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Horror Games (Bonus)

S1 E3 · Chatsunami
267 Plays4 years ago

Bonus content from the end of the Horror Games livestream where we take questions from participants in the Twitch chat.

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Introduction & Social Media

Hello there, I'm Satsunami, a variety streamer on Twitch. Recently I've been playing games like Red Dead Redemption 2, The Fall Guys and the widely beloved Sonic 06. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then you can find me on Twitch, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube under the name Satsunami42. As always, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly, stay hydrated.

Listener Questions Segment

Speaking of business, we are, yeah, I think that is nearly done. So what we're going to go on to is a new section that was started. And this is basically where I ask people just before, a couple of days before we go live, if they've got any questions about the topic that we're going to talk about.
So I put out a notice on the Discord and we actually got quite a few questions, like really good ones actually.

Essentials of a Perfect Horror Game

So the first one comes from Marta who says, what does your perfect horror game have to include and what's essential to make it perfect?
So I think, yeah, we had answered that in the last question. Atmosphere. Atmosphere. The broken creepy record that I sounded this whole time. Atmosphere. Yeah, Adam, there's going to be a test on this. You do know that, right? I bet it's the one I don't get, right? Yeah.
Oh dear.

Phasmophobia's Memorable Ghost Stories

So our next question comes from Brian who says Do you think you will ever again encounter Thomas Thomas? And if so, will you be able to vanquish him once and for all and rid us all of his torment? Do you want to explain this one or will I?
I think you should, because you've got the personal history with Thomas Thomas. I wasn't there for that. I've got to leave it to you. So basically in the game Phasmophobia, when you go in, the game randomly generates a name for the ghost that you're supposed to read out. So I was playing with, I think it was Stade and Steven again, and it was weird because we were reading, we were basically reading the
Yeah we were reading the board that tells you who the ghost is going to be and there was this one ghost who was literally called Thomas Thomas and ever since then this became kind of a running joke, especially when other people encounter him.
and that you know that you're looking at the screen like hold on a minute but I was like no wonder he's like angry ghost honestly no wonder because if I was called Thomas Thomas I would be a bit peeved I'm not gonna lie I would be a bit peeved

First Horror Game Experiences

So Craig is asking, what was the first horror game you played? So for me, personally, it's probably Left 4 Dead, I would say. Like, if it's the first horror game like I sat down and kind of played all the way through, definitely. Otherwise it's just like themed levels, I suppose. Like the Time Spitters level, where you go into the Haunted Mansion.
Oh, that's actually a creepy one. That's actually a really creepy one. I don't remember getting really terrified at that because it's a game that's like a very fun arcadey shooter game and then all of a sudden there's a level we have to go into haunted house
and without spoiling it because honestly you have to see it like to believe it but there is just a turning point where you meet a particular person and it's just like what what is this game it's an amazing game but you're just sitting there thinking
Oh my god. But yeah. I remember the moose that comes bursting out of the wall, that terrified me. Yeah, that was the one I was talking about. It is terrifying though, isn't it? It is, it was so scary when it first came back. I didn't expect it, because you're just sitting there thinking, oh it's a good shooter, and then all of a sudden, bam, dead moose. You're like, oh no.
Not again. Not again. But yes, sorry.

Player Agency in Horror Games

What was your first game, Adam? Yeah, so, as I said, like, first experience was like the kind of House of the Dead arcade cabinets. Yeah. Like early 2000s, late 90s. But then first proper horror game was Bioshock, not the first one I played. And then after that, Alan Wake, I think, was maybe the next one. Alan Wake. Oh, of course. Dead Space, I played them roughly about the same time. So, yeah, those were my first horror games.
No, good choices, good choices. So now we've actually got a couple from Wonko the Sane who, after a minute, I was really impressed by some of these questions when I was reading through them. So his first question is, what is the right balance to be struck between player agency and experiencing horror? So basically, what's better? Like if a character has a gun, no gun, or limited ammo? So I'll let you answer first.
It's a really difficult one. It's a really good question as well. It's a really difficult one, because I think it really depends on the game you're playing. And I don't know if I can have a definitive answer for this one. I'm going to be terrible and sit right on the fence. But just look at the three games that I picked. So Observer is one where you have, it's outlast style. You have no means of defense, apart from hiding and running. That's the only two you have. But then the other two I picked. Well, I actually know Alien Isolation is the same as well.
And for the alien itself, you can only really defend yourself. But then obviously, BioShock, you have guns and everything to defend yourself. So I guess maybe then, I'm going to sit firmly on the fence, but I'm going to lean slightly towards, I think it's more scary to have enemies that you can't just kill, I think, maybe a bit more. So does that come down on the player agency side? Is that the thing?
Yeah, so I'll lean a bit more player agency. I think Resident Evil 7 did a good job of that as well, of having enemies that you could defend yourself against, but them being very tough and quite challenging. So yeah, I'll lean toward a player agency, but a good question, but it's a tough one.
Yeah, I would have to agree with you there. Because, as I said, all the horror games that I've chosen are mainly non-combative ones, like you can't fight really. There's ways you can technically defend yourself in Phasmophobia, but I haven't found them. That's why I keep dying in it.
out the smudge takes it a little bit. Oh exactly yeah as long as I can throw the crucifix at the right time yeah maybe I'll have a chance but yeah I mean I've played games where like obviously Left 4 Dead but I wouldn't really count that as like a major horror game like I suppose the other example is Resident Evil I've played a bit of some of the games and I have to admit even though you've got a gun
I suppose it's like, I haven't played it, but I know of it. Is it Resident Evil 2 that's got Mr X on it? Yeah, it seems almost like that, that you can shoot certain enemies, but when it comes to, you know, when it comes to the big bad guy, there's like no way to defend, almost. And I think that, I don't know for certain, but I'm pretty sure Outlast 2
kind of fix that in the sense that you were allowed to push certain people away but I remember that's one of the things I was annoyed at in the very first Outlast game that you couldn't push away like just the normal guys or guys without weapons but yeah it was just like everybody everybody who you came up against like you couldn't touch them you couldn't do anything
you just had to run and play for the best and it was just like ugh but yeah i would say i mean personally for me i definitely think like not having the means to defend yourself and you having to be like the sole i suppose protector of your character rather than them at least having a gun and being able to defend themselves
Yeah, that'd definitely go for player agency with that one.

Horror vs. Terror in Games

So this is another interesting question from Uncle who says, are horror games actually horror or are they more terror and which do you prefer? So the way he's split it up is terror is more like the tension and apprehension before a scary event happens. Whereas the horror is just like the disgust, panic or revulsion actually experiencing the scary event. Yeah.
So basically, I suppose, seeing something that's going to stick with you. It's a tricky one as well, again. I think, I'd probably more attempt to say the terror aspect, but I think a lot of it is, and especially the ones that I've really enjoyed, I think has been the kind of anticipation. And it's not even been so much the event that's happened. It's more like how I felt and I remember how uneasy and tense I was.
like playing games and stuff so i think for me it's the terror side of it that like sticks with it sticks with you more like in the end there are some examples where things happen like as the actual horror side you're like you know you shop and take a breath and scream but like yeah i'll i'll go with the terror side i think
Yeah, I would say the terror as well after that. I feel as if if you have like I've always said it before where it's like you have to have that kind of balance but I feel as if if you have too much horror then it becomes boring. Which I know sounds like it sounds kind of like insensitive to be like oh so many bodies but it's like if you keep getting hit by it's like Five Nights at Freddy's all over again
where the first couple of times like the horror just hits you right in the face and you think oh my god what happened whereas if you you know keep getting hit by the horror then I mean it loses its not its charm but it loses its impact I think
Whereas I think I would agree with you in saying more terror, because I think the terror definitely paralyses you and makes you think, especially for Phasmophobia. Genuinely, see when I bought the game, I was hyped, I was right and ready to be like, oh, I'm gonna go in, I'm gonna make some jokes, oh, this is gonna be fun. And then as soon as I took one step in that door and the ambient music played, I was like, oh, I don't like this.
I was genuinely like, I've made a terrible mistake. Turning on the lights, like, I do not know why I've done this. Why have I done this? Why did I say I would stream this? Honestly, it's just like, oh, it does such a good job. But yeah, terror, I would say.

Horror Elements in Non-Horror Games

So the next question is, what was the most memorable moment when a non-horror game suddenly became or behaved like one? I'll let you go first. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah, sorry. No, I already mentioned Ravenholm.
which is one that's really stuck with me. And there's a couple of other ones actually that have been smaller moments, not even like whole levels. But I don't know, do you play Metal Gear Solid 2? I've played that solid.
Have you ever played the bit where like, you know, you have the Colonel who's like speaking to you for like, who's your kind of main? Oh yeah. And then there's a bit later on the game where he freaks out and he goes, oh, it's like the visuals change. And he's telling you all this like random, like nonsensical stuff. And it's really creepy. Like, and like you're, you're like later on in the game and stuff. And it's just like, he's just bringing you up at random points. And some points he's like a skull. Other points he's like not facing you. And he's telling all this random. That was really, I can imagine that.
There's one point where you turn off your console, which I remember a friend of mine saying he was playing late at night once and then the Colonel put it on and said, turn off your console. He was like, okay. And he switched it off. It's going to be the most effective example of that kind of concept. I mean, is that not a thing in the first, I haven't played it, but I know of it, the first Metro Gear Solid game where it's like, I think, is it praying mantis or something?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Psycho Mantis. Psycho Mantis, sorry. Plain Mantis, same thing. Psycho Mantis, yeah, he ends up, like, reading the games on your memory card, apparently, and he says things like, oh, I see you've been playing, eh, Banjo-Kazoo, Crash Bandicoot, and it's like, I can imagine, like, being young and, like, hearing that and being like, how did he know?
Oh yeah, it's a really clever mechanic after it met. It was a really cool mechanic, I like it. It's really good. It's soft smoke. I suppose, oh, sorry. I was going to quickly say, there's one bit in Batman Arkham Asylum where your first encounter with Scarecrow leading up to that, you go into a morgue
and you know i'm talking about that yeah like everything like you're in a couple of times and then like you know bruce wayne's parents like you're open the body bag and bruce wayne's parents are in them and then like yeah i don't know what you i'm gonna call them lockers that's not at all what they're called but it's what they store in the dead body i just call them lockers now but they start like opening up and going crazy and like there's a voice being like get out
out of here, get out. And it's really, really freaked me out when I put it the first time. And then the last one I thought of was in this game called Gone Home, which I don't know if you've heard of. Oh, yeah. It's like a kind of walking, it's one of these walking simulator ones where you like, you're kind of a, you've been like, you're like a teenager has been off on like a gap year and you like come back to your, your parents house and like your sister's missing and stuff. And you have to kind of like explore the house. There's a bit where you have to go like down into the basement of the house. It's really like sets up like
the tension and everything. It's really scary. You find some secret passages in the house and stuff. That really kind of puts you on edge. You find some kind of spooky stuff there, which is really cool. So yeah, those were the three that really, really stood out.
Those are good choices, I have to admit. I mean, going back to what I was saying before, other than the Harry Potter one, which was honestly never again. Honestly, it solid my opinion on trolls, that's all I'll say. But I mean, other than, I think one of the other ones, this is kind of like a weird one, but did you ever play any of the old 3D Sonic games? Apart from the... What one did I play of yours? That's Sonic Adventure.
Yeah, uh-huh, that's the one. I mean, I suppose it's like the same in even the 2D Sonic games, but there's always a bit where, see if you're underwater, and that's it. Yeah, it's the music which really freaked me out, because it is, it's just like that urgency, and then the counter just slowly going five, four, three, and it's like, oh, your cartoon hedgehog's gonna die. And you're like, wait, no, no, no, no.
And then that's it. It just ends and you have to restart. But it's like those couple of moments where it just hits you, you're like, oh my goodness. But that one being, especially at a young age, being absolutely scarring you. Because I remember there was a level, like, there's a level in Sonic Adventure 2 where at the very end you have to go underwater for like, it's the end of periods of time.
And you can get the air bubbles and everything, but it's really difficult to get through that level if you don't have a particular item to breathe underwater. And I didn't know about this until later on.
This was still the days I dial up internet, so it's like, I didn't really know what to do until I realized you had to go back to a level, you had to collect the item and all of that, but before then, it was just hearing that music just traumatised me. I was like, oh, I don't like it. I don't like being underwater. And I remember replaying that in stream, and there was someone in the chat who had said, he had basically said, oh my god, this is terrifying. I don't like this. And I'm like, well, you and me both, I do not like doing this.
And the final question is, and this is quite a good one won't go, like genuinely, I was really like, oh this is interesting, is what is the main appeal of horror games? Is it a cathartic release of fear and psychological tension? Where you're purging yourself of negativity and anxiety? Or is it just the adrenaline, can't speak, a thrill of playing on the edge of your seat and being scared?
Yeah, that's a really good one as well. I think it has to be the first one. I think it has to be that kind of Catharsis. Because I think getting that adrenaline ride is great as well. But I'm not sure if there wasn't a Catharsis, I'd want to play many of these games. Because I think I would just be too wound up.
Like, you know, but when I was playing them or by the time I finished that I was like, that's just too strange. I think of something like Emily wants to play, which like, I've never been able to finish it because the last level is just too overwhelming and there's just too much happening. And it's just like, I don't know, like maybe there's that catharsis, but there's too much for me to get to that. So it has to be that, I think it's that catharsis that really, yeah, as you, as like you were saying, just gets you like, oh, it feels like you're releasing like, I can, I can sleep like a baby tonight. Like I've got like pairs of everything. So yeah, definitely for me.
Mm-hmm. No, I agree
As I said, horror games were never really my go-to. When I was younger, obviously I was more into shooter games or platformer games, or basically games where I had more control over what was happening on screen, really. But I think, technically, I think the first exposure going way back to what we were talking about before was the zombie mode in Call of Duty and things. And I feel as if
That was kind of the first hook, like playing it initially I was really terrified because I didn't want to be obviously overwhelmed by all the zombies and just the screaming and the noises but definitely like last month as well when I said to everyone, oh I'm gonna play like a spooky game a week and everything and you almost get like addicted to playing some of them, I have to say.
Yeah, so as I said, I played Outlast, got really into it and I was like, oh, this game was great, I wonder what I'm playing next week. Then I played Little Nightmares and then I thought, oh, this is a good one as well, it's different, but it's good. Then I played Condemned and I was like,
Eh, it's good, I get. You know, it's like because you've had so many scares before, it's like you're kind of looking for that next scare, almost.

The Allure of Horror Games

Like the horror genre definitely isn't something I would actively seek, but to see once you've started playing a game like it.
or you're in that kind of mindset where you're thinking, I want to play a game that's going to scare me silly. Definitely. Get out of the way. Yeah. Oh, definitely. Yeah, you just kind of get it. Because I remember I was talking to one of my friends off stream about that, and she was saying, oh my goodness, you're addicted. And I'm like, well, yeah. That's what it felt like. It's like, well, yeah, I'm looking for the next scary game.
Oh goodness the way. So the final question, which was brought up by Good old Green Shield is, and this one as well is really interesting, is there a horror movie that you would like a game of and vice versa? Is there a horror game that you would like to see a movie for? And he's putting brackets here excluding the obvious answer of Deadly Premonition.
I don't want to see a film with that because I know what anybody can capture, the absolute math. Unless Swery's directing it, you know anybody can come close to the flawed genius that is dead for him. Or lunch, you never know. I mean, lunch. That's true. Yeah. I mean, I think that would be a dream come true for him. To be honest, that is true. We can hope.
I mean, for me I suppose in terms of like a horror movie you have it like a game of, I suppose Scream. Like I don't think, does Scream have like a game? I don't actually know to me, I'm not aware of it.
because I know like Friday the 13th has one and all of that but I don't know if that would just turn into the same kind of game like as Dead by Date because I know Dead by Date like technically has a ghost face like the main antagonist of it in that game so it's like don't know if it would just be the same game you know
I mean, I don't, I think there was rumors of a game. I think maybe even rumors recently of a game that was coming out. I think Scream got the, the Ghostface got added to that, um, Dead by Daylight, I think. Yeah. I don't know if it would just be the same as that though, but it's just one person's a killer and then he's just hunting the other survivor. Other ways you could, you could do it as well. Like, it was an interesting, like I think it's a good one. Like I didn't think about that as like a movie as being one, but I think you could do something interesting with that.
the one have you got any others or yeah no i'll let you answer first because i've got a real like bone to pick with the second part of the question
Fair enough. I'm going to slightly cheat here because this horror film has been made into a game, and it's actually supposed to be quite a good game. It was out on the original Xbox and PlayStation 2. But I was thinking of The Thing. And it apparently has been made into quite a decent game already in the early 2000s. But I thought, just because of anybody who's not seen it, have you seen The Thing of you?
That's another one that I have to kind of watch. That's fair enough, like I don't have I don't have anybody else like listening as like seeing the thing or knows maybe the basic kind of thing that it's a lot about like it's a lot about kind of mistrust and like
you know like deception people not like being sure like who's been infected by this alien and like who's not and stuff and i thought you could make like a i think you could make a cool kind of game you're gonna get based on that where i don't know quite how you do it but if you could do something where you had like
different NPCs and everything and you weren't sure who to trust but at the same time they weren't sure about you and perhaps there were things you could do to um like to gain people's trust and things like that again i'm not sure how it would work work but i think if you could do something kind of cool like that i think it would be a really interesting game um kind of mechanic like that uh the only other one that i thought of was like i thought about pan's labyrinth like and i'm not i'm not sure again how much pan
of count as a horror film but there's definitely kind of elements of it. Oh that yeah. That would be a cool world to explore because you've got the dual horror of there's kind of the fantasy horror elements too as well but there's also like the kind of main horror elements of living in like a fascist society so you have like those bits I thought like
if you could do something cool in that kind of universe, would be good. But, you know, knowing the track, knowing the history of, like, yeah, knowing the track record of video game movies and stuff. I was just watching a video of some really bad, like, video game horror kind of movies, like, go check out Night 90's Bram Stoker's Dracula. Oh, yeah. Keanu Reeves' karate-kicking bats, as it stands out to me. But those are the two that I thought might be kind of interesting ones.
That film is amazing, and you know it. The game as well. Oh, totally, yeah. But yeah, in terms of the horror game to see a movie, I don't know if it just falls into the same trap of video game movie, therefore it's going to be bad. Because I know, is it Uwe Ball, whose name is? Or Uwe Ball, who's like an infamous German director who does all of the, like,
I can't remember if he did Eternal Darkness or something,

Horror Game Film Adaptations

Darkness. He did, yep, he did Eternal Darkness. Yeah, he does. Alone in the Dark. Alone in the Dark, sorry, that's the one. Yeah, so there's been loads of horror films that are just absolutely terrible. I mean, you've got like all of his collections, like, and yeah, I'm just trying to think of the other ones. Like, you've got Silent Hill, you've got, um... There's still quite a few.
Yeah, Rise of the Evil, did you say? Yeah, it's a good one. A lot of those ones.
Yeah, that's true. Oh, God. It's just, it's horrific. So I don't think I would like to see like a horror. Unless it was among us, but I feel as if I'm living the fear. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if someone like picked up and made like a Phasmophobia film or something similar. And the only reason... It's a Freddy's, aren't it? So I feel like Phasmophobia is not long for a couple, you give it a couple of years they'll be making it.
I think the one that made me laugh the most was Slenderman because I know technically that's not a game but it was like the character then it was the series then it was a game and then like a couple of years later when it wasn't relevant anymore it became
like a film and you thought, why? Yeah, that's kind of a bit late for that party, but oh well. So yeah, that's going to be a 110 years from now probably then. That's true. But no, I think that is nearly at the end. I'm just going to have a quick look through the chat just to see what we've missed.
And earlier Wonko, when they were talking about like scary scenes from games that shouldn't have been scary, Wonko brought up the scene of the flood. Oh yeah, like the one in the game. Yeah, way frustrating.
Yeah, that was one that scored me his child, certainly. Yeah. Oh, God, there I know. Skelly Jane had said, if you were a character in a horror game, who would die first? To which Green Shield replied, Satsu, he makes puns, always dies first. And you know what? I agree with that.
That's a convincing argument, but I think it would be me, to be honest. Like, I think I would just do something really dumb. Like, I don't know, I'd be that one who, like, hears a noise and then be like, oh, I'm just going to go off and investigate that and then, you know, find me until, like, a couple hours later and you find my, like, severed head or something, like, in a fridge. Is it? I think it goes out first. That's the thing, though. Is it or is it like the Scooby-Doo scenario where neither of us die? Because we're both that terrified that we run away. That's true. I do feel like I would just be like, you know, I'm going to call it on this one.
That is true. Like, I mean, in my house, like, whenever I turn on the heat and you hear, like, all the pipes, like, kind of banging and everything, and it's like, I remember the first time, like, I'd moved in and I was like, what the hell is that? You're thinking, oh god, there's someone upstairs, and it's like, no, it's just, just pipes. It's like nothing exciting. The other thing Green Shield has said was,
Oh yeah, absolutely.
in terms of scary things in games. Seeing the noise for being low on hearts in Zelda is another one. And also in Pokemon, when your Pokemon is poisoned in the outer world.
and yeah it's quite scary that noise or it's not scary but it gives you like kind of anxiety when you're like walking around and you know your pokemon's like that much closer to death and what was the last one oh yeah um so Skelegen had brought up missing the obvious choice for horror film to game ice cream helped Ed with his alcoholism now
She's also followed up with saying, I really hope you've seen this, that tsunami. I think we watched it with you, otherwise that reference would have made no sense. Is that the one that they get trapped in the ski lodge because there's an avalanche?
Yeah, the Avalanche buries the ski lodge and they're trapped with the Ice Queen. Everybody go get a copy of Ice Queen. It's well worth. It doesn't matter how much you have to pay. Trust me. It's amazing. Yeah, it's making people look sweet. I can't believe I didn't think of it. Yeah, amazing. Oh, I've forgotten the obvious one. Burdemic. Burdemic. That would make a hell of a game. It's like Duck Hunt.
Duck Hunt for... I don't even know what the recent generator is. Is it Gen X or...? I don't even know. Oh, they're millennials, why not? I know we are technically millennials, but you know what? Those damn millennials ruining it with their duck hunts.
Oh my goodness. Gen Z, yeah, thank you Green Shield for clarifying. Green Shield was also saying, I also mentioned earlier about the poor Express game. One scene in the game was terrifying. I don't actually remember that. No, I mean, I remember the creepy visuals of the film. Oh yeah, Tom Hanks face and like mocap is just, that is enough for me. Especially at that time, they were like, oh no.
yeah horror games if you can't if you can't love them don't play them is there any advice you would give Adam for any final words of wisdom you would give for anyone wanting to play a horror game i think
I think, like, I would say if you do want to play a horror game, I'd say try and play one by yourself just to experience it, but then also, like, I know it's obviously difficult in these times now, but, you know, if times we ever are allowed to visit, or maybe people are allowed to visit people in some places, so...
you are allowed people or when we are allowed to like try and play one with like a friend or a couple friends or some people because I think they're two very they're two really good experiences different in their own ways but like they do make for a lot of fun I think there is something quite fun about like just sitting like sitting together and playing or even if you're just watching somebody play it's almost like a kind of like bonding experience so I'd say try both try both things because there is fun to be had there are they are quite fun there are some really good ones out there that are actually like
really good games on their own right so yeah give them a try you know what's what's the worst that could happen everything please don't sue me when when the worst happens so his name's adam and he's on chat so that's it oh god yeah so on that on that note um don't worry i'll post um adam's details um if you want to get in touch to sue him
So yeah, as always, thank you all so, so much for dropping by and joining us as we talk about our experiences with good old horror games. And thank you again, Adam, for joining me again this week. Much appreciated. Thank you so much for having me back again. This was a lot of fun. And thank everybody for your questions as well. They were really, really good and actually really thought provoking. So yeah, thanks all around.
Yeah, no, they definitely were. I was actually reading them and I was saying to you, like off-stream, Adam, like, oh my God, look at these questions! Like, I'd... So good. Yeah, I had to like go away and have like a really good think about it, like, huh.
Do I think it is? Reevaluating my life choices. Geez, I can't even speak. That's how petrified I am. Oh, dearie me. But yeah, so, yeah, on that note, we are, yeah, we're gonna wrap up here.

Conclusion & Future Topics

So, Skeletion, oh, that's interesting. Definitely do a chat on female characters in games. We'd love to hear your opinions. That would be quite interesting.
Yeah. See, the real gems are in the chat. You know, sometimes... Yeah, exactly. Sometimes I think, is it the co-host? I'm like, no, it's the chat. I mean, I don't get annoyed, but really, you're right.
Oh, I'm always joking, kind of. Damn it, damn it, where's the, where's the entry button?