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Snack Situation 070: Leftover Holiday Treats image

Snack Situation 070: Leftover Holiday Treats

Movie Fighters
539 Plays1 month ago

Matt and Marlene did some traveling and hosted a party over the holidays, so they're trying the stuff they acquired over the festivities on this episode!

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Episode Introduction and Candy Theme

Hello hungry people and welcome to Snack Situation. I'm Matt Wilson. And I'm Marlene Thompson. That's right. And we are just kind of cleaning out our Christmas candies on the show for this time around. Yeah.
Because it is the coldest, I think probably going to be the coldest day of the year as we we're recording this. Well, we don't know what next December will be like. Or what February holds. Or what February holds. But... I know it holds my birthday. It does hold your birthday. Marlene's birthday is coming up. Everybody tell her happy birthday. Yeah, everybody tell me happy birthday, god damn it. ah But...
It's cold out there. It's very cold. And we didn't feel like going anywhere to buy new snacks for the show. Also, we had quite a few snacks. We have so many snacks. It's red harrison it's actually this is ridiculous how many how much sugar we have in our cabinet. Yeah, we have a lot of stuff, so we're just gonna try some of the stuff we have. Yeah. And also tell you about Our holidays as we go. Yeah, so also that's our cat Harrison the god one everybody nice everybody knows about Harrison Harrison Harrison is on a t-shirt That says Harrison. I know favorite podcast no I know I know but like some people might be coming in might be tuning Maybe this is their first podcast man. You don't know I That would be wild. I mean, it would be, but like, you don't know. but You don't know. Well, okay, before we get into our snacks. Harrison is our cat who's

Beverage Choices

very loud. Yes. Before we get into our our snacks and our Christmas, let's talk about the beverage pairing this time around. I mean, I've had a few beverages before this.
That's true, I have not, but I'm talking about what we're drinking right now. Okay. We're drinking our zero calorie waters of choice. We are, so tell tell them what your water of choice is. Mine is sparkling ice black cherry. And mine is the Alimoncello flavored water sparkling La Croix, or La Croix as heathens call it. So let's start with the candy that was a

Ferrero Rocher and Nutella Discussion

stocking stuffer. I ah put it in your stocking. You did? So we we opened our Christmas gifts early before Christmas yeah because we spent the week of Christmas in suburban Philadelphia. Yeah.
which we'll talk about more in a bit. But um these are Ferrero Rocher. I don't know if anybody's ever had Ferrero Rocher.
But they're very good. They're very common candy, and you can get them mostly anywhere. If you live in America, yes. At the Old. At the Old. CVS. CVS. Yeah, anywhere. Literally anywhere. But ah these this is a great example of the stocking stuffer where it's like, it's for you, but it's also for me. Yeah. Those are the best kind of stocking stuffers. That's true. But yeah, here we go. I mean, it's delicious. It's like Nutella in a little candy.
It's Nutella. And an actual hazelnut. Yeah. A large hazelnut. Chocolate and hazelnut. It's one of the best combinations. It might be the best combination. The older I get, the more I love it. it just Oh, is it ah isn't an acquired taste? No. The hazelnut and chocolate? No, I liked it before, but I've grown to appreciate it even more as I get older. They're very good.
Oh, look at that, you're supposed to open it there. Yeah. And we did not. I think that it's always been like a flavor that I've known, just in general. I don't know why. It could be Italian heritage. That could be it, I guess. But if you ever get a chance to get hazelnut gelato,
or chocolate Nutella gelato. It's gonna change your life. and I don't know of anything better than I'd rather have as a dessert. We went to Italy a couple years ago. I'm sure they know. Well, this may be their first podcast. You know, that

Italy Trip Reminiscence

is true. um We went to Italy a couple years ago and I think about a lot of the food that we had there, yeah but I'd be lying if I didn't say that the Nutella gelato we got in Rome, like, changed my life. I think about that all the time. I got this pistachio because, no, I was about to get real heady with that, but um yeah, I got pistachio because pistachio was good and it was really good, but I got hazelnut or Nutella the other time. Yeah. Cause it was just so good. I had some of yours and I was like, Oh my God. Yeah.
So, we were here the week before Christmas, we opened gifts, and then we drove to, we'll just say suburban Philadelphia. Yeah, just say northern suburban Philadelphia. Willow Grove. Don't, what the fuck?

Christmas Experience and H Mart Visit

You literally said don't say it, and then you did. but We were there for the we week of Christmas. We we had a ah lovely time. ah Saw a lot of family up there. It was really fun.
One of the things we did during our time there was our cousin, we kind of think of him as a brother-in-law. Yeah, brother-in-law. George took us to H Mart. Yeah. And we had a ah ah delightful time at the H Mart. Oh my God. We got so much food. We got mochi donuts. They have a... Mochi? Yeah. Okay.
they had a and upstairs like food court and then downstairs was the actual- Which is, can we just say how smart that is where it's like if you have a restaurant attached to a grocery store, that means you're never going to go in hungry. You're not going to overspend, but like America won't think about that. Ever. They don't give a shit. Anyway, we went to H Mart and that is a very wonderful ah experience to eat just like to go in, eat, get what you want, and then like get what you need. You got like a big bowl of bulgogi, like an egg on top. Yeah, and have like crispy rice, because the stone bowl is really hot and it gets the rice really crispy. It's just, it's so good. And I got some ah Korean fried chicken. Which was also good. That was incredibly good, yeah. Just a lot of it. There was too much of it for sure. Never too much.
There was too much. Nope, it's never too much. You can always have leftovers. Which I did, like, I do not like leftovers on a trip. You're weird. I mean, I love leftovers any time. On a trip, they're such a hassle. I hear that, I know, because I'm just saying if you're gonna spend the money. Because a lot of times,
you're but like You're going back to a hotel, you may or may not have a fridge. I know. You definitely have don't have any way to reheat it at a hotel. No second meal. It doesn't matter. Okay, I'll shut up. I want to reheat my leftovers almost all the time. I'm not going to want to just eat them cold. I'm not going to want them to just be like sitting out. No, sitting out is not good, but I will eat leftovers cold.
i'm I know, luckily I realize it's strange. Luckily, since we were staying with family, I you could put in the fridge push those leftovers in a fridge and heat them up in the microwave and eat them later that night, which I did. But you don't always have that opportunity when you're on a trip. Anyway, we went to H Mart, we got that food, and then we also bought more stuff at the H Mart.

Exploration of Japanese Snacks

and we're going to try a couple of those things even though we've I think we've had both of these uh before but hey these are these are sometimes you try a comfort snack why why fix the wheel you know why yield the lily exactly um so do you want to start with the kitkats yeah okay so these are orange chocolate kitkats which you know it's hmart so they have a vast wide assortment of Kit Kats. Yeah. um Most of the time, they're pretty good. the I'll say the one that I don't like is you is like the matcha. I don't mind the matcha. But like a strawberry Kit Kat, like many of the Kit Kat flavors are great, but this is orange chocolate. Another combination. Oh, that's good. Of chocolate.
I weirdly don't know how I feel about chocolate and orange. I love it. it's not i don't I don't hate it. I don't dislike it. I'll eat it. But I'm always like, it's an interesting combination. I think it's always been an interesting combination. I think it's a beautiful, delicious combination. You think it's a beautiful marriage? I do. I'm glad. I really do. All right. I'm looking at the bag for the chocolate orange Kit Kats.
and I'm trying to read some of the writing on it. And I need to- What language is it in? It's in Japanese. Okay. But I definitely need to, it says product of Japan right here. Mm-hmm. But I definitely need to do a refresher on Hiragana.
because I can read some of these characters and others I'm struggling to remember. Duolingo does not do a great job of keeping you, like, reminded of what that stuff is. Yeah. It'll teach you words, but I don't think it, like, when you're learning a whole new alphabet, it kind of just, like, gives it to you and then abandons it and you don't go back to it. I've noticed that. Yeah.
I also don't do it as much because that little owl I have the like notifications turned on and it's just funny because it's like It's just a bad really toxic relationship because the owl's just like, where have you been? really And then sometimes like it's come back. Those are the little, yeah, it's weird. Honey and vinegar. It's honey and vinegar, yeah. All right, we also got some classic chocolate jellopanda. I mean, you can't go wrong.
You can't go wrong. I know that it's like, it it might be a basic like Japanese treat, but like think about like an Oreo. You can't go wrong with an Oreo. Sometimes a classic is the where you gotta to go. But like when I was in college, the go-to Japanese snack food for nerds. Ooh. What? After having a KitKat that's like chocolate and orange and then eating this, it's very good.
That is a nice chaser to that. It is. It's like they almost taste different. But my point was Pocky was the thing. Yeah. And this is like essentially the same components as Pocky. Mm-hmm. But just in a different form. But I like it. I like this method of delivery more than in Pocky. It feels like a I mean, yeah, it's a biscuit with chocolate inside, but it's like different from your typical cookie. It's more, I don't know, bready? A fucking animal cracker. Kind of like an animal cracker, yeah. Yeah. um But i love I love that. I love the it's like a consistency of these like little biscuits. Yeah, it's like
It's like what an eel fudge would taste like in Japan. Well yeah, it's like, it's lighter. It's lighter. It's lighter than like an eel fudge cookie, you know? I do love eel fudge. Sure, they're great, but... We should do grocery store cookies. It's like a... Okay, so I'm gonna keep in mind. You don't seem too excited about that.
Yeah. but All right. Well, I'm sure other people, I mean, you don't know. Some people might not be able to get to certain snacks and it'd be cool to rate snacks that some people can get. That's true. I feel like I have a predisposition to when i do try things that I think are unusual. Yeah, but sometimes people want to know where they can get things. That's a good point. yeah um If you want us to try grocery store cookies,
let us know what so because I'm not gonna be sad about that all right so we did quite a few other things and go to H Mart on our trip to to Philly but um they weren't necessarily us buying food no um but it was a nice Christmas week in Philly yeah we came back And almost immediately had a New Year's party at our house that you just decided we were having. You're welcome.
And it was one of those New Year's parties where it was like, I think you said, bring your own snacks. Yeah, BYO snacks. Yeah. And BYOB. And that ended up with us having a lot of leftover stuff. Yes. And one of the things that we got, so Oh, we were gonna mention this.

New Year's Party and Leftover Snacks

Oh. So like, they're not a Bucky's. No. People don't know what Bucky's is. Bucky's is a huge. Republican heaven.
ah I mean it is. It's a huge truck stop slash gas station. It's like a hobby lobby but with a barbecue. The thing is though, most of the people I've seen like rant and rave about Bucky's are not, are like lefties.
I mean, I guess it is just America. Like, it it transcends whatever political spectrum you fall under. Yeah. That's true. But I do see a lot of, like, look at all these terrible presidents and all of them are Democrats. So I'm just saying. Like, t-shirts? At Bucky's? Yeah. When you've been to Bucky's before. Yeah! That was because you were in Tennessee. So?
ah Again, Bucky's transcends, and you could put Bucky's in the middle of New York, and I bet you would get it. Possibly. Just saying. So, the yeah, the closest Bucky's to us... Don't be classist. The closest Bucky's to us is like 100 miles away, in Tennessee, like on the way to Knoxville. So we don't get to go to Bucky's very much. Yeah. And we were driving, this was when we were on our way to
Pennsylvania. yeah and We had actually just gotten into the state of Pennsylvania. cause okay Because if you want to get real like dad g like GPS about it, like we instead of taking 81 to 95 in the Northeast Corridor, yeah now we did the go to Harrisburg and across the state because we're hoses. I just don't like driving in DC. I'm sorry. It's actually faster that way. I mean it is. It's more boring. but like
Who cares? like I don't care. It's fine. Who on earth would want to drive the beltway? No one. For any reason. No one. But we saw these signs for a Bucky's just as we were getting into Pennsylvania. And we so we got excited. We were like, oh, yeah. we So fucked. We get to go to, like, there's a Bucky's here? Yes. Yeah.
and we pull So we pulled off on that exit and it was like, Bucky's coming soon. I'm so mad and disappointed. it was like yeah They had built a good amount of the building, but it was not finished. Bucky's will be here. Yeah, it was like, Bucky's coming in like...
I don't know, April or whatever. That stupid fucking beaver lied to us. It really did. I was so mad. And we were upset. So when we had our New Year's party, it was pretty cool that somebody, I don't even know who brought these. I don't know, but they bought... They brought...

Tasting Bucky's Cinnamon Sweet Beaver Nuggets

Beaver Nuggets. A bag of Bucky's Cinnamon Sweet Beaver Nuggets. And I love a cinnamon treat. I also love cinnamon.
ah But we've we've been snacking on those. and we'll We'll try one again right now. I love them. i have I have yet to decide whether I actually like these. It's like... I'm trying to think what it tastes like, but it's literally like Cinnamon Toast Crunch to me. You can put these in milk and have it as a cereal. we here let's Let me give them a shot.
No, wait, you know what it tastes like to me? It tastes like either Cinnamon Toast Crunch or it tastes like Chex, the Cinnamon Chex. Mmm, okay. But they're delicious. They're so good. Here's the thing about it for me. I i love them. The flavor, I don't mind. The flavor is good. it's like Cinnamon and sugar, that's great. That's always great. Is it that you're expecting a salty treat versus a sweet treat? It's because it's basically like pirate booty. It is like pirate booty, yeah! And so when I feel that texture or have that like type of snack... You want it to be... I want it to be savory. Yeah.
see yeah this is just i This is not what something I expect to be sweet. And the fact that it's labeled cinnamon sweet makes me think that there are flavors of beer nuggets that are not sweet. At some point for a future snack situation, I kind of like kind of't want to make the drive to that Bucky's in Tennessee and get some stuff and bring it back. I mean, we could i mean we'll probably be in Tennessee at some point. Probably.
there There will probably be some reason we need to go for something but and Part of me does want to just go like go get like other flavors of Beaver nuggets and those peanut butter pretzels they have And like some other stuff at Bucky's and be like, okay Let's do a full-out Bucky's. Yeah Product taste test. Yeah Yeah, totally. But yeah, these these cinnamon sweet beaver nuggets have been in our house since New Year's. ah We've got some other stuff in our fridge. there's still we We have this one bottle of champagne that we're never

Unique Champagne Discussion

gonna drink. No, I mean. I don't know what we're gonna do with it. I'm sure someday we'll have mimosas at some point, but it won't be for a little bit. it's it's Fun fact, your girl tried dry January. Didn't work.
Didn't take? Didn't take. I don't know if you know this, but there's an inauguration. yeah um But like, that champagne is like not regular champagne. It's some kind of...
different kind. It's like an almond? It's an almond, yeah, it's like... Oh, I actually, okay, so... I would try that. Okay, so other fact, I, before this, went and sat in a hot tub in the snow and it's highly recommended that everybody, if you ever get a chance to do that in your life, please do it. But that person who brought the champagne here also had another bottle of it and we drank it. It tastes like apple juice.
Oh, well, okay. The smell tastes like almond, and I guess if you have a nut allergy, you probably couldn't have it, but like... Probably not, yeah. It smells like almond, but when you drink it, it tastes like apple juice. It's weird. Well, do you think it would be good in a mimosa? Fuck yeah, it would be good in a mimosa. Like mixing, essentially, apple juice and orange juice. Yeah, apples and oranges. They go together like apples and oranges.
but Oh, my God.
I thought the expression was that it's apples and oranges, they're two distinct different things. Yeah, distinct different things, but that doesn't mean that they can't fucking go together. That's a good point. All right, that's it.

Supporting the Podcast and Future Content

We tried the stuff that we had left over. It was so good.
Oh my god. It's all tasty. The Beaver Nuggets, I think are more a you thing than a me thing. Yeah. But the chocolate. I think the orange Kit Kats are more a you thing than they are a me thing. I love the orange Kit Kats. But we can agree on. Hello Panda. And Ferreiroche. And Ferreiroche.
Well. OK. Thanks for listening everybody. Yeah. um If you would like to support this show, and ah continuing us continuing to try snacks, perhaps a brief road trip to the nearest Bucky's for the March snack situation, or a trip to our local grocery store to buy some grocery store cookies.
either one, ah then go to patreon slash war rocket Ajax and kick in as little as one dollar per month to support this show and all the other shows that I do with Chris and ah that are under the Clydes Media umbrella.

Contact Information and Farewell

You can follow, or send suggestions, I guess, for a snack situation to We're also at moviefighterscast dot.tumblr Or you can just tweet at me, or, no, don't tweet at me, I'm not on Twitter anymore. No. Post at me on Blue Sky. You can post at me on Blue Sky, too. That's right, Marlene's on Blue Sky. Yep. What's your Blue Sky name? I don't remember.
I don't remember. Just search for Marlene Thompson on Blue Sky. I'm on Blue Sky as How easy is that? You can check me on Instagram. I'm Marlene I. Thompson on Instagram. And TikTok, that's TBD if I'm ever going to go back to that shit. Yeah, that's that's a weird situation that's going on right now as we're recording this.
Really, really setting this at a very particular time. How do you bring politics into snacks, Marlene? I don't know, Marlene. Maybe it's because it's the world we fucking live in. I don't know. If you have a problem with it, I guess you can fuck off. Or it's to live off. We'll see you next time, everybody. We'll be back in March with another snack, whatever that may be. So come back for that. And until then. Bye. Stay hungry.