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The Fulcrum of Scripture (Romans 15:1-7) image

The Fulcrum of Scripture (Romans 15:1-7)

FBC CTX Growing in Grace Podcast
13 Plays21 days ago

The Greek Mathematician Archimedes once said, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”

You may have some colossal problems that you would like to move from your life into the hands of the Lord. I would suggest that our faith is the lever and God’s Word is the fulcrum that can be make a difference in real life. Today we are going to look at the Fulcrum of Scripture.

Paul most likely penned Romans in AD 57 from the city of Corinth. The book of Romans is so rich in its thorough explanation of basic theological doctrines such as sin (1:18-3:20), salvation (3:21-5:21), sanctification (6:1-8:39), and God’s sovereignty (9:1-11:36), but the closing chapters of Romans (12:1-16:27) shift from doctrine to service or ministry. I want to strengthen your service for Christ today with Romans 15:1-7.

Chapters 14-15 address the proper attitude toward those with whom we disagree over nonessential issues. That is the biblical context. These verses, however, can apply to an even broader array of struggles that we sometimes face in life. Romans 15:1-7 calls this pastor to expository preaching because of what these verses teach us regarding the significance and power of God’s Word. Let’s see what is revealed about the Bible in this passage.

Edification through the Scriptures, 15:1-3, 5-7

Explanation of Scripture, 15:4

Examples within Scripture, 15:4

Equipment by Scripture, 15:4

Expectations based upon Scripture, 15:4

Entreaty based upon the Scriptures, 15:5

Exaltation by the Scriptures, 15:6-7


Growing in Grace Devotions and Inspirations  
Hosted by Pastor Victor Morrison  
First Baptist Church
1700 Milam Street
Columbus, TX, USA 78934


Sermon Introduction and Opening Prayer

Welcome to Growing in Grace with Pastor Victor Morrison. This is a ministry of First Baptist Church located at 1700 Milam Street, Columbus, Texas. We are praying that God will bless you as you listen to this message.

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Core Message: Romans 15:1-7

And now take your copy of God's timeless word as Pastor Victor gives today's message.
Welcome to Growing in Grace. I want to share today from Romans chapter 15, verses one through seven. I want to talk about the fulcrum of the scriptures, the fulcrum of the scriptures. It was the Greek mathematician Archimedes who once said, give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world. Perhaps 2025, it started off fast.
But already you're hitting some colossal problems that you would like to move from your life into the hands of the Lord.

Theological Shift to Practical Application

I would suggest that our faith is the lever and God's Word is the fulcrum that can make a difference in real life. I think this passage in Romans is going to help us. You know, Paul ah most likely penned Romans in A.D. 57 from the city of Corinth.
The Book of Romans is so rich in its thorough explanation of theological doctrines related to things such as, well, sin, salvation, sanctification, God's sovereignty. But that'll only get you through chapters 1 through 11. When you go into chapter 12 and read to the end of the Book of Romans, you'll find that it shifts from doctrine to service or from doctrine to ministry.
In chapters 14 and 15, I think that the writer of the Apostle Paul is addressing the attitude that we should have that's an appropriate attitude toward those with whom we disagree over non-essential issues. Have you ever gotten into one of those? It's like, does this really matter? And it can become so intense.
But these verses can apply to an even broader array of struggles that we face in everyday life. Romans 15, one through seven calls at least this pastor to expository preaching because of what these verses teach us in terms of the significance and power of God's word. I want you to listen closely and let's see what is revealed about the Bible from these verses.

Scriptures and Community Building

We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good to build him up, for Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, the reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.
For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope. May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another in accord with Christ Jesus.
that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you for the glory of God.
There are many things that stand out to me about God's word as we look at these seven verses, but I want to share some of them with you. The first observation that I have is from the first three verses, but you could also say, really, it's also from verse five to verse seven. But it's this, that edification comes to the people of the Lord through the scriptures. Verse two actually uses the words to build him up.
Whenever I use that word edification, it's built on this this Greek term, oikodome. Oikodome means the building of a house. It's used 20 times in the New Testament. But what he's saying in verse 2, he's saying these things and writing these things so that they can build one another up.
you know I was trying to make sure that I was going to tell you the right thing just before this recording, and I checked and it's true. But the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians chapter 13 that we need to be really careful that we remember that our authority given to us in Christ Jesus is to build other people up.
not to tear them down. There are several warnings in scripture that we shouldn't use the Bible to try to rip one another to pieces, so to speak. You know, the leaders that are given to local churches, our task is quite clear in Ephesians 4, 11, and 12. The Lord has given every leader in a local church, given us to equip and edify, build up the body of Christ. I think

Edification through Biblical Examples

that's what ah the verse, when he says Psalm 69.9, he quotes it as part of his reference here, for Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, the reproaches of those who reproach you, fell on me. I think he's talking about Christ. Christ saying, I'm going to give up some things for myself so that I can build up
the people of God. And so I think we need to realize there's a place for that in our lives, that we should use the Scriptures to build other people up in their faith in the Lord to help them, well, grow in grace.
You know, um what is he saying about building up? What happens when we build one another up? Well, if you look at verses 5 and 6, I think one thing that happens whenever someone is truly using the Word of God for the purpose that it was sent, I think that it builds up harmony. You know, verse 5 uses the word harmony. Verse 6 refers to God's people being together.
Do you remember that whenever the Holy Spirit was given, that they were in one accord. They were praying together. I believe that God's Word strengthens the bond that we have in Christ. It also not only helps build us up in harmony, I think it builds us up in growth in Christ's likeness. Listen closely to what he says at the end of verse 5.
May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another in accord with Christ Jesus." What does he mean there, in accord with Christ Jesus? What he's referring to is, that's why we're all coming together in unity anyway, is to become more Christ-like. Now, I know that the world is not going to you know accept our Christ-likeness the more we're changed into His image.
But in terms of the body of Christ, this is something we can all get on the same page about and say all of us need to grow in Christ's likeness. All of us need to come together in harmony. And then verse 7, I think the Word of God also helps to edify or to build us up in friendliness, in being welcoming.
What is your response when someone new visits your church? He says in verse seven, therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you for the glory of God.
We should remember that Christ welcomed us into the body of Christ. That's the same way that we should be toward those who are still outside the faith, who need to know when they they launch out and they reach out and they say, maybe I'll go to that church today for the first time. We need to make sure that we're gonna say, here's why I want to use scripture is to help this person place their faith in Jesus Christ.
So I think edification is one thing that the Scripture helps with, but I see a second thing that we could put alongside of that in verse 4. For whatever was written in former days, written in earlier times, why was it written to give us instruction?
You know, I think the explanation of Scripture is so clear. Actually, the word for, right there at the beginning, it's a causative participle, which is a term of x explanation. It expresses or explains the reason for what has been stated just prior. And so we've been talking about, you know, how we treat other believers. And so we have an explanation in the Scriptures You know, when it says, written in earlier times, that word is prographo. Pro meaning before, grapho meaning engraved, so the scriptures were engraved. They were written for public reading.
It's interesting, though if you were to go back to the etymology of how did this word come about, this prographo here, well, historically, whenever a father was saying, son, you're on your own now. I'm so proud of you. You can work for your own living and provide for your own family. So that father would post a declaration saying, I'm no longer responsible for my son's debts.
Or let's say there's going to be an an auction, and so maybe they have maybe ah you know a that their oxen would pull, they no longer need it. And so to auction that farm equipment off, they would publicly put this notice out there. Have you ever thought in the scriptures that you've read these words a lot, it is written?
I think it is written a lot in there. 76 times those words are are recorded over and over and over again. It is written. Why?
Well, God wants us to know His perspective. God wants us to know His mind. He wants us to know His his ah a plan. He wants us to know His standards. Whatever was written is a reference at this point the Apostle Paul is pointing back in the past. So whatever is written, he's referring to the Old Testament scripture. And notice he says, whatever.
Whatever there, when he says, whatever was written in the Old Testament, it's like plenary inspiration. That word plenary means complete in every respect. So we can go to the Scriptures for an explanation on how to parent.
how to have a good marriage, how to be the best employee we can at work. There are so many different things that God's word, it'll just explain it for us, even salvation.

Endurance and Encouragement in Scriptures

Those are two things, the edification that comes through scripture, but also the explanation that comes through scripture. But here's the third thing, how about the examples within scripture? You know, when I read about Abraham,
or Moses, or David, or Daniel. And I could go on with so many others. I get charged up. There's something about seeing in real life how to live out biblical principles that is so inspiring and motivational. You know, I think it's the same with 1 Corinthians 10.
Verse 6 and verse 11, where this same concept is presented that these things were written down in the Old Testament, not just so we would know the Old Testament theological truths, but for practical instruction for Christians concerning how we're to live. That's why he says these things were written for our instruction. It helps us know how to live.
You know, I've heard a long time ago from some of my seminary professors, they said, we're doing a lot of unnecessary counseling that could be resolved if we just simply would teach through the word of God. The swath is plenty big. So just let the swath of God's word go across the fields of life and it'll cover everything that is needed.
But this whole idea of instruction is the Greek word didascalia. 21 times it refers to teaching, to instruction, to doctrine even, to the systematic explanation of the Word of God. You know, 2 Timothy 3.16 tells us that's why God inspired His Word. He says of His own Word that it is profitable for teaching.
And I think the best kind of teaching is when we say to somebody, watch, here's what I'm trying to get you to understand. And so God says, look, look at what I've done all across scripture here. So lots of examples. But as we're teaching people, as we're living scripture, as we're reading it each morning,
something else happens. The equipment we need for life comes through the Scriptures. I know this because of what he goes on to say in the rest of verse 4, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures. Wow, no wonder he tells pastors and teachers and evangelists and so forth to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Everything we're going to need for ministry is right here inside the Old Testament and New Testament.
So our text here in Romans 15.4 assures us that through our teaching of the Word, the Body of Christ will be equipped in two very practical, personal ways. I like the way that Jerry Bridges ah defines these two words, endurance and the perseverance.
Here's what he says. He says endurance is the ability to stand up under adversity, whereas perseverance is the ability to progress in spite of adversity.
So if I'm going to endure it, even if life is punching me in the stomach and it's knocking the breath out of me, I'm still going to keep standing. But perseverance is where I say, I'm not just going to stand. I'm actually going to make progress. I'm going to walk with Christ as I go through my life. But that word encouragement is the word paraclesis.
It means para, meaning to the side of, and calleo, meaning called. It means someone is going to be called to walk alongside of us, like the Holy Spirit. Why is he coming? Well, they call him the comforter. They call him an encourager, exhortation. He's going to help us to find the strength we need for everyday life.
I think another thing scripture does though is right here at the very end of the verse in Romans 15.4, where he says that through the scriptures, we might have hope.

Praying with Scriptural Principles

You see the advantage expository preaching has over topical sermons and Bible studies is the width of the swath covered in the biblical instruction over the tenure of the pastor or the teacher.
Topical messages, if you think about it, they depend upon the knowledge, the experience, the understanding, and the maturity of the preacher. Whereas expository sermons are based not upon the preferences or the discernment level of the preacher, but rather upon the revelation and the wisdom of the whole counsel of God. I can't tell you across the 17 and a half years that I have served as pastor here at First Baptist Church in Columbus, Texas, how many books we've gone through. It's amazing. I started checking them off in the table of contents, and I've already gone all the way through all the New Testament books and several Old Testament books, but only because we have the same pattern.
We look through a book on Sunday morning, another book on Sunday night, another book on Wednesday night. When you do that pattern, you expose the people of God to everything God has out there. One of those things is hope. I believe people need hope. And I believe the scripture is where they're going to find it. And that's why he says that through the scriptures, we might have hope.
Well, let me also tell you something the Scriptures are great for. I use it for this myself. He says, may the God of endurance and encouragement grant you. You know that word grant is in the optative mode. What it's expressing is it's a wish.
it's It's found in the New Testament 35 times, and almost always it's in the context, get this, a prayer, a prayer. So when he says, may the God of endurance and encouragement grant you, you know what he's doing? He's praying.
Did you know that there are lots of prayers that are actually recorded in Scripture so we can know what were they praying about? How were they praying about that thing? So I just put down in my journal, well, entreaty. Entreaty based upon the Scriptures. The most effective prayers are based upon principles and promises found within the Scripture. You know why?
I believe that it's effective because when we're praying something Scripture addresses, we're asking for something that God already has said He wants to give. You may say, well, I'd like to find some of those. Hey, they're all over the Scriptures. You know, a Believer's Portal maintains that there are 650 prayers recorded in the Bible.
And so I'm just thinking, there's plenty of them out there. One of my favorites is Colossians 1, 9 through 12. Colossians 1, 9 through 12. Oftentimes, I pray this over my congregation. I pray this over new believers. I pray this over my kids because it talks about how we can grow in the Lord and mature.
And so I just want to encourage you to say, Lord, help me to look through scripture for how you led different people to pray as they were going through God's word. You know, as a matter of fact, I thought it was interesting how in Philippians chapter four, it actually uses the word for entreaty. It doesn't say entreaty per se, but that word is in there in the Greek. It says, do not be anxious about anything.
but in everything by prayer and supplication." That word supplication right there, that in the Greek is the same word for entreaty. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Well, you know, a few years ago, I found out that I had a blockage in my heart. Well, actually, to be quite honest, ah the cardiologist couldn't find that there was a blockage. And so he said, every test, you're passing with flying colors. But he said, the only thing I know we can do is to do a heart cap. And so he said, why don't we do a heart cap over in Austin, Texas at a hospital there? I said, sure, that sounds good, Doc, if that's what you think I need.
So we went there, my wife and I, so I checked in and I said, how long will the procedure be? They said, oh, it's only 45 minutes. It's not bad at all. We're going to go in. We'll take this little oh camera. It'll show us what your heart looks like on the inside. We'll be able to see it up on the big screen. And then if there's any blockage there, we're going to take care of it. So I said, OK.
Well, because God has blessed me with good health, I wasn't used to going into an operating room. So when they wheel me in there on the gurney, I look up and there's bright lights. I look up and there's a big TV screen. And everyone in there has got a mask on. They have these you know surgical gowns and gloves on. There's all kind of tools laying on these a little trays that are right there beside where they wheel me up.
And suddenly, the ah the lead surgeon comes over and says, hey, yeah Mr. Morrison, we need you to settle down a little bit. I said, what do you mean? And he said, your heart rate is is off the charts here. And so I felt so embarrassed. I'm a pastor. I'm a child of God. I should have peace in my heart.
So you know what I did? I began to pray this verse right here. I began to say, okay Lord, you said I shouldn't worry about stuff. You said if I would pray about things rather than worry about things, that you would guard my heart with peace.
And so I just was saying that not out loud, but in my spirit, in my mind, I was just praying that one. And then I went from that one to other verses about peace that I've memorized, to other verses about prayer that I've memorized. And you know what? The the surgeon came over. i'm not I'm not joking. This really happened. The surgeon comes over and says to me, Mr. Morrison, what are you doing?
And I said, sir? I said, I'm not doing anything. I'm just laying here. And he said, no, you're doing something because when you came in, your heart rate heart rate shot way up. But he said, right now, your heart rate has come way down to normal levels. We're going to be able to go ahead with a heart catheterization because your heart rate is just fine. So what I'm wanting to say to you is, whatever you're doing, I would really like for you to keep doing it.
So anyway, I said, yes, sir. I said, I was praying and I was quoting scriptures in my head. He said, you just keep doing that and let us do what we do. I said, yes, sir, that's a good arrangement. So anyway, that's what I did. And I didn't look at the big screen. I just focused on God. You know what made the difference? Praying scripture. So all I'm saying is, here the Apostle Paul was giving them something about endurance and about encouragement and I thought he's giving it in the form of a prayer and so why can't we go to a passage like this one as well as the Philippians 4, 6, and 7 passage and just start praying over real life praying those scriptures. I'm just here to testify
It works. It works because God listens. God listens to what his children say. So I just think, man, Scripture is so awesome that I can use it in my prayer life, that I can adjust my expectations when I'm feeling discouraged. I can go to the Lord and find hope that I didn't have before.

Life's Purpose: Glorifying God

It equips me with things like, well, endurance and encouragement.
It also instructs me with examples of great, godly men that I have seen in the past in Scripture. It helps explain life so that I know, okay, this is how God designed life to work. But then it also helps me to edify those that are around me. It reminds me, hey,
Life's not just about you. Life is about the Lord. And the Lord wants me to help other people and be a blessing to other people. And so how wonderful is that? But I wanted to close with one last thing. I couldn't i would not be a good student of God's word.
if I didn't point out that in verse six and in verse seven, this word is used two different times in each, one one time in each verse. And it says that you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. And then at the end, it says, here's what I want you to do. I want you to welcome everybody for the glory of God.
Listen, said I want to remind you something I have to remind myself all the time. The reason I am here is to glorify God. He is the one. My life is all about magnifying who He is. And so I encourage you, it's not about people. It's not about yourself. It's not about your job. It's not about all these other things. You're on this earth.
to glorify God. And so we should say, you know what? I am recalibrated when I read Scripture and I'm reminded that I am here for the exaltation of one person in all of life. And that one person is God. I'm going to glorify Him. And guess what happens whenever you and your wife whenever you and your whole family, whenever you and your church family, whenever all of us together in a community, whenever all of us together in a country or around the world, whenever all of us decide, you know what? All of us were made for the glory of God. Whenever we come to that conclusion, guess what happens?
We glorify, glorifying God not only magnifies the one that is worthy of our magnification, but glorifying God unites us like nothing else can.
He says that you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hey, why don't you just say, from now on when I go to work, i'm going to I'm going to glorify God in the way I work. When I go to school, my attitude is going to glorify God. When I go home to my family, I'm going to say, family, here's what we're going to do. We're going to live for the glory of God.
I like what John Piper wrote in Let the Nations Be Glad. He wrote about this purpose that God has for all of us. And here's what he said on page 11 of the book, Let the Nations Be Glad. Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't.
Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. Worship is the fuel and goal in missions. Hey, you wanna be excited for the mission that God has called you to be on on this earth? All you gotta to do is spend time focusing on him to say, God, my whole reason for living from now on is to live for your glory.

Closing Prayer and Sermon Conclusion

Wow, that's what scripture will do. Getting in the word of God every day. I encourage you every morning when you wake up or someone told me the other day, I have my time in God's word at night. It doesn't matter when, but spend time in God's word every day. It'll be worth it. Let's pray together. Lord, thank you so much for the power of the word of God.
Bless each of us as we spend time in your Word. I know that your Word is so powerful. It's going to direct us in so many different positive directions. And so help us, oh Lord, to share what you're saying to us. The Bible, it's not what you have said in the past.
The Bible is what you are saying in the present. So, Lord, help us listen as you speak. Like Samuel, we take our posture in this verse of Scripture. Speak, Lord, for your servant listens. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Listen, you

Final Remarks and Location Reminder

have a great day. God bless you.
This is a ministry of First Baptist Church, located at 1700 Milam Street, Columbus, Texas.