**TW: Mentions of abuse, sexual harassment, rape, suicide, incest, molestation**
Blog Excerpt: Rev. Cheryl’s upbringing was clouded with financial instability and abuse. Not only did she have much to learn, but she also had things to unlearn throughout her life. One story I felt the power of was her time in a disciple house where she heard women’s stories that aligned with hers.
Ways to Engage: What is a misconception you have about your life? For example, Rev. Cheryl shared her misconceptions with her faith as she continued to learn and grow throughout her life, understanding that there isn’t a correct way for a Christian woman to feel or act—it doesn’t make you any less of a person. Is there a misconception you had about your life when you were younger that you outgrew? What did you learn that made you realize this and how has that affected you going forward? Is there something you want people to know about yourself? Share your story with us and connect with others who have similar experiences, like Rev. Cheryl did.
Prioritizing Self Care - ( 2:19 )
Taking Care of Your Emotional Health as much as Your Physical Health - ( 18:44 )
Support self & other women unapologetically - ( 32:17 )
Coming Back to Your WHY and Your VALUES - ( 45:41 )
Living Out of Your Own Expectations - ( 51:55 )
Accepting the Layered Aspects of Yourself - ( 59:09 )
Living out FEEL, how does it affect your relationships - ( 1:04:48 )
5 Activities That Nourish You - ( 1:08:21 )
5 Words for How You Want to Feel in the Next Six Months - ( 1:08:40 )
Original Music by Rio & Valencia Saint-Louis
Want to be a guest on The F.E.E.L. Podcast? - Finding Empowerment Embracing Layers? Send Melissa Crook a message on PodMatch, here: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/feel2021 or complete our contact form here: https://www.embracinglayers.com/contact