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The one where Mike gets his Cybertruck.  image

The one where Mike gets his Cybertruck.

Electric Vehicle Guide - Plug In For More
529 Plays11 months ago

Welcome to the Plug In For More podcast!  Mike, Tom, and Bryant are here to help you on your journey to an Electric vehicle future.  Each episode we discuss current events, trends, and a specific topic of education related to EV's.  We bring together a diverse experience set, and pair it with guests who are experts in the field.  For even more information on EV's, check out

In this episode we celebrate Mike _finally_ getting his Cybertruck.  Tune in to hear his take on the newest member of the Tesla family!  

Be sure to follow PIFM on our various social media platforms, for more exciting content on EV’s





Mike's Cybertruck Arrival

Welcome back to this special edition of the plugin for more podcasts for months and months and months. We've heard Mike talking ad nauseam about his cyber truck or his three cyber trucks or all these vehicles, which we obviously, we tease Mike a lot. Now today is a special day because Mike has his cyber truck, the belly aching is over.
And this might be the first podcast coming from inside of a Cybertruck. We're not sure, but we're going to claim it. Yeah, let's claim it. And I'll still complain because I can complain about anything. I'm adept at that many years of practice.
Welcome to Plug In For More, brought to you by EV Universe is your one-stop shop for all things related to the electric vehicle. Here on this podcast, our goal is to educate, inspire, and hopefully make your transition into the electric vehicle marketplace a lot less intimidating. And now, here are your hosts, Mike, Tom, and Bryant.
So yeah, so Cybertruck, let's talk about the delivery experience with that all looks like what I've noticed with this truck.

The Tesla Pickup Experience

Number one, the delivery experience end of quarter for Tesla is crazy. So for anyone who hasn't picked up a Tesla from them during the end of quarter rush, it is absolutely insane the store that picked
the Cybertruck up from, they had 110 deliveries or approximately that on the Saturday of the 30th before the end of the month, just not. So, yeah. 110 vehicles sold on one day.
Yes, delivered that day. Yes. Gotcha. So there was just a line of people just getting their paperwork done, getting their cars moving out. And this particular location in Raleigh does not have a ton of room. And so what ended up happening with the Cybertruck for me, there was one other gentleman who was picking up his truck around the same time.
His came out, got cleaned, they put it up on the front. He had to look through it real quick for about 20 minutes and then he took off with it. Mine was a little bit different scenario. They went to go clean it.
didn't really clean it at much at all. They kind of half washed it. Not the same event that people had smoke and mirrors. This is the end of the quarter, and I think this is really the beginning of the ramp of the Tesla Cybertruck, and they didn't seem to care too much other than, please get this thing out of our way. That was the sense I got, which was fine. I was happy to get the truck, but the car was
so dirty that the inside of the windshield, the windshield on the Cybertruck is massive. I think it's the largest currently in the market for any vehicle. I thought it was foggy and it's 70 degrees and sunny. I thought there was a defog issue and I was playing around with the user interface and trying to adjust the defogger.
And it turned out, no, it was just covered in dirt to the inside and to the point where you couldn't really hardly see out of the vehicle, which is insane to me.

Public Fascination and Reactions

So the truck is awesome. It's not quite as fast as the Rivian, but the fit and finish inside especially is by far the best Tesla I've ever seen. It's super well built, just in a kind of a structural integrity standpoint. When you go over bumps, there's no creaking, there's no give, it is just solid.
So that's my initial impressions of the truck. But everything else you've seen on videos, as far as the steer by wire, that is 100% true. It is a little bit goofy at first, but it works really, really well. It's a tank. I mean, it really just feels like a tank. And I love it. The attention is people talk about it and it is insane. So when I talk about insane,
Picked it up Saturday at about 6, 37 o'clock, drove it home, had to go to local Publix for it to get some food. Drove into the parking lot before I could even park. A guy, and this was not busy, a guy in a Model X ran up to the truck before I had parked, pounded on the side of the truck like hard, like it would have dented another vehicle and was screaming.
First one I saw, first one I saw over and over again. I'm super excited, but that is just a, that's part of the course with this thing. It is just crazy what people do when they see it. It sounds awful. It's kind of fun, but it is a little interesting. That one was kind of over the top, but there's been more than one instance of similar things.
And I guess I am familiar with getting that kind of attention driving a police car for so many years. Like I understand that people gawk and they stare at police cars just like they probably would have cyber truck, except I'm, I would expect that maybe when people wave to you, they're using all their fingers, except when I was in a police car, they only used one. Yeah. I mean, I've only had, uh, two, uh, middle fingers raised at me at different, at stoplights. Um, and it was from, uh, trucks that were.
Substantially lifted Carolina fashion, which is the front end up and the rear end down So I had a couple of those Does that have any correlation with mullet wearing? I have no idea. Okay. It's probably high I just yeah, I just continued on I'm on my way but overall the reactions have been really overall positive people haven't been
I did have a neighbor who asked me how long I would be keeping it because it's really interesting looking. And I took that as, you don't like what this thing looks like and you would like me to park it in the garage. And then the next question was, does it fit in the garage? And I said, no, it does not. And the disappointment on their face was very evident that they did not want it right next to their home.
other kids, the kids in the neighborhood flock to it. I mean, that's been fun seeing their faces light up. But yeah, I mean, overall, I'm super happy with this thing. The room in the second row is quite substantial. And then the stainless steel, you touch it and it has fingerprints. So it is horrible if you like having a perfectly clean car.

Build Quality and Comparisons

So you've had lots of time to think about this day coming and you've had a lot of time to anticipate it. Like, is it meeting your expectations? Yeah. I mean, I think it's even exceeded them from. Anyone who's had a Tesla or more than one knows that there's, uh, usually the fit and finish and they're kind of known as being a little bit cheaper. This does not feel cheap. Um, even though it's very minimalistic.
like the quality of the materials is a lot better than what I would say I would typically be used to. The solid system is incredible. Again, things I'd heard before, but it just, it feels substantial. That's the easiest way to probably put it, is there's no part in the car, I'm like, oh, that's really cheap, that's gonna break. I feel like I could drive through most brick walls just fine with this thing. Other than the bumpers,
I would maybe like to put on some really nice steel bumpers like what my wife has on her Jeep. You should have that on your Rivian. That would have been the door that needed that, not the front bumper. Speaking of the Rivian, when I park it next to this thing, it looks like a little toy. It seems smaller and when you
press on the door panels, they just kind of like shake a little bit. Like you just, I mean, like a normal car. And, but when you're used to, when you start seeing this and you can pound your fist on it and nothing happens, it makes it look like it couldn't, you know, it's not going to hold up, even though it's not true, but it just, um, it changes your perception of things. Sure. Oh, it's great to hear. And

Tesla's Customer Communication Issues

I'm excited for you. I'm also excited for the Tesla employees that don't have to answer your text messages anymore. Yeah. So let's talk about that real quick. So the text messages. So for a, I would say a tech forward company, I think anyone would agree with that statement for Tesla, their text messages that they send out to their customers are not. Not good. I mean, they send out these messages of, Hey, come, this is,
Jim, at your local Tesla store, there's a discount on a new amount of Y if you want to come test drive one, whatever it may be, while you're waiting for your Cybertruck. And I responded, hey, no, I just want to know where my truck is. And then their response is, well, it'll be at least a year. Well, at this point, I already have my phone number. It should be tied to my account. They should know that I put in my order 90 days ago, and it should be here any day.
And I said, no, here's my VIN, all this kind of stuff. And then they're like, well, it won't be here for at least another 30 to 90 days to that effect. And then I said, no, here's like the other information I previously got from another. Oh, well, I didn't look it up. And they were like, yeah, it'll be here in two days. So.
It's amazing how everything is still manual on the text messaging side on the phone system with Tesla, where they could have it automatically generated and they could tie it to your phone number and your account, but they don't. And many other systems do that. I've done that for years with my previous company. Those customer relationship management software companies tie in that information. So this is not new technology, why Tesla can
have their cars drive themselves, sort of, not handle this. It's weird. And frankly, they should fix that. That's a downside, for sure, with Tesla.
You're listening to the plugin for more podcast.

Unique Features of the Cybertruck

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No stocks. As I turn left, as I turn left, turn right. Lights. This is sound. Wipers. Microphone. Crews. Horn is in the center, which is normal for a change versus the Model S and X's that they had.
This is fairly, I mean, it's good. I don't, I'd probably prefer a round steering wheel rather than this, but it works well. The fact that you don't have to turn it that, you know, full, full turn like you do in other vehicles makes a whole bit of difference. So that part is really nice. You have heated and cooled seats or ventilated, I should say.
Then rear seat room is pretty substantial. Yeah, it's not quite F-150 lightning size, but it's not far behind. It's definitely substantially bigger than a Rivian. Yeah. And the kids are loving the rear seat. So there's nothing I would say that's a negative in here about that. Awesome. Well, I'm very happy for you. And although now I'm not sure what we're going to do for a trope of picking on you. I guess we'll just go back to you getting new cars every three months.
Yeah, well, that'll have to stop. Yeah. But I think this will be a good long-term test vehicle for everything that we do for the company. And we've got a lot of parts and accessories that are coming for this vehicle. We're going to be showing that on our YouTube channel shortly. It's some cool stuff that just kind of round out what's needed for someone to purchase a Cybertruck. Like, where do you put your sunglasses and that kind of stuff that doesn't clog up your other
other cubbies on the vehicle. Yeah, and so like you mentioned, Mike, as far as the long-term test vehicle for the company, there's going to be lots of content from this truck. I know there's a lot of others out there on YouTube, but if you check out our channel, the EV Universe YouTube channel, we're going to have a lot more content coming there utilizing this truck specifically and some of the ways you can accessorize it and make it your own. Yeah.

EV Universe's New Insurance Service

One other thing I will mention for those of you who are in the market for an EV or just insurance in general. EV Universe now is a functional insurance agency in North Carolina. If you're in the area and you're looking for insurance, EV or not, more than happy to help provide that service to you, make sure you get the right coverage and at a reasonable rate. It's backslash insurance.
Mike, I'm, again, really excited for you and I hope you enjoy your Cybertruck and I can't wait to get down there to see it. Yeah. Well, I think you're going to come down here and then we do have a big test up in Northern Michigan that we're doing with a collaboration with Jalopnik and Camp 365 and then also the Blophonked eBike. So more to come there.
Thank you for listening to plug in for more. Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any future episodes. In the meantime, check out the one-stop EV Marketplace, Until next time.