Oh my God. I was like, I cannot even, what would you, what would be the context of Shakira and Beyonce just decided to do Beautiful Liar in the middle of the 2025 Grammys? I mean, I literally said as Shakira was performing, I said, I said, Beyonce has the opportunity to do something really incredible right now. Really incredible? Just like really just jump in there and be like, wait a minute. Cause when Shakira did her like little hand and with her hair in between her arms right thing, I was like, I was like, there it is, Beautiful Liar. And she but just comes out and she's like, hold on, how's it go again? Boom. Boom. And there was a shot, and I think it was when Beyonce won, ah spoiler alert, Beyonce won album of the year. um When she won, there was a pan shot where i mean she was seated next to Gaga. i like I think their tables were like very close to one another. And I said to my friend Jill, I was like, hello. I was like, if I was right there, I would have been like, where the fuck is the telephone situation? You're the seed filler that gets thrown out for saying such a thing. Exactly. I would be like the two of you have something explaining to do like right now. Like we've we've we're in the same room right now. Let's to chit chat. Oh, my God. But, yeah, I mean, Shakira's performance. Incredible. Incredible. She was also her birthday. So happy birthday. Feliz completely on your Shakira. Like she's 40. What is it? What is 48 48 48? I'm like at that the way that belly moves.