Podcast Teaser and 2025 Breakthrough Discussion
um Hey, everybody. Welcome back. Hey, Mr. DJ. How are you? Put it put a record on. i I want to dance with my baby. so excited. So...
and so excited like so Peek behind the curtain, everyone. we We can't reveal who it is, but we have some exciting prospects to maybe or maybe not be a guest on the show soon.
You know what? Maybe this is the year. Maybe this is the year 2025. You know what? I have to say, again, not revealing who this is, but I did, you know, i had I have revealed this person to a select group of close friends. And I texted my friend Andrew and he was like, I'm going to puke. And I was like, same. Same.
And i was like, and he goes, your project 25 or 2025. And i was like, i was like, you're not wrong. i was like, it's better than what's currently going on. I'm just saying, I'm just saying.
Right. And isn't that, I feel like that's always the dichotomy. Like it's the worst of times. It's the best of times. you know that Is that not the damn truth?
Excitement for Upcoming Music Releases
Right, right. Like, right now, I truly feel like the way that music releases have been going this year thus far, we are in for a real treat music-wise this year.
Right. And it's like, during the pandemic, the girls ate. During this, the girls are going to eat. Yeah. Yeah. Here for it. I'm here for it. Like, I'm not here for feeling like shit every day, but I'm here to at least alleviate that pain i can put on my headphones.
You know what I forgot is coming out tomorrow that I'm so excited about? The new Dev Cataract song. cannot wait to hear this. I cannot wait either. Right. I'm very, very excited.
And I feel like nobody's talking about it. Well, and we are we are doing it right now. We are trendsetters we are music scientists, if you will, and Dev and the Cataracts.
like I love this whole concept of recession pop making a comeback right now. and But why talk about like the soundtrack of that like time period. Right.
That like electronic club pop just banger after banger. Right. it was a it's is that Is that still like the LMFAO era? Yeah, I would say like – That's like this. Yeah. What years would – This is like 2010, 2009 to 2011-ish.
Reflection on 'Recession Pop' Era
100%. Maybe even earlier than that too. Yeah. I would say like recession, i would feel like – when I think of recession pop, I think of like 2008 to like Right, right. Would kind would be kind of because yeah I feel like that's also when there was a um a significant difference in the technology.
like and there was It just seemed like this something happened in that moment because that's when you had the really big mainstream introduction of like David Guetta and like all of that stuff. But it's a very specific sound in that time era.
Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. Especially between like 2008 to like 2010. Specifically those like three years right there.
Like if you like if you were to play anything from that time period, I could probably pinpoint when it came out. Oh, without a doubt. Even between like Gaga's The Fame versus The Fame
Personal Music Experiences and Streaming Challenges
Monster. Yeah. Like I'm like, oh, that's 2008. But that's 2009.
Right. Like, no, you're so much better at that than me. yeah Sometimes you say stuff on here and I'm like, how does she know that? My God. Because I'm autistic. like Touch of the tism. Just a little bit. And like I like joke about that, but sometimes I do wonder.
I'm not even kidding. I do wonder. but but um yeah It's a spectrum. It is a spectrum, much like sexuality. and a And gay men. Gay men. Gay men.
But yeah, I'm very excited for this Dev ah Cataract song. it's so's I think it's something about blowing my whistle or make my whistle blow. Which also feels very of that moment. Yeah, we love a whistle. we love a whistle i love blowing ah i love blowing on a whistle. Right, right. Who doesn't? I love it. And they I did hear a tiny little snippet, um and it sounds like it's going to be a fucking banger. so I mean, I really hope that this isn't a one and done either.
Same. Right. Like you can't just give us one and then just drop off the planet for another 10 years, Dev. Cataracts. Yeah. Yeah. um Ooh, maybe I should save that for my songs we don't talk about enough. But I'm going to save it. going to save it.
I have a really, really gay one today. Ooh, I love that. I love that. But like, like um do you have like a favorite Dev song? Yeah.
What was the... In the Dark. In the Dark is good. The video was really good. Yes, but it's the... Was Hype James remix? Hype... What Oh, yeah. Yeah. That one specifically, that I used to play all the time in my sets, and I was obsessed with that.
Love. Big fan of In the Dark. Oh, my gosh. Seriously. That sax, synthy sax. ah So good. I think I will always have a soft spot for bass down low.
yeah. I like my beats fast and my bass down low. down low. I have a mix of that that you would love. Oh, love. Talk about like oh love talk about like ah taught like a sound from, like, a timestamp from that period.
Not only, like, the obvious, like, the, it's the cataract. Right. But it, but um the, like, that, like, stuttery vocal effect, that bass down low, like, everything.
yeah But, like, that, isn't is that the same time as that Fergie, um, A little honey never helped nobody. Right. um that ba ba yeah right That came out in Okay. so it's so it's it's near there. adjacent. Yeah. i want to say Based on Low came out like somewhere like or And okay and then in the dark i think came out twenty ten twenty eleven ish got it So yeah, so yeah. i mean yeah I felt like that was sort of like when we got to that song, that to me sort of signal and nothing against Fergie or any of the people that were involved in that.
Beyoncé and Selena Gomez Music Insights
But I felt like that was sort of like, oh, we're rounding the corner. And now this is getting to the end of this. Yeah, yeah. we've We've made this sound go into a movie soundtrack. You know what I mean? Yeah. or Yeah. And now it's like this is sort of signaling like we're going change soon.
Yeah. And that song in particular, and and i mean, you called it with like the LMFAO because I believe Goon Rock, who either was part of el LMFAO or was their producer, like produced that song. It's Red Foo, which is Barry Gordy's grandson. and Right. And then Goon Rock.
Yeah. But there wasn't there someone else, too? I think so, but don't remember. Terrible. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm so sorry to that man. I know. Sorry to this sorry to these men. Oh, my gosh. But, um i mean, like, yeah, I mean, like, I guess we're getting a Selena Gomez-Gracie Abrams collaboration.
Crazy. Let's celebrate that. Don't do it. Like, I... She's somebody that I never really know what's going on with her music career. Which Selena? Selena. Yeah. Like there are some songs that I really like I almost every time I go and play in Philadelphia, I have a remix of Love You Like a Love Song that I will forever rep that song. It's one of my favorite pop songs of like the last 25 years, maybe. No, it's yeah. Yeah. in Last 25 years.
You keep her playing it on repeat. It's so good. It's such a good song. It's a bop. um But yeah, I feel like she sort of like flies in every once in a while and she's like, here's a song. Oh, I did this track with Marshmallow. or I'm just going to sort of drop and it's like, I don't really.
Yeah. You know, she's in her actress era, so I'm happy for her. But I don't know. I just haven't really followed that that much, unfortunately. I haven't either. i did She's one of those artists that I've been definitely more of a casual fan of where it's like it's like I loved a lot of her singles.
I would say for me, her my favorite album of hers is, oh my gosh, Revival. Oh, yeah. You know, probably arguably her biggest album. Yeah. um Like Me and My Girls, Bob, love that one. Yep.
I was a big fan of Hands to Myself. Oh, absolutely. It's so good. Yeah. Yeah. I'm in a con boat. Why would I want to? and my like It was just the lip sync song on Drag Race like last week. It was so good.
Was it? Oh my gosh. i need to i need to catch up on Drag Race. I've missed out on like the last two. Here, okay. Here's something with Drag Race. I mean, we are what? 14 seasons in? 17.
seventeen Okay. Nuts. Yeah. i Like crazy, crazy, crazy. Right.
Frustrations with Streaming and Music Ownership
But like, so this is like the first season that I've ever really like watched live as it's been happening.
But the other thing is, is that I, I personally, and this is one of the reasons why I don't really keep up with it. I don't have, I i only have streamers. I don't have, I don't watch or I have like, I don't do YouTube TV or I don't do like any cable or whatever.
i'm any i mean, we could talk about this with Drag Race or like award shows. I feel like there needs to be conversations with these types of things where like everything just needs to move to the streamers now.
It's just annoying because like as I love RuPaul and she's, you know, capitalism Barbie and I'm totally here for it. Like, girl, do your thing, get your coins, make your empire. but every season it feels like she jumps from platform to platform.
one point it was on MTV. It was on Paramount Plus. Then we're on this. And I'm like, all right, VH1. Like, I can't. Like, that's the thing that's annoying because then... Brian sitting here trying to be like, how can I pirate this? And how can I get around? Because I'm not signing up for another streamer. And it's ridiculous. And it's so much jumping around. I'm like, you have the World of Wonder app.
I pay for the World of Wonder app. Like, just put the thing on there. Like, why is that a problem? Right. Yeah. and it's like, I'm sure that there's probably some sort of exclusive rights or workss or whatever. But it's like, figure it out.
Right. Like, like it it's really, really nuts. And this is why, like, I keep saying, like, there's so many things, even movies that are just not available on streaming. And I'm like, I still have my DVDs. Right. It's it's it's I just don't like that. I spend all this money to watch these programs programs. Oh, my God. I sound like my grandmother um to watch these shows or these movies. And I'm like, but I don't own anything.
Right. No, I know. And that's one of the that was one of my biggest things was streaming. When when once we really started going into the streaming era, I would say like 2015 is when it started really becoming more of. Oh, yeah.
I was thinking about it with 2015 because of like Adele withholding her album. Yep. ah from from Spotify for like a month or something like that. Iconic. Iconic move. But like, but yeah, I remember that being one of the things i was like I was like, I understand that you're paying a monthly subscription essentially for access to all of this music. Right. But I was like, you end that subscription, you don't own any of that stuff anymore.
So where does it go? Like, does it just delete from your phone or like, like what happens? Right. And so, i and so that's why I did and still do appreciate like the tangibleness of like, Either physical copies or an MP3 or whatever. So if there if there ever is something that I truly am like, I need this in my life, regardless of like what happens, I will make a purchase on iTunes. Absolutely.
Just to be like, just in case. Right, right. Because, okay, this is like, I know that that we're like we're way past Christmas, but... But great example of this is Sarah McLachlan did that like remix contest for the first Noel Merry Merry. Oh, yeah.
And they released a remix EP of like eight or nine remixes of that song. And I remember back when that was released, gosh, that was like 2006-ish? Probably. Something like that.
And I remember like being like, oh, i can't afford this $9.99 EP. Not on this broke-ass college fund. Right. So i I remember purchased three of the tracks, three of my favorite remixes that were on the EP. Right.
Well, it's that EP is no longer on streaming and it's no longer even available to purchase in the iTunes store. But thanks to the iCloud, I still have access to those three files. See, that's what I'm talking about. Yeah.
Like, and what's even worse is that these are contest winners. So you took their songs down. Right. Right. Like, why would you do that? Why would you do that? Like, especially if it's two Christmas songs that you
Anticipation for Lady Gaga's New Album
Right. You know? Yeah. Yeah, like, like i don't I don't get that. Yeah, I don't get it either. And so I'm just kind of like... Because it costs them nothing to put it up. that's And that's one one of the things that I'm wondering. I'm like, is that is is there a cost to host your music on on these streaming platforms? I mean, i'm sure there is, but it's not. Like, for her to, like, keep a release up, it's not. You're not talking about...
We're not talking about like dollars. Right. Yeah. You're not paying like a thousand dollars to host it on yeah Yeah. To have these first Noel remixes up. but
Because the world needs them. Right. Right. Right. Come on But, um, okay. So there's a few things that have have happened in the culture in in recent days.
I would say the biggest thing that we are looking forward to right now is we have Lady Gaga's Mayhem coming up and she just released the track list, which was pretty much like known at this point. Like it was kind of teased in her like trailer or whatever.
um But it sounds like we're going to be getting like a promotional track called vanish into you fairly soon, according to teasers and insiders and things like that. yeah,
And it sounds like that there, or or i shouldn't say it sounds like there was a snippet of a new song in when she we revealed the track list. Yes. That I was very excited. I mean, this album sounds like it's going to be phenomenal.
For real though. Like there's a track on here called how bad do you want me? That's the one that I'm like, Give it to me. What does it sound like? you Bad. We want it bad. We want you bad, Gaga. Yes, I want to hear that.
I know. i'm I'm trying to think. Okay, so I remember that there's like a song called Killa. is that the one Is that the one with Gisafestine? Yes. I'm very excited to hear that. i'm very and and and And it's the only one that's explicit.
So let's get nuts. Like, let's fucking do it. Let's fuck get fucked up. And, but like, I just like all of these song titles just sound so inspired and so fresh. I feel like it's been a minute since we've heard some like interesting song titles.
Well, and I'm just saying track eight, Love Drug is also ah written the same way that Love Game was. yeah Together is one word with the capital of both. So that also excites me. Love that. I love like obviously Shadow of a Man. She kind of teased at the end of the Chromatica Ball film. Very excited for that.
um i love that there's a track called The Beast. Yes. I love that there's a track called Blade of Grass. I'm actually very curious to hear what that sounds like. That's got to be like another ballad. i I don't know. think I don't know. she's She's kind of alluded based on like interviews that I've seen of her.
She's alluded that Die With a Smile is the only ballad on the album. Oh, ah I'm here for that. Yeah, so i mean i mean I would be totally here for that. There are two bonus tracks, um Kill for Love and what was the other one? ah Can't Stop the High.
so don't um let's see, Kill for Love is the target track and then there's a store exclusive edition for Can't Stop the High. So, I mean, I'm willing to purchase both.
The variants are varianting. but Here's the thing. this is how This is how you get me to buy a variant. Right. You want you want me to buy a variant. Don't put some like acoustic live version from Paris. No shade.
No shade. have no idea who you're talking about. but Give me give me like an an actual fresh new bonus track. Right. And like here's the thing. So like The Weeknd just came out with his album, Hurry Up Tomorrow, which I really, really like, by the way.
And... I bought two of the vinyl variants because one had Jean-Michel Basquiat cover design on it, which i love. And I love him. So I was like, got that one. And then there was another one that I thought was really cool with another artist that I was like, okay, cool. I got that too. So I was like, I got two.
I don't really need more. I'm not like a super, super weekend fan like that. Yeah. And then I'm looking when they arrive and I'm like, there's really not a lot of songs on here. It's only one disc. It wasn't even the full album.
And then like two weeks ago, put out the full album. And I was like, oh no, girl. Oh no. We are not bait and switching. No, I'm not doing that. No, that's ridiculous. I will wait till that shit goes on sale now. Because that shit will go on sale and I will wait.
No, because like that shit pisses me off. Yeah. I don't like that either. It's like, and it's like, I don't know. Like, and obviously we love Beyonce. This is a Beyonce stand podcast. beyond But like Cowboy Carter had a similar ish situation with the original pressing of the first edition of the album. Clearly the album went through some re-addits and had some additions added to it.
um Which and on one hand, I would say at least with Beyonce, it wasn't like, I think there was like only four new tracks added to like the version that
Beyoncé's Album Revisions and Artistic Controversies
we all know. Yeah. um The official version, and which was on streaming, but like the physicals that came out did not have those four songs.
um I will say though, like it at the same time, it is kind of cool because essentially it was like, okay, now those are probably going to be collector's items. like Oh, for sure. Like the original version of the album and they probably had them all pressed on ready to go. And they were like, oh wait, let's actually fix this.
Oh yeah. Because the same thing happened with Renaissance when the Khalees thing happened. Right. Because I still have my my original Renaissance vinyl with the milk milkshake sample in it. Yep. I like to call that version, what do I call it? The the ableist theft version.
because not Because there was the Khalees sample or interpolation. Honestly, let's circle back to that in a second. But then also it has the the original lyric in ah Heated, which she said spaz instead of blast. Oh, yeah. and so And so she changed that lyric. And I think that that happened within the same week. Yeah. And so...
I was like, I am running to the store to get this because I was like, and now that it's gone. No, because they did she did that also when um on, what was it? The first DVD when she put out her B-Day, ah the video album. Yes.
yeah Kissing You had to be removed. Yeah, because Desiree was like, I did not clear this. Right, right, right. No girl. She's like, you gotta be wiser. I want those coins, yeah. yeah Okay, but the milkshake interpolation here, I personally feel like that was added as a technicality and not like...
well ah so or Or I should say that it was credited for technical purposes because i when I hear that, what was actually removed from the song, right did i was it was the the la-la in the background.
It was the la-la part, yeah. yeah Because milkshakes la-las go like this. La-la, la-la, la la la I know everyone probably thought Khalees just walked into the room. Oh my God, is she here? I know. like Where is she? Oh my God, where the where are the milkshakes? Right.
She stopped cooking for a minute. and She stopped cooking. All right. Oh my God. I would love to, I would love for her to cook for me. Oh my God. There's nothing I would love more. Please. Please, please feed us.
But then I heard, or but the, but the, what was on energy was okay. I'm trying to remember. and I have the milkshake version in my head. at what It goes, it was like, oh, it was, lalala la lala la la la la. la But I think it might have been just them like possibly sampling the background and making it that pattern.
ah Like I don't know if it's re-sung or if it was sampled. Like if it's sampled, then well, if it was sampled, they would get credit as a sample. If it was interpolated, I mean, they would still get credit, but...
I think it was considered an interpolation because I heard the isolated vocal from it and it was re-sung. so So that's the... but I was like, I feel like the whole like controversy with that, I was like... I understood Khalees' point of view, but unfortunately, i don't think that...
Like, ah unfortunately, Khalees didn't write the song. so she So like legally Beyonce didn't have to do anything. Right. But she removed the sample or interpolation whatever, which like it that was what a moment where I was like, when I first heard the song, I was like, where is this interpolation? then once I heard it, I was like, oh, and then I was like, oh, I miss it.
Like it was right. It shows like those little details do matter. Oh, absolutely. And also like, I, I got, I got Khalees's point. I really, really did as an artist, but I was just sort of like,
i don't I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. i was I was upset that it all happened because I don't, the last thing I would want is for there to be bad and bad blood between the two of them. Like, right I would love a collaboration between those two. you kidding me? That would be iconic.
Work it out on the remix. ah what Like, come on. i will Can you imagine a heated remix with Khalees? I can't my heart. I can't even imagine. I don't even dare to fly that close to the sun.
That would be insane. You know, Khalees also mentioned that she has new music coming out soon. and I'll be soon so excited. I'm like, girl, let let's sit down, cook us some meat. Ooh, I have another song we don't talk about enough now. Damn. oo Ooh. know. I gotta start writing shit down. Literally, like like, honestly, this year feels like it's going to be a great year music.
and And talk about a singer. I mean, Khalees, super underrated. Beyond. has Obviously, people know her for songs like Milkshake, as we mentioned, Bossy, Caught Out There.
But she has so many incredible tracks on her own, but has so many wonderful collaborations that span all the genres. Right. If you want to watch me become an absolute gutter slut, put on In Public.
I'm not even kidding. And watch me, what no matter where I am, show. i i just it it just i can't even help myself. That song is... ah I'll lay my head down and I'll make your body blast. Stop. I live. Oh, I got to listen to that after this. It's so good. So good. Just everything. The production on that is phenomenal. And she's so good on that one. We used to walk around, to me and my friend Marissa, because on Staten Island when we were growing up, there wasn't a lot to do. And we used to walk around Target and say, let's get it on in Target. And we would make own songs.
Oh, daddy. right Walking through the aisles at Target. yeah That's hysterical. I love that so much. like truly what Honestly, great, great song. um I love... ah Again, she has so many collaborations. She did one with Richard X. It was The Finest.
wanted to see which is cover. They did two versions. I think there's part one part two. did... she did I mean, acapella?
I mean... God, talk about recession pop again. Right, but like that is like a shining gem like right there. Acapella. When that song came, I remember it leaked online. That was back also back when like leaks were like very, very still a bunch of things. I mean, things still leak, but like back then it was like everything was leaking onto the internet. And labels did not know how to get ahead of that curve. Mm-mm.
And I remember that came out months before it's an official release. And I just remember being like this. oh Unbelievable. Because it sounded like the future then, but it still sounds relevant now.
Yeah. Like if you put it on and I would put it in a set, it would still go off. Yep. it's It's phenomenal. It really is. And that music video is stunning. Yeah. um I remember getting goosebumps when she turned around and like it revealed her son like yeah so in her backpack. Yes.
That song, for some reason why I paired that one and
Unreleased Tracks and Surprising Performances
Ultranete's cover of Automatic together. I feel like they're around the same time. But those two songs always I pair together in my mind some for some reason.
I always pair acapella with probably the most problematic track that I absolutely love. And i'm not goingnna I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I don't love it. I'm going to be honest with everyone and be vulnerable with everyone. okay oh boy This is a safe space.
there It's another David Guetta collaboration. it's ah it was never officially released. It was supposed to be the lead single from his, i don't think the album ever even came out. um It was Akon and David Guetta. It was Nosy Neighbor. Oh, don't even know if I know that one.
Oh my god. So my friend Julia, if she is listening, she will she and I would go fucking nuts to this song this song. So the thing is that the song's production fucking slaps, and that's why I love it so much. It is a club stomper.
um but the like I'm trying to remember the lyrics. It's basically like... uh it basically it's about akon looking out his window watching a woman undress and then and then the chorus is kind of like he goes oh my god she's doing it taking it off don't don't taking it off don't don't and then he's like she threw her shirt up on the floor third bra up on the floor and then she's getting naked she's getting naked What's so great about Akon's songs is that they're all like that, I feel. And it's just him narrating what's going on around him.
Yeah. Yeah. it's It's this song. I mean, problematic as hell because like you're youre know there's issues of consent and and watching someone undress. Stalking. Intrusion. Stalking. All of these things.
but throw that all aside you you have a really fun dance song and it's just it's insane that some of the worst lyrics but like let me tell you what the we would that that song leaked onto the internet roughly around the same time as acapella you're like nothing slaps harder than lack of consent look
And I always are almost said, almost said our government, they rescinded her. We'll cut that out in post. Yeah. just like But oh my God. Like, yeah.
Oh my God. She's doing it. they just Like, you know, Akon's voice. It was just a whole thing. But that, I mean, wow. Like now that I'm thinking about it, like that time period, there were so many wonderful, that was a magical time in music. Girlicious.
ah See, okay, I never, Girlicious was like, that was like another Robin Anton group, right? I remember, i remember them. I remember, the I want to say Dave Audate even did some remixes for i believe you're right But I don't think I ever got into them, but I did get into the Paradiso Girls.
Of work. ah Wait, so it's not even, and so this is funny. So was it Like Me? Stupid Shit was the big song for them. Okay. Those are the two, Like Me and Stupid Shit, but there was an unreleased version, ah cover that they did of Akon's sexy bitch.
Of course. That is so much more superior than his to me. and it's oh I love it. It's so good from the girl perspective. I love that. Okay, need to hear this. It's not on streaming. I have to find it for you, but I have it somewhere. but it doesn't I don't think it was ever released. like I think it was, they they teased it on a radio show and somebody like got it from there and then it never came out.
Oh my God. Like there's, and again, like the Paradiso girls, they had a couple of singles, never really fully made it. And their album, I think it was called, it was supposed to be called crazy horse.
I love that. I'm saying this in 2025. And, but there was a song. um Oh my God. What was it called? It was an unreleased track. Uh, In the club, no lover, you so fine, you sexy motherfucker. Boys Go Crazy. It was called Boys Go Crazy. And that song, I want to say it was produced by the stereotypes. Another okay who are like, I would say like they are on par with the cataracts as far as for sure electronic club sound.
Um, I'm getting excited right now. Like just thinking about all of this, like, this is so fun. Another. Okay. So again, back to the recession pop, like another song that was released during this time period that was on, i believe in the iTunes store at one point, but has been removed. Mm-hmm.
And it's kind of a forgotten track, but then she performed it in Dubai this week. J-Lo's Louboutins. Like out of nowhere? like of nowhere. I would love to know the decision making that got to that song being in the set. Why? Why?
Same. I need to know everything. What Dubai Gay has a hold on Jennifer Lopez? They're like, you know what we need? They're like, they're they're probably like, oh, he's probably going to ask for like, let's get loud. He's like, we need Louboutins. Right.
And she's like, what? Right. And what if he was like, any need Louboutins. I need the Space Cowboy remix. Like, because there was a remix EP as well. Right, right.
And... I, when I saw that she performed it, I was like, this is, this feels homophobic. This feels homophobic, but also like incredible.
Right. and it into the set JLo. Yeah. And yet fun fact about Louboutins. Do you know who originally recorded the song? Oh, I did at one point. And I am. wait. and Not Rita Ora. It's somebody random. it's It's, oh, what the hell is her? Is it Robin?
No. No. But it's kind of wild to think about who who recorded it. Who I don't know if it was a demo for the track or if it was like originally going to this particular artist, but it was Brandy.
Brandy. I was like, it's Estelle. No, it's not Estelle. It's somebody like that. Brandy. yeah Brandy. And so it was like, I don't know if Brandy record was recording it for like the Human album or like, or whatever, but.
Oh, now you said that. And now I'm thinking of songs we don't talk about enough for Brandy. i know. We could honestly do, i mean, her she just had a birthday. but Happy birthday, Brandy. Happy birthday, Ms. Norwood.
um I mean, ah song that will, this is not my songs we don't talk about enough, but like a song that we will forever It's a crime to humanity. And this is homophobic.
Yes. This is homophobic that her song. Well, also, ah again, maybe the song title. I don't know why it's called this, but online it's called Chinese. And then in parentheses, home featuring Timbaland. Mm hmm.
Don't know why it's called that, but hey, let's celebrate that. And again, i would say I could say that it might be my favorite Brandy song ever. Oh, wow.
Like that's how much I love that
Career Resurgence and Top 100 Playlist Challenges
song. It is. It is this like mid tempo club banger. The melodies are fucking lush as hell. Do you know this song? Oh, yeah. So my friend Alex is super obsessed with Brandy loves her.
And he did, I want to say he either designed the flyer or he won a contest designing a flyer for some one-off performance or something that she was doing at like the smallest venue that ah you could find in Manhattan.
And he was like, I'm going to go to this thing. Do you want to come with me? I was like 1000%. like a, was like ah I think an opener or two. She came out and did like a tight 15 minute set, danced her ass off.
like Like performed like the vocal, like we were both like gagged, like the complete face crack. She was so good live. I couldn't get over it. Incredible. I would love to see her live. Like girl, give me a Vegas residency.
It's time. It's time. It's time. And it's it's so so it's so sad. like i Because you know her career really took a nosedive after the unfortunate events that happened like in, what, 2006, 2007? Yeah.
and you know And that's hard for everyone involved. Sure. Respect and love to everyone because that's such a challenging situation. But like I think that Brandy is due for...
a resurgence. i think shes I think that she's deserving of her flowers. I mean, they call her the vocal bible. But I mean, really, like when you sit when I watch that video of her and Mariah in the studio together, like Mariah's Mariah, but it is very, very difficult on any level to stand in any type of toe to toe with that woman.
And it was just seamless. Their voices were incredible together. And I'm sorry, like, I love Ariana, but the version of The Boy Is Mine with Monica and Brandy is my preferred version.
Oh, same. Yeah. so like I don't even listen to the other one. Like, i just like, it's it's it's great. And I love the song, but it's like, this is the one. Yeah, yeah that is that that is my definitive version. Yeah, sure for sure. For sure. Yeah. She is just an absolute dream. And yeah her Human album ah would be, i i would say it's one of my favorite albums of all time. Right. It would make, if I had to make a list of like my 25 favorite albums, Human would be on there.
Right. Oh, by the way, I know when it was Pop Theory. Uh-huh. pop up lala pop theory ah um we were talking about like the top 100 songs yes brian did it my husband and he when we on our last road trip he was just like i'm gonna put on my playlist and he was like so happy he's like this is the best thing that i've ever done he's like because anytime i need to work out or i just want to hear like something that i love i put this playlist on and it's phenomenal and i was like well thank you zach oh my god he so he's able to choose his 100 children yeah his 100 children most of them are janet jackson
Wow. Okay. so I don't know if I can do that to my kids. I don't. I'm still working on mine. i i am too. And I'm just like, and I know Jeff and I, like he and I texted a while back trying to do it. And we were like laughing and like, like looking at ah all of our songs. and we like I think that my list is currently at 107 and I know it's not accurate.
I was just like, I don't even think I've gotten that far. Wait, where am I and I, I, had cause I was just kind of brain dumping. oh I'm only at 57. Oh my gosh. Where is, okay, let's see if I can find this really cool So if for anybody who doesn't know, so in in and a former life when Zach had the Pop Theory podcast, what Jeff and Zach used to do is they would talk about having like a top 100 playlist and it's like the top 100 songs of your life, like the most like the songs that you love the most.
And it's actually in practice if you sit down to try to do it, it's way more difficult I feel than you would imagine. It's so hard. Because like there are some days where I'm looking at it and I'm like, I don't listen to music. I don't know what music is. And then there are other days where I'm like adding so many things and I'm like, no, it's too much, too much, too much.
Yeah. And it's like and it's like it's easy to sit there and be like, oh, yeah, like I listen to this song a lot. But is it my favorite song? Right, right. You know? Because there's certain songs where it's like, for me, like i Just because song a song is one of my favorite songs of all time doesn't mean I go listen to it every single day.
In fact, I practice. Probably don't. In fact, I don't because I don't want to get sick of it, right? Right. But, I mean, i'll I'll give a sneak peek behind what could potentially, I can't say for sure that these are all going to make it. Well, and I know i'm these are never in any order.
Like, it's impossible for me to rank, like... A position. see that So that's where Jeff jeff is obsessed with stakes. And he's like he's like, you have to rank these. course he is. i was like and i was like dear year I was like, first of all, i was like ma just watch me you know or make me shoot my own child in front of right whatever.
Two of my top ten are already Madonna. So it's like I don't... I mean, so right now, I mean, like again, like I just was numbering these just to be like, okay, just so I knew I would hit 100. So yeah, like in my top 10, there are one, two, three, four, five Madonna songs.
um Whether that's actually true or not. Right. i I would have to, I don't know, I maybe need to see it like ah a medium or a psychic or something to like be like, is this accurate?
But like, okay, so here's how it varies. So I've got Madonna skin. Beautiful. Madonna impressive instant. Beautiful. Madonna frozen.
That's in mine too. Madonna Vogue. huh Madonna Open Your Heart. That video. um I know. That video. It is so, such special place.
Truly. But then we've also got, we've got Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson Scream. Perfect. We've got Janet Jackson Throb. Work. We've got Kylie's Get Out of My Way.
Right. And there you go. We have Robin, Show Me Love. not the robin Not Robin S., but Robin. Right. With a Y. With a We have Gloria Estefan Oye Pablo Flores remix.
There is no way that I didn't already know that was on there. um We have Mariah Carey, Always Be My Baby. that So so i it's on this list is currently at 16. Realistically, that song could potentially be number one on my list.
So my number one is Junior's mix of Heartbreaker. oh I love that hard mix, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I will always have 10 minutes in my day to devote to the start and finish of that track.
Think about time, moments we share. You will never find, I'm sorry, on any other remix of anything that Mariah has done, that last two minutes of that specific remix.
Mm-hmm. The vocals that he got out of her are unlike anything I've ever heard her do before. The layering, the wailing, the way she just builds the vocal intensity as he builds the mix up is so another level. And I cannot even tell you how epic it was to hear on dance floors that it's beyond for me. I would i would kill someone to dance set to that in a club somewhere. There's got to be some gay DJ that's playing this where you live.
There's got to be some old queen up there. There is an old queen up here, but I don't know. DJ Monica Parker, if you're listening, play the the next time you see me in house. Yes. if you The next time you see me at Rumors, I need Mariah Carey's Heartbreaker slash If You Should Ever Be Lonely, Junior Vasquez's Hard Mix, and you are playing the entire 10-minute version.
And the show he will give will make it worth it. You're welcome. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. Like, it's it's an incredible. i ask You know what? I do think that that mix is also in here somewhere in my... But, like, my top 10 is, like, if this is definitely not my top 10 because I would move some of these around. um Yeah. Oh, um yep.
So, number 21. It was my Mariah Carey, Heartbreaker, if you should have read Ville and Leigh. Look at that. Beautiful. Yep. See, I started putting mine into a Spotify playlist. You actually have yours written out. I have it written I had to start, yeah. But like, the Madonna ones in my, well, so if I'm going to go one to 10 and these are absolutely, number 10 is going to be so strict.
for this podcast anyway number one is mariah carey obviously number two is the thunderpuss mix of taylor dane's naked without you love because that that breakdown that one note that she hits and holds in that is just beyond number three is the frankie knuckles remix of never never going to give you up which is a very white cover it's the most beautiful piano i've ever heard in a mix Frankie, absolutely. It's like eight and a half minutes.
It's gorgeous. um And then number four, the reason why I love the Mariah Jr. collaboration is because Val Young's If You Should Ever Be Lonely is one of my favorite songs of all time. So that's number four.
Love. So good. and Five is Frozen by Madonna. Six is Borderline by Madonna. um Borderline, I would probably say, is my number one Madonna song if I was going to pick.
It's there's no matter where I am, no matter what is going on, if as soon as I hear it, it's just an instant mood changer. And it just calls to like such a specific part of my childhood that I just I don't know. I just it's all good feelings. Number seven is Britney Spears. If you could see gaming.
Wow. I love that. That was the time when I saw that video was the first time that I was like, she's going to be all right. She's going to be okay. I was like, me okay, the hair is herring the body. I was like, it's, yeah it's, it's, this is it. I was so obsessed with that. Um, number, and this is where it starts to get a little random. Number eight is, uh, Carly Simon. You belong to me.
Okay. I don't know why. I just love that song. Um, um, Number nine is a deep cut from Cher from the Closer to the Truth album, My Love. It's one of my favorite Cher songs of all time. Easily top three.
Love that. So good. Such a banger and definitely a song we don't talk about enough. And the 10 is so random and this is because of my mother, but it's um Life Story by Barbra Streisand. I love that though. I mean, that's that's the whole point of this list is that it's ah it's going to be songs that soundtrack your life and it's going to be something that is like, that no matter
Nostalgia and Favorite Tracks Discussion
where you are, no matter how old you are, like it is going to spark joy. Right.
And you're going to have some memories attached. Yes. So I, that feels accurate. I clearly, i have like so many memories. ah So my father worked nights cause he worked for the federal reserve bank. So my dad worked nights and then he would kind of sleep during the day. My mother was stay at home mom. So we were always doing things with her.
And I remember having my little Fisher Price portable record player and my mother loved the Barbra Streisand Guilty album, which was Barbra Streisand and Barry Gibb from the Beachies. And she was so obsessed with this record that I would bring my Fisher place Price record player into the bathroom while she was getting ready to go out for the day. i would put it on the thing. We'd play the record and we would listen to it start to finish over and over again while she was getting herself together. And it's just so, i know every note of that album.
every note so good it's so dramatic and it's so barbara streisand but it's a phenomenal album very good but yeah love that man do you think you think would be cheating if i put like as one of my songs like gloria estefan's uh 70s moment mentally no no it's all the songs no you'll get the bang for your buck Are you kidding me? Yeah, it's like seven songs in one, but that's okay. Sure. it' or or like put Or like her party time, Megan Max, which is like a 22 minute. It's so crazy. It really is. They were like, Tony Moran, here's some Adderall, go.
Go. And he, and boy, did he do And he went. He went there. He really did. Mine's all over the place because like I have like Mary J. Blige and you two, the one, their cover of Her verse on that is so phenomenal.
um like my Janet Jackson pick is Where Are You Now oh wow that's like my album album version or Nelly Hooper mix album version okay because I would say like my two two of my favorite Janet's are Where are You Now and then the other One More Chance that was like a b-side that they ended releasing one more chance that was that a b-side on the if single yes yeah yeah yeah it's so good I had your brain. I love you so much. Your brain is just crazy. I know. I'm like, I'm like, what single was that on? And I remember like the silver cover.
um What else is on here? Like I have like, yeah, I like, I kind of went through and I was basically like thinking of like my favorite artists and then I would just kind of list out like my favorite songs of theirs. So like for Christina Aguilera, I have Candyman, Vanity and Dirty. um For, of course, right after that, I put Gina just a little bit.
I knew she had to be on there somewhere. way I'm surprised she wasn't in the top 10. I mean, she probably would be. Let's be honest. She probably would be. um I have Whitney Houston. I learned from the best HQ2 club mix. Absolutely.
As well as Step by Step. Yep. um I have Annie Lennox, Walking on Broken Glass, and Little Bird. Oh, see, I have Annie Lennox, Y, and The Eurythmics, There Must Be an Angel Playing With My Heart.
Oh, love that. Yeah. Love. And then I have, whatever. What are some like random ones? ah Let's see. Oh, I don't know if it's random, but Shakira's Ohosisi I have on here.
um i do have Cher Dove Lamore, Emilio Estefan remix. For sure. Absolutely. sir um We have, ooh, here's a deep cut. Alanis Morissette's straight jacket.
Oh, You will always turn me on with that one. I live. like like That whole album. Okay. Okay. Okay.
and so And I also hate that it's the album that she never acknowledges. And I get why. She never acknowledges it. But I'm going to go ahead and say it is my favorite Alanis Morissette album.
um I think it, sonically, it's very experimental, for especially for her. I mean, it's where she, like, bridged this, like, pop rock electronic thing yeah um and but like a straight jacket i mean talk about a dance pop club banger beyond you've got but i mean you have like versions of violence oh it's one of my favorites that's citizen of the planet citizen of the planet oh it's so good her lyrics on that album specifically are for now have you heard the unreleased song uh break
Yes. oh Because we've talked about this because that's the one song that from that like era that's not on streaming. Yes. And it needs to be on streaming. It is. that that's That's probably one of my favorite Alana songs is that one.
That's the one where so like, who am I kidding? Yes. Yeah. I'm not some other Teresa. It's so good. Find two other people singing this song in 2025. You're welcome.
Like literally, like the whole album is amazing. I love like on the tequila. yeah It's like such a great, like breezy song to play during in the summertime. Yeah. Was it in praise of, in praise of the emotional man or something? What is it? In praise of a vulnerable man. Yeah. That's good. Wait. So you said that she doesn't, she doesn't revisit the album for obvious reasons. Is it because of the Ryan Reynolds? Yeah. I think that's the Ryan Reynolds breakup album. She don't really, it just sort of came out and I feel like it was like cathartic and then we moved on.
but I've never seen her acknowledge it I've seen her live two or three times. It's never been in any, nothing has been from that album. It's any ever in any of the sets. Well, while we're in our manifesting era, Alanis Morissette, we would love for you to come on the pod to exclusively talk about, i i um my God, Flavors of Entanglement.
I would love nothing more. First of all, I have so many questions for Alanis Morissette. It's like silly. Like i the way I respect this woman, I got to see her ah do a performance at the Apollo Theater in New York.
where it was like just an acoustic thing, her and like two other people on stage playing, and she sat down and she told stories in between, and she just sort of went through the whole... Was it the Jagged Little Pill acoustic tour? Maybe? i don't remember, but it was it was like just beyond. and and just she's so She's so emotionally intelligent.
and she's So emotionally intelligent, yeah. Right, she's so sure of who she is, and it's been... especially in this industry i think as a woman as a just a singer whatever like it's so difficult but she's been so unwavering as an ally been so unwavering as an artist but like an artist artist's artist like well somebody just stand up for artists and it's just i just really like she's just a good person i have nothing bad to say about her and she really is just phenomenal even like i the other one that i feel like it was so good that reasons i drink
from such pretty forks in the road recently like that and that video was so good yeah and I still listen to that song a lot yeah she's absolutely phenomenal she's one of those women where like just by looking at her i know that like I would be I if I was not out I would be like I'd come out to her oh Without a doubt. like i doubt i just get the vi I just get the aura from her. I'm like, oh yeah, I'm safe with Alanis. She came out with that song Guardian for her son.
yeah ah It's so good like she Again, ah i don't get me wrong. Jagged Little Pill, iconic album. iconic and and In fact, Hand on My Pocket and Ironic and hand or Hands Clean from a different album. but like Those two songs are on my list. Yeah.
and but soundtrack to it like i was 10 years old when that album came out like is it is a part of my life it's part of my dna but it's one of those she she's one of those artists where her debut album was so big it kind of has overshadowed everything else that she's ever done right and which you know it's kind of a blessing and a curse like on one hand awesome you have one of the biggest selling albums of all time one of those you know iconic and uh what am I trying to say influential albums of all time for sure but your follow-ups are also really really good like and deserve really really good deserve the um same amount of attention especially flavors of entanglement deserves just as much praise as jagged little pillow oh beyond but so does so does the one that that uh was it um uh think the name of the album under under reg that's the one that has hands hands clean
Yeah. Hands Clean is one of the most brilliantly worded songs, especially dealing with the subject matter that she's talking about. Yeah. It's crazy how these were the words that you pulled together to describe this scenario. And it's so visceral.
Yeah. That it's like, I just, she's one of those people that just, she sings in cinema. Yep. You know, it's just so cinematic from the minute she opens her mouth. And I'm like, girl, like you are beyond. That's why she was, you you ever see the movie Dogma?
I have not seen Dogma. Oh my God. When they would just, and when Alanis Morissette played God, I was like tracks that tracks. yeah that I do feel like, yeah, without seeing it, it ah it does track for sure. Yeah, absolutely. She had a documentary that was a on a, spot but what am I trying to say? She had a bonus documentary on her like greatest hits album that she came out with back in like 2005, 2000. um,
and um ah It was like the bonus DVD as part of the album. yeah I can't find it on streaming or like on YouTube or anything, but it's, I have the DVD. I just don't have a DVD player, but I remember watching it and I just loved seeing it because it just really showed her life through her eyes. Totally. Just kind of up to that point. And it was just, she's really cool. Yeah. Really, really cool person. and Oh, I'm so glad we gave her some flowers today. know.
um She deserves the flowers. does. she really does um but yeah, so I'm still working on, long story short, still working on my top 100 list. i do i I do view it as my children. And...
It's really hard. Like there are some on here that I'm like, these, some of these songs really like to defined who I am. I feel, you know? Absolutely. And there, and all different points of my life where I'm like, oh yeah, that like really captured this year and this time of my life. And this captured like some songs,
um were like right before i moved to grand rapids other songs were like like one of the songs so
Reflection on Taylor Swift and Madonna's Music
this is so funny too so i put on here i have taylor swift out of the woods scooters version stop that's terrible They're going to come for you, girl. Come for me. I'm ready. I'm ready for it.
But like, but truly like her 1989 album yeah was came out at such a time where like I was living, I was like halfway through college. I was living with one of my best friends, Mercedes in um our friend Brian's house. And there I remember listening to the that album that night with her and my friend Andrew, who I mentioned earlier, and just a group of our friends, my friend Landon.
And we were all just like jaw to the floor in awe. We were like, oh my God, are we Taylor Swift fans now? we love this. But Out of the Woods specifically, like, that was the song that did change me yeah for Into a Fan.
And you know what, i I think I've talked about this maybe on one of the podcasts before, but so when we were going to do a thing with her at work, I was like, okay, I said, so now it's come to my job. And now I'm going to have to be as part of my job, be familiar with this catalog. So i spent the time and I went through all the catalog. I've listened to her entire discography.
Wow. Because I was like, I'm going to we're going to be doing these specialized classes and some classes are going to be, you know, we did folklore classes and we did the ones for whatever albums. And this was like, I just i have to make sure that if somebody needs to talk to me about this, I know what I'm talking about.
yeah And, you know, it's is it my type of music for the most part of it? Not really. But as soon as I got to 1989 and I was like, yes, the Max Martin moment. Let's go. Yes, I know. And I would love for them to work it together again. feel like now, yeah, especially now, because I feel like even though I'm not a super fan of her music and I have come to appreciate her, I like her as a person ah for the most part, I think, ah from what I know about her.
But I feel like now she seems more like the artist that I would have hoped for her to be. Like some of the early stuff feels very, very like she was a kid. She was very, very young. And it's, it feels like, you know a lot of her stuff is very like a diary entry and it's, so doesn't really speak to my heart, but it's now like, I think I had more respect for her after midnights because I really thought that there was some incredibly crafted tracks on there.
Yeah. It kind of was a lateral move to TTPD for me after that. But, I feel like just where she is as an artist and where she is in her life, this would be a really cool time to see what she, what her and Max could produce.
Yeah. Here's a question.
And then we'll get to songs we don't talk about enough. But someone asked me, that you said, you know, you mentioned TTPD. Too much to say. Yeah.
i You know, kind of, you know, not necessarily being the album for you. It's not definitely not for me. and i And I say that as somebody who absolutely loves Fortnite. I think it's a great song. Yeah. um But someone asked me the other day, what's Madonna's worst song?
Hey, you. Oh. Oh, my God. You just like went there. i I'm so sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry, Mom. Oh, I literally was like, I was like, this is totally my bias coming out.
But I was like, I was like, I'm having a hard time saying what I think is actually her worst song. Right, right. and Because there are some songs that are like, they become an acquired taste.
An acquired taste. There are certain songs where like, like I, I said the controversial thing where I was like Madonna's first two albums, just for me, i don't ever revisit. It's not that I dislike them or it's not that I don't,
like or i think that it's bad but i was like these are the two albums that like at any 80s party you go to right you're gonna hear these tracks right i don't i don't need to go out of my way to go listen to them so i hardly do um but then like i was like in my head i was like i'm going bananas maybe like I love that song.
But I was like, I do too. was like it's it's I was like, it's campy. Right, right. It's fun. i was like, I don't know. I was like, it's definitely the bias popping out in me. But I was like, I can't tell you what my mother is I will also say that I'm Breathless is probably in like my top three favorite Madonna albums.
Love that. Like, it's so good. Oh, and this same person had the audacity to be like, oh, is it Hinky Panky? And I was like, fuck you, one of my favorite songs. Are you out of your mind? no pinky Panky one of my favorite Madonna Incredible. I love that song. No. Yeah. That person, no, no, needs a timeout.
Yeah. I know. And this person, that they keep i keep they keep sharing opinions with me. Love this person, by the way. Right. But um I keep saying, come on the pod. Let's talk about it. Right, right. And then they'd leave me unread.
Right. I'm like, all right. I'm like, all right. No, but it's it's it's difficult because I feel like even when I think of songs that like most people wouldn't enjoy by Madonna, even if it's more like the recent ones, but like I don't expect people to love Ecstatic Process, but I do.
I love it. right I don't expect people to love Paradise Not For Me, but I do. you know i don't expect people to love extreme Occident from Madam X, but I love that song. You know, like, right I was a very big fan of Madam X for when it came out. Like, and I thought it was so good and it was so different and it just, I don't know. It was crazy. it was all over the place, but yeah, I did. I loved it.
um I'm like do wrestling with, do I say this or not? Um, yes i'll just say this um the person i'm talking to we'll just leave it at that okay um one of the things that they kind of really turned me on in our first conversation was they mentioned how madamex is one of their favorite albums oh Marry him the minute he asks you. I know. I know. And then he, and so I'm like, I'm like, okay, like, is he just saying that? then he started mentioning like dark ballet and things like that. And I was like, I was like, are you a unicorn?
i was like, did I just need Ursula? Like, like what is happening right now? And then we, and then we walked down the aisle to God control.
We laugh, but it's going to happen. I know. And I will be there waving. Yeah. Although watch him like listen to this and be like, I don't know. I think I'm done with this.
Oh my gosh. Okay. Well, it's that time where we've come to our segment, famous segment where songs we don't talk about enough, where we take a moment to each talk about ah deep cut, a bonus track, a song, maybe ah maybe it's a flop single, if you will. Maybe it's a remix.
A song that we just don't feel like gets its justice, gets its dues. And I feel like I might have actually done this on one of the Pop Theory episodes, but I'm going to do it again because it's I'm seeing it again in front of me for the top 100 ever.
Love. And I'm going to go to my Canadian queen, Miss Celine Dion. Ooh. And it will always be a bother to me that Sorry for Love, the version from A New Day has come.
was never a thing. It should have been released. It should have been a single. There should have been remixes. And I cannot believe in the tiny, tiny window of Celine Dion dance music, we missed possibly the best one of all time.
That, oh my God. Do I add that to my list? don't it's on there. but like that vocal, that key change when she goes up, when holds the note.
Can I hit it? Hold it. I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry. I was like, here she goes, rev her up.
It's so good. It's so good. But like that song and even like I Surrender, so good. But this one, Sorry for Love, like they tried to do a ballad version on the One Heart album a few years later and I was like, thank you, I appreciate this, I don't need it, but it will always be this version for me. It is...
You know, the kiss right. There is just something about specifically a woman with a beat behind her when she's got that powerful of a voice that always works. Yeah. And the fact that Celine never really dipped into that too much is just crazy to me because it really it's so good. But yeah I will. She's another one. I'll support it to the end.
Say a bad word. Say a bad word about that woman. I dare you. And I would just feel like what kind of homophobic person would do that? Right. like right Like saying a and slight against Celine Dion. Like you have to be a horrible person to do that. Like crazy. Yeah.
um But this is our plea to Celine's record label. Celine, if maybe you're the one holding it up, I don't know, but put your dance remixes on streaming. Oh no, it happened.
And we're back. And we're back. That was wild. Literally like, oh my God, I just got Thanos. I was like, that's it. No more for me. theyre all hit Google was just like, too gay. Done.
Done. Too much. today's the day we tell right Today's the day we take the G out of the acronym. Yeah. They said DEI is over. That's it. Now it's just LB. God, literally. Please. ah But that's a really good
Dev's Independent Releases and Episode Reflection
choice. Celine Dion, sorry for love.
um mine So we referenced this artist earlier at the very beginning of the show, m dev um Dev. And I believe Dev goes by Dev Escaliente on Instagram, which I love.
um But she released a couple singles. So she's been kind of doing the independent music thing for a little while. And she released a couple singles over the pandemic. And there I try want to make sure that I'm getting the single title correct. So I'm looking it up really quick.
It is. oh my God. Wait. No. What is it missing? Are they, like, gone from the internet now?
on. I'm looking. She released two songs over I Am Not Seeing Them. So I'm looking through her on Spotify. So it looks like during the pandemic, there's Mango, Follow My Lead, Bom Dia, Menina Bonita. No. commojo Ecomoyo.
Ecomoyo. Ecomoyo. Yeah. And then there was Ecomoyo. And then there was one right after it, which was like Poppy something. Mommy Poppy. Mommy and Poppy. Yeah. um But Ecomo Yo. Ecomo Yo is a fucking bop.
Okay, I have to listen. know this song. It goes like, Ecomo Yo. And they're like, almost kind of like a Shakira, She-Wolf type of thing. But, and drop it to the floor.
um I don't know if she has any Hispanic descent in her, but like, if she does, let's celebrate that. and Like, like We love that. like But no, truly the song is a bop. Oh, I have to listen.
is like a really fun like She's got a lot of tracks that I haven't heard. and She does. Yeah. like um It's, it's, I'm trying to think of how to describe it. It's definitely a dance song. I would say it's like a mix between like house and I don't know. It's like, it's definitely house inspired.
Yeah. But um yeah, the song, it absolutely slaps. I mean, it suffers from like the two and a half minute curse, which we all know that I, you know, famously beat a dead horse off and whatnot. But yeah. I mean, it's barely. It's like 217 on Spotify. Wow. yeah Yeah, yeah, I don't know why she removed those from Apple Music or who removed those from Apple Music, but how dare you?
Right. it looks like It looks like she's definitely putting them out independently, like on our own. Yeah. So, a lot what Dev, this is your chance to come on the show. We can talk about this. i'm just saying Not for nothing, though. I think it would be really interesting, Dev, to kind of get you on here and and feel like what like feel it out. What happened? where we what what What went on? like How did it all go down?
What happened? ah Where are you now? What are we doing? We're excited for the new single. Let's dance. Yeah. like ah Yeah. We covered a lot of ground today. a lot. More than I thought we were going to. More than I thought so too, but like i loved it. Yes.
What chaos. what What chaos. What chaos. What mayhem. Mayhem is upon us. Bringing it all back around. Bringing it all back around.
Episode Conclusion and Farewell
Well, that's it for today's episode, but thanks for everyone for tuning in. John Michael, always a pleasure. and See you later. Until next time. byee Bye.