Let’s look at five verses in the book of Colossians that are addressing the theme of glorifying the Lord at work. How do we know this? Out of five verses there are 5 references to the Lord in the context of how we behave in the workplace. If the theme of Colossians is the supremacy of Christ, then it makes sense that we should exalt Him on the job not just on Sunday mornings.
Some people, however, don’t like their job. A Gallup Poll in January of 2023 noted that out of 15,000 responses, 50% said that they were “not engaged’ with their work while an additional 18% went so far as to say that they are “actively disengaged” at work, meaning that they are disgruntled and disloyal toward the company. These sing a song of frustration on their way into work, “Oh, no! Oh, not! It’s off to work I go!”
I think it can be better than that for the follower of Jesus Christ. He can restore the whistle in our work if we will play seven notes found within this text.
First note, Do Your Work Conscientiously, 3:22
Second note, Do Your Work Sincerely, 3:22
Third note, Do Your Work Heartily, 3:23
Fourth note, Do Your Work Expectantly, 3:24
Fifth note, Do Your Work Cautiously, 3:25
Sixth note, Do Your Work Justly (Fairly), 4:1
Seventh note, Do Your Work Humbly, 4:1
Growing in Grace Devotions and Inspirations
Hosted by Pastor Victor Morrison
First Baptist Church
1700 Milam Street
Columbus, TX, USA 78934