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Snack Situation 069: Indian Chips and Cookies image

Snack Situation 069: Indian Chips and Cookies

Movie Fighters
628 Plays5 months ago

That's right, it's episode 69, so we're trying something we saw on a date night: Some Lay's chips and popular cookies from India!

NOTE: Sorry again for the bag rustling noise. We're still working on getting those out!

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Hello, hungry people. This is Snack Situation, the show where I met Wilson and I'm Marlene Thompson. We try snack foods. Yes. I don't know why I sounded so was like,
Well, maybe it's because this is snack situation number 69. Oh, no one told me that you didn't tell me that. I did. No, I don't remember. I also said it was our anniversary month episode. Oh, well. And I was like, maybe we could try aphrodisiac foods. Oh, no, people don't want to hear that. Well, one, people don't want to hear that. And two, they're not, I don't think they would be particularly interesting to try on a podcast because aphrodisiac foods are like chocolate bars and like oysters.
and things like that. and Wait, oysters are in aphrodisiac? They are considered one. It's just not interesting to try that kind of stuff. I don't think oysters and chocolate pair well together, Matt. also that yeah so Instead, we're kind of flipping the script. We're kind of doing something that isn't necessarily necessarily romantic in nature. Because our anniversary is this

Anniversary Celebration with Indian Snacks

month. Our anniversary is September 22nd. Yes. So this is, okay, on a date night, we would go to various Indian restaurants around town. Yeah.
And we became aware of these snacks, or or gained an additional awareness of these snacks, by going to a local Indian restaurant, a local Indian street food restaurant, yeah that was selling these. yes Now, we did not buy them there. no I went to the local Indian supermarket yes and bought these. Yes, I'm just gonna say no and yes to this whole thing again.
so That was a Dr. Pepper opening. It was a diet Dr. Pepper opening. Yeah, we're not doing drink pairings really on on this episode. You're drinking a diet Dr. Pepper. I'm drinking a Pepsi zero sugar wild cherry. Because that is romantic. Yes, diet sodas all the way. Zero sugar.
i so I said the other day that Diet Dr. Pepper is the superior diet soda. Yeah, you did. And I stand by that. Look, we've been married, our on our anniversary, it'll be our 12th anniversary. Yeah, it's wild. And this is the life of people who have been married for 12 years. They drink diet soda. Yeah. They eat potato chips and cookies. Yeah. I mean, some people, if you have an if you don't have an allergy, yeah.
That's what you do. If you don't have an allergy, yeah. ah Remind me, i I'm blanking on the name of the restaurant where we saw these. Bodhiwala. Bodhiwala. Or Bodhiwala. How does one pronounce it? It might be Bodhiwala. Okay. um But it is it is a very good Indian street food restaurant yes in West Asheville that has like wraps and generally good stuff. It is a offshoot of Chai Pani, which is another Indian street food restaurant. It's a very popular Indian restaurant here in Asheville. Not the best one, in my opinion, but good. It's pretty good. They do have an incredible menu item, which is fried okra chips. Yeah, what do they call them? Matchstick fries? Yeah, they're delicious. Very good, very, very good. Absolutely delicious.
They were selling some of these potato chip flavors. We got Indian Lays, and we have two different versions of India's most popular, as I understand it, snack cookie. Biscuit. Biscuit. Parl G is how they say it. Okay. So we have Parl G, regular Parl G, and Parl G Gold.
o so here's What's the gold? Also, I will say that I'm a little, um for I'm gonna be sniffling a little through this episode and I'm sorry, because I had a little bit of a cold. Yeah, we also both got COVID shots yesterday. Oh, that's probably it too. But I generally feel okay. I'm also a little hungover, so that. It's ah so quite a mix of things.

Taste Testing: Lay's Chips Varieties

Yeah, we're doing great. Here's what I'm gonna say. Let's try two chip flavors. Okay. Then a biscuit. Okay. Then the other two chip flavors, then the last biscuit. Oh man, you're such a Virgo rising. I'm taking that as a compliment. So. And I think we're gonna go from, with the chips. From like least spicy to most spicy? Least spicy to most spicy. Yeah, that makes sense.
So the first chip flavor. Doing a hot ones. It's kind of like a hot ones with cookies in between, biscuits. So what we're gonna start with is Lay's Spanish Tomato Tango o flavor. Okay. Let's see, this says, PepsiCo India Holdings.
is where this came from, the unmistakable flavor of Lay's cooked and deliciously seasoned perfection, bursting with flavor in every bite. Do we think that people care what it... they I think they might just want to know. They're listening to a podcast about snacks. Yeah, but... They want to know the information. Okay.
all right here we go okay
Very tomato-y. It tastes like tomato soup. Yeah. It's pretty good. I like tomato soup, and I also like your face in your head. I don't like it. Okay, I like it. It's like you dipped a potato chip in tomato soup. It's not wet, but like otherwise... It's like Campbell's... It's like you dipped a potato chip in Campbell's tomato soup. Yeah. I don't like that. I'm so sorry. I think it needs to be saltier.
I think it's pretty salty. I mean, it probably is, but like... I like them. What makes it Spanish, though? I have no idea. I was curious about that as well. What what is Spanish about it? I think it's good. It's um it's like... gazpacho.
yeah maybe oh maybe that's why it's Spanish yeah because of gazpacho I bet that's it that's not a winner for me okay well I like it I think it's not something that I would like reach for yeah but if if it was say at a party and there were chips involved like an array of them I would i partake I know ketchup chips are very popular in Canada Ketchup chip, but I've had ketchup chips before and they're also put their arts popular in the Northeast at least. Oh, yeah. Yeah um Ketchup chips taste different. Okay. Yeah Next a much more promising flavor like India's magic masala. Oh, I do like masala masala is great. So let's see how well I
please replicate that
Are you having a tough time? Oh, a little tough to open. Okay. You could just be a man about it.
Oh yeah, toxic masculinity ruins the fucking party. I get it. I had to react to that. You did react to that? I meant it as a... Yep. I get it. I meant it as a... Here, let me do it. No, no, no, no, no. See? They're a little hard to open.
there yeah didn't want to rip the bag. That's how you open chips! Jesus Christ, man. All right. India's magic masala. Ooh. Oh. That's pretty good. Yeah, it's like... it that There's a lot of like layers to that flavor. Yeah.
That's pretty good, I like these. That's pretty good. It's definitely a... who I'm gonna say this like an American. A curry powder kind of flavor. Or a Brit.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it is kinda like, I mean, yeah, that's... Indians from India are like, what is curry powder? I mean, yeah. What is curry? Well... Cause like, that's not... Colonization ruins everybody!
I like them. Oh, that's good. I like them. That's good. I like them better than the gazpacho ones. I do too.

Exploring Biscuits and More Chips

Yeah, those are tasty. Yeah. Cool, all right. it's ah It's a pretty good replication of like a masala. Yeah, I mean, well. Like a chicken tikka. I think chicken tikka tastes a little different. Well, it's the seasoning, it's not the. No. I like that. Yeah. Okay, Parl G, regular Parl G, isn't it?
I like this little kid on the front. They're like, give me this. It's the same kid. It's the same kid on both packages. Ooh. It's lighter than you might suspect. Mm. Because I think I'm getting in here. I'm expecting Biscoff.
Mm. It's like a tea cookie. It's like a tea cookie. Ooh. Different from Biscoff for sure. Yeah, but it's still good. It's got... Hmm. It doesn't have the spices that Bizkopf does. It's kind of just like, purely... Vanilla cookie. Vanilla cookie, which I... Look, I got no problem with that. Yeah, I like them. I could see how they could go very well with was a... with like a
ah Flavored tea Yeah, or coffee. Yeah. Yeah I'm trying to like super sweet. No, I'm trying to like Put the flavor to something that I know Is that flavor? Yeah, it reminds me of some other cookies, but I don't it's like you know when you tip when you have the eel fudge and you like rip the little elves apart and You have the chocolate on one side and then just the elf on the one. That's kind of what it tastes like. The flavor is similar. The texture of the cookie is a little different. The eel fudge cookie is softer and heavier. It's more dense. That is a very light cookie. I like them. Yeah. It's good. All right. Speaking of being a man,
we have like Are you hurt by that? You're a little hurt. I just thought it was. I was, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. No, it's fine. No, it was a fucked up thing for me to say. But it was, you know what? Fine, whatever.
lays max with two X's. Oh, that's a real manly chip. Macho chili flavor. See? Yeah, speaking of being a man. this On the back it says... You know some dudes would be like, yeah, fine, I'll get the net. Max crunch, max flavor, max taste. Bite into max. It's like the Axe body spray of chip. It kind of is. I don't know how this is going to go as far as what it tastes like.
Let's see. All right, fine. I will just rip the bag. I want to open it the right way. Well, I think it's because it's a vacuum or it's like packed with so much air so it doesn't go stale. This is a thick chip. Look at how thick that chip is. That is T-H-I-C-C. It's ridged and thick. It's ridged for her pleasure.
here we go
Where's the spice? It says max flavor. There's not a whole lot of it. There's not a lot of flavor. Is this more chips that hit the spice hits later? I don't know. I'm kind of feeling the spice a little bit. Given the marketing of this, this is an unbelievably mild chip.
Yeah, I can't, it's not spicy. It's not the kind of spicy where I can see through time. Like you said, it's an Axe body spray of chips. Axe is a saltive in smell. This is like all branding on the outside. It's fine.
And then the flavor inside is just the tiniest little guy. what Yeah, it is a tiny guy. I think it's just chili flavor. yeah Whatever that chili is, it's just that flavor. It doesn't taste bad. No, and it's not soup. I mean, if you don't like if you're sensitive to spice, I would say it's probably spicy, but like it's for me, it's not really that spicy. It's not very spicy. no it's what ah the The least appealing thing about these to me is like the thickness of the chips, so it's not as crunchy as
i I tend to like chips to be. Well yeah, they're like, yeah. They are an astonishingly thick cut of potato. That's half of my ancestors. this sort of but like that's all of my
next Okay, we'll see how this one fares if this one lives up to the branding. This is just Lay's Sizzlin' Hot. okay So it's not flamin' hot like we have here in America. This is sizzlin' hot. Hot, spicy, fiery is what it says on the back of the bag. That's the other half of my yeah the ancestors.
spot you see okay here we go they're very orange yeah ooh just smelling them kind of seems like they would be kind of hot
I don't know the flavor. Okay. Oh. This is interesting. Oh, no. There's no, there's kind of no special flavor at I like it. Let me try one more. Here. Here. No, have it.
Yeah, that's hot. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. it's yeah this is you like that that's yours yeah it's hot no it got our ass like it's not unbearably hot by any stretch no but it's pretty spicy but it's pretty hot and the difference between this and like flaming hot oh is like, Flamin' Hot is like palatable. That is a little too spicy for me to enjoy as a chip. Flamin' Hot is a flavor. Cause it's, cause the original Flamin' Hot was Cheetos, right? Yeah. So it's cheesy. So like when you get Flamin' Hot, I'm going to take one of these masala to calm it down. Okay. In the U.S. it's going to have like a sort of cheesy flavor. Mm-hmm. These. Well cause it's a Cheeto.
But but like the other versions of Flaming Hot that they have in chips and stuff, when they expanded the brand, yeah those are also like a little cheesy, typically. Except for the Cool Ranch that's Flaming Hot, which is weird.
Yeah, I, uh, have we tried those? We have. They're not good. I can't remember. This is just hot. Yeah, it's really spicy. I can't even tell you what the flavor of the chip is. It's spice. It's just hot. It's just spice. Yeah. It's, it's like if a hot sauce was a chip. Like the flavor is just neutral. It's just spice.

Spice Tolerance Discussion

It's just hot.
I wonder what a non white person would say about this chick. I just, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I'd like to say that I'm not super sensitive to spice and then I can handle it, but that's like, if there's a level of spice for me that it becomes unenjoyable. Sure. I have a pretty good spice tolerance, I think. And that is,
If it was hotter than that, at that point I would be like, I don't like, I don't enjoy this. yeah But that is, I like that. Yeah, I think that like when I like to enjoy my food and I like flavors, and when the flavor is just hot, sure ah no. if it If it's got a kick to it, or even a little bit more of a kick, like a punt,
Yeah, I'm into it. It's got a punt to it. It's got a punt to it. That's fine. But if it's... That's definitely hotter than Flamin' Hot. Yeah. But I like it. Yeah, great. This is when you go to the Indian restaurant and they go, how spicy do you want it? And you tell them, and they're like, from like one to five, how spicy do you want it? And you go, five. And you go, four.
And they go, three. Because they see you're a white person. Oh, one time the last ah time I was in Philly, ah one of my close friends and I went to an Indian restaurant and she was just like, I cannot handle spice. And I will say it is very spicy. I'm like, you can't handle spice. I got this. So I said three. That shit was spicy as fuck.
I was like, oh no, this is... So yeah, I guess I'm a little bit of a baby when it comes to spice. All right, next up is the Parl G Gold. oh They look very similar to the other cookies. A little darker. A little darker. A little darker.
They are the same cookie. Slightly different. I mean, maybe it tastes side by side. Slightly different.
I think this has more... Oh, yeah, it is slightly different. different i i I hate that I can't think of a different word than spice. This has a little more we've got more vanilla like seasoning in it. I just think it has more vanilla flavor. I think there's something else in here too.
like Like a little bit of cinnamon or something? Oh, yeah. Hmm. I'm trying to look at the... It does taste a little more cinnamon-y. It may not be cinnamon. It may just be more flavor, generally. But I think I like these better than the other one. Because they're... is more flavor. Yeah, they're both good. Yeah. All right. So...
With that, I, one, really want some Indian food. And two, are we gonna rank these? We can. I think, of the two cookies, I prefer the Paralgee mold to the regular Paralgee. Although both are good. I enjoy both. What if we rank them all? Or I guess maybe, yeah. So I would say I probably like the gold more than I like the regular part.
Was it Carl G? Carl G? Yeah. But both are tasty. ah As far as chips, I'm gonna go number four, tomato. Sure. Number three, macho chili. Really? Okay. What? i would that It's weird that you would prefer no flavor over flavor.
I don't like the tomato soup flavor. Okay. Number two, magic masala. And I, I'm going to put sizzling hot. Number one. I don't like it. You're weird. Um, I'm going to put this max, this ax body spray of a lace chip at last place. Okay. Then I'm gonna put those, um, just because I have more of a reaction, I might put the span, the, um, gazpacho ones. Third three. Okay.
The sizzling hot at number two and number one is the masala. I think masala, masala is good. That's my favorite. Yeah. The one I would be most likely to just sit down and eat is the sizzling hot. You're weird. I like heat. Yeah, you do. I like heat. Episode

Conclusion & Next Episode Teaser

69. Yeah, you like heat because I'm your wife.
Yep. I mean because I'm sassy.
Well, we tried them. We did it. We did it. Thanks for listening everybody. yeah If you would like to support this show as well as all the other shows in the Clydes media
array of shows. You can go to patreon slash war rocket Ajax and contribute. Uh, you can also follow movie fighters on tumblr and movie fighters cast out What else? If you want to find me and my stuff, go to Matt D Wilson dot net. Marlene, is there anything you would like to promote? Well, I mean, I guess if you live in the Asheville area, it's all local stuff, but, uh, you can follow me on blue sky, Mar Thompson,
dot blue sky dot social. Okay. And you can follow me on TikTok at the same. Mara Thompson. Yep. Okay. And also go watch Marlene's comedy special on YouTube. Yeah, you can do that. Um, thanks so much everybody. We'll, uh, we'll be back in November with another snack situation. All Turkey.
Turkey flavored. Everything. No, it's just turkey. Soda. Ew, no. God, what? if Does that exist? i if If they had it anywhere, it would be a rocket fizz. Ugh, no. We'll figure something out between now and November to try. I want it to be fun and that seems not fun. Until then everybody, stay hungry. Bye!