God's Word - Do You Really Believe Series image
Grove Hill Church
God's Word - Do You Really Believe Series
God's Word - Do You Really Believe Series

In this sermon, pastor Ridley Barron preached about the absolute truth and reliability of God's word. He emphasized the authority of Scripture, underpinned by archaeological evidence, the consistency of biblical manuscripts such as those found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the overwhelming manuscript support for the New Testament texts. Through personal experiences and historical examples, Barron argues for the inspirational nature of the Bible, its role as the final measure of truth, and the importance of interpreting it within the context it was written. He encourages listeners to find nourishment and growth within the word and the community of believers, and upholds the significance of the teachings and resurrection of Jesus, urging open dialogue and accountability in faith discussions.


00:00 Deuteronomy 29:29, digging into word, self-investigation.

04:51 Archaeology confirms historical details doubted by many.

10:16 Professor's presence saved struggling student's faith.

12:56 Comparison of ancient texts shows strong preservation.

17:40 Different perspectives enhance the essence of storytelling.

19:31 God conveyed message through interviews, research, and testimony. Mark and Luke's firsthand accounts important.

23:38 Importance of faith in the reliability of scripture.

28:11 Prioritize God's word in your life.

30:39 Choosing the right woman affects everyone's fate.

35:42 Powerful church experiences lead to deeper understanding.

36:42 Encouragement to pray and seek God's goodness.

50 Plays
7 months ago

In this sermon, pastor Ridley Barron preached about the absolute truth and reliability of God's word. He emphasized the authority of Scripture, underpinned by archaeological evidence, the consistency of biblical manuscripts such as those found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the overwhelming manuscript support for the New Testament texts. Through personal experiences and historical examples, Barron argues for the inspirational nature of the Bible, its role as the final measure of truth, and the importance of interpreting it within the context it was written. He encourages listeners to find nourishment and growth within the word and the community of believers, and upholds the significance of the teachings and resurrection of Jesus, urging open dialogue and accountability in faith discussions.


00:00 Deuteronomy 29:29, digging into word, self-investigation.

04:51 Archaeology confirms historical details doubted by many.

10:16 Professor's presence saved struggling student's faith.

12:56 Comparison of ancient texts shows strong preservation.

17:40 Different perspectives enhance the essence of storytelling.

19:31 God conveyed message through interviews, research, and testimony. Mark and Luke's firsthand accounts important.

23:38 Importance of faith in the reliability of scripture.

28:11 Prioritize God's word in your life.

30:39 Choosing the right woman affects everyone's fate.

35:42 Powerful church experiences lead to deeper understanding.

36:42 Encouragement to pray and seek God's goodness.
