Introduction and Episode Kick-off
Welcome to Chat Tsunami. Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Chat Tsunami. I'm Sat Tsunami and I'm joined once again by my awesome co-host Adam. Hey there, thanks for coming here. Especially after last week when we spent about two hours talking about deadly premonition.
Honestly, some of the best two hours of my life. Yeah, do it all again. Yeah. Put me on coach. I'm ready. Yeah, that was a great session.
Video Games Deserving Sequels
But speaking of this is like the kind of most convenient segue ever. I think we've ever had in the episodes was like speaking of games that we like and think deserve a sequel. Yeah, today we are going to be talking about our personal choices
for our most wanted video game sequels. So I think, Adam, I mean, if you had that experience before where you played a game and you think, this game's awesome, you know, I can't wait to play more, and then you look it up online and then suddenly you realise there's just nothing there.
Yeah, that's happened a couple of times. I'm trying to think of any notable examples. There's only one game that I was going to talk about. I'm not going to be disappointed to hear what happened to the series feature and stuff. But yeah, there is that horrible thing where you just want some more in my life.
You've only got that much and you have to live you have to live with it It literally is like a please sir. Can I just have a scrap of a sequel and it's like What you doing here get out of here? Just go. Yeah, it's that or you come on podcasts like this like I did a couple of episodes back about the Medal of Honor series and
Oh, there is nothing wrong about rambling on this podcast. You are more than welcome to come on and ramble about this. I've come to the right place. You're amongst friends here.
When Do Games Lose Sequel Rights?
So before we kind of jump into the main topic and, you know, rip the band-aid off as it were, I actually have a question for you. And it's something, again, like I asked you before we jumped on stream.
So as I said, the idea is that usually there's always that one game that we play in our lives where we really want like a sequel to it, we want more of that kind of content. The question is, when does a game lose like it's right to have a sequel? Like what could a game do that's so, you know, crimes against gaming as it were, that it couldn't deserve a sequel?
It's an interesting question. Honestly, the only thing I can think that you don't deserve a sequel at all is to be like maybe morally reprehensible. Well, yeah. You know, like, so just to pick like an obvious, just to pick an obvious example, like, you know, there should never be a, there should never be a sequel to a game like Custer's Revenge. Oh, yeah.
morally reprehensible on every single level and you know like doesn't you know doesn't bring anything to the world except hate and whatever so I mean there you know there's a lot of games there's a lot of games out there and you know there's games that we personally don't want to see sequels to they're like maybe some game series we think just aren't fun or boring you might even like think they're kind of blights in the industry with like trends they have if they're like really heavy into loot boxes or something like that
But like, you know, I think taking the kind of personal side. Well, there's I could make I could make a whole I could talk for two hours right now about game series that should just be canceled. Should be allowed to make any more. But that's just personal choice. So I think to be objective, I really think the only criteria is just if your product is morally reprehensible. Yeah. You know, just stop. Like we don't need any more posters. I'm pretty sure that point's been made now. Yeah. You know, very funny. But you know, at the same time, like
You seem like trash human beings who made this so, you know, just stop. That would be my answer then. Yeah, well you'd be surprised at the amount of people who, like, I'm thinking off the top of my head, you know, like typical controversial games like quote-unquote with like GTA and things which aren't the worst games but then you get games that Rockstar, the same publishers of course, have released like Manhunt.
Yeah. And a lot of people saying, oh, when's Manhunt 2 coming out? And it's like, well, oh, no, it did come out. Sorry, man. Yeah, yeah. Geez, that's bad. Like, I just completely suppressed that. Like, a follow up rather sorry to that one. And it's like, oh, when's the next one coming out? And it's like, as you said, it's like a game that doesn't, not that it doesn't deserve a sequel, but it just doesn't, it wouldn't bring anything new to the table.
if you know what I mean it's like it wouldn't be something you would want to encourage as a sequel if you know what I mean yeah so no I totally agree and if it's something that's like not going to you know it's like presence isn't going to give anything to the gaming community and things then yeah yeah I totally agree with that and again like that would be a good chat tsunami like future episodes to just talk about those little feature a little a future tease there maybe
yeah foreshadowing let's just jump right into it so basically what we've done is we have both gone away and we have both chosen three separate games to talk about this subject so we've chosen two games that we would like a sequel to and you know like personal favorites and things like that
We have also chosen a game that basically we would not like a sequel to, but we'll save like that juicy, you know, that juicy hot take for the very end of the podcast or after we give our games of sequels we want. Yeah, Adam, do you want to kick us
Desiring Deus Ex and Banjo-Kazooie Sequels
off with your first one?
I certainly can do. It's a really interesting topic this one and I was really excited to talk about it. When you first brought it up, I was going through my memory banks of being like, what games do I love, but what ones have sort of faded away and haven't been in the spotlight for a good many years. The first one that came to my mind was the Deus Ex series.
Now, just to get off on, I've never played the original game, say. I never played the one that came out on original Xbox. I think it's like Invisible War or something like that, I think. So I never played either of those two, but I did play and I absolutely loved A Human Revolution, which was sort of like a, which is kind of a reboot of it. So it came out in 2011.
I remember rightly and yeah I just I didn't play until a good few years after that but I just really fell in love with it and I thought it had such an interesting and engaging story and I explored some really kind of interesting themes like transhumanism and other kind of things. So I was just going to say was that before Cyberpunk started doing it? Yeah so I just like I just loved human revolution I thought the story was so good and everything and I thought the gameplay it's just some of the most fun gameplay in any kind of like RPG I think I've ever played
Like for me, it's the perfect example of that kind of like player choice. And I know that concept has kind of been a bit done to death now. It's perhaps too prevalent. But for me, like I thought it is absolutely perfect blend of giving you the option of characterizing, of like customizing your character to be all stealthy if you want or to be kind of like a hacker or if you want to go down the full kind of action guns blazing route. There were just so many cool options.
to do any of those kind of things. They just made it such a fun game to play, and I really, really enjoyed it. I mean, there was a couple of stumbling blocks in the process. The Human Revolution was infamous for its terrible boss fights, which basically, the problem with them was if you hadn't customized your character into a kind of action, like gun-heavy one, then you were basically screwed because there was no options to be stealthy or to really hack or anything. You kind of had to engage in straight-up combat. So if you were like me,
and you made a really stealthy character, they were a bloody heart. They did actually go back and retroactively fix this issue when they released a remastered version of Human Revolution a few years back, and I think they added in options to accommodate players. You'd go for stealthy and hacking routes. So that was good, but it was a problem in the original game. But apart from that, they were just such fun games. I just had such a blast playing them, and I thought the gameplay was just
was just perfect and it was just this great blend. And I said, I really love the story. So Human Revolution did get a sequel, which was called Mankind Divided, which was released in 2060. The story was a lot weaker in Mankind Divided. I was reading some stuff and it seemed like they'd made Human Revolution almost to be like a one-off. They'd kind of just made it as a game, a separate game by itself. They never really had any plans for a sequel, but because it was very popular.
because it sold well and it was critically acclaimed, they decided to make a sequel, so you can kind of tell it's a little awkward, it's a little awful trying to get in to try to transition the story from Human Revolution to Mankind Divided, but you know, and it is weaker and it doesn't have the same, it didn't hold my attention like Human Revolution did, but it's still got some interesting themes in it, exploring ideas of kind of segregation and what kind of transhumanism which was interesting, and the gameplay was still great, it's not that great blend of gameplay, it was just such a
I just had like it was just such a like a solidly built game that I just I really just thought like couldn't find floors really when I was playing it I just had a lot of fun and it reviewed okay mankind divided I think it sold okay as well but it didn't sell well enough so basically the publisher who is... is it Square Enix? I think it's Square Enix.
They put the series on hold and the teams were transitioned to work on Tomb Raider games. It's not been cancelled officially, the game, but it's been on an indefinite hold now. They were saying they were waiting until they had more staff and the inclination, which makes you feel like we don't really have any plans to do anything else.
game series anytime soon which is a shame because I said I really enjoyed them and I think that as a core experience I think that gameplay experience is just so polished and so refined that I would just love to get another game just to play around and in that kind of with those gameplay mechanics again because I just think it's so well-designed and I think there is still interesting stories you can you can do it and I mean I would either love to see a kind of sequel like like almost like a sequel to the story of mankind divided like maps such as a conclusion
you know make it make it a trilogy just kind of round that kind of story arc off but even if they didn't want to carry on that story i would i would love to just say a totally new story with the same kind of gameplay mechanics and everything but i'd love to see a new story in the deus ex universe because the the mankind device sorry yeah mankind divided in human revolution are prequels to the original deus ex so i think there's the scope too if you wanted to like stay there or if you wanted to go beyond you know the
story of the original Deus Ex. There's plenty of opportunities there. So yeah, just a game that I, two games that I had such fun playing with. And I thought they did explore some interesting concepts and had a pretty, pretty good story over the two games. And just, I'm just kind of sad that it's on hold now. And I really would love to just see another sequel to it and just dive back into that world and just experience that, that great gameplay again.
And I mean, as you said, it's like such a massive world. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting like, you know, I was thinking of it in Star Wars terms where it's like Jim the Robot cleaner, a DSX story, you know? Well, yeah, to be fair.
See if they kind of made it like one of those indie games where it's like yeah I would play that, I would totally play that. I'd love to just play where you could have Jim the Robot cleaner has to can choose to like stealthily clean the building or he can be like all full like just like speeding down the hallways with massive like brushes just brushing up everything like rehacks other robots to do his cleaning job. I'd play the hell out of that game and I'd love it probably.
Well, you have to upgrade to hack the Roombas across the... Yeah, exactly. You start off with crappy little Roombas that don't get anything. You need to upgrade your hacking to get the big cleaning machines to come and help you out. I'm obviously joking about this, but I think the gameplay was just so well balanced. For the most part, there were a few exceptions. I just really had a blast. I just want more of that gameplay.
That is a good choice. Not gonna lie. Because after that I've only played like the beginning of it and I always remember playing like... is it Deus Ex Human Revolution, the one that came out in like 2012 I wanna say? Yeah, 2011. 2011 sorry. And I remember playing the beginning and I thought right okay I'm gonna like do a stealth build and then as soon as I stepped out I got caught immediately.
So I just went, I know, guns blazing. I was like, yeah, I'm not enjoying this game. It's brutal. Like, it is brutal. That's one thing I was like, you need to like, because it is really, really difficult when you're first starting out. But the great, what I like about it is that the more effort you put into it, and you do have to put effort into it, but the more effort you put into it.
you get to unlock like skills that make it just much easier and much more fluid so you can you can turn yourself invisible at points of your being stealthy or you can get like crazy like bomb art maybe that wasn't mankind divided but you can get your arms can launch like tons of like grenades and stuff if you want to go actually which makes it not much easier but you're right it is like you do have to put the effort into the beginning yeah after a minute i do have to play more of it right enough i'm just wondering do you want me to why don't you say why don't you say you're your first one okay yeah
Yeah, so basically this is quite, this is like a bit of a departure from the world of Deus Ex. But yeah, the first game I chose was Banjo-Kazooie and there is a bit of, I heard about it, there's kind of, not control obviously, like I'm not saying like Banjo-Kazooie's like hitting the tabloids or something. So the kind of story behind it was, as you may know, like if any of you guys like grew up in the 90s, like Banjo-Kazooie was like a massive
platforming game, it came out. I remember getting it by chance, I can't remember like if I asked for it but it was one of those games that my mum got me and I was like okay I'll play it on the N64, see how it is, I played it, absolutely loved it. Never really played much of the sequel, like I played bits and pieces of it but I still enjoyed it. After that, like after the second game came out there was like this long period of nothing from the producers. They used to be called Rareware, they used to be a company that only worked with Nintendo
and then they got sold off to Microsoft and then they became Rare. I don't know why they dropped the where bit of their name but anyway. Yeah they essentially they like sat on like their games for ages didn't make anything and then I think one of the first games when they came to Microsoft was like a lot of Kinect stuff like you know that like the Wii Sports kind of stuff for the Kinect.
the connector and then there was a trailer that came out and it was like showing how Banjo Kazooie was coming back to like the Xbox D60 and this was like 2008 was when the third game came out like everyone was hyped because they thought oh this is going to be a new Banjo Kazooie game and you know and I was going to say glorious 3D but it's already in 3D
you know it's like glorious graphics of the like 360. Like everyone was really excited for it because it was going to be this next like big platformer. And then you play the game and long story short the game is essentially a vehicle building simulator. Like they actually make that this is the really weird thing about the game. It's like so tone deaf and I could honestly rant about this for hours but
essentially like a long story short the game you begin and you're like Banjo is like a really like really fat and Kazooie's like hanging out the backpack and you're playing like video games and everything and they like make fun of the old games by being like oh no one wants to play platformers anymore they just want to shoot things and that was like when code was coming out so that was like
drawing parallels between that and it's like wow I never thought like I would get my gaming not controversy the gaming like commentary from bloody Banjo Kazooie nuts and balls I was just like is this game serious like it's just so tone deaf so after that there was nothing like after 2008 they just dropped it like a basalt and it wasn't until like
2000 and I want to say 19 or 20 where they released Banjo-Kazooie for Super Smash Brothers. Yeah like anybody can like out there. You can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that was the last like major or that's the first gaming cameo or gaming appearance.
since then which it just is weird because it is a game that was like massive and it had like such a big fan base that you know that Nintendo could like capitalise on and I have discussed this with like other people but yeah and I honestly have a bone to pick with Nintendo like they have like
massive franchises and they don't utilise them very well. And I think especially for Banjo-Kazooie, as soon as they sold it, it was kind of out of their hands. They didn't really do anything with it until it was sold off and then Microsoft took it and then they just put it on a dusty shelf.
See, the thing is, it's like you would think that because the gaming landscape is kind of changing. Because you know when we were growing up when it was like platformers were big when we were younger and then it moved on to shooters and then it was like sandbox games and then, you know, now technically it's kind of battle royale shooter games?
I mean, there is room there for another platformer, and especially with the nostalgia factor. I do think they could've. If they really worked at it, they probably could. I would like to see another Banjo-Kazooie, but as a... ugh, how to put it.
like you know like not as a shell of itself like not as a franchise if you know what and by franchise i mean like well we've got gregs the baker over here where they just kind of buy the rights if you know what i mean and then they go and set up their shop they do their own thing while having like the name
yeah exactly and it's just like oh it's just that strange but yeah that would be my first one so yeah what so i don't want to rush you like so your second game no no well i mean there's basically no links between the games that we're playing there's no unfortunate logical like like you said it was quite a jump from banjo kazooie to the deus ex i'm about to take us completely off the off the beaten path now oh i can
But I'm currently playing this game at the minute.
Darkest of Days and Timesplitters Sequel Interests
And I have to give a shout out. I don't know if he's in the comments or not, but I'm going to give a shout out to S. Banks who got me this for Christmas. Thank you so much. It is a blast. I'm absolutely loving it. But I'm playing this game currently. It's on Steam. It's called Darkest of Days. Have you ever heard of Darkest of Days?
I don't know I don't know why I'm thinking of do you remember that like was it Curse of the Druids or something where it was like the really iconic cover at the front or just like yeah I don't know why but I'm just thinking of like a cover with a guy in a cloak or something like stalking that. That's not the cover of this one. That cover sounds awesome. Yeah so I do have any, if anybody, if anybody in the comments has heard of this game putting in say yay or nay
don't know why that sounds familiar.
But yeah, so Darkest of Days, it's a shooter. It came out in 2010, developed by this company called 8MonkeyLabs, who I was not able to find anything really about. I don't know if they're still in business or if they've changed names or been bought over or whatever. But basically, it's a first-person shooter. And basically, the concept is you're a soldier in the American army in the late 1870s, and you take part in the Battle of Little Bighorn, which is this famous battle between the United States soldiers.
and tribe of Native Americans and it's kind of this group of American soldiers basically gets defeated and they're all slaughtered and you play as one of these soldiers but just before you're about to be killed during this battle this time traveler shows up and rescues you and brings you to this like futuristic lab where you then are told that there's this company
and it's called like Chronotech or something and basically their job is to ensure that the time stream isn't like affected and that every like people are in the right place and the events of history are playing out so they're almost like kind of like time police basically time cops or something like that it's not a famous Joan-Claude Van Damme film
But to make sure the time stream keeps on the right track. And so you're basically recruited into this organization. And you're basically told that two very important people have gone missing from periods of time. And so you need to get sent to those times to try and find them. One's gone lost during the American Civil War and the other one's gone lost during the First World War.
Basically, you jump into famous battles, you try and find them, and it turns out that as another group of time travelers, you're trying to mess with the time stream, so you're having to battle them as well. I said I'm about halfway through the game, and I know where the story goes, but it's this crazy time travel jumping thing loosely connected together. Honestly, it's just such a blast of play. The concept, I think, is just so fun.
I just think it's one of these concepts that's got such endless possibilities. The plot's wacky, but it's really engaging. There's actually some quite cool systems behind the game. They developed a complete new game engine for this one. And basically, the big focus is because they wanted to have these big battles from history. They wanted to be able to put a lot of characters on screen. So this engine can render up to 300 characters on screen at a time. So it does actually feel like you're in very big engagements. It's quite impressive. There is a good scale behind it.
And they have actually really impressive attention to historical detail as well. They put a lot of research into locations and weapons and things, which is really cool. But as well, there's points as well where you find yourself a battle gun. So one of your other time traveling buddies shows up and gives you this futuristic machine gun to mow down Confederate soldiers with. So it's just such fun like that. And you have futuristic shotguns that you're blasting German soldiers with and everything. It's that great attention to detail, but also enough of a sense of fun
They'd be like, yeah, here's a future weapon. Don't worry. This is this isn't going to affect the time stream. They're like mowing down like soldiers in the 1800s. You know, like 100 bullets of it and stuff. It is just I don't know. I just I just have such a fun blast. And I think the concept that I think maybe the one thing about the game is the time periods are quite limited and that really it's the American Civil War.
first world war and i think as well it goes it goes to the second world war then the kind of finale takes place in um like Pompeii uh which roman city like on the date of mount Vesuvius erupted um is sort of where the game ends so you kind of have those but a lot of time periods are quite close together and it's quite limited but i think you could the concept is was such that you could really broaden this out and you could just you could have people you can have players like fighting in any kind of
time period you know like there's enough ridiculousness there for you to be fighting i don't know you could go all the way back to the dinosaur times you know or whatever you want like you know middle ages dark ages you know you could go get roman greek whatever you want i just think there's a lot of like scope there to make like a game but again as i say like there was no sequel to this game
I think he left on a slight cliffhanger the story. I said, oh, I can confirm when I complete it. But there was no sequence announced. I don't know what happened to this company. I've never seen anything else about this game. This game came out, and then I think that's it. It's dead and dormant, and I doubt it will ever see the light of day again, apart from that. But you know what? It's a little gem, and I'm having a lot of... I love shooters, as you know. And this one is just a lot of fun to me, and it's just very creative.
I think it's a blast. I would just love to see more. I just think it's such an interesting, like, concept behind it that, yeah, I want more, damn it. Give me more.
I actually don't think I've ever heard a game that suits you to a tee. I know, this is almost the design of a game from me. It's all about history and it's a shooter. Even I'm thinking now, my God, just the way you would describe it there, I thought, my God, that sounds awesome. It's got science fiction as well. You're right, they designed this game for me. I'm just sorry that it took me until...
until a decade later to actually play it. Maybe if I'd done more at the time, more can come from it. I'll have to go back in a time stream and do something. It's like an alternate time stream where you're not in Chatsunami. My sole purpose is to get more of Darkest of Days and keep pumping the sequels out. I don't care about the cost. That horrible dystopian feature that's happened.
Yeah, it's like Terminator all over again. Yeah, I wonder what's happening there. I'll need to check that out after this. Is it a 2D game or is it a 3D game? Oh, it's a 3D game. It's a 3D game. Yeah, it's the first version. The graphics are... Again, you're trying to judge it by the times. I was trying to think what other games came out in 2010. I mean, it doesn't look as good as some... I think that was original Black Ops, wasn't it? It doesn't look as good as like the original Black Ops.
But still, I think it looks pretty good compared to like, you know, I've played a lot of other shooters that are, you know, kind of fit this of being like lesser studios making them and stuff. And this one is head and shoulders above any of those that I played. So, you know, I think it does look quite impressive for its time. I'm going to be checking that out after this. It is on Steam. It is on Steam. So you can still, you can still, I think it was released on Xbox 360 as well, but I've never been able to track, because I've always tried to track a copy down there.
but i'm not sure if it was maybe just a region thing perhaps it was just like north america it was only on see that it got released in europe yeah but it is not steep if you want to check it out it is on steep so if i if my mad ramblings and ravings and if you're like wow but if you're the other like
person in the world that's like wow this sounds exactly like the game for me then I recommend you go check it out. It's fun. I was gonna say this is the problem when we tried to play old games that we really want to play. I mean it was like the other week where we were talking about Deadly Premonition and I was like oh god damn it so like the next day I ended up buying the sequel so I was like yeah you know what yeah it's worth it.
that's totally worth it. Now that's a good choice and speaking of again smooth segues here I was kind of laughing when you were talking about time travel and shooter games because my next game is like along the similar lines. Oh my god there's actually a link here I actually just realised.
yeah so the next game and my final game that i chose honestly there's just so many games that we could talk about like wanting a sequel to but i don't know when i was kind of looking through a lot of the games it's like a lot of the games either have a sequel or they've kind of branched out into too much until like you know like a hideous Cthulhu beast of like different genres and things like i was saying this to you before this stream i was talking about like
the Sonic the Hedgehog series and things as like a game that we wouldn't want a sequel to and oh god yeah it's just because it's like branched out so much it's like hard to define you know you would have to like narrow it down to one series and everything and yeah it's just like it's a terrible autopsy of a game
But speaking of good games instead, one of the games I chose for games that I would want a sequel to was Timesplitters. Now, Timesplitters is another weird one. See when it came out? Did you play it initially? No. It was years after that I got around to it.
See, I was the same. So I was at university when one of my friends came to visit and they were staying over and they said, you know, let's go to town. So we went to town and we went to this secondhand DVD shop, or yes, DVDs and games, but we went to a secondhand shop called CEX over here. I still refuse to call it by what it's actually called, but anyway.
It's such a silly name but we ended up going there and I saw time splitters and he turned around and he was like oh you should buy time splitters and I was like you know £3 I don't know and he was like you should try it and I was like okay fine I'll buy it you know so I played the second one and it plays very much like
like, you know GoldenEye, the N64 game, like James Bond GoldenEye, it plays very similar to that but even then, like I absolutely loved it. Played it, I loved the humour, I loved like, see the settings jumping from like, place to place all across the globe and then I loved it so much and I played through it like, in a weekend I think with my friend and I decided, oh, they've got the sequel in there for like, I think it was a King's Ransom at the time, it was like £5.
But at the time I was like, I could buy half a Domino's Pizza or I could buy Timesplitters. So I ended up buying Timesplitters Future Perfect, which came out in 2005, would you believe? And it's like I was saying at the beginning, it's one of those games that I played, absolutely adored, absolutely loved it. And then I turned to my friend and I'm like, oh, right, so where's the next one? And he was looking at me like, I'm sorry, that's who, but there's no next one.
What do you mean there's no next one? I gotta have my time splitter's game. And sorry, just to kind of like explain what time splitter is, it is essentially, you play a kind of, it's not really as similar to Darkest of Days, it's more kind of goofy and over the top. It's basically you play a time agent, I think, or whatever the equivalent is to a time agent in the game. And you're trying to stop these aliens called time splitters who are just like wreaking havoc through time and space.
yeah it's just like it's kind of wacky humor over the top kind of you know comedy and things like that and i mean the shooting's not great but it's not the worst i've ever seen but it is more like the settings that really make it i would say and yeah i just absolutely fell in love with it but
until then I think they said that they were working on like a fan game for it but I mean that was like when I was still in university so like the early 2010s and everything yeah I mean it's 2021 now and they're still like there are rumors and like people saying oh you know the old developers are gonna get back into it because I think the old developers either went like bankrupt or they just stopped making it yeah they went they went into financials they went into financials
in 2009 then. It got bought over and I think that the new studio then got shut down and there's somewhere else now but I think then yeah it's basically gone.
Yeah, it's just the tragedy. I mean it is because it is like, see if you can play it, like to all the people listening out there, if you can play time splitters and you haven't before, I would wholeheartedly recommend it. I mean, the second one like gameplay wise doesn't hold up as well because it's like, you know, that kind of auto aiming when you point to someone and you just shoot from the hip and if you're aiming like down your sights, it's like a really loose
like crosshairs and everything like coming up on the screen and you're like, I don't know, I don't know. As I said, the setting and the story and everything, it just, it balances it out. And I would definitely recommend it, but it is definitely a game series I would like to see continued. I do think it has a lot of potential, especially like in this day and age, like having years for it to kind of sit there and, you know, like mull over like, you know, a fine wine kind of mature.
because there's so much you could do with it but yeah I don't think we're gonna get it anytime soon even the fan game or whatever the modes that they're bringing out I don't think they're gonna have anything I think it looks like it's gonna be like a remake of the original I think because I've never played the first time Splitter's Game
I've played the other two that you've mentioned. Yeah, same. I've never played the original, so I think it's going to be like an HD remake of that original one, rather than an actual sequel. That's the press. That is an excellent choice. Honestly, I feel wholeheartedly. I think as well, not only should there be a sequel, Times Players, but I think as well that Times Players 2 and Future Perfect desperately need remasters.
because they were never made backwards compatible with the I don't know whether this was the case with PlayStation or not but with Xbox they were never made backwards compatible so to play those original games you have to think out you have to have an original Xbox and I do have one but I've got limited space
So I've had to box it up and put it away, so it's just a shame that I can't just take the discs and shove them into my Xbox One and my 360 and just fire up that sweet, sweet action because they're such fun games. Both of those ones are such fun. I had great fun playing them when I was a kid. I went back to them later. I loved them. And I know if I shoved them in right now, I would have an absolute blast playing them again. And yeah.
actually I'm pretty surprised that they're not backwards compatible because they're definitely backwards compatible for the PlayStation 3.
Yeah, it's a bit weird. I think in the early days of the Xbox 360, they weren't motivated enough to get the original Xbox games. Like, you can buy some of them, but not all of them. I don't know. It's a weird one. Was that not the PlayStation's main kind of sale? Like, selling point rather, where it was like, oh, everything's backwards compatible with the PlayStation 2? That was the big thing with the PlayStation 3. I didn't remember that being the PlayStation 3 as well. Yeah, it was. That was a big thing.
yeah at the time and then it currently it's something that xbox has built on that you know that they've really pushed that of recent but for some reason like these two just never i don't know i don't know whether it's who owns the rights or whatever or i don't even know who i think it's a company called crytek or something i don't really know much about them so i don't know you know who they're affiliated with but it's a crying shame because those games are awesome and they deserve they deserve to be rehabilitated
So speaking of a very depressing point, I was going to say. Yeah, we're going to move on to probably like our game choices that we definitely wouldn't want a sequel to.
Games That Shouldn't Have More Sequels
So I'm going to let you like I know you've kind of been building this up for quite a while. So I'm going to let you take the floor on this one because I'm really hyped.
i'm hyped to hear what you have to say i was i was originally i was originally gonna gonna just take this time to lambast the assassin's creed franchise and say that it should die it should die a death but you know what like that is that's a very subjective and very personal just because i honestly found assassin's creed odyssey one of the most boring games to play ever like it just bored me and i spent like a good
Five months playing that game so that says a lot about me to be honest I need to find better hobbies, but like I just yeah But I know a lot of people do like this acid cream do like what they've become and you know what I was honestly thinking about it And I I felt like that they probably could entice me back into the series again You know it probably is a game that could get me back to playing
that series again so I won't say that but I was thinking about it and I thought what other ones could I go with and the one that just sprang to my mind after a while was I don't think they should ever make I think the Outlast and I know and then I just found out today they told me this series was getting as a sequel but I honestly think there should be no more out.
Outlast 1 is a really, really good game. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was thoroughly scared playing it. I know you probably felt very similar to when you played it. And it's memorable. And it is really good. But I have to be honest, Outlast Whistleblower, which is the DLC to the Outlast game, it just was not fun. It's kind of fun to begin with. But some of the material they have in there, it's not scary. It's just disgusting.
I'm like, what is it? What are you trying to do here? Is it just shock value? It's like these, it's like some of these horror films that just go for pure shock value. It's like, you know, you're not funny. You're not impressing me. This is just gross and disgusting. Honestly, like just makes me not want to ever meet anybody with making that game. And then I've not played Outlast 2, but from what I've seen and from what I've heard, it sounds like that was very much the direction they kept going.
is that kind of shock gore and like let's make it as gross and disgusting and like you know get morally reprehensible as we can and then getting towards this territory that I'm saying and I honestly just think unless they're gonna clean up their act have a good long look at themselves in the mirror and think right what are we doing here let's get back to making actual scary games you know that aren't just gross and disgusting you know and just shock horror I think that series should end
As I said, I did not know there was a third one coming out until you dropped that bombshell on me today. It remains to be seen. Perhaps they get themselves back into my good graces, but I don't know. I feel they found a lane and they're just going to drag their gory bloody entrails down it and just, I don't know, keep going the way they're going. So stop it. That's what I'm saying. Stop it now. This has been your PSA from Adamov Chatsunami. I don't know. He sounded like a Victorian schoolmaster.
and go to your room. Leave your nose in the exit. It's not cricket. Yeah. You know, I was laughing because I remember you did tell me that and...
So basically, they brought out Outlast first, and then they brought out Whistleblower, as you said, which I still haven't plucked up the courage to actually play. I think I do have it, but I'm like, do I want to stream it? Probably not. And then they brought out the second one, which as you said is just as gory. And then they kind of started re-releasing it as like a trilogy series, or they called it Outlast Trinity, I think.
that was like the bundle and yeah sorry continue the disgust she said no no no not at all but yeah apparently they brought out a trailer ages ago for it and it was basically i can't remember what it's called Outlast Trials and i think it might be like a multiplayer game it's meant to be set like before the start the first one but in the asylum or something
I don't know it's a really weird like concept but they've been teasing it for absolutely ages like I'll tell you how far back it went I think it was like last year the year before I remember seeing this trailer and it's you know like when people put like a really fake title for a video like they'll say oh trailer for Outlast movie or trailer for you you know that was the title for this one anyway and it was like right okay let's see what this like fan edit is and then I saw it and it looked like
It did look like Outlast. I thought, is this a fan film? What is this? And then it came up as like Trials and it's, yeah, like everyone's like, oh, when's it coming out? And I think it's one of those games that it's teased like far too early and then it just kind of never comes out. Like after the initial teaser trailer, there's like nothing about it. I don't know if there's been anything since.
I mean, I'm not like that. I like the first one, but I'm not that big a fan of Outlast. What's it called? Outlast Trials? Outlast Trials, yeah. I don't know. I don't know if it's... Maybe it's already been released. Like, maybe I'm sitting here saying, oh yeah. It's got this year as its release date.
I'm sure it was last year, although then again, because of current events, it probably would have got pushed back. But as you said, it was June last year, the teaser trailer dropped. So is it like you say it was going to be like a kind of multiplayer sort of kind of like a phasmophobia stuff?
I honestly have no idea because they haven't released, to my knowledge, they haven't released any gameplay footage of it because initially they were saying that it could be a VR game because all the characters are wearing these goggles over their faces, like a VR set. So that's what people are thinking, oh it's going to be outlast VR. And the only thing I remember is at the very beginning you're running away from a big guy with a
I don't know, a big axe or something like that. And then you see this, like, girl who's, like, standing on top of this barricade and she's like, come on, come on! And then you grab her hand and she gets, like, shot with an arrow and then you get cornered and you just get, like, chopped by the guy and it fades to black and then it's like, oh, that's trials! You know, get your free double XP code with DIRITALS, you know, kind of thing. Right, so it sounds from that like they have not changed at all their MO.
again it's just gonna be in your face shock so you know what again stop this now you had your fun seriously this is getting too much now oh god yeah i don't know if it will be like king of phasmo but
there won't be a subtle not so sure I think they've like drenched I think they've dug their trench and that IP of oh we are the shock game yeah well it's that thing as well like it loses its impact I remember seeing some I remember somebody reviewed Outlast 2 and they said like within the first like 10 minutes basically somebody had like
when the monsters had cornered them and had a giant axe and slammed that giant axe into their groin and pulled it out. Once you've done that in the first 10 minutes, where'd you go? You've literally laid all your cards on the table. How can you be shocked again? Oh, no, I got hit in my stomach this time by the giant axe. That's the problem with the shock. Okay, fine. You get that great initial thing.
if it happens again am I like oh here I go again. It's that kind of thing we said when we talked about the Five Nights at Freddy's. Do you have just thinking that yeah I was just gonna say that. Come on now again, on now guys. Enough is enough so. Yeah it's like the first time it happens or the first couple of times you kind of you're reeling from the shock of oh my goodness what's gonna happen next and then you realize it's just the same thing that's gonna happen over and over again and you're just like
As you said, there's nowhere to go with that. It's like, where do you go from there? Do you boost it up? It's all jumpscare horror. It's dumb horror. It's not to say there isn't a place for that more grotesque horror, but you can do it effectively and it has been done effectively before. It just feels like Outlast games aren't that at all. They're just like, it's just surface level shock.
I don't know like something that Resident Evil 7 had those kind of gross moments as well but I thought it integrated it quite well and you know like actually made like made a really good solid game in the way that I just feel like the outlast games just don't do that anymore enough cease and desist and I'll kick your doors down and give you a telling off
Yeah, so you're talking about like one of the most graphic horror games to date and you're going to go and give them a finger wag being like, oh no! Now I know where you lived! I thought we moved on from Silent Night Deadly Night.
No, that style is alive and well apparently. Oh my god, oh no. So moving on from graphic violence, because this is a very wholesome, family friendly podcast of course. Forget that, Emma. So do I, you know, especially after that one that we did on, you know, bad films. I think the family friendly Emma just went right down the tube in that one. I hope you put advisory warnings on that one.
I did, but you know what, if I haven't, feel free to go check it out. In case you want to see what we're talking about. But yeah, move on from that. So after a minute, I really struggled to think of one that I wouldn't want a sequel to. Don't get me wrong, there's loads of them. Initially I thought of
big blockbuster ones like Gears of War because I feel as if Gears of War is just stagnating at this rate. Like I played the fourth one, I played the fifth one and I'm just like no more. It's all the same things but now they've got robots. I thought the same or similar to Halo because like 4 and 5 are so similar. You know I was kind of thinking of those franchises but
But then I kind of got my thinking cap on and one of the games which might be a kind of hot take slash controversial view but I would say a game like Goldeneye for the N64 probably shouldn't get a sequel or like not a direct sequel and the reason I say this is because it was one of those games that
kind of defined an entire generation and there have been mods of it you know with like the source engine and everything and people have tried to you bring it back but i feel as if in that way if you do too much like you know if they're gonna say oh it's gonna be the next you know because technically they did to make a remake did they not they did yeah of golden eye 2010 or something like that they did with uh Daniel Craig yeah and it wasn't it wasn't well received at all was it terrible
because I feel as if with games like that like that was a kind of game that defined the whole genre during that time you know it's like and it's kind of on bubble like its own kind of capsule of this was a game back then that you know had its own mechanics had its own this and that and to then kind of be like oh yeah we're just gonna
Well, as I was saying with Banjo-Kazooie, oh, we're just gonna take the name and kinda slide it across. It's like, there's some games I think should be left alone, because it's like the Battlefield, sorry, Battlefront series as well. Like, I mean, the first two, absolutely fantastic. Then you play the, like, remakes, and, um...
you can't see it but i'm doing like air quotes with my fingers you know remakes or you know spiritual secret whatever you want to call it like the soft reboot whatever where they were trying to they weren't trying to build them what was already there which you know like if a franchise is you know taken over then you want to do something different but i don't know i feel as if like in that case they were just how to put this like very gently it was basically they were taking a dead franchise you know digging it up stripping its name off of it
and then slapping it onto someone else and saying, this is Battlefront now, or this is GoldenEye now, you know, it's like you want it to evolve. Because the only reason I've said, you know, because you might be thinking, you know, oh, why haven't I, you know, put Banjo-Kazooie in that kind of bubble as well? Like, because that was quite influential. But it's the fact that the mechanics kind of slowly evolved throughout the years. Like, same with shooter games, but I feel as if there's like a huge gap, if you know what I mean, between when GoldenEye came out
and what shooter games are like nowadays if you know what I mean. Like at least with platform and the same kind of core mechanics are there, you know like it's literally in the name you've got a platform, jump on it, there you go. Like they're not really, I mean obviously you'll get mechanics that kind of change it around but at the end of the day it's still the same kind of idea whereas GoldenEye and 64 you could kind of think
Oh, it's just shooting, but there was like so many small things in it as well. Like we got rewarded for like exploring, you know, like the dam and everything, doing like side missions. I don't know. Funny enough, that was made by Rareware as well. Same people- Oh, of course it was, wasn't it? Yeah. Same people who did Banjo-Kazooie. Yeah. But I don't know. I just feel as if I think that games like that- I mean, I don't know if you can think of any games that, you know, like were classics of their day, but should probably be left alone.
I suppose in that same vein, something like Perfect Dark, which they did make a sequel to when the 360 was released. I actually had one of the first games I got for my 360. I really don't remember that much about it at all, which I think kind of says a lot about the game. But it's that way. We kind of discussed this when we were discussing childhood games however many weeks ago that was when we talked about, I think to go back and play the original Gold 9 now,
you need a heavy, every dose of nostalgia. I don't think, if you've never played Gold Knight, you could go back and play Gold Knight. You can play it for any more than about five or 10 minutes. It is borderline unplayable. Just because of, and it's through no real fault, the only fault is that the game is that old. It's what was, you know, what was the technology at the time. It's not because it's a bad game, right? And it's clearly an influential and important game.
But it's just it's changed as you said, oh no change trends have changed so much here games have changed You know so much now that you know It becomes difficult to go back and we were talking about the difficulty of going back and playing the original halo Mm-hmm, you know, which is you know, which is now come up to be 20 years old this year You know, so what's what's going on 95 was it 96? Yeah, something like that. Yeah, so, you know, like nearly getting close to the 25 years now
Yeah, it must be. It's just of their time. And as I say as well, I just again, I don't know where a sequel for GoldenEye would be. I mean, the reboot showed that I think you shouldn't. Oh, yeah. Clearly it didn't work. And so I would agree. In terms of other games like that, it is interesting trying to think what other games there were of that time. This is where my civ-like brain fails me.
No I was just going to say like because at least because it's weird because you can kind of draw parallels and again like I know I'm talking a little bit about Banjo-Kazoo but bear with me but yeah it's like there's kind of two parallels with those games like you could both say that both of them were very influential
in their respective genres like obviously you know there were other games like obviously mario sonic and so on for platformers and things but i feel as if at least i don't know it's like on the one hand you had one that stayed relatively the same like banjo kazoo like you know still the same idea of exploration and things and
As soon as the drastic shift in 2008 came out, there was no reason for it, almost. It is. It's almost like having Gold and I turn, you know, in 2008, Microsoft buy up the rights and say, oh yeah, we're turning that into a cooking sim. And you're like, wait, what? No. Why would you do this?
which yeah and it would be connect exclusive or something about you and you'd be like how do you how do you come into how do you come into my house and take away my games the day of my daughter's wedding yeah
It's true though, it's like just such a drastic shift but it's like there is like such a kind of... so this is what I was thinking of because at least with Banjo-Kazooie because the kind of the mechanics hold up so well like a couple of weeks ago I was on my channel streaming Banjo-Kazooie and I think I got up to like... I got a good couple of levels in like I streamed it for about three hours I think I want to say three, three and a half hours maybe
Maybe less, but you know, like a good couple hours at least. And it showed how well the game held up in 2021 that I could play it for so long. I mean obviously there's like some jankiness, it's not a perfect game but at the same time it wasn't a game that I kind of went away from thinking, oh that controlled terribly. But I remember years ago, again about the same time I discovered Time Splitters, I said to my friends,
who came to visit me. I said why don't we play Goldeneye? As you said it did not go well at all. Like we played it and he was just... because he didn't have a 964 growing up so he was just so confused. He kept saying to me like oh I don't know how to do this. I'm like will you press that button? Oh I don't know how to... you know he just wasn't enjoying it at all. And then a couple of years later we played another game which
Again, it's kind of a similar one, but it was the game called Golden Eye Rogue Agent. And I don't know, have you ever played Golden Eye Rogue Agent? Yeah, I used to have it. I used to have it. I used to quite enjoy it.
Yeah, so I used to have it for the GameCube, and funny enough, I think it was a memory issue, but it came on two discs. So it was like, you know, we play half the game on one disc, and you had to take it out and insert the other disc to play the second half of the game. Yeah, I remember that game being really good.
at the time like I played it for hours, enjoyed it and I remember seeing that in that secondhand shop CX and I said like to my friend at the time oh we've got to buy this because it was like dutchy but it was like a pound or you know 50p or as like the student metric apparently is these days you know like one tenth of a domino's pizza apparently
But yeah, I got it and I put it into the PlayStation 2 thinking, oh, I can't wait to play this, I can't wait to show this off to my friend. And then, bam. It was like, what pixel is James Bond? You know, like, the graphics did not hold up, the gameplay was even worse. And it was so, like, disappointing.
you know it's like one of those games it's like if you've had that where it's like you recommend something you love to someone and then you kind of realize that it hasn't held up as well as you think it would. Well I had that experience you were a third party witness to this one when um I don't I'm not gonna say I like forced S-Banks to play the original Halo but I think I heavily encouraged him to play the original and I believe he had a very very bad time with it
which led to some fractious arguments between me and him, but I'm over it. But it is that way. It's always one of these things you need to put advisory warnings on, be like, oh, play this game, but remember it's 20 years old, or things have changed. It's funny because I was trying to think a bit more about your question about any four games
like from that time that they shouldn't get sequels or whatever. And I think there's a lot of games that can have sequels, but I think you need to very much evolve with the times. And the thing that came to my mind was Doom, Doom 2016. So Doom, obviously a classic first time of the 90s and everything, but that is a game that's very, again, you can have fun with it, but I think it's one of these games you need to have some sort of
history with perhaps like I don't think it's something that if you went and somebody played it with no knowledge they would find probably that enjoyable now at all they'd find it very basic and limited. I mean it's a game I've never really played but it's the Duke Nukem series. Oh yeah. Where that was a game that as far as to my understanding it's a game that was really widely beloved everyone loved it when they came out and then all of a sudden they tried to bring it back
with a kind of, I don't know if you would call it a reboot or a sequel. I would assume sequel because it was like trying to follow on from the old games but then a lot of the choices, like a lot of the infamous choices that they made in the game just kind of sullied the experience of it as a whole. If you know what I mean, like nobody thinks, like say when you say Duke Nukem, what do you think of first?
I think I think of maybe one of the most morally reprehensible characters and I think of the horrific choices on that alien mothership level which I've not played but I've just heard about it. Why did anybody approve this? Why did this get through to the stage of being developed?
Yeah, exactly though. It's like you think of the infamous ones. And I mean, it's the same with a lot of games. Like, look at Sonic. Someone says Sonic, they immediately think, oh, Sonic 06, they don't. I mean, maybe they'll think you're the original game, but more or less, Sonic 06 is gonna come up in conversation. Same with Banjo-Kazooie. Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts is gonna come up.
you know like people are gonna kind of gravitate towards those negative ones and just before like we kind of wrap up I'm just thinking like this is a kind of like final question for you do you think that a sequel does have the power to kind of sully like the good faith of the first game to an extent to an extent I think it can
I don't think, I mean, okay, I think it depends on the quality of
Impact of Bad Sequels on Originals
the first game. I think if your first, if the first game was genuinely good and is a lot of fun and playable, I don't, even if the sequel is a steaming pile of trash, I don't think it will completely sully the first experience. What it might make you do is it'll make you sad because you might either be like, Oh God, I remember what I'm trying to give an example now, but you know, well, Halo is a, Halo is a fair point, I suppose.
You'd think, God, how did we get to here? Some of the Resident Evil was a series that was going in that direction for a while. When you got to Resident Evil 6, you're like, God, you think back to the great one. You're like, how the hell did we end up here with this dumpster fire? So again, it can certainly bring a game series reputation down. But it depends. I think if the first game is just OK, then perhaps a sequel can just destroy that as well.
but i don't know i think if your original game is strong enough it can survive it can survive you know the destructive power of a sequel i don't know it's as you said it's kind of like a hard question to kind of think about because i think probably the less games that a game has in its like library you know like juke nukem for example that has what two games before it uh yeah i think i could be totally wrong you can also technically you can also play they also released a download for that game bullet storm
oh yeah where you can the main character is replaced by juke nukem so technically i don't know if you want to count back yeah and then the juke nukem games
you know, in the technicality. But yeah, it's like, because there's not as many, I think that's the same with like, a franchise like Gears of War. And I know I'm kind of picking on shooters here, but it is like, kind of... I mean, I suppose it's the same in a way with Pokémon to an extent. Like, I mean, again, this is gonna be, this'll probably be like a Chatsunami episode on its own, but I feel as if like, a franchise, like big franchises like Pokémon haven't really done enough.
and i don't know whether that's again it's back to that idea of is it just like stagnation is it just they want to churn out these well obviously they want to churn them out as fast as possible to get the money and those sweet sweet loot boxes and other games but in terms of pokemon it's like
I feel as if now they're getting to that stage where the sequels that are coming out are starting to almost outweigh the good faith of the originals, if
Stagnation in the Pokémon Series
you know what I mean. And don't get me wrong, that's a highly subjective point from my side. But I mean, I don't know if you heard about the whole controversy with the new games like Sword and Shield. I knew some people didn't like some of the choices.
yeah it was like they were I mean don't get me wrong it's not gonna like affect them in any big way but it's starting to get to that stage where it's like people are kind of I mean obviously you get people who deny it they're kind of like no my favorite franchise can't be bad it's almost like Stockholm syndrome with certain franchises it was like me with um pink gears of war probably I was playing the third one and personally I think it's mediocre and
you play judgment and it's like it's still good it's so good and then you know you play like four and five and it's the same with like Halo you play four you think i'm not a big fan and you play five and it's just that good faith of or maybe they're just building into another story and then they just drop the ball
Same with like Pokémon as well, it's like they had, the thing I think it is, it's just this like squandered opportunity that they had like all these resources and things and they had like a plan laid out for what they wanted to do and they just kind of said, I mean I don't think it's entirely like I don't want to say oh they're just being lazy because you know it is, it's people like that have been working on this at the end of the day but whether it's like
you know, whether it's just like time constraints or whatever, it's just that it's something that I think is going to be a stain on like a franchise going forward. Yeah. To the... Oh, sorry. Oh, no, sorry, you keep going, sorry. No, no, I was just going to say like to the extent that the sequel
kind of becomes more famous or infamous than what it originated from. I mean look at time splitters, that's an example of the complete opposite where you and I have never played the first one but we've played and it's the same with like, I don't know if you've ever played St. Trobe. I've only ever played the fourth one. Yeah apparently it's the same for that where a lot of people enjoy the second one more than the first one. It's a bit like
it's a bit like you're the fucking bad boys too. It's like that's the one you always hear about. You never hear about just the first bad boys, it's always bad boys too. And it's the same with like, you know, it's like time splitters too, that's the first one. It's never like, you know, the original time splitters or if you do hear it then it's kind of like the, you know, the exception to the rule and things. But yeah, that's an example of like a game where, yeah, like
if that's your first game coming into the franchise then yeah that that's a positive experience but yeah you can get the complete opposite as i said with like junica and more it's as you said it's depressing watching a series that you loved for the longest time just go down the swanie and it's like how could you do this to me how could you do this
I was just thinking, it's almost like one of the adrenaline responses, almost like that fight or flight thing. It's that way, does a disappointing or bad sequel, does that make you want to go back to the original games and to the comfort of them and be like, oh, I can remember when it's good? Or does it make you just want to flee that game series and raise it from your mind and never touch it again? I suppose that's just...
It's going to be different with different people in what response you have, how that Bad Sequel does affect your opinion of the series. Now that's the thing, so one of the things I've kind of picked up on with streaming older games and kind of going back
back to older games, you forget. You've got the rose-tinted glasses and the nostalgia around the old games, and then you go back to them and you forget. There's a lot of mechanics that you've gotten so used to in the franchise, like in the sequels. Especially with Pokémon, there's so much that they just cut out completely.
And you go back to the old ones thinking, why doesn't no one play these old ones anymore? And then you go back to play it, which is good for a one-off. I will say that. It's good for like one playthrough, but then you play it and you're like, yeah, I can totally understand why people don't play this anymore. Which is a shame, but yeah, it's just the idea of them just like evolving and moving on really, isn't it? Well, let's say, you know, it is a growing experience, I suppose, and I suppose it does depend on what
what point of your life you're in, you know, and what you like and how your gaming tastes change. It can also be a factor, I suppose, as well. So yeah, again, it's just a subject. I feel like so many of these topics we discussed, again, it's such a subjective thing. It kind of comes with that warning of being like, you know, other opinions are available. Man, just sequels. You can't live with them and you can't live without them. Because either way, one of them is going to disappoint, isn't it?
Listener Suggestions and Animal Crossing Sequel Consideration
yeah if they don't come it's disappointing if they do come it can be equally disappointing yeah before we like wrap up we actually got a couple of viewers sending in like games that they would want sequels to and actually i want to get your opinion on some of these so creating who you might know from the being chill podcast i am aware yep awesome awesome podcast awesome person
He has put in the Discord server. He has said... Actually, funny enough, he was talking about Pokémon as well, but he said he wants a Pokémon red-blue sequel, but in the style of black and white, too. So that is quite interesting, actually, because do you still keep up with, like, the news with Pokémon? I'm going to have to defer to you on this one.
It's not a series I know very well. I'm gonna quickly look up some pictures just so I can see what black and white looked like. Gameplay side, just so I have an idea. I'm just looking at it now. I was gonna say, you'll just get like a really grainy black and white photo Pikachu in the top part in the monocle. What the heck is this? Yeah, black and white were the last games that used pixel art in the games, so this was like
This was like before they moved from the DS to the 3DS and they started getting fancy with the graphics and when they moved over to the 3DS they got rid of like sprites completely. It's a really weird choice because they keep saying oh because it's 3D they want the you know they want the not realism because it's Pokemon but yeah they want the like models to show off like the hardware and everything.
I personally, I personally prefer the sprites because I feel as if in black and white they had this perfect balance where the Pokémon actually moved along while you were battling but it was still in that pixel art, it was still in that nostalgia. It gave you like a sense of nostalgia but at the same time doing something new which was really good and then yeah they just got rid of that in Generation rather 6.
Yeah, as it's Generation 6 where they've got all the models that are just lifeless and it's a weird stylistic choice that they've continued with and apparently Pokemon Sword and Shield actually use the same models from the 3DS games.
Yeah, that was the thing they were saying that they were going to make new models and things. So these, you know, Pokemon and they didn't, they just like copy pasted a lot of them over. Like, I mean, there's one thing if you are going to copy and paste it, but at least don't lie about it. Not that it's going to affect them, but another one he said, which I'm on the fence here. I want your opinion on this. Simpsons Hit and Run. A sequel. Yeah, a sequel to Simpsons Hit and Run.
It's a difficult one. Yeah, I personally would say I'm not. The only reason I'm saying this is, again, it's like that bubble of me thinking, oh, this was a great game when I grew up. And then I played it on stream for like a celebration stream and I got to like the final level and I nearly threw the controller out the window because I was just so angry at some of the design choices. Yeah, I don't believe you.
yeah it's just yeah sorry for context you have to like drive from like point A to point B across the other side of the map like carrying like a very fragile thing of nuclear waste in the back of your car so if you get bumped then it blows up so you have to go back and collect more when I got there it's basically you have to part your car underneath the like this UFO long story it gets sucked up but as the car's getting like sucked up to the top
the timer still goes down so like I got to one second and just as it was about to touch the UFO it timed out and failed me on the mission and that made me very very salty to the game. I feel as if if they are doing a sequel then they have to overhaul a lot of things first. Or make it more in the style of did you play the Simpsons game? Oh yeah the the kind of one that was like it was the one they kind of like referenced let's say pastiches of like a lot of other popular yeah yeah and like Pokemon but there's a
They had a Medal of Honor bit, didn't they? Yeah, yeah. No, they did. Yeah, no, like something like that, maybe, you know, like obviously with cars, but I would rather it was something like that rather than them doing like a remaster or a reboot of it. I mean, maybe a reboot would be better than a sequel, but, you know, like something different than the court. Like I feel as if it's had its day. I think that's where I'm leaning. I was going to say I was going to make the kind of philosophical
I don't think I want to see a sequel, but I wouldn't mind seeing a reboot. And we had that discussion before about how much, because obviously they do to an extent overlap to points, but we said more, we were trying to talk about sequels as opposed to reboots. So I would go for that. I don't think I want to see a sequel, but I would take a reboot.
I'm definitely the same. So the other two that you mentioned were the Devil May Cry series, so the rebooted Devil May Cry series, which after that I've never played it. That's the one that the fans didn't like, isn't it? Is that the one where he has like a different looking character and stuff? He has like... Short black hair as opposed to the kind of like long white
yeah i think yeah i think you're right in that one yeah it's like two players i think you can or not two players but it's like two characters you can play as oh okay or something that could be totally wrong but i'm assuming that's the one he's talking about i feel i feel awful i maybe i'm the i'm probably the worst person to have here because i've never played a devil may cry game
No, neither have I. And I really don't feel like I'm accomplished enough to say. I mean, what I will just say is it's bold to pick that one. There's just the hate that I remember hearing about when it came out. But, you know, if it's a good game and you like it, then I don't see why it shouldn't. I don't see why it shouldn't get a sequel. I mean, could it not be like its own sort of thing? Well, within the overarching Devil May Cry series, could it not be like
alternate timeline or whatever you want it to be so yeah go on make a sequel yeah well i'm assuming that's the one he means because he said devil may cry and then putting brackets the reboot one by ninja theory so i'm assuming that's what he means um i think that is the one i think yeah and the other one sorry just as the final one he says bloodborne which yeah i mean i've never played bloodborne either but i've seen more than my fair share of other people playing it to scare me off
It's definitely not my cup of tea, but I can see why people would want... because I mean there is, there's been like Dark Souls or... There's three Dark Souls? Yeah, there was like three Dark Souls and then there was Bloodborne, which... then again, I don't think there actually is a sequel to Bloodborne, is there? There's no sequel to it, but I think there probably should be. From all I've heard, it's a really fantastic game. I played a little bit of it, I actually played a little bit of it.
breaks back in the back in the day and again it's it does not totally it's one of these games it's not completely my type of game it might well be if I I've tried Dark Souls a couple of times and I've not reached that point where it's clicked and I'm like okay I could totally get into this and but yeah I like it looks like a really good game so yeah maybe more definitely a sequel oh yeah stamp of approval
Bang. That was a stamp of approval. And the final one we have from Marta, who has said that she was a sequel to Animal Crossing. Well, they'll definitely be. They'll definitely be. Does she mean, does she mean like a direct? Here's the question, because I know there's been a few different, there's been a few different. Oh yeah.
but like a direct sequel to New Horizons is that a one like so it's like more kind of the island based gameplay yeah and stuff like i mean i would take it oh yeah same animal crossing horizon was my game of 2020 always the game i played for the majority of the year oh maybe like most of the world which is a video gaming world it was our lord and savior during during all the lockdowns well our lord and savior tom nook
Indeed, yeah, it made me pray forevermore. So yeah, it's a fun game and I'm sure they will make more because, you know, it's a good franchise and it's very popular and I totally get why. Tom, I still have nightmares about him.
Reflecting on Podcast Success
So yeah, thank you once again, Adam, for hoping on to another episode of Chats and Army. No, thank you so much for having me. It's a lot of fun. I'll keep coming back as long as you have me.
I was going to say, would you believe this is episode 9 of Chatsanami, which is actually insane. Nine episodes since we started this. I mean technically I'd love it if you count the two ones that I did with other streamers, but yeah, like 19 core Chatsanami episodes, that's crazy. So we're going to need to up our game next week and do something really special. We're up to the challenge I'm sure.
I believe in us. Yeah, we'll be going back to the drawing board. I mean, like, what can we rant about? So, yeah, if you would like to follow more of my content, you can follow me on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Twitch under the name Satsanami42. I am also on TikTok. I have no idea how it works, but you know what? I am doing my best.
So yeah, if you want to check me out there, I am in all of those places under the name Satsanami42 where you can find me. Until then, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly, stay hydrated. Bye guys, bye.