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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood image

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood

S1 E26 ยท Chatsunami
283 Plays3 years ago

In this episode, Satsunami seeks the help of his friend BlowfishmanTV to begin diving into the weird and wonderful world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, starting with part one. What is Hamon? What is Pluck? What is even going on? All this and more in this episode!

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Welcome to Chatsunami.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of Chat Tsunami.

Guest Introduction: Blowfish Man TV

I'm Sat Tsunami, and joining me in this bizarre adventure today is my very good friend from Twitch. You may have seen him around before. He is known, of course, as Blowfish Man TV. Blowfish, welcome to Chat Tsunami again. Hey, thank you so much, man. It's been an honor to be re-invited on here, and to talk Jojo, man, this is gonna be a lot of fun, so thanks for hosting.

Why Blowfish Man?

To be honest, you were on the top of my list when I thought of a JoJo episode. I thought, who is the expert in my circle of friends? And I thought, yep, low fish, definitely. I mean, I have a whole JoJo channel point of addiction, which I'm currently trying to rework.
Yeah, so I thought, hell yeah, I'll be on here again. Why not? And I mean, I've seen your Dio transitions. They are top tier. They're so scuffed. Like, here's the thing. When going into the scene on Streamlabs, it's super scuffed. It's like all buggy and stuff. When going out, it's pretty smooth for the most part. I'm like, why does that happen? It's weird, right? The pedals are streaming, isn't it?
Yeah, you said it

Overview of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

man, you said it. As you may have heard there, today we are indeed talking about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. So this will be pretty much because the anime only has five parts, soon to be six of course, with the release of Stone Ocean soon, which I cannot wait for, can you?
Me too. Me too. I've read Stone Ocean and I'm very excited to see how they animate the crazy fights that happen in it. I've read through the whole thing. I'm like, oh, I want to see how they animate this fight and that fight and how this stand is going to be animated. It was a wild ride, that one. Let me tell you.
yeah I'm only halfway through it but I really need to reread it and then and then once we do like part five of these um episodes then we can talk about stone ocean oh yeah oh yeah 100 so yeah that's definitely in the line yeah this is going to be a five part series where we go through each part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventures anime so before we get into it would you like to explain and I feel um really sorry for landing this
this question on you here. What is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? Like if you were trying to explain it to someone who had no idea and you had to like kind of sum it up like just in a couple of sentences. How many sentences are we talking about?
We'll say like a paragraph, I guess? Yeah, yeah, go for it. Okay, so in a paragraph, I would summarize JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is like, you're basically following just a family bloodline called the JoJo bloodline, in short, or really Joestar bloodline, and just how each, I guess, relative or ancestor, their adventure in each season, like how life would go for them.
You know, it could go from being nightly as hell from, you know, the OG Jonathan Joestar, like super nightly, super Paladin-like, or to like being in a mafia like Giorno. Like it's pretty wild because each season for JoJo's, what I love about is that you don't know what you'll get until you watch it or until you read it, right? Like, oh, what's this JoJo going to be like? What's that JoJo going to be like?
how like their adventures are just going to be so different, right? That's what I guess that's what a lot of Jojo fans love is the fact that despite that, you know, the mangas or like even Stone Ocean took a minute to come out for the anime, the contents always going to be fresh for that reason, right? Because every Jojo is different.
So yeah, that's how I'd put it. Because it definitely, and I know I'm like playing up in the cliche here, that it is a bizarre adventure. But I don't think I've ever watched any of the Jojo parts and came away with it not thinking, my god, that was a bizarre adventure. Yeah, no, you're right. You're fucking right, dude. You're 100% right. It's such a surreal series though, isn't it?
It's interesting, that's what I love about it, right? Yeah, and it's definitely different from any type of like shonen anime I think I've ever seen. Yeah, 100%. Because usually, I mean, we'll actually get to that, like jumping the gun here. Oh no worries, no worries. But yeah, for

Spoiler Alert and Manga Origins

those listening, if you haven't seen JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and you want a spoiler-free review, I probably don't think we could sum this up without going into spoilers.
Yeah, no. Honestly, guys, if you don't want spoilers, don't listen to this until you at least catch up to part five, I'd say. I'm not too sure. We're not going into stone ocean from what I know, so yeah. So today we're only going to be covered in part one at least, so that'll give you like a head start. This is your official chat tsunami. Chat tsunami? Ew. Warning, even. See? The bizarreness is already kicking in. Oh no. Oh no. Exactly.
So yeah of course Jojo was, I actually couldn't believe this, I was looking into it and of course Jojo's Bizarre Adventure was initially a manga that was created in 1987. I didn't realize it was that old so it was coming out around the same time as series like Dragon Ball and Fist of the North Star and in terms of like inspiration you can tell where they got it from with some of the character designs so
it's a bit of a weird one like I know we'll kind of come to that in later episodes of this series but yeah the characters are very how to put it beefy as like probably the right word for it yeah 100 dude I couldn't agree more like
It's hard. I always remember watching it for the first time and it was basically they show you these characters who are honestly built like massive swole bodybuilders and then it cuts away and it's like oh well done.
Well done. Well done in your like 17th birthday and it's like wait what? There is no way he is 17 years old. There is no way he is that jacked. This guy looks like more, this guy looking like he's like 30 and yet he's like 17. I'm like wait what? It's just surreal.
super surreal I wish I was not that jacked when I was 17 let me tell you oh no yeah that was that was like a dream like I'd be watching yeah I'd be watching like Dragon Ball Z and I would be built more like Majin Buu than I would be like any of the other characters
So it's like, yeah, no. If you think Dragon Ball realistic, yeah, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is just a peak. And I mean, don't get me wrong, they kind of shifted away by part four, which is good in a way.
but I mean it is quite interesting, it's like a reflection of the times and the kind of stylized choices for it. So of course the author who, whether you love him or hate him, so this is written by a guy called Hirahiko Arake who I have to admit he does have some great ideas and then some utterly bonkers ideas and I was actually surprised that although this was brought out in 1987
they didn't actually have an anime release until, well, the main one that we know and love that we're going to be talking about today came out in 2012, but apparently there was one even before that in 2007 by a company called A. Triple P. And I think that's to do with the, I think that's the lost Phantom Blood movie.
yeah yeah i heard about that too yeah i think it's the same company so it's the same company that does um or did that film and it's really weird because i've seen clips from it and it does not look i mean it's got the same beats it's got the same kind of scenes going on but in terms of style both of them are completely different like in the 2007 one from what i've seen it's like a lot more muted whereas like you know they've got normal hair
as well. You've got Dio who's got the blonde hair of course, you've got Jonathan who's got brown hair instead of blue and things. It's just absolutely crazy. But before we get into that, I'm jumping the gun again. But before we get into that, I've got an important question for you

Discovering Jojo

here. How did you get into JoJo's Bizarre Adventures? Because I'm quite interested to know.
I'll be honest, Satsu, I have seen so many memes of Dio, of Jotaro, even Jonathan at some points. And like, you know, I would just quote them. Right. But I would never know the context behind them. I just thought they were funny memes. Right. So then, you know, a year, maybe like it was like it took me two years to actually finally sit down and watch it. I think I heard first heard of a Jojo meme back in like 2000, 2008.
2018. I lied. Me and my anime nerd friends at Anime North are going off about it. We absolutely love Jojo and all that. Then two years later, or really like one and a half years later, I started watching it in 2019. I decided to sit down and be like, okay, I want to know what all these Jojo references are, what the context behind these memes are.
Let's do this. Let's finally like sit down and watch, right? I turn on, I go on Netflix and I see like, oh, part one, Phantom Blood. I'm like, okay, I guess this is where it all starts. Let's watch it, right? First impressions of Phantom Blood to me, I'm just like, this is just wow, right? Because like the narrator goes into the story immediately. It's just like, so Jojo is a family bloodline or the Joestar bloodline, really. Phantom Blood is about, you know, just a rich boy who has an adoptive brother.
And that adoptive brother is none other than Dio, right? And yeah, and like, it shows, you know, how they grow up, you know, from, you know, when they first started, they're like, what, maybe 14, 12? I'm not too sure how old they were. Yeah, something like that. And then they ended Phantom Blood when they're both, I think, 17 or like 18, right? Something like that. It's really hard to tell what those both shapes are.
Yeah, it was it was like, oh, it's like, okay, like when it first started, like they were like, they're on the shorter end, you know, they weren't super duper ripped or jacked. And I'm like, Okay, yeah, like, I can see these kids being like 14, maybe 16 oldest. Yeah. But then it's like, oh, now they're going to college. And I'm like, Okay, they're around 18. And they're
like literally one of their one of their biceps is probably bigger than my head you know and then yeah that's how i got into it man like just from the memes from the memes yeah sorry just kind of touching and that like that honestly blindsided me the first time i saw it yeah right it goes from them with like realistic proportions and everything like everyone looks relatively normal in it and then they go to the time skip where they're like as you said like 17 18 and it's like what the hell
I was like, I wish I was that jacked. What the hell? I was like, I was like, Jonathan already has his life together. I can't even afford a house here. You know what I mean? He's got a waist wing. It's like, go down exactly. Right? Hell, you know.
Ridiculous. So ridiculous. And then I ended up liking it. You know, we end up liking it, because I'm like, now I kind of want to know more about this Bloodline. Like, what are the other Jojos like, you know? And then season two, just so I'm like, this is completely different, but I love it, right? This new Jojo is absolutely ridiculous, but I love him for that reason. So yeah. Oh, part two, Joseph was fantastic. Oh, absolutely. Oh my gosh. I agree. I agree.
oh my god like I like I was in a similar boat when it came to like watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for the first time because I have a friend who is really into it and he's been in it for absolutely ages and kept telling me you should watch this watch it keep watching it and I never really got into it at all well sorry I say I never got into it I mean I never watched it because I'm very lazy
Like, I always put something on the backlog or a list and I'll be like, yeah, I'll watch it later, I'll watch it later. And then I never do. And I'm like, oh my God, I should really just sit down and watch this. So, of course, the year 2020 rolls around and, yeah, of course, the infamous disease swept through the world. And because I was working from home, I was looking through Netflix one day and I saw JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. And again, I had heard the memes, I had heard of Zalardo and things like that.
See, this is a weird thing because in any other show, if you say like, what happens, then it completely spoils the story for you. But for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, you could honestly say like anything that happens in any of these parts and you would have no idea. Like you would have no idea what the hell was going on. Like I can say Exploding Cat, you'll know exactly what I mean by that.
Yeah, or just like I don't know drinking drinking water as well. I'm like wait. Yeah, and all that Yeah, it's like all the Jojo fans listening to this right now be like All the Jojo fans yeah like everything is a Jojo reference I can pretty much agree with that I'll be honest
Like actually? Yeah. Oh god. It's honestly so weird when you go into like a YouTube video and something like similar to Jojo happens and then you scroll cautiously into the comments going, someone's gonna make a Jojo reference on or someone's gonna make and it's like the top comment like panned highlighted. It's like, is this a Jojo reference? And you're like, oh my god. I'm like, of course. Honestly, like Saku, you gotta hand it to Jojo fans, man.
When I played the

Building a Jojo Community

JoJo game, Eyes of Heaven on stream, they all just came together in my chat. I would say a good 90% of them were just really cool people. That's how I sort of, well not really blew up, but that's how I started to grow on my YouTube channel. Because of JoJo, JoJo is the reason why my channel grew fairly quick. I'm not trying to say that, but for small streamers like us, 20 people is just a lot.
moment I started playing Jojo, I started meeting those numbers and I'm like, that's crazy. And then ever since then, I no longer play it. Those same people that I met from the Jojo game, they stuck around and couldn't be happier. Jojo fans, I feel like a lot of them are just super nice from what I've met. There's definitely a few crazy ones, let's be honest. Thankfully, I haven't ran into a few of them, but they're super nice. They're super supportive, even if you don't play Jojo. So yeah, for those who
as a joke like this is this is a joke for those who actually like please play the jojo game on twitch that way you could grow your channel so if i was like no it's a joke if you're not into jojo like no need because from what i've uh my personal review of eyes of heaven is like it wasn't a bad game uh but you would definitely appreciate it more if you were a jojo fan if you were just a random anime fan you're like the hell is this right like i like
If I never watched Jojo or read Jojo in my entire life and I just, someone just gave me Eyes of Heaven. I'm like, what, why is there like a, why is there a purple man like behind, behind this guy with like a big black jacket and like a black police looking hat and like, what is going on? You know, like that, that would be me like playing the game if I've never watched Jojo, right? Yeah.
It's my two cents on it. Yeah, it's like, what is a yar-yar days, you know, as well, right? Yeah, like, what's yar-yar, why are people, why do people laugh whenever I say, oh my god, or oh no, in such a normal way, whenever I play this game, like, oh my god, you know. See, now I'm saying it, but yeah. Now, it's funny because, like, even on Twitch, like, going off on a kind of side dungeon here, but when you're on Twitch and you see people who make a judo reference, and all of a sudden your neck snaps round and you're like, hmm,
interesting pretty much a new friend new friend hello welcome to my community um yes i like jojo oh that's amazing though it honestly is there's a good signal to like attract how to put this to attract all the cool jojo fans essentially under one like in one place which is always nice but yeah sorry going back to phantom blood so because of that i
basically I was stuck in the house so I started watching part one and I'm gonna be honest see beyond the memes I absolutely had no idea what I was in for for this so when the whole concept of vampires came into the scene I was like what
Oh, is this what this shows about? Vampires and vampire hunters? I was like... So yeah, as you were saying at the start of this, the basic story follows Jonathan and I suppose his rivalry? Well, initially, in the first part of it. Yeah, his rivalry with his adoptive brother who...

Characters: Jonathan vs Dio

Let's face it, he is a bad guy. He is not a jerk. He's such a jerk. Well, I would say for no reason, but he comes from
In fact, sorry, before we go into that is because the reason he gets adopted by this wealthy family, the Rooster family, is because the story starts with Jonathan's father and he has gotten into a carriage accident or it's a carriage crash, isn't it? It's a weird thing to say.
it's giving me flashbacks to Red Dead Redemption. And of course he ends up mistaking a robber as like his saviour. He thinks that he's getting rescued and the robber kind of has to like play along with it because he tried to look at his hand on his ring at this point he's like oh yes I was saving you. So kind of as an act of like goodwill he says if anything happens to your child then I will
you know I'll adopt him so of course the day comes where this guy kicks the bucket and he sends his son to the Joestar household and things just go downhill from there for Jonathan because he goes from this kind of cushy life and being like quite innocent and very because this is the thing that defines him especially from all the other Joestars
Joestars that he is very gentlemanly. He's a classic gentleman like no one can deny that. He is just very innocent and you know you're stereotypical hero isn't there? Very knightly like I like as I said earlier he's very paladin like for those who play D&D like he has like his ideals and he will like follow it to a T you know that's what I love about Jonathan.
because I mean even like at the beginning where they are like 12, 13 or whatever and he sees this girl getting bullied by just these two random guys and he runs up to them and he just starts punching them and this is before he knows anything about fighting. It's like his gentleman owner or whatever you want to call it like kicks in and he starts punching this guy but the guy just takes it because of course Jonathan's too weak
and he just gets like tossed aside and everything and he's still trying to keep his stiff upper lip. It's very British, I have to say. Like even the stiff upper lip of, oh I don't need your help. Wait, hold on. Sorry, I don't mean to cut you off. Speaking of, aren't the no stars actually British from what I remember? They are, right? Yeah.
It's like, this is interesting. But yeah, it's set in England and it's just weird seeing them try to be very like, I don't know if you've seen the show Downton Abbey. I haven't, no. It's just like, it's not a very good show. Well, people like it. People like it, but I'm not a big fan of it. I mean, considering I'm sitting here talking about JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, I am probably not the target demographic. Definitely not, no.
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
It's basically a show about, not royalty, but wealthy people during the same time period. So it's like they've got the big manor, they've got the maids and everything and the butlers and all of this. And it's that kind of lifestyle. But it's weird because Jonathan's never... he's quite characterised as someone who's, as we were saying, very gentleman-like and he's not spoiled even though his dad keeps like...
yelling at him and keep saying like oh don't be don't be mean to your brother Dior who I was gonna say do you want to describe what this guy does before shit hits the fan?
As in Dio, or like, or like... Yeah, Dio, sorry. Oh my god. So Dio is the absolute worst. I'm going to say that off the bat. In no order, this guy has killed Jonathan's dog, kissed his girlfriend. What else has he done? The boxing match, I forgot about that. Yeah, like he's a dirty fighter when it came to boxing. Like he socked Jonathan in the eye, and then as he hit him right in the face, he uses thumb to poke his eye, which is an illegal move for those who actually watch boxing, a very illegal move.
What else has he done? Later down the line, he poisons their dad. It's so stupid, right? And then I think that's what took the cake. Because then Jonathan realized, like, K, you're killing dad. This is why he's sick. It's because of you. So I'm going to kick your ass, essentially, putting it in very short terms. But yeah, that's what took the cake.
this whole Dio hitting the Joestars thing, that's how it all really took off after that. Because one of the interesting things that I actually didn't realise until I rewatched a couple of scenes was you can see how Dio kind of resents.
Because you would think in an anime like this, being like a shounen, the characters would be quite shallow, if you know what I mean. Yeah, you would think like, yeah, it's just like, oh, look, here's a big meaty guy that hits, you know, really hard. That's his character. But there's a lot of
depth to it because it's like with Dio you can see a scene where he basically gets cast out by the Joes. I'm not cast out but it's like halfway through the beginning of like the first part of this part he ends up like walking the streets of London and he's like drinking and he's kind of looking at this bottle and it's kind of a reflection of that parallel between himself and his father who was also of course an alcoholic
And that's basically what led him to ruin his father, probably, if he pulled up his bootstraps and everything they might have. Things might have turned out better for Dio as a whole, but because he was in that kind of unfortunate cycle of poverty and just mis-circumstances, it's quite tragic until obviously he starts burning dogs, setting people against Jonathan, kissing his girl. There is a limit up until he just becomes an awful human being.
Like here's the thing about Dio, right? Like you did point that out and I was actually going to talk about that. I'm like, yeah, like that in like that one scene where he stares at the alcohol and alcohol that he has in his hand and he's drinking on the streets. And he's just like, oh, no, I'm becoming like my father. I'm like, I was just like, damn, that's actually wow. That's super real. But you're still a dick. That's how I felt about him at the time. Right.
There was one other thing I wanted to say about him. Oh, right. So you know how you also brought up the point where like the difference between, you know, the rich folk and the poor, right? Dio being the poor in this case and Jonathan being the rich, right? Yeah.
It's kind of funny how, you know, when Dio gets adopted into the household, Dio, in my opinion, acts a lot more like your typical stereotypical, like a rich person, super arrogant, such a jerk to people, thinks he's like better, high and mighty, right? And then Jonathan's just, they're kind of chilling and he's like a super nice dude for the most part. Sure, you know, he makes mistakes because, you know, his dad wants to be a proper gentleman. He's like, yeah, sure. He might like put his arms on, like, sorry, not arms, but elbows on the table.
I remember that scene, it's like Jonathan elbows off the table and he's like, Oh, sorry, right? Yeah. You were to say that to do, you'd be like, don't say that to me. You know what I mean? Like, um, it's kind of funny how that parallel is there, how like Dio's technically the poor one, whereas Jonathan's the rich one, yet their personalities are like, don't fit that sort of stereotype. You know what I mean? Like that's what I found super interesting about the, uh, Dio and Jonathan in part one. I'm like that little, you know, writing there is, is really cool, right?
Yeah, there's a lot of subversion in this art, I have to say. Love it, love it. It's so good and it is, as you said, it's just so well done. And that's the thing, it's like only a couple of episodes into this part that thinks like, as I was saying before, shit hits the fan really hard because halfway through, as you said, Dio tries to poison Jonathan's father so

Adventures and Allies

Yeah. Jonathan goes into, is it Ogre Street? Yeah, Ogre Street. Yeah. And he tries to find out where the person is and he gets ambushed by quite possibly one of the best characters in JoJo, like a huge fan favourite. Oh, Speedwagon. Speedwagon. We love you. We love you, man. I have to admit, like, I never saw the appeal initially but, like, going back to watch it, I was like, okay, okay, I can see the appeal.
like he's got your back like he's got your back like that's what I love about him you might you might yell a lot but he's got your back that's how I feel about him I feel as if like in part one he's quite so throughout Speedwagon does accompany Jonathan through his like adventures but he's very much like a narrator for the obvious
which is something that really irked me. I like him as a character, the more the series goes on, but I did not like him in part one. Jonathan would do something like he would punch a rock and then you would hear Speedwagon go, amazing, he just punched that rock. And you're like, yes, we saw that. We just saw that.
pretty much. It was actually giving me flashbacks to have you seen it? Under x hunter, yeah. The comedic arc where just for quick context, yeah it was just this like really long arc where for some reason for the first half of it it was perfectly like really good and then the second half of it it was like they added a narrator to state the obvious so it's just like God was afraid. I'm afraid. It's like it seemed like an abridged parody almost but it wasn't.
I wasn't saying it was, sadly. It's the same as Speed Packet. He's not overly annoying. I will say that. He's not overly annoying, but sometimes you're just like, come on, just tone it down a bit. Tone it down or use your blade hat and help fight, you know what I mean? Which is pretty cool.
The blade head is pretty sick, I'm not gonna lie, yeah. I'm just thinking back to what Jonathan was wearing, like see when he goes to investigate and dress him up like Sherlock Holmes. Yeah, yeah, you noticed that too. You kind of look like Sherlock. It's just, it doesn't, not in a bad way, but see, I know I keep going back to the body shape, but it's like I have never seen an iteration where Sherlock Holmes is that jacked.
he has like the body shape of guns you know yeah exactly i have never seen like honestly if anybody listening to this like knows of like a variation of sherlock please get in contact chat tsunami at please hit list
because I'm so curious. So eventually, yeah, he comes across the, I think whoever was selling the poison and eventually they confront Dio and of course before they managed to like take him down they, in fact there's something we've actually missed completely. That of course being the reason that, or one of the reasons why Dio was like wandering the streets in the stone mask. Oh the stone mask, yeah. Oh my god, how did we miss that detail?
It's like, it's not important. It's like, it's not important. It's like, oh yeah, the stone mask, right, right. I was like, how do I work this into the trap? But of course, yeah, the stone mask, which like set it up as like this, is it an Aztec artifact? Yes, I believe so. Because as far as I know, like I never really read the manga. Well, it'll be casual for you.
Well, actually, it's not the manga. In the manga, yeah. So, yeah, in the manga, apparently there's an extra scene at the very beginning where it shows you how the mask works or something, and it's something to do with this woman getting sacrificed by these, I think it's Aztecs, and for some reason they cut that out of the anime, but I suppose I can see why it kind of streamlines the story a little bit. What I didn't expect, so as I said,
other than the memes, I put into this completely blind. As soon as he put like the stone mask, so Dio eventually steals, initially it's Jonathan's, it's something that he's just researching. A bit like the Millennium Puzzle in Yu-Gi-Oh, I suppose. It's just like this powerful artefact in the hands of a literal child. It's like, okay Jonathan, you play nice now. It's like, what's your problem George? What's your
actual blood. But yeah, eventually Dio of course sees that the blood is something, in fact I think Jonathan does as well, they both realise that blood is like a kind of catalyst for it reacting. So when Dio's walking through the streets, he's stolen the mask and he just puts it in a random, just a random guy in the street and it turns him into a vampire. And that was the moment when I was just like, okay vampires
okay yeah right i like i like i did not see that coming but okay so eventually like he realizes they work kind of the similar ways other vampires and media that they burn up in the sunlight and it's like fair enough this is the way we're going yeah and so like all right yeah and of course they go home they confront you and yeah
Yeah, things don't go well.

Dio's Transformation

It goes super south. Oh my goodness. Because they have the triumphant music and things, and they've got the guy himself who sold the poison. Yeah, sold the poison to that guy. And it's like, oh my god, okay. Okay, this is a lot over for Dio. And you see him absolutely shot to pieces. He gets absolutely robocop to buy all the police officers. Yeah.
Which I don't get why they were all carrying guns, mind you, but I don't know if that was a thing back then, maybe? Yeah, oh my god, you're right. It was like, what, it took place in the 1800s? The only guns that were available were maybe like muskets? I don't know if that, is that a right thing to assume? It's not even that much. They had like pistols, didn't they? I'm like, there were pistols back then?
I have to admit, I don't know the extent of history of the British police, but I'm like, usually the police officers here don't usually carry guns, but I don't know if maybe it was different back then, which is something I'll actually need to look into now. See, this is a problem with the series, it just gives you more questions.
It's like, it really does. It honestly does, yeah. But yeah, of course, they end up shooting them to absolute, you know, kingdom. And he of course... Oh, sorry. I was gonna say before even that part, what I loved about who exposed Dio was Speedwagon.
And he did it in the most Phoenix right way. Is that just me? He's just like, you took this poison and tried to poison Mr. Joestar. And I'm like, you pointed at him in such a Phoenix right way. I'm like, when did this become Phoenix right? And then it goes south from there. And then he's just like, Dio's just sick of that. He's just like, no, I'm done. I'm putting on the mask. He's like, fuck this shit. That's pretty much it. I'm done.
pretty much but yeah then all of a sudden you see the deals got the mask and he's still alive and he rips them up apart doesn't he he just like absolutely destroys them up apart i see what you're doing oh yeah
Exactly. He just, oh, it's just a massacre. It goes from like, oh, it's okay to, oh, now Jonathan's dad's dead, everyone else's dead. The only two people that run down, yeah, the house is burned down, you know, the butler's handed in his notice, you know, like everything is going wrong that day.
It's like, Danny 2.0 probably died in that fire as well, you know? Pretty much. The dog. Sorry, just to give context. That's the dog's name. Yeah, that is one of the things I don't like about Joro. Sorry, just quickly. Just the fact that Araki really doesn't like dogs for some reason. He doesn't like dogs! I don't know why, but dogs always get messed up somehow.
and like really brutal ways and it's like what are you dogs but like can't seem to get a free pass and it's like yo i thought i was the only one who noticed that yeah no like that's the only thing that really gets me because i'm like i'm one of those people that's not a big fan of when dogs get hurt in films me too it's like if a person gets hurt you're like well shit happens but if the door gets hurt yeah it's like yeah me too like outside of twitch i'm a fucking dog groomer i see that shit i'm just like
You poor soul. That's what I mean. No. Exactly. So, of course, yeah, after the house gets burned down and Dio basically gets impaled after, yeah, when Goodbye, Jojo, which is another meme. Goodbye, Jojo. And then he ends up, although I did see a funny parody of that, where
basically they're like at the top of the staircase and they end up both falling together but they do that anime thing where they're like doing it in a monologue to themselves trying to formulate a plan but it's clear that the time it takes for them to think that is probably a lot longer than the time it's taken for them to reach the bottom
off the floor. So it's like, I've got to formulate a plan. I've got to do this. I've got to do that. Oh, right. Yeah, plan. And then he ends up grabbing Dio. But I think it's his belt or something. And then eventually he defeats him. So you think he absolutely impales him. How he survives, I do not know. But that's for the Rocky to answer. That's not our job. We are not paid. That's not our job. Nope. We're just friends who enjoy the content. Oh, absolutely. That's it. That's it.
So yeah, you kind of think like with the main villain, because I remember my friend saying like, oh I really loved you, I think he's great, and I'm like, well he's dead. I was like, well have I just flat out saved? Yeah, it's like he's dead, where could you go from there? And spoilers of course he's not because he's a vampire, but it's like, that's what I thought at the time. I'm like, he's dead, where can you go from here? And it ends up of course, Jonathan reunites with these childhood sweetheart arena and
As they're walking down the road one day, an Italian man punches him in the chest and heals his broken arm. I said Baron Zappelli, his name is. And yeah, he is such a cool character. I love him. He's just like a random Italian man, just walking the streets. He's like, oh hey, you need some help buddy? Punches you in the stomach and makes you feel better.
Yeah, just for legal reasons, Chatsunami and anybody involved in Chatsunami do not endorse punching people to make them feel better. Don't do that shit. That's not actual medicine. That's just anti-medicine at this point.
the reason he punches him though is because he knows, and this is actually my favorite description of it, so he knows this kind of mystical power known as Haman or the ripple, and I think someone described it as Sun Kung Fu or something like that.
and it's like oh that's amazing and it's basically like a martial art that basically you breathe isn't it like you breathe really not rapidly but really slowly and you gather like if you watch dragon ball it's like key almost but like drawing from your breath and things and it's really clever the way they implement a lot of it it's like I've really fleshed out is it see now I'm getting emotional because I'm like
yeah we've got Hamon in this part, we've got it in part two and then we will get to one day but like in the rest of the parts they just kind of drop it and considering like what. What's Hamon right? That's pretty much what happens in part three. What the hell is that? Well I have a person behind. That's it like that's my power. Everyone asks where Hamon is but no one asks why Hamon. I use Hamon.
It's just weird, but it's like the kind of starting point that I suppose you have to have, like you have to have this. You know, you have to have the bad guy, you have to have the mystical power, you have to have the hero's journey and all of that. And of course he gets taught

Training in Hamon

by... So George Jonathan gets taught by Zeppoli. And yeah, it just... After that point, it really just goes in the stereotypical like hero's journey, doesn't it? That they're going from like place to place and they're finding where Dio is.
Which is, I mean it is, it's like very standard in that way, although the weird turning point, so like going back to what you were saying about it being set in England, I was like blindsided, of course you can hear from my voice, I'm of course Scottish, can't hide that, and I was surprised when they made a reference to Mary Queen of Scots.
oh i forgot about that oh yeah like that completely being a Scottish person and watching anime it's not it's not as common as you would think having Scotland references i was like what and so basically they find you eventually after the montage of them training and everything and yeah they come across to basically knights who were knights for Mary Queen of Scots in reality i don't think that's true somehow
but of course in the show there were meant to be two knights that were supposed to be protecting Mary Queen of Scots and they got executed and then Dio brought them back as like zombies and I mean they seem to be the two like main antagonists like you've got Jack the Ripper as well at one point but he kind of like gets dispatched off really quickly doesn't he? He does. Like they have him there and then they're just like okay we're done.
you know, just punch him through a wall, that's it. You're like, okay. I have to admit that was one of the funny scenes. That was like meant to be one of Jonathan's training montages where he was supposed to defeat him but at the same time he's given a glass of wine and he's not supposed to like, spell a drop of it. That is Jonathan, isn't it?
I was like yeah like uh the drop of wine and like that was just super like that one that's what sort of tied me to like baronler like really compelled me to like him more i'm just like this random dude in a suit and a checkered top hat just taught our main character how to essentially channel sunlight energy into his punches and kicks right into his body for that matter and like he's just he's also like kind of classy but at the same time he also has spunked him in the fact in the sense that he can just
take your ass, like actually with or without Hamon, right? So I just always found that super cool about him. He is a cool character though, I must say. He's super cool. He's really neat. I do like him. I'm just trying to think the other fights in it. I think like the next fight after that is, is it Blueford? Or Blueford? I can't remember.
So this is the thing I love about Harmon and just like this kind of battle system is the fact that it relies on you being able to breathe and kind of channel that energy but there's a point where Jonathan gets dragged underwater and of course he can't use his Harmon so you kind of think oh shit
How's it gonna get out of this one? You know, it's like, it really tends because you're like, okay, he's underwater and eventually I think he pulls up a rock and it's like he gets an air bubble and he manages to channel, well, he manages to suck an air bubble and, yeah, just basically beat him to which he finally gets his own sword. Just very briefly, do you want to explain the sword?
basically made a comeback, he beat him physically, and then he went up to him and he basically pulled the Naruto, the Takno Jutsu, and basically saying that, oh, you were a knight, you were doing this, you don't have to fight for Dio. He said something along the lines like that, and you have to remember who you are, something like that. And then he remembers what he originally was, he's just like, oh yeah,
Because I still don't understand.
I used to fight honorably, I was super knightly, this, this and that. And then because of that, you know, he starts fading away, right? He starts actually resting in peace, right? And then, you know, he's just like, okay, well, because you may thank you for helping me or making me remember who I truly am, take my sword, right? Like you're going to need it against Dio. Yeah.
And then I don't know whose blood it was. I think the sword was originally called Luck. Was it Bluefords or was it Jonathan's? I can't remember. Actually, I don't know because he's a zombie or a vampire or something. Something like that, right? And then like he's sitting away, you know, Jonathan has a sword and he's like looking at it. He's like, oh, cool, right? But then I don't know what the point was behind this. But then he took someone's blood, either his or Bluefords and put a pea. He wrote a pea in blood beside Luck. And then the sword is now called Pluck. And then that was it. I'm like, wait, what?
What I love is he just doesn't explain it. He just doesn't. Yeah, he changed the name of a sword that's maybe 200 years old, you know? Yeah, it's like block, and it's like, oh man, that P is never gonna wash off as a-
So that's the story behind Jonathan's sword Pluck and why it's called Pluck. Like, okay, that's how I felt when I first saw him. Like, I guess this is happening. All right. Yeah, I was the same. I was just like, I have no idea what's going on. I love it, but I've got no idea what's going on. You can actually kill Dio with it. I don't care. I don't care. Just have fun with it. You know, I guess it's called Pluck.
Oh god, that scene. So this is the weird thing, it's like eventually, like you go from that to like a more serious scene with Tarkus who's like the, yeah I suppose it's like the brute of the two. So like, whereas Brueford is kind of the, you know, the end of the nightly, the chivalrous one. Tarkus is just a monster, just like a hulk really, and Dio sends him after them. And then they do this weird thing where they paraglide,
yeah oh my god with hamon and i don't i don't think anybody yeah they just pick up like this like i don't do it yeah i don't know it i can't even remember what it is they pick up it's like a massive leaf or something and they channel yeah they channel like their hamon energy so it's like
they're hanging on. It's like Zeppoli and Jonathan are hanging on with the Ramon and Speedwagon and this weird child called Poco that they've just picked up. Like he never becomes really relevant in this story. And he's just there? Yeah, he's just there. And it's like, okay, fair enough. Yeah, like it'll transition to the next part about like what Poco did for them. But yeah, like the paragliding part and like at one point Poco mooned targets by the way.
I don't like, yeah, like I was just very lost at that point. It's like okay, yeah fine. It's like almost at that point, have you seen that Simpsons episode where it's like the Poochy episodes where they don't get to the fireworks factory and now how Stuntjinder goes, when are they gonna get to the fireworks factory? Like at that point that was me with Dio. I'm like, when are we gonna get to Dio? Yeah I know that feeling.
Yeah, Dio just appears and then just disappears and it's just so surreal. But then of course they have the fight and the inevitable sacrifice of the mentor figure, Zeppeli, and he gives his Hamon over. So it's like he... I think he goes to a group of Hamon users? Is it Tibet who says or something like that?
remember where it was. I can't remember either. He goes into the mountains anyway and he meets this guy who's like oh by the way I'll teach you this but you are gonna die if you learn it and he's like yeah cool beans you're gonna you're gonna leave behind your farm like yeah yeah sure no problem. What's wrong with you? I don't know okay. That's not how I would learn like why. Yeah he's like also show me like when I die and then of course he does he's like okay fine
So he takes on Tarkis against, like, absolutely chopped it off, and then he gives over his Hamon energy to Jonathan, who, yeah, just, like, goes Super Saiyan, really, and just beats him up, and he just pretty much destroys him. I was so sad that how he went down, I'm just like, yeah. I mean, I'm like, ah, that's so sad, right? Because it was super sad. Yeah, it was not a cliffhanger for that episode, but he basically does a, by time has come.
as he's walking towards us. It's on you. He's like, OK, I called it. This is it. Bye, bye, bye, pretty much. And it's like, what? What happened? It's like, wait, what? Can you dial that back? It's definitely pretty much. And then.
Yeah, so yeah, he defeats Tarkas and then him and Speedwagon.

Dio's Villainy

And I don't know if Poco comes. Oh no, Poco does because it's his sister, isn't it, that's Helen. So Dio has taken over a village in Randomsville, England and
There's actually, sorry, before we go into the finale and everything, there's one horrible scene that truly cements deal. Initially you could think, oh, he's just the tragic character of circumstance and all of this, but the one thing that really, obviously other than the vampire thing and burning down the house. If you hadn't turned on him by now, this is probably the point where he's basically got a woman and her baby in this room.
And she's surrounded by vampires, keeping a look at all them zombies. They're really not. They're really more like zombies if you think about it with just hunger. That's it, right? Because they've just got like the sunken and eyes that are bright red and the fangs. And they're just like soup.
because yeah that's exactly it because after he brings up this woman he makes a deal with her and she says please spare my baby don't kill my baby or get any of your goons to kill it and he's like okay deal so he converts her to which of course she's now lost her mind and she turns on her baby which fortunately they didn't animate that um yeah well they animate the shadow but apparently in the manga they actually do show that which is a bit yeah
It's like a really haunting scene, you're just like, oh shit, this is getting serious now. And of course, I don't want to be cynical, but I suppose that's the kind of stereotypical villain does something reprehensible.
and it's like it has to be like the point of no return there where you're like okay this is where you have to now root for the hero which don't get me wrong you are still rooting for Jonathan there's not really any point you would be like oh I don't know about Jonathan because he is he's just your stereotypical shonen hero he's probably not and I know we'll kind of go into this in later parts but he's probably not the most interesting I would say but he's definitely he's definitely a good starter Jojo I would say
He definitely is. And yeah, of course, later on they meet up with, or Jonathan and Speedwagon meet up with, I suppose just three, yeah, just like three random, or not random, but three other Hamon users who came out of like absolutely nowhere.
It's like, oh yeah, hi, we knew your teacher. Yeah, that's essentially what happened in part one. I'm like, where did you guys come from and how did you know this was happening? Exactly, because I'm just sitting there like, I think I turned away for a second to get a cup of tea and I turned around and suddenly there was three more Haman users and I was like, what is going on here?
That's just weird. Also kind of a side note, sorry, just before we go on to the finale. So the name Hamon, I find absolutely hilarious because at the time, I mean, I still am. I've been learning like Spanish and the word Hamon, split with a J, mind you, instead of an H, but the word Hamon actually means like ham in Spanish.
that's funny so like every time they're saying i'm going to use my hamon i'm like you're gonna use your what i'm like i mean technically they've got another name for it i think they call it like the ripple or something like that but it's like yeah no it's hamon come on i don't know whether it was hungry or what was
Honestly, if I was writing something like that on an empty stomach, I'd probably do the exact same thing and see if people catch on. It's like the Dragon Ball syndrome, isn't it? Where every character is named after food. Every Kakarot, there's Vegeta, Napa, it's crazy. It's crazy.
I like the name though, I have to say. But yeah. I love it too. But it ends up, basically the raid style, they go up to his Castlevania manor. Some of them get killed. I can't remember, did all of them get killed? Or is it just the one guy? I think the one guy gets killed, yes. One of them gets killed. I'm not too sure what happens with the second guy. Yeah, I think the second guy also dies? Or I don't know what happens to him. I just can't remember.
around in part two, but that's gonna be for another time. Because I remember the first one runs up and tries to, and I quote, it's in the memes, so it's technically not a spoiler, tries to thunder cross split attack him, and which is such an anime thing to yell your attack name to be like thunder cross split attack.
and then he gets frozen which is quite a cool like oh shit moment overdrive yeah sunset overdrive and then yeah he just freezes this guy in place like literally encases him in ice and they shattered his body and it's just like oh god and then yeah and then the same thing or not the same but similar thing happens to jonathan when he's trying to fight dio and he gets frozen in place and it's like oh god this is
this is intense and there's one horrible scene that kind of shows like how devious um Dio is when he like digs into his neck and he's got like his jugular vein which i don't know i don't know how i made me kind of win some yeah same it was just like oh
The hell? That is like a huge thing in Jojo, like the body horror stuff sometimes. Eventually I think he wins because he sword, like he tries to like pats him, but he's sword is in the flames or something.

Final Battle and Tragic End

And then defrost him as well, like just defrost it faster. Something like that, like it went down like that. Yeah, yeah, just ding. And that was it. Yeah, defrosted Jojo, just ready.
What I loved, so remember how we spoke earlier, Satsu, about how Jonathan is like the ultimate gentleman, ultimate nice guy. So right, like, what sort of took me back to the writing about, you know, him being that great of a person, was that even after decapitating, you know, Dio, you know, he faints in victory because he's like tired, right? He's exhausted. But then, you know, Speedwagon points out a small detail, just like, oh, he's he's crying.
Sorry, I think it was the third Hamon user who notices it. I think his name was straight so or something crying he defeated deal and then speed riding points I was like it's cuz him and deal grew up together. He was his adopted brother So, you know, he still saw him as a brother even after all the shit he put him through and I'm just like you're So much better pretty much. That's how I felt like Steve. I'm just like damn you're
you're a really nice dude man yeah i was like if i was in this position i wouldn't even care i'm just like look you're no longer my brother at this point after putting me through all that crap right yeah so i'm just like i'm like what a what a great guy that's not like that's literally how i felt i was like this guy's so pure
he's honestly so wholesome which is why and yeah i'm gonna bring back the sad memories now but like it's why the ending took me by like surprise i'm gonna be honest as i said like i didn't even know that jojo's bizarre adventure was about
like a family lineage. For some reason, I thought when it said Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, it was just going to follow Jojo, you know. Whoever this Jojo character is. Yeah, whoever this Jojo. And of course, it follows Jonathan and he gets married to his childhood sweetheart, Irina. And, you know, they're going to, I think they're going to America.
as they're going to America and this boat and Speedwagon waves them off. Sorry, before I go on, remember how I was saying this Speedwagon keeps narrating the obvious going on? See at the very last fight between Jonathan and Dio? I think that's probably the worst that he is. He's just like, oh my god, he's gotta break the ropes. Oh my god, he used his hammer to control it. Speedwagon, we get it. Speedwagon, if you're not going to contribute anything, please just walk outside.
just take a break. He was your damn hat. He was so cool in the beginning. What's going on? That's just poor writing at that point in my opinion. I think he definitely got nerfed after he introduced. Yeah, it's like any other shonen, I suppose, where it's like once the main characters established, they just sideline them. Well, he's not even a rival at that point. I've never seen anybody go from rival to BFFs.
like in such a short space of time. It's like if he had a diary or something maybe writing Jonathan's name all over it it's like oh my god. I was gonna say like for Speedwagon and Jonathan's friendship it was just it was like literally something that happened not even overnight right and the biggest reason was like oh he has a good heart I like his intentions you know what I'm gonna help this guy out and I'm like I was like that's great
but I don't think a friendship like that happens within like what one hour maximum you know I mean in like anime ever that's you know yeah one hour is literally like what a month you know yeah they're probably bordering from like namik minutes where like five minutes is like
What, 10 episodes, 15? It's like 10-15. It's like yeah, five minutes my backside. Oh yeah and we'll get to it when we talk about part three eventually but like the world thing.
And that timing system. We'll get into that. But yeah, going back to the finale. That completely blindsided me. Because I didn't expect Dio to be dead. Because as I said, I'd heard the memes about Zawardo and all of this. And I thought, this is weird. They've really killed him off. And again, going back to my friend, Dio is dead. How is he still your favourite character?
I was like, that was a pretty intense fight, but for some reason that oddly felt too easy to do DO in. That was my suspicions. We'll see what happens, right? Because I'm like, what about the Zawardo memes and all the other memes that he's in? And he also looks completely different. That's another thing. What's going on here? That's all I thought, right? Yeah, it's just so weird. And then, of course, it's revealed that they can't give Jonathan a happy ending.
and he walks down, yeah he just like walks down to, I think it's like the boiler room or the engine room or whatever it is in the ship and of course he finds Dio's decapitated head in a jar for some reason. Like the zombie holding it is like zombie like shit. Because it's a zombie, it's the same guy who sold him the poison. Yeah, oh my god. Who's got like the Vegeta haircut.
yeah oh my god he does have the gigantic widow's peak yeah it's just like oh my god what is going on with his anime and yeah it's it is surprising the only thing i don't like about that is how cheap it felt when dio defeats john i think because initially he gets the upper hand he uses his hammer and then he suddenly has laser eyes yeah like where did this come from yeah like i must admit i was like okay that's a bit cheap because it never comes up again i think this is the only
and connect me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure that's the only scene where he uses them. I was like, I use my laser eyes Jonathan. It's like, do you ever remember when you were younger and there was always that one catch where it was like,
I have laser eyes! Yeah, I have laser eyes or I have a shield of invincibility! It's like, bugger off back to your appearance! This is a man's game, this is the one! So beyond that, it is clever that he basically aims through through it, so he has a hard time breathing and I think, I can't remember how he kills the zombie. I don't know if he throws them into the engine or whatever it is, like the spinning wheel. I don't know, is that what blows up the boat?
something like that. Not only that, but it also just sets fire to the room in general, right? Yeah. It's anime slash eco biologic where just everything goes in fire and explodes. Although something I found really funny was when I was reading a comment in one of the videos, I was watching about this and someone was saying that does anybody notice that when Johnathan's losing really badly, he sets fire to everything?
yeah and i thought oh my god you're right the house yeah the house yeah the house he's fist at the end sorry the boat it's like he's like a proper arsonist oh my goodness jonathan why but it's just such a sad ending though because eventually he collapses into yeah he collapses into a heap holding the head and dio's trying to sweet talk him i suppose into getting
I know obviously he's trying to get his body to put his head on, but you know the way he's saying, like, you want to be with Irina, don't you? Yeah, don't you? And he's like, Jojo? Jojo? Jojo. Yeah. Like, his heart stops beating, something like that. It's not even that. It pans up and he's just got a glazed expression. It's just he's not moving. And that really got to me. I was like, oh shit, they've killed the main character. And I was looking at Netflix and I'm like, how is the three seasons of this if he's dead?
I know, right? Again, I'm like, a message of my friend who loves Jojo, and I'm like, he's dead! How's a motor that show? Why do you like this guy? He's dead. And then, oh god, yeah, and then that's how it ends, really. It ends with the ship exploding with Dio and Jonathan. Jonathan on board, Marina getting away with the kid, you know?
it's like the coffin isn't it that Dio was looking to the boat with in the first place and we will get to that like in part three um yeah for sure just remember just remember that for next time because yeah guys for those who watching it just remember coffin from part one that's all i'm going to say just remember that
And yeah, that basically sums it up before they get on to part two and we get introduced to the new generation.

Reflections on Phantom Blood

And it is indeed a bizarre adventure though, isn't it? In the best way possible. And I mean, I suppose just to kind of summarise, what would you say your final thoughts are?
honest opinion on Phantom blood, it did feel like your typical, you know, shonen story, you know, cause mainly because of how Jonathan was written, but it is also tiny bit underrated. And here's why I think that. So if you think about it, Jonathan literally learned Hammond, what?
in a week maybe? And he was still able to do so much damage, right? So imagine, and like still able to, well not kill Dio, but just like, you know, defeat him, right? So imagine if Jonathan went through like a time skip training and then went to fight Dio. He
He'd be really, really strong in my opinion. I'm just like, you learned this kung fu martial arts sort of like power within a week and you were able to do so much damage. You literally killed two nights of like the olden times were nothing with you killed deal with this power. I'm like, is there anything this kid can't do? You know what I mean? So like, that's why like to me, Jonathan is an underrated Jojo and power. Cause I'm like, Hey, if he had more time, deal would have been dead in my opinion, not just defeated.
Right. But, um, but other than that, out of five, I would probably give it like a 3.5 the first season, 3.5 out of five. So that's like a 70% rating. What I did appreciate more about Jonathan is that he was definitely the most different out of like all the other JoJo's I've ran into, right? Like he was your tip. He was like, he was a, you know, a gentleman, a classic gentleman. And you don't really see that a lot in, in, you know, in anime, in main anime, main characters, right? A lot of like.
And my main characters are yeah, super hyper happy-go-lucky kids who have a goal, right? And they want to reach that goal. They're super loud and obnoxious about it. Jonathan is just kind of chilling half the time. You know what I mean? But at the same time, he's just a super nice guy who who's really strong. He's nothing to fuck with.
And, you know, if you did have more time, Dio would be dead in part one. Like, actually, that's that's how I write. But yeah, that's my two cents on Phantom Blood. But I liked it overall. It was an interesting story. Definitely had like a few weird writings like The Pluck and how those really came in. The friendship of like Speedwagon and how it developed way too fast, you know.
But at the same time, like you have to think like when Araki probably first wrote this, like I honestly think I could be wrong about this. He was probably going through like some sort of experimental phase, you know, this was his first story. So there's definitely going to be a few hiccups in my opinion. So like, I can't exactly blame the writing for that reason for just
the randomness that happened in it. So I'm sure if he were to rewrite it today, he would definitely give reasons as to why Jonathan renamed the sword Pluck. He would definitely give reasons why those three random Hamon users knew about what was going on other than just being friends with Baron Zeppeli. He would definitely flesh out the smaller details that are kind of random there.
and yeah because he's gotten a lot better like come part two like it's just I'm like oh yeah fantastic part two yeah that's my two cents what about you Satsu? I would actually agree with that and not to take the easy answer out but I think that it's definitely one of the weaker series like in terms of the part from part one to five
I would say it is probably in the lower scale for me and how I rate it but it doesn't mean it's bad. I think it's a solid start because like I look at some other parts and with the exception of maybe one or two parts if you started with the bizarreness of some of the other ones you wouldn't probably get as many people in to like get intrigued.
So I think it's like I think in the one hand it is definitely like a standard shonen anime like beginning but I think that's a good thing. I think that is what you need to kind of introduce people to the world to say oh we've got vampires, we've got sun magic, it's a good foundation to build upon and I think that's something of course we'll talk about in the next episode but it's definitely something that they build upon for part two and I think that's what makes part two so strong
There's a whole debate about people who skip parts and then they don't skip parts, and yeah, I think that is a good thing that if you start off, at least give it a chance. I will admit that when I first watched it, I didn't really see what was so special about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. If you watch part one on its own, it is weird because I wouldn't normally admit this with any other series, but JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a series you have to kind of stick with because personally, my favourite part is part four.
part two is probably my favorite just because of how ridiculous joseph how actually smart he is that's the thing i'm like dang right i mean like for both of them like if i had to choose one from like the hamon bearer and the stands eater then definitely part two and four are at least for now because i haven't read the rest of stone ocean or steel ball run sorry i was about to say
I only got the order of Steel Ball Run, but I love it. I really need to stop slacking and probably reread from the beginning, because I can't remember most of the good details, right? But from what I've read, I absolutely love it. That's good. I need to catch up. I really do. I'll get through Steel Notion tonight, probably. I was going to say, once you get to Steel Ball Run, tell me so that way I can also read Steel Ball Run. We can at least both complete it and be on the same page. Oh, yeah. Literally.
I was like let me know when you get to Steelbrand and I'm like hey I'm gonna get into gear and actually start reading this. But yeah no definitely Phantom Blood is definitely a strong start to the series. Isolated it's not very strong but as a starting point or as a kind of
compliment. If you think of it as like a kind of mediocre prequel, which maybe is underselling it, but if you think of it as more of a prequel to part two, then yeah, it's an interesting beginning. It gives you enough though to kind of intrigue you. It does. Yeah, if you're into weird bizarre anime, then
Yeah, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1. It's a great start for it. It's not the weirdest the series gets though, but of course, we'll probably talk about that next time. Oh yeah, it's definitely not the weird. Out of the five parts that have dropped anime-wise, it's definitely, it's, you know what, I'm gonna go out of my way and say it's probably the most normal one.
Yeah definitely like percent. I don't know how to find them in my opinion. In case you've got like, I'll go through it quickly but it's like part one you've got vampires that's really the only outlandish thing you've got then part two you've got oil dot muscle men yeah like muscle gods.
muscle men from like God knows how long ago. Part three and four you've got like spirits and things. Like sure of course the stans. Part five you have stronger spirits. Stronger spirits. Part six you have spirits in the present. Yeah pretty fun like spirits with godlike power. I did stronger spirits pretty much. And they just get weirder and meirder. It does.
then at the end of the day as you read and watch more Jojo I'm just like this shit's weird but I kind of like it you know that's how I feel you know exactly I suppose it's like have you ever seen Twin Peaks before I've seen a little bit of it yeah it's almost like watching like the first season of that being like this is so weird and bizarre but
if you have more of it let me just say and yeah so that would be my final like comment go check it out it's on at least at the time of recording this it's on the UK Netflix or if not it's on Crunchyroll as well so if you can't get it on Netflix yeah check it out on Crunchyroll oh man so good so yeah just to wrap up before we finish where can these awesome dual bros who are listening to this find you blue fish
Alright, so for those who are watching it, whether you're, you know, a veteran in Satsu's channel, either in YouTube or on Twitch, or, you know, a brand new Jobro who just randomly found me and him on this platform, you guys can find me at slash Uh, we do lots of things there.
You know, we can either go from singing for the Yakuza fans, 24-hour Cinderella to make someone's day feel better, to, you know, JoJo posing, to, you know, selling yourselves if you want to pay enough channel points for that. Other than that, the content I usually create has a lot to do with voice acting, actually, mainly on Mondays. Currently, I've been playing some Phoenix Wright, but usually I focus more on dating sims for, you know, the filthy weaves in chat. Wednesdays, it's a bit more on a normal side where it's kind of chill, currently focusing on Final Fantasy VII Remake, but
aiming to make it more of a variety day with some roguelites, maybe some D&D content as well. And Friday, I am confronting a childhood game in Resident Evil Zero. Let's see if I could beat it, because 13 year old me had fuck all, he had no idea what he was doing when he first played that game. But today's me, I do have an idea of how Resident Evil finally works. But yeah, that's where you can find.
Probably. Yeah, definitely go check out Blowfish Man, honestly. Awesome person, awesome content creator. And I know I say this every time to everyone on Chatsanami, but genuinely, I'm not just saying that because you're on. If you want to check out any of my content, you'll probably have heard this before, but you can catch me on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and of course Twitch.
under the name Satsanami42. If you want to hear more Satsanami episodes you can listen to it on Anchor, Spotify and of course all good podcast distributors. We go live every Wednesday at 8pm GMT or BST now technically and we also release a pre-recorded episode every Friday. Yeah if you want to check that out
please feel free to because yeah that is where our discussions of Jojo is going to be, which is going to be amazing. So if this episode has made you curious about our thoughts on Jojo's Bizarre Adventures then please feel free to stop by where we're talking about part two through to five and maybe by the time we get to part five I'll have read Stone Ocean and stopped being so lazy.
How I feel about point seven right now, I'm like, I knew it. To this episode, as always, stay safe, stay awesome, and most importantly, stay hydrated. Bye guys.