126 Plays
7 years ago
Engineer Jeff Munn talks about teaching kids robotics in an orphanage in India. Jeff works for engineering hardware-software company National Instruments, based in Austin, Texas. With his company's support, he volunteers for a program from the nonprofit organizations Science in a Suitcase and the Miracle Foundation. The program aims to educate often marginalized children around the world, and they are raising funds for another trip to India to help another orphanage. He talks about teaching techniques, educational equipment, how he became an engineer despite starting as a musician, and what engineering means to him. Links to organizations mentioned on this show: ● Donate: https://give.miraclefoundation.org/fundraise?fcid=641437 ● National Instruments: http://www.ni.com/en-us.html ● Miracle Foundation: http://www.miraclefoundation.org/ ● Science in a Suitcase: http://www.scienceinasuitcase.com/ ● LEGO Education WeDo: https://education.lego.com/en-us/products/lego-education-wedo-construction-set/9580 ● LEGO Mindstorms: http://www.lego.com/en-us/mindstorms/?domainredir=mindstorms.lego.com ● GreatNonprofits: http://greatnonprofits.org/ Our opening music comes from "School Zone (radio edit)" by The Honorable Sleaze, and our closing music is from "Learn To Live With What You're Not" by Steve Combs. Both are used under a Creative Commons Attribution License: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Subscribe, review, and send comments online! On Twitter, it's @piuswong. Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/K12EngineeringEducation/ And review us on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/k12-engineering-education/id1119404863?mt=2 Thanks for listening! A transcript for this episode is at: http://www.k12engineering.net/transcripts/ep6.html