But as I've grown older and as I've matured, I actually find Caiden a lot more interesting companion. So when we get to, and again, spoilers, but then if you've listened this far, we've spoiled most of it anyway. But when you get to Vermeer and you have the option between to sacrifice Caiden or Ashley, whenever I do my playthrough now, I always sacrifice Ashley and always keep Caiden. Not just because i I prefer his character now and and I've grown as a player and as somebody who a lot more mature of sort of person but also the fact of I just feel like when it comes to not so much Mass Effect 2 because you don't see him as much but Mass Effect 3 it's more important to have in my opinion have Kayden there but without going to major spoilers for the third game he's just more important to have him there so yeah I like them both And I find that very interesting. Like you have with Caden as well, with his L2 implants, that because he was one of the second generation to get Bionics in human, that there are moments where he gets migraines, he gets really bad pains. And then you meet the other side missions where you, other L2 people who are going psychotic and having really bad problems. And there's a warrior that Caden might be as well, but because of the help of Dr. Chockwise, it keeps under control, that sort of thing. But they are very interesting characters, but I always now, nowadays, always save Caden over Ashley. I can't remember who I saved when I first played through it but I have to say for the Legendary Edition when I was playing through it again, I saved Caden much like you and I have to say in the first game I kind of found him alright and I have to say I don't think it's because he's a bland character. I thought yeah he's alright and I was wondering why I thought that way about Ashley and Caden. And it isn't so much the writing, although Ashley's could be a bit very much on the nose. oh definitely ah I feel as if the main thing for me is just because the alien companions just shine so much in comparison. As you've mentioned as well, you've got Dr. Shaka's as well, who is a fantastic addition. She is such a good character. You've got Joker as well, who's a fantastic pilot and everything. You've got Kresley, who's your navigation officer. You've got all these really cool side characters and everything and you would think that you would gravitate towards them more because they are, not to sound like Ashley here, but because they're human, because they are the quote-unquote relatable ones. But then as soon as you start diving into the other characters, which of course we're about to go into, they are absolutely fantastic. I mean look at Garris and I know somewhere Marie's ears are burning. And don't worry, Dan's ears will be burning once we get onto the Arab. With Garris, he is very much a rebel without a cause, a renegade turning your gun in your badge kind of character, and you as Shepard have to temper his attitude towards being a renegade, or you can totally encourage it and say, yeah, shoot that evil doctor. Fortunately, he dies either way, but It's interesting to see with Goddess he is very much a headstrong, wants to try and get things done as fast as possible but he slowly realises why you do the things you do and he is just such a well fleshed out character. Oh yeah, absolutely. As sort of Commander Shepard, you are, even if you are a Renegade or Paragon, you are always the voice of reason. And even though that you could get Garris and you could, again, let him go down the path of the Renegade, he still kind of, I think he just finds respect for you of like, is that a very honorable side of the Torians? Because the Torians are very militaristic, that their whole race and religion revolves around being strong, being in the army, doing service, and just being sort of... Plagmatic. Yeah. Yeah. A good old boy, sort of like the soldier, basically. That is something that I feel like he can relate to Shepard, of like, look, he's a man or a woman on a mission, and that I will stand by them no matter what, because what they stand for, I might not agree with it, or I might agree with it, but they stand for something that's going to do something in the universe. Instead of everybody else going, oh, it might be the Reapers, it might not be, oh, we don't know, yes, no, and we'll talk about the council when we get to the council. but garis is very much the fact of look Shepard has a cause and nobody has to do anything so I'm going to follow him whether it be Paragon or Renegade somebody's doing something and I think he's just a very honourable character in that respect. And I mean going off of that you also have Tali who or can I just say it is a crime that you can't romance both Tali and Garris in this game.