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122: KIDS VERSION – God Builds A Nation image

122: KIDS VERSION – God Builds A Nation

S7 E122 · Normal Goes A Long Way
64 Plays1 month ago

Today we will learn the story of Abraham and how God blessed him beyond measure.  Listen with your children and reflect on the blessings that God has lavished on you!  This part of God's Big Story reminds us that God's dreams for us are bigger than we can imagine!

Want to keep talking?  Here are some ideas:

*Pretend to move with your preschooler.  Pack a backpack with favorite things and then play "Follow the Leader."  Talk about how Abraham followed God. (ages 2-4)

*Create a simple obstacle course using couch cushions, pillows and things around the home.  Blindfold your kids and guide them through the course using only verbal directions.  When done, ask: What's the hardest part about being blindfolded?  How does this activity remind us of Abraham? (ages 5-9)

*Ask: Why is it so hard to move or to adjust to new things? What does God do to help you feel better when things change? (ages 10-12)

One last thing!  This week, April asked you to tell about a time when you were scared and you needed to trust God.  Send in your kid's answer by texting a voice memo to 636-280-5433 and they could be featured in next week's episode!  *By sending in a voice memo, you’re providing consent for your minor’s voice to be on the podcast*

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Introduction and Kids' Favorites

The following podcast is a Jill Devine Media production. We're just normal kids learning about God's big story. Welcome to normal goes a long way. For kids.
Hello, families. I'm Miss April, and I'm so happy to have you back. Last week, the question was asked, what's your favorite thing that God created? There's so much to choose from. Here's what you told us.
My favorite thing that God has created would be my family. My family. My favorite thing that God ever created, my parents. My life and my family and my friends.

Exploring God's Creations

I love that. God's creation truly is wonderful. Beautiful, grand mountains, adorable, pudgy babies. You're a crazy dog. And God has made a whole universe beyond Earth as well. Today, we'll hear some interesting facts about stars.
um It's time for some food masks! My name is Llewelyn. I'm seven years old. The sun is a huge star. Over one million alps could fit inside the sun. Stars are different colors. The hottest stars are blue or white. Stars are very far away from us.

Abraham's Journey of Trust

The closest star is about 93 million miles away.
When I think of stars, I think of Abraham. You will soon find out why. Abraham was a man who trusted God. One day God said, Abraham, I want you to leave your home and go to a new land that I will show you. This was scary for Abraham. He had always lived right where he was living. What would this new land be like? What if he didn't like it at all? But Abraham trusted God.
He and his wife, Sarah, decided to be brave. They packed up everything, and I mean everything, their things, herds of sheep, herds of cattle. They brought along Abraham's nephew, who was named Lot, all of Lot's stuff, his family, and all of his animals, and they set off for the new land.
When they got to this new land, there was not enough food for the animals. Again, Abraham was worried and stressed. How was he going to feed all these hungry animals? Everyone was looking to Abraham to solve the problem and he didn't know what to do. The people were frustrated and fighting.
But Abraham knew deep down that God was good and that he could trust God. Abraham gave the best land to his nephew Lot and he moved to a different place. And God provided everything that they needed. Then something amazing happened. God told Abraham and his wife Sarah that they were going to have a baby.
This was quite astonishing because Abraham and Sarah were old. They didn't think there was any way for them to have a baby. But Abraham trusted God.

Blessings of Abraham and Sarah

When Abraham was 100 years old, 100 years old, God gave them a precious baby boy. Let's all take a second to stop and say, what?
Right? How could that happen? This seemed impossible. But as we will learn in the Bible over and over again, what is impossible for us is not impossible for God. God gave Abraham and Sarah the miracle of that baby boy and they named him Isaac. God took them outside and said, look at the stars in the sky. Not only am I gonna give you this baby,
I'm gonna bless you with grandchildren and great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren that will outnumber the stars in the sky. That's how big I'm gonna grow your family. Wow! Every time Abraham or Sarah looked at a sky full of stars, they could remember God's amazing promise to them. So, let's get to the point. Abraham trusted God. I can trust God too.
Today with your family, talk about a time when you were scared and you had to trust God.

Personal Stories of Trust

When I was growing up, I moved a lot. When I was in ninth grade, I was in my ninth school. Every time I moved, it was hard. Would I find friends? Would I like my new school?
God showed me every time that he was with me. He helped me find friends and always helped me discover new things to love about the new place. So what about you? Have you ever had a time when you were scared and had to trust God? Talk about it with your family. If you want to tell us what your family talked about, you can go to the show notes at where we will tell you how to send in a voice memo. You could even be featured on a future episode of this podcast. Don't forget, God loves you with a great big love.