[Bonus] What Would You Do: Perfect Little Children image
Clued in Mystery Podcast
[Bonus] What Would You Do: Perfect Little Children
[Bonus] What Would You Do: Perfect Little Children

Have you ever wondered what Brook and Sarah say after recording? Usually we have a few thoughts that don't make it into the episode. and we will be sharing some of those thoughts with members of the Clued in Cartel, our paid subscription coming soon. You can register for the waitlist on our website at https://cluedinmystery.com/clued-in-cartel/. This bonus content is a  few extra minutes of conversation about Perfect Little Children by Sophie Hannah.


Perfect Little Children (2020) Sophie Hannah

For more information

Instagram: @cluedinmystery
Contact us: hello@cluedinmystery.com


147 Plays
8 months ago

Have you ever wondered what Brook and Sarah say after recording? Usually we have a few thoughts that don't make it into the episode. and we will be sharing some of those thoughts with members of the Clued in Cartel, our paid subscription coming soon. You can register for the waitlist on our website at https://cluedinmystery.com/clued-in-cartel/. This bonus content is a  few extra minutes of conversation about Perfect Little Children by Sophie Hannah.


Perfect Little Children (2020) Sophie Hannah

For more information

Instagram: @cluedinmystery
Contact us: hello@cluedinmystery.com

