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What Child Is This? (Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7) image

What Child Is This? (Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7)

FBC CTX Growing in Grace Podcast
14 Plays2 months ago

He Was Marvelous in How He Came, 9:6

He Is Majestic in Who He Is, 9:6

He Will Be Mighty in What He Will Do, 9:6-7


Growing in Grace Devotions and Inspirations  
Hosted by Pastor Victor Morrison  
First Baptist Church
1700 Milam Street
Columbus, TX, USA 78934


Introduction and Blessings

Welcome to Growing in Grace with Pastor Victor Morrison. This is a ministry of First Baptist Church located at 1700 Milam Street, Columbus, Texas. We are praying that God will bless you as you listen to this message. If you would like additional information on worship times and ministries at FBC Columbus, you can find out more at our website,

Emotional Reflections on Baby Pictures

And now take your copy of God's timeless word as Pastor Victor gives today's message.
Do you ever enjoy looking at baby pictures? It warms my heart every time that I look back at the pictures of my daughters when they were little.
However, it doesn't have the same emotional boost when my girls see old snapshots of when I was a little boy. They think it's so funny. They actually begin to laugh uncontrollably when they see old dad as a youngster.
Whether I'm like a picture of my baby years or when I was a child, a teenager, even when I was a groom in our wedding photos, they just somehow get a big kick out of that. Well, the Old Testament book of Isaiah contains some amazing baby pictures, or more precisely, ancient prophecies of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Our Heavenly Father doesn't mind breaking silence to speak of the identity of His Son. It is almost like He sent a birth announcement to mankind 735 years before Christ was born. Wow! What an early Christmas card!

Isaiah's Prophecies and Calling

You know, Isaiah tells us in Isaiah chapter six and verse one that when he was called to preach, ah there was a certain king that was on the throne ah and his name was Uzziah. And actually, Uzziah just passed away. It says, in the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord. That'd be a tough time to start his ministry. This would place his call around 740 BC.
Perhaps only five years later, in 745 B.C., the Lord offers you Ziah's son, who at that time was now the king of Judah, King Ahaz, a sign. So God says, just pick a sign, Ahaz, and let me show you what I'm about to do. So Isaiah 7, verses 10 and 11 tells us, well, even though that that offer was there and the invitation was there,
of the king refused to choose a sign. Wow, wasn't he spiritual? Not. So the Lord chooses a sign for him and discloses what sign they were to watch for in Isaiah 7.14, which says, therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel.
Matthew will tell us in Matthew 1.23, many years later, what the name Emmanuel actually means. It means God with us. The prophet knew that the names of his children were not just random names. He said in Isaiah 8 verse 18, Behold, i am I and my children whom the Lord has given me are signs and portents in Israel from the Lord of hosts who dwells in Mount Zion. So he knew these names that God is giving me, they're significant. They mean something.

Attributes of Jesus in Prophecy

Well, sort of similar to the wise men who brought three treasures to lay at the feet of Jesus, each of the gifts ah that we're going to read, they're going to honor the identity of Jesus Christ. You know, Isaiah chapter 9, verses 6 and 7 talks about that. So if you're asking the question, what child is this?
you know, that ah we see at Christmastime, then I want you to listen as I read through Isaiah 9 verses 6 and 7. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder.
In his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace, there will be no end. On the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it,
with justice and with righteousness. From this time forth and forevermore, the zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this." Man, so it's such powerful verses.

Treasures from Isaiah's Prophecies

I want to share what I feel are three of the treasures that Isaiah the prophet was entrusted with by God's Holy Spirit. And now I want us to open up that biblical treasure chest, that prophetic treasure chest. And let's look at Christmas. Let's look at Jesus and see what we can learn about what child is this. For example, when I see verse 6, I think about these words, he was marvelous in how he came.
You know, how Jesus came to this earth, it's miraculous. Matthew and Luke, they give us the Christmas narratives, and together together they use the word marvel 21 times. Matthew 8, 27 states, and the men marveled, saying, what sort of man is this that even winds and sea obey him?
You know, the word marvel, of course, means to wonder, to be astonished, to be amazed. If you think about the biblical narratives, you'll recall that Mary marveled over the miraculous birth of Christ. The shepherds marveled over the that angelic choir that announced his birth. The wise men marveled over the star that signified the birth of a great king.
Over 700 years before Jesus came to this earth as a baby, the old prophet marveled over the glimpse that he was given of Jesus coming through the Spirit's inspiration. He highlighted two characteristics of his coming.
First, I think when it says, for to us a child is born, I believe it was a reference to how he came to this earth humbly. it He was speaking about his earthly humility.
You know, ah the Bible says in Galatians 4.4 that he was born of a woman. Jesus had always been with the Father, definitely as Son of God, no no questions across all of heaven. They knew who he was, but when he humbled himself to come to this earth, he didn't begin as a man.
He actually began where we began. He became like a little baby. And John 4 tells us that even when he became an adult man, he still got tired like we do. He still got thirsty

R.G. Lee's Insight on Jesus' Birth

like we do. And he had to sit down by a well.
And so I just wanted you to realize that the marvelous way that He came is so incredible when you consider that here's the Son of God. He lays all of His a glory that He had enjoyed for all eternity past. He set it aside.
and became like this little baby. And so I thought that was amazing. But then you read, it says, For to us a child is born, and to us a son is given. So now it doesn't say a son is born, it says to us a son is given.
Remember, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son? You see, we're talking about the Son of God here. This is an incredible miracle because John 1, verses 1 and 14 says that ah the Word became flesh and and the Word dwelt among us, that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. And so I'm thinking, this is incredible that the Lord came as the Son of God and as the Son of Man, both together in one person. Philippians chapter 2 verses 5 through 11 puts all of that together for us, how that worked and how much He left and so forth.
ah One of my favorite pastors from the past, he's now in glory with the Lord, is a pastor who was in Memphis, Tennessee at Bellevue Baptist Church. His name was R.G. Lee, just a brilliant man. But he said of Christ's birth these words.
Only one was born with no earthly father, but an earthly mother, no heavenly mother, but a heavenly father, older than his mother and as old as his father. I don't know, to me it sounds like a riddle, and I'm not sure I'm up for that challenge, but I'm just throwing it out there that what an incredible insight. Whenever you begin to realize the marvelous way that Jesus came to this earth,
And he came with his earthly humility, but he also came with his heavenly deity.

Identity and Titles of Jesus

Well, let's move to the second ah treasure that Isaiah presents to us and lays at the feet of Jesus, and that is he's majestic in who he is. He's majestic in who he is. I mean, he's definitely marvelous in how he came.
But also to think about, who is this child? Who is he? you know ah Solomon in ah Proverbs chapter 30 and verses 1 through 4, such an incredible passage. And right at the end of that passage in Proverbs 30 and verse 4, he asked this question.
What is his name and what is the name of his son? And so I'm thinking, wow, Isaiah would have raised his hand if he was in a classroom, wouldn't he? He would have said, I know, I know, call on me. I can tell you the answer. Isaiah 9.6 is the answer. He says, his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
And those are just some of the biblical names that are attributed to Jesus Christ. I mean, there's 250 names that are given to Jesus from Genesis all the way to Revelation. So it's really something to try to to dig those out.
But ah whenever a baby's born, what is it that we want to know? Do you want to know how much did they weigh? How long were they? Do you want to know, was it a boy? Was it a girl? What about their hair color? Were they born with dark hair, brown hair, blonde hair, or no hair? I don't know about you, but when I was born, I didn't hardly have any hair. But here's the thing.
What's the name? What name are you giving to this child? What name of Jesus means the most to you? Was it any of these that I mentioned? Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace? Wow, I think all of these describe Jesus' character, or they describe perhaps his position or role, or maybe they describe the way he does things.

Jesus as Creator and Counselor

He is, after all, wonderful. I think one way we can see the wonder of who ah Jesus is is by considering that Colossians 1, 15 through 17 says, about Jesus, by him all things were created.
He's a wonderful creator. Psalm 139 verses 13 through 18 tells us that each one of us were fearfully and wonderfully made. Do you ever think about how God made you and how wonderful it is, how He made you? I think sometimes we feel insecure about who we are or how we're made, but we shouldn't.
we should realize I was made by my creator and he's wonderful. But you know something? He's also wise. He's a wise counselor. I don't know about in your life, but in my life, I've got some men that I could turn to who are wise counselors. And there's others, I would call them more maybe wise guys than wise counselors. But anyway, they're fun to be around.
but But listen, secular counseling helps us organize our hang-ups so we can be unhappy more efficiently. But I think that really, if we will go to Jesus as the wonderful counselor, He's going to help us. He can heal us. He can restore us. He can fill our broken heart. Listen, that might be why you're missing the merry part of Christmas.
Christmas is a joyful season, but if we don't know the Christ of Christmas, then maybe that's what's happening. So go to Him. Many people do not go to Him because of the, let's say, the wounds or the hurts that they've had for many years.
But I recommend that you go to Him and let Him help you. He's a wise counselor. Where did mankind mess up? Well, mankind messed up whenever Adam and Eve listened to the wrong counselor and rejected what God had told them to do.
Well, let's move to another name.

Jesus as Defender and Source of Peace

It also says that Jesus will be called Mighty God. Mighty God. You know, I think he's a worthy defender. He's a worthy defender. You know, ah David learned that Mighty God can conquer someone like, well, Goliath. He can shelter and protect us. And, you know, our ability is not as important as the might of God. He can do it.
You know, that little baby Jesus that was in the manger, he grew into a man who went to the cross. And when he was on the cross, you know what he did? He defeated the strongest enemies known to man.
What are the strongest enemies known to man? If I were to give you a list, you know who would be at the top four of my lists? I would say the strongest enemies known to man would be sin. That's number one. That causes a lot of problems. Second would be the worldly system. Thirdly, I'd say Satan's got to be in there. But then the fourth one would be death.
But you know what Jesus did? He overcame death. he He had victory over Satan. He didn't listen to the world and he didn't give in to sin. I'm just so thankful that whenever we're looking and considering the Christ of Christmas, we should be saying, he's not in a manger anymore.
He is a worthy defender. He's the mighty God. No wonder he could calm storms, raise the dead, heal lepers, restore someone's hearing, or help the lame to get up and walk. I'm telling you, there's so much evidence in scripture that tells us he's unique. He can do things that we can't do. But also, Jesus is a watchful father. Do you remember when your children were younger, how you were always watching, protecting them?
I believe that that word father means more than just watching. It's someone who's providing. It's someone who cares and who's compassionate. You know, in John 14.9, they were asking, one of Jesus' disciples was asking him, show us the Father and it's enough. But what he didn't realize was that when he had seen Jesus, he had seen the Father. And so I'm thinking, wow.
yeah If you just know Jesus, then you have all that you need. Philippians 4.19 says that it's his riches and glory that are in Christ Jesus that is enough for us. Well, there's one more ah name that we don't want to leave out, and that is the Prince of Peace. I believe he is a winsome comforter.
You know, did did those that were in Jesus' day, did they not like to be around Him? No, they liked to be around Him. Let me tell you, they did. It says that you know even tax collectors and sinners, all these different ones, they enjoyed hanging out with Jesus. I believe that He was a winsome person when you got to know Him personally. And I believe that what Part of that was when people were around Jesus, they were in the orbit of peace. I mean, peace like we have never experienced peace before. And so I'm so thankful for that. You know, Romans 5.1 says that Jesus gives us peace with God. Do you know that until we receive Christ as our Savior, we're at enmity with God. We're at war with God.
But then Philippians 4.7 says that also Jesus can give us something else. Whenever we refuse to be anxious about problems and we turn them over to Him, you know what else it says that He will do? He'll give us the peace of God. And when He gives us the peace of God, then I'll tell you what happens.
we began to experience peace that can't be understood by man. It says it's actually beyond our comprehension and so forth, and so I'm just so thankful. But anyway, ah I think that this one name Emmanuel He's incredible just who He is. He's so majestic in who He is. But let's also move to this last treasure that I think Isaiah is going to present to us.

Vision of Jesus' Future Reign

I believe that Jesus will also be mighty
in what he will do, what he will do. He's already done a lot, let me tell you, but I believe that whenever we wrap this up at the beginning and we consider, wait a minute, what about from the prophetic treasure chest when it refers to the future of what he's going to do? He'll be mighty.
You know, studying biblical prophecy in Scripture is a lot like, well, if I were to compare it to something, I would compare it to international travel. International travel. You know, whenever I've gone to, let's say, Japan, the Philippines, or Ethiopia, or Nicaragua, you go different places, then you're going to be crossing different time zones.
Well, whenever you are studying biblical prophecy over in the Old Testament, it's really easy to lose track of time. And so what you can realize not realize is that you've just crossed the time zone. I don't know if Isaiah the prophet fully understood of when Christ was going to do these mighty things because He didn't talk about when, did He? There are no time stamps that we would say, oh, now I know what generation He's talking about. There are none. He's focused on what Christ will do. What will Christ do in the future?
Well, I think Isaiah has given incredible vision to look beyond Christ's first coming, beyond the manger, and beyond the cross, and beyond the empty tomb, beyond the ascension, and beyond today, he's looking to Christ's second coming.
So let's look at it and see what mighty things will he do in the future? Well, the first thing, Jesus will completely rule. He will completely rule. I believe that's what we're being told when Isaiah wrote these words, the government shall be upon his shoulder.
You know, a lot of those in ancient times, whenever they were the man in charge, when they were a king, they not only wore a crown on their head, they also wore a special robe over their shoulders, sort of draped over their shoulders. And that let people know, hey, this guy is very important. This is a man of authority.
Philippians 2 tells us that something is going to happen way out there in the future and that is every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. It also tells us that someday out there in the future Micah chapter 4 says nation will no longer lift up sword against other nations.
Well, when is that going to happen? It definitely hasn't happened yet. That's why I'm saying when Jesus comes back, that's when these things are going to happen. They're going to happen during His millennial kingdom. I believe that He will not only completely rule, He's going to rule forever, eternally.
You know, Daniel saw it in Daniel chapter 2 verses 45 and 44 right in that area. It says that his kingdom will never be destroyed. How many kingdoms have you studied about in world history that are still going on? Many of those that were at the top, they're not at the top anymore.
You know, Gabriel also said in Luke 1, 31 to 32, that there would be no end to his reign. So how long will Jesus reign? Well, let's read about it according to what Isaiah says, of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end from this time forth and forevermore. Wow. So I definitely he would say Jesus is going to rule completely. I would say, again, he's going to rule eternally. But when I read the last part of verse 7, then I'm convinced he's also going to rule powerfully. You see, when Jesus comes back for the second time, he's not coming to a manger.
He's not coming to a cross. He's coming to a throne. Jesus is coming back to rule. Now, why would I just make a statement like that? I'm not pulling that out of thin air. Look at what the ancient prophet Isaiah was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write in Isaiah 9.7.
He will sit on the throne of David and over his kingdom to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this." Wow.
If you were to look around right now and watch the world news, would you say that there's justice? Would you say that globally, righteousness is in charge right now? I wouldn't. But I know that one day, all of these things are going to happen because I believe with all my heart that ah the Lord will be coming back as a king, just as promised. He will reign upon this earth.
And he will cause all the nations to beat all of their implements of war into plowshares or into plows. And so it's going to be such a peaceful reign once he comes. And once he comes, no one will be able to challenge that reign.
One of my favorite black pastors is named S.M.

Jesus' Lordship and Kingdom

Lockridge. He's with the Lord now, but S.M. Lockridge came to Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, and he made this claim about the lordship of Christ. I love the way he put it. He said, you didn't elect him?
You can't impeach him and he ain't gonna resign. Jesus is Lord. Man, I'll never forget that saying. So anyway, just know that he's in charge and he's gonna rule.
You know, some of these Old Testament prophecies and so forth, maybe they're not known. Maybe you didn't know these things and maybe you're shocked to read them and you're kind of torn. is this Is this really biblical and so forth? Well, I found out some things through an eighth century a song written by a monk. And so I wanted to share the title of the song and I know you're gonna say, I've heard that.
This is the title of the Christmas song, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Man, there's so many artists today that are still singing that song written by a monk back in the eighth or ninth century, but he wrote it in Latin.
And I was reading an article about that song that I'm so excited to share with you as we wrap up our time.

Linking Jesus' Comings through Hymns

Because I think it lets us see that, hey, some things are about His first coming, and some things are about His second coming. When you read Isaiah 9, 6, and 7, some of those things are about His first coming.
But some of those things are about His second coming. So I wouldn't write them off. As a matter of fact, here's what I read in the article about ah the the writing of the song, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, back in the eighth or ninth century.
The antiphons, sometimes called the O Antiphons or the Great O's, were designated to concentrate the mind on the coming of Christmas, enriching the meaning of the Incarnation with a complex series of references from the Old and New Testaments.
Now, maybe you're wondering, what is that about the great oaths? What is he saying? Well, you know, in the song, O come, O come, Emmanuel, O is used a lot. And then afterward, it uses different ah key sayings from the Old Testament or New Testament.
For example, the word Emmanuel. But in the case of the way the man wrote the song in Latin, O come, O come, Emmanuel was actually the last verse. And the first verse was about wisdom. The second verse was about a Hebrew name for God, Adonai.
The third verse was about the root or the stem of Jesse. The fourth verse was the key of David. The fifth one, Dayspring. The sixth one, key of the Gentiles. And he the king of the Gentiles. And then the last one, of course, was Emmanuel. So God with us. So here's the thing.
Did you know that that man, a long time ago, put together a hidden ah hidden riddle? And the riddle says one clear message. Whenever you get those words, the first letter of the second word of each antiphon, it spells S-A-R-C-O-R-E. If read backwards, the letters form a two-word acrostic, arocross, meaning I will be present tomorrow." So we know that His name means God is with us, right? So God is present today. But the great message of the writer of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel was,
When he read Isaiah 9, 6, and 7, and he read all these other Old Testament prophecies, I got a list in front of me of 47 Old Testament verses that were fulfilled in the New Testament about Jesus. But when he wrote that, some of them had to do with his first coming.
Others had to do with His second coming. So here's the good news.

Closing Prayer and Blessings

God is with us today. Yes, God's present today, but He also says, I'll be present tomorrow. I love that. How amazing that this ancient hymn, these ancient prophecies, not only celebrate Christ's presence with us today,
They also avail the truth of His second coming in the future. Thank you so much for listening today. Let me pray. God, would you bless my friends and help them remember that you're right there with them today. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Well, thank you so much. God bless you as you celebrate the Christmas season.
This is a ministry of First Baptist Church, located at 1700 Milan Street, Columbus, Texas.