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Streamer Spotlight: CaptainHeartTHP image

Streamer Spotlight: CaptainHeartTHP

S1 E17 · Chatsunami
268 Plays3 years ago

In this episode, Satsunami interviews his friend and fellow streamer CaptainHeartTHP. After knowing each other for a while, the duo discuss their streaming experience throughout 2020 as well as what it means to them.

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If you want to check out CaptainHeartTHP then please check him out here!

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Introduction and Guest Background

Welcome to Chatsunami.
Hello everyone and welcome to another special episode of Chat Tsunami. I'm Sat Tsunami and today I have the very special privilege of being joined by quite possibly one of my very first streamer friends on Twitch. You might already know him. He is an awesome streamer from America and he also hosts his own podcast called It Is The Captain's Quarters, isn't it? Or is it just Captain's Quarters?

First Meeting and Early Networking

uh just captain's quarters captain's quarters it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't matter i mean technically it's the you know the show to be in the captain's quarters um thank you so much for joining me tonight oh no problem so yeah before we kind of get into you know talking about the meat of like our experiences and just with you know streaming and things i'm just trying to remember when we both actually met because my god it was a long time ago wasn't it
Uh, yes, it was actually vaguely remember, remember kind of how we met. Uh, it was back when you had the moon as your profile picture on Twitter. Oh, it was a long ago. Yeah. And we were both kind of doing the, we didn't know it at the time, but we were in the kind of like the follow for follow thing, but not aware that that's what it was. And I just saw the moon and, uh, there was something about the post you made that I was just like,
I'll, uh, I'll check this guy out. And I think I may have commented. I was like, Hey, I'll swing by later. And you were playing doom. And it was like the next day I was at work. I saw you go live playing doom. And I just jumped in and completely neglected all the jobs I was supposed to do in and watched you and the rest is history.
I mean, honestly, it is kinda weird to see when you're on Twitter. I think at the beginning I wasn't really sure how to use Twitter, so it's quite hard to see when you're putting your name out. Like, have you ever felt this when you were beginning, that you put your name out and say things like, oh I'm going live or I'm streaming and no one really kind of, like...
not pays attention but you know like you don't get as much attention until like you start kind of interacting with other streamers and things on like twitter but yeah my god just when you said that that my profile picture was the moon because because i'm looking at like the channel point redemption just now and it's just a small picture of a panda waving like a red panda waving and i feel as if the red panda now is just so like synonymous with the channel now but back then it wasn't even like a
floating my mind. It was just like, I'll throw up any picture that I've taken. And yeah, I think the moon was probably just the best. Yeah, probably the best picture that I had

Building Community and Branding

at the time. I think you changed it from the moon to your first picture of a red panda. The follow, I think the next week, within a week or two, I remember you did not have the moon long after I met you. As for the interacting with other streamers, that is true. It's not about just hitting go live.
and sitting in front of a camera or not sitting in front of a camera but just hitting live and going. There's nuance to it. There's figuring it out. There's figuring out your style, what people like about you. You and I have a different style. I'd like to think that we're both very welcoming individuals to an extent.
But I don't like I just said, you can't just press go live and sit there. It doesn't work that way. And you need to talk to people. You need to interact. Because if you just sit there and you don't do anything like no one's going to come through that like they're going to check out your Twitter and they're going to see 500 going live posts. But that's like they're not getting a feel for your personality whatsoever. They're just like this dude just posting, hey, I'm live.
hey I'm live like you know if you post something funny or sometimes I post tweets and like they don't get any likes but I'm just like throwing out like my opinion on something or something I think is funny so no it's absolutely worth doing that though isn't it because like I've had similar things where it's like I don't get any likes on a particular post or something but it's just like something random that's come to mind that like I'll throw out there and I feel as if that is better for like later on when people look back
like at your page and see like what kind of person you are. I suppose both as a streamer and you know like at how you present yourself out there. Here's a question for you. Do you think that is quite important being able to kind of I don't want to say brand yourself you know like a company but you know like to you know to kind of set yourself up as you know your kind of streamer self if you know what I mean.
as well as like showing your personal side, I suppose.

Streamers' Personas and Audience Interaction

Yeah, when it comes to like, like, like you mentioned, kind of setting yourself up like you have like, almost everybody kind of has like a something of persona when they're streaming or doing YouTube videos, to an extent, that is a it's like a facsimile of yourself. It's like either more exaggerated version of yourself or more
It's like you're putting a mask, like a kind of shield up on yourself in a way. Like I'm usually a giggly mess when I'm playing or I'm scared, which is genuine. I genuinely get scared when I'm playing horror games. And then for instance, the other day I was playing Rollercoach Tycoon and I had a couple of viewers, which I see in chat right there. Actually, I see two of them right there. Two of these guys made me build bathrooms, made me drown people in water.
Jesus. I was getting yeah, rollercoaster. I mean, and it just it escalated until someone died on rollercoaster tycoon. And then on top of that, it was like I was genuinely getting irritated that I was losing money because I thought I was going to lose the level. But I ended up winning, but I had fun with it. It was a lot of fun and I'm going to do it again. But
i just kind of went on a tangent there yeah but uh i'm just kind of glancing through chat there i know we're gonna get to that later i see you it kind of says a lot though doesn't it about the fact that like as a streamer you can do that kind of stuff with the chat if you didn't have that kind of community and you just
Can you imagine if you loaded up Raw Coaster Tycoon without that community and just being like, okay, today we're gonna just drown a couple of people and we're gonna just do this and that. People would just be coming in, just be like, wait, what? What are we gonna do?
today, but it's really cool though that, well not really, I'm not advocating for you know like Sims level kind of horror game, but you know it's good that like you're able to kind of at least interact with your chat, or not interact but you know like have that kind of community feel.
Yeah. If, if I had just booted up roller coaster tycoon without like having the community and the friends that I have in chat, like then I don't think it would have gone anywhere. I might've been because it's such an old game. It's, you know, to come out in 2000, it's 21 years old. Come on, man.
like it just I'm at a loss because I'm so I feel really lucky to be able to have like the small like group of friends I mean I consider everybody that kind of just hangs out in my chat friends but I just feel very lucky to be able to have like the small group of people that I do have
that enjoy, you know, hanging out, watching me either scream or just have fun, get mad. And I think I just missed what you were asking me. I apologize. So feel free to reword the question as many times as you like.

Personal Challenges and Maintaining Balance

No, just kind of jumping off at that point. Did you ever expect that, though, when you kind of started off streaming?
like that you were gonna get this like tight-knit community of like people that you know you do consider friends and everything. No I did not like I when I first started my first stream was I want to say one of the first stream streams I ever uh did was either Bloodborne or
something or another. I mean, I don't even really remember, to be honest, under the Captain Heart moniker, that is. And then I did some Dragon Ball fighters. I tried various things and I really didn't. One of the first kind of big ones I did was Resident Evil 4, which I kind of I felt like that's kind of where I started getting like a little bit of traction. I was like, OK, like maybe this is what it is. And then I was watching you like upgrade your channel, like working hard. I was
looking at naff constantly upgrading. Cause at that point I had met him a little bit, but I still hadn't like become real good friends with him. And then I just kept kind of jumping around and then I played vice city and I met like rave gummy came in on vice city. And that's where I kind of like, I started getting more traction. Then I did bone works. That was, I want to say bone works is probably like the third big game I did where like I was meeting new people that I now consider friends and
Like just taking chances on stuff. Cause I've tried like VR, my VR streams before that were either hit or miss. So sometimes just taking a chance on a game really can, like if you are enjoying it, people see that they see that you enjoy it or they, you know, they like your reactions and it's just, uh, I don't know. It's just, it's amazing. Like, this is just such a cool journey to be on to meet new people.
I suppose it's like very- that isn't really weird to say it's very unexpected considering the nature of streaming. You know like saying, oh you're you know purposely you're broadcasting yourself out to all these people all over the world and you know obviously you're gonna get like people who are gonna you know come in but I don't know like especially for me I do after my eye was not expecting like
Oh, okay. Don't get me wrong, I met some, yourself included of course, but I have met some amazing people on Twitch and through streaming and everything. It's been such an amazing experience but I completely agree with what you were saying there just about the different games you play and I do think, and again, not trying to be biased for variety streamers,
hashtag variety streamer squad where you're at but I do think that's like a major major bonus that even if you play a game and it is not a hit that doesn't mean that all the other games aren't gonna be hits you know with other people
I think the one for me which was like the major turning point was like, I think it was Sonic Adventure where that was when I started getting my first couple of people coming in, starting to interact a lot more, then I moved on to other things and you're completely right. It's just that kind of snowball effect, isn't it?
yeah it's i don't know it is amazing though it's weird do you have a look back like this is going to sound like so kind of nostalgic and everything like back in our day but do you have a look back and kind of think you know where you started versus you know like where you are just now as a streamer i mean would you say you've changed quite a lot uh from that point like just in terms of streaming i would say
Yeah, I have both in both good and bad ways. I think it's a good and bad change. I say like I think I've improved in some ways and in others I've either regressed or I haven't been I haven't been giving it like 100% like and when I say that I don't mean like I don't when I first started like I like my I like my new setup. I love the lighting I have I love like the camera setup that I put and I like my
my podcast stuff that I have. But in other ways, I feel like whenever I first started, I was like, OK, I got to put the you know, you got to work hard. You really it really is like I don't think some people understand how much goes into this and you still see some people struggling. But it eventually does like pay off.
but like I think it shows so I've had two or three things happen to me where I feel has regressed myself in a way I I ended up getting something of a promotion at work as well as I had a family medical emergency which is still ongoing to this day that eats up some of my time combine that with everything else and I haven't been able to get in people's streams haven't interacted as much on Twitter and you see it like for a while I was I was surprised
and i don't like talking like numbers and stuff like that but there was a veritable point in time where i was averaging like 17 viewers of stream that was like my average and i was really excited and then my internet went out and i think you remember that my internet went out for three weeks or a month actually i had no internet for a month so i couldn't stream
I come back and it's, you know, average of five, six all the time. And that doesn't bother me because I still see the people I love seeing and people still stop in. I just don't have the momentum I had because when all that happened, I had a family, you know, the family medical stuff got worse. So I haven't had as much time to be in people's streams. It makes me feel bad because I love
hopping in my french streams i love hanging out and i don't know life goes on but it can streaming's very hard content creation can be hard unless you just hit the nail on the head and knock it out of the park with like something crazy like topical yeah and it's it's really hard
I mean, it's quite a dangerous mindset. It's like, going back to what you were saying like earlier, say about the follow for follow thing. Like, I don't know if you've seen like, and again I'm not like stereotyping anyone, but there's always that one person who talks about a thing called the grind where it's like,
oh you know like the kind of person that has this very negative stereotype of oh if you want to be a successful streamer you have to stream every single day you know you gotta like push yourself out there and you gotta do this and that very negative things and the reason I say negative is because it's kind of simplifying streaming because as you said we've got things you know going on in our personal lives as well like
streamers aren't robots at the end of the day as much as we wish we were sometimes. But yeah it's I mean like the other day there I had like a huge issue in my house where basically basically my boiler blew up long story short.
It's fixed now, you know, everything's fine, but for those, like, couple of days, like, there was no way I could stream, I couldn't, like, do anything on a PC, I couldn't do any content creation, and although, like, I did kind of worry, you know, thinking, oh no, I can't do this or that, I can't edit for the podcast or anything, I mean at the end of the day, like, we all have to take kind of time to ourselves.
and I do think that that is quite a dangerous mindset when like other streamers come in and they start saying oh this is the way to success and it's like maybe like in the short term like if you kept streaming every day you know you would get like loads and loads of views maybe like by chance but that's like a flash in the pan you know it's not gonna be sustainable because everyone burns out eventually
Like, have you ever felt like that? Like, because I know I have, like, when I was beginning I didn't really have, like, a set schedule and, I mean, I have to admit, like, at the very beginning I got very, like, demoralised with numbers and things when I was looking at other channels and then I was looking at my own channel and thinking, you know, why is mine not working when other people's are? And of course, like, back then there's obviously, like, a whole load of reasons. I mean, I was just basically burning myself out. But, I mean, have you ever felt like that?
Yeah, a lot more than I lit on. As Captain Heart, I try and push forward a very positive environment and just trying to be everyone's friend that I can. And I remember when you were very
and i won't say too much but i i do remember seeing you demoralized and at the time i remember seeing a tweet where or a thing where it's like i don't remember it was either in a chat or like on twitter but someone was like enjoy these while they last because some of these people won't be here and it just hit me and i was like i don't want to see satsunami just vanish because he feels demoralized and that's why i was like kind of pushing you like
You know, don't don't give up like try new things or kind of
work around your brand. And I think you've, you've come a long way. Like I'm very like impressed with everything you do, but like, as, as far as me, anytime, as far as anything, like, I mean, I, I had to turn my numbers off. I mean, I know I talked about numbers just a little bit ago, but seeing people I sh I streamed with or hung out with or hung out in their channels and then seeing them hit like dope, like high double digits. And I'm still sitting, like barely breaking that.

Networking Etiquette and Social Media

It shouldn't be about that. Like,
you should have fun with what you're playing or what you're doing and people can tell that but they can tell if you're not into something. I've gotten demoralized a lot and it reflects big time on either your like statistics or just in person like when people come to your chat if you're demoralized or like not feeling it that day as soon as like normally you know you're like oh hey man what's up like they'll come in and be like
Hey, what's up?" And you'll be like, oh, hi, how are you? Like, it's very obvious. Like, one of the examples, like, I remember actually a specific stream. Like, it is one that actually, I won't say which stream it was, but basically there was a stream where I was really hyped to play, like, a game on stream and basically something happened literally.
probably like half an hour or an hour before the stream and it completely just like knocked the air out of me it was just i was feeling down you know but i thought you know what i should still go ahead and stream and even though like it didn't help because later on in that stream i had lots of technical issues i had audio issues the stream was lagging
everything went wrong you know like on top of that like it would be bad enough if like that thing happened before the stream and then i could kind of like build on it you know and be like right okay let's get into it but that happened and oh it was just the worst and even after the stream like i tried my best to like just power through and be like okay guys let's play through this let's do this but
you know at the end of it you know like people picked up on it that something wasn't right like they were kind of saying oh you didn't sound like yourself and it is it's it is a hard thing especially when people get into streaming and they expect it's going to be like so funny enough i think i was talking to so last time i was talking to another streamer Alex Blurry last time and oh i love him yeah he is such a nice guy obviously
We matched Denim Jackets. Really? When I had him on my podcast, we matched Denim Jackets. Yeah, it was awesome. See, that's what I mean. Just meeting people with the same fashion taste, you know? Yeah, he's cool. I love him. Yeah, he is great. I mean, we were talking about how basically it was like at the time when I was talking to him, I'd read this thing and read it.
I'm sure it was Reddit or it was one of these websites anyway where basically it was someone complaining about streamers and they were basically saying oh why do streamers get you know so much money for you know like for what they're doing things but I honestly feel like is he actually getting into streaming and trying it
I think we definitely have a better kind of understanding of it now compared to people who just assume that all we have to do is turn on the camera or turn on the camera or turn on the stream and be like
yeah you know that's that's all there is because see the amount see if i see one more stream that like i'm not single in any one person but there are some streams i've been into where it is literally someone who is sitting there pan faced focused completely on the game um not even like a challenge run or anything just like completely focused in their own world you see he in the chat and they'll be like oh
And it's like, was that a he? Was that a... I honestly feel like a parent. But it's like coming in, being like, oh, how are you enjoying your game? And they're just like, oh. And you're like, oh, goodness. Yeah, it's like, I've... I'm sorry. No, no, no, no. Go ahead. Sorry.
I was gonna say like I've been in those and it's like I and I don't like being mean but like those Sometimes I will see those and then on Twitter like because I usually give almost everyone a shot I'll either pop in on your stream. I'll give you a host I I go into like example sim streams around like 830 or 8 o'clock my time in the morning. Mm-hmm
And I'll go in, give him a host for a little bit. I mean, he, he does great normally. So I mean, my host just kind of boost them up there a little bit. And then like, you know, if, uh, if I catch you, I know you've changed your streaming time, so you're usually streaming like.
right around when I do or before I do. Yeah. Apologies. Yeah. Oh, no, no, no, you're fine. You're fine, man. And then, uh, those are the people that'll then be like, I, you know, I'm giving up. I can't do it. Like you're not putting in the work. Like you want it, but you don't have the, you don't have the drive. And that, and I don't mean that like you might have the drive, but like,
I don't know. Like, is that mean? Or maybe I should say that maybe it is like a drive thing because I I've been like demoralized. Maybe they just didn't understand how to do it because they also I don't see them interacting with anyone on Twitter or like just talking. Like you said, they don't even talk to people in their chat. As long as you start talking to people in your chat, like
eventually you're gonna find the right person and then it just kind of picks up from there. I totally agree with you though. An example that kind of comes to mind is so like not self-plugging myself here but recently I've been trying to like boost myself in like other social medias that I don't normally boost myself on so I've been making like a huge push on places like Instagram and TikTok. I still have no idea like how TikTok works genuinely like
some videos get like millions of views for just someone like smiling or dancing or something. I genuinely like that there's literally one woman who just like I don't even know what she does she just like kind of bobs her head or something and then it's like millions of views and then I'm kind of sitting there thinking you know it's like something out of an anime where I'm just like right okay if if I get the right hashtag here if I get this thing
sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't it's just like the algorithm it's like any other website you know it's like completely by chance but my god on um like TikTok I've actually met like quite a few like really nice people on there who I've talked to you know I'll kind of say you know oh thanks for the follow you know oh I've checked out your twitch that kind of thing because like I don't want to be like going into people's like
DMs and being like, hi there, I'm Sad Tanami, I'm a variety streamer. Oh I hate that! Like genuinely, see there's this person who keeps spamming me saying like, oh can you like my video? Oh by the way I'm so and so on Twitch and things and if I'm gonna like call out some you know some bad behavior or bad Twitch etiquette that is it like
Please, if you are starting out and you are listening to this, do not spam your link to people. It doesn't do you any favours. There is a time and a place for it. For example, if you and I were to say, and I think, oh, it's your YouTube channel, please put it in the chat. That's opened the door of being acceptable. But I mean,
Funny enough, have you ever had this in your channel? I had this in a Fall Guys stream where someone posted their YouTube channel and they were like, can you please review my new video from YouTube right that second? And I was kind of like, no. I'm playing. I'm fairly in the middle. I might check it out later. I've never had that.
someone came in and asked me a question and they were like and I was giving them like this very like bias or not biased but I was just giving them like a very my opinion on something and then afterwards they were like oh yeah I'm putting this in a YouTube video and I was like oh my god like please tell me beforehand like what if they had asked me something super like I try and keep controversial stuff out so like
one thing some people have pointed out to me they've sent me messages they're like hey like do you have something against this or this and i'm like no no no like if it's political in nature and when i say political in nature i don't mean like anything human rights based if it's human rights based it's like okay i'm all for it yeah but say
over here in the U.S., I'm sure everyone on the entire planet saw our big old like buffoon we had running around out there. Yeah. And people would ask me like stuff about that, like political stuff. And I'm like, I'm not trying to step on people's toes. And it's like, I don't I'll just say I don't like it. You know, I don't like this, but I'm not going to go into detail and stuff like that. But the video turned out well. And my opinion actually got some good comments in it in the comments section. I went and looked at the video.
Uh, but I've had that and then I had a McDonald's bot one time. It was like, come by McDonald's in the chat. And I was like, I just can't like the, you know, want to be famous. But it's like, where's my McDonald's promotion? Oh, I did just remember I had. So I went to a stream.
And may I go ahead and plug the streamer yeah Yeah, okay. I went to confuse the new this Stream he is friends with bill pill mm-hmm another awesome streamer bill pill told me about him me and confused her I would say we're kind of like slightly friends mm-hmm and Like I'll rate him sometimes or going in there, but one time he was playing minecraft and
and there was someone in there and I gifted subs and you know me like I'll come in anyone's chat and start gifting subs if I got a paycheck I'll get I usually try to limit myself to like five gifted subs a week just to try and help my friends or new streamers
And I went in there and this guy saw me do that. And how I was like, oh, yeah, I'm just trying to help you out and stuff like that. This person started sending me messages asking if I would hire them if there was so that I could pay them so that they could get the Java version of Minecraft. And they sent me 27 messages on Twitch. And I was like,
I don't, I have a mod and I like, I don't need like an editor. I have an editor from my YouTube videos. Like, please, like I didn't want to be mean, but I was like, I'll let you know if I need something. And it was like, I mean, I'm, I'm looking at my messages right now. 27 messages. Jesus. Like there's so many in here.
I mean, I always remember, not to that extent, fortunately, but I always remember, I think it was my Sonic 06 stream that I did ages ago, and there was this random person who came in saying, oh, Sonic 06, I love Sonic 06, you know,

Creating a Safe Community

just acting kind of normal in the context of things. So the stream was going well, you know, do-do-do, we were playing. And then two seconds later, they asked, oh, by the way, can I be a mod? And I'm like,
I'm gonna ignore that. I'm just like, I am not gonna entertain that whatsoever. Like, what world? Like, I don't want to be too cruel on people but there are like, sometimes, initially I just assume they're just kids, you know?
People who ask immediately if they want to be mods or they want stuff from you because another thing I have seen, just assuming you said about the subs, I actually thought the guy was actually going to ask you for a sub because I have had people on my chat say that where it's like, you know, my friend in Good Moderator S-Banks has done that where
he is giving out gift subs and things like that and really amazing when that happens or whoever gives them out is amazing but then you always get that one just utter horrible person who's just like I sure wish I had a sub
like well it's really it's just really annoying when people and it's that kind of self entitlement just you know like expecting something if you know what I mean whether it be a sub or a be someone wanted to play with you like so
See, this is something like I've said to other streamers and they've said like, oh but Satsu, you know, I've asked you if you wanted to, you know, play a game together and you've said yes, you know, like off the cuff. But see if it's someone, and I'm quite interested to hear what you think about this, but like, see if it's someone random, like someone who turned around and they'll say, oh can I play with you? Whether it be Fall Guys or Among Us or things like that. And it's like, I don't know who you are. Like,
like genuinely like I don't mind if see if somebody asks you know like if I know the person like beforehand that's fine but I don't know I'm just very paranoid see when it comes to like you're the horror stories where it's like someone is invited like this honestly it's like the plot of a really bad horror movie where it's like one twitch streamer invites a
the person who comes into the chat and yeah it's like it turns out they're just like horribly like either racist or just you know like abusive or things like that and it just ruins everything for everyone else yeah i had i so when i play dragon ball fighters i get a lot of people
I mean a lot that will be like, hey, can I play? So I've I've had to kind of set in the stream title PC in parentheses because it's like they'll join and they're like, hey, I'm in this lobby. And I'm like, wait, like I I'm playing on, you know, I go to the lobby and they're not there or I mean, they're like, I can't find you. It's like, what are you on? I'm on PS4 or Xbox one. It's like, hmm.
I usually will play with people on PC. I just played against someone who came into chat and they, you know, now they're kind of like a regular when I play fighters. So, you know, it kind of works out. But I did play with somebody on Team Fortress who they came into chat. They asked to play. I was like, OK, like, you know, let's see how this is. Because at first I was like, that's kind of when it first started is when I was playing Team Fortress. And I was like kind of wary about it. And I
It was like, all right, I'll play with you. So I start playing with them. And then in the middle of the stream, they get killed and they just yell a slur. And I was like, whoa, whoa. Like I had to immediately mute my mic. I booted them from the lobby. I also had an Among Us stream where someone changed their name to a slur like in game. So it showed up on the screen and I just immediately kicked him out. I was like, I'm not having any of that. I mean, that is like my.
like such a worry of mine. You know that's why I don't invite like anybody and you know it's like see if you know it's like it's someone from the outside saying oh that sounds silly you know why wouldn't you just because you're a streamer and obviously you're interacting with like loads of people anyway like whether it be in your chat whether it not and you think
Why, you know, what's the big deal? But it's like, it's not so much the fact that they are just trolling, it kind of negatively reflects badly on you. People aren't gonna see, oh it's a guy who, you know, like, said a racial slur, they're gonna think, oh it was a guy on like, either
captain heart or you know that's an amish dream. I don't know it's like it's not a risk and I feel as if I'm kind of being overly paranoid with it but I'm like better safe than sorry when it comes to that kind of thing.

Heart Patrol and Charity Work

I have to admit though going on to achieve your subject though I do think we definitely have and you especially because I have seen your community and your community is just so like positive with one another it is just such like a welcoming place
actually meant to ask you before and I think you have answered this like in previous streams but see in terms of the name Heart Patrol like what was the kind of inspiration behind that name? Okay so yeah so no you're fine you're fine so as far as the the way my community treats treats each other and talks to each other and stuff like in the discord or just in chat I'm very very
Grateful that everyone is so very nice to each other and even if they do like poke fun at each other It's it's all in fun. They're not being they're not seriously gonna go out of their way to like make someone's day worse in my chat And if they did I would have to talk to them about that cuz I'm you know It's fine to kind of poke fun at stuff or whatever, but don't you know don't be a butthole about it for lack of a better words no absolutely, but um as far as heart goes I
the heart patrol so the name the heart patrol came from a uh so i used to do youtube a couple years ago i had a channel uh we had a decent sized community most my people from canada uh it fell off
Uh, so I stopped doing it for a little bit because I needed to focus on other things in life. And one of my friends, I was kind of kicking around like a music group called like, I think I was going to call the music group, the heart patrol. It was going to be like this jam band type thing. That's kind of like TWRP. If you've ever heard that band or that group.
They're called Tupperware Remix Party or TWRP for short. They have like this funky jazz like style with like vocoder electronic vocals and they're just so cool. I've seen them live a couple of times. They signed one of my hats. Sometimes you'll see a hat I'm wearing that has like words written on like the top on the white in a marker.
I signed that and it was I I think I was kind of kicking around but I didn't have the name set up and I was hanging out with one of my friends that was going through a hard time and They tragically ended up passing away They were kicked out of their house by a parent who for lack of a better word Wanted to give my friend's room to that parents new boyfriend so they kicked
their friend out, or they kicked my friend out of the house so that their parents boyfriend could have a room and all his stuff. They were homeless for almost a whole year. And that whole time I was giving them money, I was driving them around, I was taking them out to eat or, you know, finding them places to stay just talking to them, being their friend, inviting them out to have fun with me and my friends. And
Then it started getting worse. They started being constantly in the hospital due to a medical condition they had, which was getting worse from being out on the streets. And I didn't have a place for them at my place. I had the spare room just has it's stacked with boxes. And that's going to be my new recording room for streaming and YouTube. But at the time it just had, it was full. There was no, no room in it. And.
I couldn't have them and a couple of times I went to go see them and take the medicine and they told me that they were going to die out there. And I remember telling them I was sitting there holding them and they were like, I was like, I'm not going to let you die out here. I refuse to let that happen. It will not happen. I promise. I promise. And then three or four weeks later, they sent me a message. They're like, Hey, I would really like to, you know, hang out. Let's hang out soon. Cause we hadn't talked, we hadn't hung out in a while.
And they were like, Hey, I'd like to hang out soon. Like, even if you're busy, we can just FaceTime or just phone call. And I was like, yeah, that'd be, that'd be great. And then the next day I got a message saying that they were found dead in the park, like face down and it killed me. It destroyed me.
And I remember being very angry. I was at work. It was four in the morning and I was punching, knocking stuff over. I was mad as hell. And I remember thinking like, why does no one, why, how could their parent be so heartless as to kick them out of this house, as to put their own child on the street and watch them rot away.
including being there when they called their parent and Listening to them beg their mom to let them back in the house only for their mom to be like go away I don't care and then seeing their mom on Facebook be like oh that they were a beautiful soul That's what I call a two-faced person And I don't want to hear anything from you because you were lying to everybody you put them there And you're the reason why they passed because you didn't want to take care of them, so I got to thinking What can I do?
What can I do to help people? And I still had that in my head, the heart patrol.
And I was like, I can, the heart patrol is, isn't just me. It's anyone in my community that helps somebody either by, I don't care if you're opening the door for somebody. I don't care if you're helping an old lady cross the street. That's you're doing something good for somebody. You're helping people out. And I was like, who leads the heart patrol captain heart. And I decided right then and there that I would start streaming and doing YouTube.
and half the money I make, or if I make anything, even if I don't make anything, I would do what I could for homeless people and just people in general. And with my charity stream and all that, I donated all the money from my charity stream I ran last October to Nashville Rescue Mission to help build homeless people houses in Nashville. And that's where the heart patrol came from and Captain Hart in general.
I mean, that is an amazing thing that you do, though. Like, especially like for that charity stream as well. I mean, that was a great stream. Thank you. I remember crying like five minutes into it because five minutes into it, somebody donated two hundred dollars. And I was like, I set the goal is like 30 because I didn't think it would do that well because I was still a relatively new streamer at that. I mean, I had been streaming maybe four months and I decided to
think I'm coming up on like eight or nine months now but I just remember bursting into tears during the middle of that like right at the beginning of that stream I hadn't even started the stream and I we already broke the goal like a hundred and seventy dollars it was amazing honestly has like incredible though how
supportive like people are on Twitch and the one thing they touched on earlier saying like you know when you start streaming you don't really know what you're getting yourself into you know like i remember when i like saw Twitch initially there was all these compilation videos of really stupid things like oh look top 10 fails on Twitch or you know like cringe compilations that kind of thing you think okay like what the heck am i getting myself into
but like when you do something like that and you truly realize like I know it touched on you know like people being kind of annoying in the chat and things or people being horrible in games and things but at the end of the day like there's just so many amazing people out there I have to admit it is it's like you don't really expect it like I wouldn't say it's like the best bit but you know what I mean it's like the Spanish Inquisition of fields almost
I remember there was another streamer like there are so many streamers that I have seen like starting to try and do like a lot of charity streams and I mean even myself like I would love to do a charity stream one day but it's amazing going into those streams and just seeing like so much you know love and support yeah I mean like personally like what you're doing with the Heart Patrol and everything I think it's amazing
I think it's just like such a... and I'm not just saying that because you're a guest, you know? I'm not just saying that to butter you up on the stream. You tell that to everybody. I was in here when you told Alex Blurry that you were just so impressed with everything he's doing and he is a...
Yeah, I've only got one script to work off, OK? You know, I just got to revise the streamer name compilation of every time Tatsunami butters up his guess. Yeah, let me just let me just. Yeah, that's his name scored out now. And so, yeah, wait a minute, you're not bloody negative. No, I'm kidding. Oh, but no jokes aside, like I genuinely do like.
I mean even you know when you started out and everything and this is gonna sound... I don't want to like target anyone or be like oh you know people aren't genuine or anything but you know it's like you can definitely tell when you know a streamer's just being genuine or just being chilled or like you know when they're like putting on a front
yeah like and obviously you know it's like it's not like so black and white but you know like when i saw your streams and the fact you go because you do you go out your way so much to try and support people and i have seen that like whether it be on twitter you know whether it be on twitch itself like sometimes i see you pop in the chat like whether it's like naf's chat or somebody else and you're like ah
Captain, hello there, how you doing? And it is, it is just genuinely amazing because I would say like you are definitely doing it right. You are doing like, I mean you're networking in all the right ways and obviously you don't have to, you don't have to have me telling you that if you know what I mean? Like I mean the fact you've built up such an amazing community just speaks volumes about that. The fact that you know you've got so many people who are so supportive of you
and you know are so active because you know if it wasn't like a genuine thing or anything like you know people don't kind of stick around for that kind of thing but the fact as I said that you're so supportive you know you're making that effort and everything and
like everybody's willing to kind of rally around you and help you when you need it and yeah like at the risk of sounding like a Hallmark film yeah like I do think it's great though I definitely think it is great so I'll try and turn down the sentimentality just a bit
I'm crying, thank you. No, no, no. Well, sorry, I don't mean that in a bad way, sorry. You've just said I'm crying now. I'm just like, oh, no problem. No problem. No, no, cry. Cry more. Cry. Come on. I need that. I need that. I need more tears. I was going to say, what's the twitch equivalent of an Oscar?
Hmm, maybe did this twitch send plaques like YouTube does that I think that's one of my Kind of like small goals is to get like a silver YouTube plaque that I can put in my room I can't even remember. What is it? They send you a block I is it like a hundred thousand you get like the silver or is it like a hundred fifty thousand or is it five hundred? I don't know. I just know that there's there's a boy. I would be happy with the silver I'm like, yeah, I'm used to coming in second all my life. So silver
Nice. All that glitters is not gold, Satsunami. Oh, of course, yeah.
silver sparkles if you throw some glitter on it. That is true and after a minute I was on Etsy the other day and actually I was looking up stuff I think it was like stuff for Twitch as well because sometimes you do get like you know diamonds in the rough kind of things for that and one of the things I saw was like these plaques you can buy for like certain milestones whether it be YouTube or Instagram and I kind of laughed it off and I was like oh that's funny and then two seconds later I'm like
But what if? It's like, have you ever seen that audio clip where the person's like, nobody's gonna know, they're gonna know. How would they know? It's like me thinking, nobody would know, nobody would know, but maybe if you would know. On the one hand it's £30, on the other hand
I'm like, yeah, it's like, yeah, got my genuine authentic 3D printed, you know. I like I don't know how it's going to work. Like when I get my outfit ready, I don't know how much that that helmet's going to weigh. Like I got to get that thing 3D printed like the design I want. Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah, you're getting it's it's still coming. Is it still coming? I have I have bills. I have to save money for that, like in a little jar.
I will go ahead and spoil that I am getting the turtleneck for me and Lovebug soonish. We have designed the base part of the outfit. I think I may have shown you part of the outfit. It's like I will have like a kind of ripped denim jacket with the the heart patrol logo on the back and a black turtleneck
type thing with pink stripes at the end of the sleeves with a helmet with a visor, which will replace my trucker hat and my pink glasses that I wore that I got from Amazon for $5

Future Plans and Streaming Persona

.00. That's right, everybody. You too can own a Captain Heart exclusive visor if you just go and type in 90s pink visor or something like that on Amazon. That's where I got it.
Amazon is quite good for that kind of stuff though, I have to admit. I remember going though and seeing, have you seen the cyberpunk glasses that they sell on Amazon? What? No. It's like, they're relatively cheap but it's like LED glasses that have got like the cyberpunk, you know, like stuff kind of carved into it. It's like Loki I looked at them and I thought, hmm, do I need a pair of them? And I'm like,
Listen, I don't even have a webcam. I don't even show my face. You guys can't see it. Better have a look. I'm looking right at you with cyberpunk vision. It's like you guys may be in 2021, but I'm in 2077 right now. And I'm kind of wrapping this around.
Sometimes she said I don't mean to kind of hide. Absolutely. No, go for it. I saw your Instagram post about phasmophobia about the spooky bitch and it killed me. And I I think you're doing I love the way you have those set up with like the little twitch rotating icon and stuff. Thank you. I think you're going in the right direction with like kind of what you're doing. I think you're doing really good with that. I just wanted to let you know that because I saw that I was like I watched that like 500 times and it kept making me laugh.
Oh no, you spooky bitch. Like, made me laugh so hard. Yeah, just for context, before people think, like, Satsanami, what the hell are you posting on your Instagram? Basically, it is a clip from a TV show called Still Game. It's like a very, it's a very Scottish
comedy show about these old age pensioners kind of just living out their daily life and for me it's personally funny. I don't know how well it would translate to people outside of Scotland. That's what I always worry about when people say, oh what's a good show you should watch from Scotland and I'll always say still game and then I'll think
Is it going to be as funny to them as it is to me? So basically there's a scene where one of the main characters nearly dies and he's going up the stairs to heaven and he's about to reunite with his wife and justice is about to... it's a really emotional scene up until that point.
and he's walking up the stairs and he's about to embrace his wife and then his friend comes out of nowhere and just stops him and says you know like where do you think you're going you know and he like ushers him down the stairs and his wife keeps calling his name you know kind of luring him so the friend like just out of nowhere turned round to um like his wife and just says back off ya spooky bitch and then
like he just ushers him down and my god like I was absolutely howling the first time I saw that and that is something like you know like if anyone out there has seen my phasmophobia streams oh my god like I say that so many times and I think people are just thinking that I'm just like generally swearing calling the ghosts like spooky bitches but that's where it's from that's where it's from it's that scene where they just turned round and they says back up yes spooky bit because it never helped
I'm just going to point that out. It never helps. Yeah, it's still game. I would recommend it. I would 100% recommend it. It's on our Netflix. It was the UK Netflix. Do you know what the weird thing is about that?
So you know how I was saying earlier about like I've been making like a huge portion like TikTok and you know Instagram and things? I honestly feel like C for things like that where it's they're all up to like the algorithm. You just have to kind of surrender yourself and go...
you know you kind of have to say like I'm gonna put this you know content out and it's either gonna be amazing or it's just gonna crash and bomb and surprisingly enough see when I uploaded that that exact same video to TikTok it got like 20 views or something like that like really really poor and I was like
I thought it was funny but then like I put it to Instagram and like it did really well on there and that's the thing though like I mean it's like going back to what you were saying about you know like obviously you shouldn't worry about numbers and things like but
you know see just because like something doesn't work like on one website it doesn't mean or social media rather it doesn't mean it's not going to work on the other social media which i mean i have to admit it's quite surprising but yeah i'm gonna say it though like thank you for watching it so many times as well
No, dude, anytime, man, it was legit funny stuff like that. Like I didn't even need context for like where it came from. I just knew I've seen the clips. Steven has he sent me the the the clip where you like turn around and just like scream in his face. And then I just love the sheepish like I took a picture of Steven.
Like it got me every time. So seeing the, and I apologize for the, no, no, no. So seeing that and knowing that me and you react very similarly during Phasmophobia, I just very, I really, uh, I don't know. It was just funny to me. I was like, yeah, that's, that's kind of how it be like in Phasmophobia. Totally.
It actually reminds me of, and I apologize for doing this to you, but I always remember when we were playing, or no, sorry, not we, you were playing Phasmophobia, and I dropped in and you had the, is it the ER sound command?

Reactions and Gaming Experiences

It's just because it's like just such a sudden and loud like sitting command. In the one hand I was like no it's cruel. I shouldn't use this when you're like on the edge of your seat you know you don't know if the ghost is going to come out anytime and then I was like but on the other hand I am a sub. I put the thing in and just two seconds later it popped up and you like
obviously started screaming then it's like... I like threw my mic. I would have done the same. I would have absolutely done the same thing. I mean you've seen me like just to kind of give context to people listening. The scene that you were talking about with me screaming was I went into a room with them. Ironically enough it was my two moderators so ironically the two people who should have been keeping me safe
weren't in Fazzo and I walked into this room and the lights started flickering when we were inside and I was looking around and I was kind of like right okay you know I was genuinely on the edge of my seat thinking you know I was so worried you know and then I turned round and I saw S. Banks just
standing there but it was because he was standing next to a plant pot and I turned so fast that they kind of blurred together for like one instant so I thought it was like this horrible plant monster ghost I was I was terrified I that was a genuine script like you know how you get some like reactors who are like oh it's a ghost no that was a genuine that was a scary
Now I was just gonna say I uploaded a clip as well, weird enough I think it was today, of my Outlast playthrough and there are just so many moments like that where I am just absolutely terrified. And one of them was when I was getting too cocky and it's one of the guys who
chases you throughout the game and you can't obviously you can't fight back you can't hurt him he can kill you right away but you can't oh the big guy with the teeth and he started walking towards me and I was I was making jokes saying oh are you approaching me you know thinking I was being funny
Genuinely, I was just like, I was standing there thinking, oh, you know, oh, you coming towards me? And I kept walking towards me and I'm like, I'm kind of joking, you know, on the stream saying, oh, no, it's getting creepy, haha, stop it. Thinking in my head, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, please stop, please stop. And then he does stop and he turned round. So I thought, okay, he's walking away. So I pressed the two bumpers to kind of go left and right, you know, to peak round corners.
And I was like, haha! I was just like, yay! And then, two seconds later, someone put a sin command in. It was exacto that from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, which is the main antagonist from the first part of that. Yeah, it was Kono de Oda! And he, like, see at that exact moment, he just spined round and then started, like, chasing after me. And, like, it cuts off. Like, I think if you watch the full, like,
stream I mean that is six hours right enough so feel free to skip through but if you watch like that full clip in its entirety I scream you know the F word just at the top of my lungs like so many times in that stream because I was just so I was just so terrified of that game
but that's the thing though it's like even though like we do get terrified by these kind of games I mean a it makes good content I think it was actually naff I'm sure that said that I don't know if he said it on stream or it was on Twitter or something but I'm sure he said something along the lines of like you know see as long as you get like the clips from it or like good clips yeah when you're playing these games I mean that that's like just a complete positive you know outcome I wish I had clipped so
Funny enough, Fluffy there had asked me about playing a VR game called Exorcist Legion VR, which I've got like two more chapters to play. I haven't played it in a while due to a couple of reasons. When I play scary games, there's other people that live here with me.
I can't be yelling at like nine at night, you know, screaming. I've got to find a good time to do it. Secondly, that game, so phasmophobia scares me, but it doesn't have me on edge. Like it's not the like, you know, the unknown because I know that there's a ghost. I know kind of how to play the game.
You know, it's not like, uh, something where something's chasing you constantly. You're trying to, you know, you're kind of battling this clock to get as much evidence before it starts picking up and becoming more powerful. So phasmophobia for me still scares me when the ghost shows up right in my face, but just walking around in the house or like wherever does not scare me anymore. Like it used to, it used to like, terrify me. If you watch.
If I had clipped the first time I played Phasmophobia, I sat in the tutorial room with the TV on for 30 or 40 minutes because I was terrified to go in the room. And there's no ghost in the tutorial. It just tells you how to get the evidence. Well, I played Exorcist Legion VR and I was so scared that you could visibly see my hand shaking in VR like I was holding a cross and my hand was shaking.
and then I dropped the cross on the ground in the dark and I couldn't find it so I'm like looking up and like oh my god oh where's the cross where's my salt where's the salt where's the cross and it's like every time I pick up the cross I drop it as I'm picking it up so it flies further away towards the demon
As it's approaching and then the last one I did the the demon looks like a mannequin and you turn around and there's a bunch of copies of it But only one of them is real and you have to like walk in between a bunch of these mannequins Yeah, and when you get to a certain one, you'll see like a snake tail kind of wrapped around it That game is like it's it's the fear of the unknown that gets me. I like being scared at the same time It's like oh my god, just get it over with type deal. Oh
No, I'm exactly the same with that. Because it's weird, like when I, because I'm not a huge fan of horror games at all, which is kind of weird considering I've played like quite a few of them on the channel. But like the first horror game I played like fully from start to finish, like it took me four hours was, I would last played that. There were some moments where I was genuinely terrified, but it was all, you know, jump scare kind of stuff. Like I knew for the most part what was coming up, which I think
helped a little bit. Little Nightmares, I played that and it was kind of like, it was a good game and everything and a bit, it's like, do you ever feel that like once you keep dying in like a horror game it's like it takes away the kind of fear a little bit like.
I remember I played Five Nights at Freddy a few years ago and it's alright. I did jump the first couple of times but then after that it's kind of just like okay you know.
know what you're looking for five nights can lose its luster but at the same time it's like the you're you literally forget to check one thing and then you just get killed out of nowhere that's still you know it's it's it's not like i i mean the first time i played five nights the atmosphere in that first game is amazing like it's just
air conditioner running and you just hear stuff in the in the pizzeria. That's it. So it's like that that actually scared me. The atmosphere is getting killed like that does. So those games are kind of like a product of their time. I do enjoy them. I like them. But I do agree that they they lose. They lose their luster. But the atmosphere in that first game is great. But there are some games that are able to kind of like
go over the um i want to say like overcome that like i think alien isolation does pretty like does it pretty good because the alien is just always going around somewhere it's not always like it's not a set piece like it could be anywhere so you might get killed doing something and then the next time you go through there and it's fine there's nothing there and then you immediately open the next door and it's right in front of you and it's like that's not supposed to be there like
So games like that, I feel are kind of like I think they've got the right idea because I still see some people just play it for fun. And I'm like, you want to play that game for fun? And I am a huge alien fan. Shout out to the new alien game coming out that I'll be playing on stream as soon as it drops those. I don't know. I'm excited to play isolation. I'm sorry. I'm a huge alien fan. So I've never played isolation, but I want to and.
I watch the movies constantly, I've got the books, just always been a fan. I'm just laughing because I always remember one of my other friends, Green Shield, I always remember he is not a fan of horror games at all. He absolutely hates them, he hates jump scares and anything too kind of intense. So one day I always remember I'd put a poll up saying,
what like game are we gonna play you know are we gonna play like a jumpscare horror game or are we gonna play i kind of remember i think it was like a switch game or something like that like man joke azui it was it was like something like completely the opposite and i think because it was like a tie that he got he got lucky essentially he could have been playing eulene isolation but he got very lucky that day that he didn't
Yeah. He was so close but he didn't, which that is a game I'll have to go and play because it's been sitting there for ages like in my backlog thinking should I play it and I probably should but then like sorry before I kind of go on like do you ever feel like that now the year of streamer that it's quite hard to separate yourself from like being able to play a game in your spare time and playing a game for the stream
yeah it is it is hard because sometimes there that's something i think a lot of people don't think about because like i mean there's some games that you can literally play off stream and then get back on stream if it's a game you truly 100 enjoy but there's some games like depending on people's style some people can pull off playing some certain games
and being, you know, like, whereas you could play the same game and be like, I don't like playing this on stream, but I enjoy playing it off words because you don't know how to commentate or like how to interact with chat with the game. You know what I mean? Like, I mean, there was a there was a game due sex human revolution, otherwise known to my viewers as that one cyborg robot cop game you played.
yeah i played it a couple of times on stream i love the game we had a fun time and i got locked in a bathroom and a guy walked in with a shotgun and blew me away yeah i fell into the bathtub and i had to redo it in the apartment complex i love that game but i cannot play it on stream because i don't know how to interact because there's like a million things going on in that game
you get the main quest and then before you get a chance to go to the first mission you're given six side quests and if you go to the main quest again you get another three side quests so you've got like 10 side quests already at the start of the game and they each branch off into another side quest so your side quest doubles like before you even get to the second mission and i'm like i don't know how to like do this on stream
so i stopped but i still play it off stream i'm like fine like this is fun another game that i like to play dota 2 i love dota 2 i actually at one point in time was gonna i was in line to be an actual dota 2 commentator oh really and the guy that i was signed to a network
This was, this was like six or seven years ago. I was signed to a network and I was actually going to be a dota two commentator for tournaments near the international. And I play in stream and it usually does not do very well, but I enjoy it. I have a blast playing the game, but I just know that. That's not like people are there for the streamer for the most part, but there are some people that they want to see sick gameplay. You know what I mean? Like craziness.
but I like to think that I'm more of like the streamer type person that can sometimes do cool stuff on stream. You know what I mean? I occasionally can do some cool stuff on stream, like in a game I'm playing, like I might do something kind of cool, but it's not gonna happen all the time, unless it's like a certain game. I'm trying to think of a couple other like games like that I would have a hard time streaming, but not like playing offline. I guess any game like that, I think I might do better with like Skyrim or Oblivion,
because I really love Oblivion. So I think because it doesn't give you a million side quests at the beginning that I could get away with it.
Oh yeah, that's true. It has been a while since I have played Oblivion, but I know it does absolutely what you mean.

Conclusion and Where to Find Content

So yeah, where can these lovely people who are listening to you find your content? I'm also on Twitter as at the Heart Patrol, I believe. Let me see. I have a YouTube channel. I have no content posted yet. I'm working on a banner, theme music.
I'm working on a bunch of stuff. I'm working on theme music, banner, videos, video editing. I'm actually working on a solo album under, it's not gonna, I might put my name as Captain Heart in the credits, like on the album. It's gonna be like a death metal, progressive death metal, like jazz album.
If you want to find me, then you can find me on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and of course, Twitch, under the name Satsanami42. Thank you so much for coming on Chatsanami tonight. It has honestly been such a pleasure. Oh, dude, anytime. I'm happy that you asked me to do it, and I had a blast talking with you. I know last time my podcast ended, we talked for like another almost hour after the podcast was over, so. Oh, we definitely did.
so thank you so very much man this was this is a blast yeah no thank you as always um everybody stay safe stay awesome and yep most importantly stay hydrated bye guys see you guys