Today we used our imagination hats to hear from Rahab! She was brave and helped God’s people. Parents, here are some fun conversation starters you can use this week:
*(Ages 2-4) Ask, “What did God do that was amazing in this story?” The walls of Jericho fell down when the people waked around it and blew horns
*(Ages 5-10) Ask, “What do you think the God’s people thought about His battle plan?” “Do you think their confidence grew after they watched the walls tumble down?”
*(Ages 10-12) As a family, decide to make a difference in someone’s life by showing them God’s love in a tangible way. Who can you help?
One last thing! This week, Hannah asked you, " Where can God use you as a helper?”. Send in your kid's answer by texting a voice memo to 636-280-5433 and they could be featured in next week's episode! *By sending in a voice memo, you’re providing consent for your minor’s voice to be on the podcast*
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