Boosting Your App’s Success with ASO and Feedback Management with Yaroslav Rudnitskiy image

Boosting Your App’s Success with ASO and Feedback Management with Yaroslav Rudnitskiy

S3 E64 · Player: Engage
61 Plays28 days ago

Episode Description:In this episode, we sit down with Yaroslav Rudnitskiy, ASO expert and Head of ASO at AppFollow, to explore the power of App Store Optimization (ASO) and the importance of feedback management in app development. Yaroslav shares strategies for boosting your app’s visibility, engaging with users, and maintaining a positive reputation in the competitive app marketplace. Whether you’re a developer, marketer, or just curious about how apps gain traction, this episode offers valuable insights into the tools and tactics that drive success.

Timestamps & Key Takeaways:

  1. [04:00] What is ASO and Why It Matters
    Yaroslav breaks down App Store Optimization (ASO), comparing it to SEO for apps. He explains how ASO boosts organic downloads through strategic keyword placement and optimized metadata.
  2. [11:45] App Store vs. Google Play: Key Differences
    Yaroslav highlights the key differences between the App Store and Google Play algorithms, including how each platform evaluates app visibility and performance.
  3. [19:30] The Importance of Regular Metadata Updates
    Yaroslav emphasizes the need for frequent updates to your app’s metadata to keep up with changing algorithms and market trends, suggesting updates every 6 weeks.
  4. [27:20] Managing Feedback and Reputation with AppFollow
    Managing app reviews is crucial for building trust. Yaroslav discusses how AppFollow’s tools help developers manage user feedback, automate responses, and engage more effectively with their community.
  5. [35:00] Leveraging Competitor Analysis to Enhance ASO
    Yaroslav advises developers to analyze competitors to find opportunities for improvement. By understanding what others are doing well—or poorly—you can refine your own ASO strategy.
  6. [42:10] Success Stories: Feedback Automation in Action
    Yaroslav shares a success story from Maitona, a game publisher that used AppFollow’s automation tools to manage feedback efficiently, enhancing user satisfaction and retention.

Key Quotes:

  • “ASO is about making your app visible and converting those views into downloads.”
  • “Regular updates to your metadata can significantly impact your app’s search ranking.”
  • “Feedback is gold. Engaging with your users and addressing their concerns builds trust and keeps your app relevant.”
Hey everybody, Greg here from the Player Engaged Podcast and here's what you're about to listen to. Today we're talking to Yaroslav Rudnitsky from AppFollow. He's going to teach us so App Store Optimization. What does it mean? What are some strategies we can follow? What are the differences between the Play Store and the App Store from Apple?
the role of localization and boosting downloads, how you can manage your app reputation and feedback, the importance of metadata updates, a lot more about ASO and app shat App Store optimization than I ever thought of, but it's awesome stuff. So stay tuned, listen to a great episode and enjoy.
Hi everybody. Welcome to the Play Your Engage podcast. Greg here. Today, we're joined by Yaroslav Rudnitsky from AppFollow. He is an ASO expert and works on App Store optimization, which is what ASO is, as well as reputation management. We're going to hear about the power that feedback and reviews can help shape your brand or the app that you're working on and how you can do it and how you get started and how you scale. So, Yarq, which I'll call you for short here. ah Thank you so much for joining me today. ah You want to do a quick introduction of yourself?
Yeah, yeah. Hi. Hi everyone. I'm Jeroz Loforudniski here. I'm working approximately six years in case of the App Store optimization and also working in their full help in our clients to let all the processes which became from the view management and the App Store optimization as well. And that's all done in the app follow-up platform. But before we even jump into that, can you just kind of talk us through what is App Store Optimization or ASL? Yeah, sure. App Store Optimization, this is the quite basic question. Even a basic question, every my speech, which will be public, I started from what is the ASL? So ASL, this is the complex of work.
which can increase your number of organic downloads. We have the see SEO for the web, who are increasing in the number of organic page views and engagement inside your web page. So the same um stuff we have in the App Store ah with our apps.
So this is the App Store Optimization. It and belongs by two main steps. First of all, increasing the search visibility to more people can get um impressions.
of your app page, etc., and download log you. And the second one, the visual part, ah to convert more in impressions into downloads. So that's what about the A, so if we're talking about the basic uh, information about this, uh, not art. Yeah. I, you know, yeah even myself, it's been kind of working in this business. ASO is always this thing that like, I always hear about, but I don't really know deep into the weeds, what it is. And when you say it's basically SEO for apps, everything's just like, Oh, no duh. Right now it makes sense. Um, when it comes to SEO though, right? I have my website, I'm building it on my website and then I build it into whatever I'm doing. Right. And Google and Bing and whoever else may be using it will index it.
When it comes to my app, am I doing it specifically for the Play Store and iOS? Is it one and both get it? like How does that work? so This is absolutely ah the two different platforms. but We are mentioning about the two platforms which are more more generic for the mobile market. This is the App Store and the Cool thing. First of all, we are working to increase your search visibility just to generate some impressions So we have to improve our ranking positions. To improve our ranking positions, we are trying to research whole keywords and implement it step by step inside our metadata. In the App Store, this is the title, subtitle, and keywords field. In the Google Play, it's app name, short description, and full description. Which out which platform do you prefer?
Oh, ah my lovely one was App Store, but it was till this year, just because ah in the December last year in the App Store. So let us start. Let's start from the algorithms. First of all, App Store for me, this is the pretty handsome person who are pretty dumb.
So this is absolutely clearest how to manipulat manipulate with the algorithms of the app story. ah You're just pasting the words. They are combining between each other. And if you got ah enough number of of downloads, total downloads of your app, you will get in some rankings there. So it is pretty easier to get just pasted words, ah get downloads, and you will be on the top.
For the Google Play, this is some nerd who became, he will get everything about your sentimental text. He will pay attention about your yeah internal house metrics, retention, et cetera. And then maybe it will place you in the right keywords. So that's why yeah in this, ah In this site, I love App Store just because it's easier to manipulate by their local agents. But since the December last year, it became insane. Absolutely. This is like a slot machine. You're pasting the keywords in the right metadata fields and then rankings going higher, lower, and it became absolutely crazy and absolutely
unpredictable for me. So it becomes from side to side. but For example, this summer, it was two drops to anomalies, we call this. Anomalies in the App Store, which was pretty huge and a lot of apps are changing their rankings by doing nothing in case of their metadata.
theres so yeah kind of like global change that then impacted pretty much everything that was already there. We don't really know what was it, but something was broken.
Funny how, like, you know, I know with like, TikTok and LinkedIn and Instagram and Facebook, they all have their algorithms and people trying to find it out. And like, just if you're not in the yeah ASO world, I guess you don't realize that, hey, there's also algorithms for ranking these and and making sure where we go. How often is that something you revisit with ah one of your brands that you work with? So, uh,
Basically, every time when I talk with our clients, I told them again and again, try to change the metadata at least one per master half So in the months and a half, first of all, even if you staying everywhere into one, everything might be changed, algorithm might be changed, et cetera. So ah for the healthy life of your organic, you should update in the metadata at least once per month and a half. So every month and a half, take a look at what you got, making sure it's all still good, making sure it's all still relevant. And even if it's a small change, it's something that
Google and Apple have to re-index and take a look at it and score again, right? It's just basically staying relevant. Absolutely. And also, ah even why are you getting for the Apple and Google if it's absolutely different platforms they have? I get ah approximately the same estimations for them. ah Why?
ah First of all, App Store algorithm has a full process of indexing approximately three foreign days. In the Google Play, it's three, four weeks.
i am yeah And ah also, ah if you are checking your app health, ASO is not ah for the most of the ah ga gaming developers or ah for the big companies. ah Your search visibility is not a number one task for you.
you have a lot of ah headache ah instead of the ASO, but it it is not the least task for you. So the months and a half, this is the timeframe where you can check if something is okay with my app reputation as well. and And if this nothing change or something change in case of the world algorithm,
If there are any new players in our market and if new trends, et cetera. So you should check all this stuff. Uh, if you are the, um, any suspicious and also if you are working not with, uh, with the one localization.
the process will be unstable for you. You should c check US, ah months and a half US. So in this break, yeah in the months and a half, you can work with the Spanish language, with the French language, German language, e etc.
yeah so this is i never again Yeah, I never really kind of considered localization for ASO, so which makes perfect sense. We do a lot of localization that helps shift when it comes to kind of bots and and conversations, but it makes sense, right? You're launching an X amount of markets. You want to make sure that the app description, the app name, the app, everything about the app is coming up, whether you speak English, Spanish, French, German, right? You want to make sure that showing up in that appropriate language show.
Wow, that's a lot. And also ah and also for the some persons in the market, ESO might be the marker for the soft launching. So way when you're not launching your app, you don't want to localize your app more. So you want to get the key regions where it will be soft launching, you are checking your app house starts, et cetera.
But you can localize your app page and only their page Text on the screeches text inside the metadata field and getting some keywords there 11 spices and then you can release the app in case of the salt launch and this way with the number of Organicking known organic downloads. You can try any any localization how it feels in case of their game If you can see currently in your soft lodge region, key lodge region, for example, Canada, ah it works approximately 200, 300 organic downloads per day and you have, they have um more in Germany market, in Brazilian market, et cetera, you can get this point on your marketing
So next step, we have some users in Brazil or we have some users, organic users, free users for us. that In Germany, we can work with it more. We can work with the localization, spend some money to localize for these languages, our app. And it might be the um both side process when you're working in case of the organic integration and then development your own product. So let's back all the way up, right? So ASO is important because it helps lead to organic downloads. It improves your search visibility whether you're on the Apple.
app marketplace or ah Google, and it also improves your visit, uh, improves your impressions and your downloads. Right. And this is great because you're launching an app. You want people to see you. If people don't see you, if people see Candy Crush, right, they're going to download Candy Crush. If you're making a match three game, you need to find a way to get a.
closer to Candy Crush or up on top of Candy Crush and do that. So it's important to make sure that you're taking a look at yeah ASO, so which is the metadata for the game itself, ah so that it's being localized, or it's sorry, not localized, so that it's being indexed properly on the app stores. You're saying for a soft launch, you wouldn't do localization at the gate. You'd rather see your organic downloads to see how they're doing in different countries. And then when you start understanding, hey, I'm doing really well in Brazil, or maybe I could do better in Brazil, then you start putting some of those marketing dollars towards the ASO in Brazil, so you can start to kind of pump up the market there and see how well your dollars are being spent there. Am I doing all right? Yeah, sure. Yeah, sure. Here is the connection between the ESO as a marketing yeah and ah ESO for the product. ah So we have some product insights in case of our downloads and getting implemented in in our product.
and also ASO again works with the other marketing things like user reposition. When we, for example, study the user reposition campaign with some, ah you know, this way, like a false ads or misled ads when someone can stay in some ah um unrealized mechanic inside the ads and If it performs well, yeah instead of all of your marketing ads, you can use the same one style, the same one mechanic and paste it into your screenshots. There are a lot of apps in the in the App Store, you can start
from the, I don't know, garden scapes when they get this minigames thing. And you can see even now they have the minigames screenshots inside their screenshots. It performs well. So it means that you can increase not only the organic downloads this way, and even you have you have no way to download your app ah to avoid the app stores.
an app store or a Google Play, you cannot avoid this. So you are pasting your creatives, then you are clicking on your ads, getting on the app store and see the same one number of screenshots, the same one style of screenshots, and it will be increasing your conversion rate. but So this way you are not um only working with the organic part,
but also can help you with the fake UA. Interesting. So you you're basically saying the quote unquote fake ads or the fake gameplay ads that we see as ads on probably Unity games, right? Like you're saying companies should put those same screenshots into the... Come on, man. that's Everyone downloads those games hoping for those mini games and they're not there. And you're just like, ah, where's the mini games? I don't want the i don't want the water to leave the bathtub.
ah um Yeah. It's interesting that we, we get so, so kind of transitioning to this gaming aspect, right? We, we focus, I'm not sure, I'm sure gaming is your top vertical. It's probably not the only one that you take a look at, but um why is it important for games? And it could just be about everything we just spoke about. Is it especially important for games to make sure that their ASO is on top of the game for this?
So first of all, the a so for gaming, it might be maybe a little bit changed as it we do with the just the service apps. How does it like? First of all, you we have, for example, the keyword offline games, and there are a lot of offline games inside our app store.
No one will come to the offline games and ah scroll till the 15th position to download your app. But everyone wants to get any organic downloads. So this way, ah in the our games, first of all, we saw the part of the branding, we should paste our brand on our title and we should protect our brand in case of the keywords optimization, for example, someone became, ah I don't know, it was a couple of years ago when Raid Shadow Legends, everyone told Raid Shadow Legends, not Raid,
But with the whole this number, ah in the S they have Raid Shadow Legends, in the title they have Raid Shadow Legends. And this way, this is the part of the branding which you should protect also in case of the ASO. And ah with the in case of the games, we are, in most of the part, we are in increasing the conversion rate. When and people came to the our app page,
to get more impression to and download this key. So this is the first the first part of k-min in SOA. This is the conversion rate optimization.
So, sorry, I'm just taking a bunch of notes here, right? So the conversion, you're throwing a lot of KPIs out there and I love it there, right? We talked about user acquisition a few moments ago. So conversion rate, right, is how many people are coming to your actual page of your game and actually clicking download, right? And are these metrics that Apple and Google provide to you?
organic yeah Sure, sure, sure. Apple and Google has the attributing channels inside the analytics, inside the console, Google tech also in the app store connect. ah You have some in the app store, we have impressions, page views and downloads.
In the Google Play we have only page views and downloads. Just because in the App Store you can download the app from the search result. If you are pasting any keyword you can ah click get button just on on the search result. But in Google Play we have no get button. ah You have no way to not be involved into your app page.
And between this, that's just because we're written we have conversion from impressions into the downloads in the app store. And we are measuring the conversion from page views into the downloads in the Google Play. So Jarek, you kind of answered this a little bit before, but let's dig more into it. If you were going to build your own gaming studio and you're going to build the next big first person shooter, right?
What is, ah when it comes to ASL, what's what's the first thing you're going to do to make sure you're up, pretend the game's were ready to go, right? what What is the first thing you're going to do to make sure that when you launch, you're in a position where you can take advantage of this? So first of all, before they're released,
I wanted to do first of all airplane which will be approximately consistent some keywords there and also of course it will be just textile metadata first update just to testing just to see which one keywords we can ah reach out higher than top And then, ah if and when our app will be launched, we will ah try to get some conversion rate tests in the post. In the post, consoles will have the A-B testing tools.
So we we can create and we can check our competitors, check which they are um which features they are highlighting, how they are highlighting, and then getting the simple A-B test with their video, icons, screenshots, etc. So this is what I should do.
And this is something in ideal life. Also, I will do some business development there to get a lot of featuring from App Store and Google Play, for example. I don't know how how it works, but ah in my dreams, it works ah every time.
ah when I get the applied there. And next time, of course, I am working with the paid UI. Without the paid UI, you can't grow organically. You cannot grow from 0 to 100 just because it's a 0. You cannot multiply on 0. So, of course, we are ah when we are looking up on the first two or three weeks we should see some campaigns to get ah to check to get first users first of all and then check our all health metrics which we can and get and then compare with the our benchmarks on market or maybe now compare with our expectations which we calculated on the
paper so desperate. So when you launch your first game on these on either Apple or Google, and do they provide any, I don't want to say the word incentives, but kind of boosts to kind of help get you that visibility?
Yep, App Store is doing it in the first 2-3 days. They are trying to pull you into your title, keyword into the suggestions more often than after.
but Even if you have some organic boost there, don't forget to get more paid acquisition downloads just because ah if it working in complex, it will perform better, then you just rely on the App Store boost there. In the Google Play, we have no any boost there at all. and Okay. Google is really tough, huh?
You got to be really techie to get it going. And they're not helping you at all, huh? It's, uh, every man for himself out there. Starting the Google ads and you will get you, right? That's usually about halfway through the podcast. I like to do a quick fire round where I'll just throw some questions at you and just answer them. Good to go. yeah Yeah, sure. What did you have for breakfast?
Uh, it was scramble acts with the sausage. Okay. Are you a gamer? And if so, what game are you playing now? Oh, uh, I am playing, uh, approximately months in a deadlock. It's, uh, early access right now. but access but but Yeah. Yeah. But I'm playing on my steam deck.
ah They are not working for the matchmaking. I cannot play alone. So I have to wait when my friend will invite me into the party and then ah we will play that lock again. to get How does it run in the Steam Deck? It's pretty... um So I replace PC by the Steam Deck. Alright.
Wow, completely, huh? You just ripped it out. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I play Baldur's Gate 3 on this team there. I play vampire survivors. I highly fan of vampire survivors. And also,
Now, when I want to play in some competitive games, not Counter-Strike, some or not Mombas, just because you need a little bit more number of ah buttons than Steam Deck has. graphing but But I absolutely replaced my ah ah PC and I didn't touch it for the monsters. Nice.
Next question would be, what is a piece of technology that you can't live without not counting a phone or your computer? What could be an app? Maybe it's Duolingo. Duolingo. Nice. What language are you learning? I'm learning Hebrew currently. Wow. Yeah.
So, uh, and this is the part of my habits, uh, day by day, this all, uh, get, calendar yeah, yeah. Uh, it's approximately more than here, which area, which I do it. And, uh, this is a right habit for me. Last question is what is your dream vacation?
Oh, maybe, uh, I should hiking yeah in mountains. I absolutely in love, uh, with the mountains. So this is my dream vacation as well. I love it. All right. You're off the hot seat. Thank you. Um, recently within the last few months, right app follow has been made in making some changes to focus more on reputation management, the feedback and that type of stuff.
ah Can you explain to me kind of why is it important to capture that feedback and make sure your reputation is in a good place? Sure. ah As we told before, not only the ASO is the two compressions ah top one priority for you when you are an app developer. You should engage the user, you should try to pay more attention for your users, ah how they do they feel inside their app if they have any problems you should resolve it and the first as fast as the you can and mostly ah to resolve their problems on the go so this way even if you promote your app if you're getting a lot of pay acquisitions etc but you are ah the just
do not use anything to engage, uh, to working with, uh, engaging your users and your product. It was not be a success story for you. So that's why Apple working with the, uh, review management interpretation, uh, a preparation, uh, as well. Can you talk to any of the tools that maybe app follow offers to help collect that feedback, how you facilitate that process and make it easier for them?
Yeah, sure. ah First of all, we have the rankings, rankings worldwide. ah With the divide divided, even in the Google Play, we can divide any rankings in case of the countries. So also we have pretty comfortable, not as it ah was on the App Store Connector. Google Play, very native and very comfortable.
way to reply to your reviews. We have a lot of filters so you can prioritize your your replies on the reviews, etc. And also ah we can try to get the the work process for the people who are resolving the process.
resolving the problems of their users more easier by the automation. We are developing the automation replies, automation tags, and also in artificial intelligence automation to and just delegate some, not unnecessary, but the easiest job to the robots the and the more complicated cases to pay more attention for the more complicated cases of users. So by the follow you can ah do anything in case of the your reviews management thing. Even analyze your ah competitors. know We have the sentimental analysis ah which are um and divided divided all the mass of
are reviews of your app or your competitors apps and divide it into topics and also you can spy for your competitors for example what's the most big problems of my competitors what can I implement into into my product or maybe users or all competitors who wanted to get some features and developer can't and do this. So this is the part in which you can help as well you with. You said this three times now, I love it, right? Look at your competitors, analyze your competitors, see what your competitors do right, see what your competitors do wrong and take advantage of it. No research is better than looking at your competitors and see how they're doing it and just learning from them.
it's it's the process that this whole thing works is you gotta copy what you can and improve where you can and make it better than what you can so I love how you keep saying that and I wanna something else you said that really was interesting to me and and I don't know if you'll have any insights on it as you said different countries ah you you can get kind of feedback based on countries and I'm curious if there's any insights that like Do specific countries ask for different types of features than other countries? Like, for example, from the US, do you see more people asking for one thing than maybe versus people in Germany? No. ah First of all, we can divide and the ratings just because Google is not presenting this data.
ah for everyone. they're not ah You can ah click ah United States and here will be the United States data. No, it will be English United States. So for the language which peaked into the device, not only in the country.
this is the our feature which are working good and I really appreciate all our tech product of who who are doing this just because it's really easier to and get some things from the countries not from the languages as it was before But also ah I don't even manage that someone in case of the countries has the similar pain. I think this divided into the product segments or some internal problems of the users. But I know only the one special parameter which are working every time.
When you're checking, we have two main parameters when we are checking the reviews management. First of all, it will be the average rating. And this is the number which we can see on the App Store and Google Play. This is the average rating. It six and includes stars when you're just putting the star for the request feature or everyone everywhere. And stars plus review. So this is all your ratings which you are getting.
And also we have the average review rating, which consists, there is no average review rating inside the console, but we have this number. And if you see the gap between average rating and average review rating, this is the marker for you that your, for example, if you're average rating are higher than average review rating, it means that and Your users came to the reviews um only for complaining. This is the bad marker for you, but and you can try to resolve it. First of all, try to use native review request form. In both of the platforms, they have review request form, which you can implement and implement it after some positive event, for example.
when you send the money or receive the money in the financial apps or et cetera, ah any positive events, you can rate this thing. So, and after that you can rate the app and ah you this way you can increase the number of positive number of ratings and ratings with the reviews. And this way these numbers will be pretty the same when they change approximately 0.1, 0, something like that. So yeah. What size does it make sense to start taking a look at tools like app follow to help you scale? And if you're not at that size, what are just some things you can do to maybe help facilitate capture that feedback natively until you're ready to scale?
I think this is any size, even the indie developers are using us. So even if your team is only you, you can use in the Apple just because it's absolutely crucial for any app developer to ah working with the yeah engagement and promotion of your app. Even if you don't want to get any arginical promotion in case of the ASO working,
you should working in with the engagement of your users, you should resolve their problems, ah listen to them, and also ah trying to improve your product as well. Always be improving, right? Always be asking for feedback, always be improving. Sure, sure, of course. Are you able to share any success stories with any of your customers? You don't have to use any names on kind of how partnering with app follow made a significant difference?
We have the ah last one case. We are Maitona. Yeah, Maitona, they are games publisher. ah So they are yeah implemented in their works, artificial intelligence alt replies.
yeah and delegate for them as i talked before unnecessary problems um for example to replying to the five stars no reviews and they are covered 100% of all reviews by the replies since d January 2024. So they have 100%. No reply will not stay in that responding. It will be everything responding.
What type of, but like does that require multiple agents? Is that one agent is a mix of automation and agents? How how does someone manage replying to all the views? Automations, agents, first of all, of course you have to use the agents just because someone should approve or not approve.
yeah any replies of the AI but of course after date after the validations agents will get some ah complexity problems which should be resolved that the automations will get in easy way and stuff like ah take the response thank you or something which you are before just copy and pasting from the axel sheet so you can ah use the automations this way everything which should be used by the plate might be automated
So Jarek, I have about one more question for you. And again, something we kind of dove into, but I'd like to kind of just double down on it so people can remember it is ah if you're a gaming company and you want to improve your feedback management practices and maintain a positive reputation, do you have any feedback or advice you would give people who are looking to do that?
um First of all, this is pretty it will be pretty basic um recommendations just because generically you should check um any problems in each one cases, which the most strict problem for them or not, which you should pay attention, which you should not pay attention as well. ah But generically, first of all,
try to respond as fast as you can just because you can lose the connection between you and user and if you are replying approximately one month or two weeks after the ah after the review appeared.
And next one, try to resolve the problem inside your platform, inside the Coldplay console or App Store Connect by DFO or not. ah Try to resolve the problem on Google. A lot of publishers, a lot of game developers are using the, please text us on the support, et cetera, get some mail.
And it will not work in your just redelegate and you are just postponed your problems. ah You are collecting the problems inside your silent, maybe in the email or um through the mail, you can lost the problem of user and it will be not one's problem. ah So,
Yeah, try to resolve the problems so on and go as well. Yeah, reply quick and resolve it in the actual app store, make it make it simple. and Sure. It's absolutely basically, it's absolutely obvious things which most of developers can't do through some problems. I don't know which one, but ah It's absolutely basically and works for the everyone, even if you have house app for docs, even if you you're working with both of these steps, yeah it will be success.
Beautifully said. ah Let's recap what we just spoke about throughout the whole podcast and what's important. ASO is important. It's basically the SEO for your app. It helps improve your organic downloads. It helps improve your search visibility, impressions, and so on. It helps with user acquisition, which every app needs help with, right? like It's the biggest question is how do I acquire new users? It also helps, again, your conversion rate of impressions and downloads. ah Feedback is important because you want to maintain a high customer satisfaction rate. You need to reply to people quickly, make sure you're available to them to reply, and we need to make sure we resolve things in the app store if possible when there's questions that are being asked. How'd I do? Am I ready for a sales engineering job yet? Yeah, yeahp sure.
deal. Yeah, this is really cool stuff. This is ah all educational to me at the arc. And I really appreciate you coming out here and explaining it all to me like, ah like I'm a kid. And and I really appreciate that. um I think the tools that app follow has are really cool. And when you're at a point where you're ready to scale and you need help with any of these feedback or reputation management, or just ASO, you should check out app follow will have a ah link to their page on our player engage website as well as I'll link to Yar's love if you'd like to meet him or see him. Yar, thank you so much for joining me today. Before we sign off, is there anything else you'd like to say about yourself or in general? No, just thank you for this invitation and this pretty warm podcast.
Yeah, that's boring. um I loved it. It was great. I hope you do really good at deadlock and you become one of those top players out there. And I really appreciate your time today. I hope you have a great rest of your day. Thank you.