Introduction and UK Heatwave
Welcome to Chatsunami.
Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Chatanami. My name's Satanami and joining me today is another than the fantastic host from the Myth Monsters Podcast. It's the one and only Erin. Erin, welcome to Chatanami. Thank you so much, hello! How are you doing tonight on this very very hot day which I think by the time this episode comes out it'll be a bit cooler, please.
Oh, please, I pray, I'm praying. Yes, other than just absolutely roasting alive, the joyous UK heat is, you know, joyous. But otherwise, groovy and very excited to chat. Oh yeah, because you and I were, of course, talking about it before we came on, you know, as you do. As you arrange on two years, of course, yeah.
And throughout the entirety of Eurovision as well, I feel like we were me, you and another podcaster. I cannot remember who they were. I think it was nostalgic. The three of us were just like batting off each other throughout Eurovision, which is a uniquely European perspective and take on the one day in May that we have.
Oh, God, absolutely. I was watching it with my family and they must have just been like, Satsu, who are you
Eurovision Highlights and Humor
texting? And I'm just like, nope, no time. Gonna put my opinion out there to see that Finland were robbed. They were just... They were. I have cha-cha-cha on repeat on a consistent basis. It's just such a jam. And actually, I really liked Austria as well. I thought they were fantastic and I feel like they were robbed as well.
were so many good ones this year though. I mean Belgium I absolutely loved just purely because it was very much like a boy band aesthetic. Oh yeah!
It was Estonia as well. Who was the piano player? That was Estonia. Yeah, you're right. She was brilliant as well, but there was just so many great acts. And don't get me wrong, Sweden was great. And I'm saying this for legal reasons in case there's any Swedish listeners being like, oh, don't you come to Stockholm. Don't you show your face round here.
It was fine. I think it was fine. But I'm not mad about the fact that, potentially, it was a little bit hoicked so that they could have the 50th anniversary of ABBA. I'm not mad about it. How could I be ABBA? I mean, I had remembered I went to Stockholm once.
couple of years ago, I think 2017 was the last time, you know before the dark times of the 2020s of course, but I went over with a friend and remember we were on the bus going somewhere and I kid you not there was like the ABBA experience or like the ABBA Museum. All of these middle-aged people just lined up and I was like yeah they know the target audience here.
Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of ABBA myself. I'm not yet middle age, but I'm getting there. So yeah, this is a message to future me. We like it. You just had to say it, didn't you? You just had to read the episodes.
And to be honest, every time I go into London now, I go past the ABBA Experience Stadium thing with the AI stuff. And every time I'm like, I really should go and see that.
ABBA Museum and Shrek Experience
But it's just an AI version of them. I don't understand why anyone's going, but I so would go. Do you know what's weird? Because last time I was in London, and that was a couple of months ago, funny enough. It just sort of like a holiday, but I was down there. And the only experience I saw, and I didn't go in because I was like, what the hell? But it was the Shrek experience.
Oh my god, yeah. I've not been but it looks amazing. Yeah, I've heard good things and I ran out of time to go see it but I was like, oh, that looks very, very interesting. The shop is amazing. It's the only bit I've been in because I refused to buy a ticket for it because I'm like, I don't know what this is and I feel like I would be the only adult there without a child.
I went in the store and there's like the most ridiculous things, Shrek mugs, all of this kind of things. And I'm pretty sure there's like a rude section as well where they've got, you know, like typical hen party things. They had loads of those, but just like right next to Shrek's face. And I was like, someone in product or something in this store knows exactly what they're doing and what audience they are trying to get involved in
Podcasting Anecdotes and Therapy
this. And I am part of that audience.
You know, I wasn't sure whether I believed you, but then I saw his face. Now I'm a believer, you know? Exactly, and the penis pastor is calling too, but...
Oh actually, speaking of that, I remember this was ages ago, I was on holiday somewhere, and you know how always without fail, you always get one of those tacky touristy shops, everything's like coated in whatever country you're in, flag and everything, and you always get like the very rude and crude, and I remember there was like this row of
these lighters that were just basically naked men and women's bodies. And I think I was with my brother at the time, I remember we were looking and I just turned round to him, I'm like, who would buy that? You know, I'm like, that's just ridiculous. Then two seconds later, this guy comes out of nowhere, this tourist grabs one of them, turns round to his partner and goes, oh look, look, baby's home. And I was like,
Was he a Brit by any chance? Probably. Yeah, there we go. He definitely had the accent. So I'm going to go out in that wimp here and say probably. It's always us, isn't it? It's always us. So embarrassing. But I would do the same.
I've got a bottle opener that I bought in Malta and it is just of a phallus with piercings and a corset on and it's got nothing to do with Malta but I was like this is great I'm gonna remember this forever and it's still to this day I think I got that in like 2016 it's still my primary bottle opener in my house and it horrifies me every time I open my drawer I'm like oh god
Oh yeah, but. Oh yeah, I did that, yeah. It's amazing when you open your drawing, you're just like, oh yeah. Yeah, yeah. And it reminds you stark in the face that you were once a teenager and had really, really questionable ideas. I was going to say, the ravages of time comfort us all.
especially for her maturity. I'll look then again. I've got the sense of humour of a child sometimes. I was saying this on Twitter the other day, I don't know if you saw it, but I was out with my partner and we were going for something very boring. We were going for dog food or something like that. And I passed by this burger van that was called License to Grow. And for the next five minutes, I was just chuckling to myself. I was just like, ah, License to Grow. It didn't help I was singing that at the top of my lungs coming home. But
Creative Outlets During the Pandemic
that's beside the point.
Yeah, obviously. That's the only reasonable thing to do. Exactly. I've got a license to grab. What can I say? Oh, God. Going back to podcasting, which I have to admit does keep me away from such, such a punish as we are. So, as I was saying at the beginning, you are, of course, the host of a very fantastic podcast called The Myth Monsters Podcast.
I am, thank you. I've got to ask, is it correct in saying that you started this around March 2021? Yes, it was indeed. Post pandemic, or I say post pandemic, post the big bit, I guess, but it was when I think we were still in lockdown of some ilk when I kicked it off and I was just really bored. It was a good way to kind of get through the fact that I was on my own all the time, I suppose. But yeah, I think it was lockdown at the time. I was going to say it's like the after party of the lockdown.
That's my whole life, what it feels like now. Because a lot of creators that I talk to on the podcast usually say that they created or started their work, whether it be streaming or the podcast or things like that. They usually started during the pandemic, which seems to be quite a common thing. I mean, hands up, myself included, I started this in November time and it was an offshoot of the streaming aspect.
that I've done. Could you say, after a share of podcasts? Because it's just the way you just sit down, you talk about what you want to, and then you just turn off the mic and be like, okay, I'm done. Let's go. Yeah, exactly. And I'm exactly the same. I haven't tried my hand at streaming, but my partner used to be in streaming quite a lot. And it was just not something I wanted, mainly because as well, it's live. And I think that freaks me out a lot more. But this is very much, you know, it's a controlled environment.
And especially with my stuff, it's very much like I go away, do the research, write up my stuff, and then just read it back to myself. So you've got like a certain amount of control whilst with streaming, you know, you've got a chat and you've got all of these little bits that aren't controlled by you. You know, this massively makes me sound like a control freak, which I do confirm that I probably am. But I think podcasting is really good for that. Really nice, as you said, being able to turn something off and walk away from it. It's quite nice.
I mean, with streaming, you've got so many things to think about. Like, as you said, you've got the chat, you've got random widows in the chat being like, oh, I want to play this game with you, or I want to do this, and you're like, no, go away. You've got the setup itself. Is it going to stream? Is it not? Is it going to be a Russian roulette that day? You've got all these things, whereas, really for podcasts, and all you really need is audacity in the microphone. That's it. And we both have loads of that, pal. Exactly. Exactly.
We've got it in speed, hasn't it? Absolutely got it. Right in the cupboard, you know. Absolutely. But speaking of that, as you said, you script a lot of your episodes, you do a lot of solo episodes. Do you prefer doing it that way? Yes, I think so. I think for me, I think it is that control thing, but I think it's also
I like the concept and like even to go back to doing something like streaming as well the idea of being able to put something into the ether and not really have to worry about it in the sense that I don't live my podcast life waiting for views to happen if they happen they happen if they don't they don't and I'm okay with that and I think with streaming it's so you know if you're sitting there live and you're playing a video game and you're trying to like
split your attention between figuring that out as well as figuring out a chat or like even seeing if there are watchers I guess. I think that's quite difficult with that kind of thing and with podcasts I just find it so much easier and in terms of doing it solo
I think it was just the easiest thing for me at the time, but over time I have done a lot of guest spots and it's been a really nice change.
Podcasting as a Storytelling Platform
I haven't breached into doing guest spots on my own yet, but it's mainly, and I'll be honest, because I don't know how to do the logistics of it. It's pure laziness, that's all it is. And this episode is sponsored by...
that's it I know this exists now so I'm very much like oh this could work but also I think you know I said to you before we started I'm a massive chapter box and I feel like if I was doing an interview on my side I would just end up talking for like 90% of it and be like I'm so sorry I have given you a platform and I've completely not given you the platform so and that's what I'm always conscious of so it's just not something I've gathered the balls to do yet but I
sure it's in the future somewhere but for the moment it's nice to be able to like knuckle down, get a script written, record it and just plop it out to the ether and see what happens. It's worked for me so far and yeah I enjoy it. Well you do a fantastic job at your solo episodes but I was gonna say if you do have like a guest or a co-host or something I was gonna say don't introduce them as like monsters. Oh yeah here's our representative Minotaur this week.
Here's like Kelpie on the D, you know? Oh, you know what though? If someone was on board for that, I would totally do that. I'd be like, oh, here comes the world serpent slithering their way into our podcast. Oh, I so would do that as well. Don't you? Give me terrible ideas.
You're just thinking of the soundboard now, aren't you? Just the SS button. Legitimately, how many jokes can I make about Slytherin with a snake episode? And to be fair, even when I do solo ones, any way I can get a joke or a jingle in, I'll do it. So I wouldn't trust me coming on and being a guest on my thing. I'd end up throwing in so many jokes and be like, oh, I'm so sorry. It's just what happens. Worth it.
I mean, to be fair, you could always get your guests to sign, like, a probability clause, or, you know, a probability clause. Yeah, exactly. Oh yeah, I'm going to personify you as the monster this week. Is that okay? Great. Thank you. Bye.
Oh dear. No but that'll be cool though if you ever do but I mean as I said I'm not just saying that because you're on and I say this to everyone and I'm like no just because you're on then I'm talking
Podcast Editing Challenges and Tips
to you just now. But no you do an absolutely fantastic job and you do it in such a bite-sized way as well. I mean it's not like me I ramble for absolutely nothing when it comes to these and you know talking about things and I always say to my friends or goals I'll be like
This will be a short one, especially a couple of weeks ago we filmed one called, I think it was like our Pixar film, Tier List, and we're like, okay, this will be a very, very short one. We're just going to spend a couple of minutes on these films and we'll rank them. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. And the writers know it was not by any means because the raw footage, I mean, if you see it or listen to it, it's about an hour
30 odds. Yeah, but that episode, like the raw footage, was two and a half hours. Oh my god! Incredible! I feel as if that is probably the most I've ever cut from an episode, because usually I try not to cut too much unless it's obviously repetition, fellow words, your arms, your legs, your you-knows, you know.
that kind of thing. I don't know about you but I am such a perfectionist when it comes to editing. Yes. You know that way it might go you the same. Yeah absolutely. I cannot stand its mouth noises really bother me and it's not even my own really bother me, don't get me wrong.
But it's even like, if I'm scrolling on TikTok and someone's just talking and I hear a mouth noise, I'm immediately like, I cannot watch anymore. It bothers me so much. And I've only noticed it since I started podcasting that people make mouth noises and it really bothers me. But I try and take those out and I always take, I actually try and take out as many breaths as I can for me, because I obviously edit all of my stuff really intensely as well.
I don't let myself say erms, ahs, all of those kind of things. I just will stop myself before I get to a point where I'll hesitate if that makes sense. No, I'm absolutely the same. I always remember when I started out, one of my other friends was starting a podcast as well at the same time. I started a couple months before and that's kind of what inspired me to do this. So you can blame him.
Annoying Office Habits
He was like, oh, you should leave the ums, you know, not all of them, but maybe just a couple for it to seem, you know, natural. Yeah, human natural. And I remember listening back to the old ones, and there's a couple of breath noises, there's a couple of ums as, and I just, I grip my teeth and I go, why did I listen?
Why? Why? This is absolutely ridiculous. It's gotten to the point where I have been sorely tempted if I do get a break between seasons. I'm like, that's it, I'm going to go for the best episodes and just cut them up again and re-upload them. I'm like, I can't do it. The worst thing was, for me especially, was we used to do the first season live on Twitch
and we used to record it over Discord, so as you can imagine, it's not like this. It feels like I'm picking up Zencaster tonight, but it's not like a two-track audio, it was just the one. So if I was talking and then one of my friends decided, oh, I'm going to eat a sandwich mid-recording, which is more common than you think. I guess, but it did happen in one of my streams where one of my co-hosts thought it would be a good idea to not mute his mic while he decided to eat a packet of crisps.
He'll be listening to this. You know who you are. And you should know also from me that's a terrible thing to do. Aww. Speaking of pet peeves, one of the other ones is eating noises. Like, I am not about that mukbang life about that. And do you know what the weird thing is though? My dog eats really loudly and I don't mind. The way she does it, it's like, oh, that's cute. She's enjoying it. But if it's literally any other human being, I'm like, Jesus Christ, you have to slurp that soup.
What as well, like at least with pets, it's very much in their nature. They're not, I wouldn't say sentient, but you know, they're not conscious of what they're doing. Humans are fully conscious. I remember I used to work with this guy a very long time ago and he wasn't with the company for very long, but he, oh my god, it was so awful just thinking about it, it's giving me like real bad vibes. But he ate an apple next to me, but he'd bite into it and then suck the apple.
And I was like, if you keep doing what you're doing, mate, I'm going to deck you because I just cannot take this. But any human noises really bother me. There's literally a guy at my work who does this thing where he snorts up phlegm. So it's very much like a...
kind of noise right and then about two seconds later he clears his throat so it's a that noise and then it's like a but i mean when i say every five minutes i mean every five minutes and it gets to a point where i end up looking over at one of my colleagues and like my eyes twitching and he still does it to this day he literally did it yesterday it bothered me so much that i was like i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna kill you or i'm gonna say something
And I don't know what's worse, if I'm honest. Oh, I mean, as someone who works in an office as well, I totally feel your pain there. I had a colleague, and this was years and years ago, who decided that the best course of action, and obviously not naming anything, so we could ease a bit. I'm scared where this is going.
he would have his phone full volume for whenever he got a call, and he would always have it right up at the top. And it was one of these jokey ones, you know, like very personalized. It wasn't just that, which I probably dated on the self, you know. I just realised that I did that like, it's not enough.
Yeah, no Gen Zs are going to be able to figure out what you're doing. Okay, imagine here the apple. I can't even remember the apple. I don't even remember. I've always got it in silence. But that's the thing though. He had it in such a loud thing. And it was like, you're able to have a quiet office, you know, you would have people picking up phones and everything, people chatting, but it's already calm. And then you would have something like, just if I know, and you know, and it would come out and I'd be like,
Oh no. And you know, you'd be on the phone to someone and then all of a sudden you turn round and I'd be like, okay, how am I supposed to explain this to the person on the phone?
I don't know, I'll call you back. We've got a streaker in the office. I don't know, that would probably be a bit of an excuse then. Some guy doesn't know how to turn his phone off and is like, oh god. It could be the Imperial March. It could be worse. Can you imagine being on the phone in a call centre and then someone else's phone goes off and it's the Imperial March whilst you're talking about, like, prices?
Well it wasn't far off, that's all I'll say. Oh no! It was Star Wars related, but that's all I'll say. Oh my god, okay. I'm gonna think about this for the entire rest of the time we're recording. Don't worry, don't worry, I'll tell you after the recording, I'll tell you. Remind me at the end. Sorry Listers, you don't get to know. But if you want to get to know, you can listen to my forward, like, Jads-a-nami.
Ah, for legal reasons that's a joke. A semi joke, but there's enough interest, you know, come on. But I have to say, podcasting has been quite a... I don't want to say therapy, that's a wrong word, you know? It's become an outlet, I would say. Like, how do you feel about
Mythology and Creative Expression
it? Do you feel as if it's quite, I don't want to say relaxing either, but you know, it's quite a nice way to get your creativeness out there.
yes oh my god yeah and honestly it's the only reason i really started it because i was working in a really corporate position and i very much felt like i was selling my soul every day to go into work and i was just like i'm such a creative person in the sense that i did my b.a in drama i did a masters in writing for performance that always wanted to
in the creative industry and actually my background in my career was all creative and it was West End and all of that kind of stuff and then I moved into corporate stuff and it was just so draining and obviously during the pandemic it was so hard to creatively express yourself anyway and actually to be able to see things creatively
and I'm such a theatre person I absolutely love going to the theatre and not being able to do that and having to part with Andrew Lloyd Webber's bloody Friday night things where he put cats on for on YouTube would you should drive me insane I'd be like I if I have to watch cats one more time I'm gonna
up out my own eyes but I think that for me was just like the perfect outlet but I ended up writing a book actually I wrote a poetry book in February of 2021 and I thought that would last considerably longer than it did in terms of satisfying that and it just lasted maybe like two weeks and I was like oh this this really sucks and I think I ended up getting really into podcasts which I hadn't before I was totally very much like this is all Joe Rogan and I don't want to listen to this I don't want to listen to people talking
And then I ended up stumbling upon the McElroy brothers from my brother, my brother and me, and they wrote a book about podcasting. And I was like, I'm going to buy this book just because I like these guys. And the book was so good on how to just generally start and like what gear to get and what expectations to have of podcasting. And I was like, this is great. So I'm going to just try it.
because why not? And when I was searching for podcasts myself, I was finding that I could never find something that was bite-sized and about specifically the monsters. And I don't care about Hercules. I don't care about Theseus. Well, I do care, but obviously to an extent,
heard all of their stories a million times but I didn't know anything about these specific monsters and I was like there seems to be like a really intense niche here for something short that I can listen to on like a bike ride and that is specifically about the actual monsters in these stories because they're actually the interesting parts of it and then I just started and realised that every week it was like I was able to write basically an essay but in such a colloquial relaxed way that it was just like
okay I've got it out and it's like catharsis I think and to this day I still think it's so cathartic once a week I bash out my script and I'm like oh I've learned something but I've managed to write something down and I I'm happy about it and it's funny and it's fun and I think other people like this and I think that for me is the big win views and downloads and all stuff like that it's all appreciated but I love being able to do that for myself as well and the idea that people could
potentially be educated and learn something and have fun whilst they're doing it is really important to me. So I think all of that is why I do it but the catharsis is truly second to none. Sorry that was the longest answer ever. Well it is a podcast to be fair.
And we did say at the beginning that we're both chatterboxes, so it makes sense. Well, if you just said yes, yeah, that would have been the shortest interview ever. I was like, well, thank you for listening to Shatsunami. If you want to listen to more, you know. It's been five minutes. I know, you're getting me sweating now. I was like, oh, gosh. I've got to spin this out for another 10 hours. Oh, God. I would never.
But out of curiosity, what got you into, and this is probably going to be a very broad question, so apologies, but what got you into choosing myth and monsters as a topic in particular? Because I know you said that there was a kind of lack of a niche there for this type of podcast, but what is it about myths and monsters in particular that attracted you to the topic?
Well, when I was a kid, I loved the idea of fantasy. Like I've always been really into Lord of the Rings and stuff like that. And I think that when you consume that kind of media, you end up getting exposed to them anyway. But my parents are massive fans of Greek mythology. And so I grew up, instead of being read traditional fairy tales, I was very much fed Hercules and all of these different hero myths.
And I think that kind of fed into my obsession into them. And I ended up getting really into books when I was younger and ended up with a massive library of Greek mythology books. And when I was 15, I actually converted to Hellenic paganism. And I've realised what an amazing, firstly, religion that the Greeks had, but also everything to do with it just kind of blew up in my mind in a sense.
and since then it's just kind of been a thing but I love heroes and don't get me wrong I really do and I love all of the mythology about the gods and to this day I'm still thinking about doing potentially a spin-off somewhere and doing like a gods thing gods and goddesses kind of bite-sized I think that'd be fun but it's that aspect of the whole pantheons
and the monsters are the two bits that I absolutely adore about mythology and the effect that they have on culture and society even now I think is so underrepresented and I think that really interests me and like being able to pull words out of people's mouths if someone calls someone a harpy
They have no concept, a lot of the time, what they're actually saying or the history behind that word or what that is. And I love that kind of stuff where you can go, that has come from this ancient mythos that is just completely gone now. That civilization doesn't exist. But we're still using these terms. Even something like the Kraken is something that's so ancient. But most people, if you ask them what the Kraken was, they'll be able to tell you.
And I love that persistence within culture and society, as well as the fact that we have so much history behind that from the place where it's from. And I think that's really what gets me going. And I just love monsters. I love evil things. They're all really different.
me down in front of something like Diablo and I'm like oh this is great because I'm in hell and I get to battle demons and I get to be the good guy in this and look at it from a different perspective and I think that's what really draws me in. But who doesn't like monsters? I think that's the legitimate question is who doesn't like that kind of thing? It's so interesting but I have found out that so many people don't care. That's been something.
Funny enough, it does remind me of, and this is me going years and years back here, when I was in primary school, I used to have a teacher who, I think this was around primary 6 or 7, so for non-UK listeners out there, about 11, 12 maybe?
maybe 10 or 11. And he was an interesting guy, but in the sense that we had to do a lot of creative writing with him. So one of our tasks would be every week he would give us four words and then we would have to write a short story based around those words, which I just went absolutely ham. I was like,
I'm going to make like this epic story and everything, there's going to be this and that. But I always remember one of his stances was he would always bring up dragons for some reason, and it would be like dragons are so misrepresented. And I always thought, well, what do you mean? For some reason, they have an affinity for gold and or princesses and big castles or big towers, which I never quite understood. But they took him up and he was like, you know, it is such a shame because I think he was talking about maybe St. George,
Was he the one that killed the dragon? Yeah, yeah. And he was talking about how, you know, oh, poor dragon, you know, fucking killed. And everything, it was just such a strange point of view at the time. Because, you know, you're a kid, you think, oh, yeah, good and evil. But after white, the whole, oh, that's a dragon, that's a bad one. And, you know, it wasn't until the epic trick.
destroyed those dragon norms, which you say, I don't know, you know what I mean. It was interesting though to see that, jokes aside for the Shaikling, but it was interesting to see that there was that different perspective.
Mythology in Media Evolution
And you different up an interesting point about the, almost the evolution of it, because, and I have to say, you probably picked either the right or the wrong person, depending on your point of view here, because I actually studied history and religion.
in university and I am neared when it comes to religious studies and things like that, especially the evolution of deities and by extension the monsters behind that as well. And there was like a whole thing about the evolution going from personifying something like the wind or I always remember that actually there was a class we had and they were talking about that personification. I can't remember the term for it. Anyway, we were talking about this term
And this woman in the class had absolutely no idea what it was. And we're all saying, you know, it's like this, it's like this. And they're like, nope, still no idea. So I turned around and said, it's like Mother Wellow in Pocahontas. And she went, oh, I get it. I get it now. And I was like, Jesus. Oh, God. Oh, yeah. If you're getting across Native American deities with Pocahontas, that's a terrifying reflection, isn't it?
Absolutely. But I mean, even nowadays, if you look at the Greek pantheon, and this is quite a common argument though, where Greek deities are more human, I suppose, or they're considered more human, and I suppose the equivalent nowadays is superheroes. It seems to be such a common thing, so apologies if it's like a milk toast.
a point to make. But yeah, it seems to be your Marvels, your DCs, your anything in between that doesn't make the cat apology sound. Yeah, they're deified and it's like obviously we know that Batman and Superman aren't real unless you still believe in them, in case you keep believing. But yeah, it's interesting to see how they've evolved more in terms of entertainment. I mean, it's the same with
monsters as well, because I actually saw a trailer for the new Dreamworks album. Did you see this? Oh, the Kraken one, right? And the Mermaid, which is like an actual slander to Disney's remake of The Little Mermaid, 100%, and I live for that goss. Yeah, they're just absolutely... It's savage. They slandered. Yeah. It's like that Simpson scene where he's like, stop, he's already dead. He's already dead.
What's happening? Think of the children! Yeah, it's such a weird, yet amazing film to come out, but it is interesting to see that there are a lot of films like that. Have you noticed that in a lot of, and I say contemporary media, but I mean maybe after the 2010s where, especially for Disney, they take that one, you know, like A Wicked Witch, a dragon, something like that, and then they turn them good.
yeah i have noticed that recently i'm not against it i just think it's like the remake argument for me though it's very much i don't see the point in remaking something just to change one point in it and that kind of always frustrates me but
I love the idea of positive representation for things that especially children might find scarier. So something like Maleficent to see it from that perspective where in Sleeping Beauty she was this terrifying dragon and the colour scheme for her back in the animated one was that green, that purple and that black. She was so scary. I was scared of the dragon back in the day. But now it's like we see Maleficent as this
Faye Gauter kind of style with the horns and the say to kind of look with the wings and she's still got that black green colour scheme but she's now perceived as something completely different and actually what I do find interesting about something like Maleficent was that you barely saw the dragon. I don't even remember if you do see the dragon in Maleficent.
And it's like that personification that I have of her in my head from the original was this terrifying dragon. And actually what I think they could have spun that even more positively in the dragon favor in the, I say, remake in her perspective of it and have that dragon be that more positive figure that we've known throughout that entire film rather than just kind of hiding that negative bit about her, if that makes sense.
but you're absolutely right in regards to just with your DC and Marvel point as well. The bleed into that has been so interesting to watch. And especially with like Thor, I find that fascinating. And I understand they've been around forever, Marvel. They haven't been around as long as ancient Greece though.
So I'm like, it's a bit uninspired, but I'll allow it. I think even with Thor, you've also got Maxi Zeus in DC. And a lot of them are inspired, I think, by gods. But sometimes they do full on pull the exact god straight out of ancient history and pop him in a superhero movie. And I'm like, this is bizarre. And I remember coming out of Thor, can't remember if it was Love and Thunder. I think it probably was. It's the one with Zeus in it with Russell Crowe. The bad one.
I remember seeing that and walking out and because I'm a Henlet pagan, I'm very conscious of how the Greeks are portrayed in media. I find that because I know it enough. And I walked out of there and I was like, it's such a cliche portrayal of someone like Zeus. And I get
that they are more human and we have got that humanisation of them and that is the intention with these ancient gods. They are meant to be more human. He was a womaniser and he'd impregnate 80,000 different women whilst his wife got really angry about it. We all know this about zoos but I think
there's so many more little niches and interesting bits about a character like Zeus that instead of portraying this real stereotype and the most basic thing all of us know about the Greek god King Zeus you could go with something so much more in depth and I feel like that's what's really missing is the true human expectation of it rather than this stereotyped traditional one.
weird thing though in terms of a superhero narrative though, because if everybody has superpowers and then those people with the superpowers go against the quote-unquote gods, you know, then what differentiates, you know, the gods in that universe too? Yeah! Just a regular superhero. And you're kind of like, well there's nothing special then about the gods.
Exactly. And they end up bringing in someone like, I mean Kang is a great example of this where he's got like almost god-like powers, but we've already seen the introduction of other gods within this mythos. And also they don't really explain, especially in Love and Thunder, that this was so poorly done in the sense that it was like, oh, we're going to throw in a Greek god to go with this Norse one? And I understand it was like this whole gathering of the gods, but I'm like, then why is Zeus up there and not one of the Aztec gods?
Why is it so... this is such a weird dichotomy of collection of boys. I'm wondering if they're doing the opposite of God of War, where, you know, they started with the Greek pantheon and then they moved on to the north. They're doing the complete opposite. They're going from the north all the way to the Greek. It's like the Benjamin Button of Greek mythology. Yeah, exactly that. I know that makes no sense, but I'm keeping that in
how we get it. It's all good. Yeah, you're right. It just seems weird to say that, oh, we've just got this Greek god, and I think maybe, and this is me being very nice towards said director, even though I haven't had nice things to say in the past of him, but I think that maybe it's just because Zeus is recognisable
Yeah, and I think that's the easy thing to do, isn't it? And I love Taika as a character himself. I love what we do in the shadows. I love what he's done in other stuff. I'm quite glad that he's kind of taking a step back from the superhero side now, because I think that's his last one, right, is Thor. I hope so.
So bad. It was so bad. I haven't even seen Love and Thunder. I've just seen the clips from it. It just seems so bad. It's so cringy, mate. You're not missing anything. Because the last one I saw, man, was that lightyear film, which I have problems about it on its own, but his inclusion as a character just fumbling and messing up and nearly killing them. I'm just like, what is your problem?
Yeah and you know what as well I think they perfectly did a spin-off to Buzz Lightyear in that cartoon from like the noughties. Oh yeah Star Command. That's it it was so good with the blue alien girl with the red hair oh my god that series was so good and I was like I'm getting a really in-depth look at firstly Buzz as a person independent of being a toy and being with Woody but also the whole Star Command thing and why he's so invested in it I was like this is
literally the perfect series. I remember being so enthralled with it as a kid and I haven't seen Lightyear because I don't want to taint my idea of it in my head. I don't need anything else, Buzz. It's fine. This doesn't happen. See, if it was its own thing genuinely it would be a good film but it's the fact that they not only slapped it on Lightyear but they had the gall and the audacity at the beginning to be like this is the film and they watch to get into Buzz Lightyear by the end of it.
you're like, no it isn't, 110% no, there is no way, you cannot convince me, me acting as a mantra, you cannot convince me that Angie would have watched this and said, I want a Buzz Lightyear, because I wouldn't have, if I was a child and saw that film I would have been like, yeah it was alright, but you know, it's a pretty, this is the thing about these films, it's like they're pretty, they're nice to look at and everything, but in terms of substance,
Yeah and they do look pretty.
Critique of Modern Storytelling
Something like Encanto and even the new Aquaman right? The actual cinematography of the CGI was gorgeous. They were gorgeous movies but I thought looking at that lightyear poster I was like he just looks like a thumb that's had a face drawn on it and I could do that at home with a pen and make up probably a better story than this one is trying to sell me.
He reminds me of, are you familiar with the Warhammer series, like 40k? I know a little, but not massively. You know like the poster childs of like the space marines that they always play. They've got the big bulky armour. Yeah, that's what I always think of when I see that buzz lightyear. I'm like, is he going to go and purge a planet for the Emperor or something?
god it is that mickey mouse sitting on the golden throne like go on to purge them you know it's like what is going on here he does he's just got a kind of weird armor and he doesn't even you spoil us for like he doesn't even put on the iconic armor you're joking very end no
He's technically a space ranger, but he doesn't become a super duper space ranger until the very end, after all the shenanigans that go on. Pretty sure he's got like a similar type of armour, but it's not the same. I say armour, sorry. I've got my header forty-two, sorry.
i mean it looks tanky though doesn't it now i am picturing it i'm like oh my god he does and you know what they always remind me of for some reason they always remind me of halo because it's like the same backdrop it's like that whole murky dirty planet like deserted planet i'm thinking now of just buzz light year next to master chief well you're not far
because literally I won't spoil too much for you but the entire premise is Buzz and his crew are stranded on this planet and then they have to work out a way to get off the planet and I remember that kind of, you know when you watch a film and you just get that sudden realization of oh my god this is where we're going to be spending the rest of the film in and you know it's not like inside number nine which I don't know if you've seen that show. Long story short they do the same thing where it's like they just
have one set and then they stay in that one location, whether it's a house, whether it's a stage or whatever. But when it's like a multi-million Disney film, I was just like, really? It's like a barren planet with bugger all. It's like a high street nowadays. It's like there's bugger all here, not even a Starbucks.
or a space box, whatever you call it. And it's just so gloomy and oh, grim dark and then you've got the comedy and then it's like all of your friends are dead, buzz. Remember Star Command? Remember it was like very campy, almost 1950s-esque. That kind of, I think my friend has described it as retro.
tourism maybe. It was the big helmets, big armor and everything. They went around to have the silly Hornet robot things that came out. But that was the fun of it. You know, that was amazing then. Yeah. And look at Zurg, right? He's so camp. He's so action figure back in the, what, 80s that you were to get.
that really hard plastic that barely moved and whenever you moved an arm it would squeak and you'd be like I could just pull this off in like a second and I think that's what gives it its charm and if you take that away what's left not much and as she said it doesn't feel like there's much
Just from how you've described it, I'm like, it doesn't feel like there's much substance here. And I'm exactly the same in the sense that if I'm stuck on a planet, even something like, I love Star Wars, and I really do, but Boba Fett, and I really did like it, but I was like, why are we on Tatooine again? I swear to God. And now every time Mando goes back to Tatooine, I'm like, why are we on Tatooine again? There's nothing here.
The interesting thing as well is, see when you're watching them go to Tatooine and they're like, oh wow, what adventures? What? Great whimsy. And I'm sitting there thinking back to the Phantom Menace going, I wonder if slavery's still legal here. Oh god.
they dealt with that situation yet because they didn't kill water as far as I know. Is there still these criminal gangs? Is there still this horrible city underbelly? And yeah, as you said, you've got Boba Fett being like, oh, this is my home. You have literally spent maybe a day here and you got swallowed by a massive gaping mouth in the desert.
have a word with yourself over. How is this your home? Yeah and they've never gone back to showing us pod racing properly again and I'm like that was probably the most interesting thing about Tatooine was pod racing and maybe Moz Eisley but even Moz Eisley has a limit of how many times I could hear the bloody cantina music without wanting to throw myself off a very dusty cliff. So when are we going to get back to that? That would be great.
Lord of the Rings vs. The Hobbit
Are the whole series on pod racing? That would be interesting. I haven't watched Phantom Menace, I think, since I was about 10. And that's it. We're around the same age, so I grew up with them and they're very important and I will always stand by the fact that I still really like the prequels because I grew up with them. That is the only reason. That is it.
There's nothing that will make you feel older than looking at kids who are like, oh, I grew up with a Ray Skywalker and being sober when I'm like, Jesus Christ. Poor things. Yeah, exactly. And that's it. And then I imagine our parents who grew up with the 70s and obviously like New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, all of that stuff, they must look at us for the prequels and be like, oh, you poor sods. But I'm like, it could have been the sequel and I'm quite happy with the prequels in this sense.
I think we got out quite lucky in terms of franchises growing up because, I mean, you had the prequels, you had, I don't know, like Harry Potter, you had Lord of the Rings. How can I forget that? Lord of the Rings, which is perfect. Yep. Nothing to complain about. Absolutely nothing. The Hobbit, on the other hand. Oh, let's not talk about it. Let's just pretend it doesn't exist.
That's what I do. I actually sat down with my partner and we both watched it, both trilogies. We watched The Hobbit and then we watched The Lord of the Rings one because The Lord of the Rings one of course is like about 20 hours. I was going to say did you watch the extended ones? And the only answer is yes, I assume. Oh, absolutely. Thank goodness.
I watched the extended ones for The Lord of the Rings, but I didn't watch the extended for The Hobbit for obvious reasons. That, and I don't want to relive that scene that I saw on YouTube of Stephen Fry eating a literal testicle of an animal or something. It's just, yeah, it's just where he's like, he's talking about the bard or something like that and then warm tongue light or whatever his name is. What? Grima? Yeah, yeah, yeah. The slimy bloke in Two Towers. Yeah, that's the one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, what?
you've got Rema Light essentially beside the guy who runs the town and then it's like he's saying oh the bard is terrible blah blah blah is a whole load of and then of course the guy cuts across him and says bollocks sir yeah I've got ox and whatever things and I don't know why it sticks out but it's between that and the other extended scene I saw where of all things and I don't know if you've seen the extended cut
but there's a literal scene where you and Gandalf, he goes to save, I think it's Thorin's dad or something that's been locked up. I don't know if it's in the original one, but it's like he finds him in the extended one. It's when he meets Sauron for the first time, or the quote-unquote necromancer if you want to be a bit gay about it. But yeah, he goes there and there's this really poignant dramatic scene where Thorin's dad's like
tell my son that I've always been proud of him blah blah blah and then Gandalf's like you can tell him yourself and you know he's about to fight him off but then Sauron grabs this dwarf, pulls him in and I shit you not they had the audacity to put in the bullhorn scream.
No. Yes. I mean, very funny, but no. Funny but unwarranted. It's like, can you imagine if in the Balrog scene where he's like, you shall not pause, and you know, Islam, and then Gandalf gets pulled down, and they just put in a Wilhelm scream in there. That would just ruin the entire attention of the whole thing.
I'm pretty sure there's one in Return of the King though. On Pelennor Fields, yeah. When the troll smacks around and there's one guy that Wilhelm screams. And I always remember being like, I'm so thrown off by this because the only other time I've heard this is in SpongeBob. Now I'm just expecting someone to go, my leg.
And it never comes, obviously. But I'm just like, this has totally thrown me out. It's such a weird thing to put in. I hate it as well. It's just one of these things that people go, oh, haha, the reference. But I mean, can you imagine them putting the Wilhelm scream in the charge of the Rohirrim? That would just ruin the whole thing. Like, I've seen that scene so many times and it's just so brilliantly done. It's just so amazing. Every time I get emotional watching it. But see if one of those riders fell and you just heard that, oh,
or the berserker who's going into the great house when he flies off. See, it's horrible, but I would like to see...
Looks like I'm coming in the east. It's just Gandalf doing the welcome scheme. Why are you sending forums still? I don't know. I know it's the cheeky nod and, oh, look, we're happy and cool with the memes and it's like, it's not funny.
Yeah, it's like with video games, I found this recently. It's like the Jenkins joke gets used a lot. Don't get me wrong, as a WoW fan, it's like my favorite thing to see in a video game. But sometimes it really throws me off and I'm like, I understand him in a video. Thank you for reminding me. I was playing an adventure time game not too long ago.
And it was just like a point and click investigations one. And they had a Jenkins moment in it. And I was like, this is really funny, but I feel so disconnected now. And then they've started to do the cow level joke from Diablo in a couple of games. The whole cake is a lie thing became a giant thing. And I'm just like, this is so 2000s humor where people had just discovered the internet and everyone thought they were really funny. We've just not really got over it. What? 23 years later. God, that makes me feel well old.
I don't know. I find it a bit cringe.
Gaming Nostalgia and Generational Changes
And The Wilhelm Scream is the film version of that. And that's it. And as I said, every single time it happens, I just expect to hear that one fish guy scream my leg. You're probably bringing back memories of it. Like the cake is alive and things like that. I just remember seeing that everywhere. Everywhere. It was so cringy.
The one that I hate, though, I have to say, is C, Win. It's the same with movies as well. A lot of horror films seem to do it. Not that I'm a connoisseur of a lot of horror films. I have to say I'm a massive one. But you do get a lot of horror films that try to prod and talk about their own stereotypes or tropes, rather.
they talk about their own tropes as if, oh, don't go that way. Oh, you're going to get killed. But for games, there's a lot of games like that where it's like, oh, look, it's a big red flashing belt. You should shoot that. Ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah. Oh, that new, what was it called? The Rick and Morty made game. I was just thinking that high on life.
yeah that's it the combat was great i actually really enjoyed the combat and actually i liked the concept of the story but i was like i'm listening to basically morty the entire way and it's just a consistent oh you're shooting things out my butt i'm like i'm not five i'm not five
See, that's what put me off actually playing the game, because I've got Game Pass. I could easily go and play it for free, but I'm not gonna, because I just saw this very... And again, I'm not the biggest Rick and Morty fan to begin with, mind you, but it's just the whole fact it's, oh look, this is a video game trope. Oh, you've got to do this. Oh yeah, it'd be funny. And it just keeps going on and on. And it's like that one person that you've met in your life that has never had contact with another human being
but plays video games religiously and they come at you and they say all these jokes like, haha, Mario leaks mushrooms, where does Sonic hide his rings? Oh, Link, he's a funny guy. I have heard these jokes since the dawn of time. Like, you know the scene in Narnia where it's as I like don't speak these words much.
I was there when they were written, you know. That's exactly how I feel now. We're not even that old, but that is how it feels when you see a lot of these people. Oh God, speaking of that actually, I saw a terrible tweet on Twitter the other day where someone had put like a tweet out or
I think it was on TikTok or something, where they were saying how they used to hide their DS console under their pillow and everything. And all the comments were like, what's a DS? What's a DS? Skull face, skull face. Oh my God, I hide my phone under there. This was the icing. This was the icing. This one. I think you actually mean a 3DS. God help them if they discover the Game Boy.
Oh man, original Game Boy. I had a Game Boy Advance, which I loved because my cousin had a normal Game Boy and my parents were like, no, no, no, Charlie's got one. You can just borrow his. I was like, no, like I want my own. And they bought me a Game Boy Advance and it was the silver one with the tribal tattoo pattern on the top. Do you remember those? And I was obsessed with the weirdest thing. I loved the Shrek 2 Game Boy Advance game. It was really hard.
and it was like impossible to beat and I was so obsessed with it and I remember in like 2004 when my parents went to Vegas and my nan was looking after us and she would come upstairs and I would be doing exactly that and I'd have the sound down just a tiny bit and it had this like really weird soundtrack and my nan had tuned her ears to the sound of this game and I just remember her like ripping the covers off me and be like put it away!
I do think it's a real naughty experience. I really do. And I'm sad that they don't know what a normal DS is. That makes me really sad. Nintendogs. Brain training. Oh my God. Yes. And if you see that they did one for the switch, but it's not called brain training anymore. What's it called? I don't remember. It's like a really, it's not brain training and it really wound me up. It's like something like Big Brain Academy. That's what it's called. That's like that meme, doesn't that?
It's not like, you know, you had the little floating head of the guy and you'd do the sums and you'd like pull all the numbers together and all that kind of thing. It's not like that at all anymore, mate. That always wind me up whenever I wrote a number and I never read just certain. It's like, you put in the form, oh yeah, that's a six. I'm like, in what world is that a six?
Or if you did just normal sevens without the dash in the middle, it would never read it as a seven. And so I ended up, over time, changing my sevens to be the ones with the dashes through just because of brain training. Isn't that ridiculous? Well, no, I'll give you one better. I'd always remember.
a member will hear it was it must have been in school where I would do you know the floors joined up but a lot of people seem to do them almost like a mini I don't know fork trident you know it's like the two floors sticking up it's hard to explain them only but you know it was like they did it that way and then you look at mine as if oh you do it that way you should be doing it this way and you know they do this stupid I mean they would do the twos they were loopy
Oh, yeah. All the ands that were like the... Oh, the amber sands, yeah. Yeah. And I was like, oh, no, this is ugly. Yeah. I still do the amber sands. I was like, Jesus, this is... Not always. Only in an official capacity. That, of course, being... And milk. OK, there's my shop and my stand. I feel fancy. That's my fancy daniel. Give yourself a wee treat. Self and my documents. Milk, bread and... Yeah. Here's my passport number.
And my passport number, thank you. Oh, see ya.
But one last story I have to say about the Game Boy. I remember a couple of years ago, I went to Glasgow for Comic Con and I went up to this stall and there were seven all of these consoles. So, you know, you had ones that we grew up with, mind you, but any younger people would be like, what's that? What's a Dreamcast? What's that game called? N64. Yeah, N64. Yep. I'm actually looking at the one I've got up there.
Oh, jealous. I used to have a Pikachu one that was limited edition. Oh, that's so good. Gorgeous. And it had the little switches were Pokeballs and it was just the nice and it was blue and then had Pikachu on it. It was so cool. I was gutted when I broke up my ex and I let him have it and I regret it every day. You've got to get a crowd fund going. Yeah. I was buying another N64.
from like CEX for like 85 quid and I was absolutely chuffed with it came in the box and this was in 2018 something like that so it was pretty old and then I remember us buying gold and I and being like this is the best thing I've ever done sorry you were talking about your yeah yeah no no comic I went out just to have a gander and after say I was so attempted by a few of them but I thought no
steady you're waving a hand over my wallet.
Comic Con and Retro Gaming
I remember this young boy came up to me out of nowhere and he just started, he couldn't have been any older than 10 to 13 and he was like, I don't know what Game Boy to get and I was like, all right, I mean there's that Game Boy cover. Oh no, so it wasn't Game Boy cover, it was the Game Boy Advance or the Game Boy SP because he was like, I don't
know whether to go for the original model, go for the SP. And I remember explaining to him, brushing off the dusty tone and everything, being like, well, if you want backlighting, then you can go for the SP. But if you want just the regular one and everything, you can go for that. But honestly, it's just the age, like, several years. Because between that and the time I went to another Comic Con, and there was a huge sign, I brought this up before, but it was like,
huge sign that said Retro Gaming Area. And I was like, oh, I can't wait. Is this going to be like the end of the years? Even by a push, maybe the N64, you know? I thought, okay, I can deal with that. I can deal with the N64. I walk in and I catch a note. They had an Xbox 360. They had a Wii. They had a GameCube. Yep. They had a PlayStation 2. And I was like, this is lies.
How dare you? You sat on a throne of lies. That was awful. That was the only end to yours. How could this be retro? Yeah, like, I'm sorry, but I remember the Wii coming out, what was it, 2007? I was 11 in 2007. And I remember as well, and I don't know if you remember this, when they came out, they were like impossible to get that Christmas. Do you remember? It was awful. And I remember my dad driving us around all the Argos in Essex, literally all of them, and being like,
Like, have you got a wee? Please say you've got a wee. And we ended up, I think we ended up somewhere in Kent, finding like the last one. And it was like a week before Christmas. And it was the biggest day trip I've ever had with my dad, just driving around Essex Argos branches.
scoring through the catalogue because, you know, they don't have those anymore. That's retro too. And the little pencils, just churning through those and trying to find a Wii that year for Christmas was a nightmare. And then in comparison, when the Wii U came out, which I will have no slander against the Wii U, I think is a great console, but no one was interested in it. And it was just like, eh.
Yeah, I have to admit. I would say I'm a pretty big gamer, but in terms of the Wii U, I had no idea what it was. I was like, is it an extension? Is it a new console? By the time it had its moment in the sun, that was it. It was gone. I was like,
But actually speaking of CEX, I did see a local CEX that does have one of those, a special edition we use so I'm just thinking maybe. They're great, they're really good. I remember buying one and being obsessed with the fact that they had Batman Arkham Origins which is obviously the weakest of the Batman games and I don't like to use it in canon of the Arkham games but the
That one had, you would like pull the little tablet up and do detective mode on the tablet instead of on the screen. And it was so cool. And you unlocked the game when you like turned it on in the start menu with your fingerprint on the screen. And obviously it didn't read the fingerprint. It just read that you were touching the screen, but it was so cool. And I remember being like, oh, this is the coolest console I've ever had. You're not wrong to be fair.
going back to what you were saying about the Wii there, I actually do remember of all things, and I have no idea why, but for some reason they were importing them from Germany, I think. Christmas 2006, 2007. I do remember that vividly because I never got one at the time, but one of my friends got it, and he had to get it imported from Germany, and I just
I can just imagine these shady cargo ships coming out of the mist just with all these wee's on it. Anyhow, you've got the guy dressed up like an extra in Casablanca being like, you've got the greats, yeah, get the wee's on board. In a really thick German accent. But legal reasons, I'm not going to attempt that. Maybe off recording, but no one can. And if you want to get that, sign up to the Patreon. Exactly, exactly. See, this is the content you guys are missing out on.
Oh gosh, yeah, there were crazy times with noise. I do miss them. Oh, you and me both, to be fair. You and me both. Simpler times, my friend.
Fashion Trends and Personal Memories
This is going to age me up as well. And I keep saying this in episodes. I really should stop. I'm not that old. I've just crushed the threshold into the 30s, so not at all. But I always remember scrolling through TikTok and I'm going to be honest, I hate using TikTok. I know it's that thing that people need to use to promote the podcast and everything, but I just, I don't like it. I'm too old for it. You know, my hips going, I can't.
kind of dance the way it used to, you know, not that I drew that content but the fact is I've seen a lot of weird videos or rather weird comments of these kids who are Jane Z or Jane something and you know they're like oh I don't like millennials oh this is such a millennial thing to do and I'm like whoa whoa whoa when did our name become an adjective here come on what is going on here but
Aren't we so? Yeah, we are a target of scorn amongst the younger generations. Wonderful. Absolutely. Add that to the pile of things I have to worry about. Oh, I don't. I remember when they were talking about that skinny jeans were like relics. I was like, I've never not worn a pair of skinny jeans. I don't think I'll ever not wear skinny jeans. I'm sorry, I'm not wearing flares. You have to kill me first. But it's stuff like that. And like on the emo fringe, they were like going off about the emo fringe. I was like, you weren't there, man. You weren't there during my chemical romance's heyday.
I remember seeing a guy who went into HMV for some reason, not too long ago, because we still have one where I am, which is mad. And a kid picked up a Black Parade album and I was like, truly that Narnia moment, I was there when it was written.
I saw them during Danger Days and I remember all of this. I remember crying when Gerard Way announced that he was having a baby because I was so in love with him in 2008, being absolutely devastated. And then when MCR broke up in, what was it, 2016.
No, 2013? I remember being absolutely devastated and I was like, no one will ever understand the emo thing unless they were there. That was such an end of Naughty's 2010s era was emo and I feel like that one will just be lost forever. Even Grunge is making a comeback. I feel like emo just never will.
Well, then again, you say that, but there's been a couple of times where I've been to shopping centres and things like that. I have seen like how weird... This is going to sound like a really weird out of context clip. This sounds more like, you know, when you're scrolling through YouTube shorts or something like that. Listen to me talk about the youth. But I saw this group of kids going by, or teenagers rather,
and they were wearing very 90s clothes with the denim jackets and everything, some wearing the very multi-coloured tracksuits. I looked over and I was like, did I travel back in time? Is this a Star Trek thing? Have I stumbled through HMV and then at the end of it there's a portal to the 90s? What is going on?
But it seems to be very, I love to say fashionable to be retro because you have 90s, early 2000s. I would say I would probably fit more to the early 2000s, but even still, I was still around for the 90s. And it was not fashionable, was it? No. Let's be honest, we were not fashionable.
To be fair, it was better than the 80s. I'll give it that. Yeah, that's also true. That's also true. I mean, how they thought they'd get away with those shoulder pads. Why was that a look? Why would you want shoulder pads? I've never understood this. Unless you're a rugby player, I don't get it. My sister is, she's 20 and she's really into the hippie look.
and she's obsessed with the 70s dress. And I'm just like, I don't know how this has come back and how you've gotten into it. And she's the only one in like her friend group who dresses this way. And I'm like, how has this happened? And considering it's not a fad and it's not something that's come back, you just kind of picked it up and I respect it. But I'm also like, I'm slightly terrified of you.
I have to say there's been a couple of adverts that when you're scrolling through and you get the adverts of loads and things like that, you see quite a lot of them that are targeting the kind of retro look. There's a lot of them I have seen right enough where it is very 60s, 70s, very right and comfortable, and obviously not everyone's like that. I mean, I'm boring as I just wear jeans.
and things like that. Are they skinny? No, they're not. That's why I go to the gym. You don't go to the gym and have skinny jeans, but I don't want to say, you know, it's like an overwhelming problem or, you know, this wave of younger people being more out there with the fashion, which is great, though, that they're doing that. And as long as they don't go for the worst parts of the fashion, because what I am glad I have to say is, see, when you see celebrities that just look like absolute idiots,
I'm glad that never catches on dressed and head to toe and god knows what or missing this and that and you're like you must be freezing. Yeah Met Gala looks. I'm like you must be so uncomfortable. You poor thing. You are literally a slave to fashion and this is never going to translate into something that normal quote-unquote normal people will wear. It's just maddening.
I mean, not the worst one. I mean, the worst one was probably... What was it? Sam Smith? That was it? The gala? Or was that another friend he was at? He did something, yeah, you're right. Yeah, he was like dressed and I don't even know what you'd call that. It looked like a massive balloon. Oh, that one, yeah!
But yeah, he has had very weird fashion things. But I have to admit, I have seen a relative, I wouldn't say I'm a super fan of anything, but I'm a relative fan of Pedro Pascal, the guy who plays the Mandalorian and
Celebrity Fashion and Pedro Pascal
everything. And oh hon, don't get me started. He's a great actor because I've seen him in the... Oh, what's that film called? The one with Nick Cage?
immeasurable talent, something like that. Oh, the unbearable weight of massive talent, that's it. That's the one. Yeah. I mean, he was great in that. He was great in the last of us. They were all fantastic roles. But I remember seeing his thing in the Met Gala and they all said, oh, he's slaying the Luke Barbara, but he's doing this, you know, I don't know. But you know, I looked at it and I thought, oh, does it look so bad? The problem with me was I was looking at it from the waist up.
I don't realise when they zoomed out that he was wearing the shorts. This just looks like, you know, when you learned about the Victorians in school and you saw the weird uniforms they would give the boys, where it'd be like the shorts, the high socks and everything, and just give them, you know, the wheel with the stick and they just hit it along. Give them one of them. Even not look at a place in the Victorian tank thing. Put them in Bridgerton or something. I mean, I know that's not Victorian type stuff, you know?
You know what though, if it was done in the summertime, I'd be like, you know what, that's a well good way to get around wearing a suit, like a full body suit. But I was like, and I get the whole theme. I think the theme this year was Karl Lagerfeld, who was not a very good person. And I'm not entirely sure. And I love Pedro. I really do. But I'm like, I don't know how far I like the fact that we're celebrating someone who is just awful. And it's probably not the worst thing in the world that he is no longer on the planet, but it's,
I don't know, I thought it was weird, but I did like the look. His hair is always done immaculately, which I will, oh my God. He's just so handsome. I remember seeing him in Game of Thrones, obviously eons ago now, it feels like, and being like, who is this man? And then him never coming back until Mando. And it'd be like, oh, there's this guy. And we never see his face, but he's got quite a sexy, and he always says bedroom voice. I'm like, yeah, this is quite good. And then he was in a whole, whoa, he was in a whole load of stuff, wasn't he?
everyone's Pedro mad now I've actually got one of those really lame montage shirts with the big name with Pedro on and I wear it to work sometimes and everyone's like oh god but I will also say that my two screens at work are the Nic Cage and the Pedro in the car and I get so many comments on it as people walk past my desk that is amazing
Took me ages to figure out how to, considering I'm in tech, took me ages to figure out how to split the two screens into two different screensavers. And when I did, I was like, this is the best thing I've ever done and the best time I've ever wasted.
Speaking of that exact scene, I was so disappointed when I was seeing it on TikTok, YouTube, you know, the meme of it. With the music. Yeah, and I was so disappointed when that music wasn't a near actual film. I know! But I remember, of all things, my partner and I were in the Waterstones, and we're just looking at books, and then that exact song came on. You know, my girlfriend would tap me as if. And then that cage look as if, what you doing? And I'm working the Harper of the Pedro phase, like, ah, it's a song!
Oh, it's so funny. Perfect opportunity. Couldn't have been any more perfect to be honest. And it was such a stupid film. It was like the perfect film for both of them to be in and just completely let rip. And obviously I know that it was a Nick Cage being John Malkovich kind of moment for him, but it was so silly and I can't say it was the best film in the universe. It definitely wasn't, but it was so stupid.
the bit with the wall I'm sorry you're not gonna make it he's like it's okay mr. cage and he just walks around he's like hi and they're just off their nut on LSD as well
I feel as if that's a second film recently with Nick Cage that I've absolutely adored because the other one being that Willy's Wonderland. I thought you were gonna say Rimfield with Nicholas Hull. Oh no, I haven't seen that one. I haven't either but I've heard really good things. But no, this one's about people keep comparing it to Five Nights
Nicolas Cage and Video Game Films
Because it's literally, Nick Cage is just, he breaks down in this town and the townsfolk trick him into, they say, we'll fix your car for you for free if you clean out this chucky cheese-esque. Because we don't really have these animatronic restaurants in the UK, do we? No, and I don't think we've ever had anything like that. And even like our theme parks, like even the crap ones on like the seafront,
I don't really remember us ever having anything like that, even like somewhere like Blackpool. I can't think of animatronics being a big thing over here, but apparently they're massive in Australia as well, but they freak me out. And actually the worst ones is the underwater ones. They really scare me. They really, really scare me.
I think it's called submanicaphobia, something like that. They proper scare me. And even like the Jaws ride at Universal where obviously the shark would come up and like, wow. Because if you fall in, that's all you see. No, thank you. Absolutely not.
I think I'll pass on that as well. I will use it. But yeah, it's essentially just fighting off these animatronic orders, but it is so over the top. It's brilliant. You've got other characters like the cannon fodder teams that break in and, oh, they're going to do this, or they get picked off one by one, and the cages just go into town beating up these machines. I think it's still an Amazon Prime. I could be wrong,
I'm gonna have to watch that because I love the whole, I've never played Five Nights at Freddy's because it freaks me out but I love the lore and I've read up about it like nobody's business and I'm so excited for that movie.
Praise for Video Game Adaptations
I'm so excited and especially, I can't think of his bloody name, Shaggy in Scoopy Doo, that guy is playing like the main antagonist and I'm like
this is going to be so good. I think it's Josh Hutchinson from The Hunger Games is playing the main guy and I think it's going to be so cool but we've learned our lesson with video game films over the years and I think Mario is probably the maybe three time exception to the this is okay for a video game movie.
We've had a somewhat renaissance for them. We had Detective Pikachu, which wasn't too bad. Yeah. The Sonic films were pretty good. I loved those. And now you've had the Mario one. Oh, they are so good. They're so stupid. Jim Carrey's perfect for that as well. I love him in there.
I have to admit, when I went to see them, I was probably one of the, except for the parents, probably the oldest one there, just sitting there being like, oh yes, just me and my girlfriend going on a night out. Don't mind us, yeah. I did exactly the same thing with my partner. We went and we were the only adults there. It was really embarrassing, but we were so into it.
It was so funny because I was sitting beside this mum and her son. There was this scene where I think either Sonic or I think Eggman saw the key flosses and then the wee boy got up and he started just flossing in the middle of the thing. And you could just, you could feel the embarrassment from the
Humorous Critiques of Past Game Films
mum. She just was like, sit down, sit down. And I was like, oh my God, that's so funny.
funny. I absolutely love them though. I think it's good now that we're getting better from your video game films rather than what we've had in the past with your Street Fighter. I do enjoy Street Fighter, but not in the way of, oh, it's a faithful adaptation. That's at least goofy fun, but you've got your Alone in the Darks, your Blood Drain, your Resident Evil, Silent Hill. That's a strange one.
It's a source of contention, isn't it? It's like, mmm. The first one they went all out and they were like, oh we're gonna make this like a gritty, weird horror. But then for the second one, just out of curiosity I watched it, it was amazingly bizarre.
Oh god. It's like, hey, how can we make Pyramid Head more terrifying? Let's get him into this duel with the main monster of this all, but it's like, Pyramid Head, uh-huh. You're gonna get him into a sword fight with another monster. Yeah. I've definitely watched one of them, and annoyingly, and this is so ridiculous, I watched it at a tattoo parlor whilst being tattooed, and I was like, this is the worst thing to put on while someone's getting tattooed, because if I jump,
I'm screwed. I'm going to end up with a really weird thing going on. And it was the one with the nurses, so I don't know which one that is, but it was all over the place. I was like, what is going on in this movie? I know there's like a scene in the second one, because I'm pretty sure Kit Harington, of all people, is in the second one.
Silent Hill Lore and Monster Design
Yeah. Yeah. That was a strange one.
What a noise mate. Again, I'm not really a big Silent Hill fan. I'm one of these people that I watch the videos about on YouTube and I'm like, oh, this lore's really interesting but I'm too much of a wimp to go out and actually play it. The same. Yeah, I remember watching it and it's just how over the top I'm using this very nicely. The nurses were and I'm looking at the designs of them and I'm thinking, I think that they got the wrong impression
of every single monster including these where it's like, in what world is sexy asylum chic on the bingo card? Oh we want you to be this nurse with no face and oh you're gonna stab them with the needles and everything and you're gonna twitch forward and your baps are out. But your baps are out, yeah we gotta get that. And you've got stockings and garters on. Oh yeah like any asylum nurse apart.
in America although I have to admit something that I did laugh at was when I was watching it as part of research for an episode that hopefully won't come one day because I did, I watched it for research and an episode and then we never got round to recording it so I was like I hope to god that we do get round to it because I have so much to say but I remember listening to it and they were saying oh Silent Hill and they took the mystery completely out of it when they said located in West Virginia oh for god's sake
Yeah, so it's like the only two things I know about West Virginia is, well, Silent Hill and Country Road. Yeah!
So they're going into silent hell when all you can hear is country roads. You know, I'm thinking, what was your thinking? Just turning around to them going, OK, you've got the nurses with to borrow a phrase from yourself that backs out. You've got country roads going on on the other side. What is this? It's a bizarre film. Some very interesting design choices, but then others you like. This is made for a very early 2000s audience.
Yeah, exactly. And these gamer boys that have never left their houses. Much like Silent Hill, they're trapped in their own basement. The only thing is the poster of said nurses, of course, but it's like, I see you're a Silent Hill fan and they're like Silent Hill
Desire for Game Adaptations
I just love nurses with no faces. What would be your ideal movie out of a video game, out of curiosity? What do you want to say adapted? Well, glad you asked that because Sonic's already off the list. Pokemon's off the list. So I'm like, okay, two of my childhood franchises there. Gun and Dusted Mario. No, no, you've got as much of a fondness as I have.
That's fine. One of the ones I really want to see, and it's been in development for ages, but I don't know if they've actually started developing it or making it, but one that I actually played recently, and apologies if this sounds so bloody niche. Like, oh, it's an indie game, but I really got into an indie game called To The Moon. Have you heard of it?
I've heard of it, but I've not played it. Oh, it made me cry. That's what I'll say, genuinely. I remember I got it out of the humble bundle ages ago. I love those. Oh, I love them. I remember in university when I first heard about them, I thought, this is a scam. There's no way what you pay, you give to charity, there's no way. And then my friends did it, and I was like, OK, I'll try it. I tried it, loved it. Then I had a big backlog. But one of those games was To The Moon, and I was always told, oh, it's a very emotional game. And I was like,
yeah sure it is and of course it was until maybe the start of the year if not last year that i started playing it and then i loved it so much that i just went out and bought the other sequels i was like no i gotta play these because it tore my heart out and just like put it back in gently i was like this is so beautiful and i was so glad that i played it now
as more of an adult rather than back then. Because I think if I played it then at university, I wouldn't have appreciated it as much.
Emotional Impact of Gaming Narratives
But by the time you get to the end, you're just like, it's so beautiful. That's how I felt about Ori and the Blind Forest. Of course, yeah. I sobbed. And you know what? I've never played it because I did the opening sequence of the first game and I cried, no word of a lie, for about 45 minutes. And I couldn't bring myself to play the rest of the game.
And so I've never played it. I've always been like, nope, I'm good. Oh, I know. When a game gets you like that, it catches you off guard completely. I mean, the only other one that happened too, other than the sequels. I mean, that got me as well when there's been a few others. But I mean, even Gears of War 3, I remember one of the characters and that got killed off. And the way they did it, for a game about big, muscly men shooting aliens, that just got me. I was like, oh my God, how manly tears. Just like, ooh.
But I've got no shame to say that to the moon that I was just solving is just such a beautiful game and I would love to see that as a film or as an adaptation. It'd be so fascinating to see how they did it but they've been saying it for ages that they are gonna do it and I don't know if they're gonna do a CGI one or if they're gonna do it live action because it's not too over the top that they could do it in live action but yeah no that would definitely be mine but what about yourself though?
Bioshock and Edith Finch Adaptation Desires
There are two. So one, the same as you. I think it's been in development forever, but it's Bioshock. I think Bioshock could make an amazing, not movie, but a series would be really, really cool. Using that world. Oh my God. Could you imagine Rapture on the big screen? Oh, so that and Edith Finch.
Yes, absolutely. Because that's already practically point and click. It's a walking simulator of some kind. But the story in that is so gorgeous. I remember I only played it semi recently and I didn't cry, but I was like, this is so emotionally driven and so well written. And all of the different stories of her family members, you're like,
This is such a gorgeous piece of storytelling that this could perfectly be. You could take it as it is and pop it on the screen. It's such a gorgeous game. It would be those two.
Oh, no, Edith Finch is fantastic. I always remember one of my friends had said for an episode, oh, do you want to do Edith Finch? And I was like, oh, yeah, sure, I guess. And I knew nothing about Edith Finch. I went in completely blind. I just knew it was more of a walking simulator. Yeah. And I was like, right, OK, fair enough, which I feel is the older I get, the more inclined I play games like that.
I mean, I'm playing that, as I said, to the moon, finding paradise and post a fact today, they're kind of part of the same one. Coffee talk, love that. You literally just make someone a coffee and listen to their day. As you know that joke in the sentence where it's like Martin Prince is playing, I don't know what he's playing, he's playing this game where two guys are talking and there's like an option in the game to tell you more. And he just pushes the control up and he's like, tell me more.
That's how I feel nowadays. I'm like, tell me more. Yeah. Unpacking as well. That's another one I loved. Oh, I love it. So satisfying. I'm like, oh yeah, I want to unpack this. And then when she moves in with her boyfriend and he makes her hide all of her stuff, and then the next one she's left him and I'm like, yes!
Can I admit quite an embarrassing fact? You always can. So I was playing it and okay spoilers for the quote-unquote twist of it here so maybe skip ahead about 30 seconds here but I honestly didn't realize initially that the main character
Deep Dive into Game Narratives
you have after she splits up with her boyfriend and then she gets together with a girlfriend, I genuinely just thought she had double the clothes.
initially i was like my god how many pairs of pants do you have why am i packing so much and then i realized when there's a couple of stuff i was like oh she's got a girlfriend oh that makes so much more sense she's not a hoarder okay i'm sorry who folds their underwear like that not me who folds underwear who doesn't just chuck them in a drawer and go yeah i'll just like ruffle through them shirts and stuff i get it but pants i'm sorry what is wrong with
but it's the way it's just like yeah like let's just have a bundle of them and just really you've done this thousands of times over yeah and the amount oh my god the amount of times where something was slightly out of place i kept wagging up and i was like i don't care if you're salt shakers on the ground i want to move on with this story no you have to put it in a normal place but i'm sure someone in the world
It's the university degree where you've moved in with the boyfriend and it makes you put it under the bed. I was like, oh my, because I went, and I distinctly remember this, I put it in the bathroom, like above the toilet, because I was like a really nice little space for a photo or something. I was like, that looks nice. And it just would not let me move on. And I was like, what is causing this? Went to the bathroom and it was like flagged.
Nostalgia for Simpler Games
And I was like, oh, okay, I guess I'll put it on the wall in the bedroom. It was like, nope, nope, on the bed, nope, nothing. And I was like, oh my God, do you want me to put it under there?
my god, how awful. It's just such a clever story to tell you about. Without anything. Oh yeah, this boy is not good for you. Honestly, the amount of notes you can get from these games, because going back to Edith Finch, I remember I played throughout the first time and I was like, this is a great game, absolutely fantastic. Then I went through it a second time and I kid you not, I think, and this is no joke, I genuinely put it up in the notes on Patreon, but I actually have two full pages on my phone worth of notes where
I was just like, is the gran the bad one? Why has she got all of these tree trunks that have been cut up? Has she preemptively wanted to paint them? What's the symbolism behind? I think it's Walter, the one who lives under his grave. You know how it's like, his grave, he's got a statue of himself.
looking out to the sun and then the one hand you can see that as he's accepting his peace and everything. But on the other hand, I was saying to my friend, does that also mean that that symbolizes he's always trapped on that particular place? He can never leave the house both in death and life and everything. And there was just so much of that. I was scanning everything. I was just like, there's going to be a clue. I was even scanning. I think it's Lewis. His game console is very much related to
Alice in Wonderland and the whole idea of him imagining all these fantastical scenarios which, spoilers, turns out very less fantastical by the end of it. And it's a beautiful game. Apologies, I could talk about it for ages. It's just such a good game.
I was always convinced as well that the monster was going to come back because you start with that monster and it is scary like the concept of it and the way she narrates it is really scary and then obviously you've then got the sister the older one with the Halloween strip
Barbara, was it? Yeah. And I was like, this all seems to be like there's a monster in the house. And then there's Walter, who's dreaming about it. And obviously saw the younger sister get taken in with it. I was like, this monster is going to come back. And the whole game, I was really on edge. I was like, this monster is going to get me. And you're walking through like a silent house. You're like, no, thank you.
I mean, I suppose it's like, have you ever played de-restor? No! I think it's started out as a mode for Half-Life. Maybe it's like the same engine, but literally it's a literal walking simulator. You walk from house to house and it has got a creepy vibe, but I think Barn may be one jump scare, nothing happens. Yeah. You know, you just kind of sit there and you're like, oh, I'm walking across the isles that look very similar to Scotland or Ireland. I could go out and do this myself. Why am I? Yeah.
Farewell and Guest's Content
But on that note, I feel as if that's a fantastic place to leave off, mind you. Yeah. What a lovely way to finish as well. So, Erin, thank you so much for coming on Chatsanami to talk about all things monsters, games and yeah, thank you so much. A pleasure. Thank you so much for having me. It's been an absolute joy. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Before we wrap up, where can these lovely listeners at home find your content?
They can find it on all streaming services under Myth Monsters. And we also have a website,, where you can find all the resources, all of the links as well. And obviously you can find me on Patreon, buy me a coffee, all of those kind of donation-y type style websites. But if you ever have a suggestion for monsters, Twitter is the place to find me, as Chatsu would tell you. That is where I live. If you ever want a monster specifically, reach out and more than happy to have a chat about it. So yeah, thank you.
and I would just echo that. Please feel free to check out Myth Monsters on Twitter because I have seen quite a few of your pictures as well with the Audrey 2 in the background and everything. My weekly little update. Yeah, I feel myself, I think that's probably what drew me to your show in the first place because you posted that and I remember you were saying, oh I've got a new episode at the time and I was like, is that Audrey 2?
It's technically not. I got it from TK Maxx in the Halloween section, but she's affectionately known as Audrey3, and she's very chill. She's currently got a cat witch hat on her for not Halloween, but you know me, I'm very much into that. So yeah, she's my little guardian of my announcement board each week. I mean, to be fair, if you just blink, then it is probably going to be Halloween soon.
God, please, this would be so good. And then we'll get rid of the hot weather as well. So lovely. One day, one day. We can only dream. I'll say a wee prayer after this episode.
But if you want to check out more content from ourselves at Chat Tsunami, you can check us out on their website,, forward slash Chat Tsunami, as well as all good podcast apps. You can also, and this is real, I swear to God, so this wasn't made up for the episode, you can check us out on forward slash Chat Tsunami, where you can get a look into exclusive content as well as early access to episodes.
so please feel free to check that out. I also want to give a huge shout out to our Pandolurian Patrons, RoboticBattleToaster and Sonya, thank you so so much for supporting the channel, until then, thank you all so so much for listening, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly, stay hydrated.
Welcome to Chatsunami, a variety podcast that discusses topics from gaming and films to anime and journal interests. Previously on Chatsunami, we've analysed what makes a good horror game, conducted a retrospective on Pierce Brosnan's runs James Bond, and listened to us take deep dives into both the Sonic and Halo franchises.
Also, if you're an anime fan, then don't forget to check us out on our sub-series, Chatsunani, where we dive into the world of anime. So far, we've reviewed things like Death Note, Princess Mononoke, and the hit Beyblade series. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then you can check us out on Spotify, iTunes, and all good podcast apps. As always, stay safe, stay awesome, and most importantly, stay hydrated.
Hello and welcome to Myth Monsters! I'm Erin, a self-confessed mythology addict and occasionally scholar. Myth Monsters focuses on the monsters of global folklore and mythology. With sometimes a cryptid thrown in once or twice, we go from looking at Jackalopes to Gorgons to Wendigoes to Bigfoot from dwarves to elves.
And honestly, everything in between. Why should I listen to this podcast over any other mythology podcast out there? Well, we're only 15-20 minutes long so we're perfect in time for your little commute. And also we focus on a different culture and monster every single week, a real in-depth look into modern media, where they're found in films, TV, video games and books, and also the origin description and if I believe they existed.
So it's perfect for any short trips or if you're into any specific monsters that you fancy. So come join the fun every Thursday, and stay spooky babes! This episode is sponsored by Zincaster. If you're a broadcaster that records remotely like me, then you'll know how challenging it can be to create the podcast you've always wanted. That's where Zincaster comes in. Before I met Zincaster, I was put a naive broadcaster, recording on low quality, one-track audio waves.
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