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Japanese Spider-Man Episode 1 (Commentary Track) image

Japanese Spider-Man Episode 1 (Commentary Track)

S3 ยท Chatsunami
339 Plays2 years ago

In this episode friend of the channel Craigy C is webbed in by Satsunami himself to take on one of the most unique iterations of Spider-Man! Feel free to grab some snacks and watch along with the duo as they discuss the weird and wonderful of this episode!


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Introduction to Japanese Spider-Man

Hello everybody and welcome to this very special episode of Chatsunami First and Last. In this episode we are going to be watching the very first episode of Japanese Spider-Man. If you want to watch the episode alongside our commentary track, then get ready to start the episode now.
Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Spider-Man Month. My name's Chatsunami. My name's Chatsunami, so joining me today is someone who isn't going to mark up his introduction. It's me, it's me, it's Craigie B. Oh no, I did it as well. Thank you for humoring me.
So yeah, you might be wondering, what are you listening to? What is on your screen? Or rather, what isn't on your screen? Yeah, today we are doing a commentary track of Japanese Spider-Man.

The Quirky Charm of the Show

Now Craig,
Craig A brought up a very interesting point because you said, oh, usually it's you breaking into my house to make me watch things. And I have brought you here under false pretenses that we are going to be watching something entertaining. I was waiting for Spider-Man. What's this all about? This is Japanese Spider-Man. Clearly, can you not see the iconography of giant robot in New York? Of course.
I mean, it's... It's Spider-Man! I mean, he just said Spider-Man again. Time for revenge. Time for revenge has come! Attack the Iron Cross army! Yeah, that's not an alias, it was for me though. So...
Was this like Hulk Hogan's breakout? My brother. Spider-brother. How does he know?
Okay, that's surprising. Was that a superhero? Does that count? No, it's not. Oh yeah, true. Of course they did.

Cultural Impact and Marvel's Influence

So, what do you know about Japanese Spider-Man?
The only thing I love about it is the giant robot. And the reason I love about that is because it has some pre-dates. This is like the first giant robot show. Yeah. Basically because of the show you have Gundam, Transformers, Power Rangers. It all comes from this show. And it also has nothing to do with Spider-Man.
Well, it was actually Marvel that commissioned, I think it was Toei that published this. A good friend, Toei. Yeah, exactly. And yeah, this is our very good friend, not Peter Parker. Yeah, they actually changed him to a biker. I was waiting for his name to pop up in the screen that we didn't know that the name was coming up.
So in case you're wondering what we are doing today, yeah, we are going to be talking about the very first and last episode, which, see, you know, honestly, I don't think there's going to be any gaps. There'll be no questions whatsoever. So yeah, I just have to take a quick take about it. Someone said sometimes, could it be, like, they knew what this was, it was flying up the sky, like, oh, could this be the... What are they thinking that's going so on? I don't know, what is it? Oh, there's more for him. Wait.

Unique Gadgets and Characters

Oh, okay, there you go. Oh, right. I think I was a human person.
with the guy with the big gim, the leap up in his eye. You know, they must have had so much fun with this. I like the shit's called Marvellor. The Marvellor. Do you like his Marvell? I guess so. I don't get it. Is he a bull?
I'm sorry of all the people to bring up Star Trek reference. I'm impressed. He's 400 years old. It has to be. Spider-Man of Borg.
That was handy. I was really sad that she didn't get like a magical girl transformation at the moment. What is that? Battle Machine Monster? I love his name, it's just Professor Monster. That is amazing. Oh, she decides herself as like... The editor-in-chief?
Can you imagine being in your work and someone hands you a picture of a toy space shop and says, I want you to investigate this, you would go, I'm sorry, what? I'd absolutely say I'd love to. I'm sorry, is he just gassing these apartments? It's just an apartment, this top right is like a kitchen.
Man burning with passion? Man burning with dumb-ass ideas? Man burning his house down. Is he supposed to be just like Evil Knievel? Was Evil Knievel like Popcaw got in Japan? No idea. I hear they all went in the kitchen looking at me. Has it got a place at the table? It was. It's a family member.
That's Peter Parker. Not that guy, the bike. The spider bike. So how are you finding it? I'm catching up on the voice. I thought it was the spider talking to Paul Embroer.
It's not like, I thought it was an active spider but like, hey brother. You wanna come out and hang at the web? Well you've been just a spider with the whole coke and mustache. This is like such a fashion.
Do you think a fashion sense is better or worse than Godzilla vs. King Ghadira? The time travelers? Oh no, this is definitely a bit more fashionable. Look at that. That is a quick change in the half. She changed her hair and everything. I wish I could get ready that quickly. Turned round to the wee boy. Stop talking in an ominous voice, okay?
I'm so lost.

Spider-Man's Cosmic Quirkiness

Well, it's a spider from space. And you want revenge on Professor Monster? What are you not getting here? I'm king of the whole thing. I'm not gonna lie. Am I a dominant? Get off the bike, Ken. What the hell? He did a cap to the medicare. You got off the bike? I think I'm gonna be sick.
If you haven't seen the 80's Captain America film, please do. Sorry, no, no, just the cement. What? Raw is the little... Yeah, it's the pocket monster. Oh, that is no longer the pocket monster. It is. It is, they must. Speaking of aging names.
Get off my bike! I think I'm gonna be sick! So where did he leave the wee boy though? Like, just in the street? I don't know! Father! Yeah, a jacket's fishing mate. What's going on? I mean, that is a snappy jacket to be fair. It is. Lately, there's been... See if you're dying or you've been in, like, a really serious accident. Do you, monologue? Yeah.
Really, do you just say, long ago, your favourite meme's dead? My last wish is that I didn't have to watch from Japanese. So why is he... Oh no. Uncle Ben. Uncle Dad. That's not as hard as that one.
something got lost in translation. Dad, uncle, same thing, you know. It's great power. That's a good thing to see, right? That was it. And there's like, what? How do you know they're doing this off at Prince? I mean, that was a good bit of scaling though. Oh yeah. Yes. This is like me trying to get to work.
That was sick. That was pretty sick. I have no idea what I'm talking about. Have you got duck beaks on or what? I'm actually listening. Why did they just suddenly attack him? Why did they stop him and not the old man?
Not that I'm advocating for stopping. That was just like one day and it's like reaction shots. That's all she had to do. Just look at things and go, you have one job. Whoa. Oh, this is the guy. Yeah, this is the spider.
Did someone say Spiderman? Oh for the planet? So it's like Planet Hulk but with spiders. The ones who killed your father were from the Iron Cross army. So in space they don't have a PR department do they?
But no one workshot these names. No one in the space code or whatever the code has. I do feel sorry for Professor Munster, because it feels like with a name like that you've only really got one path in life. Yeah, that is just a self-fulfilling prophecy. You know what I mean? If your surname's Munster... That's his place. Oh, and you go for him? Yeah. Oh, body horror. So this is how he gets his powers? Yeah.

Spider-Verse and Costume Commentary

This is way cooler than Spider-Man. Yeah, he has like a massive bracelet. And it's like the iWatch, or the Apple. Oh, they've got... Oh, would you call them? Yeah. Yeah, I've never seen him. Spider-Man. They are awesome. Why this Spider-Man wasn't in no way home, I don't know. So, this is one other thing I know about this.
Apparently he is going to be in the next Into the Spider-Verse film. I have heard that. It's the one thing, because I grew up last night. It's the one thing that's keeping me going in life. I'm not going to lie. That was you. It was me, Barry. When is Bonza coming? Bonza? Whoa, Japanese Bonza. Don't say things that give me hope.
Why me? You are the only one in the game. You are literally the only one in a to my own ideas. You are probably the protagonist, that's why. Please don't be a reporter. Please don't be a reporter. I'm a biker. Yes. What? I was beaten to this cave of poison the spiders. You live on planet spider.
Alright, he's talking about planet spiders. Also, it's signal because poison spiders are bad if you eat them. What kind of naming convention is that? Like if you come from planet spider, that implies obviously there's hundreds of spiders, but you wouldn't call Australia the country of spiders. Well, this is a thing like planet Jupiter, isn't it? Is planet spiders because the spiders are low? Because the planet is a spider?
That is disgusting. I'm not going to dignify that. Also, so he comes from Pan Aspira, right? And everyone has... spider pose? Yeah, so it's some kind of flipping thing. And he's just going to have Spider-Man. Is that really, like, you going up to someone and putting a kill on them and calling them Scotland, man? Right, this is what's happening here. Oh, he's dead? Yeah. That was, he was fighting a second ago. I've only had a super-purposed kill. Oh no, Uncle Spider.
Oh wow, the spider then. Did he? Did he just? What? Oh yeah, dead spider. OK, he's not dead, he's a spider. Absolutely just... What are you confused about, a spider man? He's just lying there, standing at the ceiling. Same.
This is like the time before mobile phones, so he didn't have injuries. Oh my god. Oh my god! Uncomfortable with like...
I love the fact as well. There's like a thread tied around the spider. Did you notice that? Right at the top. Oh no. Poor spider. It's like, let me down. It's like, I trust you, not Uncle Ben. Oh, this is how he gets his power.
Well, apparently Toby McGuire had like that. I don't want to come out and rape me at all. But he had like a hole in his suit. Okay. So he didn't have to take it off. Also, what do you think of...? I mean, I like it. I like it. It's kind of like... It's not really looking at all. That's just... I've quite the angle as you either. I'd love to just hear the inner monologue of that spider just like...
That's a distress. That's a good person. Well, I've made good life choices so I will not look up at the ceiling.
I mean, he's bright balloon red. I kind of thought we were going to get the aliens in there and we were going to drop them around and steal the breaks as well. So, as they're like, there must be a spider man.
I didn't plan it, spider. Well, that's okay, I was getting it, look. Yeah, right. Oh. Oh. I seem to be, everyone in spider can plan a spider as either a spider man or a spider woman. Yeah. Like, him can't look onto a spider as this. It's, like, it's cultural completion. Also, the eyes are odd. Wee! That was cool. That was pretty neat. I liked it. Oh, wait, there, I'm sorry. I thought it was going to stop the camera. Oh my god, there's a man on that pole!
How do you start a conversation with that? I just sat down. What the hell?

Spider-Man's Techniques and Armory

So fun fact about Spiderman costumes is they put like a dome underneath the mask so you don't have to see like the nose and lips of it. This one doesn't have that so you can't just see the guy's like the bottom of his face right there. Oh no that wouldn't be me.
I mean for many reasons, more of the climbing the building. There's actually, fun fact, I think it's based on the American show but there's a film where Spider-Man goes to China to fight people and he goes up this massive building and there's something similar to that
And it just looks terrifying. Oh, so are they ducks? Yeah, they work. They don't have beets on the whole thing, right? You have to. Yeah. A genie, we thought it was... Woah. We're throwing in the trees. That's it. Is that the dam from... Go to the high?
I love the fact as well, I don't know if you've noticed this, but he actually does move like a spider. Yeah, they have taken the whole... Spider-man thing. Yeah, they're actually trying to do like a spider-man thing. Planet Spider, you know. Do you know what it reminds me of? You know when you tell your parents you like something, and then for the next several years they just buy you things that are related to that thing? Oh my god. Cool. Scrooge McDuck.
That was sick! That was awesome! How cool was that? That was... too cool. I mean, have you ever heard... He just took away his dad's identity. He took away his straight up scene of his dad was him. Whoa, spider butt. There's been a lot of spider crackings.
He's like, SPIDERCRACK! SPIDERCRACK! I think when you think about how Spider-Man moves in, like, in the shows that we know he's in, it's quite low, but in this one he's probably got his ass up, but he's constantly down with... Or... Or slap webs down! Fujita, right, okay.
I thought I'd read that round. I love that the jump cuts are fantastic. This is just peak. This is just peak cinema. It's Japanese Spiderman. I mean, what more do you want?
He just, what? He just jumped at his spider man. What do you want from me? I don't know. I don't know. Whoa. Okay. She's losing clothes by the minute. Yes. Incredible. Mushy them. Has he got a thruster up his backside? Not spider man. I don't know.
Oh no, he's slipping gradually. If only he had like sticky hands. Oh my god, dude. Nice. The kaiju of- Whoa!
This looks so much better than the way home. I'm far from home. Just all of it. It's very much me doing that. My second starfish reference, but you know the starfish. I will not fight him. This is why I'm here. I want to see this. Oh yeah. Here we go. Can I do this? Also did you see the fact he just threw him around like a ragdoll? Here we go. I love how this is like your Uber this year.
Imagine the cost is going to cost them like this, like peak time. Well, apparently, fun fact about the robot, apparently the original was stolen and they kept stealing the models. That's a shame. I know, it's really sad. It's like, don't get me wrong, actors do these tape props and things, but I mean, to take the whole damn robot, that's dedication. And it's 30 foot tall. I know.
Oh, so... Is he just parking then? That was a flying car, he was in there. I feel like nobody... See, this guy is loading the lot very quickly and he's very okay with all that stuff, do you know what I mean? Yeah, do you remember when Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, of course, you know, he had time to muddle over, oh my god, I've got spider powers and kind of... Right, this guy...
He's just like, you know what, a flying car? Thing. This is just, I'm taking it in my street, no. MSR from hell, Spider-Man. Yeah. For everything else, Spider-Man, you know. He's crazy. That's like, what's that Transformer you like, the one with the cassette? Yeah, it's so good. Is it some way of, you know? You know, you're the greatest thing I've ever been. There's a massive walk coming in the front of him.
Wow. This is way too cool. It's one of those things that's so cool. It's like you don't care. It makes no sense. Spider-Man no problems with killing people. So Japanese Spider-Man has a kolk out. He also fires a gun later on in the season. Which is amazing. Is there a Spider-Man? Oh, so he's keeping the car?
Because he's given the card. Is he gonna... Is he gonna... Is he gonna take that home with him? Is that gonna be in the kitchen as well in the next episode? I think so. What, is that the hook you mean? No, it's just like in the kitchen in the house where you had the bike. Is that gonna be in the card as well? Also, how sad is this like intro music? It's...
Like before I was like, spotted a man and I was like, under a grave marker, why is my father... Is this like a Ghibli film? I hope we don't see any raccoons with massive testicles. Also did I. I know it's like a folklore thing but
I mean, all I'm saying is that it's coming from the country that has water horses that pull ye under. I know our fair share of weird folk. That just takes the best of it. Why did they animate the balls? That was someone's job. Spiderbolts. This is the one we're watching. Unfortunately not. This is where Spiderman 2 got his reference from.
I don't want to know what I was. Is it a giant ball? It looks like a giant ball.

Final Thoughts on Episode One

So yeah, what did you think of Japanese Spider-Man episode one? I don't know.
Any analysis? It was a stream of sounds and visual things that signify nothing. I don't know what to say. On that note, of course you won't be able to catch our episode on Friday, but we are going to jump on to the final episode of this first and last
I was going to say see these, but I don't think you'll be back after this next episode. Is this the last episode they ever made? Yeah, they only made 41 episodes, would you believe? Sage. Hyper Sage. So feel free to pop on the next episode and we'll see you over there.