Introduction to Special Episode
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Hello everybody, and welcome to a special episode of Chat Tsunami.
Excitement for Jojo's Part 4
I'm Chat Tsunami, and joining me on this crazy, bizarre, and noisy adventure is my very good friend, Blowfish Man TV. Blowfish, welcome back. Thank you for having me, and wow, I feel like we're chasing after something here talking about Part 4, don't you think? Hopefully chasing something that'll show, you know, great days at the end of it.
see what you did there. I appreciate it, so thank you for the puns. Well we're just talking about this before we actually came on the episode, but honestly this is by far our favourite part so far, isn't it, of the anime? Like, I mean the song slot,
The character slaps. Everything slaps. I mean, even Kira's girlfriend slaps. We'll get to that, guys, don't worry. There's context behind that.
So yeah, for all those Jojo fans out there, you'll definitely know what we're on about. For non-Jojo fans, bear with us, we will explain.
Journey to Part 4
Yeah, today we are indeed going to be talking about part four of Jojo's Bizarre Adventures. Diamond is unbreakable. And my god, I can't believe we're on part four already. Crazy, right? Really? Yeah, crazy diamond. But not noisy. Oh, and definitely not noisy. Bizarre, maybe.
Oh definitely. But no it is, it's just absolutely, time is flying. I mean it felt just like yesterday since we recorded the episode for our total love and objective non-biased views of Stardust Crusaders. Oh yeah totally. If only we could get, if only there was a way to turn back time. Maybe Killer Queen, I don't know.
We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. So we don't bite the dog. That is true. So yeah, today we are indeed going to be talking about part four, which I have to say is universally regarded as one of the best parts, like within JoJo.
I'm going to be honest, for me personally, it took me absolutely ages to actually get into Jojo's part 4. The reason being was, as I said last time, when we talked about Stardust Crusaders, it just honestly felt like such a slog trying to get through 3. So just to give a bit of context for all those people listening to this in the future, slash time travellers, or slash bites of dust people, but
When I watched Jojo for the very first time, I watched parts one to three, like back to back, really. And I think by the time I got to the end of part three, I was kind of burnt out on Jojo. Like, as I've said before, part one was okay, part two, fantastic. Part three, eh, all right. And then after that, like, my friend who absolutely loves Jojo kept saying to me, oh, you should watch part four. Hey, Josuke, such a good boy in all of this.
And I was like, I just looked at the designs and everything and I was just like, no, I'm done for a while. That and I was lazy because they didn't have part four on British Netflix. So I was like, OK, not really too bothered. But then I realized that Crunchyroll had it. So like maybe a couple of weeks later, like a month or two later, I got into part four and I was honestly kicking myself. Like by the time I got to the end of it, I was like,
This is the best part.
Speedrunning to Part 4
I've seen this. Just out of curiosity, Steven, you finished part three. How long did it take you to get into part four? Honestly, I was speedrunning it. I was 100% speedrunning it. When I was watching part three, what got me through was just the memes. I was just trying to look for the memes, right?
But when it got to the fight between Jotaro and Dio, that's when it started to pick up for me. I'm like, okay, this is actually where it gets pretty intense and interesting, right? And then afterwards, I gave myself two more days, and I'm like, okay, let's watch some part four, and it's not as long as part three, so this should be quick, right? And I was immediately hooked after seeing Jotaro again, and I'm like, okay, and the only thing that I hoped for is like, okay, the only thing I hoped for is like, yeah, sure, Jotaro's here.
Jotaro's great fine. Let's just hope that whoever the Jojo is for part four They don't take that star power away from him You know what I mean? Like in a sense that like this is his story not Jotaro's, right? Yeah, so and they didn't do that, which is awesome, right? Cuz like that's what I was worried about So Boruto, I'll give you like a dead example like Boruto. Naruto keeps overshadowing him from what I know I'm like, yeah, but this is a show about his son. Not you know, not dad Naruto, right? I'm like Naruto had like a whole series for like a good
I don't know how long the anime's been going on for, but for a while, right? So, you know, Boruto has that problem. I was hoping it wasn't a Boruto problem in that sense, right? I was like, yeah, Jotaro's there and he's gonna completely overshadow him, right? And I'm like, but this isn't your part, you're not the main character.
Josuke's Character Analysis
So that's what I was worried about. But again, you know, Araki came through, did not make that mistake that I was thinking of, and it was just a fantastic part overall, right?
I enjoyed Crazy Diamond's power. I enjoyed just Josuke overall as a character because I'm like, what I sort of saw in him was, yeah, he sort of, he does have a bit of attitude to him. Don't get me wrong. But he also, so mainly at the part where, you know, he, he meets his dad or boiler alert or Joseph for the first time, there was oddly an interesting, like sort of gentlemanliness to him, you know, and it took me back to part one. I'm like, he's kind of like a rougher version of Jonathan in that sense, right? Like,
He's a good boy. Like he's an actual good boy. And like he has like Jonathan's mannerisms. Like you see flashes of it in certain parts, right? But the way he expresses himself is more like Joseph from part two, except way more toned down, right? And when I saw that, I'm just like, wow. So, huh, you see flashes of like young Joseph and Jonathan of all people in him.
I thought that was brilliant. Like, brilliant writing on Araki's part. What about you, man? Like, how did you feel about Josuke as a JoJo overall? I'm going to be honest, like, at the very beginning, and I mean before I watched part four, I did not like his design or anything. Fair enough. Like, initially. Was it popular? Yeah, like, ironically enough, it was.
So I tried to ignore that, I'll be honest. To kind of give a bit of context throughout the show, and again, sorry, just kind of yesterday, we won't be going into spoiler territory here. So yeah, just fair warning, but we would recommend that you watch the show anyway, regardless, because fantastic.
but yeah like throughout the show whenever somebody insults it's kind of like a stereotypical shounen thing but I think it's absolutely brilliant the way they actually utilize it where Josuke has this like kind of 1950s like pompadour hairstyle like he honestly looks like a cross between like a happy and a greaser and
It's like, it's really strange but it's just when you're watching it, like when you get into part four it's like it's fine, like always forgiving but like after sitting through as I said like after sitting through part three and just getting more down and then I saw like the pictures for part four and I was like oh another wacky character,
Morio's Setting and Characters
and then yeah I just honestly like throughout the story I just like fell in love with his character I thought he is as you said just like very gentlemanly but he's also got that hot temper like that was the interesting thing like at the beginning when he's introduced you see him like standing up to these bullies and he defends like a turtle from
Or a tortoise, sorry, from getting smashed. Even though he's deathly afraid of them. And that kind of shows in the one hand that he's a very gentle soul. But as soon as the guy says, hey, look at his stupid hair, Josuke goes absolutely ballistic and beats the hell out of them.
It's absolutely fantastic because it shows that not only is he at heart a good guy, but he's still a teenager. And that's something I don't think a lot of the other parts got down as well. For part one, obviously, Jonathan had to grow up fast. And as I've said before, he was built like a truck.
part to Joseph was more like he was more streetwise you know they wasn't really going to school or anything same with even Jotaro like I feel as if they were slowly progressing to what a normal teenager should have been
Yes, 100%. Technically, they nearly got it with Edgy Otero where he's like the moody, brooding teenager. But again, he's built... But he's built like a truck. Yeah, exactly. He's built like a truck and he's never in school. Oh no, sorry, he's in school for like one episode and he punches a nurse and that's it.
Whereas yeah we finally see this kind of intimate setting which honestly I don't know how you feel about it man but like I absolutely love it. I think see the setting of Morio so just to give context it takes place in this small Japanese town called Morio and you get to see like all the characters kind of go around and you just like live out their lives really don't you?
Yeah I've noticed that a lot too. Because it's like you even see people going shopping and you know going about going to work and things and you may kind of think like okay there's background characters you know so what but if you think about it and the other parts not much attention was really paid to the side characters really or not the side characters well not like the kind of
not like the ones who hung out with the protagonist but you know like there wasn't a lot of focus on the side characters whereas in the very first episode we see a Josuke kind of fighting or not fighting rather that that is a very as an understatement he stops this woman from who's been held up at knife point in this supermarket from getting stabbed by of course like punching through this guy with his stand
and you know it's like kind of small scenes like that and what's also interesting which i don't know if you noticed this like when you were first watching it because i definitely didn't until like i re-watched it but apparently in some scenes where there's like crowds you can actually see some of the characters that would come in later on in the series 100 like that uh that attention to detail is awesome and it's like just the
Yeah, as you said, the detail is just fantastic at this
Storytelling Style Shift
point. And honestly, like, it's not, like, maybe I'm jumping ahead, but it's like it's not structured in a typical Jojo sense, if you know what I mean. I feel that, yeah, it isn't. Part one is, oh, how to put this, like, part one is your typical, you know, shonen, stop the bad guy, you know, train, train, train, stop the bad guy, sad ending.
boo-hoo. Part two is again, stop the muscled oil gods. There's three of them this time. Yeah, let's up the stakes. We've got three of them. And then part three is again, stop the fabulous vampire from part one.
The thing with it was it was just upping the scale really, wasn't it? Like it was trying to save the world and you know like otherwise everyone was going to be enslaved and everything. Whereas this one starts a lot more intimate and quieter.
I absolutely love that about this part. I remember one of my viewers who also watched part four, he's like, what's special about part four is that it's not about saving the world. It's more about trying to keep the peace in this small neighborhood town and someone is clearly disturbing it. For once, it's not an oiled up God or a vampire or an evil older brother, right?
It's just the thing about the main villain of part
Introduction of Kira
four, guys, is that take out the stand powers, fine, but people like him exist, which is what's scary. It's oddly realistic, minus the stand powers, you know what I mean? The amount of people who are in this part, or rather the amount of antagonists in this part, because this is the thing. In the last part, I complained a lot about part three feeling like a Saturday morning cartoon where they jumped from villain to villain.
you know, there wasn't really much consequence after that. It was like, they stopped the villain, then they moved on to the next set piece, and then it was like, okay, here's the next villain. Punch, next, punch, start clapping, punch. Yeah, that was pretty much part 3 in the next one, yeah. For the most part, yeah, it was like, that was it, whereas part 4, they do something kind of similar in a kind of, like, micro sense, but at the same time, they develop these characters
or they'll keep the magic show and it's really it's just fascinating how they do it like for example i mean correct me if i'm wrong but do you think you could split this series into like two major chunks like i feel like you could i get what you why you would say that yeah because the first part seems very similar to part
I mean, there are kind of similar aspects in the later half of the part, which I will get to. But for the first part, there are a lot of different villains and just general antagonist. I mean, you've got a guy who's stand power is literally to make you feel guilty. So you've got a huge lock coming out of you, which I thought was brilliant. That was an interesting one. I thought he was like,
That was literally me. I was like, that is cool. I mean, you've got the guy who uses like a wooden dummy to copy people. You have Yukako as well, who is a very interesting stand. Oh god, yeah. Oh god, yeah. She was an interesting character. Oh yeah. I'm gonna rant about her later, so apologies. It's like one of the few issues I have with this part, but I'll get to it.
You also have Mr. Okuyasu, who turns out to be the Jobro of the series, who starts off as a villain. And guys, I need to tell you, if anyone, and I literally mean anyone had his stand, it would be way more broken than it already is. The hand is just a disgustingly strong stand. Okuyasu is just very dumb and does not use its true potential.
yeah anyone had it anyone but him in my opinion it's one of those things and this is the weird thing because it's like there's a lot in this part that isn't explained like i mean in this part you've got aliens you've got yeah you've got like stans yeah plastic surgeons stands upon stands you know you've got you've got everything you have a rock star villain at one point you know oh right red hot chili pepper yeah no i thought you were making a pun on angel
Oh, no, no, no, no. Oh, oh god, no, oh god, no. I was like, huh. I was like, oh, that's good. I was like, oh yeah, red hot chili pepper, of course. But yeah, speaking of which, just to kind of backtrack. So basically, you were saying before how Jotaro is introduced into this part. And I have heard from a lot of people that they prefer this version of Jotaro a lot more than Part 3's Jotaro. And I mean, I can see why.
yeah same because it's like he's a lot more mature he's kind of got more of a purpose he's still got a couple of yadda yaddas in them oh yeah that's his catchphrase you can't really steal his bread and butter you know what i mean absolutely um yeah you're right because i'm like this jotaro seems very it's gonna sound odd he's he's he's sort of fatherly is that just me no no absolutely yeah like he has like a very fatherly like way of handling things
He'll be he's definitely like more of the hard-ass kind of dad. Oh, yeah But you know at the same time like he isn't you know the old brooding black cloth black clothes wearing Jotar you knew in part three Yeah, he has a bit more. I guess he has a bit more substance to him. I suppose yeah
Yeah, no, I would agree with that. He's got a lot more purpose, I suppose. A lot more independent. Which, I have to admit, you weren't expecting him in part three to go off on his own fight deal, which technically that's what he does in the end anyway. But in this one, you can tell he's capable of looking after himself and kind of looking to see where this... So the reason he's in Mario to begin with is because Joseph's stand, which you might remember from part
3 where Stan just basically punches like a fancy camera.
Stands' Evolution in Part 4
It gives him a photo of whatever they're looking for and they basically see this strange presence that is looming over Morio, which again, it sets the tone so well. And they find out that it's a Stan user called Angelo, who is a bit of a bad bastard. I'm not gonna lie. He basically
he's like a guy who was sentenced to death row but somehow gets a stand and escapes and once he runs away he starts just terrorising the town and possessing people with his liquid stand. It's quite an interesting one that like I think the creepy thing about it is is because obviously we all need to drink water you know that's something I say on the channel all the time stay hydrated but in this case I would say please don't
around Angela. Because it's like a stand that climbs into people, controls them and everything. It's a powerful stand if you think about it. It's rather OP. Considering when he actually confronts Josuke and Jotaro and it's raining outside and they can't go outside the house because of that. He starts putting on
pots and pans of water and you know the steam's coming out you know and he puts the dehumidifier on which I have to admit is the most dramatic like
It's like the most dramatic scene of a dehumidifier just like bursting in. It's just so interesting to see like the stand kind of used and one of the other interesting things right off the bat like that they incorporate into the series it's just the concept of death and I know that sounds like a really morbid thing to bring up like nearly 20 minutes into this.
Give or take. But it's like, at the very beginning, Josuke loves with his mother and his... it's his granddad, isn't it? Yes. And his granddad's like a police officer, I think, trying to hunt down Miss Angel. And Angel will end up killing him because...
think does he not put him in a bottle of whiskey or something? Something like that yeah like he was in like a bottle of whiskey yeah yeah and then ends up he drinks it and he gets killed and Josuke's like stand which is something we actually haven't talked about so that's my bad his stand basically is like
how did you describe it actually as in shiny diamond yeah okay so shiny diamond or crazy diamond it's an interesting stand because one Josuke can use it to actually heal people
In a very, like, let me explain guys, so, beginning of the series, this is gonna sound weird, uh, you guys heard Angela's stand and how pretty, how strong it is, right? And how it can enter bodies and control people, etc, etc. Joe scans up saving his own mom by punching her, uh, because what he does is, I think he literally punches a hole in her, so that he grabs the stand and then puts it in a bottle of whiskey,
But at the same time, right when the fist comes out, she's fully healed and she doesn't know what happened. So that's interesting, right? Another way he could use Crazy Diamond is like he punches, say if he punches like a big boulder, he can rematerialize it or dematerialize it in any way, shape, or form. Like he could recreate it in some way. That sounds pretty strong if you guys think about it.
And it's also, it has good combat capabilities too. So like, it's a very interesting stand and I love it. I love it for that reason because it seems super flexible compared to like a Jotaro stand who was just, it's just fast at punching things. Let's be honest. And it can extend its limbs and you know, and all that and catch bullets. This one I'm like, it could do like a bit of everything, which is what I found Crazy Diamond to be so cool. Like why I found that stand to be super cool.
I know we're going to talk about the stands probably later on, but that is definitely something I feel as if Iraqi kind of capitalises on, isn't it? The content of the stands, because part three they were either broken as hell or it was like... Yeah, it's like a game when you first release it, you know what I mean?
Yeah, like, I mean, it has to be said a lot of times, it's like, obviously because it's the first, like, kind of story with these new powers. You know, you can give it a bit of slack, but the only thing I can't give a bit of slack is Starfinger. I still don't get that. Starfinger. Still a finger. It's like, why? Why, Ricky? Why? Tell me. DM me, please. I was gonna say, funny thing about Starfinger is that it's a legitimate attack in Eyes of Heaven. I'm like, wait, what? That was only me.
And it's never brought up again, is it? Like in any other part? No, I don't think so. I think it's brought up maybe at least at one point in Part 4, but that's it. Nowhere else. Spoiler, he uses Zawardo more than fucking Starfinger, so yeah. It's like the amount of times it's just out of reach of something and you think Starfinger would be very useful right now and he doesn't use it.
He's only allowed to use it for so many seconds, something like that, and it puts strain on him to actually do it. So they kind of nerf him in that regard. Because I suppose you could at least see for Dio, he's a regenerating vampire. So of course he would be able to use something that strenuous, whereas Jotaro's just a regular dude with a magical buff genie coming out of him.
He doesn't. Yeah you're right.
Art Style and Character Portrayal
you know. And part four, the buff genie changes colors, guys. It's not purple. It's like white now. I have to admit, I do like that color scheme. I feel like I do. I do too. Some people don't. It's, I don't know. I'm kind of feeling it, you know, it's white and I think like light blue, something like that. Yeah. Cause I think for this part, like this is probably my favorite in terms of like the art work. Maybe I'm going to, maybe this is a controversial opinion and like Jojo.
the JoJo fandom but genuinely I think part four is one of my favourites because I said this to someone and like a JoJo fan and they basically said like oh of course because it's like the most anime-like rather than the most like JoJo art style or something. It sounds weird to say but it's like that's what they were kind of saying and you think I mean I suppose but I don't know like what did you think like just about the art? Like of the art style? I liked it.
Like I think we talked about it in in part three where you know part four is art style is basically a mix of you know Not being built like a truck but built enough
Whereas with part five, you know, everyone's not built like a truck. So they sort of mix part three and fours are sorry, part three and part five's art style to make just a good hybrid. You know what I mean? Like people are built, but it's a more realistic version of built. You know what I mean? Like you could probably find people that are sort of built that way. You know, if they were like professional trainers right down the street, like you see them walking down the street and you're like, Oh, you know, this guy probably works out a lot.
Like, other than, you know, like, I do remember this one line in part four where, you know, Joseph first comes and he's old as hell. I forgot who said it, but it's like, oh, there's this old man who could barely hear, but he's built like a truck. Something like that, right? So I'm kind of glad that they sort of like kept that just as like a little throwback of what Joseph was back in his prime, right? And throwback to the old art style.
Whereas with Jotaro in part four, he's definitely built, but he's not super shown an anime built in the sense that he's built like a truck. One of his shoulders is pretty much my head kind of deal. But yeah.
Like Jotaro looks, the word I'm looking for is he's, he's proportional in a realistic way and it's good. Like everyone is pretty much for the most part. I mean, I'm just trying to think if there is anybody like, built like a, no, I don't think there is actually. Like anyone built like a huge truck, like a, yeah, like yeah. Like belt, like Kenjiro from festival. There's no one really, which like Joe, Joe, Josuke sort of comes close, but you know, it's not, you know, it's not overwhelming how built he is. You know what I mean?
Yeah, no, you're right. It's refreshing because they're all kind of more realistic, like proportioned, except for Koichi. I've no idea. Yeah, he's so small. Oh god. And who's the other one that they befriend? The one with the barks on his own hairstyle?
like uh you're talking about the dude with like the with harvest not long hair no but he's also very short right yeah he's got like spikes and he said bikes and said oh my god what was his name i i think i remember who you're talking about it's a shinkeki or something i think so i think so yeah i think it's something like that
oh oh you're talking okay sorry i'm sorry i'm flashing i'm flashing way forward apologies that's okay that's okay no listen like i thought you're talking about the dude with the uh longish hair that i think joe taro and um oku yasu fight and he had like the um the doll stand that could uh you know oh yeah yeah no no no
Oh yeah, Shigechi, you're talking about Harvest. He was an interesting character too, but yeah. He'll have his time on this podcast. Still have his time. I agree, he will have his time on this podcast. God, all I can say, kind of many spoilers, but I'm glad I wasn't the only one that felt this way about this character.
Character Dynamics and Side Stories
yeah me too right i remember um talking to him about my view and how i how i felt about him and he's just like oh you're rude i'm like why is like he was so he was so nice i'm like was he yeah i was like was he yeah he's kind of a dick to me in my opinion same and he only kind of got redeemed in the last five minutes and i'm like yeah right i was like sure it's sad but yeah right yeah yeah
But we'll get to him, don't you worry guys. We will, we will. But kind of backtracking, as we said, the first couple of episodes deal with, you know, them finding Angelo, and you think, alright, that's cool, you know, they're gonna, you know, it's gonna be this game of cat and mouse, and they're gonna, you know, fight him and everything. And then by episode two or three, it's like, okay, that story's done. And it's like, wait, what? What? No. No.
It's like, you had a serial killer, or you had a villain, and it's like, yeah, and he's done. We punched him. As you were saying before, Josuke literally punches him and this rock so hard that he reforms it around him, which I think is really clever, but it's absolutely horrible what happens to him. It's a horrible way to go if you think about it. He deserves it, in my opinion. Oh, exactly.
So every time they walk by this rock, that was one of the other memes, they walk by the rock and they go, yo, Angelo. And everyone's like, was that there before that rock? And they're like, yeah, why not? Didn't it become like a site to behold in the town? Yeah, it was like, I'll be Angelo Rock, something like that. They say that and it's like, oh my god. And there's like a whole sign and everything and there's like a gate around it, like he's on display, which is kind of funny.
It's just crazy. But yeah, he reveals before it gets turned into stone, he reveals that there's a guy going around stabbing people but shooting people with arrows to give them stand abilities and that links into part three where it's revealed that the reason people are getting stands was A, because Dio had come back, but then they also realized that they could give people stands kind of manually, let's say.
Yeah. It's like you can either team up with Dio or you could get stabbed by this arrow. Yeah. Choice is yours, pretty much. It's like, um, hopefully it's not me, but it's the little girl saying, why not both? Yeah.
yeah it's revealed that because of that there are a lot of people who when they get stabbed the arrow kind of decides whether or not you're worthy so it's not just a case of like shanking someone in the street and going okay you have you know you have the power to i don't know like lift milk cartons really high or something you know it's like it's not like that it's like the arrow has to decide if you know if it goes through you yeah you have to be strong enough to withstand it a bit like um holly
in part 3 Jotaro's mum where the reason they went out to stop Dio was because she couldn't hack or no that's just terrible she just couldn't hack it she couldn't stand having a stand so she was just like ill throughout the entire year of part but you know a lot of other people like they either die or they don't
and it's quite interesting to see that way but you get a lot of just random people with stands and I have to admit that is one of the things I do love about that so it becomes very much and correct me if I'm wrong but like it becomes very kind of episodic doesn't it it's like there's like mini arcs where well sorry before that they stop Angelo
and then they find the person who's got the bow and arrow where it's Okuyasu as you were saying and his brother who basically they're going around terrorising people with it and they shoot Josuke's friend. Koiji. Koiji. Koiji. I don't think...
I actually remembered when you brought up before this, you brought up Pro ZD, where he has a video where it's like explaining an anime character that gets better throughout time. He's sitting there in the screen, or the show they're watching is just like, oh my god, I'm such a baby, oh, I know why. And he's trying to justify to his friend, like, oh, no, no, better. Yeah, he gets better.
coichi kind of is like he does get better yeah but like at the beginning you're just kind of like oh you are it's not the worst like the worst is yet to come the worst is definitely yet to come he is not the worst by far but he's kind of about like
and then he eventually gets a stand because he gets shot by the arrow and again it's quite interesting to see like a stand for him like yeah I don't want to say artificially but you know it's like he wasn't born with a stand but he just gets like stabbed with the arrow so therefore the arrow somehow deems him worthy sorry I should be laughing at that just like oh yeah the arrow's having like such a laugh there
but yeah it's like he ends up getting this stand called is it reverb yeah reverb and then uh and then it becomes like reverb echoes or something yeah and it's like a co-act three yeah like it develops it was interesting how it worked it's like a mini cell isn't it it is oh my god you're right it is because it like it transforms into like a is it like a cicada almost like slash kind of bug creature and then eventually it just transforms into like don't even know how to describe it like a weird alien man
in Alien, yeah. Basically, if Cell was more robotic than Cell-ish, you know what I mean? The fact, do you know what it reminds me of? It goes from imperfect Cell to metal cooler. Almost like that. Not like
Yukako and Koichi's Story Arc
it's tall. I'm going to point that out right now. It's like a short version, like a really, really short, but it's
a really cool idea and you get to see the progression and evolution and then, honestly, I could spend a lot of discussion about how well the stands are handled in this because it's not just a case of they're either some of them are OP, like Okayasu's hands are handled
that is unbelievably OP where he uses his right hand to erase like space and I mean like literally space like he can swipe his hand and just take whatever's in front of him out of existence and it's like what how why what
And they never explained it, but I think that's kind of a funny thing because he like swipes and he's like, oh, I guess he just kind of shrugs. Like, well, I don't know where it goes. And you're like, what? It's true. He's like, I don't know where it goes. It just happens. And that's the thing. Oh, he just came.
Oh you just get, oh I love her pretty much every five seconds. Like I didn't know how to, I honestly didn't know what to think about when I first saw him but he should always, so good. But yeah, as I was saying like, I mean that is, that's the first three parts, sorry, it's similar to part three where they kind of encounter the villain of the week after they defeat the brothers with the arrow and they get the bow and arrow back and they're like right okay, what now?
So of course you've got like the mini arcs where you've got the guy with the, you know, the guilt stand. You've got, oh god, should we talk about Kalicci's quote unquote lover? Ah, Yukako, yeah. Interesting character. Oh boy. That's all I'm going to say.
I have several issues with this, more so probably than Araki's decision to just abuse animals. Literally there is a scene at the very beginning of this part where Angelo just sees a guy walking his dog and he just straight up boots the dog and it's like, yeah Araki!
I was like, Araki, come on, come on. It's like, come on, we get your cat person chill. Yeah. Hashtag. It's always dogs. Yeah, like hashtag cars did nothing wrong. He saved a dog. I was like, he actually did. I'm like, okay, you're not your dad. But I was like, it's just so... Anyway, not lingering on that.
So as we're saying, Koichi gets a suppose Sundari is probably, or Yandere is probably the better term. No, she's more of a Yandere, 100% man. Yeah, where she basically becomes infatuated with Koichi and she actually, like Loki, she reminds me a bit of, you know in Hunter x Hunter there's a character called, I think it's Pam or something? Oh her, yeah, she's got the hair. You're right. Yeah, she does remind me of her.
She gets me those vibes where she's just really, you know, like, she's got the hair that she uses and like, because I don't know, does she have a stand or does her stand just her hair? Maybe. Like, they don't have a look. I'm assuming that's what it is, but like, so sorry, just to explain, she can use her hair as, like, she can extend her hair. She's almost like a weird X-Man, you know?
Yes, yes. She just like extends her hair and it's like really tight and she like uses it to like wrap him up and you know kidnap Coletia in one of the episodes and she basically like locks him up in this like summer house and basically tortures him. It's like misery if the like main antagonist and that didn't break his legs.
It's pretty much like that. And he basically can't use his stand because... Or he can use it, but it's not very powerful yet. So his stand reverb, it basically slaps a sound on something which I thought was really cool. It's basically like an onomatopoeia kind of thing. And I think... Is that the episode where it evolves?
I think it's one of the episodes. Also, I searched up by the way, Yukako had a stan. She did. It's called Love Deluxe. And yes, you're right. It's basically, if anyone, if there's any Mortal Kombat fans in chat, it's basically Sindel's hair whip move. That's basically what it is. Yeah. Because I was wondering, because you don't always see like, you know, like other stans, you see like a physical manifestation of something. But as far as just like as part of our body.
Which again, it's quite cool that they're kind of exploring different avenues. But yeah, I didn't know her at all. She was very problematic. If I were to meet IRL her, I'd be like, please stay away from me.
I was like, I get you like me, but come on. That's like me. Through like some sheer medical Coachee manages like to get like, I think he gets like a phone booth and he manages to get Josuke and everyone like to help. I'm here guys. Am I like, okay, there you are.
and then she tries to like kill, I don't know, not kill him but she tries to like very brutally shove him off a glove and I think she falls off it but he saves her at the last minute as she turns, like honestly I can't remember why her hair turns white but I remember people like making comparisons to I think ultra instinct
Yeah, I do remember seeing that everywhere. I thought, okay, that's quite funny. But you end up saving her and walking away, and you think, okay, that's the end of it. But then later on, you see her trying to court him again, and it's like, no. Yeah, I'm like, Yukako, please. It's like, you're trying to act normal, but that first impression wasn't great, you know what I mean? And I think the worst thing is, Koichi actually accepts it, and I'm like, dude.
stop dude stop yes no he right i'm just like um he's okay that's what he means like to each his own koichi that's how i feel oh just i don't get it but i was like you're too good for a man yeah exactly like actually elsewhere pretty much but then you get some like fantastic one-off episodes like the one with the italian restaurant i'm gonna be honest i love him i love that i love that episode that is so do you want to explain like
Just the basic premise of it. The easiest way I can explain this episode, guys, is a random Italian dude opens up a restaurant in the middle of Morio and Josuke and Okuyasu, I believe, are his first customers. And then he's just like, oh, because you're, you know, because you're my first customers, tell you what, you get free food, right? Because I think Josuke was like a bit skeptical. Or no, it wasn't Josuke. I'm pretty sure both of them were pretty skeptical of the food, right? Like, OK, yeah, sure, whatever, free food. If we don't like it, we're not coming back here.
Introduction of Rohan and Side Characters
He's like, OK, cool, right? So then, you know, he gives Okuyasu, I think it was like some sort of salad.
Something like that. Yeah, and then eventually, you know, like he like so every so okiyasu loves the food immediately and Josuke is here with his water So okiyasu is digging the food. But as the episode goes on guys, it's gonna sound funny But okiyasu's body starts doing things in a sense that like he's looking ill he's looking gross and all that right or like bones start breaking even or just like Muscles also start like forming too, right and you know, Josuke is freaking out like what the hell is going on?
Right because he keeps like the Italian the Italian chef keeps just giving them food for free, right? Yeah So then it's giving you like horror movie vibes at this point, right? And I'm like, this is what I absolutely loved about it So then at one point, you know, Josuke's like, you know what? Okay, I'm getting to the bottom of this okuyasu you chill here, right? so he's like sneaking into the back of the kitchen to see like what he's doing to okuyasu and
And then, you know, at one point, you know, it's, it's getting super duper eerie. And I think like he catches the, the chef talking to like an animal of something or a dog. I believe it was like a dog in a kennel. And it, it looks really bad in the sense of like, Oh, it looks like he's going to kill this dog. Like what Rocky always does, maybe put it in the food.
You know, um, but it turns out he's actually feeding the dog, uh, more food. And, you know, Josuke didn't like that. He's like, Oh, what are you doing? And she starts trying to fight him. And then, you know, what happens is after your body goes through all the shit that, that, that, that it's happening as you eat this food is that your body feels very healthy and you, you've like, you felt like you're in the best shape of your life. Right.
And then, like, Okuyasu is like, yeah, I used to have, like, this muscle pain, like, on my trapezoid. Now it's gone. I was like, on my traps, right? He's like, now it's gone because I've eaten this food and all that. He's like, wait, Okuyasu, you're OK? He's like, yeah, I feel so good now, right? And, like, you see the dog going through the same thing and the dog, like, looks fantastic as well.
And you're like, so wait, what's going on here? And then the, then you see the chef explains like, so my stand is basically the easiest way to put it is just like good bacteria. You know what I mean? So it goes into the food. And then as it enters your body, it'll see anything bad with it, be it bacteria, be it muscle pains, be it, you know, anything, and it'll fix it up for you, which is why, you know, your body goes through these things in order to expel the badness out of it. Right. And Josuke is like, Oh, so you're not trying to kill people in this town. It's like, no, why would I do that?
And then like afterwards you see his personality just change as in the chef. You on the other hand. He's like, you have walked in here with your shoes on and you're dirtying my kitchen. You've touched everything without even washing your hands. You know what? You're gonna work here and finish like, he's like, basically you're gonna repay my debt by basically cleaning this whole kitchen and like the whole kitchen's in the mess. And then like Okriya's like, well, I'm gonna go home. Bye. That's the whole episode.
Can we just appreciate that this is one of the only episodes where Josuke uses his stand to punch a plate of pasta to revert to his ingredients? Yes, to try to break it down. I forgot about it. Oh my god. He just punches a plate of pasta and that's all you need to see. To see what's wrong with it, but you couldn't really see what was wrong. Well, he did. He's just like, oh, there's the stand. It's so small. I can't do anything about it, right? But yeah.
that's how he decides to find out trying to get to the bottom of this essentially right and funny enough even though like this is a one-off episode and it's the same for a lot of them like the guilt trip guy the the window guy you know like all these characters with their own one-offs and yet they still keep returning you know like yeah it's kind of as minor roles but yeah just essentially they keep coming back and you're just like wow like
What's interesting about it is that, you know, I remember, I think we talked about this in the previous part where it's like, okay, what Araki did was he introduced way too many characters that we didn't really care about up until we got to Egypt, right? He did the same thing here, but, you know, there's a lot less, okay, there's a lot less people he also introduced too, right? But what he did here was like, instead of making them these like powerful villains who work for Dio and is trying to kill, you know, the main cast, they're more just, you know, normal people trying to live their lives, right?
And, uh, you know, that's what made each of them stand out. Like each of those people that he introduced in part four, even if they were one-offs, for example, the Italian chef, you'll still remember him because of that one episode, because I'm like, Oh, his Stan was cool. He's a nice dude. You know what I mean? They were just more straight to the point, I guess. Right. It's like, yeah, we'll introduce you to this character. Here's what he does. You know, it's not that deep. That's it. Right. And then they decide like, Hey, because this is just a normal small town, you'll see him again, just, you know, saying hi to the locals or something. Right. Oh yeah.
Like that's all you'll see him really do, or like cooking for people. And you know, maybe he'll say like hi to like Josuke in one scene or just like, you know, have small talk with him and that's it, right? It's like you still know who he is though. They also did the same thing with all the bunches of characters like the guy with the guilt stand or like the kid with the doll stand that can transform into other people.
Right? Like they were just regular classmates afterwards other than, you know, like the con artist is the one with the guilt stand, right? Yeah. Um, the con artist, you know, he's trying to live a normal life as well. But then you see him, he's just like, Oh, you know, I think Koichi Josuke and, um, Okuyasu, they're trying to look for the main villains. Like, Hey, have you seen someone like this? And he's like, no, uh, yeah. Like literally you see him and that seems like, no, I don't think so. But I hope you find him because he sounds terrible. And I'm like, and then that's it. Like that's, that's where you like, that's it for him. Right.
So it's interesting how he still sort of incorporates them into this small town setting, and he does it excellently. He also introduces a lot of characters that you think nothing of until they're brought back again, and then you have a very much oh shit moment. The one that comes to mind is the Cinderella stand. The one who changes faces. Oh, the plastic surgeon, yeah.
and at least I think that's her name, well not her name but the name of her shop or her stand where it's like she's making people's dreams come true by basically rearranging their faces and that's the one off episode where Koichi's yandere lover and refused to refer to her by her name
We'll call her the under-a-lover show. She goes there in a spin-off episode, or not spin-off, but like a side episode and she wants her face changed so she looks beautiful to Colette Chee. A bit intense, but Colette Chee brings out the, I don't care what you look like, you're beautiful. You know, that's a one-off episode and then she never really returns again and you're like, all right, fair enough.
eventually is brought back later on and we will get to that when we talk about the villain. The writing in this is just so tight, it's so well done. I have to admit, before we get to our favourite villain of quite possibly the series, there's two more characters that we need to touch on. Rohan, first of all, who is a maggot artist
Oh god, like he is a manga artist and he is actually Araki's favourite character, would you believe? I'm not surprised, I don't know why, because they essentially have the same profession, so I get why. Well that, and apparently he's the only character that he's drawn himself with.
I didn't know that. I did not know that. I did not know that. I enjoyed Ron Fader. Yeah. Like, I thought it was great.
Rohan vs Josuke
But he's got, like, one of the most intimidating stands. So basically what he can do is he can literally... What I'm about to say, like, won't do it justice, so you just have to watch, like, it on, like, a YouTube clip or something.
but his stand is essentially like this kind of mini person with a top hat that like pulls open somebody's face like a book and your face like literally transforms into a book and he can read you know like your life story or what you're thinking or things like that
It's so creative. You can recreate, or not recreate, but you can put in commands into you. So it's like, in the episode he's introduced Hoichi and the kid with the wooden dummy, he comes back and suddenly they are best friends. And they hear that this famous mangaka artist is living in Morios and they're like, oh, let's go to his house for some weird reason.
They go there like, you know, silly kids and the guy or so Rohan ends up like just writing on them, you know, saying you will forget that you've came here and despite like he's like tearing pages out of them like memories. It's like it's really
It's interesting. It's so abstract. But yeah, it's weird enough that it's not weird enough you think, okay, I don't get this at all. It's more so weird that you need to know more about this. You're like, what's he going to do? Why is he controlling Koichi? He's kind of basically luring him in because he sees all this information and he needs inspiration for his manga. He's a very intense artist.
And that's the kind of vibe that he's very much a hermit that barely goes out. Or when he does, he goes out for inspiration. Like he licks bugs and things. He does really weird stuff to get the perfect story. And Okuyasu tries to save him and he falls into the same situation when he gets opened up.
And quite possibly, one of my favourite Josuke moments comes out of this, where basically the idea is that if you look at, I think it's one of his manga pages, isn't it? Then you get taken over by his stand, which is called Heaven's Door.
So he does it to Okoyasu and Koichi and of course they get taken over and they're like saying to Josuke, don't come in, don't come in. And Rohan like says, oh you know, oh you and your stupid ear. So Josuke comes in and he's like looking like dead at this page and Rohan's like
Rohan's absolutely ecstatic thinking, yes, he's looking at the page, but then he gets sucker punched and beaten to a bloody pulp and it's like, wait, why didn't it work?
Josuke's Backstory
And the reason they explain is because they say Josuke was so mad that he couldn't see anything. He literally went blank.
He's like, why isn't he doing anything? Pretty much. And then that's the same episode I think where they reveal that the reason he's got the pompadour was because during the same time as Stardust Crusaders, Josuke also falls ill and his mother's trying to get him to the hospital and he is
out of sheer rage.
you know they're stuck in the car and the snow and they can't get any help and this guy like this random guy which they never really show you they only show you that he's got a pompadour and because of that like Josuke really wants to be like this guy which i see once i heard that i thought that is goddamn wholesome and i thought damn you Josuke yeah wow okay so there's a reason for your dumb haircut yeah exactly because it's like you think oh it's a dumb haircut why you know it's like yeah
Because it could have easily just had him as a stereotypical shonen, you know, or like a typical like Yankee, as the Japanese would put it, right? Yankee character. Yeah. And I was I was going to point out, I actually saw to that when you mentioned like, oh, at around the time Stardust Crusaders happened, you know, Josuke fell ill. A little throwback is that he was suffering from the same symptoms that Holly, Joe Taro's mom, was was suffering from. So I'm like, oh, so that gives it away. Right. Like, yep. Joseph, Joseph's your dad. So.
So before we get onto the good bit, what's came so far is really great in the series, but before we come to the absolute cherry on top of this part, can we just point out two things that kinda drag this part down?
the first thing. First of all, Joseph. I absolutely love Joseph. I think he's a fantastic character. I think that he was one of my favourite. Are you Jostars? Yeah. Or Jostars, yeah. Yeah, right, okay. I was like, I was honestly down myself there thinking, is that their last name?
I was like, are you forgetting my friend Joestar's last name?
Joseph's Controversial Arc
Joestar is Higashikata. Yeah, the reason they call him Jojo is like, it's something to do with the Japanese characters in his name or something. And someone's like, oh, if you read it, it spells Jojo. And it's like, okay, I've seen, I'm a Dragon Ball fan and I've seen some assholes, but this is.
This is a bit much, I'm like come on. Even Jotaro's made more sense, but anyway. Jotaro Kudrow. Yeah. But the way they write Joseph into this is he's about 90 years old. He's really old, he can't really use his stands. You can still use his stand, but he's not a fighter anymore. He's just an old man. It's sad to see.
I love that it's sad to see. So we keep saying that, you know, Joseph is Josuke's father and you think, you know, but sad soon, Blowfish, you know, are you telling me that Joseph cheated on his wife in a moment of passion? And to answer that, yes. Yes, he did. Yes, he did. Yes, he did. I hate it. I'm going to be honest. I hate it. I hate it. That's the thing, like, I don't know how to feel about that either, right? Because there was things in part two that sort of indicated that, you know, Joseph was
Well, there's like, I've read into the fandom, people didn't really like that either, right? Yeah. Like that sort of route. And you know, there's people, you know, on the internet who say like, oh, you know, it's also out of character that Joseph cheated on Susie Q, right? Because like, you know, apparently in part two, there are things that would indicate that, you know, oh, if I find a girl, that's it. Like, you know, I'm gonna stay loyal. I'll be honest with you, Satsu, I can't, there's nothing in my memory that, you know, really made that stand out to me.
Another thing was like, um, a wire Rocky did that route was because he needed to find an excuse to, um, you know, find another kid who was, you know, related to Joseph. Right. Um, but like, you know, that problem could have been easily fixed. We could have been like, uh, in my opinion, he didn't have to cheat on Susie Q. Uh, what they could have done was make part four, maybe either about, I was going to say spoilers for the next part, but like, um, I was going to leave that out.
Yeah, like someone someone suggests like, oh, you know, if that was a problem, why didn't they make part four about, you know, Holly's brother? You know what I mean? I'm like, oh, that makes sense. Yeah, Holly could have had a brother. You never know. Yeah. Instead of just having him just, you know, cheat on like cheat on Susie Q, just, you know, sort of tarnishing Joseph's character in that sense. Right. Yeah. But, you know,
I don't question Araki and, you know, it ended up working out a lot better than he thought, so yeah. I mean, I have to admit, once you get by, like, that kind of revelation, it doesn't really
Shigechi's Storyline
impact too much on the story, but even still, that and the fact that- Yeah. That and the fact that technically that makes Josuke- Putaro's uncle. Yeah. Oh, that's such a-
I forgot about that. This is funny because like, um, I was gonna say, I remember I think I rolled up to my friends, uh, my Jojo friend stream and I said, Oh, you know, punching your uncle is a Jojo Jojo reference. He's like, wait, what? And he had to think about it. He's like, Oh, that scene. Yeah. Cause Joe's like, I think Joe skate punch Joe. Oh no. Joe Tarou punch Joe skate. And that was so funny. Yeah. Yeah. It's just such a mind. You know what? Yeah.
Oh, I was going to say like, oh, if they wanted to fix that problem, I'm like, wait, no, they technically did in part six. Spoiler alert, it's about Jotaro's kid, which I didn't see coming. I'm like, oh, cool. Yeah. Which is just like all the what could have been and that's the route he went for. I was just like, exactly right.
Like, again, I'm not, like, in a world-winning, you know, manga art destiny. But that was one that I have to admit, that's not something that was big enough to, like, you know, make me say, oh, part four is the worst, I'm never watching Jojo again. Like, nothing in part four, I'm gonna say that, like, nothing in part four kind of made me think, okay, this is terrible, I'm never watching this again.
One bit that probably got me the closest to that though was, so when we're talking about this round Bart Simpson looking guy, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.
I'm sorry. Just to explain what I mean by that. So the design is like, if you think of Bart Simpson, because I think the majority of you listening out there will know who Bart Simpson is where, it's like you don't know where his head begins and his, you know, his hair starts. Or sorry, his head ends and his hair starts. So it's like, you know, it's like the buzz cut kind of thing where it all merges into one.
There's this character where he basically has spikes coming out he said and I don't get it because he's the only kind of kid to have spikes coming out he said which I think first of all that must have been one hell of a painful birth and second of all like what I don't get it but yeah basically he is like your befriends Okuyasu and Josuke
And as you said before, like, there's no other way I can describe it. He's just a dick, isn't there? Yeah, he's so I remember. I remember you and I were actually talking about this before we started doing this podcast and how, you know, you know, as streamers on Twitch, you know, we know because we're old enough now at this point, we know who's like a Gen Z kid and all that, you know, like going a bit on a bit of a tangent here, guys, is like I've ran into some Gen Z kids who are just very, very entitled for no good reason, right?
And Shigechi is one of those Gen Z kids. Those kids where I'm like, I can't stand you right now, I'll be honest, right? But yeah, seeing Shigechi as a character just reminds me of all those Gen Z viewers who just come in and just act all high and mighty and just super entitled. And I'm like, oh boy, that's not even me. But yeah.
Like that's what Shigechi sort of reminds me of. I don't know if that's just me. I don't know if you feel the same way. I agree. He's just very selfish whiny. He's just everything wrong with humanity. He's just, I don't even know how to describe like
how much I dislike this character. Like, don't get me wrong, as I said, like, it's not as bad as, so in part three I mentioned about, you know, the weird gorilla, or like, orangutan guy. It's not- You mean strength? Yeah, strength. It's like, it's not strength levels, but you know what? It's not far off. I don't know, like, I kinda like strength better than Shigechi here, I'll be honest. Oh, controversial opinion. Very controversial opinion, I'll be honest. Hot takes on Chatsunabe.
Yeah, that's what I'm here for, but anyway. It's like basically his only episode that we get a lot of time to spend with him.
Kira's Routine and Killer Queen
They introduce him as this character who has a stand where he can produce these mini beetle-like
creatures that go out and they collect. So they've been collecting coins and different things and Josuke says, why don't you collect lottery tickets? And he does. And, you know, surprise, surprise, they won. And it's kind of your stereotypical, oh, we won. Yeah, like between the teenagers and they do.
they do, they get it. They do, and they pulled it off. Yeah, I'm like, dang, okay. But then, like, kids, they, yeah, they fuck it up. They really mess it up. They really do. They really mess it up. They really do, honestly. And he nearly kills them. Like, he nearly stabs out their eyes and everything. So it's like, when later on you're supposed to feel sorry for them, you're like...
gonna say like is his mom I'm pretty sure his mom's mentioned at one point and she's like yeah sweetheart from what I know yeah because they keep saying like oh like in fact she gets you before he again spoilers he um bites the dust haha I was gonna say kick the bucket but bites the dust is better yeah only only hashtag only true Jojo fans will understand yeah pretty much but yeah he says things like oh I've got to protect mum and dad and all with us and you're like
This is the first time I think I've ever heard you mention your mum and dad your entitled little shit. Is that what you're saying? It's worth big money? That's wow. Yeah, that's what I mean. Yeah, this is so strange. But yeah, so she'll get you aside for one second.
yeah the next episode just before you get to like part two of part four which sounds weird to say but it's basically it's like a side story where again Rohan and Coletia end up down this like weird alleyway which turns out to be full of ghosts and you think this is initially you think this is going to be another oh it's a side story where they meet this ghost girl and again a dog that's died but it's alive so it's like
God damn it, Araki. And eventually they escape, but the girl warns them that there's a serial killer, you know, going around Morio. And you think, okay, it's going to be like a Scooby-Doo thing. And even Josuke's like, well, we are not like serial killer hunters, you know, we're not the police. Let the police handle it. So, you know, they kind of resign themselves and go, you know what, you're probably right. Let's just leave it. Leave it alone, yeah.
And then the series kind of takes a sharp turn, like I mean a 90 degree angle, where the- Pretty crazy. I was also very like, whoa, with the acting the good way, right? Oh, absolutely. And the best way possible, where they introduce the killer, like they show you the killer, and you see this blonde man called Ushikage Kira.
It's just so good. It's just so smooth. It's just so good. And he is driving with this woman in the passenger seat. He's holding her hand. It's very nice. And he puts a ring on her finger. He's very attentive to this hand. And then it zooms out and you realise that's always holding just the hand. You're like, oh.
okay and like the music that goes with it as well like as a musician myself i'm just like the score for this part is just it's on point you know i mean it's yeah very i guess how i could describe it guys for any musicians in the comments it's it's very over this
more ominous, but also at the same time, there's a bit of normality, but also a bit of quirkiness to it, right? Which describes what Kira is as a character if you didn't know what he did. You know what I mean? Like, from a face value, seeing if you were to ever meet Kira on the street guys, you'd think he's a pretty normal dude.
very planned lives his life goes to work goes to sleep eats that's it you know that's all you would think of him as but there's definitely something eerie about him which we're gonna get into oh yeah so cool i love it because you're right it's like the song or the theme that plays is quite like it's just one note isn't it yeah it's like one three notes yeah and then introducing himself and i'm like oh this is good
There's an odd creepiness to it, you know what I mean? I love it. Yeah, it just like plods along as if, as you said, like just normality of this guy going about his daily life and you know there's there's nothing really special about it and it kind of like builds up slowly and slowly and it's just this kind of sinking feeling when you realize what's going on with this guy and you're like okay this is gonna end poorly for somebody and then of course you see the hand and you're like well
for a few people I'm like oh god. Oh yeah for a few people it's like yeah this is not gonna end well for you is it? It's like yeah. But yeah Kira by far is definitely just one of the highlights of I mean just it's even this introduction as just this like normal salary man. Yeah. And then yeah he realises kind of dark
The dark is an understatement. Putting it nicely, he's a very mystic person. He takes his hands, so basically his thing, and I'm using that very lightly, his thing is he has a thing for women's hands. So if you ever see any jokes about hands and the words kira beside it, yeah, that's what they're referring to.
Yeah, that's that Georgia reference guys. So he basically goes around like killing women that I think just in general really and taking their hands basically using them as you know, it's like the kind of typical serial killer and again
This is almost about to turn into like borderline like a true crime podcast at this point. Yeah actually though like seriously. Yeah because it's like he's taking trophies essentially from his victims and he is he's very meticulous I would say like he's got a routine he's like in bed at a certain time he'll
have his dinner he has like because that's the really interesting thing like for a senior catler he has some very lavish meals doesn't he he has very nice meals like he knows how to cook he you know no i'm just guessing he knows how to treat a woman but clearly he doesn't
You know, like he is just, oh he's just like the most kind of, because at this point, usually the villains in Jojo are very overtly evil. Yep, you know. He just sneaks up on you and catches you by surprise. Yeah, like Dio and the Pillar Men and you know,
just thinking the part three like everyone in part three like do you have a very like shakespearean vibe do you know what i mean and then the pillar man we're all like we are very powerful this is our world and you're all gonna live in it and die probably and there's kira he's just like i'm a pretty normal dude but yeah you catch me doing what i do it won't
That's pretty much Kira, right? Oh, absolutely. It's just so creepy and I love that, you know what I mean? And this is the thing I do love about part four, it's just the non-mality of everything. It's like, you know, it's like Kira isn't a criminal, well, technically he's a criminal mastermind, but I mean in the sense that he doesn't want to like take over the world or he's gonna, you know, like blow up the town if he doesn't, but technically we'll get to that.
Yeah, you're right. But he's not intentionally looking to rule the world. He just wants to, and again, he says that later on, that he just wants to live a quiet, peaceful life. And as you said, if he doesn't get his way, then he's going to be very, very angry.
Oh god. And when he shows his anger, it's also very overt as well. It's a very calming, eerie, eerie anger, which is, in my opinion, scarier than outward anger. I'm like, oh god. Because what I find interesting is, and again, this kind of relates to his stand. So his stand's called Coward Queen. Very obvious music reference there. And it's just basically like a big cat.
That's all I can describe as a big cat that blows up stuff, which if you've ever had a cat, then you know what, probably just the same.
It's probably just his experience. No, sadly not. But I've just heard the rumours and the hearsay of. Yeah, yeah. Oh, poor cat. So like just knocking everything over. But yeah, it seems himself, ironically enough, he seems himself very animalistic. Like on the one hand he's got like this side that he has just the everyday, you know,
salary man just going about his day job, having his routine, going back to caress his hand. But on the other hand, it's like when he's backed into a corner, he lashes out tenfold. So basically there's a scene where he takes his hand to the sandwich shop and that is just such a disturbing and disgusting scene. He literally keeps a bit
Yeah, he literally keeps like this hand in his jacket pocket and something I actually didn't notice until I rewatched this scene by the way, and I don't know if you picked up on it, is the hand actually discovered? Yep. Like at the beginning it's like very, you know, it's very
not pink, but it's very white, it's very full of colour and everything when we're first introduced to Pira. But when he takes it to the sandwich shop it's just this ghastly grey colour and he sticks her finger into the sandwich and then he licks it off. He's a horrible man.
you know like to put it nicely but he buys the sandwich so all i can say is at least i'm glad he bought the damn sandwich because otherwise like i would be pissed if somebody was like oh by the way did you see that guy like stab it with a woman's hand it's like wait what
an 80s or 90s like you know teenager movie where it's like oh no somebody took my sandwich where Keira's like having a picnic with his hand and he I think he puts the hand in the sandwich bag but Shigetchi who's also in the vicinity you know the Bart Simpson rascal that he is yeah he ends up like taking
to say that again for the police.
He ends up taking the bag, thinking it's his sandwich, and Keira just starts stalking him. A bit like a cat. He starts stalking him, thinking, oh god, I've got to get this hand back. And eventually, he's like...
cornered at one point there's like hiding in this gym underneath like the is it the high horses that yeah like the gymnastic equipment and you know like Okuyasu, Josuke they're all like you know they're just chatting away to one another not realizing you know that there's a killer like two meters away from him it's like oh god
and it builds up where eventually Shigechi is confronted by Kira and he's of course acting like a whiny child saying no it's my sandwich and Kira's freaking out obviously because he realises there's a hand in there and then the hand is revealed and Kira's true nature is revealed and my god it is terrifying.
Shigechi's Death Aftermath
how the way they executed those satsus i love it he summons his stand right in front of shigechi goes through his morning routine well introduces himself formally in a very gentlemanly way yeah goes through his whole routine and just kills this kid in a very brutal way so fucked up
uh like before he kills him because i have to admit i thought he got blown up initially so as i say killer queen is a like big cat that blows stuff up but its ability as well is if it touches anything then it can blow that up so basically he
has, so Shigechi rather, has harvest his stand to raid his pockets. In fact no, so he's holding a coin, sorry Keira's holding a coin and Shigechi gets the coin out his hand and harvest light brings it back and he doesn't realise that he's made a massive effort in his regard when he looks at this coin and he explains how you know
Killer Queen has already touched that. And you know, he clicks his hands and blows up right in his face. I remember, although I did kind of like low key cheer when he got blown up. I was like, Oh, God, he's dead. Oh, phooey. That's like how I felt. Oh, that's darn. And he should get you fans. I really don't like him. Oh, no. Like, although I did laugh when it's like he was still alive and I was like, oh, God damn it.
really come on rocky but the weird thing is although like i'm not a big fan of him i did think his death was really kind of like it was like objectively yeah like he's like walking along the you know the uh what you call it the corridors of the school and like everybody's passing them by though like everybody sees he's like bleeding he's got deep cuts and none of the kids like want to talk to him which i don't get but i'm like
I would have stopped like, oh my god, we need to take you to a hospital. If I was a kid, I'd be like, we need to take you to a hospital, like right now, you look really bad, right? Yeah, like literally that. Everyone's like, oh hi, oh, that's literally what happened. Yeah, like that. I'm not gonna lie, like last couple of minutes honestly reminds me more of like something like Mean Girls than it does like JoJo, because everyone's like,
Oh, should we help him? No, he's just weird. He's like, he is literally bleeding from every orifice. What do you actually want for him to be approachable? But then again, if I saw Shogetchi in real life, I would probably walk back and go, none of my business. As an adult, none of my business. Keep on walking. Anyway, I'm all again.
but yeah eventually he sees like Josuke and Okuyasu and this is this is a really heartbreaking bit because he is he's like saying
how he wants to protect his mum and dad, how he's not gonna fall. He touches the doorknob and, you know, like, I think it's like a perfect thing of animation where he sees Josuke and Okuyasu just chatting, like really happy. And then the kind of perspective, yeah, the perspective like changes to Kira's face who's standing right behind him and says, yeah, Killer Queen's already touched the doorknob and he clicks and then just one last scream before he's just obliterated and there's nothing left of him.
And it is, it's just... Yeah, dude, I forgot about that little detail where, you know, if he blows someone up with Killer Queen, there's nothing left of them. So, wiped clean, you can't find anything. I'm like, right, I forgot about that little detail. Oh my god. The only weird thing, and again, they had to do this with the story, was that in the last ditch effort,
Shigetu uses his stand to grab one of Kira's buttons and he manages to get it to Josuke but the stand blows up after Shigetu does which I'm kind of like huh okay so what you're telling me is stands are like headless chickens they can kind of survive for a couple of minutes and then boof that's it
So it was quite interesting but then of course that leads on to them basically hunting down Kira and like that's the interesting thing because it goes quite fast at this but it's not something you would expect like you'd expect this to be going on for like ages but no they just kind of like speed through it as if oh no Kira's there.
yeah and he's got like a bomb tank thing it's like oh Jesus and of course yeah they eventually defeat him but they everybody just gets messed up don't they yeah like pretty much it's not the ending I mean like did you think that was like did you expect that ending when they actually confront Keira and they all get their asses kicked like did you expect them to get so messed up
That's what I loved about it though, because I'm just like, okay, wow. Compared to like Dio in part three and the Pillar Men who just immediately mess people up after like five seconds. Kira here takes his sweet time and you know, he's very, as we've mentioned earlier, he's super meticulous. He's very intelligent in that sense. He waits for the right moment to get not just Josuke, but like everyone in one go, right? Because he's
Also trying to be super efficient about it while trying to cover his tracks though. That's what I liked I'm like, it was something different where everyone just gets whooped right off the bat But not necessarily dead just like really banged up like Jotaro does Koichi Oh my god like that like the fight between him and Kira is when I started Respecting Koichi a bit more because his Stan got to its final form, right? Oh, yeah
And Koichi was keeping up. It was crazy. And then he, you see Kira start getting shaken up by this little kid who was just talking a lot of shit to him and all that. He wails on him, not with his like stand power, but yeah. And like another thing that I loved is when, you know, Kira's out, so is Koichi and Jotaro, right?
And you know, they noticed this, right? Because at this point, Josuke and Okuyasu don't know what this killer looks like, right? Here's the part where I'm just like, oh, this sneaky son of a bitch, right? You see Kira saying like, ah, I was also like, I also saw the killer and he hurt me too, etc, etc. And I'm like, oh, that is smart, right? Yeah.
And there was, for some reason, I can't remember the reason as to why, you know, Koichi couldn't say, no, he's lying to you, that's the killer right there, right? I think it's because he had like a bomb on him, right? So he's like, you say it, and I'm gonna blow you up, right? No, I think it's because he literally had to hold up on his chest, was it not? Oh yeah! Okay, never mind. It was basically, did they not get cackuined?
Yeah, he could speak, right? So I'm just like, that's another messed up thing, right? You know, like Kira's trying to play, I was like, I saw the killer too, he went this way and all that, right? But I'm like, I forgot how Josuke realized like, no, I'm pretty sure you're the killer and like, you know, he catches him, right? I forgot what happened though. No, it's because he, I honestly think that's sort of really clever. It's when Josuke's like,
or sort of Keira says like oh can you heal me as well because he's going around healing people and it's the stereotypical you think oh no Josuke you don't do it you know he's a villain and then Josuke turns out and says how did you know like I could heal these people and he's like what and he's like because the only reason that or the only reason anyone could see him healing people is if they also had a stand so of course he clocks it and he's like how do you know I'm healing people and
and Kira is just like oh shit I have messed up and it's time to go, it's time to leave and oh it's just so
Jotaro vs Kira
good. Can we also just appreciate like this is one of the best Jotaro beatdowns in the series. So like just after Shigechi nearly gets you know well he does he gets donutted like
punched through this abdomen and you know like smashed and he's about to get killed and Jotaro is like he is hanging on by the red and he manages like to stop Kira but of course he's like bloody and he's like taking a bomb to the face and everything he's been knocked unconscious you know he is not doing very well at all and Kira is like you know oh that punch was weak and everything you know he's mocking him and everything and circling him just before he goes to kill him and
oh my god it's like oh yeah he just he pummels him with star platinum he just wrecks him and then you know he does the because he says like um something to do with like he's going to take his watch or something before he can stop him or something and then he's like he pummels him and he grabs his wrist and he's just like here here this is a this is a terrible watch and then they
punches him. So eventually I think he throws a bomb at him or something like to get away and this is what I meant by like introducing like old aspects of part four where he goes to Cinderella's where this is the woman who can change her face and he's basically grabbed a random guy and swapped his face and he has bolted out so now they've completely lost the villain and you're like what where what
And of course that leads on to probably like the kind of second part of part 4 and it is, it's just basically the rest of it revolves around their hunt for Kira. Would you agree though that some bits of this part do feel an awful lot like part 3 at times?
like not in the worst sense but kind of similar but it's like monster of the week so basically i mean like once they reveal who Kira's dad is and he starts going around like yeah okay i get what you mean now i'm starting to feel like okay yeah okay i can see why you would think that 100%
Cause then at that point it goes back to the original formatting of, yeah, monster of the week, right? Part three, but it was done a bit better. Oh, definitely handled it a lot better because he probably saw his previous mistakes, writing, writing in monster of the week sort of feels right. But yeah, I got what you mean.
because, sorry, just to explain, they go to Keira's house to see if he's there, and obviously he's not, thank God, otherwise. I think I would have like, honestly, that would have killed the tension if they went back and he was there with a different face, just like, oh, okay. Just like, hello. Yeah, hello there.
Kira's Dad and Comedic Side Stories
And yeah, they end up finding, who is it? Like, they find his dad, who's like a spirit in a photograph, which is just,
I honestly don't know how to feel about it. His standability is cool, so they can't destroy the photo because they're in the photo. This camera takes a picture of them and it's a Polaroid picture. And when they look at the picture they see this old man standing behind him, but of course they turn round and he's not there. So it's like he ends up... they end up trapping him.
but then because of him manipulating Okuyasu saying, oh I'm out, you know that picture, he like releases him kind of or releases the picture and the picture ends up going to fly away and he grabs the stand arrow and he like grabs onto a bird and flies away and he's like I think my favorite like description of it was something like it's like a cupid you know going around throwing these arrows down
instead of like love. It's just like stands. And it's like oh just random, yeah just random haps. Like random happenings that go on. And honest to god like this is where it kind of gets a bit weirder in the show. Like we've got a guy who is, he proclaims he's an alien, you know, like who can shape shell. Yeah and it's like they can, they never really explain if he is an alien or not.
But I think it's great. I do think he's a great character. There's a whole episode where Josuke tries to call in Rohan by getting the alien to transform into the dice so he can fudge his rules and that is fantastic. I think that alien has your D&D dice. Oh honestly, yeah. It's just twenties the whole way. Just like, hmm. Whole time, maybe. But I guess to the point where it's literally
I guess to the point where Rohan's house is physically burning down in spite of that it's like he's going mad because he's like I want to know how you're doing this I want to know how you're cheating if he doesn't care it's like oh my god Rohan please just calm down
It's funny because it just escalates so quickly. I'm like, why is his house burning? It's impossible. It's so good. Only doing your things, huh? Oh, absolutely. And I mean, as well, you've got like, I mean, a lot kind of happens in between them trying to find Kira. Like, I mean, they find an invisible baby, which is never brought up again in the future.
or we don't know if it's like her stand or she is literally invisible but Joseph goes to buy things like for the baby and he uses Josuke's money thinking all right it's transferred like from US dollars to yen oh i'm sure this is really cheap and obviously since he owns his own company and you know the speed wagon foundation help him out it's like obviously he's gonna have a lot of money but he uses Josuke's money instead
parts as far as I know
And when he sees it, it's like, it's like 40,000 or something, like just a ridiculous amount. Like 40k or 50k, which is ridiculous. Yeah, and Josuke goes mental, obviously, because that's always savings. I don't believe him. It's literally, it's his life savings. Oh, it's so funny. And then, of course, you've got one of the stand users who is basically like leaching off of healthy people by like chasing them down, which is quite cool. That's where the famous meme scene where it basically traps a role hand in this room.
he starts sucking his life energy out and he's like you know if you call Josuke and I'll let you go and everything and he just says he refuses but the line in the Japanese dub is of course Daga Kotowaru and you know it's just like and it's like the face he makes and just how detailed that is it's like oh
chef gets just beautiful and then like in that same episode that's got another great beat down where Josuke finds the stand user who's like this guy who's got a cast and everything in the hospital and he like punches him and he heals him and the guy's like really surprised he's like oh why are you healing me wow I feel great and he's like so
He's like, so I don't have to feel guilty about beating your ass?
Kira's Time Loop Ability
And he's like, oh, wait a minute. And he just wrecks him and punches him at a window? It is. It is just great. Honestly, if I had Joe Taro's power in that sense, I would be like, or was it Josuke's power in that sense? Yeah, Josuke, yeah.
He's like I feel bad about beating you while you're down, so I'll beat you while you're healthy. I mean there's actually a lot of meme quotes in that one. So when Koichi is trying to find the stand user as well, he's asking the receptionist and the receptionist has been very cold and saying I'm not telling you and it's like oh for goodness sake.
He's somebody's son, he's stanned, and I have seen other people quote this, but he comes out and out of nowhere. This is the first time I think he's swarmed. Oh no, no, technically he has the catchphrase, S-H-I-T, you know, he says that, but he just comes out and he goes, okay master, let's kill the whole beach.
A lot is going on, this is so well done. There's a couple of other stand users in between, there's the person who traps you in paper if you feel afraid, and there's the what I like to call gone light. For any Hunter Hunter fans out there, I've got this catch who just basically is obsessed with rock paper scissors.
doesn't he have like a hole in his cheek too something yeah he has something like that like he has a hole in the mirror and you're just like what why why i don't get it i was literally just like oh if you beat me at rock paper scissors like go get yourself like whatever you stand that will happen right yeah because does it not like does this like or Rohan stand not get sucked through that hole in his cheek or something yeah it's a weird one um
It was very weird. But I mean once you get by all of that, which I have to admit there's some nice or good rather like side stories you get back to the like main plot of them trying to think, you know? Honestly, I had mixed feelings until I remembered like what kind of person he was because he's basically assumed the identity of a guy who is in quite frankly like a loveless marriage.
Yeah, very, very bad. Yeah it was very like this guy that he took over you know owed money and you know he was just like just a horrible, horrible person and like you know like he comes home and that's like his first introduction that the wife says oh you're like instant ramen's there or something you know like give him the suggestion that this guy was like lazy you know he didn't have a great job and everything
but then like Kira goes straight to cooking and everything like that's grand meal and like being a far better husband in the lot. Yeah it was funny I'm like um did he just fix their marriage? That was literally when I was like what the hell? By being responsible essentially? I'm like and the one time this guy is like a seadial like a horrible horrible seadial killer but on the other hand I'm like damn he cooks really well and he's he just fixes marriage. I'm like what the
Literally just fixed his marriage by being a proper husband. Yeah, exactly. And it's like, what the hell? But I mean, even then, the thing to find interesting is the fact that they do give time to that, you know, to their relationship. So it's him, his wife and their son, Hayato, who, I have to admit, the only reason they remember that is because of the screenshot. You know what I mean? Where it's like, Keira's face really close up to the screen going,
Hayato! It's like, oh my god. Oh, pretty much. And yeah, Hayato is, of course, he is not, he is like, not having that. He's like so suspicious.
Which, I actually find hilarious that the reason is because he's like acting like a good husband. I think my dad's a piece of shit, who are you? That's essentially him. Yeah, that's essentially him. The only other thing that I do kind of think confusing about this bit is, so basically there's a scene where his new wife is, although I do find that funny when she's trying to like initiate, you know, like she wants a kiss or something and she just like walks away and she's like no.
I'm not having it but she ends up killing a cat in the house by accident which supposedly, I think the reasoning behind it is they had a stand I think, the cat had a stand and because of that like they bury it and it regrows as a like a cat plant
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, oh god, the cat plant. Oh, guys, remember that, the cat plant. That's what I'm going to say. Like, something out of, um, like, plants versus zombies. Like DLC. That's what, that's honestly what it felt like. It was just like, this is really bizarre. But obviously, it's JoJo.
like he keeps it away in this like room and everything and Hayato like keeps on monitoring with quite possibly you know like spy equipment that I think James Bond probably would have blushed at during the time because he has like huge cameras and you know CCTV and he's like dad room and dad quote-unquote but you know it's like thank god and then eventually catches him out by filming him essentially blowing up to people who are very rude to him
and oh yeah then there's a yeah i'll skip over it but there's essentially an uncomfortable scene where he's like hiding all of the like the footage and he's having a bath and then of course Keira decides to um yeah check in on him and the process ends up um
I'm just wondering what character could be used to describe what happens to him. He ends up killing him essentially. He ends up snapping his neck or something and hiding in the body and that's quite brutal. Don't get me wrong, in part one I think is still probably one of the most brutal scenes where even though we don't see it
like we basically know that a baby's getting like eaten alive. I had done mum, yeah. Yeah like I think that's still up there is one of the worst but considering to show you like the body of like a dead child and you know like this cabinet it's a bit of a weird one or not a weird one that's a severe understatement but it's just it's quite jarring if you know what I mean for this I mean it's not exactly a happy go lucky part with a serial killer but it's just it's
it takes you off guard like did you feel that way when you first saw that yeah i was just like i was like what just happened that was me it was like huh i was very shocked i was like incredibly shocked by it
And then of course in the next episode he's alive again and then you're like, okay, okay. Araki, Araki, come here to the front of the class. Come on. What is this? What's going on? Did you just talk? Yeah, so eventually they find out that, or we as the audience find out that Keira gets stabbed, I think, with the arrow by accident. Or like the arrow goes up his arm.
and they get like a secondary OP ability which basically how to describe this like essentially turns Hyrule into like a living bomb a living bomb yeah like groundhog day the bomb
That's a good way to put it. Essentially, if he tells anyone about Kira, so he's almost like a fail-safe, that if he tells anybody about Kira, then he gets blown up right in the spot, and whoever asks about Kira also gets blown up, and you're like, boom, oh god.
Like, there's a whole, like, back and forth where Rohan finds out, a couple of others find out they all get blown up. And it is really horrific, because Hayato has to relive this over and over and over again. And you're just like, oh, it's a poor kid. And then eventually the cycle's broken when Josuke, like, appears behind him, and over here's Kira, like, you know, doing the stereotypical, oh, I'm Kira, I'm the mastermind, and he's like, I heard you.
He's like, wait, what? It's like, we'll be right back. And yeah, eventually like they get into an altercation. Got to sense like a police report. It's like two minutes got into an altercation to do. Yeah. The only thing that I find confusing about that, so having Okuyasu try to take him on and Okuyasu quote unquote dies. He doesn't really, but he was like, yeah, so was I.
but they kind of pulled like an after all but i'm kind of glad that they did it at the end rather than like halfway through because i would have been pissed off if they'd repeated that i like dokuyasu a lot i'm not gonna lie oh he's definitely one of my definitely one of my favorite joe bros because he's just so funny
Yes, he's definitely one of the best characters in the series. But yeah, eventually, Josuke ends up... Sorry, I just remembered another scene, just before I go on to talk about that scene. Do you remember a weird scene where it's just a random guy walking by and he sees a pair of underwear just on a bush and he goes to touch it? Oh my god, yeah!
it's just the weirdest random side tangent where it's like so it's this guy walking along and he sees like this pair of underwear and for some reason you know stereotypical like anime you know tropes it's like he goes to grab it and he gets blown up by Killer Queen and it's like
I remember that. He is. I have so many questions about why, where, what, and how this happened, you know. It's so weird. Eventually Josuke ends up defeating him because, or sorry, he nearly defeats him and then he realises that Killer Queen for some reason has a hatch in its stomach.
A what? Because remember like he opens so he's like trying to punch Killer Queen and he can't like break through his like there's like a barrier around him it's like you know that kid when you were younger and you know there'd be a kid's like saying oh you can't punch me I've got like a I've got a force field and he's like he's punching he's like how is that not you know getting through and it turns out when it lifts up his stomach he's got the cat plant inside yeah okay I've got a question for you here because I'm very curious to hear you're taking this
So people can't, you know, like normal people can't see enemy or just in general, they can't see stands. Right. So like everybody could see the cat. Yeah. Like, you know, the cat plant. And the cat has a stand. So it's like, what would that look like? Is Killer Queen's body like hiding the cat? Is there just like a floating cat plant?
It was interesting because it was literally in his stomach and now he has another way to shoot bombs and that's not OP at all in my opinion. He just touches the bubbles and then the bubbles float and then blow up. It's crazy. It just gets more and more ridiculous.
Kira's Demise and Moral Reflection
It's very bizarre. It's like I can travel through time, I can do this, I can do that. You're like, Jesus, stop.
you're over complicating things are rocky oh yeah oh yeah like i was honestly so confused at the beginning with bites the dust which is the name for the groundhog day effect groundhog version of a queen yeah which i think it's all right it's just like as you said it kind of like got out of control
It's a bit long. Yeah, and eventually they defeat him and everything and he thinks he's activated it, like his stand, but he ends up instead, he meets a gruesome end where he tries to flirt with a paramedic, but not before getting one last beatdown by Jotaro, who Zaward knows.
Yeah, Eli Zamardos and then he's like, Koichi, you've been a good friend. So I was gonna say, my hot take on that scene was like, as much as I loved that final showdown between Kira and Josuke, it was also Josuke's story. This whole part four was Josuke's story.
I was a little disappointed at the fact that Jotaro got the final blow, even though it made sense. I feel like Josuke should have done him in, right? It's a shame. Shame, yeah. I'm angry, but they decided to go with Jotaro. Nothing wrong with it. He wasn't the main character, right? Well, technically it isn't Jotaro that gets the last punch in, but it's the ambience.
true you're right yeah because it's like he gets beat down and then they have all these ambulances that rush in and this paramedic tries to basically resuscitate or not resuscitate but he tries to help him and they're all freaking out because they think oh god he's gonna activate um bites the dust and he starts going off seeing how he um
had his own Tower Queen, let's just say, when he saw the Mona Lisa for the first time, which is very disturbing. Just watch the scene. It's not pleasant. But yeah, the reason he loves a woman's hands is because he went to see the Mona Lisa one time and it's like, oh no, Araki, no.
but he loses like spam cragasm in chat when he's hot moles. Yeah, who's that like? Can you do it again? Is that just hands up on your head? That's a good one. Oh, freaky freaky guy. But eventually like he gets transported again to the like ghost alleyway and he gets like dragged into hell which I think is a it's a really fitting ending for him. I have to say.
yeah where it's like despite him dying you know he thinks oh we can get away with anything in the afterlife and it's like nope take him away yeah i like your cut you know just takes him in and that's it just he's gone and he's ragged into hell and after that it is just like a very like nice ending days is playing you know everyone's living their best lives joe taro and joseph go home
And Jotaro gets a PhD, doesn't he? That is one of my favourites. So if you haven't seen this video, I cannot recommend this enough. I was crying with laughter at this. So it's basically a video where, at the end, as you said,
Jotaro writes a thesis on a jellyfish. It's like a weird starfish that he found on the beach and someone's edited that.
So it's like it's somebody on them like Microsoft Word and it's like in all caps like it's like stand proud just blasting in the background it's like hello my name is Dr. Jotaro Kujo and today I'm going to talk about the starfish. It was really cool.
on the beach yeah it was just like oh it's so so funny i love it that's the only bit yeah i was kind of like wait what at this stuff yeah right it's like okay i can i can accept that there were cyborgs and like stalingrad but i can't accept that you wrote an entire thesis on our starfish it's like what right it's so ridiculous
oh so funny but yeah it wraps up really nicely and i think it's definitely between that and part two's ending i think those two are by far like my favorite endings for like any of the parts because part two is kind of bittersweet you know it's like although people die it's like a kind of nice progression if you know what i mean whereas part five it's very upbeat you know it's got the pop music and it's the
not pop sorry rock music rather and it is it's just such a lovely ending where they're all living their lives and you know great days ahead as the song says you know and yeah it's just such a great ending to the part isn't it it's it's a good it's a good ending i liked it it was super duper fitting and uh i'm pretty sure joseph took in the invisible baby as another child so oh he did yeah and i mean there's like so many other characters we didn't mention like the stand that grips onto your back
Oh yeah, that was a very scary stand in my opinion. It's basically a stand that if someone looks at your back then it's like a parasite. The stand loops onto the person who saw it but then it kills the person that was originally on. So Rohan has to find creative ways of not showing these back to people. It's really interesting but then of course the last one I'm kind of thinking of is the rats.
yeah the rat stands oh my god like i remember when joe taro's hand got shot and it just turned into this disgusting green gooey mess and you're like ew what the hell yeah i was like what i laughed at was seeing all the fans going absolutely crazy yeah like see all the fans saying things like so are rats stronger than dio and everything it's like
Yeah, it's like, no, that's not how it works. Because, like, kind of a closing point, but honestly, as I said, the stand system in this is a lot better. But what I love about it is, and it's similar to, I know I bring up, like, the Hunter Hunter comparison quite a lot, but it's the fact that you could have an OP ability. Like, look at Jotaro, for example, with Star Platinum. He has a stand that punches very hard and stops time, which, very useful.
Of course, but there's some stands that he can't really compete against. So he has to like outwit them. So for example, like with Coward Queen having the heart attack bombs, you know, it's like, that's just an indestructible tank. So punching it really hard isn't going to do anything to it. There's Angelo where he punches it away, but he can't punch it away forever.
You know, it's like, there's only so much you can do with that. There's limitations. And that's what I loved about this part. The fact that although, you know, like a lot of people had like these incredibly OP stands at times, like Zohando, of course. Imagine if Dio actually had Zohando. Oh my God. That would be very scary. It's a scary sight to see in my opinion. That would be terrifying.
Oh, your approach, he just erases you with his hand. Yeah, he's like, you're approaching me? Zoop, there we go. Yeah, end of part. Yeah, end of part. So yeah, kind of overall, like, what did you think of this part? And I know, obviously, we both love this part. This part, fantastic. It wasn't about saving the world, which, you know, it's not a bad idea to build up upon, but like, it also kind of, it's been done before, like, millions of times, right?
Whereas with this part, it's like, it's about protecting the peace in your little neighborhood that you just want to, you know, chill with your friends in, right? Yeah. And you know, if someone acting that piece, you got to do something about it. And, um, like, I think I mentioned earlier in the live podcast where I was like, part four felt like if neighborhood watch had superpowers in like the best way, right? Because it was about just, you know, protecting the peace in your neighborhood just to live a nice life.
yeah it was way more relatable like it's probably the most relatable part out of the five that have been released on in the anime right because i'm like okay well i mean even you know in my old neighborhood like we had a neighborhood watch and you know there was you know there was gangsters and all that and like you know we were trying to like the neighborhood watch was trying to protect it right so there's definitely some you know um i guess there's definitely things that hit a bit closer to home in that sense yeah Yoshitage Kira a fantastic villain definitely the villain that probably would stand out the most to me out of the
Four, technically introduced in the anime, or if you want to go real numbers, out of the six, if we want to include all three Pillar Men. Yoshikage Kira, terrifying villain, but that's what made him more interesting because remove all of that stand powers, all the OP stuff that he comes with. Guys like Yoshikage Kira, they exist somewhere, and that's what's the terrifying part about him. He's oddly realistic in that sense. There's definitely serial killers that are just as messed up or even more messed up than him, right?
So, you know, that's what I love about it. I'm like, oh, there's definitely people like him out there. And that's what makes it so cool. Right. So due to the just, you know, the fact that, you know, this part hit more close to home than other than other Jojo parts is what won me over. And as it's like that intimacy, isn't it? Right.
yeah because again as you said it's like it's not like a stereotypical kind of shonen where it's like oh we got up the stakes so like in the first part you know deal was going to take over the country um in part two you know oh they're going to take over the world part three deal was going to take over the world you know easily Iraqi could have been like a part four yeah the world again and the universe but he didn't he just like focused it on quite
Yes, obviously I mean the same sort of like the social ones. Like you said, it isn't about saving the world. The thing with Kira is that, hey, I wanted to live a quiet life too. And that's disturbing my piece. So it's interesting to see how it's the it's the neighborhood versus Kira and their ideas of peace. You know what I mean? So that conflict is like what's super interesting. Like they both want the same things. It's just Kira has a very, very
diluted and messed up approach to it, you know what I mean? Whereas everyone is like, okay, well, don't be a dick, don't harm others, and if you're going to harm others, well, you're gonna have to answer to Josuke and his friends, right? So yeah, I'm like, it's interesting, and I love that. I remember watching someone's analysis in part four, and one of the things they brought up was the parallels between Josuke and Kira. So you know how Josuke's stand is very much a healing stand,
and this kind of says a lot about his character because they established early on that Josuke can't heal himself but he can heal other things like you know roads or you know items or things like that and people and that kind of says a lot about his character like he can't heal himself but he can heal others that can do his damn best to help others and that shows like he's kind of self aside. Here on the flip side his stand like
is only good for blowing stuff up really for causing like you know destruction which seems like a bit of an oxymoron considering you know he wants to live a peaceful quiet life but he's got a stand that's so destructive and you know like barbaric to blow people up when you know when he wants to I mean honestly we could probably do a whole episode on like
discussing Kira. A whole like, parallels between Josuke and Kira. I'm like, when you brought that up, I'm like, I never really thought about that. Wow. Holy crap, right? Yeah, it's just, it's amazing like, especially seeing other people's like, interpretations of this part as well. It's like hearing what they say and then going back to watch it. Because this is one of the parts where you can miss a lot like, watching it for the first time and then when you go back and you look at it you think, oh my god, I think
didn't realise that you know like that's what he intended or this is what he's kind of implying you know it's just it's a part that's just packed with so much isn't it just yeah so much kind of details and just i
Part 4's Themes and Conclusion
was about to describe it as a quiet peaceful part a quiet peaceful life yeah it's definite we know
It definitely is. I'm like, I'm out about that at a whole parallel, but keep going. Sorry. No, no, no, sorry. No, I was just going to say it's like, yeah, no, it's just a fantastic part, Rowan. That's what I was going to say. It's like just so much of it. Like, as I said, it's not perfect, but what anime is?
There's hardly any animes that are going to be 10 out of 10, perfect, flawless, but I feel as if this one, in terms of JoJo, comes pretty close. And I would say, so far, it's probably the best part. Well, between that and part 2. As I said at the beginning, if you split it between the Hammond, part 1 and 2, and then
part three on much to have the stands yeah i would say part two is probably the best and for yeah for half the ham on parts yeah part two first and part four yeah definitely so good that's all good
I was like, I never thought about that parallel dang, okay. Oh, and here's the thing adding on to that before we, you know, ended off, you know, because Josuke and Kira want just to live quiet, peaceful lives. Josuke is doing it for everyone in the neighborhood. Whereas with Kira, it's more selfish ambition in the sense that I want to, I want this. Forget what everyone else wants. I want this and I'll do it my way.
Whereas with Josuke, as you said, he was a very selfless character based off of, you know, his stand and what it can do. He's more just like, yeah, I want the same thing, but at the same time, I also want my friends, my family, my mom to have that too. So that's why I'm doing this, right? So it's interesting. It's super interesting that way. I never thought about it that way.
Yeah, we definitely need to do another Chatsunami, just deep diving into Part 4 characters, because there's just so much to talk about with them. I feel as if it's like a success in that regard. It needs more recognition, Part 4 in my opinion. Oh yeah, absolutely. I feel like it's created because the number one thing that most people think when they think Jojo, they think of Jotaro in Part 3.
And I'm like, eh, have you guys met Josuke? Pretty much. Yeah. I mean, Part 3 is definitely the one I think everybody thinks of because they think of Dio, they think of memes. Memes, you know. Yeah, memes a lardo and all of that. And I think between Part 3 and 5. See, this is a thing. It's like a Jojo sandwich, isn't it? Yeah. We've got Part 3, which is obviously everyone knows it by the memes and everything and the weird art.
the designs and everything. Part five is the one that's like kind of the newest and the ones that... this is my hot take to kind of finish off on the night but I am not a big fan of part five I have to say compared to like every... Yeah but I get what you kind of go for for it like oh yeah it was an interesting idea and it's cool it's just it wasn't a hundred percent there you know what I mean? Like going from part four to five and believe me we will deep dive into part five
We will. For pretty much the last episode of the series, won't it? Until part 6 comes out and then we'll be able to come back and be like, yep, Araki's done it again, he's done this here. But yeah, everybody seems to rave about part 5. Not my favourite either. Maybe it's just because I love part 4 so much. I mean, do you feel like that? That because part 4 set the standard so high,
Yeah, I feel like there's a bit of a bias for us in that sense, right? So, and part five is its own kind of story. So that's cool.
As I said, I'm not saying part 5 is terrible, but compared to part 4, part 4 kind of hits 90%, like all the right notes. There's a couple of bits where you're kind of like, I don't like that, but it's not as severe as part 3 or even part 1 where that had some kind of flaws, but it's probably the best series. If I was recommending JoJo to anyone,
and I was permitted by the Grand Council of Jojo fans to part- I would choose part four to start someone off. I had a part two, a part four, but I think part four is probably the more accessible one compared to any of the other parts, really, to be honest. Especially part five, but you know what? We'll save that for next time. Yeah, pretty much. I have to admit, I am looking forward to that one. That would be a good one. It'll be fun.
Oh, totally. It's that time of the episode again. Already? Because you're like, it's that time of the episode. Yeah, it's time to bounce a dust off, I know. So yeah, where can these fantastic Joe Bros listening to us find your content? My name is Blowfish Man TV, and I want to live a very nice life on the life of slash Blowfish Man TV.
I'm here three times a week at 5.30 p.m. EST on Mondays, 1 p.m. EST on Wednesdays, and 6 p.m. EST on Fridays. On each of those days for Monday, you will find me at my day job as a lawyer, and I love to bust those criminals who lie through their teeth.
As for Wednesdays, well, we pursue other things. Gods. One-winged ones with eight foot long swords. And last but not least, you'll see me at my night job, playing zombies at 6 p.m. EST. I hope to see you there. And of course, if anyone does try to disturb the peace well, let's just say that they'll get a special shout out from yours truly. And
If you want to see more of my content, although my presentation will not be able to fall off that, you can find me on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and of course Twitch under the name Satsanami42. If you want to catch more of the podcast episodes, you can catch the episodes on Anchor.
Spotify, Castbox and all good podcast distributors. If you want to catch a live Chat Tsunami episode, you can catch it at 7.30pm BST over on Twitch at Sat Tsunami 42. If you want to see more Let's Play content from myself, you can catch me over on YouTube at Sat Tsunami 42 where we will be releasing new Let's Plays on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Yeah,
Please go check that out. Really excited to hear what you guys think of it. So, as always, Blowfish, thank you so, so much for joining today. It is always a pleasure.
Oh, it's a pleasure having you invite me on to these things, man. Even if it's not for JoJo's stuff, hey, if you want to talk other stuff, I'd be down to do the live version or even just record what we're doing right now. Yeah, absolutely. As always, guys, stay safe, stay awesome. Most importantly, stay hydrated. And if the packaging on your sandwich is pierced with what looks like a finger, don't buy that sandwich, throw it out, and don't buy a cat. Bye, guys. Bye.