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The Best You Can Be with Jacob Galea image

The Best You Can Be with Jacob Galea

E2 ยท Otterly Positive Talks
25 Plays1 year ago

Jacob Galea is Australia's leading motivational speaker & personal life coach.


Podcast Introduction

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Laughing Otter, where we are making the world a happier place, one person at a time. I'm your host, Jeff Bonesberger.

Guest Misidentification

And I'm super, super excited today that we have Joseph Gallia, a world-renowned, expert, bestselling author and keynote speaker that goes around the world and helps businesses and people become... It's Jacob. It's Jacob Hollier, not Joseph. You know what's funny? Okay, I'm going to start that again.
Uh, yes. I just thought I'd, I've done so many of these. I thought I'd stop you rather than you go into your whole spiel and then my name's wrong. Yeah. No, good. It's, it's because Jacob is my brother's middle name and Joseph is my middle name. Okay. So, yeah. So, um, yeah, I just, I kept flipping it around. So let's, I'm going to just, I'm going to end that and actually, you know what? I can just say that I'm just going to keep going.
Oh, just one second. All right. You still there? I'm here. Okay. So yeah, sorry about that. Yeah. So your, your middle name's Joseph. I think that's every parent who couldn't think of one, uh, just went with Joseph. I think so. All right. Okay. So we'll start again. Take two, three, two, one.

Guest Proper Introduction

Hello everyone. And welcome to the laughing auto, where we're making the world a happier place.
one person at a time, and I'm your host, Jeff Bogginsburger. Super excited today that on today's show we have Jacob Gallia, a world-renowned expert, bestselling author, and keynote speaker that goes around the world and helps people become limitless and to live with a purpose. He is a karate black belt champion that mixes Zen leadership, mind coaching, and inner human transformation
coupled with his unshakable belief in the human spirit to change people's lives. Welcome to the show, Jacob. Thank you so much for having me, Jeff. Now, I've given you a bit of an introduction, but I know you and I know I haven't done it justice. So maybe you can tell the listeners a little bit more about you, your approach and the science behind it.

Subconscious Mind Coaching

Yeah, sure. Look, first and foremost, I'm a mind coach by trade. So I'm a subconscious peak performance mind
coach where I go into organizations and work from the top down on a mindset level to transform individuals and companies from the inside out. So I've developed over the last 20 years of being in the coaching and mentoring space, a very bespoke system, Jeff, that allows companies and individuals to get introduced to a version of them that they've never really met before. And when you engage
with an organization, what's the jumping off point? Like where are you starting off? Look, first and foremost is to start off to see, I look at three things. I look at number one, where have they been? Number two, where are they? And then number three, where are they going? And my job is to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to go and helping them to understand that where they think they're going and how they're doing that compared to how they need to do that is light years apart.
And when you go in and you're talking to these businesses, and I know you've also worked with a number of professional athletes, are you finding that what you're teaching them could transcend to their personal lives and to just everyday people and just making their own lives more positive and more effective? Yeah, absolutely. Look, Jeff, I'm one of the only coaches that combines business
and life coaching together for that exact reason. I believe that you can't be successful in just one vertical of your life. If you're going to be successful, you have to be successful in both verticals being business and life. So what my approach is, is my approach is to look at it on a holistic level and universally on what are you like inside the business world? And what do you like outside of it? And how do we align those two so you can become successful inside and outside of the boardroom at the same time?
So what are you finding are the top three challenges or room for improvement when you're dealing with people in changing their mindset?

Challenges in Mindset Change

Yeah, I think the first and foremost number one is fear. People are living with a lot of fear today. That's a different world. We've never existed in a world like this before, just ever in history. We've never been through something like
you know, COVID-19 where the whole world was basically locked down and shut down and you weren't allowed to leave your house more than five kilometres radius. Now we're human beings, we've never existed in anything like this. So the masses 80% are pretty fearful and scared at the moment from their mindset of what's going on. I think fear is a massive one and always put that at the top of the list. I think following fear, you've got no accountability. You know, I don't understand how, you know, you've got top athletes who hire coaches
in the highest arena, whether it's the English Premier League or tennis or boxing, they hire coaches to help them win in their arena and yet everyday people don't hire coaches to help them win in their everyday world. So accountability in coaching and mentoring is absolutely paramount and lacking in Australia, especially Australia. Jeff, we're a long way behind the rest of the world when it comes to this stuff.
And the third thing I'd say is ambition. In Australia, we're not as ambitious as our counterparts around the world. We're not as big thinkers. Obviously, if you look at a city like New York City and how big everything is and how the Americans, for example, in business, I do a lot of international travel, we're quite small in regards to our tactical disposition and how we move on the chessboard of our life compared to some of our counterparts around the world.
It's interesting that you mentioned fear as the one that you mentioned the most. In a previous life, I was a teacher in Korea teaching English and it really made me aware because they were more extreme than say Canada or Australia, which I'm familiar with as well, in how fearful people were
of making mistakes. And then I started thinking about just my own life and the people around me. And it's amazing how most people can recall a time in high school or a time in their formative years where they were embarrassed or were made fun of. But very few people can remember really
times when they were given accolades. There seems to be this disproportionate response to when people make mistakes, to when they do well. And as a result, I think just across all societies, we just have this built-in fear of failure that holds us all back.
Yeah, absolutely. But I think it's a lot worse in Australia. If you look at Australia, what happens is if you don't make it in Australia, you don't try hard in Australia, you have Centrelink, you have an ambulance that will come and pick you up on the side of the road and look after you, we're blessed like that. But to build a country of entrepreneurs and power people, if you look at somewhere like America where, again, if you don't make it, you're on the street, there's nowhere to live, there's no Centrelink to get your health funds
You've got to go for a job where they pay for that for you. It's a very different place. So we don't really breed champions the way they do overseas. Yes. Now, having lived in all of those countries and Europe, Canada, the States, I think there is a happy medium somewhere in between because I've also seen what
I've seen in the US how there's a lot of people who don't get that fair start in life, but then I also see where if, where there is, if there isn't that incentive that work and also, and I'm, yeah, I think it starts before people become adults is where I think it needs to start and that is,
giving people that passion within the school system and the support they need to become strong individuals before they become adults is really a belief that the laughing water holds.

Education System Critique

Absolutely. Yeah. And it would be great to, I know a lot of coaches like yourself in that who do great work at the business level. Perhaps there's an opportunity for government to
start investing in that same sort of entrepreneurial coaching and life-skilled coaching in our school system as well, because I don't see an awful lot of that. Absolutely. It's a good point. I think, you know, one of my, you know, I do a lot of talks at school, Jeff, to, you know, to children and give back. And my mission is to, you know, one of my mission and passion projects is training tomorrow leaders today. And I go into schools and I teach them things that, you know, no university, no pay
And not even no workplace can teach them in regards to, you know, mindset, dynamic, subconscious programming, affirmation, visualizations, how to make yourself successful from the inside out and learn that success is an inside job. And this is crucial. You know, we should be, as a society, you know, we should be teaching children what it takes to manage money, to build wealth, to become successful and not to settle for second best in their life, to chase their dreams and
and become everything that they dream about and more. This is why we're put on this planet. We're so expansive. We're so limitless. I don't understand why people have shackles on them and think they have to live a limited life when we have access to everything in 2022 we need and beyond. Yeah, I agree. I have this theory that it's from the power of one, but I look at the education system
And we are still teaching a lot of the same subjects in the same manner as we did 300, 400 years ago. But back in those days, the only people who were going to school were the elite and the wealthy. So they didn't need to learn how to survive and to be happy and to prosper. So they were taught things like,
sophisticated science and math and all that, which is all important. But in today's world, everybody goes to school and most students will actually have to make a living for themselves and fend for themselves. So I think there is definitely a gap there in what we're teaching kids. So yeah, it's definitely interesting and it's great that you're giving back and doing those talks because it makes a big difference.
Just for me, I write about in my book Birth of the Super U that at 19 years old, I met a mentor who changed everything in my life. I finished school, I did a printing apprenticeship because a European family says, if you get a trade, you'll have a job for life. I started working in a factory and I finished my apprenticeship and hated it. And I met a mentor and this mentor changed the complete direction of where I was to go and who I was becoming.
That's why I have mentoring groups all around the world right now and I coach and mentor people all over the world because of the power of mentoring. It's so, it's so close to my heart because it changed my destiny and it changed who I became and what I did. So, you know, every school needs a mentoring program. Every school needs, every child needs a mentor and a mentor pathway and a pathway to succession if they're going to achieve their dreams in his life.

Mentorship and Success

I completely,
Agree, it is such an underrated factor in success is did the person find a mentor, a teacher, a boss, whatever, when they were 19, 20, 21, that put them on a path where they could achieve their dreams and they understood how to do it. Because yeah, and for a lot of people,
Um, you're just, you're learning on the fly and that's not always the best option. So I completely agree. It's, it's great that you're, you're doing that around the world. Thank you. Yeah. So, um, now what the laughing otters all about is making the world a happier place. What do you see the, what do you see the biggest component
of just, not just financial success, but overall happiness. What do you, what are you seeing when you're out there talking to people? Yeah, look, it's a good question. And I think, um, you know, I love the concept of your podcast, which is, you know, why, when I, you know, when I got asked to be on this, I really wanted to be involved because I think this podcast is so important to help people understand that,
you know, it's all about happiness. It's like for me, you know, if I can't get up in the morning and do it, I want the way I want to do it, then what's the use of being alive? Like happiness for me is being able to live your best life every day. And that doesn't mean that you have to, you know, you have to be a millionaire or a millionaire or it's got nothing to do with financial acumen. What it's got to do is being able to be on a pathway to abundance
to whatever abundance means to you to become the best version of you. And it's important, happiness is what it's all about. And if you're not happy, how can you move forward in life? Yeah, I agree. And I think that, unfortunately, people put that energy into the wrong channel sometimes based on the bombardment you get from social media and mass media.
all the things that are supposed to be the way to be happy, where really it's that self-fulfillment and belief in yourself, no matter what you're doing, that really governs that happiness.

Mindset and Happiness

And you raise a good point, Jeff, you know, belief in yourself. And this is why I'm so passionate about my work. Like, where in school, where in university or taste do they teach you to believe in yourself? Where do you learn about confidence? Where do you learn about
you know, inner faith and connectedness and, you know, universal principles of energy and vibration and connectedness. Well, the answer is that you don't. And if you look again in Australia, our school kids, you know, are going through a system that doesn't teach them the most important things. You know, a lot of the stuff that I coach in corporations or on one-on-one basis mentoring,
is nothing that you would expect. It's not about, sure, I talk about T and L's and I talk about, you know, goals and all that boring stuff, sure. But I talk about what vibration and what frequency you come to the world with every day. I talk about what state you're in. I coach around, you know, how wide and far is your energy and your visualization going today and what affirmations you're using, because we know that your thoughts create your words and your words create your emotions and your emotions create your actions.
We're in life with someone teaching, you know, the most important things that need to be taught, the alchemy of life, how to turn lead into gold through knowing who we are. And the answer is nowhere. And that's why I run these global seminars and I coach exclusively on the level I do because all the secrets to success are already within you. You're built in a way with so much intelligence that you just have to learn to tap into it. Yeah. I remember as when I was a, uh,
teaching in Korea during the ESL teaching there were some articles that that I read where the people were complaining in Canada that the Canadian kids were performing so bad in math and and Reading and stuff like that When they were talking about eight ten-year-olds
And, but I was teaching in Korea. I saw the other side of that. Yeah, they could, they were really good at math, but I had on a regular basis, 12 year olds breaking down because, and crying because they were worried about what university they were going to go to. Um, and the, the, just in the amount of kids that were taking their own lives because they were so stressed out from failing, uh, or not even failing.
for not getting 100% on a university exam, like, I mean, sorry, not even a university at a high school level exam. So there's that need within really in society in general is to tell people to believe in themselves and to be happy. And those are the, if you can instill that into a child at an early stage,
then everything else falls into place. Absolutely, 100%. And again, I don't understand why as a society, we're not stepping outside our comfort zone in the norm to being where we need to be and how we need to do it by learning the things that people don't teach you. And that's really where we need to be. Yeah, and it's interesting how we celebrate innovation
in technology, in medicine, in science, a little bit in business, but where the places that really impact our lives, the institutions that govern us all and set the foundation, that's where innovation is the most resistant and that's within finance,
Politics education and this is really where people's lives are changed Look, I think Jeff, you know and let's go back to your podcast.

Insights from Experience

I think Happiness, you know what is happiness happiness is an inside job. Okay, great But what makes us happy what makes us happy is to exist on this world and be the best version of us That we can be how do you get to that? You've got to meet people in this world that are living their best life You got to know people in this world. That's
have gone from nothing and turned it into something and get them to share their stories, whether it's on stage or in a book or it's on a podcast with the world. And one of the only reasons why I do motivational speaking globally is to stand in front of companies
and stand on stage in front of organizations and say, you can do this. And to business owners or entrepreneurs or executives and go, you can do all the things that you want to do and beyond and hear us some hidden secrets. Because look, you know, just there are secrets to success. You know, let's not bullshit people. There are absolute secrets to success and people need to learn those secrets. And what I do is, you know, I've spent the last 20 years traveling the world uncovering and learning those secrets, as you said, from
you know, coaching NFL players in America or the A League here in Australia or, you know, professional athletes or celebrities or whatever it is, it doesn't really matter. CEOs of public and private listed companies to gather all these secrets and find out, okay, so this is it. This is the alchemy of what it takes. And if I can bring a little bit of that wizardry to the market and show people how to have an edge, then bring it on. Yeah, it's, it's fantastic that you're, that you're doing that and,
It's a sad irony that we are all, as society, we're really, really good at passing down things that are no value to us, like sexism, racism, all those nasty things. Well, we can instill those in our children, but for some reason, we're really, really bad.
at passing on those life learning lessons of how to be successful, how to be happy, how to lead successful relationships and how to make friendships. All of those things, society's very, very bad at passing it along from generation to generation. So it's great to have more people like yourself that are spreading that message.
Yeah, look, Jeff, thank you. I appreciate it. I think what's most important is how many people in our life we can impact. I mean, you know, they say until you make an impact, you'll never make an income and people that are focused on making income will never make an impact. So I ask people when I coach them, you know, what's your impact strategy?
and impact strategies about how you, if you impact one person a week, one person a month, one person a year, you're already giving back to the great bank of the universe. You're putting the policy in that is gonna give you dividends and withdrawals 10 times return of what you're putting in. And we need a society in a world where the heart that gives us, the heart that gathers is where people really learn about the art of giving and helping and sharing, whether it's knowledge
whether it's buying someone's groceries that can't afford to eat or helping a child do some study, we need to be a place where everybody's on the same page. And at the moment we're not, we're a society that everyone's all looking out for themselves and they're all going different directions. But if we all were united in one front, especially in an organization, you've got an organization, Jeff, that I work in where I might be coaching and there's a hundred staff there with a hundred different directions where they want to go.
until you align every mindset and every heart, that company is never going to move forward. I completely agree. And the laughing auditor is working hard, not from a business standpoint, but just as a societal standpoint, we want to bring people together that believe in making the world a happier place and giving back and working together on common goals that are more altruistic than
simply making money and actually making that social impact and changing the lives of people around the world.

Community and Innovation

It's one thing, I'm not sure how much you're involved in some of the new technology around blockchain and Web3. There is a community that is growing in power and magnitude every day that
is leveraging this new technology who all believe that we can change this world and make a positive impact. And I became aware of it probably about 10 months ago when the Laughing Otter started going down this path. And I have met so many great people who just have that mindset, give first and help and collaborate and form partnerships
I've never seen that in my 20 some odd years of business experience. It's been really fun and exciting. Yeah, look, Jeff, we're in a good space. I think COVID's made a lot of people reevaluate, re-engineer and recreate who they are and what they do.
some talk going on globally about this thing called the great resignation, which is just that people thinking, you know, now what am I doing? Why am I doing it? And who am I doing it for? Um, and people are rethinking. They're rethinking their goals. They're rethinking their strategies. They're rethinking their life. Um, you know, so we're, we're looking at, again, as I said, the beginning of your podcast, we're in a space of existence where we've never existed before. So, you know, traditional results, traditional ways gets traditional results. Jeff, we, we, we have to,
We have to do things so different now because, you know, I have a quote that I talk about, you know, in a lot of my media interviews, which says, if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. You know, we have to change what we do. We have to become different people to get different results. You know, we need new technologies, blockchain and crypto and the metaverse. And we need all this. The planet that we live on needs to move forward into new technologies and new ways. Otherwise we'll die like the dinosaurs did.
Uh, but I think, I think you're correct. And, uh, what's, what's exciting for me is there is a generation coming up behind, uh, behind you and I are roughly the same vintage that really, really believes in this, um, this change and they're not afraid to voice it. And they're armed with knowledge, technology, social media.
and a level of confidence that we didn't have in our generation. A perfect example is Greta Thunberg from Sweden, who is willing to stand up against the world leaders and basically tell them that they're letting us down when it comes to climate change. That's super exciting.
There's a movement happening of people who just believe that we can be doing better. Again, you know, Jeff, we live in an amazing world and we need to look after it. We need to do better for the planet. We need to do better for organizations. You know, I look at the, you know, the leaders coming through, the young ones today in school coming through and I think who's, you know, I call them the lost generation, poor things, you know, like who's going to be running our banking system? Who's going to be running our country?
in 100 years because unless we're teaching principles of power and warrior and truth and authenticity, it's going to be a very tough world.

Future Leaders and Preparation

A lot of these younger ones today, unfortunately, they're quite timid, they're introverted.
You know, they've grown up with technology on iPads and iPhones. They're completely different to our view. And we grew up where we had a soccer ball or a bike and go out and learn to mingle with people and learn the way. So, you know, we need to start investing in tomorrow's leaders today. We need to start thinking about what is our banking system going to look like in 100 years in this country? How can we, while alive now, influence change for the better?
Yeah, I see that. I kind of see two, because I'm so involved in the Web3 community, maybe I'm a bit skewed, but I do see an awful lot of young people with an awful lot of confidence, at least in this space, that really believe that they can do things.
and they're willing to take the chance. And some of them are, like you mentioned, the banking system. We've got 25, 30 year olds that are taking traditional banking and finance systems head on. They want to disrupt how things are done. They want to give a voice to the unbanked of the world and giving them possibilities to invest using this technology. So, but I also agree that there's a,
Uh, I think as a parent myself, uh, I don't think we allow our children to be, uh, enough of themselves where they just go out and play like we used to, like you did. And that's, that's, that's unfortunate. I drive around, I see playgrounds empty and you don't, you never see a group of kids who just get together and choose up teams and play. Everything is.
is organized. So somewhere in between there, there's definitely room for more individual development.

Self-Mastery and Potential

Yeah, look, we need it. And you know, I mean, I mean, I'm in the self development, self mastery space. And we need it more, we need people to, you know, not learn about themselves, but master themselves. And, you know, if people only knew what they could actually achieve through the power of their human mind and their emotional intelligence system, you know, they would
freak out at the ability within them. And my job is to go in and help people unlock, decode, and unwrap the brilliance that's really within them. If they knew actually the power of what's possible within them, they'd never live ordinary again. I really like that. And one of the things that Laughing Otter really focuses on is trying to instill that message
into people who have come from really tough starting points and really, like I know I got lucky from the household I grew up in and the country I grew up in that gave me a foundation that I could build from. A lot of kids and young people don't have that initial foundation and they really struggle with that
self-confidence and self-belief. So the more that you tap on a great word there, foundation, think about, you know, when you build a house, if you don't put the right foundation down, everything falls over, right? And this is the problem. And you, again, you pick on an amazing point, which is what is the foundation that is being laid today for tomorrow's leaders? What is the foundation you're teaching them? What is, you know, it's all foundation stuff and we need to go back to basics.
of foundations and laying the right foundation before we move forward. I agree. I agree. And being able to give that message to every kid, even the ones that society previously would have let fall through the cracks. So it's great that anyone who's out there delivering a positive message
It's part of the solution and is helping to make this world a better place. And it happens. All these great things happen on an individual level to start with. That's how movement starts. It never comes from talk down as far as political goes or societal change. It will never come from that. It always comes from people like yourself and the laughing otter.
of just putting out a message. And as that message goes out, more and more people grab a hold. Absolutely. And we need more people coming together to make an impact in what's going to be a future and an amazing future that this country and this world has never seen before.

Positive Content Creation

We need more podcasts like this. We need more seminars. We need more books. We need more stuff out there that
that people haven't read before and people don't know about before because we need new content, we need innovative stuff, we need such creativity that blows people's minds now because that's where the world's going. Yeah, I think you're right and one of the things we really focus on at The Laughing Otter is positive content of all nature because
the, unfortunately, most of the content that people consume every day is negative, whether that's the six o'clock news, social media, or most of the popular websites, they just focus on what's bad in the world, which is such a tiny percentage of what's really happening in the world. And it, and that skews everyone's belief in what they can be and what and who their neighbor is and all that kind of stuff. So yeah, it's,
We need more ways to communicate positive content. Absolutely we do.

Conclusion and Contact Information

Well, I think this has been a fantastic conversation, Jacob, and I'm really glad that our mutual friend Justin introduced us. I really like what you're doing and I think the more people who are out there
Singing from the same songbook and telling people that they they that their lives can be better and happier It's such a good thing Now, where do you what do you want? Where can people find out more about about what you're doing about your book? Where can they find you? Just my website to easiest which is just
All those on social media Instagram is Jacob Gilea official. They're the probably two platforms and most active to get me on That's that's great. Yeah, so anyone looking to You know tap into this into into their human spirit and learn more about Jacob's experience and in in mind coaching then absolutely reach out to
Thank you so much for having me on the call, Jeff. I've appreciated it. Yeah, it's great to have you. And for everyone, I hope you enjoyed the show and remember to visit the and to find us on Twitter, Discord, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest news. And remember, we all deserve to be having a lot more fun. Absolutely.