm about to I'm actually you here but I think it's because the earth dragon balls are the snooker balls as you said whereas the big ones that Frieza decides to caress are the Namek ones.
Oh that makes sense. So it's like depending on the culture but then again in super you get the I think it's super dragon balls? I could be wrong. Oh yeah they're like the size of planets aren't they? Yeah and it's like this ridiculous dragon that comes out and it's like I can do anything and it's like I'm the ultimate dragon, and the other dragons can suck it. I mean I think there's another dragon. Isn't there a bad dragon in one of the movies or in GT or something? Yeah it's in GT, it's the Black Star Dragon Balls where if you use them they scatter throughout the universe and you have to collect them all and unfortunately for some weird reason they don't collect them all. So the planet gets blown up but they all transport elsewhere. Really really weird. Interesting.

Corrupted Dragon Balls from GT

but that's the thing though, they make a big thing and I can't believe I'm saying this but that was an interesting thing in GT where it was like if you used the Dragon Balls too much then they would get corrupted over time um and then the Dragons would leak out of them. That's why they have to fight all the Dragons at the end of GT. I get the feeling that there would be a lot of people heavily invested in finding them, including the Red Ribbon Army. which is weird to think that that was probably the worst thing you could encounter and then all of a sudden it's like oh how could it get any worse and then they bring out the androids and you're like oh dear oh dear it's time to go home back to my nine to five but here's a question for you let's say you got isekai'd into the world of and i don't know have you played xenoverse before i've not no i've only ever played god i don't know the cold cold i played one of the dragon ball fighting games before but i've not played xenoverse So the basic premise is says you make up your OC donut steel and they have got a whole time patrol they're called where it's like you get sent to different points in Dragon Ball history, you have to correct them as you're OC. It's actually really cool but you get the choice to create either a human character with superhuman strength, you get Saiyans, Frost demons, I'm just calling them Frost demons but you know, Freezers race. You also get the choice to have a Magin character in the making.

Choosing Powers or Race in Dragon Ball

Putting it on to you here, let's say you got swept up into this and you had to basically choose what type of superpower you were essentially going to get, which race would you choose out of those and why would it be saying?
I mean, if you're a margin, you can just have candy whenever. That is good reasoning. I'm not going to lie. Namekian has regrowing limbs ability. That'd be pretty handy for all the times my limbs get cut off. If I had a hand for every time my limbs got cut off, I'd have that hand back. Yeah, no, I was going to say, i going back to the curtain here, you're working a very dangerous job where you keep getting your hands cut off. Admin. Yes, it's not sustainable, but anyway.
I don't know. I mean, the cool answer is probably saying, because you get to go Super Saiyan if you're one of the one in 30 million Saiyans who are able to achieve that. But if I'm going to be Sakai, then probably I'm a chosen one who gets to go Super Saiyan, so that'd be pretty cool, I guess.
Turning things like candy does seem most useful. I seem to be pretty content in my child-like simplicity. I'll go say it. Are you sure? Because you made a very compelling argument. I did. I know. I'm very good at what I do. But I think for general not being a pink blobby thing, I probably would rather be a same. I mean, you can be a short blobby thing as well. No, I think I'd rather not be a blobby thing. I think if given the choice of being a blobby thing or not a blobby thing, I think I'd rather not be a blobby thing. Fair. What about you? See, it's a hard thing because obviously for the cool factor, you want to say say and you want to be like, oh, let me go super say oh and you know, go super same one to three and all of that. But I'm going to be honest, I'm not much of a fighter in real life. But is that because you can't turn your hair blonde? Because that might be a big factor. Yeah, I've got to ask Martin McAllister about that.
Oh, he's gonna kill me for that joke. But what would I do with Super Saiyan? That's the thing. You'd get the groceries really fast. Well, that would be handy. Instant transmission. But then you could probably wear an instant transmission as a powered up human. Have you seen anything do it? That is also a fair point. That's the thing though. Namekians? Yeah, there's probably no Magens? Nah. Frost demons? Where? Why? That's the thing. As cool as they are, why would you choose that? Praises race?
Ah, yeah. Imagine going to the shops and being like, who could want to see a magic trick? And then you change into form 3 or 4 or whatever. That would just be useless. The xenomorph looking freezer. Yeah, exactly. Again, you're just looking to scare people. Nah, I'm not all about that, I have to say. And again, it would be cool to be a scene in a way, but then there's also the caveat that do you turn into a scene with a tail or without a tail? I'd rather not turn to Ozaru in a full moon, if I could. But I mean, that's the thing though, you wouldn't get a choice if you had the tale. Imagine we were recording an episode and I'll look out and go, oh cool, it's a full burp!
ah Do I know going into it that will happen? Oh, there's the monkey paw, isn't it? You want to be a saying, oh, granted, but you've got the tail. If I know that I'm going to have the tail, then I'll cut it off and that will just immediately solve of it. But like, if I'm oblivious to what a saying is in the repercussions of having this tail, then I'd be like, oh, nifty, tail. And then the full moon comes and you say, and then I'm like, I'm a big gorilla man. go I can fire atomic blast out of my mouth like Godzilla. I was going to say that's like 90% of our dialogue for the past couple of episodes. What do you think, Ozaru Andrew? I mean then again, I think the worst scenario for me is if instead of a monkey tail it looks like a red panda tail and it'd just be like, this is the worst sane transformation. but
So that's the thing, because you would probably go for the boring option. See if it was real life, I don't know, very boring to think about, but if it was real life, obviously you would go for a powered up superhuman and whatnot, but if it was the Dragon Ball world as we established at the beginning, No one would really bat an eye, because I mean we've had Namekians lay golf and things on Earth, we've had Saiyans kicking about, we've had Magens, eventually good Magens running around. So do you know what would be my main worry though about turning into something like a Saiyan? Because let's face it, although obviously if I had that power you would use it for good, great power, great responsibility etc. But I don't be world ending tournament And you're just like, nah, I'm good. Bugger off, I'm recording a podcast. Vegeta would. Vegeta would totally be a Joe Rogan. I mean, I suppose the alternative is you say, nah, I'm good. And you don't accept any power up or even worse. Right, here's your three options, right? You turn into a Super Saiyan or rather a Saiyan as a whole with the possibility of getting a monkey tail and getting roped into a multi-dimensional tournament, you decide not to have it and, you know, just return in the camera radio or human. Or you go the unlocked potential route slash a mystic route. Mystic Satsu. I would hate that. Mystic Green Shield. Nothing's changed. Exactly. I was special all along.
was the friends you made along the way. And then I get my ass completely kicked by myself or whoever. Whoever ends up passing by. Because I think at the beginning he would be fine if it was the Red Ribbon Army or you heard about bandits and things and you lived in the city and you're like, oh how

Dragon Ball's Sci-Fi Fantasy Blend

uncouth do you know? But at least it's rooted in fantasy essentially. But then the further you go into the series obviously you get more world ending vents, you're gonna have to really worry that you're gonna get someone who is either gonna drink you or gonna turn you into candy. It's sci-fi fantasy if you will. That's what it seems like, doesn't it? Very much a science fantasy universe. Yeah, Dragon Ball very much is the textbook science fiction fantasy story that like combines both the fantasy element and the science fiction element. I was going to say this isn't your granddaddy, Dragon Ball. I'll try to get another example, like Warhammer 40k maybe would be kind of another good example of that. Yeah, first of all I'm proud of you for making a Warhammer 40k reference to begin with but yeah, you're completely right. It's very much a rom-com of science fiction meets fantasy. yeah It's an interesting one for sure and I think that's what makes it so unique though because jokes aside, world ending events aside, aliens trying to kill you, bandits trying to rob you etc. The Dragon Ball universe would be a really comfy place to live, wouldn't it? Generally, yeah. The people living in the city seem like they've got a pretty good life. There's also a very accepting society. There are animal people living with your average human Joes. It's very high-tech. You're not really seeing much poverty in this world, as far as I can recall. Maybe in the outskirts there aren't in the cities there is. In the cities themselves, it's not. If you ignore the impoverished people that aren't in the city, or you're doing okay, but... Thanks, Capsule Corp.
If you're those allegories for other countries that they bring in from the martial arts tournament or that dude who's South Asian comes along and you get his backstory about how he's fighting to save his village and you get the montage of his daughter needing her daddy to save the day so they can be fed and then Goku just like punches him in the face repeatedly and he's like, ha, no food for you. I'm going to eat this giant mammoth leg. Oh, dragon ball.
ah Well, yeah. Do you know, initially, I thought you were talking about another character because my mind was in Dragon Ball Z there. And then immediately, as soon as you said South East Asian, I was like, oh, God, I know he's exactly the character you're talking about there. Yeah, South Asian themed character. And then there was jaw-dropping racial caricature of a black American character. I think it was Dragon and Ball, not Dragon and Ball Z. Yeah. But I we were wrong it was not okay it was really bad and do you remember that vaguely yeah there's a lot of characterors i have to say that and especially with and it could be wrong. but I think there's a very dodgy portrayal of a camp gentleman, I'm going to say that in the nicest way possible, and at the end of Z. Yeah, I think it's someone trying to flirt with Trunks. or something and it's like what the hell and I know that's obviously done for their are very odd brand of humour as it were but yeah there's a lot of very mixed designs when it comes to the draggable universe as awareness especially with the martial arts tournaments as well and of course Vegeta decides just to blow them up anyway so that would suck as well if you saved all your money and I know

Impact of Power Scaling on Tournaments

that comes into the whole power scaling thing but can you imagine that if you were
training all year and you're like okay last year I didn't do as well but you know this year I really think I've got a chance and then you see a poor young girl getting bodyslammed by a big beefy body builder with a big M on his head and everything and you're like yes screw this my family doesn't need to eat that much and you just leave. That would probably ruin your enjoyment of the sport wouldn't it? Well, that's the thing. It felt a lot more grounded in the earlier season or the earlier part of the series where this big scary guy with his secret crane move might beat our main character. Whereas, you know, no human is going to be on the same level. Even the Yamptures of Dragon Ball, you're not going to get past him. And so it now just becomes completely redundant. And so they they now rig it so that Mr. Satan will win because he pays them to do that. If you can get drawn in a way, you get to face Satan at the end, then you have a decent chance of winning. He's a pretty skilled martial artist.
but you at least have a chance. Whereas if you draw against like Tien, then there's a good chance you'll die. Whereas prior to that, you had a decent chance. And if you trained real hard, you did the best kung fu of your life, maybe you would win the Tenkai Sen Chai. Ten... what was it called? Tenkai Bodokai? Eh, close enough.
Damn it, what was it called? Let me find out. It was the Somethin' Budokai. You're right. It's a world martial arts tournament. Tenkai Budokai. Tenkai Chi Budokai. The number one under heaven martial arts gathering. Wow, spoilers. Goku is winner of Tenkai Budokai.
by know next time on dragon ball the but like Well that's a big issue with living in the Dragon Ball world, everything is just spoiled constantly by this narrator. Imagine you were just going down the street, you go to the movie, you go see the hit new Mr. Satan movie, and then like in a nutshell he goes, Mr. Satan does die a dent? And you're like, ugh. Well now I don't need to go. Do you know what cripple a lot of people's self-esteem. But imagine you were going on a date, right? And you're like, I don't know if this date's gonna go well or I'm really nervous about meeting this person and whatnot. And then all of a sudden you hear, you know, the ending music. track him out and it's like, will this person succeed in their date? Or will they, mess it up, find out tomorrow in the sky, messes up his date and will never feel the touch of another human being?
you like um that's the thing does everyone have their own narrator or is it a collective thing if you've seen that thing in dragonbokai where goku does like a summary of the next episode it's like hey it's me goku and then all of a sudden it cuts to him being really serious So it's like, hey, it's me, Goku. You bastard! And it's like, oh, Goku, Jesus. Like, come down. Oh, that would be horrific, wouldn't it? You're like, ugh, what a terrible day, but you know what? Tomorrow at work, I'll be better. and I'll be able to work through my problems. You see a preview of tomorrow where you're just getting the shit beaten out of you. Yeah. ah Give it your milk, buddy. It's like, I'm working it up. You're just like watching a horror as you see ah an image flowing with just your head being plunged in a toilet repeatedly.
Join us next time on Swirly Balls. You will never get to sleep again. Also, this is my favourite OC character now. The narrator or? Not even in the narrator. It's like, you know how you've got the pantheon of dragon ball gods. You've got King Yemma. You've got King Kai. You've got the Supreme Kai. You've got Grand Kai. You've got both the Kais of insert any direction here. But then above that, you've got the Lord of Destruction. You've got the Angels. You've got Gran Zeno. imagine if just above that there's just the narrator that sees everything. It's a bit like you I suppose in Star Trek. A being that knows everything that's going to happen but they just do things to dick with you. so you have like the law of destruction other other deities
This is the thing as well, because and obviously not that I'm on a deep dive of religion in the Dragon Ball universe. Ah, who am I kidding? That's part of my degree. um Do you do dissertation on it? Dissertation on Dragon Ball religion. The world would be a better place if we all wished each other back. You know that meme of like what the world would be like if X had happened kind of thing and it shows a futuristic world? Yeah. The image is just the Dragon Ball South City kind of thing with all like the flying cars and Capsule Corp and stuff. As she said though, there's a rich pantheon of different gods there, but no one really talks about them. You know, they obviously have their own beliefs and religions and whatnot, and Tien's one of the key examples of that based off of the Enlightenment. eye Yeah, Enlightenment Buddhism, that kind of thing. But I don't think anybody really worships King Kai because they don't really know about him. It doesn't make his presence known, and the thing about the god of destruction as well is obviously he wouldn't make his presence known. because
Because... Yeah, exactly. Just blow up the world with a lick of his finger. guard Sometimes these gods just exist for plot reasons. You know, I'm just laughing that they thought of a very devout person going to Dragon Ball heaven as it were. And it's like, it's like a good news and bad news. Good news is there are gods.
but it says you're goingnna have to fight everyone up um It's like a spiritual version of Scott Pilgrim versus the world. You'll be very confused when you get there. The religion that you chose, they're like, actually, it's not quite what you thought. It's kind of like a combination of several things because we have Christian Hell. Christian Hell exists.
And we have some bodybuilders that are there to help you. And then we also have a big queue to get into some sort of purgatory-esque kind of place until you get wished back. And then there's loads of East Asian afterlife influences. It seems like a very odd combination of different philosophies for an afterlife. Yeah, it's like they kind of stuck them in the blender and said, that would do.
I know exactly what you mean because obviously if we were getting sorted we probably wouldn't even get a body. We'd probably be one of those you know the blobs? Yeah. Why don't some get bodies the summer blobs? Personally I think that's an animation thing. I wish I could say oh it's probably because of the thing but can you imagine drawing all those bodies every single time you wanted to? Well I suppose that's what an animator does but yeah I personally think it's probably to cut corners and just make them tiny ghost people. What? Akira Toriyama didn't do that. He definitely didn't choose Goku's hair to be blonde when he went super thin because he was tired of colouring it in. I am so glad you brought that up. but
He doesn't just name characters after things he sees around his house. Oh and that's actually something I wanted to ask you before the end of the episode. What would your saying name be? Because obviously, Satsanami isn't my real name. I know. Shout corner, listener. I know. But that would probably fit into the naming scheme of being a saying because it's named off of a fruit. So it's like a fruit pun. But what would yours be? See, it can't be just... Just the fruit. It can't be just the fruit. It has to be like a change on it but ever so slightly and often it's just like, it's... spelt
differently and then it's pronounced kind of weird. So instead of something like a saying called Lettuce, they'd be called Lettuce. Yeah, oh there'd be like an extra couple of letters ahead of it. So it'd be like F-L-L-T-U-S. What, like Kill Lettuce? Oh that would be a good one. That sounds like an edgy boys gamer tag from Till's Night. XXX kill Lettuce. XXX. No mom, not eating my salad. Kill Lettuce. Yeah. You knock it away, see if this podcasting thing doesn't work out. Do you want this star on me?
Kill that ass! One, two, three, four! Oh god, anyway, my de-dreams are saying... Oh, said I eat my vegetables! I said no way! Don't want it! Anyway, you can listen to the full album over at Spotify. Yes, more like. Go to my Soundcloud link. More Soundcloud rappers now. Do people still use Soundcloud, or have I just aged this episode? I mean, I dunno, do they? What I'm asking is, do people in the Dragon Ball universe use Soundcloud? Are there wrappers in Dragon Ball? You know there is. Are there mumble wrappers in Dragon Ball? Oh god there probably is. Probably like a whole Ginyu force worth of them. Oh can you imagine there'd be like a Ginyu Kpop band? I mean that would be another thing that would be ruined for you. Space exploration. Why would that be ruined for you?
You go to see other planets and then it's like, oh, it's been conquered by Frieza. He's about to kill me. And then they send the next NASA scientists and they get blown up on Namek or something after one Namek minute or something. Well, in fairness, I don't think anyone has done that. It seemed like the only people when they found Piccolo's spaceship and we're like, all right, off we go. And they flew off. It seemed that was the first people ever loaded to space. capsule corp without their own space ships? Oh yeah they did but they aren't mentioned going into space and doing stuff so I have no idea. Well they went into fake Namek remembering. But that was our Dragon Ball guys doing that. Has anyone outside of that done it? Oh god can you imagine being an astronaut and this where it's like you look up and you see a bunch of martial artists in a cat.
a purple cat fighting in space and you're like, man, I chose the wrong career. It would be like that scene from Modern Warfare 2, you know, when you're playing as the astronaut and you just get blown back. It's all like that and just, ah! No. That's the thing though, I'm not saying the wonder's not there, but it would be more the depressing side of Star Trek in the sense that there would be a high mortality rate in terms of it's like, so you want to be an

Worst Jobs in Dragon Ball Universe

astronaut? And all the kids are like, my daddy was an astronaut. But yeah, I don't know, what would you say the worst job would be in this universe? I mean, other than rebuilding, although I'm assuming they've got robots for that, but capsule maker maybe? Mmm, probably the admin person in heaven that has to go through all those people dying just constantly. Yeah, but in the land of the living though. Mmm. The guy who cleans Doctor Giro's lab maybe? Yeah, any he kind of grunt work in the Red Ribbon Army kind of suck. Yeah, it'd be like the Jesse and James treatment, don't worry, we'll catch that son Goku. And then instead of getting blasted away, you literally get blasted to oblivion. Unless you joined a gang, but again, is that a sustainable model of living? To join the peel-off gang? I mean, we tried it, it didn't really work. No, there was too much clicking, that was the thing. We both kept breaking out into song about lettuce apparently, so you still haven't answered that question.
I'm getting my journalist moment here. That's a damn question Andrew. Nah jokes aside, again going back to an earlier point, I do think that if you had a house in the middle of nowhere and you weren't as likely to have bodybuilders and jumbros fighting above you, it wouldn't be the worst thing, you know? He would be able to live off the land and I suppose have a peaceful life. Travel to the

Monsters and Creatures Threat

city. Yeah. One thing we haven't really discussed is the monsters that seem to exist in the world as well. This is dinosaurs are just about. Well, that is true. Yeah. And like they're pretty sentient, smart dinosaurs as well. And dragons as well. Yeah, but you don't really see those very much. ah You take that back.
but i say Yeah, no, you're right. It's a little giant fish as well. Yeah, it looks like tabsy, terrifying creatures. and You would never go in the water because that would be to be horrible. I mean, other than obviously the monstrosities that King Pickle births, I suppose is the right word, like tambourine et al. But I mean, there's also shapeshifters, which I don't know how to feel about, I'm going to be honest.
Yeah, there's a lot of Eastern origin magic kind of stuff going on, witches and shady. There's like vampires and stuff at some points in the original Dragon Ball. That's true. There's some pretty freaky stuff going on in the world if you're just an average Joe or a lower powered protagonist. potential unlocked, individualil thank you very much. Mystic person. Mystic Joe. If you had the power to defend yourself, then absolutely this kind of world wouldn't be a problem. But again, even if you went camping, thinking back to Cooler's Revenge, which I still don't get why they call it Cooler's Revenge, but it's a whole other rant. but you know they were just camping in that one and then they got attacked by like a frog man and another underling before cooler finally shows up so imagine you're fishing you know in the middle of nowhere then all of a sudden bam you get explosions but like that was just to a couple of people how likely is that going to be to me when do i go fishing tell you never which actually reminds me do you want to go fishing this weekend oh no what's the forecast like for alien attacks
It's really mild, I think, yeah. You know that would be a job, wouldn't it? Tracking how likely a city's gonna get absolutely devastated. Do you remember in the early 2000s, America used to have different terror level warnings? They were like, today's yellow, keep vigilant for terror. Do we not still have that though? I haven't seen it discussed. I think it was quite a common thing in the early to mid 2000s. American Dad makes a joke about it in the very first episode. I'm not depressed enough to check what our level is. How terrified should I be? Yeah, should I be mildly or is this going to be a day where I consult the narrator on the sky? Follow next time!
Oh, I don't want to go to her. You definitely won't get flushed down the toilet. Really? Mmm, maybe? but Okay. But in summary, is this a world you would like to live in? Yeah, okay. The benefits outweigh the negatives. I think that you have a pretty good life, it seems. And yeah, you might die, but your city might be fine. You might get wished back.
That's a risk I'm willing to take. Properly all good. There's an opportunity to maybe get some Dragon Balls and make a wish to change your life for the better. True. Oh god, can you imagine that? The company bingo thing. Where it's like Janet from Accounting or something. Well it gets up to seven Dragon Balls as a bingo prize. No but like one Dragon Ball, can you imagine that? Oh Janet from Accounting, here you go here's one four star Dragon Ball and it's like how the hell did you get that? I don't know. My grandad gave it to me and I just left it in the loft. At what point would people become aware of what they are and then we're just like selling them on eBay? Well, they'd be selling fake ones, surely. True. I wonder how you get an appraiser to be like, yeah, this is a genuine one. You can't really know until all seven are gathered together. It's like, how could you tell the big dragon in the sky?
guess if you're if you're a scanner you can tell pretty easily you know antiques roadshow would be wild in this universe or what's our other one you know the town shop one po stars it could be ah where it's like oh yeah we've got the sort of an ancient warar called tipion and you know it was sealed inside a magical okriina
I guess if you're a scanner you can tell pretty easily. Zenny is such a baffling currency that they were like, yes, this is 30 million Zenny. In actuality, that's £300. I mean, on the plus side, the economy seems to be really strong in this universe because nobody uses, as far as I know anyway, it could be a Dragon Ball fan, a way to punch me in the face with this, but no one else really uses any other currency. You know, obviously they've got things to trade and whatnot. Maybe it's like Star Trek where it's become like a unified planet where everyone uses the same currency. Yeah, I'd like to think that, so the economy's good. Probably less likely to have a cost of living crisis. Well, I say cost of living crisis, but then you get a risk of life crisis when the next alien threat comes down. That's where you invest your stocks into these weapons.
Do you know, there was an episode of Dragon Ball, it was one of the fellow episodes before the Cell games where I think it's Goku and Gohan, they protect a village and Goku comes across, I think it's General Tao from Dragon Ball but he's absolutely terrified because he realises who Goku is and he sees how powerful he is and he gets the hell out of there but he's protecting these, I think it's gangsters or so whatnot and they have this glass of bubble over them and they're like, oh, you can't get in here, this is

Defense Business Opportunities in Dragon Ball

sell-proof. And then he basically prods it with his finger and it absolutely shatters to pieces. And you know, it makes the point of, oh, well, if I can do that, then sell death and it will be be able to blow you to kingdom come. So I think defense companies would definitely be in the zeny there. They'd just be like, yeah, here's a bunker and they protect against key blasts.
Maybe, maybe. Does this one come with extra anti-key? Well, maybe. I don't know, do you just rent a bunker for the day? Let's dig a hole. Dig a hole? Yeah, get an Anderson shelter going. and ah I mean that's probably the best thing you could do is just have like an underground bunker kind of thing. I mean technically and again me putting on an air glass is they technically have one in the Goku Black Arc where they're all underground and they've got the big tunnel system and whatnot so maybe again it's not sustainable to live like that constantly and if you have the latest threat whether it be as a joke unless I do the beginning androids aliens twins of aliens that kind of thing then Yeah, you'd be pretty screwed. So for me personally, I'm a bit mixed. If it was peaceful enough, then probably, but I feel as if there's probably as many terrors in the Pokémon world as there are in this world. out At least in the Pokémon world you can fight back with your Pokémon, or as we established in that episode with Metapods.
attached to you but yeah in this world I don't know I'm gonna be honest it's quite a difficult one but seeing in that though have you got any final closing thoughts about this world?

Pros and Cons of Living in Dragon Ball Universe

Not much just to say that the Dragon Ball world you kind of often kind of think of it and just like a oh can't see living in fear everyone just dies all the time and some people die you get wishback you're fine life's pretty good I think living in there is an average show we find if you're a super powered individual you're then to kind of getting involved with the fights little bit scarier I guess. But if you have the training to fight back, they seem to be really into fighting. It's kind of their whole deal. So they'd be probably pretty content with their life too. So I don't really have much else to say other than, yeah, I'd live there. But I mean, they've got, and I could totally be wrong here, but I'm sure they've got other sports as well other than martial arts. Because was it not a rugby or American football team that tried to be upsell at one point? Yeah, I think you're right. I think it was like ah an American football team And I mean, you've got baseball as well, which I know is obviously the Japanese influence from American culture sleeping in there, but yeah, you've pretty much got most American sports there. So I guess if you were a sports fan, you would be fine.
But then you come up again, you you come up against Yamcha at the plate, and then you're screwed. Yeah, then they have would just make everything boring. You'd be like, oh, great. Here's Yamcha. Yamcha threw a fastball at 300 miles an hour again past the batter. It has impaled the short stop. No. Watch out, Sue. Nice. I sure remember the guy who stands at the mitt behind the batter. You're asking the wrong guy. Yeah. Can you say umpire versus the referee? What, the catcher? No. No.
I think so. Or maybe everybody's a catcher. Anyone in the outfield that's not batting is a catcher. Yeah, sure. Next week, we talk a bit too tall. I think the Orioles have a really good chance this year, Satsui. The what? The Orioles. The Orioles. Oh, go to it. The Hunter X Dumbers of the world.
Well, I don't know, but personally, I'll be betting on them as opposed to the, sorry, let me check my notes here, the saiyajins? Nah, they've got no chance. The saiyajins don't have a chance at all. So next week, I'm going to talk about my financial investments and to totally fill their strategies. Dragon Ball stonks. Exactly. Dragon Ball stonks. On the next episode of Dragon Ball stonks, you've lost all your money. Oh. Put it all on Goku Black.
ah And on that note, Andrew, thank you so, so much for joining me in this fun-filled episode. Thank you so much for having me. It was really good fun so having back and forth about the pros and cons of the Dragon Ball universe. And as always, before we wrap up, where can these lovely Pandolorian listeners find your content? The lovely listeners can find myself on many other episodes of Chat Tsunami. You can find that wherever good podcasts are found. We recently just did the episode on Dragon Ball Evolution, and also an episode on the English dub of Ghost Stories. You can find that at Chatsunami, where a really good podcast is found, as well as the website, Also on Twitter, at Chatsunami, and on Patreon, slash Chatsunami. Thank you to our Patreons this month, Robotic Battle Tester and Sonya. We really appreciate
our panel or on Patreons. You can get episodes one week at a time, exclusive content, and they can get it all for as little as one pound a month. One pound a month? One pound a month. You can also find me and Satsu on our other podcast, Stop, Drop and Roll Initiative, a dozen dragons, tabletop podcast with ourselves, Brestler, Mark McAllister, and Twitch streamer, Royal Battle Toaster. That can be found at Stop, Drop and Roll Initiative, or SDRI Pod, wherever good podcasts are found, and at SDRI Pod on Twitter. Did I cover all the bases there? Yeah, I would say so. Well done. Well done. Thank you. Yeah, as you said, you can check out all of our past Dragon Ball episodes as well as episodes between ourselves at our wonderful website,, as well as all the podcast apps. And as you mentioned before, thank you so much to Robotic Battlesisters and Sonya. You guys are the best. And yeah, you've listed it perfectly. You know, you put me out of job, Andrew. I mean... Put me out of job. That's the plan, so... And yeah, we joked but for as little as £1 a month you can support us with those juicy, exclusive benefits. So definitely check us out at forward slash Chattsunami. But until then, thank you all so so much for listening. Next week we are going on to the rousing finale of Dragon Ball Month. On the next exciting episode of Chattsunami Z, we'll be doing a trivia episode. Andrew does win trivia. To be confirmed.
ah But yeah, join us next week for this amazing trivia episode and also finale of this wonderful month. So as always, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly, stay hydrated.
with a city in ruins, and their Dragon Balls bought off of the internet. Will Satsunami be able to wish for a better podcast? Will he finally be able to edit his backlog of episodes? And will I ever stop harassing him? Probably not. Hey! Find out in the next exciting episode of Chatsunami Z!