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Ireland Biltoft: The Western & Ag Influencer You Need To be Following image

Ireland Biltoft: The Western & Ag Influencer You Need To be Following

S2 E50 · Kick Your Boots Up | Ag, Western Fashion, and Rodeo Storytelling
74 Plays8 months ago

Join Western & Ag influencer Ireland Biltoft as she delves into mental health in rural America, the ag culture and ranching lifestyle, recounts her wildest day as a vet tech and shares uplifting words of encouragement. Plus, hear about her heartwarming encounters at the local hardware store. Tune in for an inspiring and authentic ag journey through Ireland’s experiences and insights. For a full episode transcript, visit our website at:


Introduction to Ireland Biltoft

Hey everybody and thanks for listening to the Kick Your Boots Up podcast. We say this week after week. We're so excited that you're here. ah There's just so many stories that you're about to learn and I'm kind of welcoming you into the Kick Your Boots Up corner to enjoy a little bit of girl time this week. It's not very often that we get the beautiful Ireland built off in studio all the way from Nebraska. So we're so excited to have her here and we're excited to get to hear her story. And I'm going to learn a lot along the way. So why don't you guys come on in and without further ado, help me welcome Ireland to the podcast. Thanks for being here, Ireland. Thank you for having me. ah You're so welcome. And I am
Uh, and all of you, honestly, I just, all the things that you do, it's just so cool how you're a light to everyone around you. Um, you, you're a Christian and you're not ashamed of it and you're, you help lead everyone to the Lord. And I love that. But what's cool about you is you're kind of well-rounded as well, because one day you could have your hand in a cow, palp pal, pal, pal, hating some cows heifers. And then the next day you're looking cute for a photo shoot. You're coming into a podcast and then just all the way around you're a photo Is that what you do with um Flatland? I've got to get those right. Flatland Eye Media. Yes. So you own your own business. I do marketing stuff. Yeah. Wow. Ireland. That is so cool. So I guess my first question then to start this interview off is like, tell us how you do it all. Because there's so many, I mean, myself included, host listeners out there that um they're doing it all and they're, they're kind of getting in a rut of like, oh no what's my purpose or like how do I keep things straight even and even moms out there that are struggling with that you know all the schedules and all that tell us how you do it all how do you keep everything straight how do you go from glam to not so glam and and enjoy every second of it yeah so a big part for me and how I get everything done that I want to get done is I have a very very good support system
And without my people, I would not be able to do it.

Balancing Life and Finding Purpose

So that is very key. I guess keeping a planner is big for me. I like things to stay organized. But um I am not me if I'm not busy. So okay I like to stay busy. I like to have something to do every single day, something to look forward to. um And I think that right there kind of gives me purpose, even if it isn't um You know, even if it isn't working cows or working on my photography and marketing stuff, I am living for the Lord and that is what keeps me going every single day. so And I love that. they're That's so relatable and it's easy to kind of like seclude yourself. I'm from Oklahoma, rural America as well. And there's times when you definitely are like,
Am I alone out on this island? But you're never alone, obviously. But um that's so cool. And I love earlier you said ah that your boyfriend is home taking care of things. His sister is taking care of the, you know, just when everything's happened. So talk about your support system then. Tell us about your their family that surrounds you, even coworkers, whatever, whoever. Yeah, so um I don't have any co-workers. I work by myself, but I do consider like um the brands I work with, like Justin's, for instance, I consider you guys my co-workers. You guys are a big support system for me and helping me succeed with my own social media stuff. That's so nice. I do consider um you know you guys my coworkers and also just like my followers and stuff, they help keep me going. um They're very, very encouraging and I love the nice DMs and um messages that I get from them. um But my parents um and my three sisters are so, so supportive and my grandparents and all my aunts and uncles and cousins, they're always so sweet and um are always sure to check in and always leave a nice comment or something encouraging
um And then yes, my boyfriend and his family are also so, so incredibly supportive and I appreciate them so much because they were not um used to being around that by any means with the social media and the coming down here to model and stuff like that. And they have just been so kind and um understanding and um really just came right into it with open arms for me. So yeah, I'm very appreciative of my people. And I can tell too, like that's so, um so good to have, ah especially on like a bad day or something to know that you can lean on your family, lean on your faith and lean, lean on the people that follow you and and look

The Power of Social Media Connections

up to you and stuff. And um I know I said this when we were doing our little sound check before, but I want to tell everyone out there, I feel like I've become friends with our listeners and people that have started watching the kick your boots up podcast, you know, weekly, I feel like I'm their friend and see them on social media and I see their lives and they see mine and it feels like we're you know close or whatever but like maybe I've never even met them or once one time so is that the same for you influencing lies that's gotta be the same yes yes it totally is and um yeah I was saying before that I've had people come up to me and they're like hey I follow you and I'm like whoa that's So you have to tell the story on the podcast. Yes. because you You told me the story off camera, but we want everyone to hear that this was a cool moment. Yeah. So, um, I was actually in ACE hardware and I was getting some stuff from my backyard. Um, and I was in the checkout line and there was another girl working there and she, um,
asked me she's like are you ireland and i was like yeah i am and she's like oh i follow you on um instagram or tiktok or whatever i was like nobody that's so cool what's your name and her name was elizabeth and she was so kind and so sweet and i'll just i remember moments like that because i know it i'm like for me to go up to somebody and be like hey I follow you or I probably wouldn't be able to do that. so scary right So I really appreciated her and it just makes me feel so much more connected to people and like I'm not talking to just Nobody, you know when I'm posting and whatnot, you know
So yeah. And you do such a good job of like being organic and relating to your followers too. And like hearing what they want to like when you're like, Hey, what do you want me to do? And they're like, Hey, this is what I like about you or whatever. Um, it's funny though. I should have said this earlier when you were telling the story. I just remembered, um, ACE hardware must be a magical place because that's where I first met my husband randomly. hard that's awesome so i mean yeah it's like a place for kindness i guess if you're needing a boyfriend or if you need a new best friend just hang out in the aisles of ace hardware have you seen that trend on like tick-tock where girls are like i need to go find a new husband i'm gonna go to the hardware store okay so i didn't know that was a thing but it was like a trend going around for a while it was like okay
There might be truth to that. Yeah, I guess. That's so funny. Well, in your situation, it was. Yeah, ah no, definitely. And that was like a random thing. I was just there for an event at a rodeo and stuff. So we don't ever really say, oh, we met at Ace Hardware. We're like, oh, we met at his hometown rodeo or whatever. But Ace Hardware, well, that's so cool. Anyways, kind of going back to like what you were saying about your followers and stuff. I had asked you like, oh, about your broadcast channels. I know that you're super active on those. That's kind of a cool element that influencers have been exposed to fairly recently. I would say like probably a year. I don't really know when they came out, but um for you, you kind of have two outlets that you get to not only, um I guess three, your main feed and what everyone else gets to see, but then like your your most intimate followers and subscribers, they get to go to your broadcast channel tell us about what they can learn like yeah so um i have a separate one for a bible study and that's basically just talking about our faith and how we have grown um i also put it in there like if you have prayer requests this week leave them um and so i really like that because that gives me a way to really really connect with my followers i can pray for them and that is huge to me and then um
The other one is just like inspirational, like let's be better and let's grow together. um And I really like that one too. I've kind of been slacking on them a little bit, but I'm hoping to get better about it. But I also, I really like those because it's a way for me to connect, um like you said, with the most intimate followers that want to stay up on things with me. So I i i love that broadcast channel um feature that Instagram put out. um But I also do like the questionnaire, you can put them like on your stories and stuff. I really like doing those, um because that gives me a way to connect as well. so And it really does, like as a follower, I'm like, oh, I got to talk to her, even though, really, no, but like it feels like I did. you know it feels like i And that's kind of weird, too. like Going into this photo shoot that I saw you at yesterday, I was like, I know her so much, but like I don't, right you know because we've never met it was one of those, like
I don't know, I probably was like weird fangirl for a second. yeah so No, I was fangirling over you. Yes, I love the podcast. so um Well, thank you for listening. are you Do you like listening to podcasts? Are you a podcast girly?

Maintaining Mental Health Through Exercise

I am. I listen to them when I go to the gym and then... Oh, the gym. We could spend time talking about the gym. A lot of people love it, a lot of people hate it. I mean, and it's a love-hate relationship. I'm good about it for a while, and then I'm bad about it, but I like to go to the gym, because it helps me with my mental health a lot, so. Even if you just get on a treadmill and walk for 30 minutes, right yeah go this morning, I'm not gonna lie, this morning was a rough morning, and I did not want to get out of bed, I did not want to get up, and finally I was like, you know what? I'm gonna go and stretch, and maybe do some abs, and then i that's I got up and did it.
so and I respect that. Yes, it makes you feel so much better. um I actually saw, I'm reading a book. um Don't ask me what the title is because I can't remember, but I remember the author and her name is Jenny Allen. Love her. Oh my goodness. I know she has the book Get Out of Your Head. ye Oh, it's called Untangle Your Emotions is what it's called. ok And I'm reading it right now in my Bible study. We like read a chapter and then come back and talk about it. wow um And you yesterday I was reading a chapter and it talked about how exercise is correlated with relieving anxiety and depression and all of that stuff. So I really like to stay, even if it's just like a, like you said, like a 30 minute walk or a 30 minute exercise on the treadmill, it helps so much. so
Yeah, it really does. And I actually um just got exposed to Jenny Allen, I guess like a year ago at a conference. Oh gosh, I forget what the conference is called now. Um, same thing. I'm like, I went, but I don't remember the conference. Um, and yeah, I remember some of the things that she said. I was like, wow, she speaks truth. Like she, she knows the Bible. And I think that was inspiring to me because you see like influencers that are in the Christian industry. Let's just say Sadie Roberts and love her. yeah And she's so sound, like she she knows the Bible frontwards and backwards and that makes you almost like when you meet people like her, Jenny Allen, you like wanna pour yourself more into the word. You think you know, but then you're like, no, I don't know, i I need to know more. So that's really cool. And I think everything that you're doing with your broadcast channel there, that's super cool to have like a Bible study that actually follows a chapter or you know does books or something.
Yeah, that's right. I have to join that one. That's cool. thank yeah Yeah. Um, so in the, we're going to take a quick break, but when we come back, we're going to learn all about you and your vet tech days and everything that that entails. So you guys that are listening ah stay tuned. We're about to hear a lot more from Ireland. The best boots are built to go wherever you go. Boots that are rugged and comfortable for all walks of life. From the saddle to the streets and everywhere in between. The Frontier Collection by Justin is right there with you. Designed to perform but look their best during a night out. So clock out, hit the town and cover more ground in your new favorite pair of Justin boots. Enjoy out-of-the-box comfort in 12 different styles and two outsole options. Find your Frontier at JustinBoots

The Vet Tech Experience

we're back with Ireland Ireland again thank you for being here we had so much fun in the first segment but now moving on to this segment we want to get to know more about your time when you were a large animal of vet tech the pros the cons the good the bad everything that you got to do there so first of all I guess explain for those everyone out there that hasn't followed it along for a while or doesn't understand Do you still do that, Percival? No, okay, so when you did do that, ah talk about like your day-to-day life there because you were doing some crazy things that not every influencer gets to do every day. Yeah, so um as a large animal vet tech, um I was also small, so I was like a mixed animal vet tech. Oh, okay. um So I did work with dogs. I was used to being large and only working with cattle because I had experience on a feedlot doing processing and doctoring and stuff. Oh wait, that's so cool. Yeah. So wow I started off doing that and then um when I moved to the town I live in now I started off by being a vet tech. I wasn't licensed so I was technically like a vet assistant, and okay assistant but they called me a vet tech.
um And I really, really loved it. It was super, super fun. um My day-to-day life was, ah it depended on the day. It was different every single day, and that's how it is with animals. um So I would, you know, one day work was strictly just small, which would be, you know, cats and dogs and whatnot. um And then I would move to maybe doing cattle in the afternoon or whatever it was. um We did a lot of preg checking when I worked there. okay um So just administering medications and stuff like that. But ultimately I loved that job um because of the small animal side.
um I would have loved to continue just being strictly large animal. And I still get to work with cows and whatnot, um still with just with my boyfriend at his job. So I'm very grateful for that because I do miss it, you know, being out there and doing that stuff. um But with sorry, I'm kind of like, no going along here. you go But um I loved that job because um small animal was very very hard for me. um I have dogs at home so when I had to help put dogs down it was very very hard. i just couldn't My heart just couldn't take it. i yeah you know It was very hard mentally. It was a very mentally draining job. but
i and I don't want to scare people away from it because it's also very very rewarding so if you've got um good head on your shoulders and you're very mentally strong then I highly recommend it but yeah it was just hard because I would imagine my dogs and like oh my gosh I can't do it so man, and even like you've grown up with it. So you've seen like, um, there's a certain type of toughness that you kind of are like a hardness, I guess that you kind of build up when you're in that industry and you're seeing like, for instance, for me, I started showing pigs when I was three years old, but like, obviously if we would have kept every single show pig and not process them and use them for nutrition, you know, right um, that we would be, I mean, we would have pigs that were a hundred years old, almost at this point, it feels like, um it's just not realistic. And so you do, you like, and like showing and stuff, you build up like this, like bond with your animal and then you know, like, okay, at the end, we're gonna have to um process you. It's just the natural way of ag living or whatever. So I can only, I can imagine like your, your like emotional battle sometimes of like,
But this is a pet. This is someone's, you know. yeah um But that could be challenging. But I guess to stop thinking about the negative and the challenging part, what is like the funniest or the craziest memory you have? Like, did you ever, um were you ever prag checking a heifer and something funny happened? Or I think one point you got a black eye? Yes, I did get a black eye. And that was when I was working at um the feedlot. I was um processing and doctoring. And I was bringing cattle up. and Protep do never bring up too much cattle even if you think you can handle it because you probably can't and they'll get you know a little antsy so um remember that um But yeah, I was bringing up too much cattle and I was shutting a gate and there's this one that was getting a little antsy and she came and hit the gate and it hit me and And then she jumped up and down on me, and I was very, very lucky. um I went to the doctor after that, and she was like, you are so lucky to be alive. And I'm like, I don't. It's scary. It's very, very scary. But yeah, I had a black eye, and I still got a little scar here from it, but. How many years ago was that? How long ago? ago That was... um last march so march 2023 yes oh my gosh so kind of still fresh yeah i'm sure your face hurts at sometimes like when there's like certain pressure moving in or actually no no okay well that's even better yeah you're like yeah the scar and that's it it healed up very nicely but um mainly it's just my back i still got kind of back problems i go to the chiropractor for it but yeah
Man, that's the thing too. A lot of people don't think about when they put themselves in the same presence of a 1,500 or heavier pound animal. The things that, yeah, on a good day go great, but then like one wrong move or one wrong thing, you same thing, get in the gate or whatever, how just crazy it can go really fast. Whenever you see like old cowboys that have, you know, they're like crunched over back, you wanna be like, what happened? And then you live it and you realize, that's what happened. Yep, yep, yes. And I always tell people, you know, you can never be too safe and you can never be too cautious because, you know, the reason why I got into that accident is because I wasn't cautious enough. And I was like, oh, it's just a regular day. yeah I'm fine. I can move them up by myself. And I wasn't taking the safety precautions I should have. So I always advise people you can never be too cautious about it. And yeah, I'm i'm a lot more cautious now. And sometimes I get made fun of forward and they're like, oh no, like you're fine. Just go, just go. And you're like, nope. I know what happened last time. Thank you. yeah thank you but no thank you yeah yeah that's so real i mean whenever i loved that what you said there about like you it's like you um you're you feel safe you get in your dayto day to day or whatever um when i was a rodeo queen i there was one particular rodeo that um everyone had a safe horse we did a practice actually which is so unheard of most of the time you don't get to practice or at least ride the horse a little bit most most of the time you're given a horse and you just got to go full speed ahead or whatever And this particular rodeo, um they, the night before had like, hey, let's just have an open arena. You can come ride the horse around the one that you're getting paired with. It'll be fine. And I love that. I was like, yes, this is good. i I had a horse named corn dog, loved him. Then I show up to the rodeo and he was a, this is, this is part of the story that's important. He was a sorrel, until like a red color.
And so the next night I go up to the rodeo, we're like, everyone's excited. We got our horses, we got our kinks worked out, everything. And I walk up and somebody hands me a gray horse. And I was like, this is not corn dog. I know that. A bay, I could maybe get confused, but this is not. Well, the owner had decided to take him team roping that night. And so he's like, okay, this is your next best one. And and he was like, I mean, he's he had to have been barely four or five, like not very many days on him. First rodeo probably, you know, one of those things that was like, And so I totally took that for granted of like, okay, well, I'm just going to be competent anyway. Like I know how to ride a horse. I can do this. And then sure enough went into the arena. This was like the one time I got bucked off in an arena in front of people. I had a flag. So, you know, naturally your hands are tied up or whatever. And so I go in bucks and because I had a flag and didn't expect it, I immediately just like. Popped off, okay, that's embarrassing, humbling. You had a humbling experience, you know, whatever, brush off. Get back on, go in, finish it. We're leaving, and I'm the dummy that still was like, okay, I'm gonna still send him forward instead of just like trotting out slowly or something. Got bucked off again, twice. oh at the same time in one arena. So I totally get it. of like you You do the same thing every day. you you know you don't You take it for granted. You make one little mistake and it it can change. right And so I feel the same thing. they When I went to the chiropractor after that, they were like, your body's like an inch and a half off. And I still feel that you so today. So I totally like totally relate to you. Yes, it's kind of traumatizing. Yeah, it really is, because you're like, that one thing, how stupid, you know, you want to be like, but you can't, you gotta, you gotta be like, okay, it happened. and Do you have anything else that was like funny, a funny memory? Maybe not even with large animals, maybe small, I don't know. Well, um that day, um the same day, the same day i so I sewed up, I guess it's not funny, but I sewed up my first prolapse, which was really, really cool. So, um
Was this before or after the black guy? It was before. Okay. And no, my my boss was like, you need to go home. I'm like, no, I'm going to finish out the day. I'm going to stand here in pain and sit here. And he's like, go home. And I'm like, no. Yeah. So I actually didn't go to the doctor until the next day. So I showed up to work that next morning and I was fine, like fine, I guess like my back was hurting, my eye was hurting. I couldn't really lift my arms because I was so sore. So like to run the shoot, our handles were up here and I was trying to lift and I just couldn't do it. So I told my boss, I was like, I think I need to go home. And he was like,
Yeah, I think you should go to the doctor. I was like, okay. Okay, which I got a note when a man that's in the industry tells you to go to the doctor, that must be really serious right because they do not go to the doctor. No, no. He was like, you need to go get checked out. And I was like, did that alarm you at that point? Were you like, yes, I was a little worried. So like when I went to bed that night, I was like, Oh my God. What if I have like a brain bleed and I'm like dying and I'm gonna die in my sleep. But I get so anxious and I work myself out. Yeah, so I went to the doctor and she thought I had um a plate shift in my back, but she couldn't, I mean it didn't show on the x-ray, but she kind of felt something. um And that same exact spot is where I have problems still um when I go to the chiropractor. but
Yeah, I guess I'll just have a bad back the rest of my life. I know, part of it, right? Story to tell. but Was it worth it? Probably not. I don't know. i got a cool scar on my eye But yeah, man. Well, that's like so humbling, right? Like when you have something like that and you're in the humbling moment, you're like, okay, that's crazy. But then what's so crazy for that story is like what happened as a normal day, you had a really high, high of like, Hey, I got to start my first prolapse, which I guess not everyone would think that's cool, but like in your industry at the time, that's really cool. You know, you're learning, you're doing the things. So you're thinking like, yeah, I can do this. And then yeah, that's when you least expect it. Right. Humbling. Humbling happens. Sorry. Oh, no, no, no. Sorry about that. um What I was going to say, though, is like growing up in rural America, I can relate to you probably a lot.

Journey into Agriculture

What was it like for you growing up in Nebraska and um having access to cattle, horses and even like the feedlot job? What was that like? So I actually didn't grow up in the industry. Oh really? i didn't get into a I didn't get into agriculture until I was in high school. I joined FFA. And then um once I got to college is when I started getting all of my experience. um my After my first year of college is when I got my first job in agriculture. so
um But I did grow up um in a rural community. It was very small, 1,600 people, and it was a farming community. So I was exposed to it, but it didn't necessarily understand the importance of it until later on. And then I actually wasn't going to join FFA, but my parents were like, ah, you need to like join FFA, be in it for a year, and if you don't like it, then you can be done. I ended up loving it and I ended up being an officer for two years. Heck yes. is high school so um ah But my uncle has a farm and my grandpa is a farm and ranch manager. He also sells land so I got a lot of my experience through him.
post high school, so. That's awesome. And then um there's so much to talk about there. I bleed blue and gold, FFA all the way, grew up in FFA. So that's really cool too, the common ground there. We, Justin is a proud sponsor of Texas FFA. So we are very involved with everything that they do. What do you think was like the best takeaway from f FFA? Because I'm sure even today you use some of the qualities. I know for me, for example, interviews, the way they um taught you to public speak and do interviewing and all that, like that is so beneficial. So what what is your FFA memories, the best thing that you've gotten from FFA? I think state FFA, my junior year, um we competed in it egg science, I think.
I can't remember what we competed in, but we and we did a presentation, and for me, I was so, so nervous to do a presentation in front of people, in front of judges, and in high school, you're always 10 times more self-conscious, I feel like. oh yeah So it was very intimidating, but it was also, I took away a lot from that, and especially as being an officer, too, just like learning how to connect with people and how to speak to people, I got really, really good at. I feel like I got better at it. Oh, 100%. I didn't know you then, but you are so natural now. And then even that's such a good, a good tie because like a lot of people that are in FFA end up in like politics because they, they learn the system of like, this is how you gain a following. this is So i thought I would even say that that's brought, and brought you to influencing as well of like, you've learned how to connect with people in a way that they need to be connected with. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. That's so cool. I was my senior year. I was the Sentinel. So meet people at the door. Oh yeah. It's kind of like the hose. Yeah.
so ah Were you the Sentinel two years? You said you were officer for two years. I was secretary my first year and then said okay So secretary that one I not gonna lie I didn't love that position the most because you had to do like the meeting notes. Yes. Yes I but that was not the best job for me, but Sentinel was like, yeah meet people at the door. I can be the host. I can be the smiley face. Yeah yes Yeah, did you ever show animals or anything? No, no, no. So, yeah, I didn't have anything with animals livestock. I didn't start working cattle until it would have been 20 fall of 2022 is when I wanted to start getting involved in it.
So um I started volunteering at a vet clinic and I only, so what I would do is I'd only go out with them when they were working cows um and that's how I gained my experience there and then I got that feedlot job and then the vet tech job again and now I just kind of work cows with my boyfriend and we're actually getting into horses now. We just bought two babies so Ooh, that's big. yeah And your story is so inspiring. I remember now, I should have known that you hadn't had that background because I remember seeing something on social about, like you have you're really big on being inclusive in the industry, making sure that everyone has a seat at the table, making sure that everyone knows that they have a spot and just because you didn't grow up in it doesn't mean there's

Inclusivity in Agriculture

um opportunity for that and and I love that I think the world needs more of that because I mean I'm a first-generation agriculturist first-generation cowgirl and while my dad tried he he at least like got the land got the house set up for us and stuff but um I think like he would have loved that as well but then I think even now um this might be a hot take for someone out there but that's okay, like in the Beyonce era, everyone's saying Beyonce's bringing so many people to Western and a lot of people wanna look at that as a bad thing, but I'm like, no, we have to have, I mean, who cares if their hat's on backwards, who cares if you know they're not exactly doing the right thing, like they're they're interested, they wanna know, they wanna grow and um I think that's really big that you do that, that you are so inclusive with everyone and you're like basically like an open chat of like, hey,
If you have questions, let me know. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And I I'm also I would say first generation um in the agriculture. um I mean, my grandpa did it, but my parents don't. And um I guess I want to say first generation in agriculture, more cowgirl riding horses, that type of deal, lifestyle, oh cattle livestock um that it's just not in my family, really. My grandpa grew up on a dairy farm, but that's about the closest I got to stuff. So. wow um yeah so i i definitely always want to make people feel like they're not left out um because i know how that feels and i know what it was like coming into the industry and not knowing anything and it's very very intimidating and very scary and um
I've seen time and time again where people are like, oh, I'm getting made fun of, or people are making fun of what I wear, or that I'm interested in. you know It just makes me sad that people, you know we were talking about before yeah off of the screen, basically, that the Karens and how people always have a comment, and it's just so sad. I wish there would be more kindness in the world, um especially when people are interested in egg. it's such um a large industry that people are always needed. It's a dying industry. yes So people are always needed. So it just makes me sad that people aren't as inclusive inclusive as they could be. So I always want to extend that open hand for people to you know reach out and feel comfortable coming into everything. so Good for you. I've got to give you a huge kudos there. that is i mean the world needs If you ever feel like you're not doing anything, text me because the world needs
lights like you that are like very much inclusive. And yeah, I want to, I want to talk about that for a little bit. I guess the Karen's, if your name's Karen, I'm not actually talking about you, but like the people in the comments that are suddenly protected by their screen that are like, Oh, you're a barrel racer. You should have done this. You should have gone to the, try the left barrel, not the right barrel, or I mean, in any, any event, any industry, the ones that are like, okay, yeah, if you've done it before, that's cool. And you're credible DM me, DM the person that you have a problem with, you know, I don't know. I just don't, I don't like that people are like, oh my goodness, they're doing that wrong. They got to stop or we can't support them. And I don't know. That's just my Ted talk. No, I i'm I'm right there with you. I just I think people need to instead of being so criticizing, they can give advice, you know, replacing criticism with advice. Yeah. Because that's what's important. If you want to help somebody learn or you feel like somebody is doing something wrong, then
offer that out say hey I can give you advice I know it's not asked of but I feel like I could help you out you know replacing that I think is really really important and something that we need to work on on social media oh for sure and I think COVID the year of COVID 2020 has like really shown us that because like that year alone I mean everyone was we had to give so much grace for each other because you never knew where anyone was at and I think that has like kind of continued on to now 2024 you know um of like okay yeah we've got to look at everything in a different perspective we've got to give people grace we've got to um and I'll be honest like me being a first generation cowgirl at one point in time like I'll say like high school I was like
okay yeah that girl has a hat on backwards like i'm not going to go up and tell her that she has it on backwards but i definitely am going to be like she's wearing her hat back roads or backwards or whatever um but even now like maturing and you know growing up and stuff i'm like who cares you know who cares like yes all if if they like want help if if they're if i like see it at a country concert or something and i'm like oh they want help i'll be like hey love your hat you know something like thank goodness that's never happened i really hope But if it were, you know, I would be the one that's like, let's fill it out. But I also, I'm not gonna be like, hey, hey, hey, hey. You're right. Right. Yeah. Right. So. Because I don't want anybody to do it to me. Yes. And that's something I kind of live by is treat others how you want to be treated and always be kind. Kill others with kindness. Yes. Because, you know, you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow. Yeah, you don't. And so it's so important to be remembered by being a kind person instead of a not kind person.

Connecting on Social Media

Right. Yeah.
Well, that you're the perfect example of that. The golden rule. You follow that for sure. you know um I cannot say enough good things about you. And I think everyone out there needs to follow you too. So what are your Instagrams, TikToks? Tell us your social medias, websites. yes Share yourself so that everyone can go find you. My Instagram is irelandbiltoft. And then my TikTok is IBILLY3. And then my Pinterest is irelandbiltoft as well. so Ooh, okay, I haven't even looked for you on Pinterest. Do you do like mood boards? um Yes, I try to add my outfits on there, and then um I also pin stuff so people can see what my inspo is, I guess. Oh my gosh, and while we're speaking of Pinterest, I can't believe I didn't even bring this up. You're super good about um farm-to-table recipes. Yes. Do you put some of those on there? No, I don't. I need to. yeah I've kind of been slacking on those. Thank you for the reminder. i need to
and sotle so but Nobody's holding you accountable. Nobody's saying, oh my gosh, I'm missing another farm to table recipe. But i I like, I love to cook um and I love to bake. So it was kind of just a little creative outlet for me to do because I love to do it. So it's like, hey, why not record it? So yeah, for real. And you're cooking dinner anyway. I mean, right. So That's awesome. I love that. I love to cook too. So I'll have to start actually making your recipes. Let's share recipes. Yeah, that would be so fun. So fun. Do you have a website? I don't know. Keep an eye out though for my marketing stuff. So I'm just kind of starting starting to get into my marketing stuff. So keep an eye out for that.
Oh yeah, no, we for will we fur will for real will. that's enough um You guys heard it here. If you are interested in just finding a light in your life, if you need someone that will give you encouragement, if you are in the Ag industry or not, if you're looking to to be in the in the Ag industry, you're definitely going to want to follow Ireland. She has a lot of insight on the industry and it sounds like she's learned it firsthand. You guys heard it here on the podcast. If you have any more questions for her, feel free to reach out to her there. You can comment below as well. And as always, I'm going to encourage you to like, subscribe, share this with your friends, tell everyone about it. And if there's somebody that you'd like to see on the Kick Your Boots Up podcast, don't be afraid to reach out. You can ds DM us directly on social media or comment below on whatever platform you're listening to, Spotify, YouTube, for sure you can comment. So
um Tell us what you think, leave us a review, we'd love to hear it, and as always, we hope that you go out into the world and kick your boots up. Thanks for joining us on Kick Your Boots Up. I'm your host, Taylor McAdams, and we can't wait to share the next story of the West. Until then, feel free to like, subscribe, and leave us a review. Follow us on social media at Justin Boots to keep up with our next episode, and we'll see you the next time you kick your boots up.