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116: A Special Christmas Eve Episode Presented By 2nd Graders image

116: A Special Christmas Eve Episode Presented By 2nd Graders

S6 E116 · Normal Goes A Long Way
67 Plays2 months ago

‘Twas the night before Christmas ...

Merry Christmas Eve! Joining Jill Devine for a special Christmas Eve episode are three 2nd Graders; Luella, Lu, and Stella. They shared what they know about why we celebrate Christmas, their family traditions, ways to learn about Jesus, and much more.

From everyone at Normal Goes A Long Way, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Introduction and Podcast Focus

The following podcast is a Jill Devine Media production. Christianity has become known for judgy people, strange words, ancient stories, confusing rules, and a members-only mindset. This is why I stayed away from the church for so long, but it's not supposed to be that way. I'm Jill Devine, a former radio personality with three tattoos, a love for a good tequila, and who's never read the entire Bible. Yet, here I am hosting a podcast about faith.

Special Christmas Eve Episode with Kids

The Normal Goes Along Way podcast is your home for real conversations with real people using real language about how faith and real life intersect. Welcome to the conversation. It was the night before Christmas and all through the house. Do you ladies know that book, that story? Yes. Yeah, you do? Because we basically kind of have it. Yeah, we do have it. I have it, but it has my name in it.
Oh, that's pretty cool. Well, let me first explain who I have joining me today for this very special Christmas Eve episode. Podcasts. Podcasts, yes. So that one right there talking that you hear, that is Lou. She is my daughter. And then we also have Louella and we also have Stella. How funny is that? We have Lou, Louella and Stella.

Meaning of Christmas and Family Traditions

All of you are second graders and I wanted to get Your perspective of the Christmas story Tell me in your own words and you guys all just each of you take some turns What happened? Why do we celebrate Christmas?
We celebrate Christmas because Jesus was born that very night. And then because he's our Savior, we celebrate him by having Santa come. And we open presents. We have family. We we have family and come over and everything. And we have breakfast, maybe dinner, maybe lunch.

Story of Jesus's Birth

together and we have our traditions and everything. and Well, thank you. Thank you for sharing that. What about you, Luella? What happened on Christmas Day? Lue said that Jesus was born. Is that true?
Well, some people think it's like in the springtime. Like, scientists say that it's in the springtime. But we celebrated on Christmas. I didn't know that. I thought that Jesus' birthday was December 25th.
But technically, it's not like you said, Luella, but we still celebrate that time. Now, what do you know, Stella, about Jesus's birth? Where was he born? Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem.
And he died on the cross to save all of our sins. He absolutely did. OK, wait. Who's Jesus's parents? Mary and

Mary's Reaction to the Angel

Joseph. Joseph was a carpenter. And the carpenter is like where they make stuff, maybe like, I don't know, like maybe a table or a chair or maybe a bed or something. OK, so Stella, tell me what you know about Mary.
Mary was a young girl and an angel came to her and said that they were gonna have a baby and his name was Gabriel and she was surprised. And he told them to name them Jesus. Okay, so that's another question. The angel came, Luella, and Mary was scared? Is that right? Yeah. Yeah, she was scared because she was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
what What are you doing? She was like, well, I'm kind of, she was like surprised probably and she probably didn't think that it was like ever would be by her side and Jesus was
I know that I would probably be like, what? An angel just told me I'm going to give birth to our of surprised that I would actually be giving birth to the Savior. And I would just be like, Angel, are you sure I'm the right person? and And the angel would say, of course, because you are, you trust in God and everything.
What about you two, Stella and Luella? What would happen? What would you think if ah an angel said, you're going to have

Gifts from the Wise Men and Favorite Movie Moments

a baby boy? I would be shocked because like I would be like, are you sure there's not like a different person that could do this? Because like I'm scared and stuff.
Yeah, I would be scared too. What about you, Luella? The same thing that Stella said. Same thing? Yeah, like like I would be like, and are you sure I am actually the right person? Are you sure there's no one else? Are you sure that I'm the only one that can do this? Are you sure that I am up for the task?
Absolutely. Now, Luella, I think I remember that there were some gifts brought. do you too When Jesus was born, do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. What are they? Gold, gold, and for instance. Who brought them? The three kings. The wise men. The wise men, yeah. And did they where do we know where they traveled from?
Was it Egypt? I think it was Egypt, or maybe not. What do you what do you think, Louella? You're shaking your head no. Do you know Stella where they were traveling from? It wasn't Egypt, but I just don't know which one. I know they definitely traveled through the desert and they rode on their donkey. Not donkeys, camels. That's right. Have you guys ever, well, in our household, Lou and me, because she's my daughter, we watched the star. Do you guys ever watch the star? Yeah, it's funny. Go ahead. um I watched it like two weeks ago with my grandparents because they came over. What's your favorite part in there, Luella? I don't know. Lue, what's your favorite part? I like where the bird is like and the dogs are like they're trying to find Mary and I like when the bird and like the donkeys trying to sneak out where he's like
are you here for the show and he's like he's dancing and everything it was so funny and i also like um when i like where i personally i think the two funniest characters are kind of like mut that one camel that's like dressed in blue oh yeah and then when you see him like he's like he's like on the ground he says her and everything and I also like the goat because he's funny and then and he like he's like at the end um kind of like we're um he in the stable with the horse and the cow
Yep, what about you, Stella? I like if he, this kind of quiet, but the wise men, when they walk into the king's room, the camels are all being so crazy with the guy's dogs, yeah and the king, and the wise, one of the wise men said to the king, those kids are crazy. ah Oh yeah, that that's funny. That's a pretty funny part. I like that too. I keep forgetting about that part.
It's all really, really good. So if you haven't seen the star, you need to watch the star. It's not so good. Yeah. I think that's where we got that. But I'm sure it's several other places.

Learning About Jesus and Nativity Scenes

All right. So before we wrap up this episode, what if somebody's listening right now and they don't really know about the story of Jesus being born? Lou Ella, what would you say to them? What would you tell them to start thinking about now for Christmas?
Going to church and reading the Bible. Do you like doing that so that you learn more about Jesus? Yeah, you're shaking your head yes. Well, that's awesome. Now Lou, tell me what you would say to someone.
decorate for Christmas you can go to the store like Target or Walmart maybe and like buy like the Nativity scene.
because we have like a little, like a one of those little people one. And there's the angel, the shepherd, the sheep, the camel, Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus. Yeah, baby Jesus, of course. The the wise men. um And also I would say what Luella said, go to church, read the Bible. Yeah.
I have that same nativity scene. You do? You have the same nativity scene and you get it out?
go to church Yeah, that's like the best thing you can probably do I also have that in the integrity you do all three of you have it yeah that like so awesome Thank you guys like we like most people think about the little people one where the the star actually lights up or does it play music maybe but we don't have that one I we have like a glass or plastic one that's like more realistic and then it and then there's like some kind of button and it lights up and oh a different one yeah yeah it's pretty cute um so we have like a sheep
and my sister always presses its hoof and plays the music and then on her little people nativity shit she always presses down on the angel that's on the star and it plays music at the same time and it's all just like blasting so well I know how you feel.

Closing and Christmas Wishes

When that happens, it overwhelms me. I feel like a bunch of people are there like crowding around me. like im if i if i like Baby Jesus. Yeah, like Baby Jesus. yeah
Well, ladies, thank you so much for talking to me. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and thank you for spreading the word about Jesus. Yes, very Merry Christmas to you guys, too. Yes, just like Lisa, Merry Christmas. Yes, just like Stella and Musa.