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Wexit Nazis fuck off image

Wexit Nazis fuck off

E49 · The Progress Report
77 Plays4 years ago

Elizabeth Simons is the co-author of a new piece published by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network on a group of young men in the Wexit movement, the Alberta Separatist Youth League, who have big political aspirations and are also extremely explicit in their anti semitic, racist, and authoritarian beliefs in leaked private chat logs. 


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Podcast Focus on Canadian Politics

Friends and enemies, welcome to The Progress Report. I am your host Duncan Kinney, and we're recording today here in Amiskwitchi, Wisconsin, otherwise known as Edmonton, Alberta.

Interview with Liz Simons on Hate Groups

Joining us today is Liz Simons, a researcher and writer with the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, and the author of the recently published piece, Youth Group Pushing Optics-Friendly National Socialism into Alberta Politics. It's a really incredible piece. We'll obviously link to it in the show description and the notes.
But we feel like even if you haven't read the piece all the way through that this conversation will provide a very useful primer on just who exactly these people are and what they believe. So Liz, thank you for joining us. Thank you so much for having me, Duncan.

Alberta Separatist Youth League (ACYL) Overview

So what the hell is the Alberta Separatist Youth League? And why did you write a story about them?
Good question. So ACYL or the Alberta Separatist Youth League is a group of young men, 26 and under, is how they kind of build their demographic. That's how they marketed the demographic on their website and through their recruitment materials.
Gen Z is what we're talking about. Yeah, exactly. Zoomers, right? We anticipate there's about 20 of them based on their correspondence. They're Alberta-based, Edmonton area, Red Deer area, Stettler, that sort of geographical area. And they have created a
a political advocacy group, if you will, where they are intentionally inserting themselves into fringe far-right political parties, intending to shift the narrative, intending to introduce what they have

ACYL's Strategy and Extremist Beliefs

what they have called themselves is optics-friendly national socialism. So they're essentially putting themselves into these positions with various fringe parties in leadership roles, founding member roles, board member roles, and they are trying to recruit other young men in the province of Alberta under the banner of separation, but with the larger goal here of actually creating an ethno-state.
And these young men, because they are pretty much just all young men, are, what are we calling them? They are enthusiasts, hobbyists, if you will, enthusiastic hobbyists of national socialism from the 1930s German era, right? I mean, the shorthand I used to describe them as wigs at neo-Nazis,
for a variety of reasons, you're going to choose to not use that language. But when I say that, when I call them wags at neo-Nazis, why would I use that kind of language to describe them?
Well, I mean, looking at their content, they they're, they're very much pro Hitler. I think one of the interactions that they had and one in the private chat was Sam Bell, who is actually one of the founding members of ACYL, and is also a board member of Wexel Alberta.
He's spoken at, you know, Wexit rallies. He spoke at a rally in Red Deer, was covered for that in 2019. He had quoted Hitler on, I believe it was his Facebook page. And one of the other founding members, Wacy Helixson chastised him for it. Bell responded, well, he likes the Hitler quote, you know, but agreed it wasn't the greatest look.
they're aware of what it looks like.

Targeting Youth in Alberta Politics

And that's why it's so interesting as to what they're trying to do. Like the other founding member Eli Weisberg is still a member of the Stormfront Forum, which is that infamous white supremacist
internet forum. So he was posting recruitment posts on Stormfront, and he actually referred to them as optics friendly, national socialism. So they're fully on board with those ideas. They are aware of what it looks like to the average outsider. They're aware of the kind of audience that they're appealing to on their various platforms.
Like, for example, prior to Sam Bell, when the Canada files initially produced the chat logs, the leaks, due to an anonymous source who was involved in it, he actually deleted all of his Facebook accounts, his pages and everything.
But prior to all that happening, in August, in July and August, when these chats were from, they actually complained about the number of, you know, quote unquote boomers that were on the Facebook pages and understanding that that was really where their support was coming from, but also mocking and not really appreciating that support. They really wanted to kind of narrow down and drill into the young demographic.
They want young men to go out and join these parties, become leaders and decision makers and become influential movers and shakers in order to kind of bring about their idea of what they want society to look like.
Yeah, I mean, one image really stands out from the story and why, you know, I feel comfortable calling these folks, you know, we exit neo Nazis, even with, you know, the Hitler quotes, the, the other, all of the other kind of explicitly white supremacist stuff, but there's a Snapchat selfie of
a Terran Garbit, an Alberta Separatistic League member holding a knife over his head, a knife that is, in fact, a dagger from a Nazi officer, like a Nazi piece of memorabilia. And it's captioned POV. It's 1934 and your nose is too fucking big. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, what more can we say? What more do we have to say? Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah. I mean, they reference things like they reference Kristallnacht, like Night of the Long Knives. They reference so many things. You know, they're openly anti-Semitic. They're openly white supremacist. They're pro-Hitler. The only thing that's really distinguishing them from like, you know, an actual neo-Nazi is that they don't have a tattoo of a swastika.
that apart from that, they check all the boxes and they are involved in these political organizations and parties. So what does Alberta separatism have to do with Hitler quotes and white supremacy? I feel like it doesn't really have much to do with it. I mean, the separatists as a whole are not inherently driven by racial motivators.
They have economic concerns, which I don't necessarily agree with. I mean, I don't share a lot of the same opinions as the separatists do, but they're not driven by this desire to start an ethno state. What these kids see is an opportunity to capitalize on this sentiment and attempt to, I would consider it shifting the Overton window, where they're attempting to insert

Separatism as a Tool for White Supremacy

more extreme discourse into the dialogue and get people thinking about another way that they could do it. So they see Wexit, in my opinion, they see Wexit as their best possible chance at actually seeing an ethno state. Yeah, I mean, let's get into that. So what is the political project of Western separatism and what is the political project of the Alberta Separatist Youth League?
Like what are their explicit goals in, in like, what do they actually want to do? They bill themselves as, as, as advocating for separation. But when you get down to what it is they're looking to do, they're not just looking at separation. They're looking at separation as a vehicle for a bigger picture.
So they are like Turner Diaries accelerationists. I wouldn't know I wouldn't know I wouldn't I wouldn't categorize them as accelerationists. They're they identify as gripers. So they identify as that kind of, you know, Nick Fuentes inspired, highly religious, you know, fundamental Christian, pseudo intellectual, white white supremacist. So
what they're doing is they're using Wexit, they're using separation as a vehicle, but they're looking to essentially red pill as many kids as possible. And what's really interesting about them is we know of a lot more that weren't included in the piece just because of, you know, multiple different constraints. But what's really interesting about them is that
A lot of them actually went to high school together and they all, a lot of them come from the same community of Stettler. So it's like they kind of radicalized together, came together, started this organization. And now prior to even the organization beginning, they all kind of had their foot in the door of these French parties. So like Sam Bell is a board member of Wexel Alberta. You have Eli Weisberg, who is
He was a founding member of Alberta Advantage. We also have discovered that he is a, I believe his title is Policy Director of another party. So, and we're going to be reporting on that as well. So, I mean, when you look at how many parties these people have their hands in,
And you look at their bigger picture of trying to bring in more and more young people to their movement. My opinion is that they don't care so much about separation. They care about using the momentum of the separatist movement to propel their specific goals.

Media's Role in Separatism

I would disagree with your characterization that the separatist movement is one that's only driven by economic concerns. I think why the ASYL is attracted to Wegset is because there is a core of white supremacist thought that runs through Alberta separatism. It's not hard to find when you dig into the Facebook comments or their thoughts on immigrants
and things like that, right? But, but it's not inherent to it. It's not, it's not like a characteristic across every single faction of separatism. So like, yeah, absolutely. You look at Wexit a hundred percent, you look at the, you know, there's, there's X-Blood and Otter members who are Wexit supporters. There's been, you know, incidents of, of, you know, known white supremacist clothing being spotted at the rallies.
Sam Bell has not been shy about his viewpoints since before he got started with Brexit. So they're 100% finding a home there, but the racial motivators are not a cohesive driver across the entire spectrum.
It's, it's fertile ground though. I mean, I don't think you have to scratch it. I don't think you have to scratch an Alberta separate is too hard to find or a group of Alberta. They know, they know their audience. They know that they can pretty much say and do whatever. They're still going to be welcomed into the fold.
Yeah. And I think it's worth, I mean, I don't think we, this is necessarily the time or the place to do it, but I mean, like Western Canadian concepts, you know, the early stages of the reform party, uh, you know, these, these, uh, populist political movements in Western Canada on the prairies.
have been incredibly racist reactionary political forces over time. And I really just see this as just simply another outgrowth of that. You know what I mean? We can disagree about whether every single Alberta separatist is racist. I don't think that's a very useful question to ask.
But I think at its core, like Alberta separatism is, you'll find very little discussion of the treaties, for instance, the discussions around Alberta separatism. And that's a legal question that
they're just unwilling to consider the sovereignty of the nations that actually lived here before Canada was a country and what you actually do if you separate from Canada because they would have a lot more leverage now than they had back then. You know what I mean? You're right. Absolutely. And I agree that the separation argument
It's fundamentally not based in any kind of true egalitarian, you know, pro-human rights, respect for people and cultures and First Nations and what have you. It's very much driven by one kind of tunnel vision idea of what Canada should be, what Alberta, what the West should be.

Racism Among Young Separatists

And this myopic idea of the West is very exclusionary.
It's prairie grievance politics. We've seen it like every 20, 30 years, it just kind of crops up and gets bad for whatever reason. You know, it's a dissatisfaction with the imperial core, you know, with Ottawa and Toronto and Quebec. And it manifests itself in these pretty reactionary right wing political movements. And I mean, your story is fascinating just because like just how like young and virulently like
racist and into Nazism that these folks are like, that's, that's what struck me from reading this story. It was just like, like, holy shit, these kids, like they have gone down a rabbit hole of like truly evil shit and they like believe it. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And I find it, I find the fact that it looks like a lot of them grew up together to be so interesting.
Like, what is happening in Stettler, Alberta? I don't have the answer for that. But I mean, yeah, the research was fascinating. And again, there are a number of other individuals who were not included in the story, but we are aware of.
Maybe there'll be more coming out about those in the future. Well, yeah, let's talk about that. I mean, as a journalist, I'm interested in the mechanics of the story and how the story came to be. So how, how did you get this story? Where did, where did the information for this come from? Um, well, I was already familiar with, um, some of the players, uh, like Sam Bell, for example, um, this, when the story came out in the Canada files, which is a, essentially it's like a, it's a really well done, um, student online magazine.
The story came to them through an anonymous source who had joined the league the Alberta separatist youth league for the purpose of Seeing what they're about, you know, like what what are these people up to?

Origin Story of the Investigation

What are they doing? What are their what are their goals? And information was then leaked to the Canada files who then published a story Release the chat logs
And I saw it and I figured, you know what, I've got a little bit of background on some of these guys. I think we can maybe flesh this out a little bit.
the author from the Canada Files and I worked together, Morgana Adby, and we worked with it closely together. We dug into them. We found a lot more information, which we then obviously included in the article. We were able to identify individuals from the chat, connect them to real individuals, kind of following the leads and pulling the various threads.
Um, and we, we were able to identify, um, a number of other individuals who we believe were associated. Uh, but, uh, have yet to report on those people. Yeah, that's interesting. So it was a student newspaper that originally was, was leaked to the chat logs. And then you worked with the folks who got the original, uh, leaks to kind of do a bit more reporting and kind of flesh it out and really figure out who some of these folks were. And so it sounds like there's still more work to be done.
Oh, yeah, I mean, they're they've been quiet, but they know they know about it. So but they have been very quiet. There hasn't been much of a reaction publicly, at least. But I don't I don't think the story is done. I can tell you for a fact that this we're coming.
Awesome. Well, that's fantastic to hear. I mean, I think, uh, the story is still relatively fresh.

Media Amplification of Fringe Ideas

I mean, uh, I, I would await more stories, but I think, uh, I think the media treats, you know, the Wegset movement and Alberta separatism, like entirely to crudges credulously. Like it gives it.
in an incredible amount of media coverage relative to what their actual relative numbers and political power are. I think Canada's media is irrevocably fucked and incredibly right wing and corporate owned and bad.
And so it's not hard to figure out the political and ideological reasons why they make those editorial choices, but it is still incredibly shitty that these folks are getting so much airtime when it is incredibly fringe. The legal difficulties with the treaty and indigenous nations that are here are
I've not been reckoned with in any meaningful way. And, uh, and again, and, and the, the, the movement is shot through with fucking neo-Nazis, you know what I mean? It's very frustrating because Wexit, I feel would have been dead in the water ages ago if it wasn't for the media coverage that they got propping them up as this like legitimate workers.
like pro workers, pro people idea, which was just wrong. I mean, and that was back when Peter Downing was running the whole thing. I mean, he was so incredulous. He wasn't credible. There was something credible about the movement at that time, but the media just kind of kept feeding into it.
I guess to them, the number of likes on the Facebook page actually transfers to actual political power and social cred.

Naming ACYL Members for Community Protection

I don't think that's the case at all, especially when we're talking about Facebook, but definitely they were held up as some kind of revolution, which was not and is not the case.
The other important part of your story that I also think is worth talking about, especially when we're talking about media organizations or a group like the Canadian Anti-Hate Group, writing about it is ultimately identifying the people who are a part of it by name. And sometimes this is called doxxing. You can call it doxxing if you want.
But the doxing part of the story is ultimately, I think, one of the most important parts, right? Like we need to know who these people are and then appropriate action needs to be taken to cauterize them out of our politics and out of kind of polite society. That was the goal. The chat logs were already out. It was already reported on. Sam Bell was already named.
But I feel that communities have a right to know who their neighborhood Nazis are. And I especially feel that with how tense things are in Alberta right now between, you know, various, you know, anti-racist and anti-fascist groups and, you know, various hate group members and hate group adjacent members seemingly battling it out every weekend. And as well as that these kids
really inserting themselves into potential positions of power, or at least networking with people in positions of power. We felt like it was very important to name them, to actually say, you know, this is who they are, these are their associations, and this is what they're saying. And it's important that people are aware of it. It's important that people can hold them accountable.
You know, when we name these people, it's not to make their lives difficult. It's not to cause them harm. It's not to certainly not physical harm. We name people because it's important that communities are aware of what's happening in their community. It's a community defense idea, not an attack on them.
So, I mean, you raise an important point, right? And you've kind of hinted at it in a couple other points here. What is these folks' involvement in electoral politics? Can you kind of make that clear for us?

Influence within Fringe Political Parties

Yeah, I mean, well, like I mentioned before, Sam Bell is a board member of Wexel Alberta. So he's involved in that end. Then we have Eli Weisberg, who was one of three founding members of the Alberta Advantage Party. And he also is a board member for policy in the Independence Party as well, Independence Party of Alberta.
So we have three fringe parties where they've inserted themselves into leadership roles, essentially, right? And they are fringe, but the impact of them, I think, is really important. They don't have a lot of political power, but they do have the option of, you know, networking with people or meeting with people or
you know, like, it's putting an op-ed on their websites, like Eli Weisberg published an op-ed on the Alberta Advantage website. So they have ways of getting their ideas and their politics into these spaces. Yeah, Sam Bell appears in the Telegraph or whatever and he's linked, I think I've seen links out to Sam Bell's piece on the Western Standard. Yep. And he was also included in the profile on the Walrus.
Yes, the walrus. I know the photographer for that, actually, from way back. Just to describe this picture of Sam Bell, in case you can't picture him in your brain, picture, and in like credibly smug early 20s shithead, big mustache, aviator glasses on, red make Alberta great again hat on, and then a large loose fitting Hawaiian shirt over top of a fleece.
Um, kind of long sleeve shirt. Uh, and that's why I asked, that's why I mentioned accelerationism earlier too, because of the, uh, the Hawaiian shirt. You were wondering about the boogaloo. Yeah. No, that, that, that's a fair question. That's a fair question. I think that picture, I had seen that picture before that whole phenomenon. So I, this is from March, right? I didn't know, I didn't know about the blue boys.
back in March, 2020, you know? I believe it predates the whole Hawaiian shirt, like the big, the big, you know, Luau, big Luau, big igloo, big loo thing. I believe, I believe it predates that. Um, well, I mean, he might be ahead. He might be ahead of the curve. We don't know, right? He might, he might. Yeah. He's apparently, maybe I think he's on those forums. I think he's in those discords. You know what I mean? Um,
Based on everything. He's an interesting guy. I mean, when that Walrus article and photo essay came out, I mean, that was so infuriating. That was so frustrating because him specifically was frustrating because, you know, what he was up to was not, it was not, he wasn't hiding it. You know, like you go at the time he had a Facebook page called Make Alberta Great Again.
and Giga wanted and it's a lot of far right content. He's quoting Julius Evela. He's got like a skull mask as a profile picture. He's not hiding what he's up to, right? His Instagram is exactly the same. So why are we talking about this kid as if he is just some like, you know,
normal, everyday Albert and who just cares about like the working man. That's not the case. Especially now that, especially now that we know what we know. Yeah. Clearly kind of just like cosplaying as like this ultra far right character, even back then, you know? Yeah. Oh yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah. We didn't know how far along he was. You know what I mean? Like we knew, we knew, okay, well he's, he strikes me as kind of, you know, like this type of person, but, um,
Maybe he was just being edgy. You know what I mean? Like certainly there were you know, there was tweets about him. There was talk about him I know like like anti-racist Canada did an article that kind of referenced him but regarding like the Walrus piece, but There wasn't really a lot of insight into just how serious these guys were until we got a look at their private conversation
It's also worth pointing out, and it's the pictures in your piece too, that two of the members of the Alberta Separatist Youth League attended the 2017 Alberta PC Leadership Convention. There's a picture of them there with Jason Kenney.
Um, you know, continuing this trend of Jason Kenny, uh, taking pictures with far right figures. Um, and I was actually, I was actually at that convention as well, uh, reporting on it. And, uh, um, just, so I, I did, I did breed the same error as these, uh, scum pigs. So that's, that's always interesting. Yeah. I mean, they're, they're, I guess, I guess kudos to them for being young kids super engaged in politics, but
Yeah, so I mean, they've definitely been trying to insert themselves into this for some time. I think, yeah, I think it was Stormfront. Yeah, Eli Weisberg had written on Stormfront that he, we knew it was Eli Weisberg because of biological, like biographical details, right? So we knew he went to college in Thunder Bay, we knew he was an engineer, we knew he had
participated in things like robotics competitions and things like that in school.

Escalation to Extreme Goals

So based on a lot of the biographical information in the Stormfront posts, going back to 2017, again, he didn't just join it just to recruit for the Youth League. He was on it for three years. Based on past comments and posts he made on Stormfront, we were able to tie it to him. But he's mentioned in one of the recruitment posts that they
the founding members all have experience with political organizing. What he said though, was that he feels that the political organizing wasn't satisfying his moral needs anymore and he needed to do more. So these kids decided that their involvement with these French parties was no longer enough. They needed to take it a step further. They needed to go for the harder stuff. Yeah. Yeah.
Adject that Hitler right into their veins. And what that is, yeah, like open race war. I mean, they talk about ethno-states quite a lot, right? I mean, this is a part of far-right ideology that I don't think is ever made clear enough by mainstream media, which is that the explicit ideology and political project of a lot of these white supremacists and far-right organizations is the ethnic cleansing and genocide of all non-white people from North America and Europe.
Yes. And there's really no other way to state it and that, that when we talk about free speech and when we talk about, you know, immigration, when we talk about X or Y or Z, we're talking about the things that they want to talk about because they don't want to talk about what their actual core goals are. Right. And, and you know, you might even hear them say, well, no, I don't, I don't agree with genocide, but at the same time, if you're talking about creating an ethno state, what are your options?
Yeah, you cannot create an ethno state without the mass displacement and murder of like, of people who don't. Right. You're, we're either talking, exactly. We're either talking about displacing people or we're talking about mass murder. So there's only so much that they can do to create this ethno state. So when they try to launder that and say, well, no, no, we don't, we don't really want, we don't really want to, you know, commit genocide, uh, their options are, are quite, quite slim.
quite few. So when they talk about having, you know, protecting the white race and furthering the white race, and I know on the Stormfront Post, Eli Weisberg talks about, you know, 14 words, they want to create like a 14 words friendly, you know, you know, system and party and group. They are 100% talking about furthering the white race, but the subtext of that that we don't hear about is
the way to do that is to get rid of everyone else. And I make a point whenever I talk about this stuff to explicitly state what these goals are, because again, the mainstream media will, they'll say, they'll couch it in, you know, uh, terms that people might be familiar with, but never, never really fully or truly examine like what does white supremacist mean?

Need for Clearer Media Narratives

What does white nationalist mean? What, you know, like what are the actual political goals here? And, um, and then that's,
Uh, I think always worth, uh, interrogating the other little wrinkle on this that, um, I haven't managed to get a response yet, but our friend of the show, Derek Fielder brand, uh, I don't know if you're aware of him. He's a former, former politician here in Edmonton. He's since, uh, retired to a, uh, to start a new kind of like right wing news source called the Western standard. But you've got to think that. I think the odds are very likely that Derek Fielder brand at least knows who these folks are.
Like how many like online, how many, how many online, you know, youth separatists are there? Not many. And that's why they're, you know, they, they were quite popular with, um, the, the older crowd is because they were, they were, they were seen as these crowd is these young, young men coming in and taking charge. But it's so funny because in the chats, they actually complained about the boomers that liked the page. Oh, well,
They said, oh, we have to kind of deal with them sort of thing. We don't like them, but we have to kind of deal with them. And you just kind of want to show that to these people and say, this is what they really think of you. You're a means to an end for them. They don't actually respect you. It's also like, sorry, kids, if you're going to be on Facebook, you're going to have to deal with boomers and their shitty opinions. It's just the way it is. Yeah.
Like just sorry, get used to it. Well, I think that's a fantastic place to leave it. Liz, what's the best way for people to follow along and support your work?

Call to Action and Listener Engagement

Yeah, you can follow us on Twitter at antihateca. You can also visit our website at And yeah, thank you so much for having me. We look forward to
getting some more information out about these guys, it's certainly not over. Yeah, I mean, I think this is an incredibly important piece of journalism. I can't wait to see more of it. If you have any tips or know anything more about the Alberta Separatist Youth League, please reach out to myself or Liz. And the story is obviously going to be in the show notes.
If you've gone through 30, 35 minutes of this conversation, haven't read the story yet, kudos, but definitely still go read it. It's very good and very well done. And if you like this podcast and if you want to keep hearing more podcasts like it, one of the things, there are a few things you can do to help us out. One is obviously rate, share, subscribe the mantra.
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Also, if you have any notes, thoughts, comments, things you think I missed, things you think I fucked up, I'm easy to reach. You can reach me on Twitter at Duncan Kinney, and you can reach me by email at Thanks so much to Cosmic Family Communists for the amazing theme. Thank you to Liz, our guest, and thank you for listening. Goodbye.