028 Natural Rhythms vs. Clock Time with Kai Northcott image
The Longer Road
028 Natural Rhythms vs. Clock Time with Kai Northcott
2 Plays
1 year ago

Kai is a coach and consultant with a fascinating background. They walked away from a traditionally successful life to live mostly outside in nature for six years. Now they help people use the body's natural cycles and its connection to rhythmic time to escape overwhelm and heal their relationship with time. 


I love that they said "decolonizing time," but they don't use that word as a part of their public-facing work because, to paraphrase amazing indigenous creator charlie amáyá scott, "it's only decolonization if it centers the future of queer indigenous youth." You can find charlie @dineaesthetics on TikTok


This conversation was fascinating and has really helped me as well! Some thoughts I wanted to pull out: 

- Most life stressors attached to a time expectation 

- Time in the natural world is cyclical and spiral 

- The day has a flow to it 

- Every tiny baby step in this direction matters


You can find Kai on their website at 8seasons.consulting

TikTok @kai8seasons

Instagram @kai8seasons

YouTube at Kai8Seasons
