The Greek Mathematician Archimedes once said, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”
You may have some colossal problems that you would like to move from your life into the hands of the Lord. I would suggest that our faith is the lever and God’s Word is the fulcrum that can be make a difference in real life. Today we are going to look at the Fulcrum of Scripture.
Paul most likely penned Romans in AD 57 from the city of Corinth. The book of Romans is so rich in its thorough explanation of basic theological doctrines such as sin (1:18-3:20), salvation (3:21-5:21), sanctification (6:1-8:39), and God’s sovereignty (9:1-11:36), but the closing chapters of Romans (12:1-16:27) shift from doctrine to service or ministry. I want to strengthen your service for Christ today with Romans 15:1-7.
Chapters 14-15 address the proper attitude toward those with whom we disagree over nonessential issues. That is the biblical context. These verses, however, can apply to an even broader array of struggles that we sometimes face in life. Romans 15:1-7 calls this pastor to expository preaching because of what these verses teach us regarding the significance and power of God’s Word. Let’s see what is revealed about the Bible in this passage.
Edification through the Scriptures, 15:1-3, 5-7
Explanation of Scripture, 15:4
Examples within Scripture, 15:4
Equipment by Scripture, 15:4
Expectations based upon Scripture, 15:4
Entreaty based upon the Scriptures, 15:5
Exaltation by the Scriptures, 15:6-7
Growing in Grace Devotions and Inspirations
Hosted by Pastor Victor Morrison
First Baptist Church
1700 Milam Street
Columbus, TX, USA 78934