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Spider-Man Month: Japanese Spider-Man image

Spider-Man Month: Japanese Spider-Man

S3 E20 ยท Chatsunami
361 Plays2 years ago

In this episode friend of the channel Craigy C is webbed in by Satsunami himself to take on one of the most unique iterations of Spider-Man! Feel free to grab some snacks and watch along with the duo as they discuss the weird and wonderful of this episode!

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Introduction to Spider-Man Month

Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If someone said it was a happy little tale... Uh, Satsu? Yeah? What are you doing? Nah, thanks. Anyway, welcome to Spider-Man month.

Exploration of Japanese Spider-Man's Influence

everybody, and welcome to another episode of Spider-Man Month. My name's Satsunami, and joining me today is none other than the emissary from Hell himself, the evil...
Can I see you welcome back? It's me, it's me. I can't talk that, so yeah, it's me. You weren't expecting that, did you? Yeah, how are you doing today? Yeah, pretty good, pretty good. So the last couple of episodes I've been on, the joke's been that obviously I've come into your house, and I've forced you to watch something against your will. However, this time around, my old school friend invited me into his house, we had laugh, and he wouldn't let me leave till I watched Japanese Spider-Man.
So here we are, out of the turntables. Yes, we've done minion memes, we've done King Gedira, we've done Pokรฉmon Tio, we did the anniversary, and yeah, now we're here talking about Japanese Spider-Man, which is very iconic within the sphere of Spider-Man.
because I have to admit it's one of those things that I had no idea existed until maybe a couple of years ago and you know you see the clips of things you think oh right okay it's a thing but it's actually really surprising how many fans there are of this. I think

Genesis of Giant Monster vs. Mech Shows

it's about like how influential it was as well it kind of got me so the only thing I knew about it was from
is a documentary thing on Netflix called The Toys That Made Us. And they do a lot of stuff where they go into the background of certain toys and one of them was Transformers. And basically this show invented the genre of giant monster versus giant mech TV show. This is the show that basically started in the entire genre. So without the show there's no Power Rangers, Transformers, that kind of genre of TV doesn't exist and this show is not good.
back any spider punches it. You're like, oh it's iconic, it's like a trailblazer and you would drop my phone there. In spite of itself. In spite of this it is heavy guff. So

Marvel and Toei Collaboration

before we go on of course we have to say that this came out in 1978 and this was like a deal between Marvel and TOE which
I actually thought they were really surprising that of all the companies that was toy. I mean, they're usually famous for, as you know, their toy lines and things like that, the video games. Is this the same toy that's the animation studio as well? I think so, yeah. Yeah. I'm going to throw that out. Yeah, it's the same as the animation. But you know, it's a very iconic studio nowadays and even, of course, back then. So the fact is,
them. I think you can tell though because they also made a lot of Godzilla films and so I think it's just they're just churning out these monster films, you know what I mean? It's like oh yeah let's get on TV, let's get in front of kids, let's get some toys sold. This was just a big toy selling exercise I think as well. Oh it's very toy-centric, you know you've got the huge chunky wristband and as children of the 90s you know you and I know that like very well about the fads that come in and oh sell this like cheap hunk of plastic.
It's kind of lying on it. So I can't even find a guy from the planet spider who says, hi, um, hi brother. What would it mean if that was just like, I am, I am from the planet spider. I'm

Confusing Plot and Characters

a joyous amoeba. I'm from the planet spider. People are trying to kill me, so we should get revenge on them. I'm going to inject. I'm going to tell you, that is an interesting choice I've thrown out. We should get revenge. That's what happens.
The blood's like, oh, I mean, my dad's just dead. Well, you see, body's not even cold. And you're giving me the powder of a spider to go kill an alien. He puts this wristband around him that then injects venom into his blood or something? The spider blood? And then, so that was, oh, spider. And then turns into a spider.
Like a literal spider. Not a man in a spider, so a literal spider that they're clearly tied-ish. I mean, I don't like spiders, but I did feel sorry for it because you could see the tied-ish string around you. And it's purely legs are like playing all around, going, oh my god. It's like, you know when you've got a dog and it's like, you hold it up from behind. And it's like, the purely legs are kind of going in my deer as if. What's going on? That's what the spider was like. I was like, oh, help me.
So then, we can't forward a bit. And I think it must be either his sister or his mum. Again, I'm unclear on any character because everything in the show is so fast and I can't be very fast. She's like, oh, he's just been in his bedroom. He's moaning. He's not been the same since his dad died, which obviously... It happened five minutes ago.
Get it over it! There's a spider in his room who goes, what are you doing? Why are you not a spider man yet? Get over it. The worst mental health coaching of all time. I was going to say POV. You're a Marvel fan boy. Why aren't you a spider man? Careful.
Hold on to the suit! Spider-Man signs up, pushes the button with his wrist strap thing, and then he does a zip on his back, which is the weirdest part of the whole thing, is that the suit flies out of the wristband, lands on him, and then you see him zip up one bit, which I thought was really weird. Weirdly specific.

Chaotic Fight Scenes and Humor

And then he's Spider-Man, he goes... It's okay, Cricut, we're in a safe space. It's so confusing! I can't even... I can't remember in the spot!
We watched it half an hour ago if it was like a lifetime ago. The memories are slipping away as I'm saying it out loud. So I don't know, why did he fight the dragon? Or someone was like, oh. Yeah, it was the Amazonus or something wanted to stop him so she literally kicked a monster out of her pocket like some kind of Pokรฉmon. And obviously this predates Pokรฉmon. Did this inspire Pokรฉmon?
But he's in his house and he jumps out the window and lands on a telegraph pole and his car pulls up. And people get out of the car like, oh by the way, someone that we know got attacked by a dinosaur. And that's why he thinks the dinosaur calls Marveller, who sends out, is it Leopard or whatever it's called? Leopard, the big ship that turns into a bloke, like a mecha.
I'm like a boss! You alright? I'm here to fight some dinosaurs! Big film man! What did you say then? That

Nostalgia vs. Adult Perception

is a big film! I haven't watched that short! Imma do your make! What did I make? Just this guy from the North Bank and just super excited just like, come on then!
I've got a point! Sorry! So, and one of the things that's so weird about this show is that like, Peter Parker takes no time to learn anything. But he's not Peter Parker, I was like a protagonist. Can I just say sorry? This is like one of the moments where I wish we'd did top characters. Because the amount of facial expressions going on here...
I think that's it. So he calls over the space suit guy. He throws a sword into the dinosaur bloke. He just explodes. Peter Parker, no problems with murder. Was that where the damn Golden Eye was or was that the next episode? Nah, it's the first episode. Because he crows up and then he throws. Oh yeah, they spent a lot of time looking at his ass. That was another one. A lot of time looking at Spidey and his ass.
Very proud of it. And that was the show. You can't end us. Oh, by the way, they looked at spider massage. No, you recant whatever's in there. What have I missed that you think belongs in there? Oh, I mean, film's called Professor Monster.
Oh yeah, that'd do. The only thing he missed was like, as you said, this show very much encapsulates everything that came after it. You're like with Power Rangers with all the Transformers and the super suits fighting against any monster of the week kind of thing. And the theme reflects that. You know, it's very, it's
I would recommend pause this episode, go listen to it on YouTube, and then come back, or even listen to it as you're listening to this episode. But the fact is, it's very upbeat, it's very triumphant, heroic, like, Spider-Man, you know, very cool. But then you get to the ending, and it's like, again, not saying this because it's Japanese Spider-Man, but you know that way when you watch an anime, and it's like the intro is very upbeat, and you're very heroic, and then you get to the end theme, and it's like, oh my god, depression.
My old friend, come on! You know, it's a very somber, slow song. But yeah, I think he's summarised, basically. So that was the first episode, and you asked me straight after what did I think of it. It was just a lot of crying. There's not. My brain couldn't process. It was so fast. Every scene was like multiple scenes. My brain was just so... I don't know. Maybe I'm dumb.
Maybe life made me dumber, but it was so hard to watch a children's TV show. I'm just thinking of the 1970s Japanese children who are watching the show. Did they think, oh wow, this is cool? No, obviously they bit off. They must have thought, oh, this is awesome. But at the same time, would they have kept up? Because you make a very interesting point. If I think you were the one who would watch, was it Pokemon, like a while ago?
And, I mean, I watched a couple of episodes the other day with my partner and it's like you watch it and see back in the day, you're like, oh, I'm following this, this is so cohesive. And then you go back as an adult and you go, aye.
I don't know. As I said, it's like the wall from Memento, just like all these ribbons and the strings going from side to side on the wall. You're like, I don't know what's going on. And you're right. Unless

Overwhelming Pace of the Show

you knew the synopsis of, oh, it's an alien Spider-Man and Japan all bunched into one big bundle of stuff.
There's no water, it just stuck. I guess as a kid you don't care. We also went back and we watched the Pokemon movie, as we watched the Pokemon movie while back. And it's pretty dreadful. I think that's the general consensus as well. I don't think I've ever been controversial here. It's pretty bad. But as kids we thought it was incredible.
Because you don't really care as a kid. This is probably the same job as Spider-Man. Look at the bit where the guy goes pew pew pew and there's flips in it. And the fight scenes were kind of a mess because it was hard to tell because there were so many camera cuts and things going all out of sequence. But there was lots of flips in it. Spider-Man had a couple of one liners. I think as a kid I would love that if I'm being totally honest.
I mean, it does have the entertainment value, though. It's like when we watch the Godzilla vs. Kinda Good Era, it's one of those films that you watch it, but you watch it, you know, with a friend and you get to riffle on it, you get to make all these jokes, and it's like a hell of a lot of fun. But you wouldn't really, like, watch it yourself and kind of go, oh, that was a great film. I can't wait to reckon it. You know, it's like, it's something fun to kind of riffle on with your friends. It's not so much fun to be on your own being like, oh, yeah, this is my favorite film. Please let me out in the basement.
So of course the second, well I say second episode, the 41st episode. Would you believe there's only 41 episodes? Such a weird number to leave it on as well. I thought they would have rounded that up to 42 or I don't know. But anyway, so the final episode is Spider-Man committing space terrorism. He's like blowing on Earth. But he's fighting against alien, like was it iron?
And speaking of riffing I guess, would you like to do the honours of describing what happened in the last episode?
cross our mail at the aliens? The main people were, but they never established that the people wearing duck masks were really the people. Because I feel as if that's like a very important thing to leave out. It's like, do I kill humans or the aliens? You know, in the MCU killing aliens is fine. Really prefers a monster came over here, gave a bunch of unemployed people a job and Spider-Man killed him. Do you know there is actually a scene in one of the episodes, Elvis, I don't know which one, but he actually gets a gun.
I got some all day. I can't help it, but he makes his back. Thank you, guys. Spiderman!
The actual episode kicks out with him driving his flying car, which I forgot to mention in the recap for the first episode to give you an idea of how much was going on. He was a flying car. That has guns in it and he was just mowing people down to start this episode. This is not I don't kill people superhero. This is you getting in front of my car, you're going to die. That's what I was saying to Andrew when we were talking about the three iterations of Spider-Man. We talked about the Remi run, we talked about the
Amazing Spider-Man run, and we talked about the MCU. And they were saying how in the MCU run, Tom Hall in Spider-Man is practically the one with the biggest body count. Because if you think I like Endgame, he does the whole, oh, turn in some kill mode on. And we had the whole discussion of does that count because it's the aliens, you know? I mean, it's the same here. It's like other than Japanese Spider-Man. The MCU one definitely has a kill count.
Yeah, you're right.

Final Episode Recap

This starts off with her gunning people down. And it's cos he's a hero that they say there's no G-draw that in this universe to hold him to account.
I don't even know where you would begin to break a story like that, but as you said, it starts with Spider-Man blowing up all these secret bases. He comes out and he's like, oh, look at me. I'm so injured. And then the next scene he's fine. I don't even know. He's like trying to... You're that game where you throw a sweet up in the air and you start to catch it in your mouth. That's what he's doing. It's like, what? What are you doing, Spider-Man? You're resting.
their secret iron crossbases up there in your own lap. Yeah, he gets Abish and he's home and the Abisones is the, like, maybe, woman? So, obviously, you did the earadmissive bit here, because they take her back to the base between Spider-Man being Indian and Spider-Man being fine, and they, like, double, triple-crosser, and then, like, oh, there's a leaker, we can information it, oh, by the way, it's Reeter and Betty, whatever they look like.
The two hens that just turn up who are just like American soccer mums. It's like the kind of actresses you would see on the 1980s exercise videos where they've got the cover for clothing and just the over-the-top hairstyles. In terms of design and everything like this, old shows like that, it's just as wacky as over-the-top. But yeah, as I said, after that, the big character and his family get ambushed by the Iron Cross. For some reason they hide it under the sofa, I'm sure it will.
No, no, they just pop up and I get that as the sum of this over, but you're like, are you just hiding? Are you just hiding under the warm cheeks of Spiderman? You know what I'm saying? I can't take it anymore, Jim. I've got to jump. I'm going to jump him. I'm going to jump him. And then, yeah, the main character gets attacked by a poison-riding crop, which sounds like something at a fan friction. I'm so tired. It's definitely in there for the dads, that bit.
It was not, I mean, any die-hard Spider-Man fans out there, I implore you to prove me wrong. But I'm pretty sure in the run of Spider-Man there is not a poison riding crop. I don't know, was Kraven the hunter? What did he have? Like a poison riding crop at one point? You know, I don't want to read that coming but I just want to say it. I don't need to know, I just want to know.
I need to know if I'm all with Santa too, so I can sleep tonight. But yeah, sorry, fans. He gets hit by a raging crop, and then of course he goes and tries to save his girl sister in touch, I don't know. And yeah, in double, the Amazonas, oh, she can shapeshift. It's like, kill me. It's been 41 years. That's a hell of a twist. I mean, maybe. Yeah, well, maybe she can in the other episodes. I don't know.
And yeah, of course, he starts to go numb because of the poison right in front of him. And yeah, that's natural, isn't it? He ends up being nearly dies because he jumps in the water.
and he's got like shaky Elvis legs, he's like oh no and then she says oh your vision's getting blurry to which of course he slaps his hands on his eyes and goes oh my vision's getting blurry and then fortunately he finds the toilet paper roll that's been spray painted gold which is supposed to be her armband and
he tracks this to their secret base which has the rocket which I'm assuming this is like secret base pride because they say like oh they're blowing up secret base seven and thirteen it's like this must be like the big one yeah this is where the rocket is this is like the amazon warehouse
Amazonia's warehouse as well. And of course they go to escape in the rocket and the Amazonia's fortunate look like she escapes and everything because she gets tripled across as she said and she goes in the rocket but then her rocket blows up and Professor Monster is very happy about this. If it were me, I don't know about you guys, I don't know about you Craig but I would just be sitting there going holy shit I dodged a bullet.
Right, so I want to quickly recap before someone's just planning here. At the start of the episode he says, we're going to destroy planet Earth. I'm going to drop six hydrogen bombs. Sorry, just in Japan. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Destroy Japan. I'm going to drop six hydrogen bombs on it. And we built this escape rocket. It's got three seats in it. For me, Rita and Betty. That is actually their names. Thank you. Or Belle, maybe, maybe it wasn't Betty.
Oh, Bella. It seems like weird names for this. And again, I know there's obviously translations and things, but all of the names are very quintessentially Japanese. Like, you know, they don't say, oh, this is Peter Parker. Like, there's much of a token that isn't Peter Parker and everything. But these two are just called Bella and Peter, and it just seems a lot of place. So Professor Monster goes, I'm going to take my two yoga instructors up into space.
And that's how we escape the nukes getting dropped on Japan, to which they then turn around to Amazonist and say, you can't come with us. And she goes, fine, I'll prove you want to kill Spiderman herself. She then fails to kill Spiderman and leads her to the base. They double cross her attacker and throw it into the spaceship, which then takes off and explodes.
Like, what was the deal? I don't understand. Where were the nukes? What happened with them? That's actually a good question. Thank you. For episode 42. That was gonna be the hard cut in episode 42. Because I know technically there is a movie over this. I don't know if they expand on it.
I'm going to talk about that now. It's just this beast off of that, but it just seems like a very ill-thought-out plan. You and I, of course, have watched films where there are many ill-thought-out plans, but this seems to be about the extreme of the crop, more extreme of the reading crop as poison. Poison of the crop? Poison of the crop. But you know, this is a cherry on top of poorly thought-out ideas.

Cultural Impact and Adaptation

no way. There's no way someone looked at this and thought, oh yeah, that's a good idea. Even for children. So it's like, oh yeah, this is a good idea. We're going to drop these bombs. What happened to the bombs? And he's just like, shit. I mean, with the bombs on there, is that why you blew up? No. Even then it would have been a bigger banger. So Peter Parker gets to the base. Oh, I thought we were just calling him.
gets to the base. And wait, why am I recapping this? Back to you. So if you ever get to the base, go recapping it on me. You could look up an actual name here. This is the thing as well, because I can't read subtitles very well, so it's like, it's fine. On this page, it's like, oh my god, there's so many names. Takuya Yamashiro. So Yamashiro gets to the base, and he fights all three of them, the two yoga instructors and professor Monstar, and just wipes the floor with him. He
He goes in and just barters three of them. The first monster turns huge, he calls in. Sorry, I love the very delicate one, which he used to barter as if he just kicked them to the ground and started laughing. For some of them he did, didn't you? It was a one-sided affair. Like, it's not like, it's not like, you know how like films, they have to always have the back and forth and look like the humans about to lose? There was no doubt Spider-Man was gonna win. He turned up!
involve everyone! The Professor Monster gets bigger, he goes, ah, it's fine, gets in his flying car, son joins up to the earlier Pardo and they use a magic sword, flies through the Professor Monster's chest and explodes him from the inside and...
And then it hard cuts. There's no death sequence. He explodes at a hard cut. There's a spider on a beach as a narrator goes. Well, that was it. Well done, lads. And that's how it ends. There's a point in the watch alone where I say there's no way they're finishing this show. This is going to end in a cliffhanger because there's six minutes left.
do you think? Is this also the precursor to speedruns Pokemon? Am I right, John? It definitely felt like playing D&D and someone has to go in like five minutes. It's like oh my bus is in 10 minutes, right? Okay, here we go.
What I will say in defense of Spider-Man, or Japanese Spider-Man, is that at least they've done something different. Like, don't get me wrong, I know sometimes it doesn't work, sometimes it does work, but I am glad that at least they just went boss and won't do anything. Because you can't exactly say, oh, copy Power Rangers, or Cabin Rider, or anything, oh, they copied that.
they call it Japanese Spider-Man. It's so crazy, and it is just why people love it so much. It's not just, oh, we love it because it's so goofy, and it is goofy, but it's because it's so different, it stands out. I think that's the problem when, again, Andrew and I did talk about this when we talked about the other three iterations of the mainline series, but it is that idea, isn't it, that some of them may think, oh, that's a bit forgettable, or this is forgettable. The reason it's forgettable to us for Japanese Spider-Man isn't because it's
There's just so much going on, you're like, what? What am I watching? Why is he flying in the air? Why is there like three cuts and the same guy flying? The thing that this has given me ammunition for the rest of my life for when would anyone ever know like on Twitter complains about all these Western people making a nice like like Dagobot evolution. Yeah. Oh, like on Netflix, I'm making an adaptation of this definitely show how terrible they're going to be like, lads, look at this plan.
This works both ways. I mean, do you think this is the Dragon Ball evolution of Spider-Man? Yes! Because I also thought Dragon Ball evolution was okay. Because it wasn't a terrible film title evolution. It's a bit like, maybe the best thing I could think of is the Super Mario movie. Oh, right, okay. We're getting into controversial territory here. The Super Mario movie, if it wasn't cognitive, it would just go big plumber day out.
People wouldn't remember it because it's just a decent sci-fi film. Right, if this was called Emissary from Hell and not called Spider-Man, but you know, I mean, if they did the exact same thing and it wasn't Planet Spider, it was Planet Bloke and it was... I just gave him a beer belly and he just started fighting. Right, people wouldn't remember this because it's Japanese pirate. It's so wacky. I've probably been with all this. This is unbelievably weird. And I love it. But it's also terrible and I want to draw that distinction. For legal reasons, it's great, but I want no party.
But that's seen in the rain. It's things and I don't like it. But also that is what they did to change it for their culture. So like when people complain about things like animal evolution or something like that. Maybe it's like this is what they did as well. This was the Japanese attempt of making that work for them and it did, which is weird.
because it did very well apparently. I'll very influence you so... Well considering Toei we're like, it was either Toei or Marvel but the fact that we're just like Marvel love either, please don't tell anybody about this please, but a love of God do not tell anybody about the fact that we've released this show. I can't stand that you like to... Yeah! I did! I did that!
Yeah I was really surprised that I thought that was quite wholesome that it was like oh it's a different adaptation but I love it. I was gonna like sum up and be like oh would you recommend this but I don't think you'd recommend this to anyone. I think I

Should You Watch Japanese Spider-Man?

would. Really? I think I think. Plot twist. I think you have to watch it. To believe it. To comprehend the madness. Yeah. Watch the first episode. Oh yeah. Don't watch the show. This is, we've watched this first episode and I have no interest in watching any other episodes but that was a good time.
Would you recommend it? If you're a Spider-Man fan and you want to see something crazy, like a crazy adaptation, go naps. Absolutely. Tell your spider bits, as it were, or your lack of, as we saw with that actor. Do you remember years ago we went to Comic-Con and there was just one weird year and I don't know if it's because Far From Home came out or what the reason was but there was just so many Spider-Men going about and the skin-tight costumes and they weren't wearing shoes.
Now, I have seen cosplayers that go around, and obviously they're cosplayers, like people who don't usually have shoes, or not shoes, but that kind of outfit that you can't really translate well. So usually, they wear skin color shoes or whatever. It's like, nobody's spied up. They just walked it out. I think there was maybe one or two that had trainers on, but the rest of them were just going to go back and just be the outfit spied up. I was like, enjoy your whole
Oh, this show is just absolutely incredible. It's wacky, it's fun. I would recommend it's one of these shows again. I think if you had like a couple of friends over, you just riff on it, you watch it. It's crazy, but in all the right ways. But what I will say is if you're looking for the ultimate adaptation of Spider-Man or whatever, no. First of all, what are you doing listening to us talking about?
All I can say is it's great that it managed to influence a generation of these types of shows for better or for worse. I mean, I'm sure

Humorous Conclusion and Show's Legacy

there's parents that raise children in the 90s, early 2000s and right now they're cursing our names because they're like, what the hell are you saying? I had to buy my children all this plastic shit from
The toys I was like, oh good, that's a muscle bastard, big giraffe. They were like from Power Rangers and all of these kind of shows. You've got all the plastic action figures that someone's got stashed and all of. Big blue head, I haven't got that bit anyway. That's next week's episode. We do the Motrolong and the Power Rangers. I mean, I'd be all for that. I have no idea. I have to admit, I think the last time I saw that was when I was a kid. And it was like Halloween. I don't know why, I'd just have a memory if he dressed like a pumpkin boy.
It kind of is the weird, you know, one of those core memories where it's just everything is so weird. Just lots of tears. This is the kind of things I do for the podcast, you know what I'm saying? That means what? That means what? I don't taste it as a pumpkin.
You know, where else could you have gone for that? It's like a criminal walking into a detective's office, being like, I'm not the murderer, how did you know I was going to say it? Because I was in the script. Oh, we're a pumpkin hat, okay. We'll compromise, we'll compromise. But yeah, that's of course next week when we put the face cams on, of course. Yeah, I think that's really all we can say about that. I have nothing left. No.
lie down. So yeah as always thank you all so so much for listening to this episode. This is actually your very first first and last episode. I have to say which is very interesting because as I said the only ones that we have done is with Adam and Andrew which as I said we did the people who'd won and everything and yeah just a lot of thinking we could do a few of them and then we can do a watch along of my first and last first and last episodes.
That's a chance to nab it! How meta. But it's gonna like get ruined when 20 years later you come back for the No Way Home style episode. You're not crazy! But until then, thank you all so much for listening to this episode, and as always, stay safe, stay awesome, stay hydrated, and most importantly, Craig, please don't give me your doctor's bills after this. We don't have a fund for that.
You know, we really should have like a mental health fund. I was going to say, I don't resent you for this episode, but myself, I will be hearing about it.