Graham's Space Canadians. One thing that I found really interesting, and it's one we briefly touched on, but the Shadow Broker DLC I think is absolutely incredible. I think it's probably one of the better ones. Out of the three, and it makes you feel like you're in an action film where you're on Ilium and you have to like weave in and out of traffic and things, although granted I nearly crashed more than I care to admit in that one. Yeah, I can't drive in-game or in real life. I do like that, but I think the majority of the loyalty missions have cutscenes and cutscenes integrated into them, which one did not really have. One had cutscenes, but they weren't as in-depth. And with Illium, when you're on Illium, you can really feel the scope of Ilium where you chase people through the city and you get to be in different parts. And yeah, I do like the start of that DLC where Liara goes missing and you're investigating her apartment and you go from different parts of Ilium. It does make it feel less boxed in. you get a lot of really good set pieces from, as you said, Liara's apartment, which has a very, and again, this is very, very nitpicky, but she's got a degree from an Asari University and it's in English and you're like but again It's not a deal breaker, I'm like oh that's it, it's unplayable. You get the Shadow Broker ship, which I absolutely adore. I think that's one of the coolest things where you're on the outside of it and you have to fight your way through. You get the yarg, I think the yarg or the yarg. A big beastie that you have to shoot in the face. You get all of this codex lore and things, and after that I was reading through every single one, especially with Tally and her download browser history. I was joking about that, but you do actually get to see she downloads things like Fleets and Flowtowers, the movie, where it's like a turian and a quarian falling in love. Yeah, I mean, do you know this that if you don't romance Scaris or Tally? They get together, yeah. I wouldn't be able to see that that, that would break my heart. Yeah, same, same. But I do love those details. You look at Garris', you get the different songs he listens to while shooting people and it's just, I just love that, that while we're fighting for our lives, he's just jamming out and shooting people between the eye. it just reminds me of that ad that people have done of it's like the deep space marine voice but it's singing the Elton John's I'm Still Standing so it's like there's a gory you know battle going on and you just hear I'm still sick and I just imagine someone like Garris would even grunt go to hell with that. That is honestly just such a good DLC though. Another shadow broker easter egg that I like is that in Miranda's file, you read that it's impossible for her to have kids, which is also a heartbreaking thing, especially if you're someone who wants kids, but it also makes you think is that the reason her and Jacob didn't work out because Jacob really does want kids and it's just another layer to it. And then my another ultimate favorite one is when you look through the vids of the little surveillance videos and you get to the one in the Citadel and you you see the reporter being punched in the face. It is my favourite running gag of the game. I play Paragon, but I punch her in the face every single fucking time. I feel as if I'm the only player who doesn't punch her in the face. Which is why I say you haven't played Mass Effect properly. Exactly. But I did laugh at that, I have to say, when I look through the video, it's like the krogan just launching her across the room. I thought, okay, that is pretty funny. And even the volus. kicks her in the shin and whatnot. I thought, okay that is really, really funny. But no, I totally agree with you. I think that you get to see both the kind of funny side of the characters, but you also get to see that very vulnerable side of them and it really flushes them out. Again, they didn't have to do that. They didn't have to that story that they did and it rewards players for wanting to know more about the characters. But one of my favourites, just as a closing point though, one of my favourite emails that The Shadow Broker has is from an ad mineral who's like, I don't trust Sheppard because he's working for Cerberus, blah, blah, blah. Can you grant me authority to bring him in? It's this huge War and Peace paragraph And you get an email from Admiral Hackett and he's like, dear so-and-so, no, kind of guards, Admiral Hackett. And I was like, I was honestly clapping at that moment thinking Admiral Hackett, you absolute, honestly, he is the companion character that you never get, but he is your ride or die when it comes to the alliance between him and Anderson. They're both just such great characters because he never really appears until, you know, important moments. And even then when he appears, you're just so happy to see him.