Wild + Child with Claire Dunn image
Wild + Child with Claire Dunn
759 Plays
2 months ago

It's all very well to forage weeds and track wombats, weave baskets from willow and walk barefoot cross country... but how do you stay wild in the city? With kids? With a face-sucking phone in your pocket?

Claire Dunn is a good person to ask about these things, being a key figure in Australia's rewilding movement and uncommonly balanced advocate for undomestication. 

If you don’t know Claire, she’s a writer, speaker, barefoot explorer, rewilding facilitator and founder of Nature’s Apprentice -- and, as hands down one of my favourite people, it was a joy to wander with Claire around the conversational compass from her personal mythology, wild motherhood to what's up with introverts? to making peace with the concrete jungle.

Claire’s Books:

My Year Without Matches

Rewilding the Urban Soul

Claire’s home on the web:

Nature’s Apprentice

NBLT ~ Nature Based Leadership Training

Joanna Macy ~ The Work That Reconnects

Jon Young

Paul Hawken ~ Blessed Unrest

The Tourist Test ~ Kamana Wilderness Awareness School
