Resilience, Transformation, and The G.R.A.C.E Factor (Jimbo Paris Show #141 with Anthony Alexis) image

Resilience, Transformation, and The G.R.A.C.E Factor (Jimbo Paris Show #141 with Anthony Alexis)

E141 · The Parris Perspective
4 Plays1 year ago

From Despair to Dreams: Anthony Alexis - An Inspiring Journey of Resilience, Transformation, and The G.R.A.C.E Factor

In this episode, meet Anthony Alexis, an extraordinary author and co-founder of LIFESTORY Consulting. Anthony's life took an unexpected turn when he faced the heart-wrenching loss of his first son at just 4 days old, leading to a period of deep despair, depression, and identity crisis. From relying on food stamps to maintain a place to live, he eventually rose from the ashes.

🔍 Meet Anthony a co-founder of LIFESTORY consulting, that changes lives through his visionary workshop.

💡 Dive deep into Anthony's journey that led him with tech giants like Harvard, UPenn, Shell Corporation, 7-Eleven, and Nike.

📚 Explore Anthony's work with "THE G.R.A.C.E factor",a transformative process to infuse Grit, Resilience, Adaptability, Consistency, and Effective Communication into all aspects of life.

💬 Gain unique insights into his sheer determination and resilience, he managed to climb his way back up from the depths of despair.

🎓 Learn how Anthony's epic tale of inspiration, resilience, and the incredible power of dreams will help us rise above the most formidable obstacles and discover a life worth living.

Join us in this inspiring episode as we explore Anthony's remarkable journey and the wisdom, he shares on overcoming obstacles and finding a life worth living.


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#TransformationStory #TheGRACEFactorJourney #OvercomingObstacles
#OvercomingDespair #ResilienceJourney #GRACEfulTransformation

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0:00 - Intro
0:05 - All about Anthony Alexis
0:55 - How did you overcome being stuck?
6:32 - Advice for people who want to start their own business.
12:18 - How do you stay on track with your goals?
17:56 - Understanding that there are greater factors at work.
20:27 - What is the G.R.A.C.E factor?
26:43 - What makes Anthony stand out as a coach?
32:05 - The power of investing in yourself and your business.

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Introduction to Anthony Alexis and Life Story Consulting

I am Jimbo Paris and you're listening to the Jimbo Paris show. Hello, how's it going again, everyone? Today we have a very special guest, Anthony Alexis. He is the CEO of Life Story Consulting. He essentially helps people fight against procrastination. How are you going, Anthony? Doing pretty good, man. Doing good. Good to be here.
All right. So can you tell me a bit about who you are? Absolutely. So again, my name is Anthony Alexis. I'm the CEO and co-founder of lifestoryconsulting.com. And basically we are an online coaching firm that specializes in helping people to stop procrastinating
mainly on the things that matter most to them. I know a lot of times, you know, if you've experienced any type of success in your life, typically there was some disappointment, there was some consistency, there was some massive action that you took to get to that point. Somehow, you know, a lot of successful people get bogged down when it comes to their legacy and how they want to be remembered.
and pivoting into those types of heartfelt projects, those soul centered projects, a lot of times can cause some new things to come up. And so, you know, what I find is that people are surprised that they're stuck because a lot of times we don't associate success with being stuck, right?

Personal Struggles and Life's Purpose

So how did you become unstuck? Yeah. So for me, this was excruciating. This was, this was not a journey that I would wish on anyone.
You know, I personally had experienced some early on success in my life as, you know, stage acting as a teenager and, you know, having a song that I'd written on the radio locally in Vegas in California.
And so, you know, I really felt like I had things figured out and I was on my way. But, you know, life had a way of teaching me a lesson and giving me some humility when, you know, in my first marriage, my son, my first child passed away at four days old, and it really brought everything to a screeching halt. You know, the career, the marriage didn't survive.
you know everything that i'd really held on to and taken pride in up until that point just collapsed and you know i was finding myself really struggling to find a reason to even exist anymore so that really set me on this path and this journey to think differently about how do i want to be remembered and
how do I wanna actually live this life? What are my reasons for being here? And that there's gotta be something more than just, you know, making a good life for myself. There's gotta be a component that relates to impact and legacy.
So what areas do you focus on as a coach?

Coaching Focus: Grace and Dreams

Yeah so typically my clients will come in and we focus on three key areas and I call it the grace to grasp your dream. And so if you look at that as three parts, grace is the first part.
you know a lot of times when we're successful it's because we've actually been charged and pushed by that inner critic and that's a combination of you know whether that be our parents our early coaches and teachers you know we have this really internalized motor that drives us and really it's about uncoupling yourself from that motor and beginning to see yourself a bit differently you know not looking at yourself from like a deficit perspective but more of like a
What do I bring to the table and how can I start to see the world through this lens? How do I see myself and the world through this new lens? And so I call that the grace factor. And so what we're really trying to do at that stage is install a new level of grit.
resilience, adaptability, consistency, and effective communication around who we are and what we bring to the table. And then once we've established that, we move into grasp because I really want people to feel like they have a grip on this new life that they're creating for themselves. And so
you know, grasp means a lot of things. But one of the main things that it means is getting repetitive around sequences of purpose. And that's infusing soul and purpose into your every day into your task and really understanding the reason why you do each thing that you do. And, you know, sometimes it can be as simple as bringing some purpose and soul into the mundane, you know, for a lot of people,
you know if they're say going to work each day they can really forget about the reasons why they're going to work but it actually does a lot of valuable things for us other than just our practical needs it gives stability to our lives a lot of times it gives us purpose and it gives us our first kind of exposure to
you know following and serving a vision you know whether it be for another organization that kind of gives you a path to maybe seeing what your own vision is and eventually serving that and so once we get that going and get a sequence around our purpose you start to gather some some real momentum around
you know finding meaning in your life and then that's when we take you to the dream phase and that dream phase is kind of like you know where a lot of people start to think about okay i didn't i i knew that i wanted to get here but i'm also shocked that i'm i got this far and i really don't want to mess this up and so dream is kind of an it's an acronym for for five things becoming a person of direction
a person of reflection, a person that's enterprising, a person that is aware, and a person that's devoted to mastery. And so if you can be committed to those five things, we then start to teach you about the obstacles to staying in your dream because most people

Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Self-Awareness

when they talk about dream goals and fulfillment they're like okay it's all about the attainment but really what we're talking about what everyone really wants is that sustained kind of like permanent attainment right we don't want to lose it once we have it and so most people don't realize that there's three zones
of self-sabotage. And that comes from our identity. It comes from our altitude or how quickly we're climbing this dream ladder of ours. And that also comes from the environment around us. And so if we can start to take control and be a little bit more aware of what's going on in us, what's going on around us, then we can really give ourselves that firm grasp of our dream. As a coach, what do you think the most important personality for you to have is?
Yeah, I think, you know, a lot of times we, it's really easy to think, oh, you know, well, I gotta be some type of like type A, I gotta be a go getter or something like that. But I'm really finding that whether you're introverted or extroverted,
you know, certainly it helps to have some extroverted qualities, you know, but I think anyone can learn to have some basic foundation of charisma and networking. And a lot of times that just comes down to understanding who you are and what you bring to the table. And so some of the most fantastic people that I've followed and been coached by even have been introverts. And that's just because they understand that, you know,
their quirks are actually their superpower. And so, you know, it can be something as simple as just knowing that, hey, as an introvert, I have to be very conscious and aware of my energy levels. And there's a certain way that I have to operate based on those kind of social energy levels that I have. And so a lot of those limits and those boundaries that they put in place actually make them more attractive because people love to be surrounded by those who are
who are aware and know who they are and know what they're chasing. I think the more we fall in love with the vision that we have for our lives, the more attractive we become. And so even someone that's very introverted but knows really what they're after and knows what they bring to the table and has learned how to create momentum towards that, they become a very attractive character and someone that people want to follow.
So what lessons about yourself have you learned along the

Growth Lessons from Adversity

way? That is a great question, you know, so many things, so many things, you know, I think, you know, even based on the last question that you asked, I really thought that my
type A and my go getter and all of that was what was ultimately going to save me and bring me into everything that I wanted in life. I really put everything that I had on that. And honestly, I think that's why, you know, whether that be God or the universe or however, however, you know, people believe.
I think that's ultimately why I got taken down several notches is because ultimately I did have a dream of wanting to help others and wanting to serve others at scale. And I didn't personally understand that anyone with the right tools could do that. And so I really think that breaking that internal belief in me, you know, by the suffering that I went through,
really unlocked my brain to figure out like, hey, how does this really work and how can this work for everyone who really wants it? I didn't realize that I was subconsciously disqualifying parts of myself and I was disqualifying people that I would eventually work with had I not been through the suffering and the trials and tribulations that I've been through. How do you build plans for new clients?
Yeah, I think it really helps to have this framework. This framework for me was actually based in like, what all could possibly go wrong for someone who's trying to set on this new kind of like, soul infused journey and this journey of fulfillment.
And for me, one of the biggest obstacles was anxiety. And so, you know, after I'd been through quite a bit of ordeals, I just found myself running into the anxiety barrier around every corner. And so I really immersed myself into, you know, cognitive science, cognitive behavioral therapy,
um different therapeutic techniques for monitoring our thoughts and our reactions to things and and changing uh you know and and so what I did was I ended up baking this into the program I really made it so that like
you know someone that was riddled and paralyzed with anxiety could get through it and so everything's really sliced into very tiny you know easy to digest chunks so that you know it really just eliminates the overwhelm and so a lot of people are are surprised when they come into this program like man I you know it's really the approach that's that's making the difference here you know
It's not always about having this new fangled information that I've never heard before, but it's really how it's assembled. If it's assembled with love, if it's assembled with science, and if it's assembled with that care, you know, there's a lot of teachers out there and I never sought to be like another guru or talking head. I really wanted to come into this with like the soul of like a father or a parent
or having like a teacher's heart, someone that's familiar with the beginner's mind, someone that's compassionate and understands that there's a lot of different things that come into play when it comes to chasing our dreams. And I really tried to ground that into those
those very harsh realities. And so, you know, if you will, with this analogy, you know, when people drive a Range Rover, a lot of times they're not realizing that that Range Rover was tested in the heat of the Sahara desert or in the cold of the Arctic tundra. They're just driving it, you know, to their kid's soccer game, but people have, they like it though, because it's been tested in all of those areas. And so, you know, I like to think that we're, we're kind of like the Range Rover of coaching where it's like,
We're tested in all of these extremes, but really what it results in is a very comfortable ride when it comes to pursuing your goals. Because honestly, you don't know what your time horizon's gonna be to attain the thing that you ultimately want, the thing that you're gonna be remembered for. It may take the rest of your life. And so anything that you can do to kind of build in a solid suspension for yourself, to give you a smoother experience, you're gonna appreciate in the long run.
So what techniques do you use to help your clients stay on track?

Purpose-Driven Productivity Tools

Yeah, so the tools that I've created are a bit peculiar in that, you know, I've had some students that are like gung-ho have
bought all types of time planners, procrastination solutions. I had one lady in my challenge, she put out this picture, she blurted out. She was like, I don't wanna trap anyone else in this, but she's like, I just want you to know, I tried about 30 to 40 different procrastination solutions and none of them worked till now, till I got here with Anthony. So she was like, I just want you to know that this is special. And I had another student, she was like, Anthony, I've bought so many different
productivity planners and I've never been as productive as I am with you and she's like it's very counterintuitive because you don't mention time you don't track time in your in your tools and part of that's for a reason and that's because if I can connect you to your purpose if I can connect you to your reasons for being
then you can achieve this type of flow because really the goal of productivity is not to master time. It's actually to lose track of time. Just think about the times when you've been the most inspired, you know, if you've been working on like
you know, writing a book or a blog post or something like that. Usually that your best work is done when you absolutely lose track of time. You're like, oh my gosh, I got this piece of inspiration. I got this aha moment and I literally couldn't sleep until I got it out of me. And the satisfaction that comes when you deliver like a piece of like soul infused work, you know, those are the pieces that are going to be your life's work. You know, we don't go to the Louvre and to museums to see
the things that people did in moments of practicality. We want to see the works that were done when people really got swept away and carried away. It's that passion that comes through in the brushstrokes and in the ultimate results and outcomes that my students achieve. On a personal level, what is your experience working with science?
Yeah, I never sought out to be a coach.

Journey into Coaching and Faith

I'll just be transparent. This drives my wife crazy because she actually had a goal. She set a goal and an intention of becoming a life coach before we even met. And I just really stumbled into this. I really never sought out to do this. I just knew in my heart that I wanted to make my impact on the world. I wanted to be transformed myself and to help other people transform.
I knew about this idea of transcending expectations and transcending limitations. That's been in me since I was really, really young. This has been a journey that I stumbled into based on just trying to survive myself. I don't think
anything can prepare anyone for the loss of a child or the loss of a loved one right and you know i found myself you know literally chasing like like driving behind this ambulance with my son in it he had to be quickly transferred downtown to a special children's hospital
And it was like, you know, my life, you know, everything just gets, you know, you're in a different kind of stream of consciousness at that point. And, you know, forgive me for going deep into this but because it was it was excruciating but I
my first major decision as a father was to take him off of life support. And I was not prepared for that. And just watching them unplug my baby, it was just like, oh my God, my soul. I don't think I understood how much our soul plays a part in our existence until really that moment when
when the air was sucked out of the room and so it's these very like visceral experiences that I've had that
that I've infused into my work. And so I definitely think that my students can feel that. They feel this very different level of energy and authenticity from me that I truly care and I truly know what it's like, maybe not for their situation, but I know what it's like to have the light literally turn off for me. And I was at the point where I would do anything to turn that light and that spark back on in my life again. And so,
It literally made me somewhat of an expert in knowing how to really activate what lights us up as human beings. That must have been a very tough situation. And I really respect the fact that you overcame that. Absolutely. I don't take all the credit for that. I do give honor and glory to God for that, for bringing me through and for faith. I do feel like that played a really critical component.
you know, what I do doesn't require anyone to have any type of a face background or anything like that. There's no, there's no preachiness in my courses, but it definitely is grounded in that foundation of understanding, you know, that there is, there are greater
factors that work in our lives and just what we see. And part of even being stuck in procrastination, especially if you've experienced success in the past, is understanding that just like gravity is an invisible force that's keeping you down, a lot of times our past success can act like a gravitational pull that's keeping us tethered to what is known. Someone really said recently online that they kind of stuck with me, just that
self-sabotage or in the comfort zone isn't about the unknown as much as it is the known. It's like your known zone and our brains are really just trying to protect us because if you think about it, our brains
don't know the difference between a physical threat and a threat to our social status it sees them as the same thing and so if you're chasing a dream and you already have attained a very known quantity such as success then your brain actually just wants to protect you and keep you safe and it's trying to help you by it's by keeping you stuck it's actually keeping you safe it's really just trying to tell you hey
are you sure about that you know do you have all the resources necessary to make this bridge to the other side and if you don't have the resources necessary i'm not going to support you you know so your brain's going to shut down and it's going to happen on all types of levels it can it can be triggering your stress or your fight or flight response it can be elevated levels of cortisol you can get really deep into the science of being stuck
And so really what it's about doing and I think that the gift that I've been given through this this you know these ordeals is just that I had to build a bridge to myself because my my existing success my known quantity was completely destroyed and so I was responsible for building something completely new
within myself and something completely new outside of myself. And so it really connected the two dots very viscerally for me and enabled me to piece it together in a way that other people can follow, you know, step by step, piece by piece.

The Grace Factor Formula

What is the grace factor? Oh, man, I love it. So the grace factor is this, it's this five
five-step formula for overcoming procrastination and basically what it's doing is it's installing those key skills that you know we actually did research amongst you know I was you know I was in about you know almost two around almost two million business owners online
And i did a lot of serving amongst that and and over and over again when when i asked about like what are the most valuable skills that you feel are necessary to be successful as an entrepreneur i really thought they were gonna come back and say oh man it's it's gotta have your sales gotta be able to market you know you gotta.
you gotta have a type A personality or just networking, just something that was gonna be in the lungs of more like tactical skills. And what came back was just completely different and it blew me away. The number one thing people were saying was they wanted more grit, they wanted more resilience, they wanted more adaptability, they wanted more consistency and they wanted to be more effective communicators. And so you can really hit all five of those just by
tapping into who you are, what you bring to the table, and infusing your soul into your purpose and really just starting to think about reverse engineering your life versus just marching forward to the beat of the loudest external drum.
The grace factor is really, it's a workshop that I do and we really just, we destroy procrastination and destroy inconsistent motivation. Everyone talks about, oh, you need to have discipline, you need to take massive action, but no one talks about how to do it and it's so frustrating.
you know, everyone's like, be disciplined. Okay, great. I agree with that as a component of it, but how? So this really tackles the how, like, let's, let's help you actually, you know, change these core beliefs around your goals and change the way that you look at yourself, you know, because it's not, it's not enough to just have confidence, right? Because confidence in the wrong thing can be hubris.
but you want to have this kind of flexible notion of who you are just to say that like there are certain things about me within me that that I can I can dig up when I need to and call on demand to really bring to the table that's going to get me through those challenging times and so we just tackle it in a really wholesome way that
You don't have to procrastinate anymore, and you don't have to rely on motivation anymore, and you can do it using science and behavioral psychology.
So what are your long-term goals?

Global Middle Class and Personal Growth Programs

Man, I actually want to impact the global middle class. I want to see the global middle class expanded. And this might sound any type of way to someone else. People don't understand that they don't have to, but I have a soft spot for the middle class and what that means to society. I think it's very important to expand and sustain
Obviously, I want everyone to have their abundance, have whatever belongs to them, whatever they're able to acquire and attain. But the family, just seeing, I got to grow up in both the US and Canada.
know being a part of the middle class was really a gift for me because you know it it gave me a close enough idea of you know i'm i'm really blessed you know i can see that there's people that i can serve that i can help and i can see that there's another level that i can attain and just i think i don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with being in the middle because
you know gives you access you know gives you gives you more choices and i just feel like globally you know the the middle class has really been under assault where it just seems to be shrinking and shrinking and what that does is it it hurts everybody because you know
there there does need to be consumers in a society there and there does need to be producers and and the middle class is kind of a nice tandem of both they're not they're not purely consumers um you know they are producers of you know these work hour units right so they it's a fundamental building block of society and i just feel like you know the health of a nation is really determined
by the strength of the families and within the middle class. And so I've always also had a heart for the inner city and I wanna be able to make that impact. And I wanna be able to support missions abroad. I grew up in a Christian home. My dad, he ran a nonprofit organization educating missionaries all over the world. And so I got to see that up close. And so that was an organization near and dear to his heart.
you know, my goal is to really try to make, you know, as broad and as meaningful an impact as possible. So what services are you offering? Yeah, so every month or so we do these these grace workshops. And that's where we really dig into the meat of the procrastination and motivation dilemma that people are dealing with. And then I also offer a special accelerator program. And that's, you know, where I do a more intensive group coaching model,
where we really just, you know, take the bull by the horns and the transformations are amazing, man. I never anticipated that, you know, in my wildest dreams I would be able to help people in this type of a way. You know, I have a few students from my accelerator that
have completely, I mean, you know, some people, everyone has the reasons for coming into a program like this, you know, some people want to grow their business, they want to, you know, increase the amount of clientele or revenue that they attract. You know, some people, you know, have a have a dream to go get a degree or write a book, you know, some type of a long term goal that they know is going to require some consistency to achieve.
But they come away with so much more than that. I mean, I've heard of marriages being restored, people having difficult conversations with their in-laws that they've been putting off for years. You know, just very things that are kind of random, but cool. Parents just saying, man, my kids are flourishing. I feel like I'm becoming a super parent.
I know exactly what I'm doing to control the atmosphere and the almost a spiritual temperature in my house. And they're really seeing that they can create this kind of incubator effect for those they love. And so I've just been really blessed to have this coaching practice now and be able to see people accelerate beyond their wildest dreams. And what do you think makes you stand out from coaching?
Yeah, I think part of that is that I've never sought out to do this. You know, I think the fact that it was thrust upon me as a type of a calling or, you know, Herculean mission, you know, definitely makes me different. You know, people can tell I'm not, you know, I'm not coming at this from like this ivory tower of
of rules and frameworks that I was handed in someone else's program or certification. It's really everything that I've done has been grounded in the reality of my own personal experience and then crossed over into the sciences. And I've been able to blend and infuse something that's really powerful as a result. My first business coach, she knew that I was trying to get out there
And she, before I even had anything created, she did me a solid and promoted me to her list of over 25,000 people. And she was like, you know, Anthony's gonna get you unstuck. And I was just like, oh my gosh, like, this is amazing. But how am I gonna do this? And so that really
put me in a position and put the right amount of pressure on me that I knew I had to create something that wasn't just going to be anecdotal right like it can't be just based on my experience because how do I know how can I you know ensure that it's going to have that transformational effect on someone that might have a completely different story and so that's where I really had to broaden my outlook and really get some scientific instruments involved
and assessments and so I took those experiences, I took that knowledge, I grounded it in that and then I recalled some of the CBT and psychological frameworks that I experienced in my own therapeutic journey and just infused it with that as well and that's been a recipe or a cocktail for success for me. So what advice can you give to anyone?

Finding Potential and Investing in Growth

You know, I would say that don't underestimate the power of what's left. You know, you might have accomplished a lot. You might have accomplished a little. You may have discovered a lot about yourself, but there's always something more that you can grasp about yourself and the world around you and people that are out there that are seeking what you have.
you know, going on this journey, I didn't realize that I had more to give, a lot more to give, you know, I really felt like I had hit this zero. And it was like, okay, bank's empty, I'm not, there's nothing left. And that wasn't true at all.
you know, in fact it was the opposite. I was actually, this was a gift that was going to unlock even more abundance and so, you know, there's this passage in scripture that talks about strength in that which remains and there's nothing wrong with putting strength into the thing that remains because it's that small thing. Every tree started out as a seed and in this day and age we see a lot of trees in social media, we see a lot of fruit, we see a lot of
outcome, you know, we're almost addicted to outcomes, a lot of them that may not even be real, right, but are in within ourselves, we if we are willing to put ourselves in the right environment, we're willing to do the investing, you know, we can see we can see fruit that's going to reflect some really powerful things within ourselves. And I really think that's the key to fulfillment to like, it's not just about
you know, ending our own suffering within ourselves. But if we can end the suffering of others, there's there's a byproduct that it does. You know, I look at like, you know, someone online like Mr. Beast, you know, this guy's given out like thousands of dollars online. Why does he keep doing that? It's like there's this reciprocation effect that he's tapped into where you can tell it's genuinely making him happy.
I don't think that that was, he couldn't have initially set out to do that when he was starting his channel because he didn't have that type of money, nor was it guaranteed that he was gonna get that. But once he got it, he seized that opportunity to create this kind of virtuous cycle for himself. And so my goal is to really help people find their virtuous cycles and run that cycle as long as it gives you happiness. And how can we reach you?

Contact Information and Conclusion

Yeah, my website is lifestoryconsulting.com. My upcoming workshops are at lifestorytraining.com. And so people can register for free for my next workshop at lifestorytraining.com. You know, there it is right there. Thanks, Jimbo, for that. I've got a client attraction entrepreneurs workshop, even if you're not an entrepreneur, even if you are not trying to attract clients at this time, or you don't know what type of business you have, you know, you can,
you can join this and we'll talk about the grace factor and really just getting more grit resilience adaptability consistency and effective communication into your life because then that literally just gives you the keys and that that enables you to hop in virtually any vehicle of choice you know i didn't know my my vehicle was going to be this coaching vehicle but i had grace
And because I had grace, it really didn't matter what vehicle I hopped in. I actually still work in the tech sector right now, helping banking executives and working with the top brands in the world. And it's just because it's a vehicle that won't let me go. I've tried and they keep making the offer sweeter and sweeter.
and so i'm just rolling with it and it is and because they're making the offer sweeter it is it is opening doors that that are allowing me to find more fulfillment where i am there too so i just want to give people the keys you know the keys are out there and they're available and things that are things that are powerful tools are worthy of being invested in you know i that there is power to investing i don't want
people out there to just be a freebie chaser their whole life you know like that's not going to get you anywhere the things that you the things that you really want a lot of times can be hidden behind you know people people get frustrated at those paywalls but the paywalls are there for a reason it's because there's value
And King David said that I will not offer a sacrifice that costs me nothing. He wasn't willing to bring a sacrifice and call it a sacrifice and yet not pay the price for it. And so if you can really teach yourself and train yourself to get excited about paying the price for things, that is really gonna change the game because I will never let a paywall get in my way. If there's something that I want or a result that I'm chasing,
It's going to cost something. And what you're paying for is you're paying for the curation of information. A lot of times people don't understand that your time is valuable. And so if you have a ton of time and you want to curate and go about and search the interwebs yourself and try to figure everything out yourself, that's fine. But it's going to cost you time.
what you're paying for is the acceleration and the curation and so you know this has been a secret of the wealthy for a long time as they always invest in consulting and coaching and advising you know in the multitude of counselors there is safe and so you know people that are successful they leave clues and one of those clues is being willing to invest in education excellent words of wisdom i want to thank you again for being on the show
Mr. Alexis and I also want to thank you as the audience here for watching the show. I'll see you all next time. Thanks so much for having me. I'm currently working on a passion project that I'm really excited about but I need your help to bring it to life. We'll be launching soon our very own Jimbo Paris Academy and this is going to be about aspiring creators and creating concepts.
Thank you for your support. I'm sharing free bonus content with supporters, so let's make some amazing content together. Our affiliate partner, Lifework Systems, focused on helping create a better collegial environment, looking at the mental health of business workers, business employees, and overall bringing the business up.
Thank you for listening to the Jimbo Parish Show.