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Journey to the National Finals Rodeo (NFR)  Dives Deep into Tie-Down Roping's Toughest  image

Journey to the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) Dives Deep into Tie-Down Roping's Toughest

S2 E44 ยท Kick Your Boots Up | Ag, Western Fashion, and Rodeo Storytelling
111 Plays9 months ago

This week, we're joined by Cole Harris, founder of Creative By Cole and the mastermind behind the gripping documentary "Journey to the NFR," featuring professional rodeo's top tie-down ropers Ty Harris, Tuf Cooper, Shane Hanchey, Beau Cooper, Riley Webb, Shad Mayfield, and Haven Meged. In this special episode, Cole shares his experiences traveling to the rodeos, filming and creating the documentary, offering behind-the-scenes insights into the intense world of rodeo. From capturing the adrenaline-pumping moments of rodeo arena competition to showcasing the dedication and camaraderie of the ropers, Cole's storytelling shines through. For a full episode transcript, visit our website HERE.


Introduction to the Episode and Guest

he's like watching this like I've watched it twice and I want to go to a rodeo tomorrow and I'm ready to go and so just like the guys who are in it and all the guys text me just tough was so thankful just like thank you bro for doing it
Hi everybody. Thank you for listening to the Kick Your Boots Up podcast. It's so good to have you here for another episode of the podcast. We're in season two now. Can you believe it? Okay. So I watched a really cool documentary recently and I'm so hyped up about it. I had to have the creator of the documentary here on the podcast. So without further ado, you guys meet Cole Harris. He is the filmmaker, the producer for
the documentary that's on YouTube currently called Journey to the NFR, where it focuses on like the top eight cowboys in the capropin that headed to the NFR in 2023. And a little bit about Cole is first of all, he's Ty Harris's cousin. So that's really cool. He's from San Antonio, Texas.

Cole's Journey from Rodeo to Filmmaking

He actually hosts a podcast as well, the Kingdom Vision podcast. And he's a filmmaker, photographer and creative director in the Texas
area. So Cole, thank you so much for clearing your schedule and being on our podcast today. No, thanks for having me. It's a privilege to be on.
Absolutely. And I have so many questions about this documentary. I am hyped up. The second I watched the footage of all of it, the whole entire documentary, I was like, okay, we have to get them on the podcast. We have to talk about this because first of all, your perspective is really cool. You had access to all of the rodeo guys through Thai, but then also just like your creative vision behind it is also really special as well. But
Before we talk about the documentary, I always get ahead of myself. I want to know more about you and the world needs to hear more about you. Tell us about how you grew up, what got you started in filmmaking, all of it. Yeah. I actually rodeoed until sixth grade. I grew up in the western industry, grew up in rodeo.
Started as a young kid and then around sixth grade I decided to take the sports route instead of the rodeo route so when Ty and Braden, Joel Braden decided to keep on rodeo and I was like I'm gonna play baseball and basketball and ended up going the basketball route. Played the college basketball my freshman year of college at a small school so that was cool.
But yeah, I just, I grew up in the industry. So I'm very, what, like my parents, we own like 400 acres of land. My dad has a cattle operation. He has a show heifer operation going. So they go to all these shows and San Antonio stock show, Houston stock show. So yeah, I just grew up in the Western industry, but I took this route and decided to go to sports route. And then how I got into videography,
I guess the best way to say it is, so me and Joel Braden, you said the King Division podcast.
Yeah, we started that podcast in 2020. And so basically I bought a camera to film the podcast. And this podcast is about Jesus. We just talked about everything, Bible topics, Jesus, how Jesus changed our lives. So me and Joe Brayden started doing that. And then when I wasn't doing the podcast, I would go outside. I lived in college station at the time. I went to Texas A&M University, the greatest university in the country. Arguably. No, no, no, it's like that.
No, and I would literally go outside in College Station. It would be like raining. I would just film the rain. I was so bad, but I just bought a camera to film this podcast. And then obviously, long story short, filmed the podcast, began to grow my skills, do things for free, filmed a wedding for free. And then in November of 2022,

Filming Rodeo: Challenges and Opportunities

actually June of 2022, I got to a certain skill level to where it made sense. Ty was competing at a very high level at this point. And so,
I came out here in the summers before the summer run of 2022 and I came out here and made a real of him. It was fun. November of 2022 we came out and
decided, Hey, let's, let's do this thing. Let's, let's try to grow ties, Instagram. Let's make YouTube. Let's try to start getting into this Western content thing. I made that decision and tie helped me kind of navigate the whole thing. And so yeah, that's like, I guess a thousand foot flyover of how I got into the Western industry and how everything started. So I love your perspective on that. And I really think it shined through in the documentary too, that, um, tie is one of your biggest supporters. I think he was like always there to be your hype man. And then you him as well. Right.
Yeah, no, without Ty, I wouldn't be anything. Ty helped me. Cool story. I'll share this cool story. Yeah. So I went to NFR 2022, and I'm filming in the stands at this point. No one knows who I am. I'm just filming in the stands at the NFR. And I filmed Zeke Thurston's 2022 round 10 run, and then he ends up winning the average, wins the gold buckle.
And Ty, so shout out Ty, this is basically the nature of our relationship. Him always putting me on, putting me on, giving me these relationships, connecting me with the right people. But he sends this reel I made Zeke. He sends it to Zeke because he has his number. And Zeke's like, oh my gosh, dude, this video's crazy. And he loved it. He ended up posting it and tagging me in it.
Yeah, that was just a, that was a catalyst for me because the, everyone knows the execs, one of the, you know, the greatest settler bunk riders that's ever walked the earth, greatest Cowboys that's ever walked, walked the earth. What he did in 2020, either 2023 and afar was crazy too. And so I've had moments like that, uh, sparingly, you know, one with tough Cooper in January at Denver where he collabed with me. He was one of those guys who.
You know, he roped with Cody Oll, he roped with Fred Whitfield. He's one of the older guys that, I mean, I always knew who Tough was. And Tough ended up collabing with me, Ty connected with me with him. And yeah, so I've had moments like that where it just catapulted me and gave me this confidence to keep creating, so.
That is, you know, so cool to hear, especially the, like you mentioned, tough Cooper, like giving you the opportunity to pour it back into you to make your, not only your business and your dream grow, but then also the sport of rodeo. I think that speaks numbers about the Cowboys in general, you know, the industry in general. So that's really cool. Um, and before we talk more about the documentary, cause obviously it's really cool and there's a lot of things to talk about. I want to know, I'm curious for you, what is your creative process, especially through this documentary?

Creative Inspirations for Rodeo Documentary

I mean,
How do you piece things together? Do you have to go to a, go, you know, where's your, what's your process? Just tell us whatever you do. So. What do you mean creative process? Just how I made this documentary just like real, just, just, just in general, you're talking about in general, in general. Yeah. It sounds, it sounds weird, but a lot of my inspiration truly comes from my relationship.
with Jesus. It's crazy. When I first started the podcast, I started this Christian podcast. I did not have a lick of creative talent prior to knowing Jesus. And it's true. I truly think the Holy Spirit ended up depositing in me just this gift to create, this gift to see. Music plays a big part in it. A big thing for me is when you hear a song, naturally there's segments to a song, right?
And you get to like halfway to three quarters of the way in and the tempo always just rises. And when I was, when I was really young, I would just be watching these movies and watching these reels, watching these videos where I'm like, something fast should be happening here. The song is so good that some, there should be clips and you should be seeing something that you, explains the way the song makes you feel. So music has always been a huge inspiration for me. And then for this documentary, I guess to just make it really practical. Cause I was real vague.
Um, there was a documentary about formula one racing. Um, it was on Netflix. It's called F1. I think it's drive to survive. And I was telling all the guys like it, this dream for me started in January. So January 2023, it was a year long thing. I told the guys that said F1, F1, F1, like it's going to be crazy. We're going to make it. Hey, watch this documentary. I'm gonna make this one. I'm gonna make one like this for rodeo. Um,
So yeah, it's just a lot of secular I think that's what makes me unique in a way to the Western industry is because I left the rodeo world for, you know, middle school to
22 years old, all of the content that I ingested, all the content that I received was not Western related. And so I come, but I also have the knowledge of the Western industry. I know sports, I competed in tie-down roping till sixth grade. So I know the sport. And so bringing this fresh taste, this fresh spin from inspirations from other industries, I think just kind of helped make this documentary good, I guess. And I'm just glad people liked it truthfully. I was a little worried about it.
Well, that's a real fear. And before we get into it, I'm going to take a quick break. But when we return, we're going to get to hear more about it. So stay tuned. I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now.
Hey everybody and welcome back. We're here. We're learning all about the Journey to the NFR documentary by Cole Harris. Cole, I mean, you said it perfectly in the first segment about that's just kind of how you got your vision from F1 and how you wanted to bring your knowledge that you had of the sport into something that's created and made. And so I guess let's just start there then because
Your perspective was unique for this documentary. First of all, I guess I should tell everyone out there. I'm going to pause back up. I should probably tell everyone out there, um, just like how impactful your documentary was within even the first 20 hours, but you know, it's just not even 24 hours. You already had like 3000 views.

Documentary's Impact and Reception

And every time I refreshed it, it was like 50 more views and everyone was telling their friends and
I think what is really unique about you in this particular part of it is everyone is so afraid to cover calf roping. In Rodeo, it's a support that not all fans like to watch. Let's just be honest. I love that you took the time and the boldness to step out there and show the talent of the calf ropers, first of all, but then also the talent of
the stock and the luck of the draw and how it is a hauling race from time to time. And you depicted all the different flights that the Cowboys had to take to get from place to place. So I commend you. It was really cool. But what was it like for you in the first? I mean, once you posted it, did you expect it to blow up the way that it did?
Truthfully, no. And I also posted it on my personal YouTube. I've been building a Western, you know, YouTube channel that was in connection to SSD West. And that channel has over 40,000 subscribers. And so I built that channel from zero to 40,000. But this one, it just was like a personal project, wasn't getting paid for it. So I decided to put on my personal channel. So it was no, I mean, this is just people, just word of mouth. People posting it, sharing it. And I had,
I would like to say I expected it to do this good because I just put a lot of effort into it. I enjoyed it, but you can't really expect it. It's just like, because YouTube, that's why I love YouTube and content creating. It's like, it's so unbiased. It's like, if people don't like your stuff, they won't watch it. If people love it, they will. And it's like, it doesn't care who you are or what it is about you. It's like, whatever the final product is, is what determines whether people watch it or not. And so it's very humbling.
Very competitive to make, you know, good videos, but no, I, short answer. I didn't, I did not expect it to go this crazy and it's, it's surreal. Honestly, you see all the comments of people saying stuff like best rodeo document I've ever seen. We want to see one every year. We want to see one for saddle bronc, team rope in barrel racing. I'm like, guys, I'm one man. I I'm trying, but I need, I need some help. You know, it took me three months to make this thing. You know what I'm saying? But no, I.
I love it. The fact that everyone else loves it makes it, the struggle is worth it. Oh, without a doubt. I'm so glad you brought that up. I'm glad that you've been reading the comments too because it's good. Whether they're good or bad, it's always good to read the comments and get the criticism and learn from there. But so far, everyone has been pouring support into you. They've been so excited. This has been something that the industry has needed for a long time.
Yes, I'm so glad you brought up what they were saying because I want to quote Mike C from Ohio because I think the most the best my favorite YouTube comment was the best capropping documentary I've ever watched. Great job. Thank you. And so for him to say that a random guy Mike in Ohio, how does that make you feel that people are pumping you up and they don't even know you? Like I was saying just humble. I mean, you know, you as a filmmaker, you just
You're kind of creating for yourself in a way because it's such an up and down thing where, you know, you could create a video and everyone hates it or you create a video and everyone loves it. You kind of just learn to
block it out in a way so we're like if I'm only functioning on the praises of people it can be hills and valleys because then I'm only as good as my next video and so once I have a better relationship with that I'm like okay like I create what I feel like I want to create and I know what will I feel like will bless people and then the fact that then once you once I have a healthy relationship with that then I hear stuff
like Mike C says, I feel like I can have an appreciation for it. Truly, I can feel grateful and there's no words to really describe it because I'm just like, oh my gosh, these people genuinely love the thing I'm making, but in a real way, I can only appreciate it.
once I have a healthy relationship with how to deal with the praises of people. Does that make sense? Definitely. No, I totally relate to that so much because it's so funny as a team here, we'll work hours and hours and hours on something and it'll maybe get X amount of views. And then we just do like a funny something on TikTok or something and it's like millions of views. And you're like, how, why?
But, um, no, that's, that's so really cool there. Um, and I'm genuinely curious too, because like I said earlier, and a few questions ago, um, that calf roping is something that not everyone, um, focuses on, especially whenever it comes to doing a documentary. And that was the first one you pick. So, um, talk through that. What was life like on the road with them for the few months that you got to go on and through cowboy Christmas and

Stories from the Road with Rodeo Athletes

all of that? What was it like behind the scenes with the guys?
Well, this may be controversial, but I picked Kaffir open because they're the rock stars, man. I mean, like, I love all rodeo people. I mean, obviously bull riding from a non-Western perspective, if you're not in the industry, bull riding is the main attraction. But I mean, in my opinion, the pillars of the sport are like Saddlebrunk,
and tie-down ropers. And then you have, I think the reason I say that, not to dismount anybody else, but it's like the roster of guys, there's so many guys that have, I mean, just look at Instagram, hundreds of thousands of followers, people just flock to them. And I don't know why. And plus, like I had, like, I love tie-down roping because that's what my cousins do. So I was like, I'm not going to do anything else. I wanted to make a mini saddle bronc one, but I just didn't have to do that.
But yeah, so what was life like on the road? Crazy. I mean, one story was I was in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Time Brain didn't do any good, so they had to leave, but I wanted to stay the film and that part didn't make it in the documentary, but I needed to make it for a client, a project for a client.
And so I ended up sleeping on Haven Medrid's couch. I was like, hey, I need to find a trailer to sleep in. And I was like, Haven Medrid let me crash on his couch. I was like, bro, it's so clutch. Thank you so much. That was crazy. There's one time where literally we're in Vancouver.
Canada, we're trying to fly to the Pinoka. This is on the morning of July 2nd. So this part is in the documentary. We're trying to fly to Pinoka. I didn't have my camera out because we're running late. Like we're literally sprinting and we get dropped off running. Well, my online check-in, it worked, but Ty and Jill Braden's did not work. So they're standing in line and this line's not moving. And we're like, we're about to miss the flight. So I'm like, Hey, I'm gonna go get in line, save us a spot through security.
And then when y'all get it online, when y'all get checked in, y'all can come hop in line with me. Well, I'm in line and I turn around and I look and I see Joel Braden and Ty in a full sprint running the opposite direction. And I'm like, well, forget me. Where are y'all going? Like they didn't call me. They didn't text me. They did nothing. I see them sprinting. I'm like.
I just started running with them I just started running and turns out the security that we were in was international flights but we were already in Canada flying within Canada and so we were in the wrong line but it was it was such crunch time like we ended up getting into the gate
We ended up getting to the gate and there's 10 people before we get like the doors closing after this 10 people when we walked up and they tie and brain were like, yeah, it was so tight. Like we needed to make it like this tie ended up winning like $16,000 at Pinocca. If he misses that flight, he doesn't make it to Pinocca.
And so they're like, yeah, bro, sorry. It was like, at that point, you either made it or you did it. It was up to you. And so they just, they left me and I was like, well, appreciate it guys. I guess I'm just extra here, but that was one of the crazy stories. That wasn't when Chad ran into you guys too, was it? Or was that a different time?
no doubt that was that was after our shad was shads was july 20 or june 29th i'm sorry shad ran into us at the airport june 29th in denver colorado um yeah that that flight ended up getting delayed so even if we we like
Like in the documentary, you see it, Ty's running up and you just see him. He's like, like a deer just looking for a fence to hop. He's like, who am I going to, who am I going to get? Who am I going to get goes up to this person? Hey, can I get in front of you? It was wild. And then Chad hopped in front of us, but really crazy. I mean, there's stories like that everywhere and I could keep telling them, but yeah. Wow. Yeah. And it's really cool too. I don't know if you've ever heard the older guys tell about their, their times back in the day, you know, the old legends, but.
I know like at the priority hall of fame inductions they love telling stories like that so it's really cool for you to be able to document it and help not only help them remember everything but also like help them remember and share their stories and get to relive it and watch it too. I'm sure that was cool and that makes me want to ask you then too what did Ty think after he had seen the documentary? Has he seen it? The finished product? Yeah no he saw it and he he got a little bit emotional he's like man it's
You know this, this is one of the most fleeting sports he didn't say this is what I'm saying. He's one of this is one of the most fleeting sports and career paths I've ever been into Riley web one the world championship. December, what 17th, and then a month later he's in January during the 2024 season.
And so that's a month to celebrate. And so it's such a, it's such a, sorry, my phone is going off. I don't know if y'all can hear it. It's such a, it's such a, it's such a fleeting sport. And so Ty sees the documentary and he's just like, man, like it makes me run back all those memories and just, I mean, he broke Trevor Brazil's all time cowboy Christmas record. And it's like the next week he had, you have to move on. And so this documentary, um,
Yeah, I just, I think all the guys got to appreciate it and just relive some of those memories. I got a call from, I think you, I don't think you would mind me saying it, but Peyton Bray, Peyton Bray's a team roper, but he calf ropes too.
And he calls me, he's like, man, like I want to go rodeo tomorrow. He's like, watching this, like I've watched it twice and I want to go to a rodeo tomorrow. Like I'm ready to go. And so just like the guys who are in it and all the guys texted me just tough was so thankful. Just like, thank you bro for doing it. So the guys that are in it, the fact that they love it just as much as the people who are watching it means the world because it's like, what's the point of making a documentary and the guys who are in it hate it. And then it's like,
What do you gain from that? The fact that they love it so much, it means everything. Yeah. You did really do it to justice. You did it very well. It was so tasteful. I can relate to you in the sense of I rode longer, I guess, a little bit longer than you did, but I stopped at the end of high school. Here I am past college, I'm a career woman in life, and I was still so inspired. First of all, I've never been a calf roper. I tried breakaway roping, but wasn't very good.
And so just like to feel so like on fire again for the sport of rodeo It was truly what I needed and I think that's why you got so many views because it was exactly what everyone needed Exactly when we needed it to like I don't know what your strategy was for posting it out like when you did but Even yeah, like just the 5,000
what views in 24 hours or whatever. And then now by the time the podcast even gets out, like right now in our recording, it's like almost 40 K. But then who knows like when this, by the time this makes it how, how many views there's going to be. So, um, well done. Well done. It's funny. This is probably going to make people more mad than happy, but the night before I posted it, I literally cut out like 15 minutes of the documentary the night before I posted it.
Because I was sitting there and it was like, it was, it was good. And I loved it, but I just had too much in it. And it was just something was awesome. It was off. And I decided to cut it out. It was from Pialip, Pialip, Washington, the Washington state fair. And I had interviews from some great Cowboys. No me, no reason to mention them just to make people mad, but I did cut out 15 minutes.
And I think it, it helped the story. It just, it just cut off all the fat. It didn't really, it didn't really lead into the eight guys. It was just kind of like a random offshoot, random tangent that didn't really lead to the overall story. And so I just decided to cut it out, but I heard people say like, they never wanted it to end. So the fact that I cut out 15 minutes is probably gonna make people mad, but I had to.
I had to. Well, now you have an opportunity to make it like a short or a segment of something else or... Yeah, maybe I just release it and just say like the bonus content or something. Never before seen. Except you heard about it first on the Kiki Ritsu podcast. Yeah, there's movies that they're called the director's cut, right? So it's like the ones that go in theaters and the director's cut. So like it's in it's the extended version. So who knows? If people want it enough, then I will release it.
Yeah, no, for sure. And anyone out there that's listening, if you don't know what we're referencing, I'm going to leave a link in the bio of the description of this episode so that you can go and see it for yourself. Um, so far it's only on YouTube, correct? I know you're posting shorts periodically on social media, and I think that's really cool too, to showcase the eight guys, which we don't, do you want to talk about, do you want to spoil who the eight guys are or do you just want to leave that a surprise? Yeah. Yeah. So part one is tough Cooper. Part two is Shane Henshey, part three, Ty Harris.
Par for Bo Cooper, um, Riley Webb, uh, Chad Mayfield. I know I'm trying to get the order right. Chad and then Haven, right? Yeah. It says it's supposed to be eight Cowboys, but that seems like seven, right? Seven. Yeah. Maybe there's only seven. I would hate to leave a guy out. Let me look it up real quick. Yeah.
But maybe I didn't pull the number. I didn't make the number eight up. Did I, did I make that up? There's eight parts. Yeah. So it goes tie. Shane. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It was tough. Shane tie bow. Um, then it goes Riley.
And then it goes shad and then haven. And so, oh, and then the last parts, the last part is hard. Yeah. The ending. And so those are all the guys, how many parts? Seven guys, eight parts. I may have done it wrong. No, no, no. Because there's a, there's originally a part eight that maybe the part I cut out. So whatever. Yeah. That's okay. No. And we won't spoil it. Yeah. Those are the Cowboys that are in it. Great, great dudes, rock stars, man. So.
And I think for you too, I've seen, um, I've been, you know, doing media for a while now and I've seen those guys interview and then getting your perspective was, I think, different. So, um, anyone that out there, anyone that wants to go look at, look at it and is curious, or maybe has already seen the documentary and is listening now.
Um, they'll probably agree with me when I say we got to see tough in a different light. We got to see haven in a different light, shad in a different light. And it was like, we were just a buddy hanging out. Uh, you, because you were a buddy hanging out at several of these rodeos with tie, you brought that feeling there. So like, obviously me, I'm not going to be hanging out with them. You know what I'm saying? Um, and so for me, it felt like really cool to get like, um,
I'm going to spoil it a little bit for you, but go for it. So Riley Webb sitting at the trailer, whenever you're talking, you know, asking him questions and all of that, like no one, no one else, unless they're at the rodeo and they're part of the rodeo lifestyle and they're, you know, either using a companion pass or they're whatever their situation is. No one else really is going to get to see Riley Webb just sitting on his dummy at his trailer, you know? Um, and so there's so many people out there that really, really rely on and respect and appreciate your, your, what you've done with this documentary. So.
I wanted to show, a big goal of mine was I wanted to show the Western industry, it's what makes them special, but what also makes them special kind of holds the Western industry back in a sense. And it's the fact that everything is polished and we want to make guys look as best as possible.
That's a great sentiment. That was my goal with the documentary. You want to make these guys look good, but to make them look good, you also have to make them look bad in a sense. You have to show the ups and the downs, and the downs don't look pretty. My main goal was to show as much of the lows as I could. I wanted to go farther, but it was limited with just me being one man.
I think when you truly see the downsides and like Tuff was out there and struggling and watch the documentaries, see how he finishes. Shad's part, Shad's part is crazy. Him and Riley have some beef, you know, but it's so much
leads to the development of their character and you can at the end of it root for them more knowing the negatives, knowing the struggles and you could just only seeing the polished social media side of things, if that makes sense. So definitely. And I'll second that too. Cause you didn't really, that you don't see them in a bad light. Like they're not being ugly to each other, but you definitely see them in their slumps and through this doc throughout this whole documentary, you see them when they're about to miss a plane, you see them.
Like Tough Cooper, you just get to sit down and have a conversation with Tough Cooper that a lot of people don't get to do. And so, yeah, you did a very good job of showing how they each talk about each other and they each are very aware of where they're at in the standings, who has to do good that weekend or whatever.
But then at the same time, they turn right around and they help each other. They share mounts, you know, they share horses, they lease horses together. They, um, they help each other. They traveled down the road together, all the things. And I think that's what rodeo encompasses as a whole. So, um, yeah, no, very, very good perspective there. Um, if anyone wants to see it, like I said, we can pass, we can post the, um, link below to the YouTube link. Also, you can feel free to check out, uh, Cole Harris's Instagram it's at by Cole Harris.
And he'll be posting shorts throughout. He's probably by the time this podcast episode gets out, he's probably already posted all the parts. But you'll get to see the whole, yeah, you'll get to see the whole documentary through and through. And really, it's just cool. So before we go, though, I have a really a question that I ask everyone on the podcast call. And that question is, what advice would you give to anyone out there?

Advice for Aspiring Filmmakers

So it's, you know, what advice do you have for someone in your field? So for you, what advice do you have for anyone out there that's dreaming to start a passion project? So
Maybe it's not, maybe they don't want to go in a film industry or whatever, but like yours was this passion project. So what's your advice there? Yeah, I would say I get a lot of DMS and questions from a lot of young people in the rodeo industry. A lot of people not in the rodeo industry about how did you get started filming rodeos? Rodeo is one of the nation's biggest attraction is the Western rodeo. How did you get into it?
and my number one advice is always you just show up and you film and then you show up and you film and you start posting and then all of a sudden you'll just like it's this simple you just begin to send these cowboys collaborations hey this is a video I made for you DM it to them for free and
Everything runs through the athletes, like the Western brands, we honor them and they kind of fund everything and they keep it going. But there's a reason why the biggest social medias are the athletes is because they're the one in the arena. And so when you think about the perspective,
with media is if you can just build relationships with them. And the way I started was just, hey, I'm gonna make free content for these guys. And if they like it, they'll post it. If they don't, well, I need to be better. And I need to make better content. It's simple.
had an advantage with Ty for sure. I think Ty helped me speed up my process, but I very much needed to be at a skill level to where it's like, okay, Ty helped me speed up the process, but I needed to be good enough to where I could take advantage of all the opportunities Ty helped me get. And so, yeah, I guess some advice for passing projects would be just go up and start making the content, do it for free to show up on the rodeo, film the stands if you have to. It's like, do whatever it takes to
you know, ultimately get your videos in front of the eyes that matter. And if you get it to the athletes and they start posting your content, then the brands will see your content. And then you'll just have relationships with brands naturally. And you'll actually have an advantage with Western brands and rodeo athletes. Cause you're not out there just trying to get money. You're just trying to make the best content you can and build relationships with people. And then all of a sudden you begin to be rewarded and taken care of.
as you should for creating your work. But if you go into it with the right motives, um, just to help athletes grow their social media, the health of Western industry, it works out for you. Well said. That's so that's such solid advice. I really appreciate it. And I know a lot of people out there that are listening, appreciate it as well. And Cole, again, thank you so much for taking the time to be on the podcast and I wish you the best of luck in your future, even if you do end up shooting barrel racing or something like that. Good luck with it all.
I'm gonna need the luck. It's stressful, but I would love to do it.

Conclusion and Social Media Plugs

Well, again, like I said, you guys can follow Cole on his social media. If you have any questions below for Cole, feel free to comment. We'll pass those along. As always, like, subscribe, share with your friends, tell everyone about this podcast, and we'll see you the next time you kick your boots up.
Thanks for joining us on Kick Your Boots Up. I'm your host, Taylor McAdams, and we can't wait to share the next story of the West. Until then, feel free to like, subscribe, and leave us a review. Follow us on social media at Justin Boots to keep up with our next episode, and we'll see you the next time you kick your boots up.