Quite literally what you think is a simple i a simple thing, a bottle of water, it goes so far because there's a lot of times the parents have completely forgotten to eat or drink or take care of themselves because they're too busy taking care of their kids. And so them getting to stop by your tent and grab a water on their way in. That might be the only water they drink all day sometimes just depending on, um, you know, the schedules and all of it. So you guys are making a, such a larger impact than you probably even know, or even that you, that you care about, because at the end of the day, it's not about you guys and you guys are all, you know, you, you live that every day too. So that's what I wanted to have you on the podcast for to talk about is just like the impact there and, and your guys's, um, view on everything in the end, just like what you're doing for the industry. So I can't speak enough good things about it and. If anyone out there does want to learn more about the organization, you can go to their website, fellowshipofchristiancowboys.com, dot org dot org or dot com. Ronnie, do you remember? I think it's dot com. I think so too. um Either way, if you Google it, and since we're in the the Google it days, um if you Google it, it'll pop up. um There's Facebook. You can talk about, you know, you can write things. You can see what they're up to, what events they're at. But we're going to take a quick break. And when we come back, we're going to get to know more about Ronnie and his stories. So everyone stay tuned. We'll be right back.