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Bonjourno, everybody, and welcome to another episode of Chat Tsunami. I'm Sad Tsunami, and joining me today for this totally golden experience is my very good friend, Blowfish Man TV.
Comedic Banter and Series Recap
Blowfish, welcome back. Thank you so much for welcoming me back in. Man, it's hot too. I'm not gonna lie to you, I did speedrun through this episode, so I hope my commentary isn't deemed, you know, useless, as a deal would love to say.
Yes, as the kids say, that is indeed a big murder. Oh yeah, big, big murder. Yep, there are going to be a lot of jokes like this, so if you're not into that, please turn over the channel.
Get out of here. No, no, please. No, no, please, please. Look through, trust me. So, yeah, actually, before we start, I thought that a very good thing that we could start off with is, you know, recapping the parts that we've already covered. And, you know what, I thought we could just, you know, take some time, maybe an hour or two, you know, just to recap and then. Yeah. And then we can get into part five. Yeah. Sounds good to me, then.
As we were talking about before, part one, of course, is the story about...
And who knew that someone could be that into hands? I know, right? That's so wild. I guess you could say it. Who saw that coming, really? A hundred percent. And I hope you guys agree at home about our analysis there. It took us hours just to record that. I get the feeling there are going to be a lot of non-JoJo fans that are confused, but you know what?
Hey, this is what it is. This is a JoJo podcast, but hey, for those who tune in, uh, you know, watching us because they like me and Satsu, uh, hope you're not too lost with the jokes. Oh, yeah. There will be a lot of jokes like this, man.
Main Topic: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5
So yeah, as you can see today we are indeed going to be talking about Part 5 Golden Wind and you know what? I have actually ever since we recorded Part 4 and I still maintain that Part 4 is one of the best episodes.
that we have recorded. It was such a lot of fun to do. Great episode, great episode, yep. It was really fun. Yeah, I'm really excited to go over this part. Out of curiosity, like, see before you even got to this part, what did you know about Golden Wind?
Honestly speaking, um before I got jumped into golden wind I knew that you know, there was memes about it I've seen the memes around like, uh, you know the riva derchi
Initial Impressions and Memes
meme. What else did the muda meme? Of course the the seven page mood I would yeah Yeah, there's that I also had a well someone mentioned it to me that oh, uh, the main character of uh The fifth part of jojo is uh related to do and i'm like wait What so that's kind of what dragged me in and I was like that's interesting. So how does that work? You know what? I mean?
other than that yeah when I jumped into it pretty much speedran it for the most part. It's quite funny because even before I started JoJo's Bizarre Adventure like again it was one of those shows where it was like oh the memes and everything and you know like everything was kind of like popping up here there and everywhere but I remember of all places I was on a holiday while I was visiting a friend in Sweden and he was like a really big anime fan and for some reason we got talking about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
and one of my other friends who also watches anime was like oh yeah I watched a part one and then oh I just skipped to part five ever since then like all I heard was part five's amazing you know part five's like the pinnacle of the seat like it was really hyped up like was it the same for you uh not not necessarily the same for me I heard that part
3 was the best from like every Jojo fan. I knew it's like oh part 3 so good And sometimes you get the echo of like oh part 2 is like the best and all that. Oh, yeah Part 5 all I heard was that main characters related to uh, sorry main characters related to Dio and I'm that's what sort of like driving I'm like Oh, are they you know, basically starting some sort of new family bloodline or something? You know, yeah
That's all I heard about part five and some of the memes. Oh yeah, the memes just encompass like, who needs like a bulletin board or a news channel or a Twitter page when you've got the memes of Jojo, you know. I feel as if that's where it's getting its traction from. You could post like a random Jojo meme at any corner of the internet and people would just be like, oh I know that, it's a Jojo
reference. Oh yeah 100% crazy. Well sorry you get two reactions you get that one or you get a oh Jesus is that a JoJo reference. Yeah pretty much. Just people just like oh no no no no no no don't don't you come in here with your ariva dirties and your mudas and things. On your mudas and yeah and you know like all the wine and like the the three dudes beating up that one dude you know. Oh that's such a good scene
Art Style and Character Design Evolution
I think I touched on this in part three discussion that I had like a big gap between watching part three and then watching part four because and again this is the this is the hot take of the night that I wasn't that great a fan of three and then absolutely loved four and then I just immediately I jumped into five because people kept talking about it and it's certainly an interesting part I have to say and that seems like the most like non-committal answer
Yeah, for sure. Especially since we really hyped up part 4 and then you get into part 5 and there's a lot of changes from the art style to the way the characters are carried across. Did you notice that? Taking the example of the very first scene where we're introduced to Jono,
Yes, of course. I heard Jojo of this part. Did you feel that way? This was quite different from part four? Or did you feel as if it was similar? What was your thoughts? A hundred percent, man. The beginning is just showing our lovely main Jojo of this part, Giorno. He's kind of just chilling, living his life, just walking around town. The thing that sort of dragged me in as well in the beginning scene
Uh, was, you know, how he helped out that kid get an ice cream. You know what I mean? And I'm like, okay, so, you know, he's not, you know, totally a mysterious sort of like main character, like an air of mystique to him. He's got, he definitely definitely does have that. Don't get me wrong. But he's also got like a, you know, a good heart. Uh, yeah.
And, you know, I think that in the beginning they did portray that very, very well when it came to introducing Giorno, you know what I mean? Art style was wildly different in a sense that like they went from, as you said, in the earlier stages of this podcast, they went from, you know, a good hybrid of parts one to three with the new art style of part five, you know, they had the good hybrid in part four. And then, uh,
Now they just did too much of the new art style, so you won't see any of those buff boys that you're usually seeing. But you will see some pretty ladies still, but the buff boys are gone, so sorry to disappoint for people going into part five. See, I was actually thinking about this before we started recording, but it's almost as if they've done the opposite of getting characters to stand out. So, for example, you knew a guy was a main character. If he was built like a truck,
like parts one to three. Like if he's a 17 year old and honestly he's got like huge like yeah exactly then you know like you know you're screwed whereas for part like four they definitely toned it down. Like people are still buff, I think you mentioned this as well, like people are still buff but they're realistically buff or more realistic.
part five they do the opposite thing where they just make them the center of attention it's a bit jarring to begin with because it's like everyone like everyone around is very normal and i know that sounds weird to say in an anime like oh they're normal but like you know they've got like very toned down colors and their clothes and things and you know just not generic i don't want to say that because the art style is great or not the art style but like the artwork is like really nice for some of this but
Yeah, it's like Giorno just looks like a sore thumb.
He sticks out so hard with the hair, with the look, his eyes, the colours of his clothing. The fact is he's exposing his chest. Like the Ripped Boy he is, or like what the previous art style was. The fact is he's got Dunkin Donuts on his head. He's got Donuts. How did you even get that hairstyle?
and no ask for no like and i know obviously that's like a stereotypical oh how does protagonist in this anime get this yeah like even goku's made more sense it's like just get a lot of gel it's like yeah get a lot of gel uh you know grow your hair that's pretty much it get a perm maybe
Yeah, Giorno's like, if he had like a curler and they just like sat the whole day with three of them attached to four, they're just like, that's what I thought. Because even when he goes to sleep and thinks his hair's never down, it's like it's always like permanently stuck.
Setting: Italy and Cultural Depiction
It's like, is that part of your stand ability? Reminds me of like, you know, the man from Kung Fu Hustle if you watch this.
Maybe that is just permanent curlers. He's just ready. Fuck, you know what I mean? I don't know. Maybe Naples just has a shortage of like, here stymies. Or maybe they're just too avant-garde. I mean, that is Italy. It is based in Italy. It's the city of fashion. Oh no, the city, sorry. It's the country of fashion. And the country of, you know, black ink squid spaghetti or something like that. Oh no. Oh no.
So good. Actually, I nearly forgot that we've already been tethered in, JoJo, via part two. Which is quite interesting to see them return. Because technically they didn't see much outside the city in part two. Whereas in part four, they're just like, okay, here's Naples. Look at all these, you know? Look at all this horrible- Look at all the architecture. There's a Colosseum. There's this, this and that. There's nice restaurants, you know what I mean?
Well, it's just, it's such like, and I'll kind of get to my gripes about some of the artwork, but see like for the locations and things, absolutely beautiful. I mean, Araki, like I'll point this out now, Araki is a total like, I don't know what you would call it, but like, is it a waste of...
He really loves Italy in this part.
Character Dynamics and Stand Abilities
I mean the whole part is set. They never really leave Italy because I'm just trying to think like there are other parts that do stay in one location because I'm thinking of like part one was set like primarily in England until they got in the boat. Part two is like part two and three
A weeaboo, yeah. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo. A weeaboo.
or like the jumping about and then part four like remains in Japan as well and then part five i think is where Araki's just let loose and he's just like yes i get to talk about Italy now my favourite.
Yeah, that sounds like Rick Liam's stand. But just something real. Oh sorry, before I go on. Yeah, spoilers abound. As usual, we are going to dive into spoilers. There were a couple of spoilers there, but these are like, these are mainly things that happened in the first episode. But yeah, just going forward, there are going to be spoilers.
It's a very interesting start but I think I mentioned this in like either part 3 or 4 and this is a very minor nitpick but for some reason I just I don't like the eyes of these characters and I've got no idea why. I think it's I agree with that. I also don't like how they did the noses is that just me? Yeah there's just something a bit off about them. There is. I don't know what it is like part see I actually got called out by one of my friends who was like oh part four is the most generic anime looking art style wise and I'm like
Oh yes, that's why I like it. Exactly, right? It's something we're more used to seeing. Yeah, when I was part 5, it's like eyelashes that are going to the heavens and you know, it's like, I just think there's too much going on with some of the features. And I get it, like that says, you know, art style going forward, so it's never gonna change. Even, I don't know if you saw the Rohan spinoff I have in.
Is it good? Actually, I would recommend it. I think a couple of the episodes are on Netflix. There's certainly a couple of them are. It's a really interesting spin. But they use part five animation on it. Or part five art style. It's not as distracting. For some characters, it definitely is. It's like this big buff guy, you know? And he's got the huge eyelashes and you're like, no kidding, right?
tone this down someone please just take away the bunch out for the eyelash department and again i've got nothing against huge eyelashes or anything but oh hell no oh it's just it's it's strange and again that's a very minor like nitpick but of course this part begins my go-to just spent five minutes running about eyelashes
I think this is the only time I can ever just be like, and another thing about the eyelashes. Yeah, this part really starts off interesting. It's a really interesting, like, a brief but succinct, I would say, dive into Giorno's character. I don't know if you think the same, just like, it establishes that he is very kind, he's very streetwise, but he's also like not a complete monster. Like, for example, you can see at the beginning he
it stops two women from getting a purse stolen but he still steals their money but then he uses the money to buy himself an ice cream and to buy like this random child who he doesn't know yeah just a random yeah just ice cream and it's like okay that that that's pretty nice yeah like in those couple of scenes it does establish him very firmly and it's good i like it and then of course we get to the main like a plot where oh
whether you love him or hate him is the Marmite of Jojo, that of course being Koichi who lands in Italy for the very first time and after being written in to learn Italian which, my god, I wish someone would do that.
to me. You know Italian. You know Italian's good. Speaks Japanese. That is so funny. Just to give context. It's one of those anime things which some animes do approach it differently, some don't. The Great Pretender does a really interesting thing with that where they actually get some of the characters to actually speak the language.
that they're speaking but then some of them it's just like well for this anyway it's like they speak entirely in japanese but they're obviously supposed to be speaking italian and yeah as she said it's like the subtitles like wow you're italian's amazing and it's like my god kuichi did you just like open up the wrong duolingo course just like yeah it's like there's a lot of kanji in this italian
like you know what I'm sure it's fine it's like Koichi made a terrible mistake that day but yeah they eventually bump into one another and of course he doesn't know it initially but that's of course the person that he's trying to hunt down because I think is it Joseph that gives the heads up that Giorno's like out and about as Dio's son yeah I think so I think it is like he gives like a hermit purple
So of course Jotaro, like a very, how do I say this in the nicest way possible, like a very responsible adult, sends a school child to hunt after the son of a immortal vampire.
Yeah, Mortal Vampire who stole his great-great-grandfather's body? Yeah. Something like that. Yeah, and it's like, why? You know what is fair enough? It's good to see Koichi again, and not as crying in fear or anything, like genuinely kicking ass and being proactive with a lot of things. And of course eventually he figures out
In fact, sorry, even before that, Giorno like scams him or tries to scam him and he ends up making off with like his wallet and everything and this is when you basically see Giorno's like stand power. Where do we even begin with Golden Wind or Golden Experience or whatever you want to call it? Like... Honestly, it is... I'm not too sure how I would describe his power. It can do anything.
Well, actually though, like rebirth, destruction, like it's essentially kind of like having the power of God. It's kind of, it's kind of weird, you know what I mean? Like the power of literally the power of creation, which is very OP if you think about it. That is very OP. Like, I mean, in the first couple of minutes, like.
So earlier I said that he ends up stealing the money from the two female tourists and you might be thinking, oh did he just put his hand in and pluck it out while they weren't looking? It's like, no, no, no, no, no. He turns their money into butterflies which fly to him and then
turn back into money, and then again with Koichi's suitcase, he turns that into a frog, and then steals the frog that turned back into the suitcase. It's so weird. You can literally make anything out of anything. Mind-blowing. You can even grow trees and things like that. It's just this.
It is strange. It sounds very strange. It's a cool ability, but it's just so OP, it is. And, of course, he ends up getting into a bit of a spat with a... I don't even know. I'm assuming it's just another guy who's like a scam artist who is just like... He carries around a Roman shovel that has like... It has a SPQR on it and it's like, why? Why?
I mean it's cool but it's just like okay fair enough and he gets his ass handed to him by Giorno because I mean my god this guy can turn anything into anything why would you approach this man?
Bruno's Leadership and Ambitions
Right exactly right and then yeah it's like so then you've got kind of too many
not many plots like that's kind of underselling it but you've got Coelichi trying to find Giorno and then you get the introduction of the Jobro and Bruno yeah you know what I'm gonna let you describe this guy because remember how we said earlier how Giorno sticks out like a sore thumb oh how does Bruno stick out?
Oh my god, you guys think that Giorno sticks out like a sore thumb Bruno sticks out like a sore foot in my opinion Oh my god, the guy has like white clothing exposing his chest You know, he's got like a bob haircut very skinny, dude Personality is actually really cool. You know as a joker the community likes to call him the mom of the Jojo series Oh totally start seeing it as time goes on and it's it's fantastic. Yeah
about Bruno himself as a character, though he does stick out like a sore foot, he's very well put together. I don't know if you got that feeling from him, Satsu, as well. He's very well put together. He's responsible. He has a good sense of leadership as well, which is very, very interesting to see. And he seems to know what he's doing because in the very first encounter, so his power
Honestly, I was actually laughing at it. It's been a great hour, dude. It really is cool. But it's so good. I was laughing because I remember, I don't know if you remember this, seeing part three where it's like a lot of the stand users, you couldn't really tell what the powers were by looking at them. I mean, look at Kakyoin, for example, you would have no idea that he would be able to shoot emeralds out of
you know, high refined green I was thinking. I was trying to think of like Weird Snake Man or some other funny joke that you know what. You know what, Bruno's funny enough for the way he looks because it's like all of them, you know, have this kind of look where you honestly would have no idea what their different stands are and that's what makes it kind of unnerving, you know, because you don't know who you're gonna be facing, you don't know, except for Whole Horse. Like, I mean, my god, the guy who just steps in and carries a gun, like,
If you don't know, it's going to be a cowboy. That's the most American power ever. For the majority of them, even them, it's a character we didn't really touch on in part three, but you know the Paul and the Rafts, I can't remember her name of the
top of my head but the guy who killed his mum who like had like all the witchy powers is like a kind of frail old woman but she has like a really terrifying stand and it's like she doesn't really know like what these guys are capable of even Dio they spent like ages being like oh what's the word though you know what is it
And then Bruno, like, rocks up. And he's got zips all over his body. And he literally creates a zipper on you. Like, it's weird. But it's awesome. But he creates, like, a kind of extra portal or something like that as well inside of it. It's really cool. Yeah, you would think that, you know, at face value, you'd be like, this is a fucking weird power, dude. But how he uses his power is what makes it so good, right? He's very creative with it and very intuitive with it, you know? So that's what makes it good.
And I mean, you see that throughout the series, like from kind of close calls to, you know, just the way he fights people. And it's really cool because you're like, oh, how's it going to use it next? What's it going to do? And, you know, it's really interesting. And of course, we get our first, like, we actually get to see, can't remember if we get to see Golden experience or Golden ones during a stand for the first time?
like yeah he finally like shows what it looks like yeah i mean we see it in action but i don't i can't remember if we see it before i don't think we do but then we get the very over the top very campy pose where he's just like hugging it and you're like oh my god this could be like in the front of oga or something
They're wild and it's good. It's great. Oh my gosh. It's fantastic. But yeah, eventually I came to jump in the head. He ends up beating them to like a, not a bloody pole, but he does beat them all. And we get to see like how OP Golden experience is. It's like, oh no. Oh, this is him.
This is not good. And then Giorno basically establishes to Bruno, and I don't want to sound like Captain Planet, but he basically says, like, drum's mad. I want to be a good crime lord. And it's like, actually though, yeah. It's like, bit of an oxymoron. You want to be a good crime lord. But you know what? I'll run with it. I'll run with it. I'll take it. And yeah, basically that's his aim. A bit like, I suppose, like, woofy.
one piece like right yeah it's like instead of being king of the pirates he just wants to be king of the mafia that actually though yeah wants to be the next boss yeah and honestly the shit he goes through to actually get there is it's just incredible
Well, the next thing he tries to do, and I was actually laughing because I can't remember what his name is again. You're the massive guy that he has to find in the prison. Oh, oh my god. Oh, Dopio? No, no, no.
Oh my god, I forgot his name too but yeah, the one where he goes to prison and it's basically him going through his test of getting into the mafia, right? I just say a funny story. When I first saw that character, I saw the meme edits of him but someone had edited it so it was like Giorno's hair and Giorno's coat over it and I was like, is this a second form of Giorno?
Right? Or is this like, is he a shapeshifter? Who is he? And it's like, no, it just turns out he's like, have you ever seen Despicable Me? Yeah, yes. You know Gru? It's like an anime version of that. Yeah, it's like the pointy nose and like the huge kind of round body. It's like, oh, this is a very unnerving character.
I guess I completely blanked on that there. I was like, who is this man? Who has a stream? There's a big boy in the prison who decides who gets to join the mafia. That's pretty much what we're getting at. Essentially. He's both in stature and in real life.
and he essentially gives Giorno like this later and says you know take it home and make sure that it doesn't go out because if it does then you know they'll be held to pay so long story short Giorno's like I won't mess this up and then it's like two seconds later Giorno messes it up and it's like it's like that one Spongebob episode it's like the paint I think that's what it was
If you remember, that's what it made me feel like. It's like, oh, Giorno, why? And then eventually they come across like another stand and we get like a second big battle where Koichi has to team up with Giorno to fight him. And this is when we get our first Muda, I think, of the series. So of course you might be wondering like, for anyone who hasn't seen this part, you might be wondering like, oh, what is the Muda? And basically, just as the Japanese word for useless, isn't it?
Yeah, actually, like roughly translated into like music. And it's something that Dio yelled a lot whenever he was fighting, and of course- That was like his favourite word. Yeah. Yeah, if you had like a vein diagram, yeah, like Muda would just be everywhere.
It's just one chunk of it. You're approaching me, the world, you know? Like, we should make like an osmond diagram. Oh, we should. Just like, how many times did he say, you know what, I wouldn't be surprised if someone had already like made that up and been like, ah yes, Mudo would say it's like 527 times. I was like, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised.
But yeah, eventually he beats him up, you know, and he ends up, and again, just OP stand, he goes into the prison being like, haha, you know, I completed your task. And he gives him a banana, which again, referring back to Despicable Me, it's like, here's a banana. It ends up, it turns out the banana's not a banana, but indeed a gun. So if you're ever, you know, eating a banana, just make sure it's not a gun.
So he bites into what was a banana, it turns into a gun, and he accidentally shoots himself straight through the head. And that means there's now this power vacuum where Bruno is now going to step up as the head capper.
or something. After Popo died, he had to step up because he was essentially Popo's second command, so he deserves it. That's pretty much it, right? Yeah, he's just like, yep, job opportunity in his free real estate. He just gets in there. It's like, you know what, even in Ocean 2 Popo, you know? So my thing with that scene, Satsu, is like, how does he not prevent himself from shooting himself is the real question. To put it nicely, he's a greedy bastard, I think.
point i love him yeah i don't even get that like yeah he could have stopped himself i don't fucking know like he just that's one of my things like he stopped himself it's like that was only me you know that kung fu panda meme where it's like my suit where you're going my time has come yeah it's like yeah he's just like he's looking at the gun just like my time has come and then
Yeah, eventually that. Well, sorry, before we go on, it ends Koichi's part of the story and I don't... I honestly feel as if there wasn't really much of a reason to have Koichi in the story, like at the beginning, other than to say, this is Dio's son. Like, I don't know, did you feel that way? Or... Oh, like for Koichi to like, state that?
Yeah, no, no, like, poetry to be in the story or be in this part in general. Like, say, Majotaro, it almost feels as if... I feel like that wasn't super duper necessary. Yeah. Like, I feel like Araki was just trying to find a way to, like, kind of tie part four into part five, you know, like, kind of, like, make it as equal but not really.
I don't know. I didn't think it was super necessary to have them there. I feel like it would have been a better idea to like, for Giorno to find out somehow about his ancestry, not necessarily, you know, Koichi being like, Hey, um, so yeah, this is Dio's son pretty much, right? Like, I wish they kind of like did a bit of that. You know what I mean?
Once the banana gun goes off, that's it. Luigi is no longer relevant in this story. He buggers off and that's it. He leaves. Goes back home. Yeah, he goes back home. In fact, does he not go on holiday or something? Like around Italy? I don't know.
I can't even imagine. I think he does. Ben goes home. Yeah. I'm here anyway. He's like, I'm here anyway. Might as well party it up for a week and then go home. It's like episodes in The Simpsons where it's like, I must go. Morio needs me. It's just like the flames of Koichi just going up the screen. It's like, Koichi died on this way to his hometown.
of what? Yeah, Killer Queen has already touched the plane. Anyway, throw it to us. So yeah, it eventually leads to just basically a road, not a road trip, but like one big escort mission. Honestly, I feel as if I'm underselling it, but it does. No, no, no, no, you're not wrong.
Team Dynamics and Unique Stand Powers
It literally is an escort mission. So we're introduced, even before we get to the escort mission,
were introduced to the, basically the main job rows of this part. So we've of course got Narancia, who is the head of the group. He's like a Gen Z character, the group. Pretty much, yeah.
Youngest as well, you know. He's like, what, 16, 17 maybe? I think he's actually older than Giorno. Wait, what? I could be wrong. Is he a young person? Yeah, please, no, look at that. Because, see, I thought that because, like, I think I was watching someone else's video in part five and I think they said the same thing. Oh, and the rancher's like really young, the youngest of the group. And then one of the comments was like, does someone want to tell them?
It's like, there is no way. You're right. It's older than Giorno by two years, 17 and 15. So that's crazy. I had it the other way around, essentially. See, that's what I thought. I actually didn't know that until I saw that coming. And I was like, ah.
Okay. He acts like the youngest too, so that's the thing. He's definitely like the class clown. And of course the other two that we'll get introduced to are Fugo, who is... We'll get to him. We'll get into him. He's a very interesting character in a good way for me. He's a thing.
He is. He's a placeholder, but we'll get him. Yeah. Scaddly to sad to say he really is a placeholder. Yeah. And then, of course, we've got one of your favourite characters, actually. Is it Abacchio? Yeah, I liked Abacchio. I don't know. I liked him a lot. He was one of my favourites because I always see a lot of these asshole characters who side with the good guys. And I'm like, there's got to be a
a reason as to why he's such an ass, you know what I mean? And you find out your reason, you're like, oh, dang, that's actually really sad. Or like, okay, I don't blame him for being the way he is at this point, right? And then, you know, you start seeing him, like, those usual asshole characters kind of start warming up. Maybe if they want to take it in a more comedic light, you know, those asshole characters become more and more tsundere, whether they're male or female, you know what I mean? You heard it here, guys. Like, Blowfish Man digs the asshole character, so...
Yeah, I'll just put that in the poster. Blowfish endorses this character. Yes, he does. And of course, the final character, which I nearly missed there, was Mista, who I have to admit initially I really hated his design, but the more I got to know him...
Don't get me wrong, he's design's still silly, but I really liked his character and that is honestly the thing. This is something that Jojo did really well when it comes to the Jobros or basically the side characters who are accompanying the main hero. Especially in this part, they're just dripping in both character and the fact that they've all got established roles, except for Fugo, but we will get to him again. Poor guy.
I mean, the rest of them, like Narancia, as we said, he is basically the class clown, axed half his age, missed a very paranoid about the number four, which the only thing about that is I feel as if that's more of a Japanese thing.
honestly speaking yeah like I know and like I don't know enough about like Japanese as a language but I know in Chinese they really don't like the number four because it sounds exactly the same as the word for death like so like they really don't and I'm assuming it's something very similar in Japanese but like it always refers to like feng shui and things like that and not liking the number four and
like even still it's a really interesting trait to have. You know it's like it's not something that basically what I'm trying to say is he is, and I will get to like his stamp over eventually, but he's like a good version of whole horse. That's all I'm gonna say just now. Yeah like a cool like an actual cool version of whole horse, mafia whole horse. Yeah like if whole horse had the right personality and a
Now, the gun power is actually a lot more creative, you know what I mean? It's like, it's not just the people that are guns that are shooting randomly and they can carve bullets and all of that rubbish. Don't worry, Avdol's not in this part, so he can't shoot them. Aww, well that sucks. Yeah, I know, too far.
And then Abacchio, of course, as you said, he's got this really gritty past and everything. And it's good because a lot of the episodes dive into the background. We get to see the way they introduce themselves. How a lot of them are standoffish, but a lot of them end up warming up to Giorno. Because initially they think all he's weird, or not he's weird, but he's not one of us. And even Bruno's just like, now you kids behave.
And eventually it leads to a pee-drunking scene because... Yeah, I forgot about that. Oh my gosh. Oh, backyard pee's into a tea cup and makes him drink it. And Giorno has this weird thing where he drinks it, but it's like, haha, it's okay because I turn my tooth into a jellyfish and it's like, Giorno, you still drink pee. Yeah, it's like, bro, you still drink pee though, what the fuck? It's like, oh, I've absorbed 90-something per cent.
I've done a little percentage. I've been rolling just like oh no, no. You did not win this.
you know it's okay. Do you know what that reminds me of? It's like you know when you get like like those kind of and again I don't want to understand this part but you get like the kind of like coming of age films where it's like oh you can only be in our group if you do something disgusting like touch that dog or something. Yeah it's like yeah it's like oh yeah all we had to do was drink a cup of pee to yeah to get in pretty much.
And yeah, eventually that leads them to the escort mission part of the show where they basically go over to Capri, on a boat to Capri, which by the way, Beautiful Place 10 out of 10 would recommend. This is Satsu's travel guide section of the episode.
they're a really beautiful place but yeah they go there and they so sorry before I go on like one of the things that this well this part like I don't know if you agree but like the stand powers are a lot more weird than this part. They are.
In Part 3, for me personally, they didn't really know what they were doing with the stands. Or they felt like that because a lot of them were really overpowered or just stupid looking at you strength. Whereas Part 4 was a bit more toned down.
kind of more realistic. Part five is just boast of the wall crazy. As we said, we've got, like, Giorno who can turn random things into other random things. We have Zipperman, or Sticky Fingers as he's known, but because of copyright issues. Which is literally just a little bummer.
It's literally just a tiny airplane. The shoes. What else? They're purple haze. That's a lot of copywriting, like one anime. Oh yeah. Apparently, like fun fact, I think there was meant to be a PlayStation. There's a PlayStation 2 game of Golden Wind that I don't think it got released in the West. This was years ago. I don't think it got released in the West because of the copyright. You're not having Golden Wind and everything else.
it was like yeah would have been copyright hell for them but for sure but yeah they're just weird and you might be wondering why like I've waited until now to say this well yeah there's a boat inside of a boat or there's this rather sorry there's a stand user who
like he's got like this like stand that covers the entire boat so it's like another boat and it drags people under and it's creative but it's just it's really it's just so surreal and then of course you get Giorno who honestly like one by one they're getting picked off so it's like the ranchers first he just gets like sucked into the bottom then there's um mr and then
you know all the other ones get and then Jordan was like well this was fun and he jumped down to like see where the stands coming from and yeah I think it's thanks to Bruno that they actually find where the guy is oh god it's one of the most when we talk about that scene the torture dance I'll let you describe this
Okay, so when they find the the mysterious stand user in the boat who's trying to kill them what happens is so Bruno punches him where to the point where you know the zipper man creates his zippers is the English version of the Yeah, and one of the zippers just basically sort of decapitates
Bizarre Scenes and Combat Creativity
him, right? He's still alive. Obviously. Yeah for some reason because Stan powers So what they did was that I think they tied his head to something or just left it somewhere. No, it's
They, it's horrible. They put a fish, I'm sure, through his eyelid. That's what it was. Yeah, they throw him. Like around. They throw him. Like hanging on the rails at the side. Yep. And then Narancia, Fugo, and I believe Mista, they start dancing around his head. It's as literal and weird as it sounds, guys. They start dancing around his head while this is all happening. And then as his eyes are wide open, you know, they're putting his head in the direction of the sun. So I'm just like, oh, that's a lot more messed up than I thought. You know what I mean?
And then they're just dancing around to, you know, fuck with him. That's literally, it's called the torture dance scene. Search it up, guys, for any non-Joe Bros and cat, you know what I mean? Well, can we just point out how much that song slaps? Because that song slaps. It slaps. It slaps pretty hard, guys. It's a very catchy tune. Even if you don't want to see that, just type in torture dance song.
Yeah, like, I can't believe I'm recommending it. Yeah, type in Jojo after it if you don't want, like, the FBI or anything. And they'd be like, huh? Like, why the hell was he looking up torture dance songs? And then they had Jojo after it, like, ah, OK, OK. Carry on, carry on. And then, you know what's funny? The best part is, like, as they're dancing, I believe it's either Abbacchio or Bruno stops them. He's like, stop fucking around or something like that.
That's when they just stop doing it. Aww man. I believe it was Abbacchio who said to stop, you know what I mean? I think so, because he's definitely the more serious one of the group. And of course that eventually leads to them getting to Capri and encountering, let's face it, the mystery gang of the mafia. You know Scooby Doo.
I don't know how to describe these guys like so basically I think since the the previous capo has been capoed off haha
Like, since he is the, you know, there's this power vacuum in that area, and there's like a random group of people, or random group of stand users in the mafia who are like, oh, okay, we are gonna fight. So basically, sorry, before going, what they're looking for is they're looking for the daughter of the boss of like the entire mafia.
of Italy. Yeah, basically just the head honcho, the absolute boss. Basically a guy who is shrouded in mystery up until the second part, but we will get to that. But we get to see, you know, these stand users like every turn try to stop them. Very, very weird, weird people. I mean, you've got one that can like freeze water, got one that can shrink people. One with a fishing pole as well. Oh, jeez. One with like a shark.
that like bites your tongue or something like that. What else was there? Oh man, there was a lot of weird stand using this one. Guys like, just bear with us here. Cause like, so the only thing that I didn't like about that part Satsu was like when it was literally like an escort mission. They sort of brought it back to part three where it was like flavor of the week or like monster of the week as you would bring it, right? So like watching it, one of the reasons as to why I speed ran it guys personally was because of that reason. I'm just like, oh, they're doing this again. Okay, great, right?
I'm just gonna do some stuff and put it in the background as bad as that sounds people absolutely love part 5 and you know like I'm not gonna get on people who you know love it that's fine but like to me I'm just like oh they kind of recycled the story didn't they?
I totally agree with you on that one. It just felt as if they were... So maybe it's just me being biased because I really loved Part 4, and only you loved Part 4 as well, but it felt as if for the most part there was a natural continuation of the story. It wasn't just you would have the flavour of it, there was some towards the end of it, but for the most part it was you would have an enemy stand user, but then 19x10 would pop up later.
as like either a supporting character or reference or something except for the rats but you know we don't talk about the rats they're powerful everyone forgets about the rats
told the bro off again. I was like, why is there sleep around in this? I think we did we did we like neglect to mention that in our part four? I think we skimmed over it. Yeah, I think we skimmed over it. That was one of the things in part four. I'm like, what? I think we skimmed over it because I was like,
I was saying like people always bring this up it's like oh Stan powers are broken because one of them gets a lucky shot and shoots Jotaro in that part and people are like oh Jotaro can beat Dio but that means if this rat can shoot Jotaro does that mean the rat's like stronger than Dio and it's like no! I remember like seeing those questions on the internet I'm like huh? I was like what?
Golly! That's the golly. Ah, just, yeah, crazy. But yeah, like, looking back to part 5, yeah, it felt like spoilers. They end up finding the daughter of the boss who's called Trish. Trish Uno, I believe?
yeah basically once they get to her slows down like you get a lot see this is a kind of thing like you get a lot of really interesting fights like you get Narancia versus the person who shrinks people yeah that was an interesting
That is a really cool fight to see him face off against this guy who nearly kills him by shrinking them and putting them in with a gap. Actually though, like, Narancia, I thought he was done for that episode, I'm not gonna lie. It's a really horrible episode. I know, it's really good, it's really creative, the way they have to get around them. And that is a point I'll give it. There's a lot of creativity in this part, but then again,
Then again, yeah, we get Iceman. We also get Mirror Man as well. You might be wondering why I'm listing off Mega Man villains. No, no, that's not their names, but that is basically the powers. There's a group of guys, or sorry, there's a guy who can trap you in the Mirror Universe or something, and it disconnects your stand.
That's when Fugo gets his chance to shine. His only chance to shine, because that is the only time, and correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not the only time he ever fights? Yeah, I think so. Fugo literally only had one fight in the whole series, from what I remember. The thing is with his hand power guys, it's pretty OP.
But what I did like, like, this is like the artist in me speaking about, like, how Fugo is as a character. What I like about it is that on the outside, Fugo's, you know, he seems super calm, very intelligent dude. They did go dive into his backstory and how he was like an actual genius and all that. But at the same time, due to the fact that he had to keep up that rep, I believe, Satsu, correct me if I'm wrong, the stress got to him and, you know, there was a
it developed a darker side to him that's a lot more angry and a lot more unstable, right? So that's the thing. So this is quite an interesting thing because it's something that Araki didn't add into the manga, but he did tell the anime production team that he wanted included. So his backstory is, as you were saying, because he's a child genius, he gets introduced into this prestigious university, but
they say something about like one of the professors tries to abuse him so he essentially kicks the shit out of him you know which understandably and yeah and then of course it gets like saying to like uh i don't even know i think he just gets you know obviously expelled and you know his life goes downhill from there yeah pretty much
I mean, that is quite an interesting thing because they do focus a lot on the characters' backstories. There's whole sections that they just flash back to, which I don't know if many of the other parts had scenes like that. No, not really. Now that I think about it, they did filler right in the way. They did. One or two episodes fine, but do pull what Naruto and Dragon Ball Z did.
Yeah, that was like one thing that I did forget to add as well and I did not know that that was not in the manga So that's interesting and his power purple haze guys Represents that anger that stress, you know that instability and like it's so cool seeing it act in action You know what? I mean for that reason cuz like you wouldn't expect that from fugo and then like but even before that Satsu the little detail that I noticed was like when they were driving to the place right I mean then Giorno accidentally tells him to like takes tells him to take a wrong turn accidentally, right?
And then, you know, he fucking stops the car and, you know, gets like mad at Giorno for a split second. He's like, I told you to fucking pay attention. And he's like, okay, sorry. Um, where do we go again? Like he's kind of like, see it for a split second. And you're like, is he okay? You know what I mean? That's what I thought when I saw that. Right. Like he legitimately freaks out at Giorno for that small mistake. Right. You know, when you see him in action, like,
I thought that shit was amazing in my opinion. I don't know how you felt about Purple Haze as a stan, Satsu. I mean, it was terrifying. It was a terrifying stan, it really was. It's basically a stan that gives off a virus, isn't it? Or something? Yeah, actually though. A literal Purple Haze.
comes out of him. But he's also, one of the things I thought was interesting as well is he's quite a neat freak as well. The stand kind of is like this feral monster that uses this purple haze but at the same time it's like he starts drooling and as soon as he gets drool on his leg he starts rubbing it incessantly like oh no I've got to get it off kind of thing. Which I thought was quite cool. I thought it was cool that the stands now are getting a bit more development almost.
Yeah, for sure. Oh yeah, 100%. Yeah, it's interesting the way they're taking the stands and whether or not that carries over to part 6 and 7 and everything. Not too sure, but it's interesting to see. And I thought that this is definitely Fugo's episode.
And it's his only episode. Spoilers again, but it literally is. Like, after that I do not really remember. I don't think he... Because I think because he stands so volatile that it literally affects everyone, including... He can't really control it. That's the problem, right? Does Giorno not get poisoned by it? Or am I remembering that wrong?
Someone does. I don't remember if it was Giorno or not. Anyone in the comments, feel free to correct us on that. But I believe someone does get poisoned. It might have been Giorno. Because I know that Abbacchio was put out of commission by the guy that, you know, they were fighting for a bit. It might have been Giorno. You might be right. Because it was just those three, I believe. And Narancia was doing something else.
I think Bruno was a- Naranc and Bruno were guarding Trish, I think, at the little safe house, I believe. Okay, I think that's what happened, yeah. It might have been Giorno. Yeah, because I think this episode takes place after Narancia fought the- I've had that one maybe before. But yeah, no, you're right. It might have been before. They do split off. Yeah, you're right. They do kind of split off, so it's like two of them go- or sorry, the three of them go to the ruins, try and find what they need to escort Trish. But I think as soon as they kind of get attacked a couple of times, they're like,
Yeah, this place isn't safe. Let's, erm... yeah, swiggy this way out of here and just go. Yeah, it eventually leads to like... and again. I know I keep saying this like I don't want to undersell this part, but you ever seen Plane Strains and Automobiles? Ah, like the show? Yeah, no, like the film.
the general idea of it's like oh no we have to escort Trish to the boss it's like let's take a train oh no we can't do it like a bit like part three it's actually like thinking back to what you were saying there it is kind of scary how many parallels there are in some respects
like the villain of the week, you've also got the different modes of travel, like they go on a train, they go on a bus, but like a car and everything, and the train, I think that's nearly the final straw for them, where basically, and bear with me when I explain this, but they take a turtle on a train and then they hide inside the turtle because yes, yes, oh my god the turtle,
I've got no idea how that works. It's basically a turtle, but it's got like a key inside of it. Or not inside of it, but on top of its shell. Why? I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I can't remember the reason. Maybe it's explained, so if anyone out there, feel free to let me know.
Yeah, or I might go back and I'll be like, ah, that makes so much sense. But off the top of my head, I'm like, yeah, it's a bit of a weird one. I think it is like the boss gave him that to, you know, basically get to him. And then, of course, she get introduced to the God, the Wonder Twins, the guy with the like he's got a fishing rod to. Oh, yeah. Oh, they were twins. You're right. I was like, there was something up with them. I'm like, oh, yeah, keep going.
I don't wonder they were huge. They were like brothers. I think they were brothers. They were close anyway. There's one who uses the omnipresent fishing rods that just goes through everything, and then you've got the other one who, his stand is terrifying. How's the screen though? Similar to Purple He's almost in the sense, it's not a disease, but it makes people really old.
Yeah, it's the ages table. That's what the other one was like. Oh, they've arrived at the aging stand. And it's like the only way they can defend themselves is if they're very cold. So they're getting like ice cubes and putting it over themselves and that's kind of reversing it. But because obviously ice cubes are going to melt like it is, it's a sense of desperation that it gives it. And I just thought that was really interesting and a really cool stand. And I have to admit it's something that I think this part does really well. Like obviously, you know, the heroes are going to win.
but the heroes never really... it's not like part 3 where you knew Jotaro was just going to punch the guy really hard and that was going to be it. Or punch them a few times. For the most part, Giorno isn't in most of these fights. Sometimes he is. In this particular one, he's not. And it ends up falling to Bruno to fight these guys. And of course, you get the famous Arriva Dirty scene.
with Bruno and yeah you get missed as like I love mister as a character and I love his stand so sorry just yeah to quickly yeah to quickly explain his stand is called Sex Pistols I think and he's basically got a magnum with like six shots and every time he shoots a bullet he's got like a tiny bullet person that stands on top of it I do not like them I like the idea of them but I think the voice oh you're talking about like the button
Yeah, they have a very high pitch. Like, eeee, miss that, let's sell fuck people up. That's essentially what's going on. Every time they came on screen, I was just like, ugh. I like the idea of them, but it's so hard to have a very heart-wrenching seat.
You know, like you've got like this tiny bullet anime person going like, is that not? And you're like, oh, Jesus. God damn it, guys. I know what you mean, but they keep going on and on. And you're like, oh, please go away. But this turn gets like beaten up so many times. Like, I feel as if he deserves a coffee at the end of the series because I'm hypnotising him.
This is another thing that I get annoyed at, just the fact that there are a lot of, like, fakeouts, if you know what. Like, not fakeout deaths, but fakeout, this guy's been beaten to a bloody pulp. Off the top of my head, like, Mr. Gets, like, impaled by the Ice Guy. He gets nearly killed. He nearly, like, gets the Fish and Rod guy, but I think he, in the last minute, ends up, like, attacked by, like, another guy, and that, like, puts him off and everything. But, 9 times out of 10,
ends up, or sorry should I say four times out of ten? Haha. But yeah it ends up it's like either Giorno that has to fix it or you know it's just anybody else and a lot of people, is it weird it's like you know it's like do you remember that scene from Monty Python it's like the night, it's the Black Knight where it's like he keeps getting these luns chopped off and he's like yeah oh it's only a scratch like
have a feel about the damage and injuries in this show. It's like they get cut open, they get beaten to death or near death and it's like it's fine, I'll just slip it off inside the turtle and it's like
I know, right? Like, geez. How? Oh, just, you know, that's JoJo for you. Like, by part five, if you're, well, I don't know, is it a good or bad thing, like, to still be weirded out by JoJo? By part five? No, I don't think so, because even, like, while watching part five, dude, like, I'm like, I know JoJo's weird, but what the fuck? There's definitely some scenes, right? Like, that's how I felt about certain scenes. Like, it's weird, but there's definitely scenes that even, you know, a weirdo like myself, I'm like, the hell?
I mean one of the worst ones I have to say and I don't know how you feel about this but there's another immediately the episode after there is another member of the mystery gang. I'm kind of cold on the mystery gang because I'm like I just thought of that. They're honestly they just appear
just to get beaten up and then thrown to the side. You know the big bad is on his way, but you get a guy who basically uses his stand to impregnate a woman or something.
yeah like he puts in like you can like customize the baby yeah like her personality traits powers like from a laptop it's really really weird you know it's horrible like i really did not like i don't know did you feel the same yeah like yeah i was like huh what the hell is it then he ends up like blowing them up because he transforms into like a bicycle or no it doesn't sorry i think because it don't journal can't even remember now
It's like he ends up like the stand ends up blowing up in like a really good or some way but it's like why even that's a stand just the right it's so there's no real reason for it and then they defeated the user because Giorno left like snakes somewhere and then they bit him and then poisoned him that's how the user died that's how he ends up dying and then the ice guy comes through because he's just like this fucking useless piece of shit that's all he thought
oh yeah because they missed us just like oh don't worry now it's my time to shine and then two seconds later spoilers he did not cope well and then eventually like i don't think there's much more between that and them actually meeting the boss does there yeah and like so they get to i think it was a church where they decide to meet the boss because if i was like yeah or just bring my daughter to this church and then you're done like then you could just do whatever you want right like
Um, and then I guess we'll zoom to that if you'd like. I was going to say like the, the ice guys literally that he gave them a run for their money. He was, he was an interesting stand user. That was all I'm going to say. He was close to defeating them. Like very close. You know, I mean, yeah, like he was, he was a tough opponent, right? Definitely the strongest of the mystery gang.
I love how that's a thing. Come to think of it, is that not Giorno's first Muda scene?
Final Confrontation and Villain Themes
I think so. Just to quickly explain, it's when Giorno starts basically doing Star Platinum in the past series and Crazy Diamond in part 4.
where they punch on enemies and they basically say like a phrase over and over again. So for Star Platinum it was Ora Ora. So good. For Crazy Diamond it was Dora Dora.
Not as cool, I have to say, but still. And then of course, for Dio, you had the moolah moolah moolah. And for Giorno, because he is, of course, Dio's son, yeah, he uses the moolah. But it's so satisfying whenever you see him doing the beatdown, because, and this is something I'm actually surprised we waited so long to mention, this soundtrack. This has made such a good sound. This is honestly one of the best soundtracks in the series, I would say.
there is one particular song called... basically it's translated to Golden Wind and it is...
Exactly. I was like, no, no, continue. It's so good. That's the thing though. If people haven't watched this part, then they'll definitely in some form or another, they'll definitely have heard of the song through memes or things like that. It's just such an iconic song. It is now. At least in internet culture.
it was. It's basically like the, why do I hear boss music music, you know? And yeah, it's just so good. But sorry, I just wanted to point that out because it is. Oh, that's okay. No worries. That's part of the part five discussion. Oh, it is so good. Such a good song. But speaking of good songs, actually, we get like a really haunting track when they meet the boss. Yeah. And it's this very like dark and kind of brooding
Oh, is it very final boss worthy? Oh, absolutely. It's like, I mean, I haven't played Final Fantasy, but I assume that's what it's like. Yeah, no, you're right. Honestly, I picture someone like Sephiroth having that theme if he didn't already have his own epic theme, you know what I mean? So yeah. It's honestly so good. That whole scene where Bruno basically goes in alone with Trish and ends up holding her hand quite literally because he turns round and then two seconds later he's like, oh, there's your hand.
Yeah, pretty much, right? Like, I remember Trish saying, like, I don't know my dad, so I don't even know if I want to do this, right? And Bruno's like, and then at that point, you know, Bruno's questioning is like, okay, I have a sense of duty to uphold because I'm part of this mafia, but is it the right thing to do to give this girl to someone who she's never met in her entire life? You know what I mean? And like, she's clearly not okay with it, right?
yeah so then you know he's thinking there and then while he's thinking that scene happens you know i mean and then he realized like okay you know what no it wasn't the right thing to do after seeing that right but it's a bit too little too late yeah it was like way too late right uh where yeah he tries to fight against the boss for the very first time and you don't really see much of it so the boss's stand is called king crimson which if you're familiar with the memes you'll probably know about this guy but yeah king crimson is a very particular stand
it's an interesting yeah yeah it basically correct me if I'm wrong because I don't feel as if there's a wrong answer for King Crimson but it's like does it not like look to the future and then erase like a part of time yeah so something like that right like jumps forward a bit into the future and then he does what he has to do yeah so for exact and then like huh right yeah
so for example Bruno goes to outmaneuver the boss and he goes round like a pillar and goes to like punch him which if he didn't have that stand he would be done for but because he can like see into the future and see that he's going to do that he like
as you said, kind of skips forward. Do you know what it reminds me of? It's if Zawardo had a baby with Zohando, actually though. And you get King Kremz and it's just basically a racist time and jumps him forward. So of course, the guy who's fighting against the boss is like, wait, how did this happen? No idea. And then Bruno gets his ass kicked and
kind of confusing like he gets killed but not quite killed, Giorno like saves him but uses his stand to like keep him alive or something it is really weird what they do with it and then this is like
definitively we're like the first part of part five ends and then moves on to the second part where they basically jump in a boat yeah let's go and fugo who again like I've been ranting on them and this is the reason because in this particular scene he's just like
nah i'm not gonna go with you guys i'm good i'm not gonna die that's essentially what he says like i'm not opposing boss i don't want to fucking die that's literally what he said right and then literally that's it like you'd never see him until the very end and you're like okay why are you here
But he's not. He doesn't really. Other than the mirror man scene, he's just there. As I said, as a placeholder almost. I don't know. I feel as if it's just wasted potential. They build it up as being such an OP stand. Then I get it. Like, if he used purple haze against King Crimson, maybe he would have won?
but yeah, maybe. Yeah, it almost seems a big maybe though. Yeah, a huge maybe. Cause the King Crimson Stand is no joke, like it's really strong. Oh, it's like so appealing. Although say at this stage, it's starting to become commonplace for
like the big bads in these parts to be able to stop time. Like I mean part one and two that was all about like punching the bad guy as hard as possible you know just punching them as hard as possible and then they would go down. Part three is of course Zalardo with Dio which would make a great like album name can I just say Zalardo with Dio. Oh yeah. Part four of course you've got Killer Queen which although you know blows stuff up it
eventually gets like the time traveling thing and now we've got part five and we've got another time user and you're just kind of like okay okay so that's the thing what i've been noticing since part three uh Sotsu the running thing with the villain's stand power stand powers is time like the running thing you see you can stop time with Zorado you can stop you can uh essentially go with Killer Queen like how do you how do you how would you describe you know Bites the Dust it's like putting you in a time loop by the looks of it
A groundhog day was a stand. Putting you in a time loop. Dan used it to end it, you know what I mean? It's crazy. And then, yeah, King Crimson jumps forward in time and messes things up and then comes back and be like, ha.
Give him a pair of jazz hands and that would just be the ultimate troll. It is I, King Crimson. Is it Emperor Crimson in the English dub? I think it might be Emperor Crimson in the English dub but I know him as King Crimson.
I was just trying to think because although this is something I don't think we have touched on, just mainly the copyright, that because a lot of the characters and the Stan Powers are named after songs and albums and rock bands. And part five I think was the worst hit. You've heard me refer to Shining Diamond or Crazy Diamond in
Diamond is Unbreakable as you know like Crazy Diamond, Shining Diamond because of the like copyright but I mean every or nearly everyone in this part like gets a different name so instead of King Crimson you've got Emperor Crimson instead of Golden Wind it's gold it's a golden experience instead of Golden Wind or vice versa I think it was I think it was a Golden Wind in the English dub yeah okay and then of course I think the most egregious one is instead of
Instead of sticky fingers, you have Zippermand. That one's like completely out of left field, you know what I mean? Everything else is like common denominators, but then that one you're like, oh, pretty much right. You're like, okay. Can you imagine if that was like Dio's power? And you know, if it was just like, what does his power do? We don't know what Zippermand does, you know? Zappa. Oh, no.
Oh, okay. Bye. Pretty much. Yeah, exactly. Oh, right. Yeah, rain check for a bit of a one. Imagine that. Well, kind of. Not that bad. Could be worse. Definitely could be worse.
Oh yeah. But then that leads to the second part, which is like the... it basically is the traitor's requiem part. And the reason I call it that is because that's the name of the theme that goes along. Can I just point out, this is one of the worst... it's a good song, but it's probably one of the worst openings in
Critique of Part 5's Opening
JoJo. Yeah, I'm not super into it either. I thought I was the only one. I'm like...
It sounds okay, I guess, you know what I mean? Everything else got me pretty hyped up. It's full of spoilers. It is. Which is what everyone keeps saying, don't watch it, just skip it because it's... Because the song's great and it's very similar to... Oh, what's the name of the third? It's like the second theme? Oh, End of the World. End of the World, that's it. It's very much like that. It's a bit like that because they've got two versions of it. They've got like the normal one, which is like the
and then they've got the second part which is the villain coming in at the very end and then doing their bit and everything. It's really cool. I don't know why they did it. I can't sit here and be like, I hope someone got fired for that blunder. But it's just a bunch of clips of the previous part and what's to come and it's mashed together. I could do that.
Like, it's just something you wouldn't expect. Part 1 and 2, they're fantastic openings, like, from the visuals to, you know, the songs and everything part 3 and 4, and great as well. But yeah, I just felt as if this was a bit lackluster. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that, by the way.
I'm glad you think as well because there was something off about that opening and I wasn't super into it, I would actually skip it. It's a thing. Which I feel bad seeing that because a lot of work's probably going into it but I'm like, yes.
definitely not the strongest. Speaking of not the strongest, what do you think overall, before we get into the very end with the finale at the Colosseum and everything, what were your initial impressions of this part up until that moment?
It did remind me a lot of, like, part three due to the fact that they did go with the monster of the week sort of thing. Um, but other than that, uh, when it comes to battle creativity, like the battle scenes were fantastic. Okay. Super creative, super intense characters were fantastic as well. Uh, but other than that, you know, it's still sort of felt, you know, too similar to part three in the sense that it was like flavor monster of the week. Right. So I guess out of 10, I would give it like a seven. No, I'd take any for that.
it's definitely a lot more or not a lot more but it's very creative which is good and it's good that they do develop the characters a lot but yeah there are just some things that kind of hold it back I don't know like again maybe it's just because I'm very biased
because I'm like, oh, I love part four. I'm a part four fan. Part four fan, I agree. Because it's just so good. And then part five, it is weird because it's like it's not so much it's going to end the world if they don't stop the boss. But at the same time, it's like it's not as small as localising it to a town. It's like the whole of Italy rather than, you know, just like one small town in Japan or, you know, one household that got burned down in England.
as are you Jonathan fans but it's an interesting start but it definitely continues with that monster of the week theme. I would definitely agree with that where I mean as we said we get just generic people like you get the people who you can't lie or something and actually what is really funny and my friend is gonna like robably like
wonder why the hell I'm mentioning this on stream but on this podcast.
Villain Complexity: Dopio and Diavolo
When I was in school I had a friend and we were coming up with like really stupid movie monsters and one of the things we came up with was a thing called puddle fish and
basically yeah like I've never actually spoken about this I don't think or have it's been in passing but it was this idea we had where it's like imagine if you know you're just drinking water and then all of a sudden like because the you know it's just a cup of water like just a random fish pops out of it
It was just like an ongoing joke and it just went on from there. The reason I brought that up, because you may be wondering why the hell am I bringing that up, is because that's exactly what one of the stand powers is. The stand? It was. The puddle fish? Yeah. It's just this fish that comes out of water and bites the rancher's tongue or something and then it's like, it means that he can speak up.
yeah he says like the opposite thing of what he means so it's like instead of saying look up he'll say look down or something but that was really weird it was it was a weird stand but like the way they used it i'm like it's a pretty solid stand in the sense that like you want you know you want to mess up the enemy for sure that'll definitely do it you know what i mean i mean eventually like runs and repeat they defeat the two guys who
Yeah, who are coming after them and yeah, it's like, okay, move on. Let's never speak of this again. Essentially after that we get introduced to Dopio, who is the... Oh! How do we approach Dopio?
I would say, so I'm trying to compare him to like another anime villain that I might know of. Satsu, have you ever watched Elphin Leon? I have heard of it. Yeah. Okay, so say if the boss is Lucy, the other half, Dopyo would be new, because it's like a split personality, you know what I mean? Or like two different personalities. So Dopyo, spoiler alert, is basically the boss's other personality, except he's like the more friendly kind of like airheaded one.
It's interesting to see, you know what I mean? And then the boss is like super duper cold and calculating and just straight up evil, you know what I mean? So yeah, Dopio is just, he's an interesting character. He is. See, this is a thing that's a very interesting dynamic, but it must make it awkward in business meetings when it's like it rocks around and it's Dopio. And then it's like, oh shit, I forgot to change it.
the boss. I was like, oh, my bad guys, um, hi, pretty much. But that's the weird thing, because they, like, I don't know how you feel about this, but like, say when they revealed the boss, like, halfway through the show, how did you feel about that? Like, did you think, oh cool, it's the boss, or were you just, like,
how they did the reveal, it was kind of interesting, right? Because I remember right when at the scene where Bruno starts fighting the boss, you don't really see him. You see his eyes, right? Because it's shrouded in darkness in there. But then I forgot what it was, but there was something that gave, oh, here's the thing. So the fact that Trisha's hair is pink sort of gave it away in the sense that, oh, assuming that she got her hair color from her dad, the boss's hair is also pink, right?
and then Dopio comes in randomly and you know you definitely see that there's something off with him something yeah because they're giving a lot of screen time to him i thought that um i thought that the reveal was pretty interesting right nothing that i haven't seen before but it was interesting how they approached it right so i guess you know Dopio is more of the
in a way like the face of the mafia and then you know the boss is more of just like the head head of the snake right so i thought i thought the i thought the reveal was okay because they did want to try something they clearly didn't want to try something new with this jojo villain and i think i think it was absolutely fine what about you santi
I do think it's an interesting approach to it because usually the villains are very transparent with the way they act. To get me wrong, Kira had a face for every occasion, but at the same time his goals were clearly established. Same with Dio. Dio was unapologetically A-Fabulous and B-
just like a monster. Be the best, be a god, be a who cares, take what's yours. Yeah, exactly. And even the power men, the power men were the power men. Whereas in this, it almost sets it up as like a very tragic story where because of this split personality, he kills his mum, he burns down the, I think it's the orphanage he comes from, or he burns down something anyway. Jonathan Fang's rejoice.
They're like, oh, it's a reference department. It's fine. It's fired on Jojo reference. Yeah, yes. I remember, you know, watching that documentary on the early days of man when they first invented fire. They invented fire and then one of them said goodbye, Jojo. Yeah, totally. The other one said Jojo reference. Jojo reference. What Jojo?
oh my god oh yes that was a great day for mankind i think oh yeah i think yeah it's like a very tragic villain compared to what we've seen already it's just a shame that i don't know i feel as if maybe they didn't get enough time to develop it because half of the time is him acting like an absolute idiot like or not an idiot sorry that's unfair to say but like very deranged where he'll pick up a random object and he'll do the
Yeah, as if he's like on the phone, whereas it's all in his head, you know, that he's talking to his boss. Well, the boss, like his personality. Yeah, it's a bit of a weird one, but I think the scene that kind of capitalises on that is when they come face to face with another stand user who is absolutely horrible. And this is the thing, this is like what I meant earlier when I said this is like a lot more gruesome. This stand user, I think you'll know who I'm talking about when Endopio fights the zinc man.
guy, the iron guy who can basically turn your blood into metal, you know what I mean? And he's got like razors and he's throwing up razors, throwing up forks at one point, I don't know. It's just some of it I'm just like, really, this is just a bit much, but you know, again, it's always up at the top and kind of a bit extra.
It's a bit extra when you're throwing up Razor Blade, you know? So that's just a fun fact of the day. Eventually he defeats him because he lets. In fact, no, I don't think he does let the boss out. I think the boss forces him. Or sorry, the boss forces his way out and is just like, yeah, sorry Dopu, you did well, but I'm going to wreck this guy's shit. And he puts up a good fight.
in fact that's it because basically at the same time Narancia and Cole are searching for
Basically, they're searching for the boss's identity and they actually get a tip off that the boss used to visit. It's like a seaside town that's very nice but it's like a seaside town that they go to. They hear or rather they sense or I can't remember but they run off anyway.
Narancia's stand picks up a heat signature but he only picks up one heat signature because I think at that point Dopio has got iron poisoning or something. He's got poison in his blood so it's not being picked up by Narancia's stand and Narancia just totally robocops Dopio's assailant and kills him right out.
So, Dopeyo manages to escape. I can't remember how he gets his blood back and everything, but he manages to escape. And then it's one of the tragic scenes where Abbacchio is like, he's using his stand, Medibiluus.
Character Backstories and Emotional Moments
So, his stand is quite cool. Do you want to explain what his stand is?
Sure. Um, basically how Stan works is that he goes, it's very good. If you want to be a detective, it is excellent. If you want to be a detective, which he was in a previous life. So what, how it works guys is that, you know, he goes to a certain place, he summons his Stan and then he tells us Stan, okay, what happened here on this day at this time? Right. And then, you know, it'll rewind as fast as it gets. Like it's a pretty fast rewind, but the, you know, the point where we are at right now, like he has to go back like what, 50 years, potentially 40 years about like what happened, something like that. Right. Yeah.
So it was going to take a minute, right? You know, moody blues is fast, but not that fast, right? And then, you know, as you know, time is rewinding, you know, Abbacchio starts seeing what went down. Like it literally like sort of plays like a short film of what went down in this area that he's like trying to find clues to. So it's a really, really good stand for like, you know, getting info and, you know, finding things out that happened years ago.
Right, so it was very good. It's a really good stand if you want to be like a cop, like actually, or a detective. So yeah, that's how Moody Blues works, guys, in a nutshell. And I mean, again, that kind of leads into his personality, doesn't it? Because it revealed, like, I can't remember if it's that episode or if it's earlier, then it reveals that the reason he saw Moody is because, oh, the puns keep coming. Is because he was initially a police officer who tried to stop a robber
think it's a robber and the robber ended up shooting his like work colleague because he didn't take the shot and ever since then he's just sorry I shouldn't be laughing but it's just the fact that he went from a relatively I don't want to say a normal guy but you know it's like he had a very short haircut and everything and other than like the purple hair and everything he was relatively normal but he went from like a normal dude yeah he went from a normal dude if you bought seven from Wish
like a long jacket that's like purple again like no dissing to like both of those character videos like the long hair bright purple purple lipstick and things and it's like it's very colourful
It's a very colourful trench coat and unfortunately in that scene he ends up passing away which I think was really, it was like done really well. Oh that took me by surprise, I think the same. Yeah it was very well done. Because he's like chatting to his old work colleague and I have to admit that did get me. I was like oh no.
because I thought something's going to happen because it's like in the background there's kids playing and the bacchios just like oh here's your ball you scamps and you know you're like something's going to happen here and then when he's talking to his old friend and you're like yeah
This is always fuck, pretty much. Yeah, that's like kind of the first major death, I think, of the group it was. Which is devastating, but... It was really sad, because I was particularly sad because I was in a fucking affair. Yeah, I was like, oh fuck, you know what I mean? That was the way I felt.
and it's like kind of them having to lump away and use like what they've learned to basically continue their mission and it's just it's heartbreaking. It is heartbreaking but you know Abbacchio came in clutch and I think he wrote what happened like in code like somewhere before he died right? Is it not like a face print or something?
There's a face print, that's what it was, right? He's like, go over here or something like that, right? And then they see the face print of the boss, of like what he really looks like, right? Yeah. And then, you know, they're trying to find out, you know, where this boss is and they get a, they get a call from a, from a certain someone who wants to help them out. If you'd like to go into that, Zazu. Oh, yes indeed I would. So again, spoilers. I know we'll say it's spoilers today, but this is definitely like the major spoiler we are.
they essentially get a call from a very familiar face from part 3, that of course being Polnareff. Now, I'm gonna be honest, even though I am not the biggest part 3 fan, I do like Polnareff, I think he is one of the highlights. Initially I was like, I don't know about this guy, but you know with his random plebeian and the leery, and things like that, it's just the best imbo character ever. But then, I love it.
See, the thing is, in this part, they really nerf him. Well, we'll get to what happens, but he, or rather him and Jotaro, ended up basically splitting off. So I think Jotaro went to Japan, I think. He went back home, yeah. Yeah, and Polnarev went to Italy.
which is quite a cool idea. So the reason they did that was because of what was established in Part 4 with the stand arrows. So basically the stand arrows, just a quick recap, is if you stab someone with them, the arrow decides whether or not you're worthy.
It depends whether or not you're gonna die or you're gonna get like a weird astral projection following you for the rest of your life. Yeah, it's a really cool idea to think, okay, it's no longer just a random or it's heritage, which it is heritage. In fact, no, it isn't, but you know what, I'm not. I won't go into that, but...
Yeah, it's like, if he gets stabbed by this arrow, then yeah, you're gonna get stabbed. So Polnarev goes titilly to try and stop. Well, it's not Dopio, it's a person called Diavolo, who, spoilers, that is the boss, but he gets his shit kicked in. So much so that Polnarev is in a wheelchair now, and it's just so sad to see. Because it is, it's like, someone who was so fun and energetic, and you know, happy-go-lucky.
Yeah, he's just like broken and reserved and he's just... It was a little heartbreaking seeing him that way. I'm not gonna lie, I'm just like, this is Polnareff now? Damn, what happened, right? That's the way how I felt. I'm not laughing at what happens to him, but I'm just laughing at the comparison of Polnareff sitting there very moody, just like, I hope Jotaro got on well. And Jotaro's dancing the Mario, singing, crazy, noisy, he is our talent.
Oh, yeah. But yeah, no, he does get down dirty, which is a shame. But again, it goes back to that formula of monster of the week where it's like, oh, we're going to fight this guy. Look at the fight. One guy with like underground powers. Yeah.
I hope Polnareff is having a good time as I am!
I have to admit those are the only two so like the penultimate fight before maybe it's just because I'm biased about a certain scene but yeah there's one that basically there's a duo who has established that one of them how to put this like one of them is a like a doctor who basically operated on people very unethically and the other one is like one of these subjects which are really tragic and weird but
the subject digs underground while the doctor guy creates the moss that kills people or something like that. Like disintegrates their body as it is disgusting. It is horrible. Oh but I actually built like an oh my god moment. Yeah it is. It's like if you thought like
thrown up razor blades was bad it's like you see people like physically like disintegrate it's like oh no so it's like a fight like you know they have to fight against these two and eventually they do and Bruno has like the upper hand because you know he's dead quote unquote he's dead but he's not dead I still don't get that but you know
I remember I'm not the right guy to go to he's kind of like he's like in the he's like the in-between between like the living and the dead that's what he is not that he's undead now he's not a zombie he's just so I guess he's like a I don't know what he is like an Italian Bruce Willis
He's not alive! Yeah, that's a huge spoiler to the sixth sense, but you know what I mean? Yeah, actually though. Yeah, it's a weird one, but yeah, of course, that battle, like, it's a very intense one, because again, you don't know what's
Climactic Battles and Transformations
But that leads to quite possibly one of the best moments in the entire part, and quite possibly the entire show up until this point. Because the majority of the guys, like other than Bruno, like Bruno's dealing with the underground guy, they really puts up a fight this guy.
and again it's like disturbing to see those two characters like they are relationship you know it's like you treat some like a pet and everything and it's just like oh it's horrible it really is horrible but that of course like they're all basically bloodied and broken and that of course leads to what possibly is the best part known as the seven page mooda oh yeah which essentially is a apparently it's in the manga where
Yeah, it's just Giorno basically eventually defeats the doctor guy and the doctor was like, oh, but you said if I didn't do anything to your friend, you'd release me. And, you know, he turned around and he says. He's like, fuck you. Yeah, essentially. That's himself. He's like, fuck you. And then, you know, he has as if he's like, oh, you're so mean.
and then it basically leads to the best beatdown in the whole history of the show where you just start yelling muda, muda, muda all over again and then they're like wee! and then it's just so good. I think most Jojo fans have tried to recreate that scene. It's tough. It really is. To keep your breath and everything without going muda, muda, muda. Muda, muda, muda.
You have to say it with like such aggression to you. Yeah, you have to just belt out. It's just so good. And then right when he does the final blow sotsy, this little detail, uppercuts him and he lands into a garbage truck and then the garbage truck just crushes him. I'm like, Oh shit, he's calling him garbage. He's taking off the garbage. I like that. That's like me. That was actually literally, literally like I fan void at that detail. I'm not going to lie. Oh, so good. That was fantastic. Yeah. I love it.
I do a lot of it. And then of course that leads into the confrontation with basically when they find that we meet Polnarov but then at the same time they're like hey we found this guy and it's Dopio who turns into D.O.O and it's like oh shit. It's like it's the boss oh no oh god. Scram. Yeah and yeah this leads to one of the probably the weirder parts. Yeah it gets weird from here.
Yeah, like, you've probably, like, if you've spared with this for this long, you might be wondering how can it get any weirder than oil dump muscle mane, guys with hand-fed tissues. Guys who can stop the world, who yell the world at the top of their lungs, you know what I mean? Yeah, vampires, you know, like...
How can it get any weirder? Iraqi introduces this thing into stands where it's like stands 2.0 where Paul Naraf has got the arrow. I can't remember if he stabs himself by accident or just that. I think he does. I don't know if he does it in purpose but
he stabs himself and then his stand has a mind of its own where it basically gets a secondary power and silver chariot requiem which is power so if you remember from part three it's power is just to stab people very fast with a rapier whereas in this part it's like oh it looks like something about a bloodborne where it's like oh i can switch bodies and things like that or souls that's what it made me think of as well
Yeah, and it's a really cool and creepy stand. So it's like they're running after it because everyone in the vicinity has traded places. So it's like a baby-age traded places with its mum. Oh, like an officer has traded places with someone else. Just weird weird things. But eventually it kinda gets resolved.
Yeah, Bruno unzips himself, which is something I never thought I'd say, and basically ends it. I think that's how they resolve that. Yeah. Because it's like, oh, by the way, we've got these balls in the back of our head. Zoop! Bye! And then he basically ascends to the skies, and it's like... Wait, what? Okay, Bruno. See you later. Bye, Bruno. Bye, Bruno. It's like, there is something, Jono, that I must tell you. I must go now. My planet needs me.
and you're like, you didn't even do anything. No, he did do something. He did do something. He did still. It's like, okay, bye Bruno. Yes, just a weird resolution. But yeah, essentially the fight over the arrow and
Yeah, this would be like really skimming over it, but essentially they, I think Diavolo tries to stab himself, but he can't. Like he stabs himself and he's like, oh no, the arrow wouldn't stab me or something. Rubbish. Yeah, it doesn't choose him or something like that. And then Giorno stabs himself and initially it does not take well. And then he eventually evolves into Golden Experience Requiem. And he also gets longer hair too. Oh he does, yeah. It's like going Super Saiyan essentially.
have to admit, it's one of the most chilling lines where he's like, the boss is freaking out going, what is this? So basically the boss punches everybody. He murders Narancia. I think the boss is completely awesome Narancia, like 100%. He thinks it's Giorno because of swap qualities, but he stabs Giorno and then he's like,
Wait a minute, that's not, that's not the right job. That's not Jordan. Oh shit. That's why he's like, fuck wrong guy. God damn it. That was pretty much him. Please stay with me. My daughter was on that body. Oh God. I was like, that's all he wanted. He wanted to kill Trish. Right. That was the main goal. Just so that, you know, no one would know who he is.
there was a bad time for him because yeah horrible time yeah especially when golden experience goes from OP to ultra instinct OP my god he just gets his shit kicked in he does and it's like one of the best lines where it's like he uses his like foresight I think it's kind of remember the name of it but it's like he's foresight power to see like what he can do to save himself and he
He's like, oh, this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to splat, you know, blood in his eyes. I'm going to donut him. I'm going to cock you in them. And he's like, I'm going to do it. I'm going to win. And then two seconds later, you know, the stand pops up and you just hear the words Coriwa Requiemda. And he's just like, yo, but basically this is.
Yeah, it's like, um, just based on the translation saying like, you know, this is Requiem. And then he gets his shit kicked in and it's like, it's beautiful. The beatdowns in this, like, part are beautiful. But then once he defeats him, speaking of Groundhog Day from earlier, Devo gets, like, trapped in this horrible, like, honestly, it kinda chilled me. I don't know how you felt about it, but it's like, this really chilling moment.
yeah like where he's in that internal loop yeah it's like in a terrible way he keeps dying although i do like the meme straw but there's like you'll be watching that video where somebody dies and it's like you see a judo fan like what if diyavoto died this way
What if? There's a lot of What If videos. And it's just this. I don't want to say poor guy because he was horrible. The way he dies, technically he doesn't die from Golden Experience but he gets like, he gets like, huddled into the river and he crawls out into this whole area where
you know all these like homeless people are waiting and this guy gets really aggressive and you know he's not used to being spoken back to so he's like you know who are you the homeless guy grabs the knife and they stabs him which is like a very like it's kind of ironic he gets stabbed by someone he obviously thinks everyone's beneath him because of his power although i did have a giggle like initially you see like the different ways he dies like the first one is him getting like cut open while he's alive that's horrible the next one's like he gets hit by a car and
The third one, that's just a little girl. That's a little girl that comes up to us like, hey there! He's like, it's a little girl! I don't remember that one. I did chuck up on that. I was like, okay, that's funny. But then of course after that, I'm going to ask your opinion on this.
Post-Climax Reflection and Thematic Debate
Do you think that, see the very end, where before we actually get a resolution to the story, they have their own mini flashback episode? What did you think of that?
So it's like... Oh, that one! I just thought it was kind of random and not really necessary, I'll be honest. Because I'm just like, oh, that was it, right? I'm like, okay, now what? That's the way how I felt, right? Yeah, because it's like, they defeat the big bad guy and then it's like, god, I really should make this comparison, but can you imagine the Stardust Crusaders, if they bet Dio, and then immediately after they showed, like, the strength episode?
Oh my god. Yeah, this could have been literally at the beginning of the show and I would have been okay with it. See, this is a weird thing because, again, I was watching a kind of retrospective video about this and the guy who was talking about it said a very similar thing of he wasn't a big fan of it, he didn't get why he was here. And there was a lot of people in the comments saying things like, oh, it's all about the themes of fate and you can't
on the one hand, sure thematically. On the other hand, everything's over. Like, do we? Yeah, that's what I'm... right? Like, I didn't think that episode was necessary, man. Ah, I'm the same. It was an alright episode, but like, I honestly thought I was like, is this an OVA? Did I miss something? And then it cuts back to them. It's like a real peace breaker, because they defeat the idea of all, and then it's like, oh, we've got an extra episode where all the gang's there, including Fugo.
Change your fate and all this and I thought...
I know, right? Oh, great. You're back? Oh, you're alive? Yep. I thought you died. Nope. And then, yeah, it just basically cuts to Jordan being the head of the mafia, which is cool. It's like he's got a cool outfit. He looks so sick. Oh, my God. He has like the long hair. He has the mafia look and then
I believe, sadly, Mista was the only one who came out alive out of us, and Mista's pretty much in a suit, and he has a second-in-command look to him, and I'm like, I love it so much. Oh my god. This is awesome, right? I mean, does Trish survive? Yeah, she survives, but I think she just lives a normal life. Yeah, she probably lives a normal life with the protection of Giorno, obviously, just because. You're our friend at this point. You know what? If you need our help, just let us know, right?
And so I'm like, yeah, it looked so cool though. I was like, oh, I kind of want like a part two of that. I'm not going to lie. Just Giorno as like the mafia head. You know what I mean? It would have been really cool because it's not exactly a cliffhanger. Like it is. It's a really good ending. Like they just completely enter the part or not know just that image of him as the head Toncho of us. Yeah.
it's nice like considering all this shit as i said at the very beginning considering all this shit that you went through it's refreshing well deserved ending i'd say absolutely like after all the crap they went through after all the people they dropped you know what i mean after all the friends they've lost like it's it's it's a well deserved ending in my opinion oh totally totally that is essentially the end of part five and i know there's like a couple of things we didn't touch on like Trish um finding hearth stand ever which
That, oh my god, was it, I think Notorious B.I.G. is what they called it? I thought that's the nice guy. The monster, oh no, the monster they were fighting. Oh, I'm sorry, yeah. Oh, that stand, that stand was terrifying. I don't know if that was just me. Oh yeah, no, no. Yeah, that was a terrifying stand. Yeah, like, kind of to quickly explain, it's like the blob, if your stand user had to die to release it. So I think at the very beginning, they kill this guy who's approaching them, and then that unleashes his stand, which, they can't, they don't even kill the stand.
Like, they better get in the ocean. Yeah, in the ocean. And then it became like a sea monster legend or something. Yeah. That's like literally how they wrote it off. You know, it's essentially Godzilla by the sounds of it, you know? Yeah, it's just like, OK, we'll just leave that at the bottom of the ocean and never talk about that again. And yeah, there's just like small things like that. But Onerf also switching bodies with a turtle, you know. Oh, how the hell did I forget that? Yeah, during the body switch thing,
Yeah, Polnareff doesn't go back to his body. He just doesn't. Poor guy. He's just chilling. Oh, Polnareff's there too because of the turtles. I forgot the turtles there in the final scene. I'm like, wait a minute, Polnareff? What? That was weird. Yeah, Polnareff is just chilling with Jordan. That's like, what the hell?
like you see jorno with like this new black outfit and the like serious look you see mr come in with like pretty much the same thing like second in command look and then you see a turtle yeah which is hilarious you're just sitting there like so he's chilling i feel like polnareff would be like the the uh you know the you know the wise old like
old council member, you know, that, like, if Jordan needs help, I was like, what do you think I should do? You know, he'd go to him. I'm just glad to then go to the Aladdin route. It's like, oh my God. Yeah. It's like Polnareff is no voice by Gil, but Godfrey.
I'm not even going to attempt that voice by the way, so if anyone's listening, you're welcome. But overall though, in terms of the past JoJo's that we've talked about, how would you rate him another five?
Character Analysis and Series Comparison
Out of the five so far that we've had, he'd probably be
Probably be number three for me out of like if I were to place them all I'd say Joseph's my favorite for sure Josuke second and then Giorno the third I was like I think Giorno would be number three like out of the five main Jojos on the anime that I like so far What about you man? See this is a thing like that's great character. I like it like he's a fantastic character
He is, but I don't... See, this is a weird thing. And I don't know if you think this as well, but like, do you feel as if it gets overshadowed a lot in this part by the other characters? Like, the reason I say it is because it's like, usually the JoJo's, like in their respective parts, are like the central focus and everything. And maybe technically you could say like, Josuke isn't really, because like, Jotaro's like the one to finish off Kira and everything, but
In this it's like, maybe it's just because they're focusing on the backstories of the other characters, but I feel as if, like with the Dio thing, don't get me wrong it's cool, and it's something you brought up I think a couple episodes ago where you were saying how it's like, you can see Jonathan's like really, you know, he's like shoveled his sight, where he's like helping the kid at the beginning, he wants to help people, but at the same time you've got like Dio's cunning and things. But foil, yeah. Yeah.
But at the same time, it's like that doesn't really come back into it in the second half. Which, don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting Dio to suddenly appear. Although I have seen edits of that and it is pretty neat.
It's like, it's the same thing though. It's like, Dio beats up Dio Volvo. And then he's just like, I must go. My people need me. And they just like disappears. And he's like, Oh, no. After that, I have an interesting question for you. Yeah, out of the Jojo villains that we've discussed, or did you rank the boss? Oh, out of all five parts.
Yeah, like who is the best villain for you out of all five parts? Where would you put the boss? Oh, good question. I liked him because he was so different compared to the rest, right? I thought he was interesting, but I thought- He was an interesting villain, yeah. I don't know, I would probably rate him like, like out of five, maybe like three or four?
the reason they say this is like, Kira definitely, like, I'm basically shrimping over Kira. We both agree. He's a great villain, I don't blame you, dude. He's fantastic. I mean, I don't think it's because, I would say Kira, then maybe Dio, like, maybe it's just the reason it's because, like, there's so many good villains in this series. I mean, technically, Dio is like part one and three, so it's like,
If I took like part one Dio, I think part one Dio maybe is the weakest. Well no, okay that's maybe not fair. Like you see this is the thing that's like I'm trying to juggle them. Yeah it's really tough because Diovo is very mysterious. He's an interesting character. Yeah he's like he's like a tragedy but he knows if they didn't develop him in certain areas and again. Not fully well written. Yeah like it is weird how it's like and again I'm using a Scooby-Doo analogy but
It's like the fact that it's like the hide arm and it's like, who's that guy under the mask? And then literally the second half it's like, oh, it's Dopio, okay, hi Dopio, kind of thing. But overall, and maybe he's a bit whiny, like whiny becomes full diavolo, he's a bit kind of like, me, me, me, me, no. It's like, they come up at, yeah.
I think like actually yeah, what about you though? Like, how did you read? Oh, number three. Okay. Honestly, I think I, I would agree with that. I would. Cause the reason why I like him so much is because he was so how, how Araki handled his storytelling of, uh, of, um, of Diavolo was it was, it was different in a good way. You know, like you said before,
All of the villains, or everything before part five, all the villains before part five, Kira to a certain extent had some mystique to him as well. But then part two, he was just fully transparent. He's just like, you know what? I'm a serial killer. Here it is, right? He decided to become essentially like what Dio is in a sense of like, ah, I'm Dio, you know, I want to rule the world. The Pillar Man walking, I was like, yeah, we're going to destroy this world and no one can stop us because we're that strong, right? And I'm like, okay.
Uh, what I did like about, uh, Diavolo is that they sort of built him up to be someone very powerful in a sense of like, you've heard his name. Well, you haven't heard his name. You've heard that he just goes by the boss. Yeah. No one has ever seen this guy and yet they fear this man that they have never seen before. Right. So that in that in a sense, like sets the tone for him and was like, okay, he's someone you definitely shouldn't mess with. Right. Yeah. Like, and then the main cast is like, you know, we're going to mess with the boss after like the first half of the show. Right.
Um, and then, um, you know, the moment his reveal happened was very interesting. It wasn't executed as well as it should have been, as you, as you did bring up before how like, uh, they didn't a hundred percent develop him the way he should have been developed, you know? Yeah. So yeah, other than that, say, say if they did the, did it perfectly, the development, I'd probably put them at number two, but number three for, for Diablo for me as well.
I feel as if Part 5 has some really interesting concepts that either goes too far or doesn't go far enough. 100%. And again, I'm not saying overall. I was kind of surprised when I got into this part and everyone was saying, oh, this is my favourite part, this is the best part, JoJo. Personally for me, and again, very subjective, but for me, this dinner. Not for me. I would definitely place Part 5 maybe 3rd or 4th?
And again, this isn't me saying part five is bad, this is just me saying it's got a lot of competition. If I had to judge it, definitely part four first, and then maybe part two, but yeah, they are probably interchangeable.
probably tied to a first place. I'm like, ooh, that's a tough one. Then maybe part five and part one are interchangeable. Like maybe part five and then part one, but I have like a soft spot for part one because it's so just ridiculous. I get it, right? It was an interesting one. It's not a lot of people's favorites, but it was an interesting one. And then, yeah, part one, part three, just way at the bottom. If I know something, there's a gap and then it's part three.
It's not the worst, but there's so much in it. I'm just like, come on.
Oh my god. Like jokes aside, like what would you say? Where would this part rank in your list? I would agree with you that, you know, it would be probably like number number three for me because they definitely did something different. You know, it did succeed in some parts, but, you know, kind of felt short in other parts. Number one. Ooh. Yeah. Like like you said, like number one would be tied with part four and part part two. Yeah. Like I feel like I'd have the same ranking system as you. Part one would definitely be a below part five for me. And then, you know,
Part 3, as much as I do love Jotaro and all those beatdowns, like, story-wise, could it use work? Work, you know what I mean? I mean, again, it's like going back to that idea that it has just... they were working out, like, the, you know, the kind of things that introducing a new power system entails and... Yeah. Yeah, I get that. I get that. But it's definitely the weakest, I would say. And that's me being very biased here, being like, no, you're my only, like, Part 4.
Honestly, in all seriousness, for anyone listening, if you like part 3 of the best or it's nostalgic to you, fair do's. Definitely. Enjoy it. Enjoy it before you listen to part 3 of this. I'm scared. Because I apologise in advance. Blowfish made me do it. I'm like, come on, Joe. You've got to apologise otherwise.
I'm still waiting for that money transfer. Yeah, I think it was like 500 euros. Oh, yeah, exactly. I forgot how much I paid him. I paid him a lot. But yeah, my money goes all my sub money goes to Satsunami 42. You guys heard it here. Yeah.
We're working at a system, essentially. Oh yeah, 100%. Overall, have you got any... Just closing thoughts about this part? Part five. I thought that because it was so different from the rest of the first four parts, due to the fact that one, we're not dealing with a direct Jojo descendant.
Right? It is like very, very indirect how he's related because, you know, Dio stole Jonathan's body and, you know, had sex with a lot of women. And then one of those kids turned out to be Giorno. Ta-da! Exactly, right? So you're like, it's a weird sort of like feeling of like, so you're Dio's kid. Yes. But you're also with Jojo because, you know, Dio stole the body of the very first Jojo.
So it's a weird sort of indirect relation, but some people tend to forget that he's also a Jojo too. I don't know if that's just you. Do you have that feeling, Satu? Like, oh yeah, he's a Jojo, right? Yeah, I have to admit, you kind of forget he's a Jojo at times. You're just like, oh yeah, that guy. Yeah, the main focal point is he's Dio's kid. That's it.
it's just the weird thing is they do like dive into like his backstory kind of but they don't really mention what they reference to you but he's not like a figure in his life he ends up you know he has a tragic story of his getting abused and everything by his um mafia father i think or stepfather and his mom's like always away gambling and everything and it is very tragic but then it's really sad
like after that it's like yeah he saves like a mafia guy from getting executed and then because of that like he ends up following that kind of life or wanting to like look up to that guy and follow that way of life while the guy's like yes but probably not the best idea for a five-year-old you know you just don't don't be like your dad you know if you want to beat people up probably kill them at one point you know yeah probably not the best
It's definitely an interesting take though. It's an interesting take to the list for the JoJo universe as a whole almost because as was said before, we've got part one that is basically the hero's journey, stopping vampires, that kind of thing. Part two is kind of similar but it's a lot more globetrotty. It's like, do you remember those old films for kids? Maybe not Disney but you only got those films for kids where it's like part one because they didn't have much of a budget, it's like they would stay in the one location.
And then part two was like, the bigger, the badder. And they'd be going to London, they'd be going to France, they'd be going to Italy. And that's what part two felt like. Part three, again, Saturday morning cartoon. That was all over the place. Part four definitely reigns in. Very relatable. Yeah, absolutely.
we both spoke about it in the last episode but it's just so much more intimate and just so just so good and then we get part five which isn't exactly stopping the end of the world but it's not stopping the end of a town that's like expanded to the country or at least that yeah significant promotion
It's more, that one was more about stopping someone. You know what I mean? Cause I don't think Diablo had plans to take over the world just to rule over Italy. So like, yeah, like, yeah. Well, part three was about stopping the end of the world, as was the first two parts as well, in a way. Part four was like stopping, you know, stopping the end of a town. And then, um, this one was more just like stopping someone, you know what I mean? Someone who's very dangerous, clearly. So yeah. And yeah, it does its job, I think. It does. Yeah. And I feel like,
Again, the last time I'll say this, I don't want to undersell it, but it does kind of feel sometimes where it's like, it's serviceable at some moment. At some moments it's fantastic, but then at other moments you're just kind of like, okay, we've dealt with this threat, we're going to go into the next guy and everything.
you know, Bruno's gonna put them to bed and everything. It's gonna be very interesting. But again, it's not the worst part of Jojo by any means, but it's definitely not. Personally for me, like I know this is like people's favourite part, like completely. So I completely understand why, but for me personally I think it is good, but it's not like, it's not that good.
God, this guy sounds so clichรฉ. It's not that golden experience I was hoping for. No, not really. Maybe it's just because I was so oversold on it. Everyone was talking about it saying, oh, it's so great. It's the best part ever. And it's like after watching part four and getting hyped, I was like, maybe I just had too high expectations. Maybe I need to rewatch it and I'll see
Yeah, maybe one day I'd have to rewatch it because I'd kind of speed round it, I'll be honest. Because after a bit, although I've given kind of concrete evidence on these episodes, I'm always open to changing my mind on some things, you know? To rewatch it and be like, okay, maybe that part that I ranted about isn't as bad and vice versa. Except for part three.
But that's another... Again, listen to the part 3 of this episode. Nah, I'm joking. I'm joking. To an extent, I'm joking. To an extent, I need to... I am Joe joking, as the kids say. Joe joking. Are you joking with me? I can't joke without you without... I can't joke to you without getting close. Oh, well then. Are you vaccinated? Well... As close as you like.
Oh, what a way to end this, retrospectively. I know, right? Damn. Oh, I can't believe, like, genuinely. Just to wrap up, I cannot believe we have gone through all five parts already. I can't believe it either, man. Like, I'm glad that, one, that you invited me to help you do this, and I was more than glad to, and it's a lot of fun doing these episodes, man. So thank you. Thank you.
yeah no problem and honestly like you're the best person i could think of to you know talk jojo with me and i knew you were hyped when i said i was like would you like to talk about jojo yes yes yes yes
But no man, it's honestly been such a blast doing these episodes with you. It's been fantastic. And I really can't wait for when part 6 comes out, and then we can watch it and then talk about it, because I'm really excited. As I said, I know kind of what happens in part 6, I know bits and pieces, but I mean I started the manga, sort of. So I've got a good few chapters into it, but
yeah i don't know whether it's just worth waiting for the anime yeah oh yeah we'll see so hey i did i did read the manga i might have to reread it again if we're actually going to just talk about the manga if that's the case because i'm like oh yeah there's definitely some parts i definitely like sort of speed ran yeah but yeah i mean read out like an anticipation after that okay yeah for sure for sure definitely it's going to be great like once it comes out oh yeah in like 2050 um
I'll come out in the next year or two. A year or two. 10 years later. I'm really excited for that. So yeah, thank you again for joining me on this crazy bizarre adventure. So yeah, where can these
You know, you know what's coming, so apologies. But where can these awesome people listening to this part find you? Awesome. Okay. Yeah, guys, my name is Blowfish Man TV. slash Blowfish Man TV is where you can find me three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I'm a lawyer on Mondays. I'm trying to get out of hell on Fridays. I might also take another job, you know, being part of the Yakuza. You might see that.
And on Fridays, uh, we got an office job that requires me to slay a witch, so if any of those three things, any of those three weird things, you know, like, impresses you guys for some odd reason, feel free. slash BlowfishManTV, man. That's where I am. Sorry, I was just laughing there when you say part of the yak is up, because I'm imagining you, but just, like, in the...
You're the get-up that Giorno has at the end of this bar. It's like, he boobishes. If anyone wants to draw me in that outfit, feel free. I will laugh and send it to me on Twitter or drop it in my Discord. That would be like, hey, come on. This is amazing, you know what I mean? I've had someone take hours or even minutes out of their day to draw me in that, you know what I mean? I was like, how's the stream going? Oh, OK. Yeah, head to feet. So this is how I feel.
It's like, you know that meme where it's like, how it started versus how it's going. I'm headed to Yakuza now. It's like, oh, okay. Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah, for sure.
Oh, goodness. And yeah, if you want to catch more of my content, you can catch me on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and of course Twitch. Honestly, this list just gets longer and longer under the name Satsunami42. If you want to catch any past episodes of Chatsunami, including this retrospective series, you can catch Chatsunami on Anchor, Spotify, and really all good podcast distributors just type in Chatsunami,
and it'll come up. There is also, I'm pleased to announce for the very first time, I am pleased to announce that there is a dedicated YouTube channel to Chat Tsunami. So if you want to see all of these parts just basically grouped together into one handy dandy playlist then you can catch it on YouTube at Chat Tsunami. And yeah I'm really excited because yeah this series is like
I don't want to say it's quarantined off, it's like... Quarantined off? Keep the JoJo out the main dressing! Actually, no, I tell a lie, because as of recording this episode, there will be obviously the five parts and there is an extra episode where yourself, Blowfish and I, basically talk about the whole series overall retrospective of it.
And that was another fun one. That was one of the live shows. That was really good. So yeah, if you're interested in that, if you just want a kind of overview of the series rather than diving deep into the parts, yeah, feel free to jump in there. Honestly, Bullfish is honestly being a pleasure. It's so good. I love working with you. It's a lot of fun. Same to you. Genuinely, same to you. It's been awesome. It really has. And as always, guys, stay safe. Stay awesome.
stay hydrated, and yeah, if your turtles, tortoises or any amphibians really start talking to you, promising to give you stands, yeah, probably give that tortoise away. Don't listen to it, especially if it's got a French accent, because then you know- It's got a French accent, then you're gonna deal with people with like pink hair and they're gonna try and kill you. Yeah, tell him mafia. It's not worth the risk. Tell him hospital, come knocking at your door guys, trust us. Yeah, it's not worth the risk.
Nope, nope, nope, not at all. Bye guys. See ya.