But just I just think it's fun but to to figure out like what feels like it's going to be right for them, what feels like it's going to be, and how is it going to apply for the stories. like that I understand when people people say, OK, if you want to skip the spicy scenes, skip these. But for me, I try to make them part of the plot, too, and part of the story, too. so yeah I love when authors talk about how like it is just as much a part of it. And like like you said, I totally respect other like if people who don't want to read it and stuff like that, but want to become part of like their relationship building and stuff like that. And I've talked about this quote on this podcast before, but I saw Kennedy Ryan speak a couple of years ago at the LA Times Festival of Books. And she was like, I hope that with my book specifically, and I understand if you don't want to read them because of this, but I hope that if you skip the spicy scenes, you're missing part of their relationship building. yeahp She's like, I don't want you to ever be able to flip through a spice scene in my book. Yeah. That's, exactly that's how I feel about mine too. Um, I respect everybody's decision either way, but for me, I think that it, I mean, it's called their intimate scenes. It's building intimacy for a reason. Um, and I think when it comes to like a really rich relationship, but where you're going to imagine these people