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128: KIDS VERSION - New Commands and a New Covenant image

128: KIDS VERSION - New Commands and a New Covenant

S7 E128 · Normal Goes A Long Way
59 Plays18 days ago

In this episode, you’ll hear about how God gave us His rules for living – we call them the 10 Commandments.

Parents, want to keep talking? Here are some ideas:

*Ask: What are some rules that we have at home? What are some rules you have at school? Are they good? (ages 2-4)

*Ask: What would the world look like if no one followed any of God’s rules? What would the world look like if all of God’s rules were followed perfectly? (ages 5-9)

One last thing!  This week, Miss Hannah asked, “If you could create a new rule, what would it be?.”  Send in your kid's answer by texting a voice memo to 636-280-5433 and they could be featured in next week's episode!  *By sending in a voice memo, you’re providing consent for your minor’s voice to be on the podcast*

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Introduction and Listener Reflections

The following podcast is a Jill Devine Media production.
We're just normal kids learning about God's big story. Welcome to normal goes a long way. For kids. Hi friends, it's Hannah, back to tell you another part of God's big story. But first, I need to share with you some answers that you gave us about last week's question. Last week, April asked us, how does it feel to know that God is watching over you? And here's what you told us.
I feel safe. Good, because if I'm in trouble, he can help me get through stuff. Thanks for sharing. Isn't it amazing to know that we can trust God no matter what?

Global Rules and the Story of Moses

Well, today on our episode, you get to hear about some interesting rules from around the world. Let's hear from an awesome kid with some super fun facts.
It's time for some food fans.
I'm glad that I don't live in Abu Dhabi. That's all I have to say about that. So today we are going to hear about rules. But before I get started, let's remember where we are in God's big story. After God rescued his people from Egypt, he helped them cross through the Red Sea and he promised to lead them into a new, wonderful home. All they had to do was follow God through the desert wilderness.
So God's people, the men and women and children and animals, they walked over the hot, dry land during the day. And when they got tired, they would set up tents to camp at night. Well, one day they were camping at the bottom of a mountain called Mount Sinai. Say that with me, say Mount Sinai.
Well, something incredible happened. A thick cloud covered the mountain, thunder roared, lightning flashed, the entire mountain shook. It was like a huge loud storm had come over the mountain and the people were scared. But then, the voice of God called Moses and told him to climb to the top.
Oh my goodness, I might have been nervous, but you know what Moses did? He grabbed his walking stick and he started walking all the way up to the very top of Mount Sinai. And while he was there, God gave Moses 10 rules. We call them the Ten Commandments.
Now, these rules help us to know how to live in God's world, God's way. Because God's way is always the best way. And we're going to learn about those rules today. But you might be thinking, really, Hannah?

The Role of Rules in Sports with Mr. Kelly

We're going to sit here and talk about rules? That doesn't sound very fun. I don't like rules. But just you wait. Rules are not always a bad thing. In fact, I invited a special guest on the podcast today. My friend Mr. Kelly is here, and Mr. Kelly has a really fun job. He is a PE teacher at a school. So you get to play a lot of games and sports, is that right, Mr. Kelly? Yes, all the time, every day. What kinds of games and sports do you guys play at PE? Oh, we love to play all kinds of different
Oh, I've never heard of that one before, but I don't know. I don't know what that's about. It's safe, I promise. OK, so what other kinds of sports do you play? Oh, well, we play soccer and basketball, volleyball, all the regular sports that you might you know play throughout the year, except for maybe baseball, because we really can't do that. But but and right now, we're doing floor hockey.
What's your favorite sport to play? Oh, boy. I love soccer
to keep your friends safe as well. Also, so we have you know fair play. It isn't fun when you don't play by the rules and it isn't fun for your friends either. And then also we want to treat everyone the same when we play a game, basically playing all by the same rules.
So if you were playing a sport with a bunch of kids and someone kept breaking the rules, how would that make the game feel? oh Well, I think a lot of people are pretty sad and the person that was breaking the rules would have to probably sit out for a little bit and then they wouldn't be able to enjoy it with the rest of their class or their friends. And it it just it just isn't as fun. If you're not if you're not playing by the rules, um you're hurting yourself and um everybody else around you.
So rules aren't always a bummer? No, rules are a great thing. I'm not saying it, but I'm giving a thumbs up for that. Friends, he is giving me a thumbs up. All right, thanks so much, Mr. Kelly.

The Ten Commandments and Challenges of Following Them

Thank you for having me. You see, rules are a good thing. They help us to enjoy the world the right way. So let's get back to God's rules.
These 10 rules tell us how to treat each other, how to love God, how to love other people and live in his world. So here they are, the 10 commandments. God said, I am God, the only God, honor and love me more than anything or anyone else. My name is special. Don't use it with bad words or mean talk. Respect my name.
Take a day of rest each week. Call it the Sabbath and keep it as a special day to worship me. Show your mom and dad and others that take care of you love and respect. Listen to them. Do not hurt others with your words or your actions. Do not hate people, but take care of them. If you're married, be loyal to your husband or wife. Don't take things that aren't yours. That's called stealing.
Always tell the truth and be happy with what you have. Don't wish for things that others have, but be grateful for what God has given you. So all of those rules God wrote on a big stone tablet. He gave them to Moses and Moses climbed down the mountain to give them to the people. And he said, God promises always to look after us. Will you love him and keep his rules? And the people said, yes, we can do it. We promise to follow God's rules.
But they were wrong. They wanted to follow God's rules, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not do it. And neither can I. And neither can you. In fact, there's only one person who could ever keep all the rules.
Many years later, God would send that person to live a perfect life and keep all the rules. And his name was Jesus.

Conclusion and Invitation for New Rules

Jesus is the only one that can keep these rules perfectly. We'll hear more about that in God's big story at a later episode. But for now, let's get to the point. God's rules help us live a good life and know what he is like.
That's right. We don't always know what's best for us, but God does. And His rules help me see that He is a good Father. He wants the best for me and for you. So this week with your family, I want you to talk about rules, but make up some new ones. If you could create a new rule, what would it be?
Tell us those new rules by sending in a voice memo. Go to to find out how to do that. And don't forget, friends, God loves you with a great big love.