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Clone Wars Series (2003) Part 2

S1 E23 · Chatsunami
276 Plays3 years ago

In this episode, Fraser (Satsunami) and Andrew (Greenshield) dive back to the year 2003 to discuss the second volume of the iconic Clone Wars series created by Genndy Tartakovsky. From the valiant heroes of the Republic to the sinister villains of the Separatists, the duo discuss how the show was instrumental in sparking interest in what would become known as the Clone Wars.

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Introduction of Hosts and Episode

Welcome to Chatsunami.
Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of Chat Tsunami. I'm Sat Tsunami, and joining me today to end the Clone Wars is my very good friend Andrew, who you may also know is Greenshield95. Andrew, welcome back. Glad to be back, Sat Tsunami. Yeah, it's always a pleasure to have you back, and I'm glad you weren't scared off at the last episode. No, I had a lot of fun last time, and I'm looking forward to...

Discussion on Clone Wars 2003 Series

continue talking about a show that I really like and I've since rewatched since our last podcast episode so I'm pretty excited to talk about part two. Yeah because the big news of course today we're talking about the very popular show I was going to say Iconic which it is Iconic isn't it? Cult classic. Yeah cult classic. I think it's kind of so today of course we're going to be talking about the second part of
the series Clone Wars 2003 of course which was created by Gendy Tarakovsky. We are basically going to be talking about the second part which I have to say would you say part two is more memorable than part one?
When I was younger, I mean the two parts kind of blended together. I think both seasons have incredibly memorable sections. I would disagree. I wouldn't say that it was necessarily more memorable. I'd say both are very interesting and both have very distinct parts, despite the fact that one kind of leads into the other.
I think probably the biggest difference is one of them is, so part one is more episodic. Like there is like a story going on in the background but there's a lot of like kind of side stories going on at the same time. Like as we said last week we had Mace Windu going off to fight the giant hole punch. We had two Jedi creating their own lightsabers. You know there was all that kind of side stuff whereas now it seemed as if they were just making one
Kind of many movie, really. It did seem that way because, as you say, it was much more episodic in the first section. There was a lot of world building, a lot of kind of exploring sections of the Star Wars universe that we hadn't really covered previously. For example, you're saying about the lightsaber building and various aspects of the world. And then with part two, we've got one kind of long story.

Analyzing Anakin's Character

It jumps from back and forward to different characters a little bit.
But it's the same as part one where we were meeting dozens of different characters. This one mainly focuses on Anakin, also some views towards the Jedi Council and various other characters like that. And I have to admit, although this is a very... at least half of the series is a very Anakin-centric.
series or sorry Anakin-centric part of the series. He does not get any better does he? Like as a character he's like still quite, he's still stuck in episode two Anakin where he's quite whiny and he's like especially at the beginning when he's still a Padawan and he's very much like I don't like the council they want me to eat my greens and you're like just
There is an element of that where you see him meeting up with Padme, which is a very kind of awkwardly done scene. If I have any negatives of this series, it would be particularly this scene where Anakin is being followed by Padme, and then they reunite, and then for some reason 3PO arrives and then flashes them, his body. Yeah, with the saxophone music.
Yeah, exactly. It makes it very sexy 3PO, like stupid sexy 3PO. Yeah, it is something that... It's like, you know how people say, it's the one thing I never knew I wanted? This is the opposite. It's the one thing I never knew was a thing, but now I know it exists. I don't want... I wanted to go back into the idea box.
but I feel as if. I think the other reason that scene probably, I mean other than the fact that why would they meet in like a weird alley, is the fact that this part just starts so strong and again I probably am going to fanboy about it but I'll let you describe it otherwise I'll be here for an hour talking

General Grievous and Star Wars Ship Designs

about it.
So as we left off in part one, General Grievous had just overwhelmed a group of Jedi, both Padawans, knights and masters, and completely destroying them. And so that's how we left off in part one. And part two starts with clone troopers getting prepared and flying into a system, flying low, destroying some droids as they go by, dropping some detonators, but they don't explode them just yet.
Talk to each other briefly, tell the orders they'll split off into their various duties, run through, and then they come out to the light, and you see that only one of the Jedi masters is still fighting with Grievous. The others are down, and it looks like Grievous has the upper hand. They both stop, Grievous glances over, and after he glances over, the clone troopers just release all fire at him, and he looks like he's genuinely like, uh-oh.
and runs away which is so interesting because at no point ever I feel do we feel like these kind of ground troopers are like a threat to the Sith to the Separatists and it's a bit like how you never feel like the robots the droids are a threat to the Jedi
It doesn't merit running away or retreating due to the fire. They usually just jump over and slice them up, which is what happens later in the series. But you can see General Grievous is concerned here and realizes he's just lost the upper hand and has to retreat slightly. It's really well choreographed, really well orchestrated. You get to see the transport ship, which I know you're a big fan of. Oh, I love it. For all you Star Wars fans out there,
I think it's L-A-T or something like that. It's just basically like a flying transport ship for these clone troopers but what they've done is they've like painted on like a suppose like a shark mouth on it or space shark technically with like the eyes like painted on and it looks so cool like I'm like very big into like tabletop painting as well
and I had a similar ship that I actually painted using that same design because I was like, this is just so damn cool that I'm not gonna pass up on opportunities to paint it on. It was... Yeah, I remember you posting that. It looks really cool. And what I think is most extraordinary is that ships like that, transport ships, the bulky ones, are never cool. If you think of the sleek ships, particularly in Star Wars, you think of the X-Wings,
or TIE fighters or something like that, you don't think about a transport ship as having any possibility of being really cool or something that you'd want to have a replica of. But they've managed to design something that just looks so interesting. And it's not just a transport ship. It has the guns on it, and it's a threat in itself whilst transporting these elite troopers. I mean, there is a great moment in that scene where basically,
as you said before, these arc troopers. So, sorry, kind of backtracking to what you said before. One of the interesting things is the troopers and the droids, of course, as you said, are basically cannon fodder. They are to kind of be consumed in the action, but when you find or when you get introduced to the arc troopers, you know stuff is about to go down. You know things are going to get really serious.
so when they arrive they put up a decent fight because they've got like so much fire power but then Grievous manages to close the distance and he takes out a couple of them to which the captain just turns around and says you know back up now and all of a sudden i love this scene so much because he says back up now and all of a sudden their transport ship just bursts from just nowhere isn't it and then and with it
Within seconds, I always thought this was remarkable, because there's no possible way that it was ready to be moving forward, exploding and going through within the second he says that, but it just works so cool. And there's this point where you're looking for the point of view of the ship at Grievous with the two lights pointed at him, and the ship and Grievous are kind of like staring at each other, and just for
a long enough lingering second that you're just like, what's gonna happen? Fires off all its gunfire as who starts running from it. Because I do like the kind of subtext in that scene, which is something I never really thought of until I re-watched it, but it's the fact that this ship
obviously it's got like the big eyes and the big mouth and things almost as if it's like a giant predator so like if you go back to like the finale of part one you see that Grievous was the predator he was the one like stalking his prey and you know like picking them off one by one basically toying with them just so yeah exactly but now and well to kind of quote like a less favorable star wars film there's always a bigger fish
But I mean in this case it is, it's like this huge thing, this huge ship that has got them in the spotlights. And I love, see the kind of subtle movements if you look at them, like he twists his leg behind as if, like he's half thinking how do I get out of this and half
oh shit I'm about to get blown up because yeah as you said this thing just starts laying into him and starts firing and then eventually manages to escape or no he doesn't manage to escape he manages to get out of there just enough so that they can escape even though Kiyadimunde who is like one of the remaining Jedi who survived wants to get out of there or sorry wants to get him but of course the art troopers are just like no no we we have to get out of here we are going to die
And when the art troopers are saying that, it's like, yeah, you better listen, because this isn't going to go well for you either way. And then to end that scene, the troopers hit the detonators they dropped previously, which creates an explosive wall for them to get past the surrounding droids that are waiting outside.
which just looks so awesome, just the animation on the individual explosions going down the line and they fly through the smoke that's created, really cool. And then the last thing you see from that scene is General Grievous standing out into the opening, staring at the ship flying away, and just tells them, run, Jedi, run, and says you have only prolonged the inevitable.
and Batwing Grievous was cool. The line is just so good and what you'd said in the previous episode that in the later series he becomes more of a mustache twirling villain and is to be frightened of of Grievous in this series how terrifying Grievous is that even he defeats this entire Jedi group and then he has the clone troopers coming to support them and to rescue them but they're still frightened and trying to get away from him
And after all that, and after they've escaped, he still has the confidence to tell them that they've prolonged the inevitable, that he won't get them kind of thing. Which is, it's so badass, it's so cool, and I have very few villains, and especially in like cartoons, kind of matched that kind of confidence and just frightening energy.
Because this is the thing, and obviously we can definitely fill up a chat tsunami about the 2008 series of The Clone Wars, but I feel as if with each other. I'm sure we will. Oh, absolutely.

Anakin's Journey to Jedi Knight

There's so much content there.
but like with Grievous, I mean I'm just going to talk about him now because he is definitely one of the highlights of this part. Like especially at the end of the last part and then the introduction of this part because as I was saying in last week's episode Grievous was designed to be like this Jedi killer and I think like they did an amazing job of characterizing them because I don't think George Lucas really like explained what he wanted until after the series was made and then as you said like
He went from being a Jedi killer to just being a coward that ran away. And it's like, even in the 2008 series, there's the episode where it gets taken down by Gungans. You know, just really stuff you kind of look at when you think, is this the same character between being this
unstoppable Jedi Hunter that makes people fear. I mean even later on in the episode, actually I thought that was really clever. So sorry, before I go on, the series or this part is split up into two. So you've got, on the one side you've got the invasion of Coruscant and on the other side you've got Anakin's like spiritual journey. Of course not featuring Johnny Cash as a fox, subtle Simpsons reference in there.
Among other little side stories that are there, but those are the two main ones. What we get to explore is largely Anakin's journey from Padawan to Jedi Knight. We discover that this is where Anakin is knighted as a Jedi Knight. That he loses his stupid rat tail thing and goes off with a lightsaber. I think everyone sighed in relief when he got rid of that stupid hair.
I think that is probably the reason Padawans try to become knights, just to lose that braid. Oh god. The rat tail just did not aid. And it also raised a lot of questions. A lot of don't have hair. They had. They didn't represent that they were a Padawan.
They actually do address that in the 2008 one. I'm putting on my geek goggles here. Oh yeah? You know Ahsoka doesn't have them, but she's got like a metal braid. She's a metal braid? I guess I hadn't noticed. Or it's something that hangs off one of her things on her head. Her hair tentacles. Tentacle things, yeah.
I know they're called something but for the life of me I can't remember but yeah she's got like a braid thing so she's got like a substitute for it which is probably a lot nicer than they're at to you like you would probably be wishing you were like a Mon Calamari or something like that I guess it would be hard to say because we're not that species of alien maybe like for her like oh this is so awkward I hate having this kind of thing it's like a bit rude
Well, I mean, and again, they're not technically humans. So they may think the rat tail is cool. Seems hard to believe in any kind of species. So what you're saying they're like space weeps, essentially? Pretty much. Yeah, sure. Why not? So we we see Anakin gets dubbed Jedi Knight, and then there's a bit of a montage of what he accomplishes
after becoming a jedi knight where we see him defeating various like troops in through space space fights and jedi on the ground he's like freeze a bunch of other jedi from some like bubbles and he take and there's this the scene that starts at the montage though is a huge fleet of uh of droids and a commander who's like a weird like southern u.s accent sort of claiming uh that it will take thousands of jedi to take on his his force of uh of droids
And then the droid says, the Jedi coming, and he says, how many of them? 1,000? And he says, no. 80? Which I like to jump down from 1,000 to 80. And then he said, no. And then he sort of took the binoculars, and so it was just two. And it was Obi-Wan and Anakin. Then all of a sudden, they just get a bunch of ships just fly in and start shooting, which I feel like was a big defensive error on their part that they wouldn't have seen that coming. Yeah, I think in terms of the 2003 series, that it's the rule of cool.
that applies to it. That's definitely the rule of cool. It's like, even if it makes no sense tactically, it doesn't matter. As long as it looks cool, then they'll just throw it in. There's so many moments like that, but we'll get to that. I think that's part of

Clone Wars as a Bridge Between Films

the reason why Disney didn't mind
throw a series under the bus a little bit when it came to deciding what is canon and what isn't. Then they decided this series is not canon because a lot of it is purely aesthetic over content. The show looks amazing. It's so cool.
Some of the ideas are fantastic, but the actual layout of what's going on a lot of the time doesn't always work, especially in the grand scheme. There's some things that work fantastically well and do act as a very good bridge between the second and third prequel movies, but there's large elements of it that are lacking in terms of content. Before the 2008 series came out, there was
you know this was considered to be the like definitive bridge between episodes two and three like so much so that apparently in some places they actually showed this in the cinema before episode three here i can't remember if it's just the second part of the show all two hours of uh
of the show or did they like... I think it must have just been the second part but there was apparently there was some cinemas that did show like one of the parts if not all of it as like a kind of feature before the last part came out because I mean remember that was like the last Star Wars content that we were getting for a while from 2006 to 2008 when the Clone Wars came out but didn't really pick up. There wasn't really a mainstream like movie until of course later on and about
Was it 2010? 2011? I can't even remember. It wasn't even 2015. 2015 even. Jesus, the time is just flying. Yeah, it was like that was really the definitive, um, up until, as I said, up until 2008, that was like the definitive, I suppose, gospel, where we could believe that General Grievous was a badass.
As we mentioned previously, there was a three year gap between the second and third prequel movies. And this came out in between that time. So it was the only content for Star Wars between those movies. And so for those who are sort of hoping for the next one, and again, I was I was young at the time, so I don't know the general mood if people were excited for the next movie or if there was a bit of a reluctance given the percent of
And the second film. I'm just trying to remember myself. I think people were still excited for it, but thinking the perspective of a child, you know, like I don't know how long term Star Wars fans felt about it, whether or not they might have thought, oh, this is great or this is, you know, like I've heard it was kind of soured after the second one.
or Attack of the Clones, it was kind of severed after that because that was probably, I think it still is, one of the least well-received films in the series. I think it's the least well-received. I do still think it has merits, which many people won't, but there are lots of them that are incredibly dull.
Which is why I suppose when the Clone Wars came out that it was just this breath of fresh air it wasn't like about. And that's the thing though, because I don't want to pretend that Star Wars is like a thing for kids. I think that argument's kind of null and void when you see
decapitations, political talk. I mean I think it's probably a series for like all the family but I think at the time that is definitely what the action of it is definitely something that kids needed at the time to kind of get them a bit more interested. I mean obviously you had the action scenes in the second film but I mean this is just to coin a phrase bolster the walk crazy and I mean I suppose this is quite a good time to like go on to
like the major action piece so as we said there's like two separate stories there's the Anakin stuff which I'm gonna be honest like what did you prefer see when you like watch this part what did you prefer did you prefer like the after we get by the beginning stuff and then the montage did you prefer the Anakin storyline or did you prefer the invasion of Coruscant?
I guess I always preferred the Invasion of Coruscant because it typically had more interesting fights. Re-watching the Part 2, just as I did today, on Disney+, in fact. It's now on Disney+. Disney+, please, sponsor.

Anakin's Spiritual Vision

Please. I need the money.
Um, I did, I did start to sort of appreciate the Anakin storyline a little bit more, partly with like a spiritual journey that Anakin takes. And he sees a vision of these like Aboriginal people where a dark
kind of entity is attacking them, a warrior fends off the dark entity, and then the dark entity kind of like, takes his one of his hands, and his hand suddenly becomes very strong, and he's like, oh, okay, I have a very strong hand now, he starts defending his people and defeating all these monsters, and everyone's loving him.
But then the Dark Entity starts taking over him a little bit, and he starts attacking the people he loves. And Anakin sort of seeing this and getting frightened, and then the Dark Entity kind of forms what can be interpreted as Darth Vader's mask. And I never fully understood the message it was going for younger, when I was watching this when I was younger, rather.
But this whole idea that Anakin is seeing someone who is gaining a dark power, which might initially seem like helping someone to better their loved ones and better their life, suddenly sees that it hurts their loved ones and can be detrimental. And that's the spiritual journey where he's seeing inside of himself, whether he passes the test or not. I'm still unsure what they're suggesting whether he passes or not, but presumably given the events of the later Star Wars, he doesn't.
I mean, if that particular scene in episode three is anything to go by, then... Who are any of the masked Arnekin? What are we going to do? Hey, check out my hand, kids!
they did not pass. In the words of another person who described that scene, they did not pass the vibe check. But yeah, I know what you mean. I don't know, I always felt that scene was a bit on the nose, where it was like, oh, this guy's got a robot, or this guy's got a horrible hand. It's like, oh, I've got a weird hand as well.
But that's, I don't know, I see what they're going at, but it just seemed a bit too on the note. But then again, I suppose if this is directed more at kids, then... Yeah. No, I mean, it's not exactly breaking bad. But it is for children, but I do understand what you're saying.
The thing that I think is a little bit clumsy is equating his robot hand to the dark hand, because the robot hand doesn't really aid him more away than the force does. So I don't fully understand the analogy there, but they're making a big deal about his robot hand, the whole scene where they're meeting this Aboriginal group who have been apprehended and being experimented on by the separatists.
I mean, it's an interesting, like I can see what they were going for because I think the whole side bit with Anakin and Obi-Wan is something that the prequels unfortunately didn't give as much of, that of course being their relationship. Because you know, like at the end of the Revenge of the Sith
You see Obi-Wan yelling at a burning anakin, which again is a weird saying, you know, you are my brother, I loved you. And you know, it's like, it's a shame we never got to see that in the films. Whereas, although it's kind of limited, because in the first part of The Clone Water,
first part of Clone Wars. It's basically Obi-Wan chastising Anakin throughout the entire thing saying, don't do that, don't do that, I told you not to do that. But then in part two, they become like a lot more friendly. They become more like friends. Yeah, they're always like hand in hand against the threat and there's a weird bug eating scene.
Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking there. Where like they're, they're like, like two, like it's like one of those like, um, shows with like two cops, two can't get along, but happy partners kind of thing. Yeah. You're a rogue, you're a menace, but you're the best damn Jedi we've got. Pretty much. On your badge and your lightsaber.
here if you could take the lightsaber. But yeah it's I mean it's good in that way and one of the other things like I really like about this series as well is although it's so short I do love the ambition of it it has to kind of fill in the gaps that the prequels like failed to do. So for example we had that scene as we were saying with developing their relationship and I think they even say that behind the scenes that that was one of the intentions but one of the other cool things we see is the rise and
subsequent domination of the Separatist army. Like there's a whole montage scene of that where they're just like marching through settlements and yeah just basically wrecking stuff. You even get like a, I think a brief cameo on Kashyyyk which is like the Wookiee

Rise of the Separatist Army

planet. I still do not, like I love the designs and things but I don't know why the Wookiees always are up to me the wrong way whenever I saw the design. Was that part was that part two? I guess I hadn't I didn't notice that that scene
It's basically where they do like a really good job of it. It's like a montage where it's, well initially it's like this Wookie. I don't know if it's supposed to be Chewbacca. I'm not trying to say all Wookiees are Chewbacca. You're talking about the young teenage one or are you talking about the older one? Not the older one, not the older one. Right, yeah. Because he would have been older at the time.
Yeah, what I love is it pulls off this massive blanket of vines and it's just a tank sitting behind it and then they all start rolling and it's like, how did nobody notice this before? I mean, it's a cool scene. Hiding in flame sight. Yeah, again, it's like the rule of cool. There was probably just a droid at the side just holding a leaf in front of its head.
as are that kind of logic, but yeah, you just see it like... Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, be
It sounds like, it's not Greedo, but it sounds almost like Greedo. Oh no, it's not them. No, that's Rodians, but I know what you mean. Oh, yeah. No, it's like blue kind of puffy. They basically look like marketable toys, essentially. If you sold a toy, you'd have a war-stricken alien just put it in your child's Christmas stocking. But yeah, you see like the reflection in the eyes of like the Separatist army marching through like the burnt-down city. You see like
other native species just getting trampled by them and then there's one scene where you see a clone army that have just been surrounded and taken prisoner and it's like it is interesting that they showed that side of the war. They don't just see it as all the republics winning from strength to strength and considering the time limit they had for this
Obviously the 2008 Clone Wars develops it a lot better, but they had like what, seven seasons to do that in? And like for... it's a bit of never, isn't it? Yeah. This whole part too was just over an hour.
And so they have very limited time to convey what's happening. Yeah. I mean, I think they do a great job considering, like, they've only got an hour. And they're just like, quick, throw in the scene. And then, of course, it goes into quite possibly one of my most favorite meme-worthy scenes where Yoda's sitting, like, meditating. And then he opens his eyes as if, hmm, something's wrong. And then he opens his blinds and there's just, like, a whole arm.
I won't say British robots. It is just so ridiculous that no one raised the alarm to try anything going until he opens the blinds. I also took huge issue with this. Oh, I thought I was hilarious. I could learn something. Oh, it's very funny. While we're on the topic of bemables.
I feel remiss that we did not last time mention Count Dooku's Indeed. Of course. Because for those of you unaware, essentially Count Dooku arrives on an alien planet. This is where he meets the side ventures for the first time. He gets off his spaceship and this like, I think it's a female alien. Yeah. And starts speaking in their alien language.
And he listens for a little while, and then replies, indeed. And it like it's so I don't know, maybe other people find it as funny as I did. But every time it just cracks me up, that just just this like deadpan, indeed, to like, where we clearly didn't understand what was happening before.
I loved it. That scene never failed to make me laugh when I watched it when I was younger. I was just like... I mean even today it's just so relatable just having this alien language spoken to you and just like... indeed. That's it. There's no development for it. It's just like he says that and then he moves on. But yeah, like...
Yeah, I don't know what's worse though. Like, the fact that Yoda doesn't notice until he opens his blinds, or the fact that Mace Windu comes in two seconds later and says, the city is under attack. And it's like, well, no shit. Have you seen outside? It's like we're pouring the weather. Yeah, exactly. It's like an utter massacre. It's like, oh, well, why would you...
that is just such a cool action piece and then of course it's kind of subdivided you've got one side of it where you're focusing on the just basically the the republic trying to repel the separatists and you even get a very cool scene which i absolutely adore this character so it's a clone trooper or an art trooper called captain Fordope who he dresses in like the white armor but it's got like red um
he apparently that's the same character so like he's in the first one where he blows up a cannon with his teammates and then he really kills off one of the other main antagonists he fights Grievous and then in this one it's like he's getting overrun by droids and he like single-handedly like takes out half of them before he orders them to fall back and it's like jesus yeah he's he's just like he like stands there he's just like every direction just nailing down people and he makes it out which is just
It's something where you would just be seeing these faceless characters being overwhelmed and destroyed, and you wouldn't think anything of it, but they make time to show that this commander of these countries is himself a badass, that he holds his own against these droids, sending wave after wave of men, that they're drained and they can actually make an impact.
And there is quite a cool scene after that where, like, later on the Jedi end up saving them and, you know, basically getting them out of dodge. Now they basically save them and there's a scene where the Clone Trippers ask him, they say, he says like, oh, push up on the right and they say, well sir, what about the left and they're like,
oh the jedi have the left and then you cut to like Yoda and Mace Windu just absolutely destroying them. Mace Windu is well returning to like punch things like at one point he just punches a super battle droid it's amazing there must there must be some sort of like jedi kung fu no no it's his fist
there must there must be a term for it that i just don't know the name of but like super superman is supposed to know like five kryptonian styles of comp of like hand-to-hand combat um yeah equivalent as well they probably will be but it's just as awesome i think that is definitely that is one of the highlights for sure that scene when they're trying to repel the army
but I think that side of the story comes into its element when we return back to the, basically to one of the survivors of Grievous' attack, Shakti, and she's accompanied by two other Jedi who try to get the Chancellor Palpatine out of his office, and that is one of my favourite scenes as well where
He's so confident.

Palpatine's Overconfidence and Grievous' Tactics

The Chancellor is so stubborn, spoilers for Star Wars. Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord in hiding, but from the way that this show depicts it, it suggests that lots of the Separatist force aren't aware that Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord.
Grievous treats Palpatine in a way that suggests that he doesn't like this Chancellor and that he'd rather kill him. So I think his suggestion is that he also is not aware. I think he's not aware. In fact, no, he isn't aware because there's actually a line of dialogue at the very end that highlights that. You master wouldn't want you to harm me.
Yeah, no, it's, I think Riva says that, he says you're lucky, my master wants you alive or something, because I think he would have ended him, or tried to at least. I think so too. He's just like, oh well, I tried. It would have been very awkward if the separatists killed their leader. Yeah, that would have been a big oopsie daisy.
I mean that was Dooku's plan, dude. Why am I blanking on the Emperor's name? Sidious. Darth Sidious, yeah. The Dooku's plan was to defeat Darth Sidious eventually, which is kind of a safe kind of model that you defeat your master. I think it's almost like expected, and so he's always bringing a new padawan who would eventually then succeed him. That's a bad business model.
in this way and it's a bizarre one because essentially the whole idea is they can only really be like too Sith at a time because of all the infighting but they can be like many Jedi and like regardless of how strong the Sith are you feel that just puts them at such disadvantage that there's no way they should be winning yeah something something it's the Force
yeah that's the way they explain it in the film so yeah i'm sure that's the reason like going back to like the kind of that scene where Sidious nearly gets or sorry Palpatine nearly gets sitting ground up into Mosh there is like one really amazing moment where
Shakti comes into the office and as you say it's like Palpatine is very confident he's like sitting there with a cup of tea and he's just you know so overconfident that the fighting's too far away and then she hears like the sound of Grievous walking on the roof yeah and she becomes terrified I think that was a really nice touch and you know she says like you know come back because she fought him already yeah and she was familiar with his like sneaking around
and hearing almost as scaffolding as it was in the first part, and how she got easily defeated by him. So she's terrified of Grievous, and she just wants to get Palpatine out into the safety bunker. But he's so reluctant to leave his position. I think largely because he wants to be captured here. I think that's his whole plan, that he's intending to be captured.
Yeah, it's like, oh no, I sure hope no droid generals try to capture me just now. I said!
I mean it does lead to some awesome action scenes afterwards though and I think it is something like this is something we were saying before like last week where Genji really takes advantage of basically the characters and the scenery when it comes to these action like they basically pull away the chancellor not before he gives them like a like an earful he's like
Now see here, I'm the supreme chancellor and you know, they pull him away and they have to drag him out and... It's the use of like, we were hearing Grievous walking above them. Everyone was like quiet and scared and then all of a sudden it goes quiet and the chancellor goes, stay, there's nothing to worry about. And then you see Grievous' head. Oh, that's amazing.
down, which was kind of comedic in its matter, but at the same time very frightening, and just blasts through the glass knocking the Chancellor to the floor, and then there's this confrontation between the two of them, and the Chancellor maintains trying to like, gold the bad guy, which is just so short-sighted, I don't know what he was going for there, like it was completely ridiculous. I just love how composed he is, like I know all of his face has blonde, but I do love how composed he seems. He's just like, Nazi here, young Jim.
I'll give you a bump." You know, it's like, he's just very like, how dare you? You know, how dare you ruin my perfectly good cup of tea? It's not something they say it is, but you know, it's like, that kind of attitude of, you know, I'm the supreme chancellor and all of this, and Grievous is just having none of it. And he's very Mr. Burns energy, I feel. Pretty much, yeah. He actually runs like Mr. Burns as well, if you notice that at the very end. Like when they're running into the bunker. I didn't feel like that because a lot of the time he was being carried
No, look at the very end. It's like he's running with his hands out like Mr. Burns. It's really funny. But yeah, I do like after the escape, there is another Jedi who, I don't know what the alien species is, but I have seen it before. It's basically like a slug person, isn't it?
a brown one that like has a pod-shaped head yeah and i really like that character they they don't have any lines i don't believe in least in our language but he's he's really badass and then there's the kind of furry one who makes like 2d noises yeah
They can't hold their own for a large part of it. And there's a little fight scene. Because you've got Grievous, and then you have his armed guard kind of thing, who are droids. But have these staffs that are like Taze staffs that can also fight against lightsabers. And so you've got hand-to-hand combat fights with these droids in a train station, with all these various high-speed trains flying by. And as a train's about to come, you jump off the tracks and that kind of stuff.
The whole fightcography is really interesting. The use of the scenery is fantastic, and this fight is going on, and then they managed to get away from the majority of these droids, but Grievous is still fighting as well. I grew up to sort of capture them when Shakti ties his cape to a train which flies away, which reminds me of the Incredibles of no capes.
Exactly. It is, it's just so well done though, that whole fight. I mean, even before that, one of the highlights is, as I was saying with that slug alien, it's when they say that he's got four throats or something like that. Whether or not that's been established, I don't know, but because of that he uses some kind of force shout.
or something so it's like he sends it like a projectile force to stop Grievous like the first time like the second time this alien uses that force out or whatever it is he destroyed all the things behind him but Grievous adapts into it's like you know one of those memes where people like tuck their arms and their legs into the one t-shirt that's what it looks like where you just put arms like this like i don't even know what you would call that like a battery a bin
like because he talks his head down like a turtle and he just starts like running towards or like moving towards them and I mean even before that you've got the guy who decided to fire a bloody RPG or not RPG but a rocket launcher and a lift yeah and then like smokes out the lift that was a very good choice yeah that is prior to the train station scene where he's like running alongside the building like building I just love how calm he is when he does that he sees Grievous and he's like not again
fires, it's like, what the hell? He's like a load, just like a casually loaded rocket launcher and it fires a guy next to him. But I mean that like eventually of course leads on to, like this is the thing when I was younger, like I was more, as I said, I was more interested in that than the Anakin story. So it was like after they managed to, as you said, tie the cape onto the train,
and throw him away to halfway across the city. I think it cuts back to the Anakin stuff and I remember just being like, oh no, go back to the Grievous stuff.
When are we going to get to the vibe or expect to hear that kind of thing? It's like... How many Simpsons memes are we going to fit into this episode? Clearly not enough. Clearly not enough. Eventually they get to, I think, basically the underground, isn't it? Where they're like in this tunnel.
and Shakti decides to sacrifice herself to General Grievous's magnaguards or bodyguards and fight them off and I think she manages to hold her own actually which is really cool and that's a cool fight but then of course the plot to us being that Grievous is waiting for them for the Chancellor and the other two in the bunker in the bunker how do you go in that I don't know you know you know what it's like it's like in the Emperor's New Groove yeah
or they get to Edma's secret lair and they're like, how did you get here first? And then she turns to Cronk and says, how did we? I don't know, this math makes no sense. How could you possibly have gotten to the bunker first? Even if they did, where did that train go at high speeds?
Okay, you would you would you would think that he cut his cape. Oh, yeah Yeah with with his lightsaber like pretty immediately, but regardless There's no way he should have been able to get down there Prior to them because they and I took issue this later as well because they took like a high-speed like train thingy Down into the bunker and then he runs down there later. I'm like, well if she's able to run down there What was the point of the train?
See, there's not a lot of security in that bunker either, cos you would expect there to be someone there waiting for them, rather than Grievous. It's a worse reception. It's like budgetary issues. Probably. It's like the Republic are fuddling. Well, no, that makes sense. They're probably there.
for the Empire. I was more meaning the show's characters but yes. Oh yeah sorry. There may have also been budgetary concerns. Oh right yeah that too. No I thought you were actually meaning like Palpatine was just like no we don't need security in the secret bunker it's like wait what?
I think you do. Because otherwise shit like this happens. Yeah, I think that's actually the very first time we realise that Grievous has four arms. Because in the finale for the first part, you see he uses his feet, he uses his hands, he just uses everything really to fight off people. But in this, it's like a really well done scene where he's got the two in kind of like a stalemate where they think, oh we've got the upper hand.
you know two jedi against this one guy and then all of a sudden you hear the click of his wrist and he just like reaches down with these other arms to get the you know the lightsabers and just like with a flash that's it they're gone and it's just it's it's so insane it is like really well done because you don't even see him cutting to them really which he wouldn't really want to but you know it's no again again this being a children's program yeah of course damn it
but paying that and again we're jumping back and forward a little bit but the scene where Grievous enters into the room where Palpatine was and there's a bunch of clone troopers in there who start firing at Grievous and Grievous sort of jumps over the shots and where I was saying earlier about how
the troopers are a genuine threat and they, like, Grievous was a friend of them. Grievous very easily jumps over them here and you see them switching through them, you see actual lightsaber slashes through them and at one point you see the helmet shatter and you can see their jaw. Which is pretty violent for
for a children's show generally. I think the reason they're able to get away with that is a similar reason to why they can destroy droids because they're faceless. They're able to act as cannon fodder that they can be killed in slightly more gruesome ways than people whose faces we can see. Yeah, I can imagine how that meeting went. It's like, Disney, why are you putting a helmet on me? Disney, why is my face covered?
Disneyland if you're a lightsaber? At the time it wasn't Disney. Oh well yeah. George, why are you putting a helmet on me? Cartoon Network? Why are you igniting your lightsaber? What's going on? It's like the of mice and men. I was about to say. Tell me about the womp rats, George. And that's it. And that works well with George Lucas.
Yeah, I'm patting myself on the shoulder for that one. Good job. Good job, Sato, good job. And of course then that leads to the, well, the relatively final scene where, of course, Mace Windu manages to just get there, crush General Grievous' chest using the Force. And for the longest time, everyone was like, oh, so that's why Grievous coughs up until the new CGI series, where it turns out you just did that all along. And it's like, oh.
There's like no cool reason behind it anymore. He just like comes in and he nearly gets him. Which is a really kind of gruesome scene. Oh yeah. Because you see like Force Choking in the original series Darth Vader Force Chokes is underling.
and and it's a very kind of like evil thing using the force to crush someone's body part with a neck or whatever seeing Mace Windu do that to his chest you were like oh my god like Jedi can do that but Mace Windu can do that I think
Yeah, I think he can do whatever he wants. I mean he literally punches droids in this and then he flies another droid through the air. I think he can do whatever he wants. He is definitely OP in this one. Speaking of OP a little bit, in the defense of Coruscant you do see a bit of Master Yoda and his die force abilities where he initially lifts up probably about 50
of those, like, roly-poly badge. Oh, yeah. I can't remember their names. He lifts them up like a wall for the enemy ships to fly into, so he's both destroying them and the ships that are flying around, which is cool. And then, like, these, like, giant ships start coming in, and he initially pushes, like, tanks back into one of the ships, then starts sliding that large carrier ship back into another ship.
the force for two that are in the air just to collide with each other so he's like demonstrating force powers that i don't think we've seen ever to that extent i think that's probably the biggest thing we've seen someone move with the force in any star wars property
I think you're right, because up until... I suppose up until like, Force Unleashed, like the video game spin-off, like up until then, I think it was very... Yeah, it was very limited about what they could do. Like, they could lift, like, fighter starships from... Yeah, we saw Luke lift his X-Wing up. Technically that was Yoda. Was it?
Yeah, it was like, remember he tried to do it, but then he failed and then Yoda just does it and he's like, ta-da. Oh, I guess that's a Mandela effect for me, or rather, it's not a Mandela effect, it might just be me remembering. Unless he does it in another scene, like Yoda does it and then it's a dick and puts it back in again and says, no you! It's like, I don't want it.
Insurance is gonna pay for swab damage twice. I mean actually speaking of ships, like very briefly, did you ever notice that? Like there's another kind of scene in the defensive chorus on where they show you like a quick space battle and the amount of ships there is ridiculous. Like you go in and it's kind of hard to see like what's a star and what's a spaceship because it's like you see them like going into
the atmosphere of the planet. And it's like, you see all these like white dots and you're like, oh, there's a lot of stars here. And then it kind of zooms in and it's like, why is that star a triangle? Why is that one good droids coming out of it? And you're like, oh my God, these are all ships. And again, it's going back to what I said last week about like part one, that it's just the scale of it, isn't it? Like it's real. It isn't a huge scale. And that whole, the whole scene is very interesting where you're seeing troopers like flying through space. Like they're,
they're not like in a ship they jump off of their ship to land on onto the deck of another ship in the um later more recent movies there's in the in the i think it's just the most recent movie where we see them like riding stuff the outside of a ship in space which i don't fully get but that's that's that's another discussion oh yeah but you're you're seeing them on the outside of of a ship which i don't think you'd seen before
in space, on the outside of a ship. So it was a very interesting scene where they board an enemy ship, they get into it, the commander with the inverted horns, maybe not inverted, but the horns facing downwards, gets in there, captures the ship, and then has them fire the guns of that ship into another enemy ship, so they're firing on their own ship kind of thing.
And so you are getting a very kind of unique kind of perspective of what else is happening in this world. So what we're saying in our previous episode of Bruce Park, we were seeing like what's happening across the universe from various different Jedi and clone troopers and that kind of stuff. We've got limited aspects of that this time. But we did see we do see this particular character and like what he gets up to.
which I feel like I would love to see more of him in other properties. I'm not clear what happens to him, but he's very interesting. And we also see him in the Jedi Council, where we seek the likes of Kit Fisto. And I think this is the first time we hear Kit Fisto talk, where he's a very cool dude praising Anakin as to how great a fighter Anakin is. And then we see the Dr. Seuss snake creature Jedi, whose name you...
mentioned previously to me. No, I sent you the Wikipedia article saying they survived Order 66. That's right, he like hid away and did nothing. Yeah, I was like just as surprised as you were when I saw that. I was like, I wonder what happened to him? And then I was like, oh my god, he survived. He freaked me out to no end when I was younger.
His fingers like curled but that they could like uncurl when he wanted them to so they could be like super long but there's like like resting they would just be like curled in and it was very like the Grinch. Yeah. They had a lot of weirdos in the council. No wonder it fell apart. That's all I'm saying. No wonder it fell apart. The Republic was doomed. The Republic was doomed when you had a literal snake on the council and two Yodas. Oh yeah there's like female Yoda or something isn't there. Yeah I don't think her name is.
Okay, fair enough. Which is something you will never know from watching the films. Nobody says what's up yaddle or anything as a Wikipedia task. Yeah, that leads from, as we said, from the space battle in Mace Windu, you know, crushing a poor guy's chest then, to

Transition to Third Movie

Anakin and Obi-Wan, of course, finishing their mission from
stopping the Techno Union from basically from exploiting the natives and they get the message that Coruscant is under attack and you get like the music that's starting to build up where Anakin starts saying battle stations and then it leads into like the very beginning of the third movie Revenge of the Sith yeah where it just leads perfectly into that and then it just ends and I think it's a very good ending
That is done fantastically well. I think the way that they leave it as just like before what is about to happen in the third movie. As I say, this series had been going on for a couple of years in the interim period between the second and third movie.
And so this is just prior to the third movie coming out. And so for those who were watching along as the series came out and then went to the cinema, they were able to see that what they just saw in this cartoon series is now happening in this live action movie.
And it really kind of makes it rather elevates the cartoon series to something that's worth watching when you're able to say that it has genuine impact on the events of the movie. And why I was a little bit upset when it was deemed no longer canon.
because it did feel like such a good companion piece to the prequel movies. Because whatever you think about the prequel movies, I think that this series aided in making them better. A lot of my interest in the prequel movies stems because of the lore that was created through this series, no longer canon.
There seems to be a lot of properties from Star Wars, unfortunately, that like, while cool, especially with the series, I'm totally with you there. I feel as if the Clone Wars, or not the Clone Wars, but the 2003 series is definitely something that, even at the time, the prequels needed to supplement it. Because you can complain about, you know, how bad the Clone Wars, and I don't mean you specifically, Green Shield, sorry.
You know, you can complain about how bad Attack of the Clones is or whatever. But I mean, on the plus side we've got the series out of it. I wouldn't say it was a win-win situation, but it's definitely something good that came out of that era of Star Wars. And I mean, if anything, it's just a nostalgic action piece, isn't it?
It is. It is purely just something that I enjoyed as a child and I've rewatched and I still enjoy it today. It's a fantastic little companion piece. It's fantastic content from the Star Wars universe. And I would probably say that along with the Mandalorian series that came out on Disney Plus over the last couple of years, these two properties are probably my favorite Star Wars content, including the

Admiration for Clone Wars Series

movies. I rate these
at this show and as well as the Mandalorian, which I'm sure you will talk about in another episode of Chatsunami. I would say these two properties are the most interesting that this franchise has created in a long time. I've said it already but it's a shame that it's no longer considered to be of importance to the series. I suppose it's the fans that keep it alive. Yeah and it's the fans who condemn whether or not it's canon to them and it remains canon to me.
I decide that Grievous coughs like that because Mace Windu broke his chest, that Anakin went through his spiritual journey and the troopers are acting the way they do through evidence of this series. The characters are cemented through this show as opposed to through other properties. So just as a kind of closing thought, would you recommend this show?
If it's not apparent already, I love this show and I would recommend it. I'm so pleased that it's now on Disney+. It was on YouTube, so you could previously watch it on there, and if you don't have Disney+, you can still probably find it on YouTube if you look up Star Wars Clone Wars 2003. It'll be split into part one and part two as we had previously watched it, but if you do have Disney+, I watch it today, and I think the quality is better on there. I think the animation quality has been, maybe had a revamp, maybe they did a remaster of it,
So I would recommend, if you can, to watch it on there. And yeah, I would say it's a fantastic piece. Whether you like Star Wars or if you're a bit middling on it, I think it's still worth a watch. Yeah, I think it's definitely a series. If you haven't already watched it, go watch it. It is definitely worth it. The only thing I would say as a closing thought, don't let Qui-Gon Jinn's nose put you off the series.
We didn't talk about that. That was such a random scene where I took issue with that watching the interview where I don't know what point that is supposed to have taken place because as far as we've seen, Qui-Gon can interact that much more in the Phantom Menace. So do you want to explain that scene just quickly? So there's a scene very early on in part two where it's just like 60 seconds where it's just Qui-Gon Jinn and a very young Anakin, confirmed the Phantom Menace.
in like a swampy forest area, then there's a tree, and presumably it's the same tree that we see in, I don't know if it's the fifth or the sixth movie, or one of the original trilogy? Yeah, the fifth, yeah. Skywalker goes in and fights Darth Vader, which then turns out to be himself.
And he has this whole spiritual journey, so presumably it's the same sort of spirit tree that he's interacting with, and he's very scared to go in, and Qui-Gon says that he's going to have to do this, and he sends him into the tree to go do whatever. And that's it, that's all we see. And I remember being very confused when I was younger about this, and I was wanting to see what happens if we're going to see more, but that never came up again.
unclear what the reasoning for that scene was and where it takes place in the actual franchise. Were you able to interpret it? I'm assuming it's either a dream or a forced vision. I mean that's the way they usually explain it away, isn't it? It's just a vision or something. But they had no grounds to show that. It didn't show Anakin waking up from it. It did show Yoda waking up from it though. Do you know what?
Do you know what I think it was? I think it was probably because they already drew the scene and then, although they thought it made no sense, they were like, listen, we've spent so much time drawing Qui-Gon Jinn's nose and just face that maybe we should... I know I'm kind of going on about this, but honestly, the first time I saw that scene, I was just like, whoa!
like what is going on here in the animation department because overall the animation's great, like it's so fun, it's so fluid and it's like very stylised but just how unseen it is. I would actually be interested in knowing what the frames they created for the show was because I was actually looking a little bit harder at the animation today
there were like sections where a usual show wouldn't be showing the degradation like a helmet is stepped on and the shattering pieces sort of flying out and there's lots of little kind of scenes where like you see like connection of like a punch or something like that and so it's extra frames that were inserted and so i'm curious how many frames
there were per second in the shots for this show. Because it seems like they must have put a lot of time into it if they're doing extra. Because there's an industry standard which is not that high. If you look at anime, generally anime has a lot higher frame rate than Western cartoons does, which is not a criticism of Western cartoons. It's just a different style approach. But it feels like this particular show had more frame rates than the average, I feel.
I've said what I need to say on the series. If you haven't seen it already, I highly recommend you check it out. Yeah, go check it out. If you haven't, there's always YouTube. If you're looking for it on Disney Plus, it's Star Wars Vintage.
Howl on Clone Wars 2D Micro series. It's quite a mouthful because I guess they want to distinguish it from the canon, the Clone Wars. It is there. If you just search Clone Wars in there and you'll scroll down a little bit because they've kind of like hidden it a little bit. I was going to say it's a link something like https forward slash forward slash colon star wars the Clone Wars at
Yeah, I tried to share it with you actually. So I thought like, oh, just like link them to the app that you have. You will hyperlink. And I was like, oh, no one's going to click on this.
I hate when that happens. I remember, like, sorry, just really briefly, I remember that happened in school, you know, when, like, the internet was kind of just coming into its element and you would get teachers who would just put those hyperlinks in, but they wouldn't put the, like, main hyperlink of the website, they would put, like, the full one of the page they were on, so you would get, like, the first bit and then you would just get gibberish after it, like some kind of code.
It's like, what? What? What was supposed to happen? But that's the thing though, they wouldn't send it to you on a computer. They would print it out, give you a piece of paper and go, there you go, there's the website. It's like, this is a nightmare. This is just not a nightmare. But yeah, those were the days in 2003 onwards.
Which is probably another chance in the hammy bowl. We can discuss. Andrew, thank you so, so much for coming on the second part today. Much appreciated. Thank you. No problem. Thanks for having me. Where can these amazing listeners of the Republic hear you? Not hear you, but find you online.
I currently have two platforms I'm most on. You can find me on Twitter at Green Shield 95 and you can also find me on Twitch where I'm streaming not too frequently but I'm trying to get a bit more into that also at Green Shield 95. I have a few followers in there and I'm always happy to have more people popping into my streams. If you haven't checked out Green Shield 95 then please go ahead and do it because it has some awesome streams and yeah please do it, do it now.
I was trying to think of a Star Wars quote there. Do it now! Do it now, trooper! If you want to see more of my stuff, you can see me on, and yep, you've probably got the script right in front of you, you can see me on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and of course Twitch, under the name Satsanami42. If you would like to check out a live chat tsunami episode, then you can do it every Wednesday.
at 8pm GMT. You can also catch brand new episodes on Fridays as well that are pre-recorded. And yeah, if you want to check out more Chatsanami episodes, you can see us on Anchor, Spotify and all good podcast distributors. So please feel free to check that out. Thank you all so so much for listening to this episode. Thank you again Andrew for joining me with us. Indeed. Indeed.
As always guys, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly, stay hydrated. Bye guys!