And, um you know, I don't want to be kind of long winded about it, but it actually, you know, the weight process took so long that, you know, she was just going to settle her life in the Philippines. Yeah. It was kind of at that that moment, that cusp where they kind of almost, get not give up hope, but they're like, Hey, it's been 15 years. You know, I might as well just settle down here. I don't know when it's going to happen. And so when she got the call, she's like, you know, I have to leave my businesses. You know, she mentioned she has two, three businesses there. So she had to leave everything. and and and come over here. Yeah, I didn't expect to. I didn't expect to like come here. Like I was, I was waiting for it to come here with my parents when I was a kid, ever since I was a kid. So, and you know, lose my patience. And I'm like, no, I have to step up. Like I have to be strong. Like growing up without parents is very hard, but I have to step up. I have to do something on my own.