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Make The Most Of Your Time

Walking Free
46 Plays10 days ago

Can you relate to one or more of the 5 regrets? Vernon talks through Ephesians 5:15-21 and encourages us to make the most of our time. Don't forget to register for our Golf For Grace tournament fundraiser in Cumming, GA at Windermere Golf Club on Nov 4, 2024. https://gmint.org/golfforgrace (we need golfers!!).

This is your host Vernon Terrell with Grace Ministries International and it's time for Walking Free!
And welcome everybody! You may hear me coughing in the background. I have got my water with me, this jug of water, because I've been wrestling, as we say in the south, wrestling with a cold. My wonderful son and decided he wanted to share that with me, so I have it. Yeah, I'm blaming. No, I'm not blaming. I just got it, right?
So I'll be clear in my throat a little bit, so I appreciate you bearing with me on that. But welcome. This is the first time that we're actually doing the Walking Free podcast on Facebook Live. So we're going to just see how it goes. I don't know. Well, we're going to test it out. Now,
um before I get started jumping into the into the topic. And the topic is really to make the most of your time. And I'm gonna share the scripture where we're getting that. But before we get started on that, let me remind you about something that is near and dear ah to my heart. And that would be this. ah That would be our um Golf for Grace ah Ministries. And if you're a golfer, and I'm goingnna gonna do this a couple more times because the golf tournament is actually November 4th, the day before the election. And if you wanna just kinda come together before the world goes crazy, come and golf with us. And we'd love to have you. It's gonna be at Windermere Golf Club in Cumming,
in Georgia and it's 150 per golfer and we also have so some sponsorships available but I would love ah for you to come and join us on the golf course.
And if you could, I'd love it. If you're thinking about it, would you register now? ah Get your team together, team of four, team of two, whatever you're going to do, and um come and play. Or if you're just a solo golfer, that's okay too. Come on and just golf with us, and we would definitely love ah to have you there. so That's coming up November 4th. Just want to remind you of that. And if you say, Hey Vernon, I'm not a golfer. That's okay. If you want to support us and helping clients as we do, we support a lot of clients and offer various discounts on their counseling because they just can't afford it.
and we try to help out where we can. ah so that Any donation goes to help that as well. so There's the brief infomercial. Thanks for bearing with me. ah Let's ah jump in to this idea of making the most of your time. and yeah I was reading an article and you know for those who've known me a long time, I'm an Apple lover. Yes,
ah Android is is pretty cool too. But I'm an Apple lover and I was reading in their news app this article. And it was by Alex Collard, I believe, and just the other day. And it was, I believe he's with CNBC.
And the article is, he's quoting some another podcaster, actually, and said, here are the five regrets that this um podcaster has researched and found that people often express. And I did some research as well, and um there was a book way back in 2012 called The Top Five Regrets of the Dying.
You say, oh, that's kind of morbid, Vernon. Well, it's something to think about. And let me just share this these with you. The first ah regret, or let me just, I'll just read these off to you. These five regrets, do you resonate ah with any of these regrets? One said, I didn't spend enough time with the people I love. That was one regret of folks literally on their deathbed.
I didn't spend enough time with the people I love. Does that resonate at all with you? What about I worked too much and missed out on life? And I know we all have to pay our bills and we want to make a living, but at the end of it all, at least in our life, our life in that context, did we miss out on life? We're trying so much to make a living. Did we really live?
while we were making a living. Another regret um was, I let fear control my decisions and didn't take risk.
There's a big one. Fear, I think we can all relate at some point in some way to that to that regret. What about this one, number four?
I wish I'd been braver in the face of uncertainty or in the face of opportunity. I wish I'd been braver. And what about this one? I focused too much on the future and lost touch with the present.
And in all of these regrets, it's not saying that, you know, future planning is not important and working is not important. You know, some folks have taken it to one generation. Is it the, I forgot which one, the Gen Zers maybe don't mean to pick on the Gen Zers, but you know this, I'm a live in a van and golf and and just travel the world. Oh, that's awesome. Cool. If you can do that and man, go for it.
I think the point is we need to just stop for a little bit and take stock. What are we doing? Where's our focus? What's important? What are the values that revalue?
I look at the scripture and I found this idea and it's a common when you, you know, this has been preached and preached and preached. I'm sure you might have heard it. Let me switch over there to Ephesians 5. And the very first word you see there is therefore. And what do we know in good um Bible interpretation when you see the word therefore?
You always ask, well, what is that there for? Well, often it's referring to context, and well, what did he just say? Paul's writing this letter to the church at Ephesus, and just a little bit before, he says, hey, let no one deceive you with empty words. Well, what were some of those you know empty words? And well, he says in verse three,
But immorality or impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Oh, well, that's good. We could use a little bit of that right in the church. I think it's safe to say that there's a lot of that that's been named among us, right? Paul says, hey, time out, folks.
Immorality, impurity, or greed as a big one in the church at times. Don't let it even be named among you as it's proper among saints. That's right. I mean, isn't that cool? Christian, you're a saint. A saint is a called out one. The word is a holy one. It's set apart one.
That's you as a believer in Jesus Christ. So how do I become a saint? Well, Jesus said, and John wrote about it, he said to Nicodemus, he said, look, God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life. You become a saint, a set-apart one,
When you simply believe, Paul said it another way, for whosoever will call on the name of the Lord, Jesus, will be saved, delivered. That's all it is, is receiving, believing that Jesus Christ is to who he said he is. He is God. And you simply believe and receive the free gift of forgiveness and eternal life that he offers.
when he died on the cross and rose again for you. That's it. You mean it's not about going to church? No, church is good, but that's not what it's about. It's about getting, reading more of my Bible, no, that's good. Reading the Bible's great, go for it. It's about believing and receiving his free gift like Christmas. It's already been paid for, purchased, it's wrapped up for you. Well, you say, I'll take it. I'll take your forgiveness. I believe you are God, Jesus, that you died on the cross for me and rose again.
I receive your free gift. And you're a saint. you' You've moved from the Adam's family, da-da-da-dum, right, into Jesus' family, brand new family. And that's why he's saying here, look, guys, you're in a new family. Don't let this immorality or impurity or greed even be named among you as this proper among saints, because that's not who you are.
And I'm reading you the therefores, he says, and there should be no filthiness or silly talk or course jesting, which is not fitting, but rather the giving of thanks. He goes, you know, this was certainly that no immoral ah or impure person or covenant man, see that's who you were in Adam, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ.
that's That's who you were. But see, you you're you now have an inheritance in Christ because you have received his free gift. That's why I said here, don't let anyone deceive with empty words. Oh, everybody's doing it. Yeah, okay, no. That's not proper, that's not right for me. It doesn't fit who I am. He said, for because of these things, the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. See, you're no longer a sinner, you're a saint.
And Jesus took all that judgment for you. There is no more judgment left for you. He took it all. you You've been made clean and been put into his family. He goes, therefore, don't be partakers with them. Partakers in what? In his wrath, no. Don't be partakers with them here. Don't let that stuff be named among you. Don't don't do it. He says, look,
You were formerly darkness. Now you're light in the Lord. Walk that way, walk this way. I know it's a song, right? Walk that way. I'm not gonna sing it. I just try it, so forget it. For the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth. That's what you should look like. It should come from the inside out because you're brand new. That's a whole nother series too. We've done some of that, another podcast. and I'll do it again.
But the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth. Trying to learn, that little phrase trying to learn means to prove, discern what is pleasing to the Lord. That right there is pleasing. He loves that. He goes, ah, that's that's my boy, that's my girl right there. Man, that's awesome. They're being exactly who they are, who I made them to be.
And he said, you know this, don't be partakers with him. He goes in verse 11. He goes, look, don't participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness. You know why? Well, number one, it's unfruitful. Man, sin is a waste of time. It's not like an old Southern Baptist preacher, not to pick on Southern Baptists. But sin, you gotta say it, especially if you're in the South with a couple of extra syllables.
and Don't make sense, people. It's a waste of time. He goes, don't participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness. Instead, even expose them. Sign the light on them. For it's disgraceful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things become visible when they're exposed by the light.
Everything that becomes visible is like, for this reason, he says, a awake sleeper. Sometimes we have to get to the depths of despair to, if that reminds you of a movie, it's one of my favorite movies, but it takes us to get to the depths of despair and got to shine that light on it so we can see that our hope is in him.
He goes, awake sleeper, arise from the dead. Turn to me, Christ will shine on you. And then he says, but for all this reason, look, you changed, you're a saint. You're a saint, walk like a saint. He goes, therefore, because of all of this, I just mentioned, be careful how you walk. Not as unwise men and women,
but as wise, be careful. um Another translation says right there, um to look carefully at how you're walking. Step back and look at but how you're walking, because guess what, where you walk, that's where you're heading. I like what um a pastor said, awesome pastor, he said, look,
um It's not where you intend to go. It's direction, not intention that determines your destination. And wherever you're heading, that's where you're going. You say, I don't intend to go there. Well then guess what? Stop walking that way. Be careful. Take a step back. Look at where you're walking. Is where you're walking going to lead you where you want to be? I don't know. In your relationships, in your finances,
and your career and your ministry and your personal life. Take a step back, take a look, be careful how you walk. Not as unwise men, but as wise. That's one prayer that I pray. I think that's the the better question. A lot of Christians say, well, what's the right thing to do? Okay, I meant that as a point. I think often a better question is what's the wise thing to do?
What's the wise thing to do in this situation? Sometimes it's not what's right. Sometimes it's a choice between good, better, or even better. What's the wise thing to do? For you and your circumstance right now. Ask the Lord for wisdom. And then that famous line, verse 16, making the most of your time. Making the most of your time.
We all have limited time. That's why I read the regrets. You don't want to come to the end of your life and have ah the regret. I didn't spend enough time with the people I love. is Are you walking in a way where you're not spending enough time with the people you love? Is there something that is just consuming you? Where if you stay in this path,
That's going to be your regret. I didn't spend enough time with the people I love or I worked too much and missed out on life. He said, you don't know my boss. Look, I've had plenty of bosses. All of my wonderful, Lucent friends, Octoluscent friends now Nokia. You know what I'm talking about? You've had those bosses too. I don't know. Maybe I was one. Hopefully not. Um, but guess what? I've had them sometimes.
You just have to draw the boundary, take the consequences. Or maybe you didn't have to get out. I don't know. You gotta decide between between ah you and the Lord what's the right thing for you. You want that as you're walking the path, you take a step back. Do you want, hey, I let fear control my decisions. I didn't take a risk. You want that at the end of your day. Do you want, I wish I'd been braver in the face of uncertainty or opportunity.
What's the path you're walking? Is that going to be the regret? Is the regret going to be, I focus too much on the future. I lost touch with the present. Is your path right now so focused on the future? You're missing out on the here and now right now. Man, we need to enjoy life. And I'm telling you, seeing is a waste of time. It's just a waste of time. So,
Make the most of your time because the days are evil. There's so much, ah you guys reading the headlines like I am, just crazy, the stuff that's going on. And we just don't, we we don't have a guarantee for the tomorrow. I'm all for saving for retirement, but man, get out and enjoy, enjoy your family, enjoy your your life.
So then, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Well, what's the will of the Lord? He just gave it to you. Go be you. Me? Yeah. Go be the brand new you that he made. The righteous you, the holy you, the kind you, the forgiving you. Go be that person. Go walk in the light as he's in the light. Go walk in love. That's his will for you
In fact, he gives this illustration. I love this illustration. He goes, look, don't get drunk with wine. He's not saying wine is bad. Now there's some of you who've got this propensity and this where you know this wine and alcohol is not good for you, don't do it. For the rest of you, you know if you like a beer, you like wine, you do you as the millennials say,
He goes, but just don't get drunk with wine. So that's dissipation. That's like the product. Well, that doesn't make sense. That that that just hurts you.
He says, be filled with the spirit. he's He's combining those two. What is, when you get drunk with wine, you know, you got all that wine in your system and, and well, depending on, I don't know, some people do better with all that wine, but you know, it gets in your body, it messes with your mind, messes with your emotions. Words come out, you're walking funny, you're doing things that you maybe normally wouldn't do. He says, look, don't get drunk with wine, that's crazy.
but be filled with the Spirit. Now, I'm one that believes you've got all the Spirit, the Holy Spirit lives in you, but you can be filled with the Spirit. That means consumed with the Spirit, where it's almost like you're drunk with with with the Spirit, the brand new you, and union with that Spirit of God is overflowing in your thoughts, in your emotions, in your words, in your behavior. You're just a walking, talking, holiness, righteousness, love, kindness person.
That's what he's getting at. Man, and don't you want to be around someone like that. Someone who's always encouraging, not discouraging. Someone who's always loving, not hateful. Someone who is accepting, even with, and I'd like, this one pastor said, I quote him a lot, but he said, um jesuse people who were nothing like Jesus liked Jesus. And he liked him too. How about that? Is that you? Is that me?
He says, in fact, here's what it looks like. It's crazy. Here's what it looks like. Speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
Are you speaking in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs? they like You're singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord. Do you have a joyful heart? By the way, you have a brand new heart.
But is it filling in your emotions and in your thinking and your thoughts and your words and your in your behavior? Always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the God, even the Father? Is that what you look like? If not, man, that's what I'm talking about. That's what it's all about.
I want you to make the most of your time because we're not guaranteed a tomorrow. I don't want you to have any of those five regrets. Take a step back, take a look at your path, at your walking and all these areas. Ask the Lord, what's the wise thing for me to do right now? Don't go make like a crazy,
Need your decision, I'm gonna quit my job. Okay, pause. Okay, pause. Lord may want you to quit your job. In fact, now when we talk about God's will, God's will is not a tight rope. God's will is like a big five-lane highway of righteousness, holiness, kindness, truth, and love. I just say pause, say Lord, give me the wisdom to make the right decision.
and then trust them. If it's risky, it's risky. It may be the Lord wants you to stay there and just set boundaries. Maybe He wants you to, leave I don't know. But take a step back in your walk. Ask the Lord for wisdom. I want you to make the most of your time. I want you to look like you're drunk with kindness, overflowing with love and gratitude.
And love, you mean to the other political party? Absolutely. Jesus was not a Democrat. He was not a Republican. He was not an independent. He was not whatever other parties are out there. and still That's the width and depth of my political knowledge.
There's room for differences, okay? But we can be kind and grace-filled. that's what That's what it's all about. He ends it with this. He says, and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ. In humility, we are being placing ourself under one another in our attitudes. There's not one better than, I don't have to one up somebody. I can be subject to one another in this reverence and awe of Christ.
That's making the most of your time. So I want to encourage you with that, that it's not about, it's not about being right. It's not about having the most toys at the end of your life. Nothing wrong with toys. I love electronics. I love Apple toys. They're very expensive. So you got to save. I don't go on every upgrade, do every upgrade cycle.
but I do love that stuff. That's okay.
I want you to ask the Lord, what's the wise thing for me to do in my finances, in my relationships, in my education, in my career, in my family, with my spouse? What's the wise thing to do so I can avoid those regrets at the end of life?
So let me ask you, what is the Lord prompting you to do? I don't want you to just think about it and say, oh, that's nice, that was that was really cool. um I don't want you to just let it go. If you need to, write it down somewhere. But I don't want you to stop thinking about it.
I do want you to pray about it, but at some point, I want you to stop talking and start walking.
You've been listening to Walking Free, a production of Grace Ministries