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Celebrating 4 Years of Podcasting! Chatsunami Anniversary Special image

Celebrating 4 Years of Podcasting! Chatsunami Anniversary Special

S5 E12 ยท Chatsunami
79 Plays3 months ago

In this episode of Chatsunami, Satsunami, Andrew and Martin celebrate four years of the podcast while looking back at what led them to this moment. Join us for a bonus trivia quiz where the trio learn about what makes Chatsunami the way it is. What is the origin behind the red panda? How many unreleased episodes are there? And what is Satsunami's real name?! All this and more in our fourth anniversary!

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Anniversary Celebration

Welcome to Chatsunami.
hall Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Chatsunami. My name's Satsunami and joining me for the fourth anniversary of Chatsunami is none other than my favourite people in the podcast and sphere. It is Martyn McAllister and Adam Herold and Andrew ah Yes, unfortunately Adam can't be here so we've got the cardboard cut out of him in the corner. Unfortunately there's an audio only medium so you can't tell. Well it's either that or it's just somebody's leftover sandwich from lunch, I don't know. oh Are you on the fact he's not here or just there's a lonely sandwich? That was like the image of him as being like a malty sandwich. Andrew, you can eat that sandwich, maybe.
And that is how the coup happened.

Reflecting on Four Years

But yeah, today we are here just as a very casual episode to celebrate four years of Chatsunami. And I genuinely cannot believe that it's already been four years. Andrew, where has the time gone?
Why was that so accusatory? I stole it. What have you done with this time? I stole the podcast seat and time itself. Where's my time? All this time you've wasted. I've wasted my time. No regrets. Anyway, that's just the final episodes of Chas and Natalie. Natalie can probably go to his last show.
Yeah, I know what you mean. It has absolutely flown by all the episodes we've done. It often merges together

Timeline Confusion

as well. I'll think about, oh yeah, Simpsons Month. That was quite recently. It was like, oh no, that was a year and a half ago. I think Spider-Man Month was a year and a half ago as well, or something like that. I keep thinking of it as early this year, but it was way longer ago. Honestly, I keep doing the same thing, because Martin, whenever you and I are doing an episode together, and I'm like, oh yeah, do you remember Spider-Man Month? Do you remember this month, that month? And you're like, it was ages ago. And I wasn't on that. Yeah. I mean, turning the question onto you, I'm totally not. Turning a lamp onto you, Martin. Uh-oh, there are four lights. I'm so proud of you for making that TNG reference there. But yeah, where has the time gone, Martin? Oh, it's my turn. Where has it gone? Yeah, no, it's gone. It's been and gone. It runs pretty fast these days. I don't really know what the question is. I don't know what the answer is. We're all,

Versatility in Topics

that's what we're trying to say. Yeah, but he's done a good job being able to get a weekly podcast out, so that's something to be lauded and celebrated. It's actually really surprising that it has gone on for as long as it has, because I mean, when I started doing that, as you know, Martin's a bad influence because during Covid, is it right that you started streaming and then you were like, oh, so you should try streaming? Yeah, buddy. And then you started a podcast and you're like, hey, do you know what's better than streaming?
ah Hey kids. You want to listen to a podcast? Martin's the gateway content creator. He has genuinely. If you want to get a new hobby, just talk to Martin McAllister. You're going to be wrestling soon. Oh yeah, can't wait. Yeah, seriously. It's like, oh, I'm thinking they're doing this hobby. Do it, do it. As I said four years later and indeed we are here chatting about a very special podcast because not to get too sappy I know I was kind of depressive at the beginning

Evolution from Twitch to Podcast

but jokes aside it is amazing that the podcast has been a somewhat consistent hasn't it that we've all come together to do episodes on various topics like that is the tagline for the show that it's about gaming, films, anime, general interest and there are so many topics that we have all done together Don't forget about our anime podcast, Chatsunani, where we talk about things such as Beyblade and Death Note. And the hit Yubli movie, Princess Monoka. Which is, yes, a reminder that I need to update a dull advert. But yeah, it is absolutely incredible because it really started differently, didn't it? It was very much, I don't want to say an extension, but it really was, wasn't it? It was more of an extension of streaming together, wasn't it? Yeah, I mean, you start out doing it on Twitch. I remember saying to you at the time that I think podcasting works better than doing the Let's Play stuff, and I was really keen at the time to be involved with it. It ended up taking quite a bit longer before I actually did because you were doing it live. I wasn't able to join for most of them because of the time zone difference. because I was living in Canada at the time, still am. I was good to see. I'm at your door. So yeah, I wasn't able to join in while you're doing it live on Twitch. And so it wasn't until you offered to do your very first ever non live one,

Live Shows vs. Podcasts

which was the Star Wars Clone Wars episode that I was able to join in. And that was think maybe in 2022. I think you'd been doing it for nine to 12 months at that point. I'm actually trying to remember. It might have been as early as 21 because there was only a handful of episodes that we managed to get done because again, you know I was half joking when I said Martin is the gateway into different hobbies and things like that but we did the first episodes that came out of course in November and yeah, November, or December, there was like a handful of episodes that came out before the end of the year so there wasn't really much time time but then in the beginning of 2021. It's been really strange seeing the podcast evolve though. Going on to you Martin, what are your thoughts about that? See just how the show has completely changed over the years? yes it's been amazing to see you know and it's it's changed a lot obviously I was there back in the early twitch days where things didn't always work we tried to do you know answering questions live and sometimes that was good sometimes it wasn't so good it was good fun but yeah tricky we've moved on from that we've been able to do all these different episodes and you've kind of like you started to branch out a lot more into like themed

Favorite Moments

stuff which is cool as well then like you've kept that variety going but in different ways so there's a lot of fun going on I think and you can't imagine to evolve but kept it fun. Because out of curiosity, do you prefer the live shows or do you prefer doing them like this? Just recording them whenever? Yeah, there's a little bit of tension off, isn't there? When you don't have to do it live, you know, and you know you can edit and you can mess up sentences and things like that. And obviously, all the cancellable statements can be removed. Oh yeah. Mostly from me.
I wasn't going to call it. ah But also if you remember like especially 2020 when everyone suddenly ended up at home, everyone's internet was terrible for the start. So I remember a lot of the early episodes, I was like listening to it on my phone and having to answer questions at the same time. There's a lot of technical nightmares as well. You've got this a lot smoother now that we can do it on our own time and yeah you're able to do a different guest and stuff. So there was a bit of fun to the live stuff and I am like a live performer in my rest of my life. But it's nice to have that pressure off sometimes. It's fair. I never got to do any of the live podcasting stuff, but because I was kind of just the person to decide when you'd be playing games, when you were doing the Twitch let's play stuff, I often was kind of fulfilling like a podcast kind of role. And I do somewhat miss that. I think that that was a really kind of fun time. I'd enjoy doing it again if given the opportunity, but just from a podcasting perspective of being able to say what you want to say again, like if you do kind of stumble over your words or anything like that to make it a bit cleaner, then having that non-live performance makes it a bit easier. Because I have to say, there's been ideas that I've been talking to you and Martin about for potentially getting back into live shows every so often. Because I would love to do them again, but on a more casual basis, not something like this that's on the main feed, that I have to feel pressure that we have to do this this week, otherwise, poor little Tammy sitting in these house. Is it going to get a chance in that episode this year? I'll tell the orphans.
It's something that I do want to explore again. I want to try and go back to at least, you know, maybe just a one off or if it gets popular enough to do it as kind of have a side project and things, have people come in as if, you know, we're talking in like a cafe or something like that, you know, and just be like, oh, we are having a roundtable discussion about like what we're doing just now. Mind us all the edited, cancelable content that Andres just said clearly.
But yeah, it would be interesting to go back to that, but I'm totally with you guys in the sense that if something went wrong here, there's not really, other than us, obviously, there's not really that expectation that

Growth in Public Speaking

somebody's waiting to hear it right here and now. Whereas if we said, oh, we're going to go live with Twitch and everything and then, yeah, it goes wrong and then people are waiting and but I'm going to bring myself down a peg here and say, well, it'll be a handful of people, but still a handful of lovely people. waiting to hear it but yeah, you're completely right. The pressure has definitely been so much less in comparison to what we used to do. The most senior was the worst thing in the world. Bringing it back could be fun as well. There's like a bit of an adrenaline shot of doing something live as well so it'd be a totally different atmosphere which would be quite fun.
Because it's always that build up, isn't it? When you go live, you have to think, right, OK, I mean, you'll know this as well, Martin, with your wrestling shows and things, you have to kind of build yourself up and then be like, OK, I'm ready to go. And then you obviously, like once you're in it, it's perfectly fine. But it's like giving yourself the old pep talk at the beginning. beginning But thinking about that, thinking about the four gears that we've done at, Martin, what are some of your favorite memories about Chatsanami? Thinking back to the four years that we've been doing this together. So one of the ones, I know it wasn't technically a podcast, but last year when we did the on-site stuff at Acme Comic-Con and then reviewed it afterwards, that was a lot of fun. I've really enjoyed those

Challenges of Podcast Production

sort of episodes that we did together. It's like, obviously we did the Godzilla one in my car as well, which was like, I know we kind of mentioned it during the episode, but what a bizarre thing that we're just sitting in my car and I'm some random car park. There's people walking past and we're sitting with two podcasts. past make a phone talking about Godzilla. Apart from that, I really, really enjoyed Dragon Ball Month. I know it's recently biased, whatever, but it's been fun to kind of go back and look at these things and especially the transformation stuff, it was fun to kind of flex a bit in order on that. And obviously I am extremely biased and I am a huge Pokemon fan, so I think that probably stands out it was my favourite collection of things I was involved with. Because I mean, between that, between the commentary tracks as well, they were a lot of fun and I really need to work out with you, Andrew, how we can do them long distance because it's just one of those things where I'm like, OK, how are we going to do it where it sounds OK and matches up and everything? But that would be really fun to do with you as well. But the commentary tracks, as you said, the in-person episodes as well, they've been a lot of fun one day, Andrew.
It's got you. I do have your mind for an in-person episode. One day Andrew, me and you, in-person episode.
It was like when Adam and I did the Princess Mononoke episode, it was like no Satsu, where I was just like, what do I do? I feel so aimless. Was that the last episode that you went on, Satsu? That's the only episode I've not been on. Well, if you don't... Bob, Bloodfish Man did that one solo episode, didn't he? Yeah, and so did Martin as as well. If you're not good in Chatsu Shorts episodes, yeah, the only mainline one was the Princess Mononoke review that you and Adam did, yeah. You'd gone to like an island off of Scotland or something didn't you? Yeah I was in Orkney at the time listening to it and then you were shouting me out in the episode being like but but sorry you're gone but it's our time now. That was a good episode though. It shows the dedication that I'm away in holiday in Orkney and I'm still latest in the podcast.
a beautiful place by the way would highly recommend maybe not to record there i mean maybe you could but it's a very windy island anyway that's a whole other thing they have no indoors there no exclusively outside facilities do you know how cold it was to sleep at anyway that for legal reasons as a joke, but floating onto you, Andrew, have you got any favourite memories of the podcast?

Eclectic Episode Nature

I really enjoyed Simpsons Month. I think that was a really fun one that we did. And I always think back to our Beyblade episode as being like some of the absolute classics that we've done. We've had recent fun ones as well, but those ones always stand out to me. And then the depth and conversation we had around movies like Perfect Blue was it wasn't necessarily fun like it was very serious conversations but it was very memorable and I think it was it's still probably my favorite episode that we've done. This is something that I've always thought whenever both of us do episodes together that there's not really a consistent theme for Chatsanami either in terms of it being serious and being quite silly at times. Yeah, we've discussed that before as well, just saying that we're talking about what episode would you recommend to someone just starting to listen to the podcast. And whilst Perfect Blue is my favourite, it's not the one I would recommend because I don't think it sets the tone necessarily of what most episodes are like. And I think it's a pretty eclectic podcast for the topics covered, but the tone is generally, I would say, a bit more lighthearted than that episode. Yeah, I have to say, we don't really start off any episodes very serious. Like today, we're going to be talking about this. Thank you listening. We're sorry. In fact, you did start an episode like that, did you know? Which one did I? Yeah, I probably did start an episode saying we're sorry. I actually, I don't know if it was a Dragon Ball one. It might have been when you said hi. We're sorry. It might have been the Dragon Ball evolution one. Oh, I think you're right, yeah. That was only two weeks ago from when this is going up.
Ah, the memory's still fresh. But no, I'm totally with you there because some of the episodes that I've done personally, I've done some that I still listen to nowadays if I need a really good laugh. And the living in the Pokemon world is one of my favourites that I did with Adam. The Godzilla versus King Ghidorah one that I did with Martin, which makes me cry with laughter every time, especially with the best of commentary videos that are on our YouTube channel or that Godzilla versus King Ghidorah and me just absolutely losing my mind but and cry laughing. The Digimon one, the Pokemon one, just as so many that were hilarious. And again, going back to you, Andrew, you had the Beyblade one, all of the, are not all of them, but most of the Chatsunani episodes. You know, as you said, we did the Ghost Stories one, we did Simpsons Month, Spider-Man Month, Lord of the Rings Month. Those were some really good
deep dives as well. And as you said, not all of the episodes are deadly serious, but I feel as if when we have to be serious it is something we are good at, I swear. Because the Perfect Blue one is one of my favourites and I think it is one of our more popular episodes, would you believe? Interesting. I mean, don't worry, that's good but i'm going to bring that up later. but Just it's been four years of, I don't want to say hilarity after talking about Perfect Blue right enough.
ah Yeah, it's just it's one of those podcasts that has absolutely changed over the years. And I think that is probably partly because of you two as well. And I'm not saying that in an accusatory manner. You've changed us. You sold us out, man. Because, you know, without you, Andrew, I might not have focused a lot more on the anime side as well as a couple of games. With you, Martin, you know, I wouldn't have been able to do the live Acme Comic Con one, we might not have done the in-person episodes as well with Minion memes, which, again, that's one of my favourite ones just because of how utterly insane that is. Did you tell Andrew how that came about, that episode? I think I mentioned it in the episode, but yeah, basically I just said a whole bunch of Minion memes for about two years.
Until I basically said, please stop messaging me. And I said, I'll stop doing it if we can talk about it on the podcast. And that was it. And I didn't stick to it. I said, I'm an immune sin. So I was a complete liar. but I do remember when the episode came out it was a very funny one that was a

Improved Confidence

very kind of weird deep dive into like what Muneo means, means, it's a tongue twister. I have to say there's been loads of episodes like that off the top of your heads. Do you guys remember any way you thought oh yeah I'll do an episode with you on that and then as soon as you actually got into it you were like good lord and there's just so much on this. Two Tsunamis definitely was one that I was like, but he kind of pitched it to me. I was like, that kind of seems like a bit. And then once we got into it, I was like, no, hang on, this is really a good fun. There's a lot to do here and it's a lot you can keep going with it. What about you, Andrew? Oh, there's definitely been episodes that I'm like, oh, this will be a short one. I haven't got much to discuss about this. And then we go over for like two hours.
I feel like I didn't think that we were going to get much from Dragon Ball Evolution and got loads from it. So that's like another recent one. But there has been a few relatively recently where I was saying that I didn't think that I would be able to speak much on it because I didn't have much background knowledge on that topic, but then was able to pull whatever I knew from somewhere. I think you recruited me to talk about a video game one time that I was like, I don't know anything about this. Wait, which video game? I can't remember it now. I was actually looking at the balance between different topics. And all I'm going to say is gaming and films definitely outweighs anime and other ones. I mean, technically the interview ones will come and go because of the different guests availability. But yeah, what I'm saying is we need to do more anime. Star Wars Battlefront. Oh yeah. I know knowledge or history of that game. You sent me over the games to play. I played a bit of the first one and like a bit of the second one and then jumped on the episode and I was like, I'm so screwed here.
yeah because I have to say as well, one of the least expected parts of Chat Tsunami, which I don't know if you guys thought this was going to happen as well, but when I had asked certain friends that I met over twitching things, oh, do you want to come on for like an interview episode? I didn't really expect that they would be very positive

Interviewing Experiences

to coming on. At the end of the day, Chat Tsunami initially, anyway, it wasn't really an interview type podcast. You know, I'm not saying it's like the Joe Rogan Scottish version, But definitely, I was like, ah I don't know if I want to do interview type episodes and then I talked to streamers and eventually, because of it, I've talked to musicians, I've talked to other podcasters, I've talked to wrestlers, wink wink Martin. You know, I've managed to talk to a whole load of people and even with the Acme Comic Con episodes, I 110% include that as an interview episode because Martin and I... I want to say, was it wasnt last year that we went? yeah yeah
I can't believe it's been a year old already, but last year we went to Acmecomicon in Glasgow. We got to interview a whole bunch of different people talking about what their thoughts were in Acmecomicon, what they liked about it, and I'm not going to lie, that was really difficult for me. Pulling back the curtain a wee bit here, but that was really difficult for me because, as you might expect, this whole podcast, relatively speaking, has been done behind a microphone at a long distance. Who's that podcaster behind the curtain? yeah Oh, Mad Smithers! But I mean, for obvious reasons for you and I, Andrew, but because of the lockdowns in the 2020 to 2022 that we couldn't meet up or anything. And then, of course, we had our first couple of in-person episodes with Martin McAllister. As you know, yeah, never expected myself to be putting myself out there. I feel as if, for me personally, it's helped me a lot with confidence issues to be able to go out there to say, oh, I'm a podcaster.
I'm a reputable podcaster, not just a Randall with a Mike Willimball. But what do you guys

Personal Growth and Impact

think of it? Well, I know, Martin, you've got your amazing journey with your wrestling career and things, but do either of you feel as if the podcast has changed both of you? There's a cool little graph. I like graphs. There's like different levels to people's comfort zones. Obviously you can get your comfort zone but then there's like an area for growth outside of it and then there's like an area which you could never get to. But if you do get it to you instantly go back to your comfort zone because it's too scary. And so being able to do the podcast and get into like different types of public speaking through that has been quite cool and it is difficult. I have learned a lot doing it, especially coming across things like Twitch and across have to hear your voice and having to get it out there and social media work and all that kind of stuff. And yeah, Even myself, it was quite tricky to do the ACME stuff last year, but I think we had a lot of fun with that, but it was tricky. Just going up to you and asking for an interview. So yeah, all those things kind of push out your comfort zone. I think that's pretty cool. I think I've learned a lot from doing that. Yeah, very similar for me as well. It's kind of inspired a level of confidence and speaking that I didn't really have before. If you listen back to my earliest episode, the Star Wars one, you can very much hear a difference in my voice and how I'm speaking, the kind of confidence I have behind what I'm saying and the kind of how I'm able to sort of crack jokes now, whereas I didn't feel kind of comfortable enough to do that before. And it's helped me in my self day to day life as well. I think that having done that, it makes it a lot easier to do other public speaking, do speeches like at my brother's wedding and then my own wedding, that sort of being able to speak in front of people really, really helped. and yeah, I think it's just generally, it's made me more knowledgeable about lots of properties and expands my thought process and what I'm generally thinking about when it comes to lots of different properties and ideas. as we are to the
i do the same thing andrew when i'll listen back to early episodes especially ones i've done for myself like the very first episode that martin and i did and you were fine martin you were all right because you'd been doing that for a while longer anyway you were great and when i listened to myself i came to think wow really odd how four years ago I never thought I would be doing this and I never thought I'd be putting my voice out there and I feel as if a lot of people also feel that even other podcasters that I've had on the show I've interviewed loads of them where they've come on and said well this is my first podcast that I've been on whether it's a youtuber whether it's Any general content creators have come on, this has been the first exposure to podcasting and there's a kind of sense of pressure in that as well where you don't want to mess it up for them. It's a bit like, you know, having a bad D and&D experience and you're just like, I don't want to give them a bad experience. It's either and that they never want to come on a podcast again, but it is amazing how podcasting can be such a, not only such an outlet, but also just, I suppose, a confidence booster, you know? And my favourite thing personally, other than obviously building my self-esteem and things like that and coming to terms with my voice, because I actually remember the first couple of episodes, Andrew, that you and I did, and you messaging me once being like, is that what I sound like?
but like Again, we were actually talking about this before we came on. When you get to edit a podcast, you get very knowledgeable about the way your friends speak. You can actually recognise when they're saying umms and likes based on the audio waves themselves. And I know as well with you Andrew editing the Stop, Drop and Roll Initiative podcast that you do start to learn, don't you?
Yeah, and you ask you can also see when a laugh is coming up as well. and You're like, oh, here we go. Especially me, because it just breaks the entire, like, yes. Yeah, it is an audacity. It fills in the bath. There's no sound wave left. It's the blue, ah blue fill when I start laughing. Yeah, I was going to say that. Yours is simultaneously the best thing ever, and it warns me to put my headphones down.
because every time I see the peak, I'm like, oh, here it comes. But it is good as well, because especially with the commentary sharks as well, it's such a handy thing because you know where I've been laughing, where it just spikes and peaks and everything.

Connections During COVID-19

Like, okay, right, I can put that bit in, I can put this bit in. Honestly, it's been so amazing.
As I was saying, not only have I had an absolute blast with you guys talking about anime films, yeah just general interest, especially as you were saying Martin the Chousinami episode, I want to try and get more episodes of them done. If all goes well, then hopefully 2025 will be kicking off with a Chousinami episode, so I can't wait for that.
But yeah, the main thing that I've got out of it as well is being able to really hang out with you guys as well, which I know sounds very snappy and I know I'll insert a joke here that your PayPal checks in the mail. But it honestly feels great that even during a difficult time like Covid, we've been able to really just, yeah, get together in this online space, talk about things that we like, that we dislike and kept it up for four years. Yeah and especially you've reached across not just for us and we don't see each other as often I think as we'd like and I think obviously Andrew living away is even harder for him to see people regularly. So it's nice and that way and it was like you were saying before but you've reached across people that you'd probably never have spoken to without the podcast. That's really cool as well that you get those kind of connections. I mean that and I can't go online without people tagging me in red panda pictures anymore.
but I don't know if you guys have had this same problem, not with red pandas in particular, but a particular image or a major branding that you've got and then someone's like, oh, it's test you! ah Then you look at the picture like, a what?
Do you ever get that in wrestling, Martyn? I get a lot of friends will send me old wrestling memes. Like, have you seen this? It's like, yeah, I have. Cause like, not that I didn't talk to anyone else, but you know, you know how these things move in circles. So if you're in that wrestling circle, you'll see all these funny wrestling matches first before everyone else does. So I'll get said things like in six months time, I'll get sent one and it'll be like, yeah, remember that as well. Yeah, thanks.
I appreciate seeing it again, but the same time it is like, no, I saw this. I was like, I mean, do you get that as well, Andrew? I mean, other than the Simpson memes that I keep spamming you the length will slip off. Just from you, really, just Simpson's stuff. That's about it. And like casual, like draggable stuff from you as well. But I don't have any contact with any of the listeners or anything like that. You just leave that to me. Yeah, I'd let you take the brunt of that. That's right. And then the recent episode we just recorded, I didn't blog my Twitter. It's like, don't message me. No, I'm kidding. Anyone can message me. Okay. It's a bit like, you know that scene from Dragon Ball where they pick a little standing in front of Gohan to sacrifice himself? That's like all the interactions I'm taking from the fans and you're just hiding behind like, yeah, I'll deal with this later. Yeah, pretty much all that one with a chasm between them and someone's like throwing in knives and like the wife is locking the knives or something with a force field. Or if I describe something very niche or if you're also get that one. I've seen the same one as like a soldier. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's what I mean, yeah. Are you thinking of Avatar again?
Yeah, the blue aliens one. Yeah, the only avatar. Yeah. Oh, yeah, of course. But speaking of cancel shows at Namogans, as I was saying, to celebrate these four amazing years as podcasters, as friends and such, I have actually devised a very special quiz for you guys. Oh, God. And don't worry, I'm not going to mark them. You're not going to be competing against one another. They're all relatively easy. And if they're not, I apologize in advance. What does the audio wave look like, Namogans?
and Basically, I've got a couple of questions, about ten roughly and five bonus questions if you want to go for them, but they're all fairly quick, they're all fairly easy. Are you ready for it though? Let's go Tim.
Nailed it. We sit on that joke for three weeks. Not soon for thousands of years. It's been 83 years. Anyway, I'm just going to start Stay hydrated. Here's the first question. Chatsunami has covered a variety of topics. False. Question two. Chatsunami has covered a variety of topics, some longer than others. But before our Mass Effect 2 review took the top spot for the longest episode, what was the longest episode previously? Oh, I do remember this. It was not one of mine. Oh, I was going to say was it one of yours? I thought it might be in the no are you knew i remember the adam and satsu had a really long one there might have been like the bone alone one that christmas episode one do you know how often i cannot ring that episode up without people laughing
Every time I

Evolution Over Four Years

bring it off and people like that are going home. I'm going to say that one, because it's the only one I can think of. I remember that one being a very long one. You did like a Halo episode, didn't you? And it feels like one that you'd be quite passionate about. I don't know. I don't think it's one with me in it. If it is with me in it, I'll be very surprised. But I think it would be you and Adam. I'm going to go for Halo. I think either an Adam one or a different guest. I don't think any of mine have been the longest. We've had some long ones, but I don't think kate that one. Well, surprisingly, you're right, Andrew. The episodes, I don't need that.
surprisingly oh my god andrew got it right the silent night data night slash boer wound review came out at two hours in ten minutes now I'm going to put a caveat in here. This was a Season 1 episode. It was, oh, I want to say like 6 or 7th. maybe. It was a relatively early episode and I think if I edited it nowadays it probably wouldn't be as long. There'd be a lot that would either be cutting in or you know making it a lot more trimmer. It's still a good episode but I think if I edited it nowadays it wouldn't be as long. Does anyone want to have a quick guess at what the second longest episode is? Here's a clue. It is a season one episode and it doesn't evolve either of you two. Is it a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure one or something? Surprisingly not, no. It's the other interest that I won't stop spamming you about. Minion memes? No, that was season three. Closer to That's what I'm thinking is, I'm surprised that you get messages from such that it isn't minion memes. I don't think he's ever sent me a minion meme. Oh, until today. I was going to say, put your idea up. No, so the second longest episode was apparently Sonic 06, which I did with Super Shadow 271, which again came out at two hours and five minutes. But again, I feel as if if I edited it the way I do nowadays, it wouldn't probably be as long as that. Again, those are the longest episodes in a technicality. What's wild is we've done an episode on the Lord of the Rings trilogy and another episode on the Hobbit trilogy. and we've done another episode, we've done three episodes each on each of the Star Wars trilogies and yet none of those are as long as those episodes. See the raw recording of it is massive but then by the time I edited it down and everything it's like really? Is that all we have? Let's trim out this crap. So question two, how many episodes have not been released for Chatsunami? Like how many went in the bin? Either went in the bin or were just never released or edited. We didn't have something that went missing, didn't we? You just lost it. No, are you thinking of the Patreon ones? No, because there was one that you didn't edit for ages because you lost it. i think I'm sure I've found that again. Maybe you didn't find it about it. I just remember you best to be like, I've lost the episode. I'd be so mad.
How do you think I feel? So I wonder how many you've got sitting just on your PC unreleased. I'm going to say like obviously not including one still to come. It must be a couple. I'm curious. What have you got? So fun fact, we recorded Perfect Blue twice because the first time the audio got corrupted or something. Yeah, one of them is included in this question. So one of those is what's included. Okay. I'm going to say there was one you did an interview that you never aired. So I know you did that one. There's the perfect blue one. I'm going to say three. You know, you're not far off. It's actually four. Damn it. I was going to say four. So the first one, you're right. It was a perfect blue episode. We are unfortunately due to technical issues. We had to redo it. And honestly, as I said before, Junior Lumina is one of the best episodes that we've put out there. So it was kind of like a blessing. disguise. The first cut that we did was very good but I do think we managed to sort of bring into it things we hadn't thought to talk about initially. Yeah. It actually did, Silver Lining made it better. So the second episode, you're right it was an interview episode with a streamer called ABABAB and this is a streamer that I met over the 2020 lockdowns and we did an interview together and I remember, as soon as we did it, he sent me a message in the next day saying, oh, can you delete it because I'm going off on the hiatus just now, so maybe it's not the best time to put it out. And I was like, yeah, sure, no problem. Somehow it just kept getting pushed back and back and back. And then it's gotten to the stage where it was recorded so long ago. you know, I think, do I want to still put it out there because of the audio quality? So it's kind of sitting there. I do have the file, but I'm like, should I edit it? Should I leave it? So I was in Park Richard. The third episode was a Chats and Nanny episode that we did. I want to say, and I could be wrong, but I want to say it was one of our Death Note ones that we did. Oh, did we scrap one of the Death Note episodes? Not so much scrapped. I think it just got pushed back. And then all of a sudden, by the time I realized, it was like,
I've been sitting there for a while. I can't remember what one it was though. I think we only we only ended up recording two episodes with the Death Note because we did them in bulks, the first seven episodes or something, and then we did another seven episodes. Because the other one ironically enough was one that I did with Friend of the Channel Wonka the Same, where we talked about the sequel to the Cinebio anime, which is so surprisingly a very popular episode. And yes, spoilers that will come up later than the quiz but yeah we did an episode together but again due to technical issues it was just scrapped we couldn't use it at all. Surprisingly for four years there's been one episode a year that we've not been able to use so I'd say that's a pretty good track record. Not a bad return. So question three what season was the first themed month and bonus points if you can tell me what that theme month was.

Themed Months in Season 2

Season two Sonic. No, no. You're on the right lines. It was season two. Yeah. I don't think Halo was, was Halo the first one? Terminator? Ooh. Definitely got me one of those. It was either Halo or Terminator. I was involved with both of them. but I can't remember which one came first.
but' say terminator what do you think martin i think it might be halo because she got the custom ah for terminator but can't if you got that first or after so the answer as he will month was the first one okay and i'm not going to lie it was something that i was really nervous about doing because i wasn't sure whether people would be interested in and phil block months so Let's say Terminator. received. The Halo episode's my last episode with Adam. The Halo Legends one. I think so. I think was that was my last one with Adam, yeah. Wow, we need to get him back on. Get him on for Beyblade month or something. Beyblade month. So for question four, as of 2024, what is the most downloaded episode? Perfect blue. I don't think it is. I think you've told me before. your cinebio one always did really well so i'm gonna go with the cinebio one yeah that is the most popular episode and i have no idea why because this is such an enigma of an episode because don't get me wrong i did it with friend of the channel won't pull the same and we talked about this
slice of life anime that we watched, well I watched it when it was a new day so did he and we were saying oh you know it's a cutesy anime kind of thing and then for some reason it has 468 plays but if you include the re-uploaded version for the best of season 3 it has 236 plays on top of that so it's a really popular episode and I don't know why and the only one that's anywhere near close to it is the Living in the Pokรฉmon World episode which has, as of this episode, 434 plays, but 232 for the best of re-uploaded. So yeah, it's a weird mix. I genuinely don't understand how algorithms and things like that work, but I think you're... perfect blue one. Andrew is coming up close. That's in the high 300s. I kind of wish that did get more. Rucky numbers. Let's get that up. And Martin, just to say that your many memes one is in the high 300s as well. So yeah so question five. Officially, the podcast was launched on the 30th of November 2020. And I told you this the other day, so I'll be surprised if you don't remember.

First Live Episode

But can you tell me what date the first episode was streamed live on Twitch? I cannot.
So the first episode, do you see the first episode was added on the 30th of November? Yeah. So the first episode was published on, well, it was Anchor back then, but now Spotify for podcasters. But before that, the date that we streamed the first Dungeons and Dragons episode for Chat Tsunami, what date was that? I think probably like September 28th. Well, it was actually October 28th, 2020. Oh wow, I got the day right, but it's not the month. Yeah, yeah um but I was really surprised at that because I got one of those reminder things. I can't remember what social media it was, but it was like, oh, do you remember years ago? This is when you did this particular one thing. And it was, of course, when Martin and I recorded or rather streamed the first episode. Absolutely crazy that it took me a month to I actually edit it and publish it, so yeah fun times. So for question six though, how many, and I'm curious to hear if you'll get this one Andrew, because I know Martin you're discounted from this question. Well you can answer it I mean, but I'm not quoted yet. How many episodes did it take for Adam and Andrew respectively to become a co-host of Chat Tsunami? How many till you get the badge of approval? well
but No, like, what was their first episode, essentially? Oh, I thought you meant, like, how many episodes you started calling in a post. What was my first episode, or what was the first episode when I took Adam's place? No, what was your first episode of Chatsunami in general? Oh, it was Star Wars Clone Wars. But do you remember the episode number? Oh god. Here's a clue. It's in the first 30 episodes. Oh really? Okay, I was gonna guess later than that. I'll say 25.
Oh, you're so close. 21. And for Adam, can any of you guess what it would be? Probably like episode four or three? Not far off, episode two. Okay, that makes sense. Because the first episodes of course with Martin on our experiences with Dungeons and Dragons, that was episode one, so yeah, you would have got that right away.
But yeah, the next episode was the Halo retrospective where we just talked about why we like Halo so much. And then of course, Andrew, as you said, your episode on the 2003 Clone Wars series came out for episode 21 of season one. So how many episodes did I need to do before I get the official co-host, bud? Never! You were in the first episode, you were the founding member. I know, but I've been recognised as a ghost. And I don't get the picks, I don't get the parking space. You've not received the benefits. No, no, no. You get first plus lounge. Oh, really? Yeah. See, I like to think of Martin as, you know, a kind of anti-hero character in an anime, like, that turns up halfway through the fight. It's like that. You just say, oh, do you need me for this episode? And you just turn up. I mean, you are. You are the official ghost. I don't want to tie you down.
Question 7. When was the first Chatsunani episode and what was it about? Was it Beyblade? Oh, close. That was the one after it though. So you're not far off. I don't know. and O.T. Andrew? Was it Death Note? It was indeed. It was introducing Adam to Death Note and would you believe that was Season 2 Episode 3?
I feel as if season two there was a lot of trying different things. We had the first theme month, we had the Chatsunani series, we had the shift from being live all the time to recording it off air. We had the Zencaster shift, so surprisingly so. Yeah, we also had first and last introduced then, which we then never did again. We really should bring it back. Hey Martin, do you want to come on for the first and last episode? Hell yeah! Question 8. What should the first and last episode be for? Who was the first streamer to be interviewed on Chatsunami? Ooh. I'm tempted to see Blowfish, man. You would be right into it. Yeah, that was ah that was also what I was leaning towards. He says after the answer's been confirmed.
yeah and So yep, it is Blowfish Man TV aka Olu Dvega who is an amazing voice actor. Yeah we did the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series so together which is so annoying. There's a missing episode there because we did a kind of general retrospective of JoJo's and then we did seasons one to five and then we're like oh let's do season six when it comes out for Stone Ocean. While we're waiting it never came out and then we drifted away from it and then by the time it did come out and I was like, oh great, I can get them back on. the Well, Netflix did that really annoying thing where they chopped up the series where it was like they released part of it one time and then they released it like next year and then the next bit and then by that time we were just like, yeah, that was fine. So yeah, if I did do one with them, I'd have to rewatch the whole thing. And I'm going to be honest, it wasn't my favourite of the series, but that's an episode for another day. But here's a question. I'm not sure if you'll know this one for nine. What is the mascot of the channel and why was it chosen? So I know you'll know the first bit, but do you know what it is and why it was chosen? Well, the mascot is a red panda. It was chosen because you love red pandas. Well, I mean, that too. But you get a half point for that, of course.
i know i said that i can't pass yeah i don't know so it was quite a think that's sapi sentimental reason to be honest but it was when my partner and i first met and we went on a date to you know e brazil and
I know I can't pass, yeah, I don't know. I just want to point that out, but I bought her a cute koala. She bought me a red panda. And I remember during the 2020s, I really wanted, obviously other than the fact red pandas are cute as hell, I wanted a mascot symbol. There was a positive thing that people could look at and feel happy and such. And you know, I looked at that plushie, I kind of thought, Well, it was a nice memory and I kind of thought I wanted people to, when they looked at the red panda for Chatsunami, they wanted to kind of feel, you know, happy and yeah, so it's that kind of sappy reason. So there you go. Aww, that's cute. Yeah, there's the origin of the red panda. I mean that and as you said Andrew, they're just cute as hell and the actual pandas were sleeping. Have they gone now? As far as I know, yeah. They went back. I've got a sneaking suspicion that there were never there to begin with. Because whenever you heard anybody go in to see them, but it's like, oh, they sleep for 16 hours a day. Oh, they're not out. For legal reasons. That's a joke, obviously, I know them. Yeah, I'm not confident that I ever saw The Pandas when I went. The Pandas exist next week's episode.
The puns aren't real. So question 10, before we get into the quickfire bonus round, what was the origin behind the name Chat Tsunami? So obviously your legal birth name is Sat Tsunami. Of course. So therefore it's a pun on that to become Chat. Bingo. What are you thinking, Andrew? Well, I know you spent many days wandering through the desert and you came across these tablets that foretold what? Where's this going?
for told the content creator that you would be today. And you took that with you. And then during a bad fever that you took, you had many

Origin of Podcast Name

dreams. And in those dreams, a giant wave of satsumas crashed into the shore. And someone came up to you and says, what's the chat then? And you were like, chat tsunami.
Are you getting my auditing story mixed up with the Book of Mormon? I've just remembered what it was. I've got the actual answer. Oh no. You were visited by a team traveller. It was yourself in the future and you told yourself. Then how did they know? That wasn't the question. That's a paradox. I'm not on trial here. That was a different satsunami, so I don't need to know what they are. I just need to know about this one. mar That's ridiculous. Don't be silly. I'm acting on my spirit journey. The only reason I don't know that answer is because I came back in time and told but myself early. Goddammit. What's the answer, Saxon? So, yeah, you are right. It is a combination between the words chat and tsunami, but all joking aside, you know, I don't have parents that cruel to call me Satsanami in real life. Your name's Archibald. Exactly. Archibald Satsanami the second. I thought it was
That's about the second to you. Sorry, I'm sorry. The other half of all, that's about the second. Yeah, remember Andrew when people are in your day together.
of it Remember Andrew, when we were in uni together, and I can't even remember why, I remember the second part of the story, but not the first. And we were making fruit puns to one another, like we were joking about something. I have no idea how it came about. And then I saw a bag of satsumas. I was like, oh, satsunami, huh? And you were literally there are for the genesis of that name. I think they fell out. Oh, yeah. there's like a wave of satsumas just fell out of the bag or bowl. Do you know the ironic thing about it? I said it then and I was like, wow, what a great pun. Let me put that to the back of my mind and never bring it up again until Covid. So now my identity is tied to a wave of fruit. But the actual name for Chatsunami, surprisingly, I was really struggling with
the name and I was chatting to a friend and they were saying it's a podcast you're chatting your name's that tsunami why don't you call it chat tsunami and you know that way when you hear something just so perfect and you're like wait am I not saying that again and yeah that's chat tsunami you got peanut butter in my chocolate no one must ever know. I wish I could say I 100% oh I came up with the name, I'm the mastermind. No, no, it's just because I like to exchange really bad puns and dad jokes with my friends. Andrew, you can attest to this. It's true.
So are you ready for the final five questions? Let's do it. The quick fire. I don't have a pun this time. So question 11. What was the first episode of Chatsoo Shorts on? Shadow the Hedgehog. Nope. Dungeons and Dragons. Surprisingly not. Oh no, actually. You did your Bilbo one. Bilbo. Yep. That is correct. It was Blumbro's origin story, which was my gnome, bards and Dungeons and Dragons that I played with you, Martin. Partly because I forgot Hobbits were a thing or halflings technically. So I was like, Oh, I'll just go on gnome instead. And then when I found out what halflings were, I was like, Oh, God damn it. I'm kind of glad I chose it. Peter almost had the same character as the Critical Role guy. Oh, very true. My life could have been different, I could have been on critical role. You could have been Scanlan. Scanlan's hand! For question 12, what was the first in-person episode? Oh, it's had to be us two. Yeah, it was either you or it was with you and Adam. It was probably that when you guys had that pizza thing when we were eating the wrong pizza. Would you believe, by the way, that Adam and I have never done an episode together in the same room?
really? Yeah, so the pizza thing site tangit here but the pizza thing was when we were researching for the Starship Trooper episode. It was because we watched the first two. So the first film, we absolutely love it. We did the episode on it. Then we did an episode on the sequels. So we decided to watch all four of them back to back. Unfortunately, there is more than one single to these homes. Second one is absolutely atrocious, the third one is bad but it's kind of cheesy fun. We were so burnt out by the time we got to the animated one that we had ordered pizza together and for some reason I had ordered one with barbecue or that he'd ordered one with something else and we had swapped the pizzas. That's how tired and burned out we were. I've already eaten them and it wasn't until we got to the last two slices where we we're like a freak. each other's pizza. It was just one of those moments we looked at each other we like, I can't believe we got through a whole pizza and being like, oh, there's no barbecue in my barbecue pizza. But yeah, no, surprisingly, we never did an episode together. but Okay. Then I'm going to say a different one you and Martin did. Was it another D and&D one?
No, it is one you mentioned before though. Godzilla? Nope. That is one that you have brought up in this episode. You're gonna have to tell us in, I'm afraid. Minion memes. That was the first? Yeah, that was the first in-person episode. Yeah, Minion memes. Are you changing? Iconic. Iconic. Many would say. No, I'll say this. It was such a fun episode to do because I didn't realise how in-depth we would get about Minion memes.
It transcended into, haha, look at the funny TikTok men to, oh my god, people are actually emotionally invested in these characters. That was a fun time. The 13th question, before Zencaster, how were the episodes recorded? On Twitch. Well, on Twitch, but what else did we use? What program were we calling on? We used Discord for a few of them. We use Discord and then, oh, did we just use Zoom? Yeah, you're right. We use Discord, which it's so different compared to the way we do it now. And I'm kind of glad we've got our doing you no it's'm glad we've got our own separate audio tracks that we can edit with and everything. But yeah, before it was just we jumped on a Discord call and then Yeah, we just recorded it through, it was either OBS or Streamlabs, and that's how we would get the episodes, and then I would have to edit it together. And if I'd banged the table or something halfway through, I'd be kicking myself throughout the whole episode being like, that's the episode ruined.
the list and do it out of all. For the penultimate question, how many episodes of season one have bonus episodes where the hosts read out the comments? So what we used to do was whenever it was a normal stream I would interact with the chat constantly but if it was a podcast episode I would wait to the very end of the episode and then my course now would read the chart, would the comments throughout the show and then what I started doing was I kind of cut that into a bonus episode that I uploaded and I wish I'd kept doing that but unfortunately there was only a set amount that I did do it for. So the question really is how many of them did I do? Five. I'll go six. No, Martin, you're right. Five. r I just guessed by the way that was how high can I count on one hand. Me too.
Yeah, no, you're right. And yeah, final question. How many themed months have there been in Chatsunami? Oh well. As of this episode. Oh man, that's a tough one. I'm just trying to cycle through all the different artworks in my head. Are we talking like how many themed months have been or how many themed episodes have there been? No, themed months. Okay. So ones that focus on a particular topic. I'm going to go for like three per series. So I'm going to go for nine, three per year sorry not series. I'm going to try and count them out. Oh, here we go. So we've got Hail-A-Month, Terminator Month, Simpsons Month, Spider-Man Month, Lord of the Rings Month, Pokemon Month, Sonic Month, dragon ball Dragon Ball Month. Have I said Mass Effect Month already? No, yeah. That's 10. Oh, it's kind of 9 on my fingers there. All right, I'll go 10 then. Yeah.
spot on. Did I say them all? I think so. Let me just reiterate them. I've got them up here in case I miss one because there's been so many. Yep, there's Halo Month, which was the first one. Then there was Sonic Month, which I just want to reiterate your honour. It wasn't my idea to do Sonic Month, it was actually Adam's. not that I was complaining obviously. For the third month it was Terminator a Month, then it was Spider-Man Month with you and I, Andrew. Simpsons Month followed by Lord of the Rings, then Pokemon Month, Star Wars Month, Mass Effect Month, which I did with the lovely podcasters from the Podpack Collective group, and then last but certainly not least, last week we just finished our latest month, Dragon Ball Month, which yeah, I honestly can't believe there's been so many of Do the theme month episodes tend to do better than other episodes? I think it's a bit of a mix to be honest because I feel as if when they first come out they usually do okay but it's not until a couple of months later where suddenly they shoot up and I don't know whether that's just because people are catching up with the episodes. or they've suddenly just stumbled across the episodes and been like, oh, cool, a whole month of Simpsons Month or whatever. Because the thing about Simpsons Month, and I don't know if I was talking to you about that, is the negative Simpsons episodes seem to get a lot more attention compared to the positive ones. Who would love to think of things negatively? Yeah. Do you know how we did the episode on The Rise of the Simpsons and The Fall of the Simpsons? I thought we did a very balanced argument for both sides, but yeah, apparently not.
they preferred the negative side rather than the positive, which correct me if I'm wrong, but was it not a YouTuber you sent over? I don't know if it was Smolan or someone that it was like people preferred the negative videos. Oh, yeah, always. yeah and I've started watching a guy called the Dual Logs who does like Yu-Gi-Oh videos, his is the same. No matter how positive you try to be, people are drawn to those negative videos, negative podcasts, whatever. It's just the way the Clickbaity title's working. to Oh no, 100% and that is a bit of a shame because I always try, and I know you guys do as well, i try not to be too harsh on what we're talking about unless it's a really bad Hallmark Christmas movie or Burdemic 2.0, that kind of thing. But out of curiosity, and that was the final question, of course, thank you for participating, your trophies at the door. But as a kind of closing question, what are your hopes and expectations for the future of Chatsunami?

Hopes for Future Episodes

What do you want to cover? Is there anything in particular you want to cover that we still have? And starting with you, Andrew, first of the all, what do you want from the future of Chatsunami? More me, really.
yeah No, I'd like us to do maybe a month for the Avatar Last Airbender kind of universe. That'd be quite fun one to do. We do an episode on Last Airbender, an episode on Korra, an episode on the movie. The Phenomenal movie? Yes, the Phenomenal movie. We can even do one on the live action series as well or... Oh yeah.
or ah on something else within the universe. The games. The games, the the books, the comics. Please. Quiz. Something like that. There's actually going to be a Zuko movie, I think, next year. Cool. So in, I think, October 2025. So maybe we can maybe do that in the lead up to that while hype is fresh. So that'll be a fun one. Very soon, we'll be hopefully watching the Lord of the Rings anime, the War of the Rahira. Oh, yeah. So I'm hoping to do a kind of reaction episode with Tatsu. And if Martin wants to be involved in that too, then that could be an option too. hell yeah that should hopefully come out by the time you're listening to this very soon because i was going to say martin that might be one where i'll bring the mics again ah to yeah i'm like i'm also here
He's in my thoughts. I was going to say we'll bring a cut out of Andrew. No, no, we'll get a proper episode with all three of us. Yeah. But yeah, sorry. Was there anything else? No, no, that's kind of it. I can't really think of too many other ones that I'm kind ofm looking forward to doing. Hopefully we do some more anime ones. The Chatsunani is always really fun. I'd love to mention it before, but I'd love to get back into the first and last. I think that'd be really good. Hopefully maybe have Adam come back on and we can do some stuff with him. That'd be really nice too. It's almost like I can hear his voice in the wind. Or I'm not. dad so poetic but what about you martin i understood that the anime i did message the group earlier but i would quite like to do first the no star oh yes i've never watched that actually it's good fun and also sats when i played one of the games together oh god yeah and it was an absolute time of it i can't in good conscious court good or bad it was something that happened Yeah well I mean the side quest was probably the highlight of it. Yes yes yes yeah like the actual game I can't remember nothing about but we spent I don't know like three hours playing as Bartend in minigame and it was fantastic. If that had been the entire game Fister the Nost I would be as big as Dragon Ball Z.
It's like they are driving fellow narc. Apart from that, just I've really enjoyed the experimentation you've done over the last couple of seasons. So more of that, well, you know, that in-person stuff, you're talking about going back to live on Twitch. Just innocent because, yeah, there's a lot to do. So let's keep at it. The fact that we have hit both four years and as of this episode, we have hit 68,000 plays for the podcast overall.
which don't get me wrong is absolutely amazing, but at the same time I feel as if we're still relatively small enough that we can still experiment with different things. As I said, I'm hoping to sometime next year, either late this year or if not, it very late as next year, get as you were saying Martin Moore of the live shows where we can have as a very relaxed background, like a chatzoo cafe as it were, where we sit around, we just chat like this about a completely random topic and just yeah have just put the words to write for an hour or so and then read the chat and whatnot. As well, more in-person episodes of course whenever I can. I know obviously Andrew with you, it's going to be a heck of a lot more to over definitely at some point we'll have to get one done. I want to do a lot more commentary tracks as well and I want to figure out how to do them online because yeah no I think they're just such a lot of fun to do as well for next year and this is peeking behind the curtain a wee bit here but for next year I've got quite a few theme months planned so we've got a Mario month planned for March because it's the correct me if I'm wrong 40th anniversary.

Future Plans

of it, right? Let's go. I can't believe that. Mario's older than me. We've got Mario month coming up in March. We have animation month coming up in May. We've also got a BioShock month coming up in, I want to say August with the Podpack Collective. Wednesday Oscars. Oh, that is a good question. It's not that it's summertime. No, I think it's earlier than that. Oh, it's quite early in the year, yeah. Because that's why all the Oscar nominee films come out in December. Oh, of course. I feel like it's like February or March time. Yeah. I mean, that one year where we reviewed some of the the nominees. Yeah. So we can maybe do that again for some of the animated films. So what you're saying is Sonic the Hedgehog 3. I suggested that actually to you. You did actually. Yeah, I was really surprised. I watched the first Sonic the Hedgehog movie a month or so ago. Have you watched the second one yet? Not yet, no. It's not on any streaming services here that I have. That's actually surprising. It was on Netflix here for a while and then they just leaked it off. But you know, other than that, that is more or less what we relatively have planned out. The rest, I've got a couple more interviews coming out with some amazing podcasters, creators. I've also got other creators. I'm just waiting to hear back
from. So 2025 is going to be a year full of change, I suppose, a bit more. Again, when I say experimental stuff, I don't mean like David Lynch-esque stuff. We're taking his podcast to brand new places. Number eight. more You know, our head is just filled with Simpson memes and ah memes of the past, but many memes and Simpson memes. But seeing that note, to wrap up the episodes, Martin and Andrew, thank you so much, not only for coming on this episode, because I always say this at the end of every episode, thank you for coming on. And then I obviously do mean it 100%, but thank you as well for not only sticking with the podcast as it were, but thank you so much for being a part of this journey because, and to get a bit sappy here, The fact is that without you guys, I probably wouldn't have pushed myself to keep going with it, with the podcast, and we wouldn't have experienced the different topics that we talk about, the different media and things. So thank you so much for that. You're very welcome. It's been a wild ride. Here's to another four years. Yeah, thank you so much for having us on. And as Martin said, here's to the future of the channel. Hopefully we are able to go on to the eight year mark and beyond. Chatin' at me, season 50. Let's go. We're in our wheelchairs. Before we wrap up, first of all, Andrew, where can these other listeners find your extra content? You can find me on the Chatsunami channel. I'm on many episodes, including the recent Dragon Ball Month and many episodes prior to that. That can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and where all the good podcasts are found. You can also find my other podcast, Stop Drop and Roll Initiative, to Dungeons and Dragons Roleplaying Let's Play podcast.
which features both myself as one of the characters and Martyn McCaster as the DM. Satenami is one of the players and also Robotic Battle Toaster. That can be found again on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and where all good podcasts are found. Stop, Drop, and Roll Initiative. And it's SDRIpod on Twitter. And you can find myself on Twitter at greenshield95. And yeah, Martyn, where can these lovely listeners find your stuff? I'm all over the social media, if you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, but the main place to find me is over on Instagram. That's typically where I'm the most popular. That would be just search for Mark McAllister. I'm usually at Mark McAllister or some variation there of that. Do you have any big wrestling matches coming up? Yeah, hopefully. A lot coming up, make sure your expression won't travel a bit more, so keep an eye out no matter where you are in Scotland, but hopefully we're in the UK and maybe even further we'll see. World tour. Yeah. The Canada Grand Tour.
ah be amazing that would add yeah if there's any Canadian wrestlers somehow listening to this episode. You clearly haven't heard of the great maple. Maple man. If you want to check out more episodes from myself, from Andrew, from Marta McAllister and all the absolutely amazing people that have come on Chatsunami throughout the years, so then you can check us out on their website,, as well as all good podcast apps. I also want to thank our amazing Pandora Impatrons, Robotic Battle Toaster, Sonya and Ghosty. Thank you so, so much for supporting the show. And if you want access to bonus content from ourselves, such as early access, full length commentary tracks, the bloopers, behind the scenes, all that lovely stuff, then you can check us out on that Patreon. on page patreon forward slash chat tsunami until next time thank you all so so much for listening for the past four years as always stay safe stay awesome and most importantly stay hydrated